Preferential mortgage conditions at the birth of a second child. Mortgage benefits at the birth of the first, second and third child. Repayment of part of the loan

For many, a mortgage is the only way to buy a home. However, having a baby comes with a lot of costs. To help the family, a number of benefits are provided. One of them is the cancellation of a mortgage at the birth of a child. The program operates in many financial institutions. Sberbank is no exception to the rule. Assistance to the population can be provided at the federal or regional level.

Preferential conditions in different parts of the state can vary significantly. The bank also offers a number of additional conditions for its potential or current customers, allowing citizens to solve housing problems. Thus, Sberbank is reducing the interest rate and reviewing payment periods. Many people do not understand the essence write off mortgages at the birth of a child and do not use the service, missing the opportunity to save. We will talk about what exactly Sberbank offers, about the advantages of the state program and the direct implementation of the write-off procedure.

If the mortgage loan was taken by the family before the birth of the first offspring, after he is born, the terms of payment with the financial institution may be changed. This means that the family has the right to ask the organization to reduce the amount of the overpayment. Additionally, a deferment may be granted or debt repayment may be made at the expense of funds from the budget.

Conditions can be changed depending on which child was born in the family.

So, when 1 appears in the family, a delay can be granted. Birth 2 gives the right to maternity capital. The arrival of a third child allows the family to ask for debt relief or part of it, depending on how much Money left to pay the citizen. In such a situation, the mortgage is recalculated. Additionally, refinancing can be carried out. Social assistance to citizens with newborn children from the state, in cooperation with Sberbank, is provided through a whole list of programs.

The list of which includes:

  • a mortgage loan using maternity capital for the purchase or construction of housing;
  • a program for young families in which the spouses are under 35 years old;
  • debt restructuring by partial repayment or change in the amount of the monthly payment for up to 1.5 years.

The refinancing service is also available at Sberbank:

Advantages of existing state aid programs

If there is a mortgage and a second child is born, the family will be able to count on receiving a number of benefits.

The appearance of the first offspring gives the right to receive a deferred payment of monthly payments. The rules are valid until the child is 3 years old. If a second offspring has appeared, this makes it possible to receive a deferral of 5 years.

However, in 2019, interest on the loan must be paid. The bank can provide the borrower with up to 90% of the property value. The down payment is reduced to 10%. All other categories of citizens are required to provide 15-20% of the property price.

Citizens have the right to make early mortgage payments without paying commissions and hidden penalties. Experts do not recommend rushing to make a decision on obtaining a mortgage. It is necessary to study all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular proposal, as well as take into account immediate plans for the future.

Assistance from the state in the acquisition of housing

When figuring out how to reduce the mortgage interest at the birth of a child, you need to remember that the Russian government has concluded a list of agreements with Sberbank. They make it possible to repay a mortgage in a simplified manner and reduce financial burden. The appearance of the first child makes it possible to receive a larger subsidy. Its value is equal to the cost of 18 square meters of real estate. The program is regional. Local authorities have the right to increase the amount of subsidies available.

If a child is being raised by a single parent who is under the age of 35, the child is eligible to apply for the Young Families Assistance Program. It is possible to receive a deferment on the mortgage of Sberbank after the birth of the first child.

If a second child was born in the family, or a minor citizen was officially adopted, the family can count on the state to pay an additional 18 square meters. This means that in total the family will be able to get 36 square meters from the budget.

A mortgage in Sberbank is written off only if the family has three or more children. It must be understood that the above procedure is very complicated. The family has to prepare a large number of documents, as well as spend a lot of time and effort. The amount of money that the state will allocate to close obligations to the bank will depend on the price of the property and the amount that the family paid on its own.

How is mortgage debt written off?

If a person wants to write off a mortgage that was issued through Sberbank, you will need to contact the territorial branch of the pension fund. You must have a pre-prepared package of documents with you. Experts do not advise delaying the operation if the decision to use the benefits has been made. The sooner the procedure is carried out, the more profitable for the citizen.

The list of papers must include:

  • parents' passports and birth or adoption certificates of children;
  • maternity capital certificate, if any;
  • mortgage agreement;
  • documentation confirming the existence of rights to real estate;
  • certificate of state registration of marriage, if the parents of the child have legalized the relationship;
  • statement of the current amount of debt on a mortgage loan.

The original documents must be supplemented with copies. If a person lives in big city You must register in advance for admission to the pension fund. If the action is not taken, you will have to stand in a living queue. After the relevant application is accepted, the employee of the institution will set a date when the citizen will be able to find out the result.

Influence of the status of a citizen on the possibility of obtaining state aid

Features of the provision of state aid to lending in Sberbank depend on the category of the person applying to the institution. A number of citizens have a priority right to use benefits.

The list includes:

  • fully capable persons who are raising their natural or adopted children;
  • individuals whose capabilities are limited;
  • combatants who have a veteran's certificate;
  • families with dependent children with disabilities.

If the package of documents is made in accordance with the rules, and the citizen really has the right to use the benefits, the application is approved. Then the money is transferred. They are credited to the account. It must be opened specifically for this purpose. Additionally, it is possible to transfer funds directly to the bank. Then they will be written off to close the mortgage.

In order not to face disputes in the future, it is recommended to contact the pension fund and get a receipt confirming the transfer of funds. The document will prove this fact.

Do not neglect this moment. Sometimes you may encounter confusion. This will lead to financial institutions even after paying the mortgage, the pension fund will continue to demand further repayment of the debt. This is not a big problem, but it happens if state structure did not notify the company in a timely manner of depositing funds.

Some credit organizations, in conjunction with the state, provide families that have the status of borrowers on a mortgage loan with various mortgage subsidies at the birth of a child.

Subsidies and incentives for a mortgage at the birth of a child - legal requirements for a mortgage participant to receive benefits

To date, the state and banks are developing various preferential programs so that a young family can pay off loan agreement while having children.

The preferential conditions offered by banking organizations include:

  1. Possibility of repayment of obligations by transferring benefits paid by the state;
  2. The possibility of obtaining a deferment in repayment of the loan;
  3. Restructuring form.

State programs to help families with children and mortgage obligations:

  1. Participation of the family in the federal program to improve housing conditions for young families;
  2. Provision of maternity capital funds for loan repayment;
  3. Full write-off of debt to the bank, at the expense of public funds, in the event of the birth of a third child or the presence of more than three children in the family.

In order for a family to be able to apply for benefits, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Age no more than 35 years;
  2. Persons are in a relationship that is officially registered;
  3. Previously, there were no delays in making payments;
  4. The area of ​​​​the dwelling is equal to the area that is installed federal law (1 room apartment- 28 m2, 2-room apartment - 44 m2, 3-room apartment - 56 m2);
  5. The family has the status of a participant in the program to improve their living conditions.

Write-off of a mortgage at the birth of a child

Mortgages are written off at the birth of a child in cases where the family is a participant in a federal program aimed at providing for a young family best conditions residence.

This program implies a personal appeal of the interested person to the authorized body. If at the time of the application the family already has a mortgage loan, then it needs to be transferred under the terms of the social program.

Debt cancellation conditions are different for families with one child, for families with two children, and for families with three children.

The minimum amount to be written off is equal to the cost of 18 square meters of living space.

Mortgage at the birth of the first child can be redeemed in several ways:

  1. Funds that are allocated to the family as a subsidy, the amount of which is equal to the cost of 18 m2;
  2. The possibility of receiving funds aimed at supporting a single mother raising a child on her own;
  3. One of the parents who is a borrower can apply to banking institution in which it was issued to receive a bank holiday or restructure an obligation. A bank holiday is a period of time during which the borrower does not make mandatory payments. Such a condition, for example, has programs implemented by Sberbank.

Restructuring is a reduction in the amount of monthly payments, by paying, for example, only interest on a loan.

Writing off a mortgage at the birth of a second child is carried out in relation to the families - participants of the program. The amount of such a write-off is equal to the cost of 36 m2 of residential premises. Municipal authorities have the right, in the presence of free funds, to increase the size of paid housing.

In addition to the write-off, the family has the right to apply to the state body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation to make a payment as a payment, provided for the family, by the federal program for the issuance of mother capital.

The family also has the right to apply to the bank for a vacation or restructuring of the remaining debt.

Mortgage at the birth of a third child

A mortgage at the birth of a third child can also be written off, due to payments from the federal budget of the country or the regional budget.

The write-off amount is 100% of the debt available after the birth of the third baby.

In addition, if the family has not previously used the funds of maternity capital, then these funds can be transferred to the account of a banking organization as payments.

Some constituent entities of the Russian Federation pay regional maternity capital to families with three children, which can also be used as a source of loan repayment.

Where to go

Depending on the method of repayment of the debt, the family may apply:

  1. To the municipal authority responsible for registering families in need of better living conditions, based on the requirements of the Affordable Housing for Young Families program. Typically, this agency is the local housing department or the city's housing department.
  2. If a family wants to use maternity capital as a payment to pay off a mortgage loan, then you should contact the territorial branch of the PFR.
  3. If the loan program has a condition on the provision of benefits to the borrower in the event of the appearance of children, then you should contact the credit institution that issued the loan.

Procedure for obtaining benefits or writing off part of the loan

So, if a family wants to write off a mortgage at the birth of a child or receive mortgage benefits at the birth of a child, then it is necessary to contact the appropriate authority.

The housing authority considers the submitted applications within a period that cannot exceed two weeks. After the employee has reviewed the application and documents, he must notify the applicants of the decision made regarding them.

Notification, as a rule, is carried out with the help of post communication (if another method of communication was indicated in the application, then the applicant is notified using it).

If a positive decision was made, then the family is included in the list of families that need to improve housing conditions.

The distribution of funds is carried out among families in the order of priority. When the turn of applicants comes, they will be issued a document on the transfer of funds, and the funds will be transferred to a bank account.

To receive maternity capital funds, you must contact the PFR branch at the place of residence. Consideration of the submitted documents and their verification is carried out within 30 days.

If the family wants to receive restructuring or bank holidays, then, as previously mentioned, you should contact the institution that issued the loan.

Consideration of the application is carried out within a period of not more than a week, after which a decision is made. If the decision is positive, then an additional agreement is drawn up, where the terms of debt repayment are revised and a new payment schedule is determined.

Documents for registration

In order for the authorized bodies to consider an application for writing off a mortgage, providing a capital fund or changing the conditions for repaying a loan, it is necessary to prepare the following package of documents:

  1. The housing department must submit:
    • Documents confirming the identity of the spouses;
    • Birth document of the child/children;
    • Document on official registration of marriage;
    • Statement of the amount of debt;
    • Document on the rights to housing;
    • Document about the persons registered in the residential premises.
  2. The following must be submitted to the Pension Fund:
    • Application for the transfer of funds to repay the obligation;
    • Certificate
    • Mortgage Loan Agreement;
    • Bank account for transferring funds;
    • A document confirming the ownership of a residential property.


So, if a family has a child, while the name is an obligation to a banking organization, then there is no need to worry. To date, there are various measures to support families in such cases, provided both by the state and by the banks themselves.

A loan agreement is concluded only by adult citizens who have a permanent job and a certain level of income.

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At the same time, the bank is not interested in the presence or absence of children. For him, the main thing is that monthly payments are received from debtors. The procedure for issuing mortgage loans is regulated.

But often the birth of a child becomes a problem for the bank too. After all, the income of the family at this moment may decrease.

Are there benefits?

The answer to this question depends on the conditions under which the loan was granted. If it's basic banking product, then the borrower takes a loan on general terms.

If he received preferences depending on whether he had children, it would put other borrowers in less favorable conditions.

Therefore, a mortgage at the birth of a child does not imply any special benefits.

But at the request of the borrower, it can be held if the financial situation of the family has changed. Or such debtors may be given a deferred payment of the debt. But all these are individual measures provided by the bank on an individual basis.

  • not only do they receive credit on substantially softer terms;
  • the state supports them in every possible way, establishing various benefits for the birth of the first, second and subsequent children, including those related to the payment of mortgage debt.

Mortgage at the birth of a child

In order to get into the number of participants in the state support program, you must meet several conditions:

  • to be a family, that is, to be officially married;
  • be under the age of 35;
  • officially recognized for the purchase of housing.

Borrowers who meet all these requirements, who have entered into an agreement with a bank on obtaining a mortgage loan with state support, can count on various benefits for the birth of children.


The birth of the first child allows young parents to count on an increase in the amount of the housing subsidy. It should be enough to pay for at least 18 square meters of housing.

Regions have the right to increase this figure, based on the possibilities of their budget.

The birth of the first child in an incomplete family gives his mother the right to receive a mortgage under the Young Family program. Of course, if she is less than 35 years old and the salary allows you to repay such a loan.

Mortgage at the birth of the first child involves.


The same state support measures are also provided to families where a second baby is born during the mortgage payment period. The subsidy writes off the cost of another 18 sq. m. m of housing. Regions have the right to increase this value again or offer other support.

In addition, all families with a second child are entitled to maternity capital:

  • it can also be used to pay off interest or principal on a mortgage;
  • this does not contradict the targeted nature of this state incentive measure.


The amount of the subsidy due at the birth of a third child allows you to fully pay off the bank. It will only be necessary to collect all the required documents.

All of these benefits are also relied upon by those who have adopted children.

Such adoptive parents are equal to blood parents and have the same rights to state support.

In Sberbank

Sberbank is implementing the program. Young families, both those with children and the childless, can also become its participants.

The conditions for granting a loan are distinguished by a reduced interest rate - 11.4%, and the down payment has also been reduced. It is only 15%, against the usual 20%.

In addition, at the birth of children, a deferral of debt repayment is provided:

  • for the first child, it is 3 years, and for the second - five years;
  • during this period, only interest on the loan will be repaid.

And, of course, allowed early repayment the entire loan or part of it using maternity capital or a housing subsidy.

There are no commissions, restrictions and fines for this case. You only need to confirm your right to use these certificates.

The table shows the conditions for a mortgage in Sberbank at the birth of a child:

What help can you expect?

The state, implementing various programs of preferential mortgage lending, pursues, unlike banks, a non-commercial goal - to provide families with housing.

Therefore, for those who have children in the process of paying a mortgage, various support measures are provided.

They are implemented both at the federal and non-regional levels.

You can learn about specific programs for each region on the official portals of executive authorities. Sometimes such support measures are offered by banks with state participation.

Writing off part of the loan

The mortgage program for young families provides for the cancellation of part of the debt from the parents. The birth of the first and second child gives them such a right.

In such cases, the state from the budget contributes to the bank the cost of 18 square meters. m of housing per child. That is, for the family, the debt will decrease by this amount.

If another baby appears before the payment of the entire amount of the debt, then the state will actually buy the entire apartment.


Even those families that did not fall into one of the state programs can count on some relief from banks.

Thus, Sberbank and VTB 24 are ready to consider the possibility of granting a deferral of debt payment to those families where children are born.

For this you need:

  • apply to the bank;
  • submit a written application.

The term of such "holidays" is up to several years. During this period, the borrower pays only interest. His principal debt is not reduced. But there are no penalties for non-payment.

After the family's financial situation becomes stable again, it will continue to repay the mortgage as before.


Participants of the Affordable Housing mortgage program for young families are entitled to receive subsidies from the state. The presence of children is not a prerequisite for obtaining it.

The criterion is the need to obtain your own housing or improve the existing one. But the birth of a child increases the amount due to parents.

It goes to pay off the interest on the mortgage or part of the debt, depending on when it was received. Together with it, you can use the maternity capital, which is due to the family for the birth of a second child.

Sometimes subsidies and mother capital are enough to fully repay the debt to the bank.


In order to get into the number of participants in the affordable housing program, you must apply to the local administration for a subsidy.

Deferral is provided for 3 (one child) and 5 years (2 or more children). In practice, most often, a delay is given for only 1 year. At the same time, the family still has to pay interest.

There are also a number of requirements. For example, a mortgage must be taken on an apartment or must be issued with state support.

A loan taken to purchase a house or plot is not subject to a deferment.

Attention! The marriage of the family must be officially registered. In addition, a birth certificate is required. Only if you meet these requirements, you can count on receiving a deferral.

There are certain requirements that the family and housing must meet. This will be discussed below.

Maternal capital

This measure of state support, which is a certain amount that the state pays after the birth of a second child to cover part of the mortgage debt. Parents “do not see” money, i.e. they apply to the Pension Fund, they are issued a certificate, with this document they already go to Sberbank. It turns out that the transfer of funds is carried out by the Pension Fund itself.

Loan restructuring

Restructuring - reviewing the terms of mortgage repayment. Those. the borrower is given a new payment schedule, possibly with a longer repayment term, but with a lower monthly payment. As you can see, the amount is not written off, it is simply "stretched" for a longer amount of time.

For restructuring, you need to contact the bank that issued the mortgage with an application. The decision is made within a week. If Sberbank approves such a step, then an additional agreement is drawn up to the main mortgage agreement, which specifies new conditions.

Conditions for reviewing the repayment process

There are 3 lists of requirements. The first concerns borrowers:

  1. They must be in an officially registered relationship. Those. "civil" marriage is not allowed.
  2. Both spouses must be under 35 years of age. If more, they are not covered by the program.
  3. Be Russian citizens.
  4. Do not own any more real estate other than a mortgage.
  5. Have a certain level of income that would guarantee that the spouses are able to cover the remaining amount of the mortgage after the government has covered part of it.
  6. Be insured for life and housing.
  7. No mortgage delinquency.

The second list of requirements concerns a mortgage apartment. It must have a certain area that meets federal standards, i.e. one person must have at least 18 sq.m.

And finally, the 3rd list includes mortgage requirements. It must be taken to an apartment (not a house and a plot!). Besides, the loan should be issued for housing located in a new building, and not in the old fund.

You can find out more about deferred payment, writing off and repaying a mortgage after the birth of a child.

Support measures from the state and Sberbank

The appearance of the firstborn

All support measures are available at Sberbank (restructuring, deferment, write-off of part of the debt) listed above, except maternal certificate. Nuances:

  • The grace period is for a maximum of 3 years.
  • When writing off the mortgage, 35% of the cost of housing is covered.

If the second and third baby is born

The deferral has already been granted for a maximum of 5 years, and mortgage write-off already covers 40% of the cost of housing.

In addition, at the birth of a second child, parents can apply to the Pension Fund to receive maternity capital, and use it to pay part of the mortgage amount at Sberbank.

There is also unconfirmed information on the Internet that some regions completely write off mortgages after the birth of the 3rd child. There is no such information on the Young Family website. For clarification, it is better to contact the local branches of Sberbank.

The procedure for writing off payment obligations

The whole algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Check yourself for compliance with the requirements listed above.
  2. To write an application.
  3. Collect the necessary documents.
  4. Contact the housing department of the district administration to take part in the state program.
  5. Wait within 2 weeks for a decision to place the family on the waiting list for funds.
  6. Receive a notification from the administration (usually sent by Russian Post) about the decision.
  7. With a positive decision, wait again, but for an indefinite amount of time, transferring funds to the bank account (time is not strictly limited, since the money is received on a first-come, first-served basis).
  8. Obtain a document-certificate confirming the transfer of funds to the bank account.
  9. Give the certificate to Sberbank in order to fully complete the procedure for repaying part of the mortgage at the expense of the state.

Important! When applying, the principle applies: "The sooner the better." If the spouses are already approaching the age threshold of 36, then they may simply not have time to receive the money, because they will no longer meet the requirements.

How is the application written?

Filling out the application is intuitive. But we will still analyze its points:

  1. The full name of the local government is written at the top.
  2. A little lower after the words: Please turn me on...” the full name of the husband (spouse) and his date of birth are indicated.
  3. Husband's passport data (series, issued by whom and when).
  4. Husband's address.
  5. Full name of the wife (spouse) and her date of birth.
  6. Passport details of the wife (series, issued by whom and when).
  7. Spouse's place of residence.
  8. Information about children: full name, date of birth.
  9. Information about the birth certificate (if the child is under 14 years old) or the details of the child's passport (if he has reached the age threshold for obtaining one).
  10. Address of residence of the child/children.

What documents are required?

  • 2 copies of the application. 1 - is given to the administration, 2 - remains with a young family. The form can be downloaded from Appendix No. 4 to the Federal Law No. 889 dated 08.24.2015 or on our website.
  • Spouses' passports.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Certificate of registration of marriage.
  • Mortgage agreement.
  • Information about the total debt.
  • Certificate of ownership of the apartment (now - this is most often an extract from Rosreestr).
  • Information about persons registered in housing.
  • Bank personal account details for transferring funds.
  • Income statement or bank account statement.

Each document must be photocopied. Do not forget!

What to do after submitting papers?

You can just wait, or you can “knock” at another authority - the Pension Fund to receive a certificate for maternity capital. Such a step does not affect the decision to write off part of the mortgage, i.e. a family can take advantage of two state support measures at the same time.

Attention: You can apply to the Pension Fund only if there are two children in the family. If less, the family does not meet the requirements.

And after submitting the papers and even after receiving a certificate indicating readiness to transfer funds, you need to contact Sberbank, where the mortgage was taken. This document is required.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is difficult to single out and generalize such multifaceted measures to support families with children.

  • Opportunity to participate in all programs developed by the state.
  • Willingness to "go forward" to the borrower, i.е. the probability of obtaining a positive decision is higher than in other banks.
  • High requirements for beneficiaries.
  • Big package of documents.
  • The need for an apartment in a new fund.

As we have seen, the state is trying to provide young families with housing. All state support measures are available at Sberbank. The main thing is to know about them and exercise your rights.