Debit card from Sberbank: what it is and its purpose. Debit card - what kind of card is it? The information you need in simple words Why do you need a debit card?

Every adult has heard at least once not only about credit cards glasses from Sberbank or other banks, but also about debit cards. Many people think that a credit card and a debit card are the same thing. However, it is not. If a credit card is a type of service through which a bank lends a certain amount of money to a client at interest, then a debit card is used only to use personal funds. Money is credited to a debit card in different ways: salary, pension or through electronic wallets. However, this money on the debit card does not need to be returned to the bank after it has been spent.

Debit cards, like credit cards, are the same popular types of services that make a person’s life easier. What is a debit product for? Its purpose is to perform the following functions:

  1. Transfer to salary account.
  2. Calculation of pensions for pensioners.
  3. Withdraw cash from any ATM.
  4. Payment for goods and services by non-cash method.
  5. Online shopping.
  6. Transfer money to other cards, including a credit card.

In simple words, a debit card is a plastic wallet in which money is stored in any quantity. There is no need to pay interest or return money to the card within the specified time frame, since debit is the client’s personal funds. If you translate the word debit, it means “you are owed.” Credit is when you owe, and debit is the opposite. People don't understand the differences between these two cards, so let's look at the benefits of a debit product.

What does a debit card from Sberbank mean and its advantages

Despite the fact that a debit card provides for the accumulation of only personal funds, it still has a number of advantages. What a debit card means is already known, so let’s look at the advantages of this Sberbank service.

The main advantage is that the debit holder does not need to carry a purse or bag where the money is stored. All cash will now be on the card, and the amount of these funds does not matter. All money will be stored in a bank account, which means that the user can cash out a certain amount of funds at any time if necessary. By receiving a debit card, the owner automatically becomes a client of Sberbank, receiving services such as Sberbank Online, mobile banking and the Autopayment system.

An advantage that benefits is the accrual of interest on the account balance. Such interest is calculated once a year. The more money is stored on the card, the greater the amount of interest the client receives from the bank at the end of the year. People tend to spend money when they have it, but when you have a debit card in your pocket instead of cash, the likelihood of embezzlement will be minimized. This is due to the fact that in order to spend money, you must first find an ATM from which to withdraw cash.

Debit cards from Sberbank are issued by the following payment systems:

  • Visa;
  • MasterCard;
  • Maestro;
  • American Express.

A debit card is used not only in Russia, but also abroad, since automatic conversion will be performed when paying for goods or services, as well as when withdrawing cash.

Disadvantages of debit cards

Like any product, debit cards have some disadvantages along with their advantages. These disadvantages include the following factors:

  1. Not all retail outlets have terminals, so to make purchases there you will need to first find an ATM to withdraw cash.
  2. Availability of paid services. As with credit cards, some debit products have a service fee.
  3. There is a fee for withdrawing money from ATMs of third-party banks. It is worth noting that the commission is not charged only at the bank itself, as well as at partner banks. Sberbank belongs to monopolistic organizations, so its ATM network is installed throughout the country, including small towns.
  4. There are restrictions on withdrawals. When concluding an agreement, attention is usually paid to the clause on how much money can be withdrawn per day. If you need to withdraw more than what is specified in the contract, you can do this gradually every day.
  5. The card is susceptible to hacker attacks. Just like cash, money from a card can be stolen by hackers or online scammers.

However, every client learns about all these shortcomings when signing the contract. If the user is not satisfied with any item, he has the right to refuse the debit.

This is interesting! Sberbank strives to gather a huge network of clients, so most debit cards have free service, as well as decent interest rates on the balance.

This is what encourages people to transfer to Sberbank to receive salaries and pensions, as well as simply to store money with the possibility of instant withdrawal at any moment.

Types and characteristics of debit cards from Sberbank

Before choosing a debit card from Sberbank, you need to study all the offers. Many cards have the ability to open an account not only in rubles, but also in dollars and euros. If you don’t need currency in your account, then you can choose offers such as “Give Life” and “Peace”. Let's look at the features of payment cards from Sberbank.

Instant debit card

The advantage of such offers is that there is no service charge. But the benefits of Momentum cards don’t end there. To get plastic, you will need to go to a Sberbank branch, and within 10-15 minutes you will have it. Clients over 14 years of age can receive such a card, but only if they have a residence permit.

The validity period of the plastic is 3 years, after which you can get a new one. Owners of such cards are awarded bonuses if they pay for goods and services by non-cash means. This bonus program is called “Thank you”.

Classic offers

Classic debit cards are popular because they perfectly combine two advantages: cost and quality. The main advantages of such offers include:

  1. The validity period of the cards is 3 years, as well as 5 years for payment system WORLD.
  2. The cost of service for the first year is 750 rubles, and then the rate is reduced to 450 rubles per year.
  3. When making non-cash transfers, the limit is 500 thousand rubles per 24 hours, and when withdrawing cash – 300 thousand rubles.

This proposal also has one significant advantage - it is non-cash payment by touching the terminal. There is no need to hand over the plastic to the cashier to make a payment, which increases the level of security.

"Golden" offers

The owner's presence of a gold card demonstrates his high status. It would seem, what other benefits can be provided for debit card holders? However, these advantages exist, and they consist in providing an expanded package of services.

The cost of the Gold card service is 3,000 rubles per year. The plastic has a nice design that resembles a gold plated finish. To pay non-cash, just touch the terminal with plastic. If a citizen of the Russian Federation is located outside of Russia, and in case of loss of a debit card, the opportunity to urgently receive funds is provided.

When paying with this card, bonuses are awarded in the following quantities:

  1. When paying in cafes and restaurants - 5%.
  2. When paying at points retail – 1%.
  3. When making payments to Sberbank partners it is up to 20%.
  4. Various types of purchases – 0.5%.

Card called "Give Life"

A card with a name such as “Give Life” suggests providing assistance to sick children. Help is provided automatically by Sberbank when the client makes a purchase. The bank transfers half of the amount spent by the client for payment during the first 12 months to the donation. According to the tariffs, the client is charged 1,000 rubles for the first year of service, and 450 rubles for all subsequent years.

This is interesting! The presence of the “Thank you” bonus program allows you to count on receiving an increased bonus if your non-cash payment in the current month amounts to more than 15 thousand rubles.

Pension cards

Sberbank also has profitable proposition for pensioners. If a pensioner wants to become a client of Sberbank, then you need to personally contact the nearest branch and then write an application. To receive a pension card, you will need to provide a SNILS certificate.

To the benefits pension cards relate:

  1. Comfortable receipt of your pension without delays, queues and regardless of the post office work schedule.
  2. An income of 3.5% per annum is accrued on the balance of funds.
  3. Availability of the Mobile Bank service. The first three months of service are free, and subsequently 30 rubles per month will be charged.

Youth card

This offer is designed for young people aged 14 to 35 years. The advantage of this card is the presence of a bonus program. Bonuses are awarded depending on the size of the purchase in the amount of 10%. Accumulated bonuses can be used in the form of a discount on a receipt, but its size should not exceed 99%. Youth offers have service, the cost of which is one of the cheapest and amounts to 150 rubles per year.

Premier Card

This offer is especially for wealthy people. Black elite plastic is produced based on the Sberbank Premier project. Free service is provided if the account contains more than 1.5 million rubles. If the amount on the account is less, then the monthly service is 2,500 rubles.

The annual cost of servicing such plastic costs 30,000 rubles. Not everyone wants to have such solid plastic. You can deposit rubles, as well as dollars and euros into your account. The plastic is valid for three years. For this amount of service, clients receive the following benefits:

  1. Bonus programs.
  2. Mobile bank.
  3. Emergency cash issuance if the card is lost abroad.
  4. Insurance of goods purchased using the card.
  5. Support abroad.
  6. Personal manager.
  7. Special service line.

This is a truly advantageous offer that not every businessman can afford.

Salary card

Agreements are concluded between the bank and various organizations, on the basis of which employees will be paid wages using debit salary cards from Sberbank. At the same time, the bank guarantees to provide its clients with the most profitable terms. The main advantage of salary offers is the absence of service fees.

In addition, Sberbank clients with salary offers receive the following benefits:

  1. Favorable lending conditions.
  2. Availability of cash withdrawal anywhere.
  3. Comfortable management of funds via the Internet or mobile phone.

The main debit offers from Sberbank are listed above. However, this is not all the offers that this bank has. Details of the main offers can be found on the official website, and the conditions may change from time to time.

Features of proper use of debit plastic

There are no problems in using a debit card, since even a child can handle this procedure. If you have any questions regarding service, you can call the Sberbank hotline or contact Sberbank Online. Using the card involves the following actions:

  1. Cash out money through an ATM. This can be done by inserting plastic into the ATM, as well as entering a personal PIN code. In addition to withdrawing cash, you can pay through an ATM mobile communications, find out the balance of funds, etc.
  2. Pay with plastic for various goods and services in stores and retail outlets where cash registers are equipped with POS terminals. Depending on the type of card, payment is made by entering a PIN code on the machine or signing a receipt.
  3. Pay for goods online. To do this, you must provide your card details, as well as the CVC code, which is indicated on the back of the plastic.
  4. Pay for goods and services, including utilities.
  5. By using online account you can transfer money to other accounts, as well as perform many other operations with the card.

If you have any questions, you can always visit a Sberbank branch, where experienced managers will always be ready to help and resolve any problem.

Closing the card

Despite the fact that the debit card account contains personal funds (and not bank funds), due to its uselessness it is necessary to go through the procedure of closing the account. This condition is mandatory, for which the client must contact the branch. If the client does not close the card and also stops using it, then as a result, a round sum of service fees will be charged over several years. This amount must be repaid in order to be able to close the account.

Sberbank is not only the first bank in Russia, but also the most popular. This bank has a large network of branches, as well as ATMs and terminals throughout Russia, which allows it to provide maximum comfort in servicing its customers. Each client individually decides what type of plastic to use, as well as whether this service is needed for him.

A plastic card is a convenient payment instrument that is used by almost every resident of our country. But many are accustomed to calling all of them “credit cards,” although this is a big mistake, because the cards can be debit, that is, without the possibility of using bank borrowings. To the extent that not everyone knows what a debit card is and why it is needed, it makes sense to consider this topic in more detail.

What it is

A debit card is a payment instrument designed to pay for goods and services in stores and on online resources, as well as withdraw cash from ATMs. Essentially this is online wallet, replacing the bills and coins we are used to. Their peculiarity is that its owner manages exclusively his own funds, that is, without attracting bank credit funds. Accordingly, there is no need to make mandatory monthly payments or overpay interest.

This banking product is available for any age category, that is, to become the owner even a teenager from 14 years old can use a debit card(service provided by Sberbank of Russia). It is simple to apply; the potential holder does not need to collect certificates and confirm his income; he just needs to present his passport and fill out an application form at the selected bank.

You can apply for this product at absolutely any bank in our country, but each of them provides different terms of service.

Why is it needed?

Not everyone fully understands what a debit card means, much less sees the point in getting one. In fact, this is a useful product with its help you can reliably protect your savings, because it is almost impossible for third parties to obtain funds. In addition, with their appearance, the need to take large sums with you disappeared.

In addition, it can be opened for the purpose of saving and accumulating personal finances. Some banks offer this product with the possibility of accruing interest on the balance. In this option, a debit card will be an excellent alternative to the usual deposit.

And the last thing you need a debit card for is receiving wages, social benefits and pensions, scholarships. Those clients who participate in bank salary projects have the opportunity to receive payments on a plastic card.

Types of debit cards

All plastic cards can be classified according to the type of international payment systems, these are:

  • Visa;
  • MasterCard;
  • American Express;
  • Maestro.

Their only difference is that each payment system offers its users different opportunities. These include service abroad, payment for purchases and services in online stores, participation in bonus programs and other privileges. Price annual maintenance and other conditions depend on the issuing bank.


Surely not all users have a clear idea of ​​what a debit card with overdraft means. This concept should not be confused with credit limit, because this is an individual service that can be provided by the bank with the client’s consent.

An overdraft is an overdraft on a debit card, and in simple words– opportunity to use credit funds in case of lack of your own.

This is also a kind of loan, with the difference that it is provided for short time with interest accrual. The loan rate and payment terms are individual; it depends on the terms of the agreement between the bank and the client. Overdraft can also be limited, for example, its size can reach 30 or 50 thousand rubles.

Debit cards of Sberbank of Russia

How to choose the right one

Before contacting a particular bank to submit an application, you need to carefully study all offers. You can do this online on official websites, then submit your application without leaving your home.

What conditions to pay attention to:

  1. There are two types of plastic cards with a microchip or magnetic tape. It is wiser to choose the first option, because the magnetic tape is quickly erased, after which the card must be replaced, and this is a paid service. In addition, a card with a microchip has a high degree of security and cannot be used by third parties.
  2. The cost of annual service directly depends on the type of card and the choice of international payment system. For example, the classic version will cost the owner around one thousand rubles per year, and a card with Gold status will cost several times more, but it provides many opportunities in the form of discounts and bonuses in different countries.
  3. Overdraft. Undoubtedly this useful service, it relieves the holder of the need to issue an additional credit card, but pay attention to the conditions for providing overdrafts, because interest on the use of borrowed funds may be accrued daily.
  4. Possibility of accruing interest on the account balance. It should be noted that the interest rate is low, but for those who intend to store funds long term it will help “cover” inflation.
  5. Withdrawing cash on credit cards is a paid service, but on debit cards no commission should be charged for cashing out your own funds. This must be specified in the contract. In addition, pay attention to which ATMs allow you to withdraw money without additional overpayment.
  6. Availability remote services, personal account on websites or mobile application help control costs, making use banking product more convenient.

All service conditions must be clarified at a bank branch or by phone hotline, on the Internet, especially on third-party resources, information may be out of date.

Gazprombank debit cards

Today, almost every bank offers a product such as a debit card, what it is, of course, not everyone knows yet, or rather, not everyone understands why it is needed. But recently, many people receive payments and salaries through a bank card, which is also a debit card.

Having appeared in Russia relatively recently - in the early 2000s - plastic cards quickly gained popularity. Indeed, this is a great way to protect your savings from thieves and scammers and at the same time always have access to funds. Using a bank card, you can pay for purchases in a store or online, make a non-cash transfer from your account, or withdraw cash from any ATM.
Today we will talk about debit cards of the leader of the Russian financial market– Sberbank, to which millions of our compatriots trust their savings. We will look at the types of cards that currently exist and discuss what a Sberbank ruble debit card is and what advantages it provides to its owner.

Essentially, a debit card is a tool that allows its holder to manage funds without tedious visits to the bank, preparation of applications, queues at the cash desk, etc. Contrary to the common misconception, the money is not “on the card” - it is placed in a bank account, to which the plastic can be linked. Thus, if the card is lost or rendered unusable, access to own funds you in no way lose. Another thing is that you can only withdraw them in person at a bank branch, or by applying for a new card for your account.

A debit card has the following main parameters that need to be taken into account when registering:

  • Validity period – standard is 3 years from the date of registration/activation. It is indicated on the front side of the card in month/year format, and the last day of this month will be the deadline for using the card. After this, the plastic must be reissued;
  • Issuance speed – instant (unnamed, non-embossed) cards and standard ones, on which the owner’s name is applied. The latter you will have to wait from 1-2 days to several weeks;
  • The type of card (virtual, prepaid, standard) determines the range of services you can receive. So, for example, you will not be able to withdraw money from an ATM using a virtual card;
  • Payment system type(Visa, gold Crown, MasterCard, etc.) limits the list of ATMs and terminals where you can use the card, and also determines the conditions for currency conversion;
  • The protection level determines the degree of security when using the card;
  • Territory of use – local, virtual, international;
  • Prestige level“is a kind of card status (classic, electronic, gold, platinum, etc.). The range of services and bonuses available to the client, as well as card tariffs, depend on it;
  • Interest accrual for the balance - a very attractive service offered by banks. A certain percentage will be accrued daily on the account balance;
  • Bonus and affiliate programs allow you to receive discounts in stores with which the bank has an agreement. One of the most popular varieties is airline mileage programs - accrued miles can be exchanged for tickets;
  • Cashback – return of part of the cost of purchases to the card. Unlike bonuses, the return occurs in the form of cash that can be spent on any purpose;
  • Commissions – the cost of registration, servicing, interest on cash withdrawals and transfers between accounts, etc. – directly depend on the bank’s tariffs and card level.

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We have given only some of the parameters by which cards can be distinguished from each other - each bank strives to make its own improvements, to endow the plastic with “individuality” in order to stand out from the line of competitors.

What is a Sberbank debit card and what are its advantages

It is worth noting that Sberbank has in its line almost all products popular with clients, so choosing a card to suit your needs is not difficult.

A Sberbank debit card has a number of advantages over offers from other banks:

  • High degree of security for cards and non-cash payments - in addition to standard security measures, the plastic is equipped with a special chip;
  • A huge network of branches and ATMs throughout the country - in almost every locality you can withdraw money from a Sberbank card without commissions;
  • Many options for replenishing the card;
  • One of the best personal accounts, the Sberbank Online system allows the widespread use of non-cash payment methods;
  • Cards can also be used abroad, and at the same time they can be made multi-currency;
  • Any plastic card can be issued without leaving home - when the card is ready, you will pick it up at the nearest branch;
  • Each type of card of your choice can be made into a salary card.

Thus, Sberbank cards have many advantages. It is not surprising that they are preferred by many Russians of different ages, social and financial status.

How to use a debit card

Using a debit card does not contain any difficulties; even those ignorant of it can understand its principles. modern technologies to a person. Essentially, using the card you can:

  • Cash out at ATMs - for this you will need the card itself and the PIN that is generated when it is issued. You can also pay for mobile communications, other services, and find out your balance at the ATM. Receiving ATMs also provide the opportunity to top up your card account without fees;
  • Pay by card at a cash register equipped with a POS terminal. This service is provided by shops, salons, service enterprises, etc. A PIN code and a signature on the check will be required.
  • Pay for goods and services using a mobile POS terminal - now, for example, many taxi services provide this opportunity.
  • Pay for goods via the Internet - this will require card details and the secret code indicated on the back of the card;
  • Use your online account and transfer money between accounts, pay for housing and communal services, loans, etc. In this case, the debit card itself is not needed - you just need to know the login and password for your account.

Mastering each of these operations is not difficult, even more so. Consultants at Sberbank branches are always ready to help with payments.

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Types of Sberbank debit cards

Let's move on to the main question - what debit cards are available at Sberbank and how they differ from each other. All “plastic” of this bank can be divided into several categories:

  • “Classic cards” without additional options, with low commissions and convenient conditions. The cost of service is 900 rubles in the first year and 600 in subsequent years; a contactless payment system is available.
  • Cards with individual design- This classic cards, on the front side of which you can apply any image. The cost of design is 500 rubles one-time, and maintenance of the card itself is 750 rubles per year.
  • High-end “golden” cards offer an expanded package of services compared to classic ones. The cost of maintenance is 3,000 rubles per year;
  • Instant issuance cards are the most popular “plastic” from Sberbank. In just 10 minutes you can receive a card and start using it immediately. There is no charge for issuing and servicing such a card.
  • “Card with big bonuses” is a plastic card issued as part of affiliate programs. Its main feature is that when making payments with a card, from 0.5% to 10% of the amount is returned to the account as bonuses, which can be spent on your next purchase. However, the cost of maintenance is rather high - 4900 rubles per year.

To recoup card servicing with bonuses, you will have to spend at least 30 thousand rubles on purchases every month, paying exclusively by bank transfer through the terminal.

  • Sberbank Aeroflot mile cards of the Classic, Gold and Premium levels allow you to accumulate miles for paying by card, and then exchange them for Aeroflot tickets. The number of miles depends on the level of the card (one, one and a half and two miles for every 60 rubles spent, respectively). Moreover, the cost of servicing the card differs - 900, 3,500 and 12,000 rubles per year.
  • If you want to spend part of your money on charity, then “Gift of Life” cards will best choice. A small percentage (0.3%) of your purchases will be donated to help sick children. In addition, Sberbank will give the funds half of the service fee you paid. The fee for such a card will be 1000 or 15 thousand rubles per year, depending on the prestige.
  • The “pension” card was created specifically for those who receive social payments and benefits. The card's set of functions is no different from the classic ones, but there is no fee for its maintenance or issuance. An income of 3.5% per annum is accrued on the card balance.
  • The “youth” card is issued to boys and girls aged 14 to 25 years. The service fee is minimal - 60 rubles per year, while an expanded range of options and bonuses is provided;
  • A virtual card is needed for secure payments on the Internet. It does not have a physical medium and is linked to an account and electronic wallets. The cost of maintenance is only 60 rubles per year.

Often in everyday life, the concepts of a credit card (credit card) and a debit card are confused and replaced. What is a Sberbank debit card? Its difference from a credit card is that it does not involve the use of borrowed funds.

If money is withdrawn from a credit card or paid off by borrowing at interest and taking on obligations to restore the balance, then our hard-earned salaries and pensions are listed on the debit card. When spending our own finances, we do not have to pay interest and then return the money to the account.

Features of the debit product

Debit cards for individuals- the most common type of banking product. Their relevance in our lives is dictated by convenience in payment. What is a debit card for? Let's list all the options for using it:

  • employers transfer employee salaries to them;
  • pensioners receive pensions;
  • It’s easy to withdraw cash from them at any ATM;
  • you can pay for various goods and services;
  • make orders online;
  • from one card to another.

What does a debit card mean? This means that its owner operates only with his own funds deposited earlier, and does not use loans. This, as mentioned earlier, is its main difference from credit. The very meaning of the word is of accounting origin and means, speaking in simple language, "they owe you."

Some cards have a feature called overdraft. This service is provided with the client’s consent and is a kind of imitation of a loan.

Overdraft gives you the right to overspend a little debit limit and borrow money from the bank at interest. It works like this: you pay for a product or service, and if there is not enough cash on the card, the missing amount is automatically borrowed from the bank. Interest rate and the repayment terms in this case are negotiated when applying for the plastic card.

Benefits of debit cards

This is, first of all, freedom from cash and the ability to accumulate funds. With her, all calculations are transparent and accurate to the penny. The transaction process involves cold computer calculation, and all cash movements are reflected in the receipt.

You no longer have to carry a large amount of cash with you - all capital is stored on the card. By becoming a client of Sberbank, you also get the opportunity to use the Sberbank-Online system, mobile banking and the Autopayment system.

At the same time, many banks annually deposit funds into the account. This helps increase savings or at least keep pace with inflation.

Any plastic issued by a bank is serviced by one or another payment system:

  1. Visa.
  2. MasterCard.
  3. American Express.

The payment system determines the possibility of using a means of payment abroad, available promotions and bonuses, as well as other advantages and benefits.

Cards of PJSC Sberbank

Let's look at what types of debit cards Sberbank issues, how much their maintenance costs, and what are the features of each of them.


The standard package of services provided allows for various payment transactions. The fee for the first year of card servicing is 750 rubles, and from the second year it is reduced to 450 rubles. Definitely the best option in terms of price/quality ratio.

Issued to clients over 14 years of age. The product can be designed as a payroll and is also equipped with PayPass contactless payment technology. Disadvantages include the lack of cash back and advanced additional features.

Card with big bonuses

Servicing this card is not cheap (RUB 4,908 per year). However, if the holder spends more than 30,000 per month on it, it is fully paid off. If the amount of spending is even higher, then it will even be possible to “earn extra money”. So, in the form of bonuses, you get back from 1.5% (supermarkets) to 10% (gas stations, taxis) of the amount of purchases made. In this case, one bonus point is equal to 1 ruble.

Sberbank Gold Card

This plastic also participates in the “Thank you from Sberbank” bonus program, under which bonuses are exchanged for discounts from the bank’s partners. Each purchase returns about 0.5% of its cost and up to 20% if the purchase was made from bank partners.

Annual maintenance is 3,000 rubles. Allows you to cash out funds abroad preferential terms, and the holder himself receives priority when calling the hotline number. Otherwise, the services provided to Gold Card users, with the exception of the premium status, are similar to the service of the classic product.

Individual design

The appearance of the card - the image on the front side - the user chooses personally from several hundred proposed options (and also has the opportunity to upload his own). The cost of the service is 500 rubles.

Available in two types: Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard. You can issue additional cards, as well as get plastic cards with a bright design for children aged 7 years and older. Otherwise, the package of services provided duplicates the classic debit card.

Special offers from Sberbank

In many cases, using a settlement tool is not only convenient, but also profitable. Thus, today Sberbank, together with other large companies, has developed a number of co-branding products that can boast significant advantages.


The more you spend on the card, the more miles you will accumulate for flights. Miles are a kind of bonuses that are added up with each purchase. They can be spent on air travel with Aeroflot or SkyTeam. Bonuses can also be spent on partner services.

The bank issues three types of such cards: Signature, Gold, Classic. Upon registration, 500-1000 miles are immediately credited. One dollar, or the equivalent amount in rubles, is equivalent to 1.5-2 miles, depending on the type of banking product. Service cost starts from 900 rubles per year.

"Gift a life"

Every purchase with a “Gift of Life” card is helping children in the fight against cancer. Sberbank, together with the charitable foundation of the same name by Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova, produces three varieties: Platinum, Gold and Classic. The difference lies in the cost of service (1,000-4,000 rubles).

Donations are transferred to a charitable foundation in the amount of 50% of the service fee in the first year and from 0.3% of the amount of each purchase. The described conditions apply to all cards of this line. In addition, the Platinum version is equipped with the possibility of PayWave contactless payment, but the cost in this case reaches 15,000 rubles.


Registration is available to people from 14 to 25 years old. The annual card service is attractive, which will cost the holder only 450 rubles. At the same time, the product has a full package of services and bonuses.

Operations can be performed with mobile phone, and track all movements of funds using a mobile application. Checking your balance, transferring and receiving money, paying for certain types of services, opening deposits - all this and much more can be done directly from your phone or computer through Sberbank Online.

Free debit cards

Free cards primarily include instant products and cards for pensioners.

Sberbank Maestro "Social"

The Maestro “Social” card is perhaps one of Sberbank’s most popular products. The function of accumulating funds on the card is available to all citizens entitled to the following payments:

  • calculation of pensions;
  • benefits;
  • other social subsidies.

You can apply for such a card from the age of fourteen, that is, from the moment you receive a citizen’s passport Russian Federation. Its main advantages are listed below:

  • Registration of plastic is free.
  • No service fee.
  • Reissue is free of charge. With the exception of situations related to the loss of plastic or a change in the holder's last name.
  • The presence of an electronic chip provides additional safety of use.
  • Possibility of making cashless payments anywhere in the world without commissions.
  • You can pay for purchases online.
  • Commission-free cash withdrawal from ATMs PJSC Sberbank(subject to daily limit).

However, in addition to its advantages, the card also has serious disadvantages, which makes the product not entirely suitable for use in certain conditions. Since the card belongs to the budget segment, there are a number of restrictions on its use by the holder:

  • Cash withdrawals can only be made in the Russian Federation.
  • This type does not support payroll capabilities.
  • The card number has eighteen characters, which may cause some difficulties when paying for goods online.

In general, the Maestro “Social” card can be an excellent analogue savings book with deposit charges of 3.5% per annum. For comparison, the balance on a savings account usually earns no more than 1%. Such charges can fully cover the costs of using additional services such as SMS notifications.

You can apply for a Sberbank debit card "" only directly at a branch of Sberbank of Russia.

Virtual card

This option is in demand among those who often shop online. The card can be easily attached to electronic wallets for replenishment. At the same time, in the Sberbank Online system there is only an account; the plastic itself cannot be held in your hands, since, in fact, it is not issued.

Instant cards

In cases where a card is needed immediately, the simplest and most economical option may be to issue a Momentum plastic card. This type of banking product is issued on the spot, upon first application, and is available to clients over 14 years of age. The Momentum card has the following features and benefits:

  1. Free annual maintenance;
  2. Registration in any of the three types of major currencies (rubles, dollars, euros);
  3. Possibility to choose one of two payment system options – Visa or (MasterCard).
  4. Participation in the “Thank you” bonus program from Sberbank.

However, in addition to the advantages, Momentum also has some limitations:

  • Plastic is not personalized. The holder's first and last name is not indicated on the front side. This may result in refusal to accept the card at retail outlets or when paying online.
  • This product cannot be used abroad.
  • The card number contains 18 digits, which, in some cases, makes online payments impossible.
  • It cannot be used as a salary.
  • You cannot issue additional plastic linked to this card.
  • Cash withdrawals outside your home region are subject to a fee. Exactly what commission will be withheld will depend on the region in which the funds are withdrawn and the bank that issues the money.

Among the debit cards of Sberbank of Russia, Momentum is the most budget option, but with very poor functionality. This type does not have most of the features of other products.

If you need plastic urgently, you need to instantly gain access to Sberbank Online, or you don’t want to overpay for annual maintenance, then you should take a closer look at this option.

Let's consider this option in a little more detail.

Instant cards “Classic” Visa and Mastercard

Instant cards "Momentum" Visa and MasterCard

These cards began to be issued to replace those mentioned in the previous section of the article. However, they carry an important difference from the previous generation: the ability to cash out at any ATM anywhere in the world, and not just at Sberbank ATMs in the Russian Federation. Consequently, such products are completely international.

This is very convenient, since the holder now has the opportunity to instantly receive a full-fledged card with all the functions and free service. The product is relatively new, and it is not yet known for sure whether it will take root in banking system or will be replaced by another. It is possible that in the future a decision will be made to make some adjustments to its tariff schedule.

Separately, it is worth noting that each of the types of cards that were mentioned above supports the function of crediting the following types of currencies: rubles, euros, dollars. Details about the maximum allowable cash withdrawal limit, cash withdrawal fees and other important information about the product can be viewed and.

What should you pay attention to?

Sometimes in everyday life we ​​use objects whose correct name we do not always know exactly. For example, many bank clients do not know what a debit card is, although they can use it almost every day. Therefore, it is worth recalling that a debit card is a bank card that can be used to pay for goods or services or get cash from an ATM, but this card is linked to bank account, which stores your own, not borrowed funds. And for this reason, the limit of its capabilities is equal to the amount of funds you deposited into your current account (or several current accounts if you have several open).

What is a debit card for?

Debit payment cards have very useful applications in a person’s daily life:

  1. The first thing you actually need a debit card for is to an ordinary person– simplify calculations when making purchases. Let’s say you come to a store, pick up the necessary goods, and at the checkout pay not with cash, but with a card (in our case, it’s a debit card, although a “credit card” is also suitable for this role). As a result, there are only advantages - you don’t have to collect change, put bills in your wallet, count them, etc. Although, in this case it is worth making a reservation - in Russia, calculations bank cards accept large ones first retail chains, and if you look, for example, at a minimarket, then it may be difficult for you to pay for purchases with a card, since such a payment system will not be provided there.
  2. Payment for purchases via the Internet - as a rule, the procedure for paying by bank card is described on the receiving party’s website itself. However, it is worth noting that by leaving information about the card and its owner, you expose yourself to additional risks from hackers who can obtain confidential information. Safer methods are payment through payment systems (accounts in which you can top up from the same cards), or secure payment gateways, for example, when using the PayPal payment system.
  3. It's convenient to store money on a debit card. For example, you will have no need to worry if you need to take a large sum of money on the road - it will be completely safe on the card. This is due to the fairly high degree of security of storing funds on plastic bank cards. Firstly, due to the fact that to carry out any operations on the card (withdrawals, top-ups, transfers, etc.) you need to know the PIN code, and, secondly, due to the fact that a lost (or stolen) The card can be blocked quite easily by calling the bank on the hotline or another number (provided for calls in such cases).
  4. Cash withdrawal from a bank account is a very common transaction performed Russian clients banks. This is largely due to the underdevelopment of non-cash money turnover throughout the country, especially in small towns. For example, you have to cash out wages, transferred to the card.
  5. As a rule, classic debit cards do not offer the possibility of using bank funds, unlike credit cards or debit cards with an overdraft option (we will talk more about the latter type of lending in a separate article).

Origin story

The first payment cards appeared in the United States in the 1950s (the period of the “trade boom”). As the cashless payment system improved, the cards were significantly modernized: the material from which they were made changed (initially, it was cardboard), a magnetic stripe appeared on the back (early 1970s), and chips were integrated since the 1990s.

What's interesting is that Western countries the process of development and spread of non-cash payments occurred from the use of credit cards to debit cards, but in Russia everything is the other way around - the exact opposite way.

History of use in Russia

According to some sources, until the mid-2000s in Russia, 99% of all payment cards issued by banks were debit. This was due both to the specifics of using debit cards in business activities and to the high degree of distrust of Russian citizens in banking services at that time. At the same time, some banks established certain requirements for the client, for example, the need to provide a cash deposit. These requirements were relevant due to the presence of incidents of unauthorized overdrafts and other types of fraud on the part of clients. Naturally, as the volume of lending by Russian citizens increases and with the development of the system bank lending in general, the share of debit cards in the total mass of bank payment cards began to decline.

Statistics of card use in European countries

Of course, in Europe, debit plastic cards are used much more often as a means of payment than in Russia. Also, in European countries this type cards are used for payments more often than credit cards. According to statistics for 2003, per citizen European country there was almost 1 card (to be more precise, 938 cards per 1000 inhabitants).


To understand what is a debit card In terms of its cost, it is worth turning to the tariff plans of the banks themselves. As a rule, in comparison with credit cards, debit cards are relatively inexpensive for their owner. In Russia, annual bank commissions There may be no charge for the maintenance and servicing of cards at all, or it may be about several hundred rubles per year. The type of card plays a significant role in the cost of annual service. Visa Electron, for example, is cheaper to service than Visa Gold.

It is worth considering that sometimes a small commission may be charged for the production of the card. It is worth noting that the manufacturing process plastic card It takes relatively little time and from the moment the client submits an application to the delivery of the card to its new owner, several days pass (approximately from one to 10).

World payment systems

For the most part, Russia provides for the issuance of bank cards that can be used to pay for purchases or services in any country in the world. We include Visa and MasterCard among the most popular global payment systems (with such varieties of the first as Visa Electron, Visa Classic (the most common in Russia), Visa Gold Visa Platinum (giving certain advantages to its owner and more expensive to maintain) and various varieties of the second: Maestro, Cirrus, Mastercard Mass, Mastercard Gold and MasterCard Platinum). However, it is worth noting that the most common types such as Visa Electron, Maestro or Cirrus do not provide the opportunity to pay for purchases via the Internet, unlike their more “status” counterparts, such as Visa Classic or Mastercard Standart. It is worth noting that the above payment systems control 80% Russian market bank cards.

You can find out which of your cards will work abroad on the official websites of banks or by communicating with bank employees in the office. For example, on the official website of Sberbank it is indicated that abroad it will be possible to cash out funds from most types of cards, with the exception of such types of cards as Sberbank - Maestro "Social", Sberbank - Maestro "Momentum" or Sberbank - Maestro "Student".

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But in the end, to fully appreciate, what is a debit card, in my opinion, you need to experience for yourself all the benefits of using it. Fortunately, today services for their production are provided by all banks included in: Sberbank, VTB24, Tinkoff Credit Systems, Guta Bank, etc. By the way, some banks provide services for calculating interest on the monthly account balance, similar to. The amount of interest accrued, of course, is not large, but still, this is some kind of bonus for those who prefer to keep money in a bank account.