Download the otp bank application for payment. Application “OTP credit. How to install and where to download mobile banking

OTP Bank takes its name from the national savings bank of Hungary (Országos Takarékpénztár) founded in 1949. At the beginning of 1990, the bank was reorganized (a public company), and in 1995 it was privatized. The bank's head office is located in Budapest (Hungary). The financial organization is governed by a board of directors headed by Sandor Chani.

After privatization, the bank began active efforts to conquer the European market, and in particular Eastern Europe. The company's subsidiaries are located in Russia, Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Montenegro, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Slovakia.

The convenience of using a bank without leaving your home is undeniable. You can always know about all movements of funds, control loan repayment, and also know about interesting offers from the bank. Using your personal account allows you to:

  • view account balances or debts assigned to the client;
  • generate account statements for the required period;
  • make payments or make transfers, both in your bank and to accounts in other banks;
  • monitor loans; find out about the debt, make an extract, find out how the loan is repaid;
  • open a deposit, monitor its status, replenish from other accounts;
  • pay utility bills from your account.

And in order to start using Internet banking, you need to follow a few simple steps. Official website of OTP Bank

In general, the client receives all data about the site after registration. He just needs to enter the site address in a search engine, and he immediately gets to the desired page. Login information is the card number or agreement with the bank and the password that you assign yourself. You can also use SMS confirmation to your phone, which will indicate the password.

Mobile application OTP Bank

Considering that today many bank clients use electronic gadgets, the bank has developed a special mobile application that allows you to be aware of the status of your accounts or make payments around the clock. The mobile application is developed for Android and iPhone OS, which must be downloaded to your tablet or smartphone. You can download the official OTP Bank application using the links below.

OTP Credit is a program from the official manufacturer OTP Bank. The application is designed specifically for bank clients; it allows you to track the status of credit cards and pay debts on them. It also has a detailed schedule with dates for making next payments. The presented program is intended for mobile devices with the Android operating system.

How to use OTP Credit

To view the loan status, the user must register in the system. In this case, you need to enter the mobile phone number that was previously specified in the loan agreement. It is to this number that the system will send a registration code; you must enter it in the appropriate field and log in. After successful registration, the user will be able to see his active loans and the amount of debt on them.

Information on the payment schedule will be available on the main screen, as well as possible late fees (if the client has not paid the loan on time). In addition, it is possible to pay the loan directly in the application; you can transfer the required amount from any plastic card of Russian banks. To do this, just press a few keys. OTP Credit also has additional settings where you can set a reminder about the upcoming date of the next payment.

How to get a loan

In addition, the program allows you to pay off loan debts and apply for your next loan online. To do this, you need to submit an application, after which one of the bank’s representatives will contact you and inform you of the result (will approve or refuse to issue a loan).

Main features

  • OTP Credit – designed for OTP Bank clients;
  • Applies to official programs;
  • Allows you to track the status of loans, pay off existing debts and apply for a loan online;
  • There is a detailed payment schedule;
  • Convenient and clear menu that even a beginner can understand;
  • There are settings where you can enable receiving notifications about the upcoming payment date;
  • Ability to find nearby bank branches on the map;
  • Designed for mobile devices with the Android operating system of various versions;
  • Distributed free of charge.

OTP Credit is an informative, multifunctional and freely distributed OTP Bank client that provides access to a mobile personal account, where it is easy to view recent expenses and income and repay loans in just one click. The OTP Credit service complies with modern security rules, is updated monthly and diligently simplifies those things for which you previously had to stand in queues and spend hours communicating with consultants. The developers offer to start life from scratch in collaboration with a professional financial companion who can work miracles.

Features of the OTP Credit service

  • Authorization. The developers suggest immediately forgetting about the classic combination of “login” and “password” and focusing either on the fingerprint scanner, or on the 6-digit code, which can be entered even with your eyes closed in a few seconds. Authorization will no longer take up a lot of free time, and will also help you check some details of already registered loans freely and even without a computer.
  • Alerts. Push notifications help you stay up to date with news and important events. If the date of the next payment is near, then the OTP Credit service will definitely tell you everything in a week or three days “before hour X”. You don’t have to pay for such notifications (but you definitely need to pay for SMS notifications that are registered with the bank!), and each push signal is easy to configure: by choosing a sound or a method of display on the screen of a smartphone or tablet.
  • Payment schedule. Information about payment dates, payment terms and the amount of each transaction is displayed in the corresponding section of OTP Credit in real time. The data is updated daily, and therefore helps you plan your budget and not forget about anything. Additionally, the developers offer to upload graphs and tables to email or internal memory - for viewing even without access to the network and without authorization.
  • Translations. There are entire instructions on how to repay a loan. The developers of OTP Credit offer to immediately take care of the commission, the timing of payment processing, and the choice of a suitable payment method, such as bank cards, electronic payment services or wallets. Little things like this help prevent delays, and at the same time save a lot of time and effort!
  • Communication with support. If the payment did not go through, the transaction got lost somewhere, or the information in your personal account has not changed, then through the chat available in OTP Credit it is easy to resolve the issues that have arisen in the company of professional bank employees. The main thing is to ask questions specifically and politely!

The OTP Credit interactive map will tell you where to find the payment acceptance location or the nearest OTP office to apply for a new loan or obtain certificates of full repayment of the current loan. In addition to displaying “points” for interaction, there is also a mechanism for selecting walking and driving routes.

Internet banking is becoming a widespread service in the Russian Federation; more and more citizens are switching to online services in order to save their own time and effort.

Virtual space is becoming increasingly popular, both among users and scammers.

OTP Bank was no exception and launched its own service to serve clients in real time.

For this purpose, a special resource has been developed, with the help of which bank clients and card users can make payments, transfer money to friends, open savings accounts, and regulate the connection and disconnection of a mobile bank.

Mobile applications for various platforms and a chatbot in the Telegram application are an excellent addition.

Thanks to this, you can make transactions, transfers and payments around the clock, without worrying about whether they will reach the recipient or not.

You can obtain a login and password to access the site at a bank branch, having first written an application and received a check, which will indicate the login and password to enter the Internet service.

Without an application to use the Internet resource for banking transactions, employees will not provide you with the login and password for your personal account.

In this case, there is no point in calling the bank's hotline; you will still have to contact one of the branches to confirm in writing the use of the resource, and the employees could provide you with full information support and the security of the data used.

Thus, to gain access to your personal account/registration you must:

  • Find the nearest bank branch;
  • Go there at a time convenient for you;
  • Write an application for using Internet Banking;
  • Get a login and password to access the system.

Important: Do not store important information next to bank cards, in wallets or purses. Do not save passwords for banking services in the browser, enter them yourself and hide them from prying eyes and recording devices as you enter them.

To enter, the information received must be entered into the appropriate fields on the site.

Click the login button and you will be taken to your personal account. But what to do if the password is lost or forgotten?

How can I change my password or restore access?

You can change your password by obtaining a new one at one of the bank’s branches, by calling the hotline or by filling out a special form on the website.

Let's consider each method separately.

1. Contact your nearest bank branch. You can find it by selecting “Branches and ATMs” located in the top menu on the website.

2. Call the hotline number. The website contains an official hotline number that allows you to get answers to all your questions and recover the password for your existing account.

Need to remember: If you have not written an application for remote banking services, it will be impossible to connect the bank.

You will have to write an application for their permanent provision. This method must be used if it is impossible to recover the password from your personal account yourself.

Such cases arise if the number to which the card was attached is no longer available to you or password alerts do not arrive due to the fault of the mobile operator.

Due to the situation that has arisen, you may have to confirm the situation in writing and submit it to bank employees for review.

3. Password recovery using a special form. On the start page, select “Forgot your password”, which will take you to a special form with the ability to restore lost information.

The following form is displayed in which you must provide the relevant information.

Check it several times to avoid mistakes. If an error occurs, the password will be sent to the other person’s number or their card will be blocked. Please pay attention and check the data you entered.

If the data matches those registered in the system, the bank will send you a new password to access the system on your linked mobile phone.

You can now return to the start page and enter new access data.

It is worth noting, that if you change the password on one of the platforms, the session in other open personal accounts will end automatically. Log in again with new details.

Services available to the user of the personal account

Among the services available to the user of the personal account, the following are available to users on the official website of the developer.

Important: It is worth noting that OTP Bank does not offer any original services. All of them coincide with standard services provided by any banking services. There are no offers for increased interest rates on deposits or card balances or turnover.

The commission's offer of a reduced tariff plan, different from the plan offered in the bank branches itself, becomes excellent.

Thus, the institution encourages users to switch to the provision of Internet services.

There is a function for creating templates and auto payments, familiar to many from the templates linked to Sberbank cards. They work by analogy.

The system works on the following principle: regular payments automatically withdraw funds from the specified account, auto payments can be used if necessary, so as not to re-enter the necessary details.

This saves a lot of time and allows you to remember to pay for important services, or it will do it for you, which SMS notification will remind you of.

Setting up mobile banking

Mobile banking allows customers to track payments and receipts from their smartphone and always stay up to date.

An Internet connection is required for the application to work. And the chatbot will answer all your questions related to the operation of the system, the location of the nearest terminals and payment services, fees for services provided, and other questions.

Important: Mobile banking is an excellent opportunity to protect yourself from fraudulent activities. As soon as you notice suspicious debits or the card is stolen, we advise you to block it and contact one of the bank branches to prove the illegality of the debit.

There are several ways to set up mobile banking.

1. Log into the service from your smartphone browser. Login instructions are similar to logging in from a personal computer.

2. Download a special application that provides constant access to finance. The applications are developed for two platforms: iOs and Android.
Download links from official stores for platforms can be found on the website.

When you click on the “Install” button, the download and installation will take place automatically. Then you will need to go through the login procedure; the login and password are the same as those used in the full version.

For devices running on the iOS platform, the application for tablets and smartphones looks like this.

The application is downloaded and installed automatically. You also need to enter a login and password to access personal data related to cards, accounts and loans.
The internal structure of both applications looks virtually the same and is similar to the design of the platform used on computers.
Therefore, using them will not be difficult; the interface is designed in a convenient form, allowing you to perform operations simply and quickly.

The Telegram application is a messenger that is gaining great popularity and distribution in the modern world.

It can be installed on smartphones and even computers. The application is responsive and requires a stable internet connection to use it.

To use the link provided below, you must first download and install the application if you have never used it before.

In a browser or on a mobile device, it will automatically open a dialogue in the application, and you can communicate with the bot directly.

He will answer any questions you may have related to the operation of the banking service, payment for services, commissions, loan repayment terms and the amount to be repaid.

Important: If you notice suspicious actions related to your personal account, block it.

Log in to your personal account and select the settings tab - suspend access. Or call the specified hotline number, indicating Last Name First Name Patronymic.

Account Security

  1. Do not tell anyone your login and password, keep the information secret.
  2. If they call you from the bank and ask you to provide information about your login and password, do not tell them; the employees know all the data associated with your profile, cards and payment systems. Therefore, they do not need a login and password.
  3. Do not save forms or other data in your browser.
  4. Create a password that consists of mixed-case letters, numbers and symbols.
  5. Change your password at least once every six months.

Connecting SMS banking

Using short commands, you can transfer money, pay bills and check the balance of cards attached to your number.

You can activate the SMS banking service in several ways:

  • independently through a mobile application or online banking;
  • at any branch of OTP Bank.

To activate the service via Internet banking, take the following steps:

  1. Log in to your bank account.
  2. In the menu you need to select Settings.
  3. Next, go to SMS Bank Settings.
  4. For all products to which you need to connect information, you need to check the boxes. For example, information can be connected to one card out of three.
  5. We check the phone number to which the service will be connected, and in case of an error, change it to a valid one.
  6. Click Select.
  7. We confirm the action with a one-time password, which will be sent to the specified number.

Important: You can change the terms of provision of the SMS notification service at any time through your personal account.


The Internet service was created with a user-friendly interface and a pleasant option to recover your password without leaving your own apartment or from a mobile phone, if you have an Internet connection.


  • Simple and user-friendly interface;
  • Availability of password recovery via a form on the resource itself;
  • Availability of a permanent subscription to the telegram channel. The bank keeps up with the times, which means it is developing successfully.


1. Before receiving a login and password, you must write an application at a Bank branch.

This takes time, or should you do it immediately when receiving a card, opening an account, or taking out a loan, so that you don’t have to spend additional time later.

2. The functionality of the resource does not differ in individual offers for interest on account balances or increased interest rates for deposits and accounts.

One way or another, the service is made convenient and practical for the average user, and polite operators will answer all your questions at any time of the day.

Attention! All information on this site is presented for informational purposes only. The site does not collect or process personal data. Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” is not violated.

The OTP loan application is one of the bank’s features that allows you to manage your bank account wherever you are.

A credit organization in Russia, OTP-Bank is part of the financial group OTP Group, the largest provider of services in this area among residents of Eastern and Central Europe.

One of the leaders in the banking industry, a participant in the deposit insurance system, OTP-Bank successfully works with corporate clients and individuals. For the convenience of borrowers, working methods are periodically modernized.

Lending to individuals

Working with citizens is one of the priority areas of OTP-Bank.

In 2020, a wide range of loans is offered depending on the initial needs and capabilities of the borrower, including:

  • issuance of bank cards;
  • consumer loans in stores when shopping.

You can submit an application to receive funds when visiting the bank or through your personal account on the organization’s website after authorization.

Registration is fast. After sending the request, the result becomes known within 15 minutes. After approval, you can receive money at any branch of OTP-Bank.

Applying for a credit card in 2020 is similar to the procedure for confirming a loan. OTP-Bank offers clients to use any type of credit card with the availability of such popular bonus programs in 2020 as cashback and a grace period for lending.

Requirements for clients

Most able-bodied citizens can become clients of OTP-Bank. The requirements for borrowers did not change in 2017, including:

  1. The applicant must be at least 21 years of age.
  2. The region of residence must correspond to the location of the department.
  3. Having a permanent job for at least 3 months at the time of submitting the request.
  4. Citizenship of the Russian Federation.

In some cases, the requirements may be slightly adjusted. For example, for entrepreneurs and notaries, the minimum age for lending is 25 years, while the work experience is from 12 months.

In order to receive a loan in 2020, you will initially need to provide a package of documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • TIN certificate;
  • certificate of income from the last place of work;
  • copy of the work document.
  • pensioner's ID;
  • Unified State Register of Entrepreneurs registration certificate;
  • bank account statement showing the amount of income.

Repayment methods

  • in bank branches;
  • through translation services;
  • through electronic wallets;
  • in post offices;
  • through ATMs;

The most convenient way to repay payments in 2020 remains to pay online through Internet banking or using a mobile application.

Mobile application from OTP-Bank

OTP-Bank, taking into account the wishes of clients, launched a special OTP loan application for computers and mobile phones, allowing clients to perform a number of functions according to their obligations.

Using the application, you are asked to perform the following operations:

  1. Bank transfers to cards of any banks.
  2. Payment of utility services.
  3. Performing transactions on deposits, including opening and closing accounts, statement of balances, monitoring accrued interest.
  4. Tracking credit card transactions, blocking accounts.
  5. Working with debit cards, account details.
  6. Transfer funds within your own accounts.
  7. Setting up automation of payments and transfers.
  8. Management of credit balances, automatic payment of debts according to schedule.

Internet banking is a great opportunity to manage your own financial resources without leaving your home.

There is also a mobile analogue of the program, which is supported by the Android and IOS operating systems. Downloading and installing the program on mobile communications devices is quite easy.

After which all the possibilities of remote Internet banking become available to you.

The OTP loan mobile application is worth installing on your phone for the following reasons:

  1. Possibility of promptly obtaining data from any location of the bank client. You don’t have to be at home or visit the nearest branch to get the information you need.
  2. The mobile application will provide you with information about the nearest ATMs or bank branches.
  3. Remote work with all available banking products - deposits, accounts, transfers, payments and others.
  4. Obtaining current exchange information, including exchange rates.

The phone application from OTP Bank allows you to receive more timely information about available banking resources and make transactions anywhere in the world.