Organizational and economic characteristics of PJSC Sberbank. Analysis of a bank’s compliance with economic standards using the example of PJSC Sberbank of Russia. Sberbank governing bodies


This report examines the public joint stock company Sberbank of Russia. Today, Sberbank of Russia reminds almost nothing of the savings banks, the functions of which it performed over a significant period of its history. But today, Sberbank of Russia is no longer even similar to itself just ten years ago. The ability to change and move forward is a sign of the excellent “sports” shape in which Sberbank of Russia is today. Elder title and largest bank Russia does not prevent him from competing openly and conscientiously in the banking market and keeping his finger on the pulse of financial and technological changes. Sberbank not only keeps pace with modern trends market, but also ahead of them, confidently navigating rapidly changing technologies and customer preferences. The purpose of educational practice is to consolidate and apply theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during training at the Department of Finance of Organizations. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to complete the following tasks:

· give a general description of PJSC Sberbank of Russia;

· consider the organizational structure of PJSC Sberbank of Russia;

· conduct a technical and economic analysis of PJSC Sberbank of Russia;

· analyze the financial condition of PJSC Sberbank of Russia.

The training practice was carried out at Sberbank of Russia in the Bank of Tatarstan Branch No. 8610, in the period from 03/28/2016 to 04/09/2016.

general characteristics PJSC Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank financial organizational

Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia" (hereinafter - PJSC "Sberbank of Russia") is a modern universal organization, one of the largest Russian commercial banks in Russia and the CIS countries.

Sberbank of Russia has a huge branch network: 17 territorial banks and more than 18,400 divisions. It provides services in all 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Remote service channels have recently been introduced. The “Sberbank Online” and “Sberbank Online” applications are being developed. Mobile bank"with a wide customer base.

Also recently, Sberbank has significantly expanded its international presence. Previously, it was limited to the CIS countries, but recently the distribution area has increased significantly. Representative offices appeared in Central and Eastern Europe(Sberbank EuropeAG) and in Turkey (DenizBank). The acquisition of DenizBank turned out to be the most significant in the entire 170-year history of the bank. In addition to the previously listed countries, Sberbank also has representative offices in China, India and Germany, and manages Sberbank Switzerland AG.

Sberbank of Russia was created in the form of an open joint stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR “On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR” in 1991. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The Bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal and individuals.

The highest governing body of Sberbank of Russia is the general meeting of shareholders.

The bank is a legal entity and, with its branches, forms the unified system of Sberbank of Russia.

The history of the development of PJSC Sberbank of Russia began on November 12, 1841, Russian Emperor Nicholas I signed a decree on the establishment of savings banks in Russia “to deliver savings through this in a reliable and profitable way.” This date began to be considered the birthday of Sberbank.

A few months later, on March 1, 1842, an employee of the Loan Treasury, Nikolai Cristofari, crossed the threshold of the newly opened cash office in St. Petersburg. He could not even imagine that at that moment he was becoming the first client of a financial institution, whose history would be inextricably intertwined with the history of Russia.

Sberbank is the historical successor to the Savings Banks, founded by decree of Emperor Nicholas I, which at first were only two small institutions with 20 employees in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They then grew into a network of savings banks that operated throughout the country and helped maintain sustainability even in difficult times. Russian economy. Later, during the Soviet era, they were transformed into the system of State Labor Savings Banks. And in modern times they have become a modern universal bank, a large international group whose brand is known in more than twenty countries around the world.

Table 1.1 below presents the stages of development of PJSC Sberbank of Russia.

Table 1.2. Stages of development of PJSC Sberbank of Russia

Foundation and development of banking in Russia. The first client of the first bank in the country. Growth to 500 clients per day

The “Golden Age” of the first bank of Russia and the development of financial literacy of the population.

3875 savings banks

2,000,000 issued passbooks

The first revolution and global changes in Sberbank's policy. Savings banks began to carry out Money transfers, issue their own loan certificates, and carried out transactions with interest-bearing and securities.

Sberbank during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period, participation in projects of national and global significance. A new Charter of state savings banks was established.

Development and transformation of Sberbank during the “thaw”, “stagnation” and “perestroika”. The number of savings banks doubled: from 40 thousand to 79 thousand. The number of bank clients increased 12 times.

Global changes in Sberbank of Russia: life according to new economic laws. The first ATMs began to operate. The Sberbank Non-State Pension Fund was created. The Sberbank Online service began operating.

Activities and measures of Sberbank of Russia in a difficult financial situation: the crisis has been overcome. The Sberbank Business Online system began to operate. Sberbank entered the top 20 largest banks by market capitalization. The bank became the general partner of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Games.

A new stage in the history of Sberbank of Russia: the introduction of innovative solutions, new programs and advanced technologies. New future of the country.

Sberbank has canceled all fees for reviewing and issuing loans. Reduced twice interest rates lending.

Sberbank is a modern universal bank with a large share of private capital, including foreign investors. The structure of Sberbank's share capital indicates its high investment attractiveness.

Today PJSC Sberbank of Russia, as one of the market participants, occupies a leading position in the Russian banking sector, as well as in the lending market, this rating presented in Figure 1.1.

Rice. 1.1.

The main goal of PJSC Sberbank of Russia is to ensure growth in investment attractiveness and maintain leadership in the Russian financial services market by modernizing management and technological processes. To achieve this goal, the activities of Sberbank of Russia OJSC are aimed at improving client policy, creating a flexible, effective system of interaction with clients based on taking into account the needs of various client groups.

PJSC Sberbank of Russia is a universal commercial bank that satisfies the needs of various groups of clients in a wide range of quality banking services throughout Russia.

Acting in the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders, PJSC Sberbank of Russia strives to effectively invest raised funds from private and corporate clients into the real sector of the economy, provides loans to citizens, contributes to the sustainable functioning of the Russian banking system and saving household deposits.

The main activities of PJSC Sberbank of Russia:

· attracts funds from individuals and legal entities into deposits;

· Places funds on its own behalf and at its own expense;

· opens and maintains bank accounts for individuals and legal entities,

· carries out settlements on behalf of clients;

· collects bills, cash, payment and settlement documents and provides cash services to individuals and legal entities;

· buys and sells foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms;

· attracts deposits and places precious metals;

· issues bank guarantees;

· carries out translations Money on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts;

· carries out leasing operations;

· provides brokerage, consulting and information services;

carries out issuance and maintenance bank cards;

· carries out the issue, purchase, sale, accounting, storage and other operations with securities, and much more.

Funds for carrying out these activities are attracted by the Bank from the following sources: funds of shareholders; deposits of private clients; funds of legal entities; other sources, including borrowings on international financial markets.

The educational practice was completed in the lending department for medium and large businesses of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610.

Providing services to medium-sized, large and private individuals is a priority activity of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610.

"Bank of Tatarstan" No. 8610 is actively developing lending programs, offering its clients profitable loans for project and investment business lending, improvement living conditions, acquisitions Vehicle, receiving higher education and solutions to many other financial issues. Sberbank of Russia helps carry out payment transactions, takes responsibility for storing and increasing the funds of its depositors.

Each client of the Bank of Tatarstan branch No. 8610 can always count on the help of qualified specialists, an individual approach and attentive attitude.

The reliability of PJSC Sberbank of Russia and its impeccable business reputation in Russia and abroad are confirmed by high ratings from leading rating agencies.

The SWOT analysis of PJSC Sberbank of Russia is given in Table 1.2.

Table 1.2. SWOT analysis of PJSC Sberbank of Russia


Sberbank of Russia is a reliable credit institution. The bank has high ratings both in Russian and international rating agencies, and is also one of the largest companies in Russia; The controlling stake in the bank belongs to the state. If the bank has problems, it can count on the help of the main shareholder; Has a developed regional network of branches throughout Russia; The publication of quarterly reports according to international standards indicates great transparency of the bank’s activities; It has high liquidity of its securities, which have long been perceived by the market as a protective security. The bank has a diversified resource base, which gives it stability.

Weak sides:

The bank's low agility to changes in external conditions will contribute to a gradual decline in its market share; Increased competition in the Russian banking services market.

Features: -

Sberbank of Russia seeks to strengthen its position as a leader in the retail sector; The bank's plans include issuing global depositary receipts (GDRs) for existing shares on the London Stock Exchange. stock exchange. Transfer of shares to Western trading platforms will further increase the liquidity of securities.

Threats: ѓ

The possibility of a conflict between the business development of Sberbank of Russia and the interests of the main shareholder; Increased competition in the banking services market in the event of accession to the WTO and the entry of foreign banks into the Russian market; Possible increase in share price volatility due to personnel changes on the bank's board.

Here are the main technical economic indicators PJSC Sberbank of Russia from 2013 to 2015 in table 1.3, which is presented below.

Table 1.3. Main technical and economic indicators of Sberbank PJSC

Basic indicators


Key Indicators of the Income Statement

Operating income before provisions

in billion rubles

Profit before tax

in billion rubles

Net profit

in billion rubles

Main balance sheet indicators

Provision for impairment loan portfolio

in billion rubles

in billion rubles

Client funds

in billion rubles

Main quality indicators

Ratio of provision for impairment of loan portfolio to non-performing loans



Selection according to the database: FEDERAL BODIES OF STATE REGULATION OF THE ECONOMY AND THEIR, Theoretical characteristics of children's dosage forms.docx, QUALIFICATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MASTER.docx, General characteristics.docx, 5. MEDICAL-TACTICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EPIDEMIC FOCUSES OF INFECTION , General characteristics of Olympic skiing..docx , LECTURE 1. CHARACTERISTICS OF HISTORICAL SCIENCE AND ITS, I characterize modern semiconductor light-emitting diodes, General characteristics of HRMS BOSS-Kadrovik.doc, Arkhangelsk region characteristics.docx.

Chapter 1. Organizational economic characteristics OJSC Sberbank…....5

Chapter 2. Analysis of lending to individuals in the Dmitrov branch of Sberbank of Russia OJSC No. 9040/00400…………………………………………...9

2.1.Analysis of the dynamics and structure of lending to individuals……………..9

2.2.Assessment of the creditworthiness of individuals at Sberbank of Russia OJSC………………………………………………………………………………………………………….13

Chapter 3. Improving lending to individuals at the present stage…………………………………………………………………………………………………………20


List of sources used………………………………………...24



A bank is an organization created to attract funds and place them on its own behalf on the terms of repayment, payment and urgency.

According to banking legislation, a bank is a credit organization that has the right to attract funds from individuals and legal entities, place them on its own behalf and at its own expense on the terms of repayment, payment, urgency and carry out settlement transactions on behalf of clients.

Modern commercial banks are banks that directly serve enterprises and organizations, as well as the population - directly to their clients. Commercial banks act as the main link in the banking system.

The largest commercial bank specializing in working with the public is Sberbank of Russia.

I completed pre-graduation practice in the department for servicing individuals of the additional office No. 9040/00400 of Sberbank of Russia from January 19, 2015. Term pre-graduate practice was 12 weeks from January 19 to April 12.

The purpose of the pre-diploma internship was to consolidate in practical activities the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the training process, as well as to collect information for the thesis.

Objectives of pre-graduation practice:

    • describe the activities of the bank,

    • describe the activities of the structural unit
the bank where the internship took place,

    • study bank lending individuals,

    • analyze the dynamics and structure of lending to individuals,

    • offer recommendations for improving lending to individuals.
During the internship, the following main stages were completed:

  • safety briefing,

  • receiving an individual assignment,

  • collection of materials provided for by the practice assignment.
The structure of the report on pre-diploma practice consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and applications.

Sberbank of Russia was created in the form of an open joint-stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR “On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR”. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (over 60% of voting shares). The Bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal entities and individuals.

The bank is a legal entity and, with its branches, forms the unified system of Sberbank of Russia.

Corporate (full official) name of the bank:

Joint-stock commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (open joint-stock company).

Abbreviated name of the bank:

Sberbank of Russia.

  • capital – 947.6 billion rubles;

  • profit – 143.7 billion rubles;

  • net profit – 113.0 billion rubles;

  • cost-to-income ratio (Cost/Income) – 42.7%;

  • loan portfolio (including loans to banks) – 5,202.1 billion rubles, including lending to legal entities (excluding loans to banks) – 3,828.3 billion rubles;

  • investing in securities– 497.8 billion rubles;

  • balance of funds in individuals’ accounts – 2,908.0 billion rubles;

  • Sberbank share (as of October 1, 2014):

      • in banking system assets – 24.4%;

      • in the capital of the banking system – 24.9%;

      • in the retail deposit market – 50.8%;

      • in the market for raising funds from legal entities – 19.8%;

      • in the retail lending market – 31.1%;

      • in the legal entity lending market – 29.8%;

  • balance of funds of legal entities – 1,836.7 billion rubles;

  • branch network, units:

      • regional banks – 17;

      • departments – 766;

      • internal structural divisions – 19,639.
Sberbank of Russia (open joint stock company) was created in 1991. The founder and main shareholder of the Bank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia). He owns over 60% of voting shares. The Bank's shareholders are more than 200 thousand legal entities and individuals.

Sberbank is a modern universal bank with a large share of private capital, incl. foreign investors. The structure of Sberbank's share capital indicates its high investment attractiveness.

Today, Sberbank is the largest bank in the Russian Federation and Central and Eastern Europe, occupies a leading position in the main segments of the Russian financial market and is among the largest banks in the world in terms of capitalization.

Sberbank has a unique branch network: it currently includes 17 territorial banks and almost 20,000 structural divisions(branches) throughout the country 1.

Economic indicators of the activities of Sberbank of Russia

The Bank's active work in all areas of activity, constant interaction with all categories of clients, the introduction and development of new products and services allowed Sberbank of Russia to achieve significant financial results at the end of 2014 and demonstrate high business efficiency.

Figure 1 - Dynamics of the Bank’s net assets (billion rubles)

Net assets of Sberbank of Russia increased over the year by 41.6% and exceeded 5 trillion. rubles, while the increase in assets by more than 90% was ensured by lending operations - the main activity of the Bank. At the end of 2014, the Bank earned a balance sheet profit of 153.1 billion rubles, which is 35.7% higher than the result of 2013. Net profit amounted to 116.7 billion rubles, an increase of 32.8% compared to last year.

Figure 2 - Dynamics of the Bank’s net profit (billion rubles)

The record profit of Sberbank of Russia for the reporting year clearly shows its resistance to crisis phenomena in international markets.

The almost two-fold increase in capital in 2014 was ensured both by the size of the profit received and, to a large extent, by the issue carried out in the first quarter ordinary shares, during which 230.2 billion rubles were attracted to the Bank’s capital. As of January 1, 2015, the Bank’s capital amounted to 681.6 billion rubles, and its share in the total capital of the Russian banking sector was 25.5% versus 20.5% at the beginning of 2014. As a result of the additional issue of shares, the capital adequacy level increased from 11.7 to 15.1%.

Figure 3 - Dynamics of the Bank’s capital (billion rubles)

Against the background of significant growth in capital and business volumes, the performance indicators of Sberbank of Russia decreased slightly, but still remain at a high level. Return on assets (ROAA) at the end of the reporting year amounted to 2.7% compared to 2.9% in 2013. Return on equity (ROAE) has decreased since the beginning of the year from 28.6 to 20.4%.

The achievement of high financial results was largely facilitated by the existing structure of the Bank's operating assets and borrowed funds.

A key factor in the growth of the Bank's business is the development of lending operations - the share of loans to corporate and private clients in working assets together accounts for about 87%. Investments in securities are made by the Bank mainly in order to maintain the required level of liquidity. As of January 1, 2015, investments in securities accounted for only slightly more than 11% of operating assets, which reduces the dependence of the Bank’s financial results on changes in prices on stock markets 2 .

2.1.Analysis of the dynamics and structure of lending to individuals

In 2014, Sberbank followed its priorities credit policy, defined in 2013, when, under the influence of the financial crisis, a more conservative approach to risk assessment was formulated, financial condition and prospects for the activities of borrowers. At the same time, financial uncertainty and rising unemployment caused a significant decrease in demand for loans from the population, which was especially pronounced in the first half of 2014. The volume of loans issued decreased while the volume increased early repayments existing loans, which led to a reduction in the loan portfolio for the first half of the year by 6.3%.

In 2014, the bank developed and introduced new loan products: Mortgage Standard loan; a loan for the purpose of repaying (refinancing) housing loans issued by other credit institutions; loan for the purchase of real estate using individual safes.

Figure 4 shows the volume dynamics consumer lending in 2013-2014

Figure 4 - Dynamics of the volume of consumer lending in 2013-2014, billion rubles.

It should be noted that there has been a significant increase in the volumes provided consumer loans- by 12.1% in 2014 compared to 2013.

Sberbank of Russia maintains its leadership position in this segment, occupying more than 30% of the market retail lending.

Housing loans were in high demand, including mortgages and loans to young families to improve their living conditions. During the year, the bank issued more than 300 thousand housing loans in the amount of 291 billion rubles. As a result, the housing loan portfolio increased 1.7 times and amounted to about 500 billion. rub. At the same time, housing loans provided two-thirds of the growth of the entire retail loan portfolio.

The bank continued lending to private clients under individual programs within the framework of agreements with the administrations of the constituent entities of the Federation and local authorities and with companies - the bank’s corporate clients. Most programs are aimed at improving the living conditions of young families, public sector workers, and rural residents and provide for relieving borrowers of the burden of paying interest on loans through subsidies from the budgets of executive authorities or employer enterprises. Over the year, the number of programs increased from 242 to 316, under which 21 thousand loans were issued for more than 24 billion rubles.

The bank developed car lending at a high pace. But only until 2013 - in 2012, more than 200 thousand loans were provided for the purchase of cars in the amount of 89 billion rubles, which provided the bank with leadership in this market segment. Success is largely ensured by the development and strengthening of partnerships with companies participating in the automotive market. At the end of the year, the car loan portfolio almost doubled and exceeded 100 billion rubles. As for 2013 and 2014, the volume of car loans decreased significantly.

Loans for urgent needs still remain the bank's most popular product - they account for more than 46% of the total loan portfolio. However, their share continues to decline as a result of the bank's development of targeted loan products.

Structure of the loan portfolio of individuals in the context of loan products of Sberbank of the Russian Federation OJSC in 2009-2010. presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Structure of the loan portfolio to individuals, billion rubles.

As we can see, the largest part in the portfolio structure is occupied by consumer and other loans both in 2013 and 2014 – 48%. As for housing lending, in 2013 its share was 44%, and in 2014. increased to 46%. The smallest share is occupied by car loans – 8% in 2013 and 6% in 2014.

As already noted, the growth of the portfolio of loans to individuals in 2014 amounted to 142 billion rubles. or 12.1%.

Figure 6 - Structure of the consumer loan portfolio by maturity.

As we see in Fig. 6, loans to individuals are mainly issued for the medium term, that is, for a period from 1 to 3 years, while there is a positive trend towards an increase in the share of this particular group of loans from 31.7% in 2013 to 35 .7% in 2014. Loans with a term of more than 3 years (housing lending) are in demand. Their share in 2013-2014 remained unchanged – 29.1%.

The least amount of loans issued is for a period of less than 6 months - 19.3% in 2013 and 17% in 2014, and loans for a period from 6 to 12 months - 19.9% ​​in 2013 and 18.2% in 2014.

It should be noted that Sberbank was actively working to restructure and refinance loans to borrowers experiencing financial difficulties. Together with the Agency for the Restructuring of Housing Mortgage Loans, programs were implemented to provide “stabilization” loans.

As part of the bank's own programs to reduce the debt burden, borrowers were provided with a deferment in repayment of the principal debt and the opportunity to increase the loan term. There was a program in place that made it possible to convert the balance of term loan debt from foreign currency into rubles.

In September 2009, Sberbank launched the “Credit Insurance” project, within the framework of which the technology was developed voluntary insurance life and health of borrowers and insurance of collateral. In this case, registration at the bank insurance policy for property that is the subject of collateral, or connection to the life and health insurance program is voluntary. At the same time, the bank does not limit the client in choosing an insurance company.

In December 2009, a project was launched to sell savings and risk insurance life for VIP clients of the bank.

Clients with a good credit history will receive additional opportunities when obtaining new loans. In 2015, it is planned to introduce a new customer-oriented product line with unified and simplified key loan conditions.

In relation to individuals, Sberbank of the Russian Federation OJSC will follow the following priorities in 2015:

Increase the availability of loans by offering various ways to repay them - equal monthly (annuity) or differentiated payments, with mandatory explanation to clients of all the possibilities and limitations of a particular type of payment;

We will maintain the entire line of retail loan products and will continue to optimize it, taking into account the need to maintain the quality of the loan portfolio;

Provide increased financial literacy of the population, consultations and explanations on all products and services of the Bank;

Strengthen efforts to maintain and improve the quality of the loan portfolio.
2.2.Assessment of the creditworthiness of individuals at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

The assessment of the creditworthiness of an individual is based on the ratio of the requested loan and his personal income, a general assessment of the borrower’s financial situation and the value of his property, family composition, personal characteristics, and a study of credit history.

There are three main methods for assessing the creditworthiness of an individual, which take into account these factors:

  1. scoring;

  2. studying credit history;

  3. assessment based on financial indicators solvency.
The essence of the scoring method is to determine the system of criteria and the corresponding indicators of the borrower’s ability to repay the principal and interest to the bank, the assessment of these indicators in points within the maximum assessment limit established by the bank, the overall creditworthiness score (the total value of points for individual indicators).

The scoring model for assessing the creditworthiness of an individual can take different forms.

With the scoring model under consideration, the significance of an individual’s creditworthiness indicators is determined through differentiation of the level of the maximum score. In our example, the most significant indicators are the length of time the bank account has been held and the average account balance.

In relation to the overall score, not only the maximum limit is set (in the above version - 1000 points), but also the minimum. The excess of the actual assessment of the creditworthiness of an individual over established bank the minimum is one of the grounds (but not the only one) for a positive decision on issuing a loan. The scoring assessment can be considered preliminary. It can be supplemented by a more detailed analysis of the borrower’s financial situation and the collection of additional information.

In addition, if the overall score is below the established minimum, a loan can be issued when the borrower provides additional motivation for his creditworthiness, not taken into account in the scoring system.

Based on the scoring model, it is possible to determine the creditworthiness class of an individual, for example five classes:

Excellent creditworthiness




Depending on the class, the bank determines a scale of deadlines and loan amounts (usually as a percentage of the client’s annual income).

Domestic commercial banks use different scoring models for the creditworthiness of an individual, adapted to Russian conditions. For example, the first form of the model, due to the need to take into account a large number of factors, may have two levels (stages).

At the first stage, a preliminary assessment of the possibility of issuing a loan for the purchase of housing is made, which is based on the data of the client’s test questionnaire. The test questionnaire allows you to assess such risk factors as general information about the client’s education and employment, his income, purchased property, and guarantee.

Based on the results of filling out the test questionnaire, the number of points scored by the borrower is determined and a protocol for assessing the possibility of obtaining a loan is signed. If the sum of points is less than 30, then the refusal to issue a loan is recorded in the protocol. The protocol and completed test questionnaire are transferred to the client.

If the score is more than the accepted level, for example 30, the second stage of assessing the risk of issuing the requested loan begins. The risk is assessed more carefully taking into account the following additional facts: the client’s character (gender, age, marital status, field of activity, social status, relationship with the bank), his financial capabilities (ratio of income, expenses and subsistence level), sufficiency of unmortgaged property, security loan, loan terms.

To implement a scoring system in the practice of bank lending to individuals, it is necessary to ensure:

1) selection of criteria for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals, which is determined by demographic factors (certain types of consumer loans are actively used by certain groups of the population), the nature of the loan object (purchase of housing, car, vacation expenses, education, etc.), loan term and etc.;

2) identifying the main (system-forming) criteria that should have the greatest impact on the overall score the creditworthiness of an individual;

3) determining the number of points that can be assigned for each selected criterion, and system-forming criteria should have higher scores,

4) identifying indicators within each criterion, for example, the “marital status” criterion corresponds to the following indicators: single, married, divorced, family status; The criterion “education” is met by the following indicators: secondary, technical, higher, academic degree;

5) development of a client test questionnaire in accordance with the selected criteria and the procedure for assessing the indicators corresponding to them;

6) creation by the bank of its own information base about clients and credit history files of borrowers;

7) development of scoring software;

8) determination of the organization for assessing the creditworthiness of individuals and the procedure for making decisions.

In the United States, the basis for assessing the creditworthiness of an individual is the study of his credit history associated with the purchase of goods on credit in stores. The bank uses the information on the loan application: name, address, and Social Security card number. Based on these parameters, you can collect data from banks, organizations issuing credit cards, home owners about all cases of non-payment. The bank is interested in the number and size of non-payments, their duration, and the method of repaying overdue debts. Based on this information, a credit history is compiled.

In addition to credit history, the system for assessing the creditworthiness of an individual by American banks includes the following indicators: debt-to-income ratio, stability of income and duration of work in one place, duration of residence at one address, amount of capital.

To obtain information from banks about the credit history of an individual in Russia, at the initiative of commercial banks, a specialized bureau was created credit histories.

Solvency indicators are based on data on the income of an individual and the degree of risk of losing this income. For example, Sberbank of Russia, when issuing a one-time loan, calculates the solvency of an individual borrower on the basis of data on average monthly income for the previous six months, which is determined by a certificate and wages or on a tax return. Income is reduced by mandatory payments and adjusted by a coefficient that is differentiated depending on the amount of income (from 0.3 to 0.6). The higher the income, the larger the adjustment.

The Borrower's solvency is determined at the time of his application to the Bank as follows:

P = Dch * K * t, where

Dch - average monthly income (net) for 6 months minus all mandatory payments (for pensioners - the amount of the pension they receive).

The amount of net income of citizens engaged in business activities without forming a legal entity, or private practice, or having another source of income permitted by law, is determined on the basis of financial documents provided by them.

K – coefficient depending on the value of Dch

K = 0.5 for Dh in the amount of up to 45,000 rubles (or the equivalent of this amount in foreign currency) (inclusive);

K = 0.7 for Dch in the amount of over 45,000 rubles (or the equivalent of this amount in foreign currency)

t - loan term (in months).

The loan amount and interest cannot exceed the level of solvency of the individual. From this ratio, the maximum loan size for the period that can be issued to an individual at a given level of income is determined. Since the solvency of an individual borrower is not the only factor and indicator of his creditworthiness, additional protection is required from credit risk with the help of guarantors, whose solvency is also calculated. Liquid property can also serve as security for loan repayment.

The client's average monthly income is 50,000 rubles.

The loan term is 60 months.

We calculate the client's solvency

P = 50,000 x 0.7 x 60 = 2,100,000 rubles.

Determining the maximum loan amount:

The maximum amount of the loan provided (S P) is determined based on the solvency of the Borrower (P) at the time of his application to the Bank.

t – loan term (in whole months).

S P = 2 100 000 = 2 100 000/1,458 = 1 440 329,218

1 + (60 +1) x 18/2x12x100
At the time of contacting the bank, the maximum amount of the loan provided will be 1,440,000 rubles.

From year to year, Sberbank of Russia OJSC improves and simplifies lending to individuals. Loans are becoming more accessible, easier to obtain, and interest rates are competitive. Sberbank of Russia OJSC has approved 12 types of lending for individuals, including 2 types - linked loans. Linked loans are loans for goods and cars purchased in a network of companies and car dealerships that have entered into a cooperation agreement with Sberbank of Russia OJSC.

3.1. Recommendations for improving lending to individuals

Savings Bank of the Russian Federation is one of the oldest banks in the country. In addition, he is the only one who retained his device after the collapse of the USSR. The union fell apart, new era for Russia, thundered market reforms, therefore, there was an urgent need to change the work of the bank, in other words, a quick response to change was required. First of all, it was necessary to preserve the integrity of the Russian Bank system, maintaining its position in the market for retail bank services, as well as household deposits, and to provide the necessary conditions for servicing clients. In other words, it's time improvement of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

The bank adheres to the principle of openness, and this leads to the publication and strict adherence to the following points of corporate policy in the bank’s activities:

  • improvement of customer service policy, strives to protect their interests

  • Strictly comply with laws and ethical standards, as well as regulations, conduct honest business, maintain your reputation

  • maintaining neutrality in relation to financial and industrial groups, political parties, carrying out its activities only taking into account the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders

  • adhering to conservatism, think through new operations and directions

  • creating comfortable and favorable conditions for the activities of its employees
All these methods and principles can fully help in improving Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

It's no secret that the Russian economy is experiencing great difficulties. Marketing, which is a versatile, targeted and complex action in the field of production and market, can lead to the solution of certain market problems and in the most rational way in this case.

As for bank marketing, it is strongly tied to the entire activity of the bank and its management, this includes operations management and personnel management. Nowadays, many branches of various banks are opening, the population is provided with the services of numerous banks, in various fields of activity, for various operations, clients are becoming more demanding.

In other words, nowadays there is a lot of competition, which forces banks to resort to marketing more and more often, developing all kinds of marketing plans. This can help with adaptation to new conditions and lead the Bank of the Russian Federation to successful, competitive activities. This is one of the ways to improve Sberbank of the Russian Federation.

To understand this situation more, let’s consider the priority tasks banking marketing, which can improve Sberbank of the Russian Federation:

  • study demand in the capital market and in its sectors of interest to the bank.

  • analyze and study interest policy, advertising

  • develop a banking planning system

  • manage staff efficiently.

  • organize servicing of the bank's clientele at the highest level.
    To expand its customer base, the bank actively resorts to advertising, distribution of booklets and notifications. The number of services provided by the bank is increasing, and their quality is also improving. We are increasingly dependent on the bank, and our success and well-being directly depends on the successful conduct of the bank’s activities, its competitiveness and reliability. Therefore, the bank’s marketers have such an important task to find ways to improve the activities of Sberbank of the Russian Federation.
    It is difficult to overestimate the role of Sberbank in all banking activities of the Russian Federation. It became the universal bank of Russia. Today, the activities of this bank are more successful and competitive than the activities of others financial institutions RF. The bank's management system has undergone major changes, the powers of the bank's lower echelons have expanded, and the centralized management of development and risk management has been strengthened. At the same time, clear and coordinated work to improve the activities of the Bank of the Russian Federation did not harm its clients in any way.
Sberbank is the undisputed leader among other Russian banks, based on the size of the balance sheet currency, the volume of attracting money from the population and legal entities, and the size of investments in the Russian economy. It is worth noting that the controlling stake is held by the National Bank of Russia.

The bank's strategic goal is to reach the most advanced level of customer service, maintain its position among other banks, and increase its competitiveness. Also, it is very important to attract as many clients as possible to the bank and make them permanent, leading to capital growth. But the most important goal is to reach the global level. Therefore, it is so important for Sberbank of the Russian Federation to improve its activities 3.


OJSC Sberbank of Russia is one of the largest in the world financial institution¸ which carefully selects its employees. All bank branches work and develop in step with the times; there are shortcomings and management shortcomings that are typical for large enterprises.

So, during my internship, I found out that the main purpose of a bank is to mediate the placement of funds from owners of available funds to borrowers. The bank, and in particular the department of operational services for individuals, provides settlement services, accepts payments and transfers, ensures the payment of pensions and benefits, wages, opens and services bank cards, carries out currency exchange, enters into loan agreements (for personal purposes, for the purchase of a car, for housing), exchanges banknotes, etc. For convenience, self-service devices are also located in the hall, where clients can carry out most transactions, often with a lower commission than through controllers. Consultants can help clients make payments through self-service devices, as well as inform them about the timing of funds crediting, transfer limits, etc.

Promoters are outside the bank’s staff; their main task is to connect clients to the Sberbank Online and Autopayment services.

Was familiarized with regulatory documents for lending to individuals; with the organizational structure of the bank and its divisions; with the types of banking services provided to bank clients; with basic banking operations. Conducted an analysis of the bank's annual balance sheet and made the main conclusions characterizing the bank's activities.


  1. L.A. Drobozina, L.P. Okuneva, L.D. Androsova and others; Ed. prof. L.A. Drobozina. - M.: Finance, UNITY, 2008.-479 p.

  2. Senchagova V.K., Arkhipova A.I. / Finance, money turnover and credit - M.: Prospekt, 2009.

  3. Krupnov Yu.S. On the nature of bank consumer credit. // Business and banks, 2011, No. 8, p. 1-3.

  4. Kolesnikova V.I., Krolivetskaya L.P. M.: Banking: Textbook for Universities / 2010. – 464 p.

  5. O.I. Lavrushin, O.N. Afanasyeva, S.L. Kornienko; edited by meritorious deeds Sciences of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Prof. O.I. Lavrushina. – 3rd ed., add. – M.: KNORUS, 2009.

  6. Rules for lending to individuals by Sberbank of Russia and its branches (Version 3) No. 229-3-r dated May 30, 2011

Internet resources

  1.;base=LAW;n=166040- Consultant Plus

  2. - Official website of the Bank of Russia

  3. Lending at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

  4. - Reporting of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Table 1- Offers for loans to individuals from Sberbank of Russia in 2015.

Lending program for individuals

Maximum loan amount

Base interest rate in rubles (%)

Credit term



Consumer loan without collateral

Up to 1,500,000 rubles

20,0 - 35,5 %

From 3 months to 5 years

without collateral or guarantee


Consumer loan guaranteed by individuals

Up to 3,000,000 rubles

19,5 - 34,5 %

From 3 months to 5 years

Guarantees of individuals – citizens of the Russian Federation (no more than 2)


Consumer loan for military personnel - NIS participants

500,000 rub. and 1,000,000 rub.

21.5%; 22.5% (without collateral)

from 3 months to 5 years

without collateral (up to RUB 500,000); with registration of a guarantee for individuals. person(s) (over RUB 500,000)


Educational loan with state support

up to 100% of tuition fees

7.06% - calculated based on ¼ of the Bank of Russia refinancing rate (8.25%) plus five points

For the period of study, increased by 10 years allotted for loan repayment

Not required. For persons under 18 years of age, loans are provided only with the permission of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities and the written consent of their legal representatives.


Purchase of finished housing

basic 14.00 - 15.00%, for 2 documents 14.0 - 15.00%

Up to 30 years old

Secured by the loaned or other residential premises


Purchase of housing under construction

No more than 80% of the contractual or estimated value (the lesser is taken)

basic 14.50 - 15.50%, according to 2 documents 15.0 - 15.50%

Up to 30 years old

Secured by a loan or other residential premises + pledge of land under an individual house


Military mortgage (2 programs)

Up to 2,400,000 rubles - no more than 80%

10,5%; 9,50 - 10,9%

Up to 10 years and from 10 to 20 years

Creditable living space, spouse's guarantee


contractual or estimated value (the lower is taken)

No more than the principal balance of the refinanced loan and 80% of the appraised value; Down payment - from 50%

12,25; 12,50; 12,75 %

/ military spouse

Pledge of residential premises for the purchase/construction of which a refinanced loan was provided, or other residential premises, guarantee


Housing loan for refinancing

No more than the principal balance of the refinanced loan and 80% of the appraised value; Down payment - from 0%

15,25%; 15,50%; 15,75%

up to 10 years; from 10 to 20 years; from 20 to 30 years

Pledge of residential premises for the purchase/construction of which refinancing was provided, other residential premises, guarantee of individuals. persons


Consumer loan for refinancing

1,000,000 rubles.

20,0 - 28,5 %

from 3 months to 5 years

Not required.


Credit cards (8 types of credit cards)

Up to 150 tr. or up to 600 tr.

from 25.9% to 33.9%

3 years

Not required



3 Banking: modern system lending: uch. manual / O.I. Lavrushin, O.N. Afanasyeva, S.L. Kornienko; edited by meritorious deeds Sciences of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Prof. O.I. Lavrushina. – 3rd ed., add. – M.: KNORUS, 2009.

Organizational and economic characteristics of PJSC Sberbank of Russia

PJSC Sberbank of Russia is one of the largest banks in Russia and Eastern Europe. Full name - Public Joint Stock Company "Sberbank of Russia". Historically, Sberbank of Russia dates its foundation from the date of the decree of Emperor Nicholas I on the creation of savings banks, signed in 1841.

On March 1, 1842, the first savings bank opened in St. Petersburg. In 1850, the first savings bank was opened in Pskov. In 1862, the Savings Banks were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance. And by this time, two capital cash offices (in St. Petersburg and Moscow) and 46 provincial savings banks were already operating in the country. By 1882, there were 76 savings banks in the country, 11 of them in St. Petersburg. Until 1895, the following steps were taken leading to an increase in the number of savings banks and an expansion in the number of depositors.

In 1895, on the initiative of S.Yu. Witte adopted a new Charter of savings banks, according to which the savings banks began to be called “state” and the Office of State Savings Banks was created.

In 1918, the Council of People's Commissars issued the Decree of January 21 “On the Cancellation of State Loans,” which guaranteed the inviolability of deposits in savings banks; in 1919, the Council of People's Commissars issued the Decree of April 10 on the merger of savings banks with the People's Bank of the RSFSR. And in 1922 - the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of December 26 "On the establishment of state savings banks." 1948 A new Charter of state labor savings banks has been approved.

1988 - State labor savings banks were transformed into Sberbank of the USSR as a state specialized bank serving the population.

Sberbank of Russia today is a modern universal bank that meets the needs of various groups of clients in a wide range of banking services.

The joint-stock commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation was created in the form of a joint-stock company in accordance with the Law of the RSFSR "On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR" dated December 2, 1990. The founder was the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

The Charter of the Joint Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation was registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on June 20, 1991.

On January 1, 2001, Sberbank of Russia underwent a reorganization, as a result of which 79 regional banks of Sberbank of Russia were reorganized into 17 territorial ones through merger.

The main goal of the Bank’s activities is to attract funds from individuals and legal entities, carry out credit, settlement and other banking operations and transactions with individuals and legal entities for profit.

The Bank's mission is to meet the needs of every client, including private, corporate and government, throughout Russia for banking services of high quality and reliability, ensuring the sustainable functioning of the Russian banking system, saving household deposits and investing them in the real sector, promoting the development of the Russian economy .

Shares of Sberbank of Russia have been listed on the Russian stock exchanges MICEX and RTS since 1996. In March 2007, the Bank placed an additional issue of ordinary shares, as a result of which the authorized capital increased by 12% and 230.2 billion rubles were raised. The average daily trading volume in Sberbank shares is 35% of trading volume on the MICEX.

Today, Sberbank is the largest bank in the Russian Federation and Central and Eastern Europe, occupies a leading position in the main segments of the Russian financial market and is among the largest banks in the world in terms of capitalization. The structure of Sberbank's share capital indicates its high investment attractiveness.

Sberbank has a unique branch network. The Bank's branches (territorial banks, departments) operate on the basis of regulations approved by the Bank's Board, have a seal depicting the emblem (logo) of Sberbank and the details established by the regulations of Sberbank of Russia, as well as other seals and stamps.

The branch network of Sberbank of Russia consists of more than 20,000 divisions, including 17 territorial banks, 791 branches, 19,499 internal structural divisions. The latter, in turn, include 8,690 additional offices (including 70.1% - specialized for servicing individuals, 28.5% - universal, 1.4% - specialized for servicing legal entities), 10,758 operating cash desks outside the cash desk and 51 mobile units cash transactions. In addition, there are 38 separate exchange offices.

PJSC Sberbank of Russia can perform a number of operations on the basis of a general license issued by the Central Bank.

Sberbank is the largest lender in the Russian economy. In 2012, the market share of traditional corporate lending increased by 0.7% despite the high level of competition in this segment in Russia. Tighter competition was primarily due to a decrease in demand for loans from companies amid a slowdown economic growth and the very rapid development of the corporate bond market in Russia.

In 2012, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance continued operations to provide liquidity, covering the needs of banks during periods of increasing liquidity deficit. In 2012, the total volume of financing attracted from regulators (including borrowings from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance) gradually increased, reaching a peak in November. In December, the liquidity situation improved significantly, as there was a traditional influx of funds on deposits due to the fact that budget expenses at the end of the year exceed the average level.

In 2012, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation's repo operations remained the main source of liquidity for Russian banks, a situation that became the new norm after the transition to a floating exchange rate and inflation targeting policy. At the same time, regulators retained the possibility of providing additional financing to banks through other channels, including secured loans from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (mainly with collateral credit requirements). Given the importance of mechanisms for maintaining liquidity in a floating exchange rate environment, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation announced that it plans to further expand the refinancing system in 2013.

The Bank's credit card business grew significantly in 2012. Over the year, the volume of credit card debt increased by 139% - to 153 billion rubles, and the number of cards issued almost doubled - to 8.5 million. As a result, in 2012 Sberbank became the leader in the credit card market.

Table 1. Issue of credit cards


Credit organizations

That. in credit institutions, the issuance of credit cards is based on the above table and as shown in the diagram, it follows that compared to 2013 and 2014, and 2014 and 2015, there was a decline in the issuance of credit cards and registration in credit institutions.

Table 2. Authorized capital and own funds purchased from shareholders from 2013-2015

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Sberbank of Russia

The Joint Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (Sberbank of Russia) was created in the form of a joint stock company, open type in accordance with the law of the RSFSR “On banks and banking activities in the RSFSR”. The founder and main shareholder of Sberbank of Russia is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBRF), which owns more than 60% of the shares authorized capital jar. Its shareholders are also 200 thousand legal entities and individuals. Sberbank of Russia was registered on June 20, 1991 with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The bank is a legal entity and, with its branches and other separate divisions, forms the unified system of Sberbank of Russia. The main purpose of the bank's activities is to attract funds from individuals and legal entities, carry out credit and settlement operations and other banking operations and transactions with individuals and legal entities to make a profit.

The Bank carries out the following operations: attracts funds from individuals and legal entities into deposits (on demand and for a certain period); places the above funds on its own behalf and at its own expense; opens and maintains bank accounts for individuals and legal entities, carries out settlements on behalf of clients; collects funds, bills, payment and settlement documents and provides cash services to individuals and legal entities; buys and sells foreign currency in cash and non-cash forms; attracts deposits and places precious metals; issues bank guarantees; carries out money transfers on behalf of individuals without opening bank accounts; carries out leasing operations; provides brokerage, consulting and information services; issues and services bank cards; carries out the issue, purchase, sale, accounting, storage and other operations with securities, and much more.

Organizational structure Sberbank of Russia consists of: the general meeting of shareholders, the supervisory board; board, central apparatus; regional banks; branches; internal structural units organizationally subordinate to departments (Appendix 1).

The Board of Sberbank of Russia is engaged in planning the bank’s activities for the short and long term. In 2001, the Development Concept of Sberbank of Russia until 2005 was adopted. Based on the results of the activities carried out, it can be said that Sberbank of Russia has developed as a universal bank, directing efforts to improve service to all groups of clients, create a system resistant to possible economic shocks, and ensure the required level of efficiency of banking activities in the face of declining profitability financial instruments and reduction in interest margins. The Bank satisfied the growing demand of individuals and legal entities for credit resources, and achieved a significant improvement in its market and economic indicators. In the face of increased competition, the bank maintained a dominant position in retail markets by optimizing its product range and pursuing a flexible interest rate policy.

Thus, targeted efforts to develop the business and ensure the efficient operation of the bank made it possible to ensure the achievement of all financial targets, maintain return on capital at the level of 25% - 31%, and achieve a reduction in the cost-to-income indicator from 63% to 46%.

Providing the capital reserve necessary for business development and covering risks, the bank used economically effective methods increase own funds. In 2001, an issue of shares was carried out, which made it possible to increase the nominal value of the authorized capital by a third, and in February 2005, the bank attracted a subordinated loan in the amount of 1 billion US dollars for a period of 10 years, and a revaluation of fixed assets was carried out. The strengthening of the position of Sberbank of Russia is associated with the positive dynamics of market capitalization, increased investment attractiveness, and the assignment of investment grade ratings.

In 2007, the Bank's Board adopted a new Concept for the Development of Sberbank of Russia until 2012, the main goal of which is to ensure growth in investment attractiveness and maintain leadership in the Russian financial services market by modernizing management and technological processes. The first step of this Concept has been completed successfully. In 2007, Sberbank of Russia fulfilled all economic indicators, as can be seen from Table 1. Assets - net according to Russian standards financial statements increased by 37.1% to 3,477.6 billion rubles, which accounts for more than a quarter of the assets of the Russian banking system. The bank's loan portfolio is growing dynamically. For 2007, it was equal to 2,619.0 billion rubles, of which loans to corporate clients amounted to 1,949.8 billion rubles, which is 38% more previous year; loans to individuals - 692.7 billion rubles, which is twice as much as in 2005. At the same time, the quality of the loan portfolio remains at a high level: the share of overdue loans for 2007 does not exceed 1.1%. Sberbank of Russia ensured further growth of deposits from private clients. The balance of funds in their accounts reached 2,028.6 billion rubles, which is 35.2% more than the balance of funds of individuals in 2006. Also in 2007, there was an increase in funds raised from corporate clients by 49.7% versus 19.7%.

The capital of Sberbank of Russia for the period from 2006 to 2007 increased by 26.7% and amounted to 255.0 billion rubles. The value of the bank's capital adequacy indicator (N1) exceeds the limit level established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation by 1.8%, which indicates the adequacy of capital to cover the main types of banking risks and current operating expenses and the bank's potential in the development of lending operations. Assessing and controlling liquidity risk makes it possible to ensure the required level of bank assets to fulfill its obligations at any time interval.

Table 1. Dynamics of the main performance indicators of Sberbank of Russia for 2005 – 2007

Key performance indicators of the bank Years


Growth rate, %
2005 2006 2007 2005 -2006 2006 -2007 2005 -2006 2006 -2007
Balance sheet indicators
Assets – net, billion rubles. 1 944 2 537 3 478 +593 +940 130,5 137,1
Loans to corporate clients, billion rubles. 1 112 1 413 1 950 +301 +537 127,1 138,0
Loans to individuals, billion rubles. 266 468 693 +202 +225 176,0 148,1
Overdue loans, billion rubles 19 20 29 +1 +9 100 147,7
Own funds (capital) of the bank, billion rubles. 174 255 323 +82 +68 147,0 126,7
Raised funds from corporate clients, billion rubles. 453 543 812 +89 +269 119,7 149,7
Deposits of individuals, billion rubles. 1 184 1 500 2 029 +316 +528 126,7 135,2
Income statement items
Net profit, billion rubles. 44 63 88 +19 +25 144,1 139,6

Commission income,

billion rubles

32 54 74 +23 +19 171,2 135,6
Personnel and branch network
Branch network, divisions 20 222 20 270 20 101 +48 -169 100,2 99,2
Average number of employees, people 228 531 235 116 243 620 +6 585 +8 504 102,9 103,6
Performance indicators
Return on equity, % 26,3 27,8 28,6 +1,5 +0,8 X X
Return on assets, % 2,5 2,8 2,9 +0,3 +0,1 X X
Capital adequacy, % 11,1 12,1 11,7 +1,0 -0,4 X X

According to Table 1, net profit exceeded the financial result of the previous year by 24.9 billion rubles and amounted to 87.9 billion rubles. The main factor in the growth of net profit was the systematic increase in business volumes and an increase in income from core activities. Commission income ranks second in the income structure after interest income from lending operations. By the end of 2007, they amounted to 73.5 billion rubles, which is 35.6% more than in 2006. The growth of net profit was also facilitated by a reduction in the internal cost of services, achieved by the bank through targeted work to improve the efficiency of personnel. The main external factor that had a positive impact on profit growth at the end of 2007 was the development of the Russian economy and, as a result, an increase in consumer and business activity, which contributed to the growth of the client base and sales volumes of all products and services of the bank. Return on capital, calculated as the ratio of net profit to the value of the bank's capital, at the end of 2007 increased by 0.8% and was at the level of 28.6%, and return on assets, calculated as the ratio of net profit to the value of net assets, increased by 0 .1% and amounted to 2.9%.

Thus, the bank ensures high profitability while maintaining a relatively low level of risk in its operations. Thus, the level of credit risk, calculated as the ratio of created loan reserves to the balance of loan debt, at the end of 2007 was 3.6%, having decreased by 0.4% since the end of 2006.

Sberbank of Russia continues to actively develop its branch network, which was replenished with new modern offices in the reporting year. In order to carry out the work to optimize the structure of branch network management at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation by merging branches and forming on their basis large management centers that provide effective development business, in 2007, 169 bank branches were reorganized. In order to implement one of the main tasks of developing the bank's branch network for 2007 - optimizing the territorial location of the branch network, taking into account the areas of concentration of current and potential demand for banking products and services - 205 new banking divisions were opened in the past year, including an increase in the share of divisions open in rural areas and the share of mobile cash transactions points. In order to expand the capabilities of clients, in 2007 measures were taken to expand the list of products and services provided by banking divisions.

In 2007, significant efforts in the work of personnel were aimed at meeting the bank's needs for qualified personnel, priority recruitment and development of divisions involved in servicing corporate and private clients, medium and small businesses, project financing, and investments in the stock market. As a result, over the year the overall increase in the actual number of bank employees amounted to 3.6%. Much attention is paid to improving the qualifications of personnel, including young workers.

The bank's achievements and its impeccable reputation in our country and abroad are confirmed by high ratings from leading international rating agencies. In 2007, Moody’s confirmed the bank’s ratings on international scale: long-term rating of deposits in foreign currency Baa2, short-term rating of deposits in foreign currency Prime-2 - and established a financial strength rating of D. At the same time, Fitch Ratings raised the bank's ratings on the international scale: the long-term rating of Sberbank of Russia was raised from BBB to BBB+ , short-term rating in foreign currency - from F3 to F2. Level BBB+ is the maximum rating for Russian companies.

Thus, Sberbank of Russia has combined deep traditions and vast professional experience with the best world achievements. The strengthening of confidence in the bank was facilitated by the transparent structure of share capital and the high quality of corporate governance, which was reflected in maintaining its rating at the country level and created the preconditions for further growth of market capitalization and investment attractiveness.

The risk management process in the Bank is the Board of the Bank. Heads of structural divisions (branches) of the Bank are responsible for organizing and implementing the management process banking risks in the units subordinate to them (within the framework of the functional responsibilities assigned to them by orders, instructions, job descriptions, powers of attorney, Policy, Regulations...

Two concepts are the liquidity of the bank’s balance sheet and the solvency of the latter, which subsequently leads to the identification of methods and means of maintaining the liquidity and solvency of credit institutions. If the first is largely the business of the bank itself and it independently chooses, in specific conditions, certain methods of maintaining its liquidity at the level of established standards, then the second, as...

Banks, establishes for them certain restrictions and standards, both mandatory and advisory, which regulate the activities of banks in order to ensure their reliability, liquidity, and solvency. National Bank The Republic of Belarus Rules for regulating the activities of banks in the field of solvency, liquidity and major risks defines liquidity as...

Public confidence in the activities carried out monetary policy, increasing its openness and transparency, explaining to the public its goals, objectives and measures taken. Chapter 2 Analysis of liquidity and solvency of a commercial bank using the example of additional office No. 8601/0110 Buryat branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation 2.1 Characteristics of the bank Joint-stock commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation...

Introduction 3

1 Credit value 4

1.1 Essence, principles, forms of credit 4

1.2 The concept of consumer credit and its classification 7

1.3 Legislative framework for consumer lending 12

1.4 Features of credit relations in modern conditions 14

2. Characteristics of Sberbank of Russia OJSC 17

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Sberbank OJSC 18

2.2 Economic characteristics of credit operations in OJSC 24

Sberbank of Russia

3 Organization of the lending process at Sberbank of Russia OJSC 27

3.1 Lending to individuals at Sberbank of Russia OJSC 27

3.2 Stages of the relationship between the borrower and the lender at Sberbank OJSC 30

3.3 Credit policy of Sberbank OJSC 32

4 Strategy of Sberbank of Russia OJSC 35

Conclusion 37

List of sources used 39

Applications 40


In recent years, the development of the Russian banking sector has been extremely uneven. Serious crises in the country's economy led to the collapse of the largest credit institutions (for example, the 1998 crisis). An important feature of the activities of Russian banks was that the scope of this activity was traditionally in servicing large corporate clients, primarily in the oil and metallurgical sectors, as well as carrying out transactions in financial markets. Therefore, the most important functions of the country's credit institutions related to servicing individuals and small and medium-sized enterprises were developed only at the initial level.

The economic reform carried out in our country has opened a new stage and tasks in the development of banking. AND current state The country's economy is stimulated by an increase in the number of loans issued to individuals - consumer loans.

Consumer credit is one of the most common types of banking transactions in most developed countries. In addition, the scope of a consumer loan is much wider than just the purchase of durable goods, such as cars, household appliances, etc.

Consumer lending has become so widespread in developed countries primarily because, through the use of this purchase financing technology, the market capacity for a whole range of consumer goods and real estate is dramatically expanding.

Russia is also experiencing rapid growth in consumer lending. There are several reasons for this growth:

First, some stabilization economic situation and political life in our country are gradually returning to people a sense of confidence,

Secondly, there is an increase in the well-being of the population and, as a consequence, the emergence of a desire to buy more expensive things that are not essential items (cars, household appliances, new furniture),

Thirdly, the experience of recent years has shown the ineffectiveness of simply accumulating money due to inflation and exchange rate fluctuations, and, increasingly, preference is given to investments in certain goods, services, etc.

Thus, this course work is very relevant.

The purpose of this work is to consider the main aspects of consumer lending, to analyze what problems Russian banks face in the field of consumer lending.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: the essence of credit and its principles, the concept of consumer credit, its impact on the economy and how the economic crisis affected consumer lending, as well as give interest rates on the most common consumer loans using the example of Baikal Sberbank.

1 The meaning of lending

1.1 Essence, principles, forms of credit

In modern economic literature, there are two main interpretations of the origin of the word “credit”. Some economists believe that this concept originates from the Latin word credit, which means “he believes” (or from the word credo - I believe). Others associate its appearance with the Latin term creditum, which translates as loan (debt).

In practice, credit relations represent a transfer for use material assets in cash or commodity form on the terms of repayment, urgency and payment, which is carried out in the form of specific credit transactions, the forms and conditions of which are distinguished by significant diversity.

The essence of a loan is always stable and unchanging: a loan is an economic relationship between a lender and a borrower regarding the return movement of value in commodity or monetary form.

The subjects of credit relations are the lender and the borrower. They can be any legally independent persons and capable citizens who are able to bear financial responsibility for the obligations of a credit transaction.

The lender is a subject of credit relations that transfers value for temporary use, and the borrower is a subject that receives a loan and is obliged to return it within a specified period. Within the framework of credit relations, they can change roles: the lender can become a borrower, and the borrower can become a lender. The current level of development of commodity-money relations is also characterized by the simultaneous functioning of entities as both lenders and borrowers. For example, banks are both lenders and borrowers at the same time throughout their activities.

The object of the credit transaction is the loaned value, that is, the value in monetary or commodity form, which the lender transfers for temporary use to the borrower.

The basic principles of lending include urgency and repayment, targeted nature, material security, payment.

Urgency and repayment mean that the loan provided to the borrower must be repaid within the period specified in the loan agreement.

The targeted nature of the loan, its purpose is determined, first of all, by the borrower, however, when allocating a loan, the bank proceeds from its purpose, from the specific object of lending, from a specific project. Compliance with the principle of targeted direction of the loan ensures its repayment within the established time frame, since these terms are designed to carry out certain business operations.

The principle of material security of lending means that the borrower must carry out the financed project, purchase those inventory items or make expenses for which the loan was issued. However, in practice, often at the time of granting a loan, it is not confronted with specific inventory items and costs. Such loans, for example, are issued against future costs of production, development commercial activities, entrepreneurship, etc. Here, a pledge of property, a guarantee, a guarantee, an insurance certificate of insurance of liability for non-repayment of loans, etc. can be accepted as security for the repayment of loans.

The form of a loan characterizes the external manifestation and organization of credit relations and is determined by a number of characteristics: the object of the credit transaction, the composition of participants, intended purpose and etc.

Changes in production and commodity-money relations lead to changes in existing forms of credit and the creation of new ones.

Classification signs:

Loan forms depending on the loaned value:



Commodity-money (mixed);

Participants in the loan transaction, loan purposes:

Bank loan;

State credit;


Leasing loan;

Commercial loan;

Consumer loan;

Factoring loan;

Loan purpose:



Delivery methods:


Scope of operation:

National Credit;

International credit;

The commodity form of credit historically preceded the monetary form. In its purest form, it means the provision and return of loaned value in the form of commodity values. The predominant form is the monetary form, when the provision of a loan, its repayment and payment of interest is made in money ( Bank loan, mortgage, etc.). In modern conditions, the commodity form of a loan is usually combined with a monetary form of its repayment, for example, leasing, commercial loan, sale of goods in installments, rental of things.

There are many purposes and objects of lending, but they can be grouped into productive and consumer forms of credit. The productive form of credit presupposes its use for the purposes of production and circulation, for productive purposes. The consumer form is used for consumer needs population.

The main form of credit, from which, in fact, all others stem, is a bank loan, which is the movement of loan capital lent by banks for a fee for temporary use.

State credit reflects credit relations regarding the accumulation by the state of funds for financing government spending. The lenders are individuals and legal entities, the borrower is the state represented by its bodies.

A commercial loan characterizes a credit transaction between an enterprise - a seller and a buyer. The loan is provided in commodity form in the form of deferred payment upon the sale of goods (services). In exchange, the buyer issues a promissory note with an obligation to make payment when due and pay interest.

Consumer credit reflects the economic relationship between the lender and the borrower regarding the financing of final consumption. Loans are issued to the population to satisfy their consumer needs.

A leasing loan is a relationship between legally independent persons regarding the leasing of fixed assets of production or other property for long-term use, as well as financing the acquisition of movable and immovable leased property.

A mortgage loan is a special type of economic relationship regarding the provision of long-term loans secured by real estate.

Factoring is an operation associated with the assignment by a supplier (creditor) to another person (factor) of debt claims payable by the payer (debtor) (i.e., payment documents for goods, works, services) and the transfer to the factor of the right to receive payment for them.

1.2 The concept of consumer credit and its classification

What is a consumer loan? In Russia, consumer loans include any types of loans provided to the population. In essence, it is the sale by trading enterprises of consumer goods with deferred payment or the provision of loans by banks for the purchase of consumer goods, as well as for the payment of various types of personal expenses (tuition fees, medical care, etc.). Unlike other loans, the object of a consumer loan can be both goods and money. The borrower is the population, and banks provide the bulk of consumer loans. When obtaining a consumer loan, there is usually also an intermediary - a trading company that sells goods on credit. The subjects of credit, on the one hand, are lenders, in this case, commercial banks, special consumer credit institutions, shops, savings banks and other enterprises, and on the other hand, borrowers - people. But since the latter receive the funds they need to a large extent through bank loans, then in fact 9/10 of the total amount of consumer credit is provided by banks. The consumer loan is repaid in a one-time order or from the settlement payment. Loan with one-time repayment. This includes current accounts opened by the buyer for a period of 1-1.5 months in department stores and other enterprises retail; within the limits of the loans provided, they buy goods and, upon expiration of the established period, repay their debt in a lump sum. A consumer loan with a one-time repayment also includes loans in the form of deferred payment (for the services of utility companies, doctors and medical institutions). An ever-increasing share of retail turnover. In terms of the scale of development of consumer credit in Russia, it still lags significantly behind developed countries. However, in recent years it has undergone quite dynamic development.

Consumer loans are provided for the purchase of durable goods, housing construction and the purchase of apartments. In cash - for construction, repairs, etc. A loan for current needs is usually short-term (up to two years), while for investment purposes it is long-term.

The rapid development of consumer credit has resulted in an increased number of overdue debts of city residents to banks. Under the influence of this process, the formation of a civilized market for services for the recovery of private debts began.

Classification of consumer loans of borrowers and lending objects can be carried out according to a number of criteria, including the type of borrower, types of collateral, repayment terms, repayment methods, intended use, lending objects, volume, etc.

According to the areas of use (objects of lending) in Russia, consumer credit is divided into loans:

For urgent needs; secured by securities;

Construction and purchase of housing;

Major repairs of individual residential buildings, their gasification and connection to water supply and sewerage networks.

Citizens living in rural areas are also issued loans for the construction of above-water buildings for keeping livestock and poultry and the purchase of small-scale mechanization equipment for performing work on personal subsidiary plots. Members of gardening cooperatives and partnerships are provided with long-term loans for the purchase or construction of garden houses and for the improvement of garden plots.

According to the subjects of the credit transaction (according to the appearance of the lender and the borrower), there are:

Banking consumer loans;

Loans provided to the population by trade organizations;

Consumer loans credit institutions non-banking type (pawnshops, rental shops, mutual aid offices, credit cooperatives, building societies, pension funds, etc.);

Personal or private consumer loans provided by individuals;

Consumer loans provided to borrowers directly at the enterprises and organizations in which they work.

According to loan terms, consumer loans are divided into:

Short-term (period from 1 day to 1 year);

Medium-term (period from 1 year to 3-5 years);

Long-term (over 3-5 years).

Currently in Russia, due to the general economic instability The division of consumer loans by terms is conditional. Banks, when providing loans, usually divide them into short-term (up to 1 year) and long-term (over 1 year). A short-term loan can be issued for a specific period (within a year) or on demand. A demand loan does not have a fixed term and the bank can demand its repayment at any time. When providing a demand loan, it is often assumed that the borrower is relatively liquid and the assets in which are invested borrowed funds, can be converted into cash in the shortest possible time.

Based on the method of provision, consumer loans are divided into targeted and non-targeted.

By collateral, a distinction is made between unsecured (blank) loans and secured loans (collateral, guarantees, sureties, insurance). The main reason why a bank requires collateral is the risk of incurring losses if the borrower is unwilling or unable to repay the term in full, which is what started economic crisis. Collateral does not guarantee repayment of the loan, but it reduces the risk, since in the event of liquidation, the bank receives an advantage over other creditors in relation to any type of assets that serve as collateral for the bank loan.

Based on the repayment method, a distinction is made between loans, lump sum repayment and installment loans.

Loans without installment payments have an important feature: for such loans, debt and interest are repaid at a time. An example of such loans are the so-called bridging loans, which are issued for the purchase of a new house by a private individual in the amount of the difference in the cost of the owner’s new and old house.

Installment loans include: loans with equal periodic loan repayments (monthly, quarterly, etc.); loans with uneven periodic repayments (the amount of payment to repay the loan changes (increases or decreases) depending on certain factors). When issuing a loan with installment payment, the principle applies according to which the loan amount is written off in installments over the period of validity of the agreement.

According to the method of charging interest, loans are classified as follows: loans with interest deducted at the time of provision; loans with interest paid at the time of repayment; loans with interest paid in equal installments throughout the entire period of use.

In our country, there are currently no statistics of this kind, but it is common knowledge that in recent years, lending to the population through trade organizations has been actively developing. Buyers often purchase expensive goods with payment in installments.

Direct and indirect forms of installment payment for bank lending for consumer needs of the population have their advantages and disadvantages. The first thing that distinguishes direct bank lending from indirect lending is the ease of organization credit process, which allows you to accurately assess the loan object, find out the economic feasibility of issuing loans and organize effective control over its use and repayment. All this undoubtedly has a positive effect on the organization of credit relations between the bank and the borrower.

On the other hand, from the bank's point of view, the negative factors associated with direct bank lending usually include a slightly higher level of risk than with indirect bank lending.

Firstly, in Russia, the modern practice of lending to individual borrowers has a number of difficulties:

a) analysis of the creditworthiness of individual clients at the stage preceding the issuance of a loan is not carried out by all commercial banks;

b) methods for analyzing creditworthiness do not always meet practical requirements;

c) the availability of security for loans is often of a formal nature.

Secondly, the macroeconomic situation in the country also negatively affected the organization and lending to private bank clients.

Indirect bank lending for consumer needs of the population allows the bank to reduce the impact of risks (credit, interest, currency, market, etc.), since loans allow us to determine with a greater degree of reliability and reality the creditworthiness of the borrower, the possibility of repaying the loan on time, and organize effective control, including at the loan repayment stage.

1.3 Legislative framework for consumer lending

Legal regulation of relations arising between the lender and the borrower in connection with the provision of a consumer loan to the latter is carried out in accordance with paragraph 2 of Chapter 42 of Part Two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and some other regulations. According to Art. 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the basis for the emergence of such relations and at the same time the basis for the provision of a loan and its subsequent use is a loan agreement, the content and form of which must meet certain requirements. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in invalidity loan agreement.

From a legal point of view, it is fundamentally important to include in the content of the loan agreement information about the subject of the agreement, the parties to the agreement and their mutual obligations. The subject of the loan agreement is the consumer loan itself, and the parties to the loan agreement are a bank or other credit organization and an individual (citizen). The basis of the content of the loan agreement is formed by provisions establishing the mutual obligations of the parties. In accordance with the agreement, the lender undertakes to provide the borrower with funds in the amount and on the terms specified in the agreement, and the borrower, for his part, undertakes to fully return to the lender the funds provided by the latter by a specific date and, in addition, to pay interest for using the loan.

According to Art. 820 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the loan agreement must be concluded in writing, the size of the loan does not matter. The loan agreement is drawn up in two copies and in general (unless otherwise provided by the agreement) comes into force from the day it is signed by both parties. It is necessary to draw the attention of dear readers to the fact that in addition to the loan agreement, the lender and the borrower may sign some other documents, in particular an agreement on the procedure for repaying the loan (in the form of a payment schedule). Such documents are usually drawn up in the form of annexes to the loan agreement and are subsequently considered as an integral part of it.

From a legal point of view, the possibility of refusing to provide a consumer loan is also important. According to Art. 821 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such a right is granted to the lender if circumstances are identified that clearly indicate that the loan provided to the borrower will not be returned (repaid) on time, as well as in the event of a violation by the borrower of the obligation stipulated by the loan agreement intended use loan (for example, intended for purchasing a car, obtaining paid services in the field of medicine, etc.).

For its part, the borrower also has the right to refuse to receive a consumer loan (in whole or in part), but only after notifying the lender of this before the deadline for its provision established by the agreement, unless otherwise provided by law, other legal acts or the loan agreement.

In order to specify the procedure for providing consumer loans to individuals, as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, banks (other credit organizations) develop their own regulations - regulations, conditions, rules, etc.

1.4 Features of credit relations in modern conditions

The causes of the Russian financial crisis of 2008-2009 lie far beyond the country's borders. The economic situation did not deteriorate overnight; it was preceded by a number of other processes, the consequences of which gradually accumulated and simply could not help but lead to what we have now.

For the first time, people started talking loudly and a lot about the financial crisis in September 2008, when the media began to cover the bankruptcy of one after another of US banks. It is this major power that economists today consider to be the culprit of all troubles. According to experts, the reason lies in the mortgage crisis that arose in the United States as a result of the unbridled desire of banks to issue as many home loans as possible and thereby make huge profits. The desire is absolutely natural, but mortgage agreements were often concluded with people whose financial income did not allow them to make regular loan payments. As a result, more and more apartments became the property of banks, and there were fewer and fewer buyers for them. The result was the mortgage crisis and bankruptcy. credit organizations, who ended up with billions of dollars in illiquid real estate. For the entire year of 2008, when it broke out financial crisis, 25 banks collapsed in the United States, including such giants as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, causing panic in world markets.

The global financial crisis forced banks to restructure their relationships with retail clients. Last fall, Russians rushed to withdraw funds from their bank accounts, fearing a collapse of the banking system. Then, realizing that the banks would survive, they began converting rubles into foreign currency, trying to save funds from devaluation.

As for the lending market, it is still far from reaching the pre-crisis levels of last year. Mortgages and car loans fell especially hard.

The beginning of the crisis was marked by an outflow of nearly 500 billion rubles of deposits from banks. Then funds began to flow into deposits again, but the growth rate decreased noticeably. The demand for deposits in foreign currencies (euro, dollar) has increased, the ratio of currencies in the volume of funds attracted from private individuals has changed: before the crisis, 90% were rubles, since the fall of 2008, more than 50% were deposits in foreign currency.

At the moment, deposits are the most stable tool for preserving, and even increasing, which is important, savings. Interest rates are high enough to stimulate demand for this product, plus significant uncertainty about further developments makes it necessary to create a safety net for a rainy day. This trend will continue until the end of the year.

Despite the decline in demand, the number of new depositors in the bank increased in the first half of the year, while the average deposit amount increased, mainly due to the segment of wealthy clients, which ensured the growth of the passive portfolio in the total amount, he said. At the end of the first half of the year, Promsvyazbank was among the leaders in attracting funds to deposits according to the Deposit Insurance Agency.

Now banks really need reliable depositors, so a real battle is unfolding for them. Here, rather, we can talk about increased demand from banks.

Since the beginning of the crisis, many banks have reduced lending volumes, and stopped offering some products altogether. Mortgages and car loans experienced the greatest reductions.

If we compare the first half of 2009 with the same period in 2008, the volume of issued car loans decreased by approximately 80%. The main reasons for this fall were the active devaluation of the ruble, as well as the actual suspension of car lending by many banks, through the introduction of so-called protective interest rates and tightening requirements for borrowers. Also, some car loan products, such as “0% down payment”, simply disappeared from the market, as they were the most risky. All this had a serious impact on the overall decline in car sales this year.

Mortgages are not in demand, since the situation on the real estate market and the pricing and other conditions of banks are not conducive to this. Volume mortgage loans, issued Russian banks in the first half of 2009, decreased by 6 times compared to the same period in 2008. The share of ruble loans exceeded 90%, overdue debt in rubles increased 6 times, and in foreign currency - almost 15 times. Bankers admit that overdue debt will continue to grow, although the pace of this growth will slow down somewhat.

Consumer lending (lending to individuals minus mortgages and car loans) makes up the largest part of the personal lending market. persons – 69.2% in terms of the volume of loans issued and 50% in terms of the volume of debt in 2008.

In 2008, the dynamics of the consumer lending market slowed down: the volume of the consumer loan portfolio increased by 17%, reaching 2 trillion as of January 1, 2009. rubles, and the volume of consumer loans issued in 2008 increased only by 13% to 2.81 trillion. rub. From the 1st to the 3rd quarter of 2008, there was an increase in debt on consumer loans; during the 4th quarter, there was a reduction.

At the end of the first half of 2009, the consumer loan portfolio decreased by 9.7% compared to the beginning of the year, amounting to 1,803 billion rubles. as of July 1, 2009

At the beginning of 2008, a ruble loan for urgent needs cost the borrower on average 18% per annum in rubles and 15% in foreign currency. At the beginning of 2009, the cost of ruble loans increased to an average of 25% per annum.

The share of overdue debt on loans to individuals increased in 2008 from 3.2% to 3.7%. The leader in the share of overdue consumer loans as of April 1, 2009 was Renaissance Capital Bank (28.7%).

Almost half (47.4%) of all consumer loans issued during the first half of 2009 in Russia fell on the Siberian Federal District, almost a quarter (23.7%) - on the Central Federal District, 9.6% - on the Volga Federal District .

The Consumer Union of Russia does not recommend that the country's population take out new loans during the crisis, since in Russia there is no law protecting individuals from bankruptcy who took out a loan and lost their job or health. There is such a law for legal entities and it is often used. Therefore, even if an individual has lost his job or cannot pay the loan due to health reasons, he will do this until he pays off the bank.

Since the beginning of the crisis, banks began to increase rates on already issued loans, trying to minimize their losses due to the increased cost of attraction financial resources. The illegality of banks raising rates on already issued loans was confirmed at the federal level - the Prosecutor General's Office supported the position of its regional divisions, which insisted on the illegality of including relevant conditions in loan agreements between banks and individuals. Now banks are afraid of an increase in the number of prosecutorial checks and promise to increase the cost of loans for the population. There will not be a significant increase in loan rates, experts point out, but borrowers will have the opportunity to plan the costs of servicing loans.

The state today does its best to support the banking services sector, understanding its great importance for the country, but still some small regional banks will not be able to avoid collapse.

2 Characteristics OJSC "Sberbank of Russia

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

The history of Sberbank of Russia begins with the personal decree of Tsar Nicholas of 1841 on the establishment of savings banks, the first of which opened in St. Petersburg in 1842... A century and a half later - in 1987 - a specialized Bank for Labor Savings and Lending was created on the basis of state labor savings banks population - Sberbank of the USSR, which also served legal entities. The Sberbank of the USSR included 15 republican banks, including the Russian Republican Bank.

In July 1990, by a resolution of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, the Russian Republican Bank of Sberbank of the USSR was declared the property of the RSFSR. In December 1990, it was transformed into a joint-stock commercial bank, legally established at a general meeting of shareholders on March 22, 1991. In 1991, Sberbank became the property of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and was registered as the “Joint-Stock Commercial Savings Bank of the Russian Federation (Sberbank of Russia).”

Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank in the Russian Federation and the CIS. Its assets make up a quarter of the country's banking system, and its share in bank capital is at 30%. According to The Banker magazine (July 1, 2009), Sberbank ranked 38th in terms of fixed capital (Tier 1 capital) among the largest banks in the world.

Founded in 1841 Sberbank of Russia today is a modern universal bank that meets the needs of various groups of clients in a wide range of banking services. Sberbank occupies the largest share in the deposit market and is the main creditor of the Russian economy. As of June 1, 2009, Sberbank of Russia's share in the private deposit market was 50.5%, and its loan portfolio corresponded to more than 30% of all loans issued in the country.

Sberbank of Russia has a unique branch network and currently includes 17 territorial banks and more than 19,490 branches throughout the country. Subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia operate in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Ukraine. It is also planned to create a subsidiary in the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Sberbank aims to take a 5% share in the banking services market of these countries. In accordance with the new strategy, Sberbank of Russia plans to expand its international presence by entering the markets of China and India. In general, it is planned to increase the share of net profit generated outside Russia to 5% by 2014.

Sberbank leads not only in the size of assets, but also in the number of current accounts of legal entities. Sberbank controls 53.4% ​​of the market of private deposits (the bulk of deposits of “physicists” fall on the so-called pension deposits in rubles). It is worth noting that at the beginning of 2002 its share was 71.4%. A further decline in the market share occupied by Sberbank is largely facilitated by the deposit insurance system and an increase in the amount of insurance compensation.

The historically developed, developed territorial network also contributes to the bank’s success in the retail lending market. The volume of loans to individuals amounts to more than 740 billion rubles (35% of the market, almost 5 times more than the share of the next Russian Standard). Through Sberbank, 11 million people receive salaries and 12 million people receive pensions. The bank employs 250 thousand people (the average salary is 25 thousand rubles, per employee there are almost 17 million rubles of assets).

Sberbank's assets are almost 4 times larger than the assets of the following VTB and Gazprombank - more than 4 trillion rubles. The bank is among the TOP-200 largest banks in the world in terms of assets and capital. Market capitalization - $85 billion (has grown more than 40 times over the past 5 years and is now comparable to the capitalization of the French banking group Societe Generale and the Swiss Credit Suisse).

Considering the international vector as the most important component of its development strategy, Sberbank of Russia carries out treasury operations on the international market and trade finance operations, maintains correspondent relations with more than 220 leading banks in the world and participates in the activities of a number of reputable international organizations representing the interests of the global banking community. An active position and international authority allow Sberbank of Russia to most fully satisfy the foreign economic needs of its clients, attract resources from the world on favorable terms. financial markets and comply with best practices accepted in the international banking community.

Shares of Sberbank of Russia have been listed on the Russian stock exchanges MICEX and RTS since 1996. In March 2007, the Bank placed an additional issue of ordinary shares, as a result of which the authorized capital increased by 12% and 230.2 billion rubles were raised. The average daily trading volume in Sberbank shares is 40% of trading volume on the MICEX.

The reliability and impeccable reputation of Sberbank of Russia is confirmed by high ratings from leading rating agencies. Fitch Ratings assigned Sberbank of Russia a long-term default rating in foreign currency of “BBB”, and Moody’s Investors Service assigned a long-term rating of deposits in foreign currency “Baa1”. In addition, Moody’s assigned the Bank the highest rating on the national scale.

Since October 2007, Sberbank has been headed by a former minister economic development German Gref, who, in particular, is going to make bank loans more accessible to the population.

The management of Sberbank of Russia is based on the principle of corporatism in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code approved by the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank in June 2002.

The management bodies of the Bank are:

The General Meeting of Shareholders is the highest governing body of Sberbank of Russia. At the General Meeting of Shareholders, decisions are made on the main issues of the Bank's activities.

Supervisory Board. The Bank's Supervisory Board consists of 17 directors, including 11 representatives of the Bank of Russia, 2 representatives of Sberbank of Russia and 4 independent directors. To ensure the effectiveness of the activities of the Supervisory Board of the Bank, Sberbank of Russia has created a number of committees subordinate to the Supervisory Board. Currently the Bank employs:

Audit Committee

Personnel and Remuneration Committee

Strategic Planning Committee

Board of the Bank. The Board of the Bank consists of 14 members. The Bank's Management Board is headed by the President, Chairman of the Bank's Management Board.

All management bodies of the Bank are formed on the basis of the Charter of Sberbank of Russia and in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

OJSC Sberbank of Russia is the largest bank in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe. Its authorized capital is 67.76 billion rubles. and consists of 21,586,948 thousand ordinary shares with a par value of 3 rubles. and 1 billion preferred shares with a par value of 3 rubles. The Bank of Russia owns 57.6% of Sberbank's authorized capital (60.3% of voting shares). There are no other shareholders with a participation interest of at least 5% of the authorized capital. The number of shareholders of the bank is about 230 thousand, of which institutional investors own 35.7% of the authorized capital, non-institutional investors - 1.5% of the authorized capital, private investors - 5.2% of the authorized capital. Sberbank ranks first in the rating of banks in the Russian Federation (Appendix 2).

The founder and main shareholder of the Bank is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia). As of May 8, 2009, he owned 60.25% of the voting shares and 57.58% of the authorized capital of the Bank. The remaining shareholders of Sberbank of Russia are more than 273 thousand legal entities and individuals. The high share of foreign investors in the capital structure of Sberbank of Russia (more than 24%) indicates its investment attractiveness.

The net profit of Sberbank of Russia for 8 months of 2009 according to RAS amounted to 7.4 billion rubles. against 92.7 billion rubles. for 8 months of 2008.

Profit before taxes from profit amounted to RUB 9.9 billion. against 121.3 billion rubles. for 8 months of 2008.

The bank's balance sheet for 8 months of 2009 decreased by 0.9% to RUB 6.66 trillion. The decrease in liabilities occurred mainly due to a reduction in the volume of short-term resources attracted from the Bank of Russia, as well as the outflow of funds from the accounts of corporate clients. The decrease in assets affected mainly the bank's cash, funds in non-resident banks and retail loans.

Over 8 months, loans worth about 2.55 trillion rubles were issued to Russian enterprises. (excluding the loan restructuring carried out in the first half of 2009, when, in order to reduce the currency risks of clients, the bank closed borrowers' foreign currency loans and issued them new loans in rubles, concluding a new loan agreement). Over the first 8 months of this year, the size of the loan portfolio of legal entities increased by 9.2% to RUB 4.347 trillion. (according to Sberbank’s internal methodology, from August 1, 2009, the loan portfolio of legal entities included agreements for the assignment of claims on loans. In order to actively develop lending operations, in June-July 2009 the bank reduced interest rates on loans in all currencies and introduced differentiation minimum bets lending depending on the borrower's rating. In August, the loan portfolio of legal entities increased by 1.8%, with growth shown in almost all regions of the country. Low household demand for loans caused a decrease in the loan portfolio of retail loans over 8 months by 6.8% to RUB 1.172 trillion. However, the process of stabilizing the loan portfolio of retail loans has begun: in August, in 6 territorial banks of Sberbank of Russia, the retail loan portfolio increased, and the overall decrease in the retail portfolio for Sberbank amounted to an insignificant amount (-0.1%).

The share of overdue debt in the customer loan portfolio, including assignment agreements, as of September 1, 2009 is 3.56%. The share of overdue debt in the customer loan portfolio, which does not include assignment agreements, is 3.6%.

The bank's securities portfolio increased by 32.7% to RUB 650.4 billion, mainly due to the acquisition of corporate bonds of Russian issuers, which is one of the forms of financing national economy. The volume of the bank's investments in corporate bonds increased over 8 months by 132 billion rubles, including in August - by 49 billion rubles. Active acquisitions of corporate bonds are gradually changing the structure of the bank's securities portfolio: the share of corporate bonds has increased from 17% to 33% since the beginning of the year, the share of government securities and subfederal bonds has decreased from 80% to 61%.

In August, the growth of funds raised from individuals continued. As a result, over 8 months of 2009 their volume increased by 275 billion rubles. up to 3.399 trillion rubles. At the same time, the outflow of funds from legal entities, the balance of which decreased over 8 months of 2009 by 152 billion rubles, was fully compensated. up to 1.648 trillion rubles.

The bank's own funds (capital), calculated according to Bank of Russia Regulation N 215-P, increased by 0.05% in August 2009 and amounted to RUB 1.337 trillion as of September 1, 2009. Since the beginning of 2009, the bank's capital has increased by 15.6%. Capital adequacy as of September 1, 2009 is at the level of 22.8%.

The net profit of the Sberbank of Russia group according to IFRS for 2008 amounted to 97.7 billion rubles, which is 8.3% less than in 2007. Sberbank's net profit under IFRS for the first half of the year fell 11 times to 6 billion rubles. Sberbank's net profit for 7 months of 2009 according to RAS fell 12 times to 6.8 billion rubles.

2.2 Economic characteristics of credit operations at Sberbank OJSC

Sberbank of Russia is a universal commercial bank that satisfies the needs of various groups of clients in a wide range of high-quality banking services throughout Russia. Acting in the interests of depositors, clients and shareholders, the Bank strives to effectively invest raised funds from private and corporate clients in the real sector of the economy, lend to citizens, promote the sustainable functioning of the Russian banking system and save household deposits.

The Bank's main activities:

Lending to Russian enterprises;

Lending to private clients;

Investment in government securities and bonds of the Bank of Russia;

Carrying out transactions on a commission basis.

Funds for carrying out these activities are attracted by the Bank from the following sources:

Shareholders' funds;

Deposits from private clients;

Funds of legal entities;

Other sources, including borrowings from international financial markets.

In terms of its functions and operations, Sberbank of Russia is a universal bank, providing a wide range of banking products and services. The bank is the undisputed leader in working with individuals, providing a wide range of deposits and loans. So, as of February 1, the share of Sberbank deposits in the segment of private deposits exceeded 50%, and the volume of loans issued was 30% of all loans in the Russian Federation

Sberbank is lifting restrictions in the retail lending sector that were introduced at the height of the crisis in the fall of 2008. Sberbank is ready to reduce levels down payment, increase the size and terms of lending. By significantly liberalizing requirements for borrowers, the bank expects to restore the pre-crisis volume of retail lending. Other banks do not yet consider it possible to soften the conditions for lending to individuals.

On October 1, 2009, Sberbank announced the abolition of anti-crisis restrictions on loans to individuals. Due to the fact that it is faced with the task of intensifying retail lending, Sberbank is ready to cancel the restrictions that were introduced in connection with the crisis; a number of measures have already been canceled today; other changes will occur before the end of this year, or at the beginning of next year at the latest. Among the changes already introduced are a reduction in the down payment on mortgage and car loans (from 30 to 15-20%), an increase maximum amounts and terms of loans, cancellation of guarantees for a number of programs for borrower clients of the bank. Earlier, Sberbank announced a reduction in rates on all retail loans by 0.5-1% and the resumption of lending in foreign currency.

At the end of this year - beginning of next year, the bank's retail line will undergo major changes. Banking products will become more transparent and understandable for customers, and the cost of loans will vary depending on the level of risk for each borrower. Either a discount or a premium to the bank's base rate will be provided. The assessment will be carried out using the automatic program for assessing borrowers “Credit Factory”, launched by Sberbank about a year ago. For loans issued under the Credit Factory, the overdue rate does not exceed 0.1%, while the level of overdue in the bank's retail portfolio is 2.9% - this is a good result confirming the effectiveness of this program.

At the beginning of October last year, Sberbank management actually abandoned the stated plans to increase the loan portfolio, and in November the bank significantly tightened the requirements for individual borrowers, increasing loan rates, requirements for collateral, down payment, and loan terms.

As a result, since the beginning of the crisis, Sberbank’s retail loan portfolio has decreased by 6.4%, from 1.25 trillion to 1.17 trillion rubles; the main reason for the reduction in the portfolio was a significant tightening of requirements for borrowers. At the same time, Sberbank was far from the first bank to tighten requirements for clients in connection with the crisis. Commercial banks began taking similar measures back in September.

As further confirmation that the bottom of the crisis has been passed, Sberbank intends to launch a program to refinance loans from other banks. At first, this proposal will apply only to mortgages, and in the future - to other types of loans. First of all, this program is for good borrowers who are not in arrears, which will allow them to get more favorable conditions for their existing mortgage loan at another bank. Today, Sberbank's mortgage rates are among the lowest on the market - about 14%."

For decades, deposits of Sberbank of Russia have remained the most popular among the population of the Russian Federation. The global financial crisis had a significant and beneficial impact on the policies of banks to attract funds from the public in bank deposits. Even Sberbank of Russia, which occupies a leading position in attracting household funds into deposits, was unable to restrain the outflow of savings without taking effective measures, which determined the revision of the conditions for time deposits. Deposits of Sberbank of the Russian Federation were updated again in 2009, and new types of deposits appeared, such as: “Gift of Life” Deposit, “Trusted Deposit of Sberbank of Russia”, “Multicurrency Deposit of Sberbank of Russia”. It is also noteworthy that the conditions for deposits of Sberbank of Russia in 2009 became more flexible and attractive.

3 Organization of the lending process at Sberbank of Russia OJSC

3.1 Lending to individuals in OJSC Sberbank of Russia

From year to year, Sberbank of Russia improves and simplifies lending to individuals. Loans are becoming more accessible, easier to obtain, and interest rates are gradually decreasing. On April 8, 2008, Sberbank of Russia approved 11 types of lending, including 2 types - related loans. Linked loans are loans for goods and cars purchased in a network of companies and car dealerships that have entered into a cooperation agreement with Sberbank. Some Sberbank loans are issued in foreign currency (five types).

Table 1-Types and interest rates for loans to individuals

Types of loan Interest rate (annual)/ in relation to the maximum term Maximum term
In rubles In currency
Credit - urgent needs

Up to 1.5 years,

from 1.5 to 3 years,

from 3 to 5 years


1. Real estate loan

2. Mortgage loan

3. Loan “Mortgage +”

from 12.5% ​​to 13.75% - Percentages vary depending on the region, the amount of the down payment, term and program From 10% to 13.5% - Percentages vary depending on the region, the amount of the down payment, term and program

From 5 to 10 years,

from 10 to 20 years,

from 20 to 30 years.

2 programs – car loans (Linked program and Standard program) 1. 10.5%, 10%, 9.5%, 11.5%, 11%, 10.5% - The percentage depends on the amount of the down payment 1. 9%, up to 3 years old,
Continuation of Table 2

2. 2.5%, 12%, 11.5%, 13.5%, 13%, 12.5% ​​- The percentage depends on the amount of the down payment

over 3 years up to 5 years

Pledged securities 15% - Up to 6 months
Educational loan 12% - 11 years
Credit "Young Family" on the terms of the Housing Loan Up to 30 years old
“Corporate loan”

up to 1.5 years,

over 1.5 years up to 3 years

over 3 to 5 years

Loan as a pledge of measured bullions of precious metals (for consumer purposes) 15% - 3 years and 1 month


18% - Up to 6 months
Loan to owners of personal subsidiary plots 14% - From 2 to 5 years
Pension -

Up to 1.5 years,

from 1.5 to 3 years,

from 3 to 5 years

To receive a loan from Sberbank of Russia, you must meet the following requirements:

Permanently reside in the territory served by Sberbank (permanent registration).

Have a place of work in the territory served by Sberbank. A certificate from the place of work about the average salary is presented. Sometimes the information on the submitted certificate is checked to determine the reliability of the information and the existence of the enterprise.

Have continuous work experience at your last place of work within the period established by the lending programs.

Have no overdue debt on previously received loans. Sberbank loans are issued taking into account the verification of this information.

Be solvent. Some lending programs may take into account the income of the entire family.

Be between 18 and 60 years of age. And especially for pensioners, Sberbank of Russia has developed and offers the “Sberbank of Russia Pension Loan”.

Typically, Sberbank loans cannot be issued to people who do not have a regular income (not working), are under investigation or have an outstanding criminal record.

Loan collateral consists of a guarantee and collateral. Sberbank can issue loans without collateral in amounts up to 45,000 rubles. The interest rate on these loans is the highest of all types of loans and is 19% per annum. The guarantee of repayment for these Sberbank loans is the borrower's income. Such a loan is issued even to pensioners.

Table 2 - Loans issued by Sberbank OJSC without collateral

In other cases, loan collateral is required. Sberbank of Russia places the main emphasis on guarantees. How more loans Sberbank in amount, the greater the number of guarantors. So,

Loans up to RUB 45,000 – without guarantee or collateral

Loans from 45,000 to 300,000 rubles. – 1 guarantor and no collateral,

Loans from 300,000 to 700,000 rubles. – 2 guarantors and no collateral,

Loans for 700,000 rubles. and above – 3 guarantors and a deposit.

Naturally, the borrower’s income and the guarantors’ income must satisfy the bank. It is profitable for Sberbank to issue a loan with a guarantee, but for the guarantor himself this is a very responsible and risky obligation.

3.2 Stages of the relationship between the borrower and the lender at Sberbank OJSC

Sberbank is oldest bank of our country, the operating principles of which have been developed over the years. At the moment, for borrowers (especially individuals) this is the most profitable lender, because... The interest rates on loans offered by him are significantly lower than those of others. In this regard, Sberbank places increased demands on potential borrowers, which in turn affects the work of the credit department.

Each major branch of any SB branch has its own lending division. The work of the department can be divided into three stages related to the loan issuance process:

1 Stage of registration loan application.

2 Stage of consideration of the application and making a decision on it.

3 Stage of signing a loan agreement and issuing a loan.

Relevant employees are responsible for each stage.

1 At the stage of processing and submitting an application for a loan, credit consultants are the first to work. As a rule, they meet potential borrowers in the operating room, but they can also be located directly in the department. They help you decide on a loan program, choose the best option, and correctly fill out the necessary documents, i.e. make the application process as comfortable and fast as possible for both parties. Next, credit inspectors take over the work and can process both individual and different types of loans. The inspector checks the package of documents provided by the borrower; calculates the amount and term of the loan; determines the need for security and ensures the availability of documents confirming it. The inspector also has the task of determining the borrower's solvency based on the information provided by him. In addition, with the consent of the borrower, a request is made to the credit history bureau in order to establish his reliability.

2 Consideration of a loan application can take quite a long time (compared to other banks), up to 10 working days. It begins with the registration of the borrower’s credit file, which is then transferred to the security service. In this department, documents and data provided by the client are carefully checked for authenticity and compliance with reality. In addition, the “criminal background” of the borrower or his relatives is checked. All collected information remains on file and is returned to the loan officer. After complete registration, the client’s dossier is submitted for verification to the head of the credit department, and then to the secretary of the credit committee for inclusion in the register of cases for consideration.

The credit committee of the bank includes representatives (chiefs or their deputies) and other departments: economic, legal, security, accounting, as well as the branch manager. In a branch office where there is a credit department, but there are no representatives of the relevant services, its own decision-making procedure is established, but the credit case still goes through all the established authorities. At the committee, each inspector represents the cases of his clients.

3 After the credit committee makes a positive decision, the inspector notifies the borrower, assigns him a date for issuing the loan and begins preparing the necessary documents (loan agreement, collateral or guarantee agreement, and others). The forms of all agreements are agreed upon with the bank's lawyers and signed by management.

On the day the loan is issued, the agreement is signed. In this case, both the borrower and the guarantors must appear in person. After reviewing, concluding and distributing all copies of the agreement, the borrower is escorted to the bank’s cash desk, where he actually receives the long-awaited loan. After that, all he has to do is repay it regularly. But the loan officer's job doesn't end there. He transmits information about the borrower to the credit bureau, and then begins to monitor the timely repayment of the loan by his clients until the end of the contract. In large branches, these functions may be assigned to employees of the loan agreements support department.

The work of the credit department is characterized by increased responsibility, attentiveness, and exactingness towards borrowers, but at the same time, it is necessary to make sure that this goes unnoticed by the client, and the process of obtaining a loan is associated only with positive emotions. Therefore, the work of credit specialists is not only professionalism, but also a kind of art.

3.3 Credit policy of Sberbank OJSC

Sberbank of Russia, despite difficult conditions and a significantly increased load on the Bank, its employees and infrastructure, continues its activities in full, providing all types of services to regular and new clients, individuals and legal entities, large, small and medium-sized businesses operating in all sectors of the economy.

Difficult economic conditions necessitate changes in the Bank's credit policy. These conditions are characterized by the following factors:

Lack of liquidity in the economy, both among banks and enterprises;

Crisis of confidence in economic relations (companies, banks, individuals);

Low availability of loans and their increased cost due to increased risks (“credit compression”);

Decrease in effective demand from both individuals and legal entities;

A significant drop in prices for both goods, raw materials, and assets (real estate, securities, enterprises);

Increased fluctuations in rates of all currencies.

According to experts from Sberbank of Russia, this period will last up to one and a half to two years.

Under these conditions, Sberbank of Russia will adhere to the following priorities in lending to legal entities:

1) support for the following industries and sectors of the economy:

Industries that guarantee the satisfaction of the daily and most basic living needs of the population ( retail chains, pharmacies, etc.);

Industries performing life-supporting functions (electricity and water supply, transport, etc.);

Defense-industrial complex;

Small business;


2) support for existing clients of Sberbank of Russia and the Bank’s fulfillment of legal obligations already assumed for lending under concluded agreements, support for Bank borrowers whose continuity of activity is critical for other borrowers of Sberbank of Russia;

3) lending of working capital and current business needs of clients.

Aware of the special responsibility to shareholders and investors in this difficult time, Sberbank of Russia introduces additional measures for effective risk management:

1) changing the criteria for the sustainability of clients’ businesses in relation to activities in difficult conditions;

2) strengthening the security of loans:

Sufficient and timely cash flows from the borrower's operating activities;

Operating profitability of the business;

Pledges of liquid assets;

Guarantees/guarantees of the state or business owners;

3) increasing the level and quality of control on the part of Sberbank of Russia over the responsible behavior of owners and management by introducing additional conditions and restrictions on the borrower’s activities, including:

Reducing the maximum debt load limit;

Introduction of additional restrictions on the change of control over the business;

Expanding the list of events leading to early collection of debt by the Bank;

A clearer definition of cross-default criteria for the client’s obligations to other creditors.

To this end, Sberbank of Russia is increasing its attention to:

To sources of repayment and their reliability;

To the level of current liquidity of the client;

To the level of debt burden;

To the quality and liquidity of collateral;

To the adequacy of financial plans and actions of borrowers in relation to dramatically changed external conditions;

Towards a conservative approach to forecasting the solvency of clients;

Towards monitoring loan debt for early diagnosis of potential problems among borrowers.

In relation to individuals, Sberbank of Russia will follow the following priorities:

Increasing the availability of loans, various ways of repaying them - equal monthly (annuity) or differentiated payments, with mandatory explanation to clients of all the possibilities and limitations of a particular type of payment;

Helping clients avoid taking on excessive debt loads by increasing attention to individual solvency when issuing new loans;

Ensuring increased financial literacy of the population, consultations and explanations on all products and services of the Bank;

Strengthening efforts to maintain and improve the quality of the loan portfolio, a thorough assessment of the financial capabilities of borrowers and the proposed collateral.

Sberbank of Russia operates exclusively in accordance with current legislation. It is intensifying the fight against corruption and other illegal pressure on its employees and is intolerant of dishonesty within its ranks. To this end, the Bank is opening a 24-hour telephone line to obtain information that will help ensure full compliance with transparent and fair rules for providing loans to clients of Sberbank of Russia.

4 Strategy of Sberbank of Russia OJSC

Sberbank's new development strategy, approved by its supervisory board in October 2008, envisages increasing the bank's profit by more than three times in the next five years, to 400 billion rubles, and assets by more than four times, to $800 billion. After which Sberbank intends enter the top ten largest world banks by capitalization. However, achieving such ambitious results will be accompanied by the reduction of every fourth Sberbank employee.

The documents propose two scenarios for the development of the bank over the next five years - inertial or modernization. Sberbank management, according to the strategy, intends to implement the latter. “Sberbank is the undisputed leader Russian market, but faces several very serious challenges,” the documents say. At the same time, the bank intends to build a new organizational management model in which the business will be divided into two blocks - corporate and retail. Main responsibility for financial results for each block will be assigned to territorial banks.

Sberbank's strategy was prepared during the crisis. At least the head of the bank, German Gref, said in early October that in crisis conditions the bank, which is the main creditor of the Russian economy, stops expanding its loan portfolio and is preparing to tighten the conditions for issuing new loans. The crisis has already affected the bank's activities. In September, the net influx of household deposits at Sberbank reached 13 billion rubles, as follows from the bank’s reporting. This is less than in previous months: in August, the increase in funds in individuals’ accounts amounted to 41.6 billion rubles, in July - 30.9 billion rubles. How the crisis affected the bank's profits will be seen from its annual reports.

As a result of the implementation of the strategy, Sberbank of Russia will become more competitive, more loyal to clients, will have the most developed operating system, and at least three quarters of clients will be able to receive banking services without entering the office. Sberbank is ready to implement a new strategy, the main goal of which is to speed up the service process and create the most comfortable conditions for both legal entities and individuals, while the design of offices will also change, queues will be reduced, and self-service areas will increase.


Thus, issuing consumer loans to the population is one of the main activities of banks. A consumer loan, as a source of additional income for a bank, is also one of the most reliable and secured, as it acts as a secured loan or is secured by a guarantee.

Currently, consumer credit has gained confidence at a very rapid pace and has become widespread in our country. The lending market in the Russian Federation is already developing at an accelerated pace. Gradually, consumer lending is becoming one of the most dynamic areas of development of the banking sector, which is primarily due to the need of banks for new profitable loan products. Many banks, including those with 100% foreign participation, now intend to master this type of activity. Today this is a very promising market, and it is expected to boom. Recently, the retail banking market has become the main hobby of Russian banks. But along with tempting prospects, there are a large number of problems associated with consumer lending.

Many banks have begun to actively offer consumer lending services, but more than 60% of all loans issued to the population still come from Sberbank of Russia. Of course, more and more efforts have recently been required to maintain the positions gained due to growing competition, but Sberbank is an experienced “player” in the consumer lending market, has the most extensive branch network and the widest range of loan products for the population, and offers fairly low interest rates , long loan terms, therefore, in general, the conditions of Sberbank of Russia are among the most favorable for the client. All this makes it possible to be confident in your abilities and not be afraid of competition.

For better security of credit policy and in connection with work to improve lending processes, Sberbank of Russia in August 2008 entered into agreements with OJSC National Credit History Bureau, Equifax Credit Services LLC (recently renamed credit history bureau, Global Payments Credit Services LLC ) and CJSC Expirian-Interfax Credit History Bureau.

In accordance with the signed agreements, Sberbank of Russia gains access to information on more than 40 million credit histories, which will optimize decision-making procedures on loan products, make consumer loans more accessible to Sberbank clients, and improve the quality of the bank’s loan portfolio.

The impact of an economic crisis always hits the pockets of ordinary consumers. Unfortunately, taking out a loan will be more difficult and more expensive for the consumer - this is due to liquidity problems among banks. In addition, the requirements for the borrower will be tightened in order to reduce the potential risks of an increase in overdue debt. I believe that the growth rate of loans will decrease significantly throughout the country.

List of sources used

I Regulatory documents

1 Civil Code of the Russian Federation (parts one, two and three) (as amended and supplemented on February 20, August 12, 1996, October 24, 1997, July 8, December 17, 1999, April 16, May 15 , November 26, 2001, March 21, 2002.

II Scientific and methodological literature

2 Banks and banking 2nd ed., textbook for universities Balabanov - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007 - 448 p.

3 Money, credit, banks / General. ed. prof. G.I. Kravtsova. – Mn.: Misanta, 2006 – 482 s.

4 Demin Yu. All about loans. Clear and simple. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2007. – 208 p.

5 Zhukov E.F. Money. Credit. Banks: a textbook for students. universities / Author. number: E.F. Zhukov, N.M. Zelenkova, L.T. Litvinenko and others - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2005.

6 Lavrushin O.I. Money, credit, banks: a textbook for students. universities / Ed. O.I. Lavrushin; Fin. acad. under the Government of the Russian Federation. – M.: KNORUS, 2006.

7 Finance, money circulation and credit / ed. VC. Senchasova,

A.I. Arkhipova. – M: “Prospekt”, 2004

III Newspaper article

8 Newspaper “Kommersant” No. 188 (4243) dated 10/09/2009

9 Magazine “Banking” No. 3,4,12 (2007)

IV Electronic resource

10 Official website of the Bank of Russia.


Table 1. Structure Savings Bank Russia


Bank Board

Credit Committee Audit Committee

Department of Planning and Development of Banking Operations

Department for organizing commercial activities of the bank and managing bank liquidity

Department economic analysis and studying the creditworthiness of clients

Department for developing the foundations and plans for the bank’s commercial activities

Marketing and Client Relations Department

Deposit Operations Department

Deposit Operations Department

Stock department

Credit Operations Department

Department of short-term and long-term lending to clients

Department of lending to the population

Department of non-traditional banking operations related to lending

Department of Intermediary and Other Operations

Department of guarantee operations and operations by power of attorney

Banking Services Department

Securities Operations Department

Department for Organization of International Banking Operations

Department of Currency and Credit Operations

International Settlements Department

Accounting and Operations Management

Operations department

Cash Operations Department

Settlement department

Administrative and economic department

Legal department

Human Resources Department

Computer Operation and Implementation Department

Audit department