How to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card. About the credit card and terms associated with it Available credit card limit

The limit of a Sberbank card with borrowed funds is maximum amount, which is available to the client under individual lending conditions. Different situations give rise to different requirements for borrowers - some have little approved funds, while others have a lot. In this article we will look at how to reduce credit limit using a Sberbank card.

Why is the loan amount reduced?

If money was used, it can be returned after the grace period has expired. The bank, at its discretion, may increase the amount of the available amount, and this may be contrary to the wishes of the borrower.

Why does a bank client oppose increasing the credit limit on a card?

  • Human factor. The level of financial discipline of the population is still extremely low. Those who are aware of this do not want to tempt consumer skills and consciously try to avoid provoking factors.
  • Interest rate - not all bank clients know that interest on credit cards is charged on the balance of the debt, and not on the entire loan amount. That's why some borrowers don't want the limit increased.
  • Ensuring security - if the card is lost or stolen, fraudsters can use borrowed funds; not everyone wants to risk large sums.

When concluding an agreement, restrictions on the available amount are fixed in the Individual Conditions to the Agreement. Sberbank, at its discretion or at the client’s initiative, may increase the approved amount. But what if you need to reduce your credit limit?

Reducing the limit on Sberbank cards

Limit yourself to borrowed money ah can any user of a bank credit card. To do this, just write an application. Under the terms of the Agreement, Sberbank has the right to do this independently.

At the initiative of the bank

Many people wonder why Sberbank has reduced the limits on its current credit card. There are several reasons, all of them are fixed in the Individual conditions for issuing and servicing the card. According to clause 1.5.2. current IU, at the initiative of the bank, the size of the previously available loan is reduced in the following cases:

More detailed information:

As a rule, a significant violation of the terms of the contract is recognized:

  • Regular delays in repayment of debt or minimum payment;
  • Lack of communication with the client on the issue of repayment of existing debt;

If such situations occur, the bank, at its discretion, has the right to reduce the loan.

According to the client's request

There are two options for how to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card:

  • Using a statement

At the bank branch, you must fill out a document with a request to reduce the current values. This action does not contradict the instructions and regulations of the bank. Thus, it will be possible to change the loan size to the minimum that can be established on the basis of the agreement. The application will be approved if there are no debts on the card.

It will take up to a week to consider the application, as a result, you will receive a message with the bank’s decision, you can read the verdict in personal account.

According to customer reviews, Sberbank often has problems with returning limits to their previous values ​​- specialists do not have the correct information and cannot find documents to formalize the initiative. Download the application form (see below) and contact the department with the completed sample. If a specialist refuses to accept, insist on contacting the head of the department, the head office of Moscow or the region.

Sberbank specialists claim that if your limit was increased, and you asked to return it to the previous level or reduce it to a certain value, it will be impossible to increase it in the future.

  • Limit payments

You can write an application to the bank with a request to change (limit) monthly spending on the card and prohibit cash withdrawals. Restrictions are lifted at any time upon repeated application. In this case, unlike a reduction upon application, the possibility of obtaining an increase in the limit in the future remains.

A loan is when you take someone else’s money and give back your own. Many people who have loans for bank cards and they just can’t close them, constantly spending “other people’s” money. This raises the relevance of discussing the issue of how to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card. Does not know? Below we will describe possible options for reducing it on a credit card.

Sberbank issues credit cards with a grace period of up to 50 euros. With constant repayment and absence of debts, the bank automatically increases the loan amount.

This is what it looks like Grace period in Sberbank

Why do many clients avoid this service? It’s very simple, there are three main reasons why you need to reduce “other people’s money” on a credit card.

  1. Mentality or as it is also called the human factor. Most people tend to spend money to improve their lives. As soon as an ordinary person has the opportunity to receive a large sum of money, it is impossible to resist such temptation. A strong seducer is the fact of interest-free use of money for a certain period of time. Many Sberbank clients fall for this, and when the time comes to give money, it is not always available. Which entails a “clump” of interest, penalties and fines.
  2. Interest savings. After removal bank money interest is charged to the client. Although on average about 3% is charged per month for the time of using the funds, in terms of annual amount(3*12=36) it turns out to be 36%, which is significantly higher than when applying for a consumer loan.
  3. Safety. If a person does not need bank money at the moment, then for safety reasons it is better to reduce the loan on the card. Since if it is lost, attackers can withdraw bank funds, and the client will have to pay off the debt from “his own pocket.”

According to the latest innovations, banks should not increase the credit limit on a card without the client’s consent. The maximum credit limit on the card is specified in the service agreement for the electronic resource.

What are the maximum limits on a Sberbank credit card?

Typically, clients, when applying for a line of credit valid card, they do not always get the time to read the service agreement, in which the bank often indicates the maximum possible loan amount for plastic. This becomes a legal basis for the bank to increase bank funds on the card without the client’s consent.

Sberbank issues up to 600 thousand rubles credit limit on its cards

Today Sberbank “gives” its clients such credit limits Visa cards and MasterCard:

  • for cards with instant issuance – up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • for Classic and Standard classes – 300-600 thousand rubles;
  • for Gold class – 600 thousand rubles.

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card

Typically, clients rarely resort to credit card loan reduction service on their own, but if such actions are necessary, you can use one of two methods.

  1. Limit payments.
  2. To write an application.

How to reduce the limit by limiting payments on a Sberbank credit card

Let's figure out how to lower the limit by limiting your payments on a Sberbank credit card. You can restrict access to bank funds yourself. To do this, you need to set a limit on daily or monthly spending. This can be done through:

  • writing an application to limit spending per day or per month at a bank branch;
  • setting restrictions online in your personal account.

It should be understood that limiting spending does not reduce the size of the loan volume, but only does not make it possible to remove more than the specified limit. The possibility of obtaining a limit increase in the future remains available.

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card by writing an application

According to Sberbank's instructions, the client has the right to write an application to establish a minimum limit in the branch where he received the plastic. In other words, a person needs to go to the branch where the card was issued and write there an application to reduce the limit on the use of funds on the credit card. If there are no debts in terms of balance and interest, Sberbank approves the application.

On average, it takes the bank several business days to review the application. Less often, this procedure drags on for a week. The client is notified of the limit reduction via SMS. This information also becomes available in your Sberbank personal account online.

An application to reduce the credit limit must be written at the branch that issued the plastic card

Very often bank employees claim that it is impossible to reduce the credit limit to a certain level. In such cases, contact the head of the department, or call hotline to the bank's head office.

Code Sberbank can independently reduce the limit on a credit card

The Bank independently comes to a decision to reduce the limit on loan obligations in the following situations:

  1. The client systematically fails to repay the debt and this is reflected in the credit history.
  2. There is always the fact of delays and non-payment of penalties.
  3. The borrower hides from the bank and does not pay his obligations.

Such situations lead to Sberbank automatically reducing or completely closing the limit without the knowledge of the borrower.

It should be noted that the above actions are entered into credit history, which manages to really “spoil” it.

Since Russia has a general register of credit histories of all clients of banking organizations, once the credit history becomes unfavorable, the opportunity to obtain a loan from any bank is reduced to zero.

Summarizing the above, we note that anyone can reduce the limit on a credit card, and this procedure is quick and “painless”. However, there are situations in life when money is needed “already, now.” Then the credit card comes to the rescue. Therefore, think carefully about your decision to reduce the limit. credit funds, because “Plan B” will certainly be needed in case of any financial difficulties.

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There are situations when Sberbank clients want, but do not know, how to reduce the credit limit on their card. If there is a need to reduce the loan limit, then this is not difficult to do.

Ways to lower your credit limit

Sberbank office.

Borrowers rarely resort to the opportunity to reduce the size of the loan received from the bank. But if this needs to be done, then the client is given several options. In this case, he must personally appear at the Sberbank branch with a passport.

Reduce the limit using an application

You must write an application to reduce the limit on the use of funds on your credit card. This is legal and does not contradict the bank's instructions. You should contact the office where the card was issued and ask to change the loan limit to the minimum, which is determined in the terms of the agreement. The bank will approve this application only if the borrower does not have any debts on the card.

Important! You should know that in the future the loan will not be increased at the initiative of the lender.

The review will take from several working days to a week, after which the applicant will be notified via SMS, or the information will become available in the client’s personal account.

Limit payments

At any branch of Sberbank you need to write a statement asking the bank to set a limit on monthly spending, as well as a ban on cash withdrawals. You can limit this feature to only a specific country. This will help not only in solving the problem of how to reduce the limit on a loan received on a Sberbank card, but will also allow you to reserve the right to increase it in the future.

Sberbank card.

To get qualified advice from a specialist on how to change the amount of an allowable loan on a Sberbank credit card, just call a financial institution and find out all the intricacies of this process.

Sometimes the borrower does not ask the question of reducing the level of the loan, but also fulfills obligations to the bank in bad faith, namely:

  • doesn't pay on time cash to pay off debt;
  • allows for delays and the occurrence of outstanding debt.

In this case, the bank has the right to independently reduce the size of the previously issued loan to such unscrupulous cardholders without warning of this intention.

Reading time: 4 minutes. Views 125 Published 07/19/2018

When applying for a credit card, the bank sets for each client an available borrowing limit. The calculation is made individually, taking into account the borrower’s income and solvency. Typically, clients at this stage, and during further use of the credit card, want to increase the amount of available funds. But there are also those who are interested in how to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card, especially after several months of using it. Is there such a possibility? Let's figure it out.

Reasons why there is a need to reduce your loan

Most often, the need to reduce the credit limit arises from people who understand that they are not able to control their expenses. Access to a large amount on a credit card provokes them into unnecessary spending, which increases the debt. However, there is another type of client who is accustomed to control their finances. They rely on a strictly defined loan amount, repay it on time, and if they need to make large expenses, they use either their own savings or more profitable loan products. Such borrowers are very annoyed by the increase in the credit card limit at the initiative of the bank, and they strive to return it to its previous limits.

There are also two important factors that speak in favor of reducing the amount of borrowed funds:

  • cost-effectiveness of service - some banks calculate the minimum payment on a card based on the size of the limit, and not on the amount of the principal debt;
  • security - if the card falls into the hands of strangers, no one prevents them from removing everything from it available amount.

These considerations also make us wonder whether it is possible to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank credit card. Fortunately, Sber provides its clients with this opportunity.

Types of limit reduction

A decrease in the amount of funds available on a credit card can occur either at the request of its owner or at the initiative of the bank. Let's consider both options.

On the initiative of Sberbank

Sberbank regularly reviews the affairs of its credit card holders. Based on data about their use of the credit account, bank employees decide to change the limit. It can be either increased or decreased, depending on the financial behavior of the borrower.

Important! The questionnaires are reviewed once every 6 months.

For what reasons can the credit limit be reduced?

  1. Unfair payments of principal.
  2. The borrower makes only minimum payments over time.
  3. Small amounts of spending on the card.

Oddly enough, it is not at all necessary to make delays and spoil the credit history for the bank to recognize the borrower as worthy of reducing the limit. If a client uses a credit card quite rarely, pays off the debt on time and does not go beyond the grace period, the amount of available funds for him will most likely be reduced. The bank will understand that the borrower simply does not need the allocated amount, which means it is more profitable to direct it to other purposes.

At the borrower's request

The owner of a credit card can independently declare a reduction in the limit on it. It can be done:

  • upon receipt of information about an increase in the volume of the credit account;
  • at any time when using the card.

In the first case, after reviewing the questionnaires, Sber will send the client an SMS notifying him of the limit increase. The message will also contain a code that must be sent to the service number in order to deactivate this offer and return to the previous volumes of the credit account.

The second option requires a mandatory personal visit to a bank branch. Any of them will do, not necessarily the one in which the card was issued.

Loan reduction procedure (what the borrower should do)

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card at the initiative of its owner? Let’s say right away that this cannot be done remotely. Neither the web account nor the Sber mobile services contain the corresponding tools. A personal visit to the bank is required.

At the branch you will need to provide the employee of the relevant department with your passport, as well as, preferably, an agreement for servicing the card. After this, the client voices his requirements and writes a request to reduce the limit to the level he needs.

Important! The application does not have to indicate the reasons for making such a decision. You also do not need to attach any additional documents about income. It is enough to simply state your desire to reduce your bill.

The application is processed by the bank within 10 days. Based on the results, the borrower will receive an SMS notifying about the change in the loan account amount.


So, reducing the credit limit at Sberbank is quite simple. To do this, you just need to write an application at his department. If the limit was increased at the initiative of Sber, the client can always refuse this increase by sending the appropriate command to the bank’s service number.

The Sberbank credit card limit is the maximum available amount for the borrower, which he can use as needed, restore (in whole or in part) and withdraw again during the entire period of the agreement. In Sberbank, the limit directly depends on the card category.

Limits for Sberbank credit cards

It is not difficult to apply using the available means today. The main difficulty is determining the credit limit that can be used. It is important to make the calculation as accurately as possible so that ultimately the expenses on the credit card do not exceed the income that will need to be used to repay the debt to the bank.

For a number of Sberbank credit cards, the limit is set at 300,000 rubles for borrowers who apply on a general basis, and 600,000 rubles for clients to whom a personal offer is made.

These include: co-branded Aeroflot (Classic/Gold) and charity Podari Zhizn (Classic/Gold). Credit limits for other categories of Sberbank credit cards:

  • Gold (Visa, MasterCard): up to 600 thousand rubles.
  • Classic and Standard (MasterCard and Visa): up to 300 thousand rubles. on a general basis, up to 600 thousand as part of a personal offer.
  • Youth credit cards: up to 200 thousand rubles;
  • Instant (Visa, MasterCard Momentum): up to 200 thousand rubles.

Sberbank may make an offer to you personally to increase the credit limit to 600 thousand rubles on the Podari Zhizn card if you do not allow delays in the Grace period

Potential borrowers should understand that the maximum possible credit limit specified for a specific credit card will not necessarily be available to them. Sberbank can reduce it based on the data provided, or the client himself wants to reduce it.

Changing your credit limit

The amount that the bank is ready to issue is usually determined individually by credit experts, taking into account all significant factors (category of the borrower, his solvency).

Upgrade your credit card

If you already have a credit card issued by Sberbank, you can increase (increase) the limit only under the following conditions:

  • The amount approved individually is less than the maximum possible for this card;
  • The borrower's circumstances have changed (he has become salary client bank, opened a deposit).
  • Over a long period, the borrower has proven himself to be a reliable client who fulfills his obligations to the bank on time. In this case, you should contact your bank to find out if you can increase your credit card limit.

If you use a card with an approved credit limit with the maximum possible amount, you can contact the bank with a request to issue a credit card of a higher level.

You will have the opportunity to increase the available loan amount if, for example, you sign up for Gold instead of Classic. You may need to provide additional evidence that your financial well-being allows you to take on greater obligations than those you already have.

Let the bank know that your financial situation has improved - this is a way to increase your credit card limit

A new credit card may be more expensive to service. Become familiar with the tariffs and terms of use before concluding an agreement.

Reduce approved amount

You can reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card if necessary. If the amount of the approved loan exceeds your needs or your financial situation has worsened, you can reduce it. To do this, it is enough to write a corresponding application.

It is important to remember that you can reduce the available amount on a credit card under certain conditions:

  • After considering the application from the client, Sberbank may reduce the limit, but it will be impossible to increase or increase it again.
  • The debt to the bank at the time the client applies to reduce the loan must be fully repaid.

If you do not agree with the increased loan amount on your card, contact a bank employee and leave an application to reduce the limit

When the limit on the card has increased, but the conditions for its provision remain the same (the bank informs you about the changes via SMS), you can independently limit yourself in spending if you consider exceeding it unreasonable or unacceptable for your budget.

Note: the bank can increase the credit limit unilaterally if it is convinced that you are a reliable borrower.


At Sberbank, the credit card limit is set in accordance with the category of the credit card (the maximum possible) on an individual basis. For existing clients Special offers, which give the right to an initial increase in the credit limit. If necessary, the borrower can increase (increase) or decrease the limit with the consent of the bank.

Reviews and comments

I have never used the entire credit card limit and for good reason, my friend, for example, is so mired in loans that he no longer knows how to get out, I think it’s a kind of addiction. I’m used to doing without such drastic withdrawals of the required amounts; if it’s something serious, then it’s possible, but of course not.

Living on credit all the time is complete absurdity. It will always be psychologically difficult. I already had credit cards from SB. Never allowed interest payments. If there were cases of extremely emergency payments, and there were not enough funds in the account, the credit card saved the day. Now I’m finishing building a cottage, I need a credit card to pay for building materials. SB proposed, I thought, weighed everything, then submitted an application. I am sure that in the future it will be like a safety net for me for a short time and construction work will not stop due to lack of finance.

How to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card

Consumers of Sberbank and other services financial institutions Those who have credit cards do not have information on how to reduce the fixed amount of the loan.

There are situations when the lender changes the limit to exceed it without the consumer’s request. Sometimes banking organizations They charge a commission not on the balance of the amount, but on the full amount of the loan.

To avoid high fees that will have to be repaid, the borrower tries to reduce the maximum amount of the loan.

Methods for lowering the financial limit of Sberbank cards

Limiting the monetary limit on a Sberbank credit card is possible in the following options:

  • if the owner of the card receives wages from Sberbank;
  • the person owns a debit banking product;
  • the owner of the credit card simultaneously owns existing deposits in the bank;
  • a person is provided with a loan for consumer needs.

How to reduce the credit maximum on a Sberbank card

The process of limiting the fixed amount of a loan in a savings bank is carried out at the request of the bank or consumer.

In what situations does the company limit the allocated loan:

  • if the owners of Sberbank products do not require the allocated maximum limit;
  • when the owner of the loan avoids communicating with Sberbank employees who demand payment of the debt amount;
  • if the credit card holder does not comply with the terms of the agreement and does not repay the resulting debts on the credit card.

Methods for reducing the credit maximum in Sberbank

  • Reducing payment transactions. If the user decides to reduce the maximum loan amount, it reduces the number of payment transactions made using a credit card. Using this method, the client reduces the credit limit calculated for a day or a month. To clearly know which payment transactions contribute to limit reduction, contact support financial organization. With this method, the loan user limits the amount used. The amount of the granted loan specified in the agreement cannot be changed by the card owner.
  • By filling out an application. To limit the amount of funds provided, which is fixed in the agreement, the owner of the Sberbank card contacts the division of the organization that issued the loan. There, an application is made to establish the amount of finance available for personal use in limited quantities.

To apply for a reduction in funds on a Sberbank credit card, you must present your passport.

The petition will be accepted for consideration only if an important condition is met - the absence of violations of the terms of the agreement. If the recipient of the funds repaid the money spent on time, the application will probably be approved.

The review period is from two to five working days. If approved, a notification about the decrease in funds in the account will be sent to the credit card holder’s cell phone. You can also find out the amount of available funds in your personal account on the organization’s website.

During the operation of bank money, the reduction in the maximum is granted once.

Objectives of the Credit Maximum Limit

Owners of Sberbank credit cards receive a fixed amount of funds into their account.

During the application process, the institution may increase its value if the initially established limit is not required in full. In this case, it is necessary to limit the credit limit on the Sberbank card.

There are several main points why credit card owners use the limit reduction service.

  • Ensuring reliability. In case of theft or loss of plastic, the card budget will be available to the finder or the one who stole the payment instrument. To avoid losing a large amount, the owner plays it safe and decides to take advantage of a reduction in the limit on the credit line.
  • Commission. Sberbank charges a commission on the remaining amount in the account, and not on the entire loan amount.
  • Fear of taking out a loan for large amounts.

How to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card

Every credit card holder can reduce the amount of money spent, regardless of the fixed maximum. In addition to reducing the number of payment transactions, the cardholder can disable the cash withdrawal service.

There are two options for reducing the limit on a Sberbank credit card.

  1. Filling out an application form at Sberbank. The application is processed in person with the presentation of an identification document. The owner goes to where the card was issued. You must fill out a standard application form and wait for a decision. A couple of days are allotted for the verdict. A person is notified of refusal or permission via a message on his cell phone, or in his personal account on the organization’s virtual portal. To satisfy the request, the client must not be in violation of the requirements of the agreement. All costs must be paid at the time of application.
  2. Limited use of plastic. Any borrower can limit their spending on their own. At the same time, the fixed amount of the loan as a whole is not reduced; the scale of expenses covered by borrowed finance is reduced.

If it is necessary to reduce the credit maximum, the consumer contacts the technical control service of the financial institution that issued the card.

An employee of the organization will clearly and in detail instruct what settlement transactions can lead to a reduction in the monetary limit.

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card

When applying for a credit card, the bank sets for each client an available borrowing limit. The calculation is made individually, taking into account the borrower’s income and solvency. Typically, clients at this stage, and during further use of the credit card, want to increase the amount of available funds. But there are also those who are interested in how to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank card, especially after several months of using it. Is there such a possibility? Let's figure it out.

Reasons why there is a need to reduce your loan

Most often, the need to reduce the credit limit arises from people who understand that they are not able to control their expenses. Access to a large amount on a credit card provokes them into unnecessary spending, which increases the debt. However, there is another type of client who is accustomed to control their finances. They rely on a strictly defined loan amount, repay it on time, and if they need to make large expenses, they use either their own savings or more profitable loan products. Such borrowers are very annoyed by the increase in the credit card limit at the initiative of the bank, and they strive to return it to its previous limits.

There are also two important factors that speak in favor of reducing the amount of borrowed funds:

  • cost-effectiveness of service - some banks calculate the minimum payment on a card based on the size of the limit, and not on the amount of the principal debt;
  • security - if the card falls into the hands of strangers, no one prevents them from withdrawing the entire available amount from it.

These considerations also make us wonder whether it is possible to reduce the credit limit on a Sberbank credit card. Fortunately, Sber provides its clients with this opportunity.

Types of limit reduction

A decrease in the amount of funds available on a credit card can occur either at the request of its owner or at the initiative of the bank. Let's consider both options.

On the initiative of Sberbank

Sberbank regularly reviews the affairs of its credit card holders. Based on data about their use of the credit account, bank employees decide to change the limit. It can be either increased or decreased, depending on the financial behavior of the borrower.

Important! The questionnaires are reviewed once every 6 months.

For what reasons can the credit limit be reduced?

  1. Unfair payments of principal.
  2. The borrower makes only minimum payments over time.
  3. Small amounts of spending on the card.

Oddly enough, it is not at all necessary to make delays and spoil the credit history for the bank to recognize the borrower as worthy of reducing the limit. If a client uses a credit card quite rarely, pays off the debt on time and does not go beyond the grace period, the amount of available funds for him will most likely be reduced. The bank will understand that the borrower simply does not need the allocated amount, which means it is more profitable to direct it to other purposes.

At the borrower's request

The owner of a credit card can independently declare a reduction in the limit on it. It can be done:

  • upon receipt of information about an increase in the volume of the credit account;
  • at any time when using the card.

In the first case, after reviewing the questionnaires, Sber will send the client an SMS notifying him of the limit increase. The message will also contain a code that must be sent to the service number in order to deactivate this offer and return to the previous volumes of the credit account.

The second option requires a mandatory personal visit to a bank branch. Any of them will do, not necessarily the one in which the card was issued.

Loan reduction procedure (what the borrower should do)

How to reduce the limit on a Sberbank credit card at the initiative of its owner? Let’s say right away that this cannot be done remotely. Neither the web account nor the Sber mobile services contain the corresponding tools. A personal visit to the bank is required.

At the branch you will need to provide the employee of the relevant department with your passport, as well as, preferably, an agreement for servicing the card. After this, the client voices his requirements and writes a request to reduce the limit to the level he needs.

Important! The application does not have to indicate the reasons for making such a decision. You also do not need to attach any additional documents about income. It is enough to simply state your desire to reduce your bill.

The application is processed by the bank within 10 days. Based on the results, the borrower will receive an SMS notifying about the change in the loan account amount.

So, reducing the credit limit at Sberbank is quite simple. To do this, you just need to write an application at his department. If the limit was increased at the initiative of Sber, the client can always refuse this increase by sending the appropriate command to the bank’s service number.