Anonymous e-wallets. Anonymous online payments. Withdrawing money to a card using cryptocurrency

Many users are interested in how to anonymously withdraw money from electronic accounts. We offer you a guide that describes the steps necessary to successfully complete this task.

Turning electronic money into cash

Today, you can make money on the Internet in many ways, but the settlement system between the employer and the contractor is usually always the same: the agreed amount is transferred to an electronic account. Most of the ways to withdraw such money require time, effort and rather high commissions. The method, which will be discussed below, is much more convenient, faster and allows you to cash out electronic money with minimal losses, and most importantly - absolutely anonymously.

All you need to anonymously withdraw money from electronic payment systems is:

    personal (confirmed) account in any EPS - WebMoney, Yandex Money, RBK Money;

    SIM card Beeline;

    account in QIWI;

    ATM card.

Let's consider each component of our scheme in more detail.

    Personal account in EPS

To perform transactions with electronic money that are on your EPS account, you need to go through the identification procedure - this will ensure the maximum level of security for you and your money. The best option would be to obtain a personal passport (you can find instructions for issuing it on the website of the selected EPS).
Often, the receipt of large amounts on the accounts of unidentified users leads to the blocking of these accounts. The presence of a certificate confirms your right to manage the electronic money that is in your electronic wallet. You can transfer money to other accounts, withdraw it to a card, pay bills, etc.

    SIM card Beeline

This operator is suitable for our scheme because it is the only Russian telecom operator that provides the personal data of its customers to the Ministry of Internal Affairs only upon request submitted from the highest authority (the prosecutor's office or the investigative committee under the prosecutor's office). The submission of such a request and the provision of data on it takes about several days, due to which we receive additional time.
The SIM card must be registered for the drop - this is quite easy to do, because. in almost any city there is a point where you can buy such a sim without problems. Try to find a store where the goods are sold without a cash register, and there are no surveillance cameras in the room.
Possible options for acquiring such a SIM card: pay the seller extra for registration for another buyer, stock up on a scan of third-party documents and ask to issue a SIM card using these data.

    QIWI account

Account registration is carried out on the website Issue it to the user of the Beeline SIM card.

    ATM card

The card to which you plan to withdraw money must also be registered for the drop.

The procedure for withdrawing money from the EPS to the ATM card

After you have acquired all the necessary tools for withdrawing money, proceed to the actual withdrawal. After receiving a certain amount to an electronic wallet in the EPS, replenish the balance of the SIM card. Then log into your QIWI account, go to the "Withdrawal" tab and select the "Bank accounts/cards" option. You will see a list of available banks, among which there should be a bank serving your ATM card. You just have to fill out an application for money transfer.
QIWI allows for a one-time withdrawal to a bank card of amounts up to 10 thousand rubles. The permissible number of such operations is no more than 3 per day. Thus, up to 30 thousand rubles can be withdrawn from Beeline mobi-money to an ATM card per day. This scheme allows you to cash out electronic money quickly and safely.

Helpful Hints

When cashing out electronic money under this scheme, do not forget about the various nuances that will help you remain anonymous and protect you from various unforeseen situations.

    When entering the EPS, be sure to use a proxy. For example, the VM keeper writes logs for each authorization, so go to the EPS from the same hardware as in previous times, putting WMID on the dedicator.

    Register a 3g modem, like a SIM card, for a drop.

    Do not enter the EPS and do not withdraw cash according to this scheme from home: when the SIM card enters the network, the signal is registered on the cell and is easy to track. Choose sparsely populated places and use a separate phone for withdrawing money that you do not use to communicate with friends. Do not take your personal phone with you when you are going to withdraw money to the card and withdraw it. It is better to withdraw cash from an ATM card at ATMs on the outskirts of the city or in the suburbs. Disguise will also be useful: glasses with dark glasses, a hood or a cap will help to change the appearance.

    It is better to activate the equipment through Skype or Jabber through a guarantor. Pour money to the guarantor from the left SIM card to which the QIWI account is registered, or from any terminal.

The result of these precautions will be your anonymity: a person covered with a cap, glasses or a hood will be difficult to identify on surveillance camera records, modem details, SIM cards and ATM cards are dummy, the signal from the SIM card is sent irregularly. The tax office sends requests to banks every 4-6 months, and the time that will be spent on checking bank data, identifying the fact of non-payment of taxes and verifying details gives you an extra chance. Change your details every six months for greater security and do not neglect our advice.

Bank transfers have become a part of everyday life, and most people have had to send funds to someone at least once. If you use your card for this or write off the amount through Internet banking, the recipient will know exactly who the payment was from. Transferring money to a Sberbank card anonymously is required for various reasons, and this can be done subject to certain conditions.

Is it possible to transfer money to a Sberbank card anonymously

Many people do not hide the fact that it was from them that a particular person received a transfer. Therefore, the recipient often knows who decided to send the money to him. There is usually no reason to hide data, but there are still people willing to send funds incognito.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer funds anonymously using the usual methods. At a minimum, the financial institution and the recipient will know the last name, first name and patronymic of the person. Therefore, it is better to refuse to transfer funds to the card and choose another option for sending money. But when you need to make a payment specifically for plastic, you should consider non-standard methods of sending funds.

From this we can conclude that it is still possible to remain anonymous when sending money to a Sberbank card. However, it is necessary to know the specific options so that there are no difficulties in listing. There are few of them, and each has its own characteristics.

People who want to keep their identity secret have different goals. It happens that someone wants to donate funds or give a gift, but does not want to reveal himself. In this case, the sender pursues noble goals and simply does not want publicity.

However, some people are looking for anonymous ways of translation not at all out of good intentions. For example, they want to hide their income from the tax office or do not want anyone to know that they have large sums. It happens that the incognito mode is of interest to scammers who do not earn money in an honest way.

Let's hope that the people who are interested in this issue act precisely from noble motives. They can be recommended several options for transferring money, some of which can be done online. It will be useful to use detailed instructions so that there are no problems with the procedure.

General information on transfers

Most transfer methods require people to provide personal information that the financial institution, and possibly the recipient, will know about. This is necessary in order to be able to track who sent funds to whom. If a person makes a transfer from a plastic card or bank account, then his data will be known in any case. The same can be said about payment systems that require people to provide personal information.

Important! If you want to make an anonymous transfer, then you will have to look for services that do not request information about the sender. Such options, though few, but they still exist.

Also, if you wish, you can bypass the system by specifying other people's information. However, such an action is illegal, so you should understand its consequences. In general, it is possible to send money to another person to a Sberbank card incognito, but certain conditions must be met. You should also remember about the limits on the transfer of funds. If a person wants to anonymously send a payment, then a large amount will not be transferred.

You can recommend using terminals that accept payments and do not require a card. For example, a Qiwi device is suitable for this purpose. Through it, it will be possible to transfer cash, however, only to a Visa card. You will need to enter the plastic number, as well as your phone number. This is where the problem with anonymity arises, because SIM cards are registered according to the passport for a specific person. Therefore, if you want to completely hide information about yourself, you will have to use a number registered to another person.

The limit is 15,000 rubles at a time and no more than 60,000 rubles per month. In this case, a commission in the amount of 1.5 to 3% of the amount will be withheld. Money will be credited within 4 days, but may come earlier.

Transfers can also be made from e-wallets. The services can be used while remaining anonymous, but there are severe restrictions for unverified users. If you wish, you can bypass this limitation, and now we will consider how exactly.

How to send money incognito from e-wallets:

  1. The WebMoney and Yandex.Money service requires that a person upload a scan of a passport to confirm their identity.
  2. To maintain anonymity, you will have to use the document of another citizen.
  3. As soon as the profile is confirmed, you can make a withdrawal to the card.
  4. To do this, you will need to specify its number and the amount of the transfer.
  5. It remains to confirm the payment, and after that the money will be sent to the recipient.

You can also use online exchangers to maintain anonymity. In them, you can send any currency, even digital, to a Sberbank card. Most of these services do not require you to provide personal information. However, you need to use only proven options so as not to run into scammers.

Possible problems and solutions

If the sender wishes to remain anonymous, then he must be prepared for possible problems. First of all, it can be difficult to find a SIM card registered to another person, as well as someone else's passport. The easiest way would be to ask relatives or friends for these things, or try to somehow achieve what you want.

Also, the problem of anonymous transfers is that if a payment is sent by mistake, it will be difficult to return it. If a person makes a mistake in the numbers, then it will be difficult to prove something to a bank or other institution, because other people's data was indicated. That is why it is worth carefully checking the entered information before confirming your actions.

Many programmers and designers are faced with a situation where, under the terms of the contract with the employer, they do not have the right to work for a third-party company. And sometimes a customer from this third-party company does not want to demonstrate their relationship with a well-known developer in a narrow circle. In such cases, the question of anonymous money transfer arises...

You have to pay extra for ensuring anonymity, so such money transfers are more expensive than usual ones. An anonymous transfer is made using one or more intermediate links that hide information about the sender or recipient, and sometimes both at the same time. Hiding full information about the participants in the operation at certain stages does not prevent the money from successfully going its way.

Consider the existing possibilities: the traditional way of transferring money within the country from person to person is postal or telegraphic transfer. For the success of the operation, you need to know the exact address of the person to whom the money goes, his last name and first name or last name, first name and address of the post office, if the transfer is sent on demand. The sender of the transfer must provide information about himself.

One of the realities of the Web is that it is often possible to collaborate with a person knowing only his pseudonym and established reputation on the Web. The use of encryption and public key signing systems makes it possible to uniquely match received messages with their sender, so the difficulty of identifying an impostor with the exact same pseudonym can only be difficult for a beginner.

For example, it is known that someone hiding under the pseudonym XYZ123 is excellent at writing poetry on a given topic, writing erotic stories, specializing in checking security systems, protection, or developing special program code. It does not change the essence of the matter. The only important thing is that there is a subject A who completed the task, and there is a subject B who decided to pay A for the service or simply compensate for his costs.

Electronic payment systems

Now in Russia there is the only system of anonymous electronic payments PayCash" - To open an anonymous account in "PayCash" you need to download special software from the server. After installing it, connecting to the Internet, you create one or more accounts of the type EkomBank 410012380020 (RUB). "PayCash" actually consists of several networks operating according to the same standard and operating in rubles, dollars, hryvnias and lats. They can be exchanged for one of three types of currencies or you can buy goods in online stores that accept payments in this electronic currency. The conversion rate is set in the PayCash exchanger every Friday on the basis of: the value of the Central Bank on Saturday minus 3% and is valid for a week (in the future, PayCash employees plan to more quickly monitor rate changes and reduce the "margin").

Users can transfer money from one e-wallet to another, but for a person who wants to make a one-time anonymous payment, fussing with installing software can seem unnecessarily tedious. In addition, when transferring money, 1% of the transferred amount is charged. Therefore, it is easiest to immediately indicate your account number in the payment system.

Knowing the account number, they will be able to send you a postal or telegraphic transfer without knowing your place of residence or your first and last name. The cost of withdrawing money from PayCash is 1% of the withdrawn amount directly to the system itself and the interest transferred to the transfer agent, if it is used.

For example, when withdrawing electronic money from the system, you can send a postal transfer to yourself, then the commission of the transfer agent, which will be mail, will be 8%. Transfer to the account of any commercial bank in Russia is free of charge (only 1% due to "PayCash" is withheld). According to the results of observations, the best way to withdraw money would be to transfer it to an account associated with a plastic card of a commercial bank.

The choice of a bank, by and large, is a matter of your personal taste. If you are going to immediately withdraw money transferred to the card, it is best to use a bank whose branch or ATM is most convenient to get to. When withdrawing money from ATMs of the bank in which the card was issued, the commission for this operation is either not withheld at all, or is minimal. Money stored in a bank account, in contrast to saving them in the form of electronic cash "PayCash", accrues interest. With this in mind, I don't see the point in saving a lot of e-cash, unless of course you regularly make large purchases in e-shops. PayCash is the only anonymous electronic payment system, but using it is not the only way to make them.

Transferring money to the casino

As you understand, the most important element in the scheme is an intermediate link to which one person transfers money and from where another withdraws it. Our whole life is a game! With this in mind, we turn to the gaming site Any person can anonymously register in it and get their own gaming account, to which money can be transferred in various ways, including using postal and telegraphic transfers. With a small commission, it is possible to transfer money from one player to another, that is, from one account to another.

There are several types of accounts in the system, including those on which interest is charged for keeping money. Withdrawal of money is possible (with a different commission) to a bank account (free of charge) or by postal order. Foreign casinos can also be used as intermediaries for anonymous money transfers. A person deposits money into his game account and then transfers it to another player who uses it as he wishes. You can try to play in the casino, increasing or decreasing the amount by chance, or you can immediately withdraw money as your winnings. There are a lot of online casinos on the Internet. For example, one of them is You can order a free game software CD from this site, which (also free) will be delivered to the address you specify.

Withdrawing money from an account in a foreign bank

Receiving money from abroad, earned through participation in affiliate programs online or in the field of personal employment, is fraught with many difficulties. Basically, these are not technical difficulties, but problems caused by the imperfection of the laws of the Russian Federation. To open your resource on the Web and start earning little money on it is within the power of any person familiar with the layout of web pages and the basics of e-commerce. For example, an amateur site with erotic photos of you and your girlfriend will allow you to get a hundred or two bucks from rich bourgeois credit cards. But try to register your company specializing in making money on the Internet (let's just call it “Photofact: Masha and I are on vacation”), and you will see from personal experience that the money earned will not be enough for registration, and the registration process is so tedious that it is successful Only a very stubborn person can pass it.

You can, without registering a company, simply order a check for yourself, but the process of cashing it in a bank in your home country may end up with an acquaintance with the tax office with all the ensuing consequences. Let's talk in more detail about accounts abroad, especially since recently they have been officially allowed to open. However, their existence should be reported to the tax office, and I hope that by opening foreign accounts for yourself, you will act like law-abiding citizens. You can open a foreign currency account and get a plastic card to withdraw money from it in the banks of those countries of the world where they are not afraid to deal with Russians - and, unfortunately, there are very few of them ...

Opening a bank account in the United States without the use of intermediaries is almost impossible. Having received a plastic card of a foreign bank, you can transfer money received abroad to its account and receive it at the nearest ATM. Any ATM located in Russia will be a stranger to you, which means you will have to pay a higher commission. When choosing a foreign bank, you should pay attention to three factors:

Country of registration of the bank. Banks registered in offshore zones provide the most attractive service conditions, but the degree of trust in them, for obvious reasons, is less.

The cost of opening an account, the cost of annual maintenance, the amount of the initial deposit(the amount of money deposited into your account upon opening) and the method of crediting money for opening an account.

Possibility of obtaining an account statement online. It is especially good if full-fledged Internet banking is possible, that is, full-fledged account management with access via the Internet.

Given the contradiction of these conditions to each other, it is difficult to give recommendations on choosing the best bank.

Plastic cards "Cirrus i"

At all times there were people who did not want to attract too much attention to themselves and their money. Previously, secret belts, body bags, and inside pockets were used. At the end of the 20th century, new opportunities appeared to pay for goods and services using payment cards, but the problem of confidentiality remained.

Today, to solve this problem, the banks of the world offer to use the international debit card with a high level of confidentiality "Cirrus I". The direct purpose of the Cirrus I card is to provide cash at ATMs around the world. The Cirrus I card has no cashout limits - the amount of money that can be withdrawn from the account in a certain period is limited only by your resources. All ATMs with Eurocard or Cirrus symbols are at your service (more than 601,000 ATMs worldwide).

The advantage of the Cirrus I card is anonymity - the user's name is not indicated on the card. It can only be used by a person who knows the PIN code; authorization of withdrawal operations occurs without the use of a username. You can also get a Cirrus INTELLIGENCE card, the annual fee for using the bank's services is $50. Cash withdrawals are subject to a 1.5% charge (minimum $3).

Other options

Concluding the topic of anonymous payments, we note that in the United States and in other countries there are special firms that specialize in cashing checks. By registering with such a company, you can immediately indicate its address instead of your own. There the check will be sent by the foreign partner. Employees of the company, most often our former compatriots, will take the trouble to cash your check and then, after deducting a certain amount, transfer money to you using one of the electronic payment systems. Since the activity of cashing checks is semi-legal (the client is presented as an employee of this company), local authorities can close the company for violating the law.

There is also a second aspect of the problem. By giving a check for collection to the bank, you can be sure that you will receive money on it, having previously signed a paper that you yourself are responsible for possible violations of currency legislation. By submitting a check for cashing to the mentioned company, you can perform the operation anonymously. But if the firm suddenly disappears, you won't be able to get your money back because the check was drawn on it. Therefore, the issue of choosing a foreign partner should be approached as carefully as possible.

"Anonymous money transfers over the Internet"
Igor Ananchenko, "Internet World", No. 3 March 2002

To start using a Qiwi wallet, there is no need to provide information about yourself. All you need is a verified phone number. An anonymous wallet is ordered with a plastic card, which is linked to its account. However, in order to receive it, you are required to indicate the full name of the recipient, which are subsequently verified by employees of the payment system. Plus, unidentified wallet owners cannot withdraw more than 5,000 rubles per day and 40,000 per month.


There are 3 user statuses in the system: anonymous, standard and maximum. The last two require identification. To obtain the “Standard” status, you provide personal data and a photocopy of your passport. In the second case, full identification is required with a personal appearance at one of the Qiwi branches in Russia. For the procedure, the staff will ask you to show your passport. After that, you can keep up to 600,000 rubles on your wallet balance and withdraw up to 200,000 rubles at a time and per month.

Full information about the limits - in the table:

#1 - Buying a wallet in the name of another person

It can be ordered on forums from people who create Qiwi wallets. They sell both empty anonymous wallets tied to a SIM card, and accounts identified with a scan of a passport with funds in the account. The problem is that there are scammers among the sellers, so carefully check the reviews about them in the topics.

Keep in mind that even reviews are not a guarantee of protection against money loss, so it is better to withdraw money from a purchased wallet immediately and in a small amount. You should not constantly use it for storage, since an account registered for another person can be restored by him at any time, and you will lose all the money. Another risk is that the Qiwi security system can block the wallet as soon as you use it.

If you still decide to purchase someone else's wallet, then for complete anonymity of withdrawing funds along with your account, you will need:

  • SIM card in someone else's name;
  • Plastic card Visa Qiwi Wallet in someone else's name.

The main thing is that the name in the wallet, on the SIM card and the card matches, otherwise blocking is possible, as in this case:

Remember: using payment systems and plastic cards of another person is illegal and risky. Next, we will consider safer ways to withdraw money.

No. 2 - withdrawal from your qiwi wallet through exchangers to a card or EPS

With the help of online exchangers, you can make a transfer to any card or payment system. The scheme is simple: you send rubles to the Qiwi wallet of the exchange service, and it redirects the money to the desired address, and at the same time charges a commission for services. In this case, you are making an indirect transfer, so the recipient of the payment does not know who exactly sent it.

This can be useful if you want to hide the fact that you have electronic money when you send it to your card. Another case: you need to pay for the work of a freelancer if he does not have a Qiwi wallet, and he uses Yandex.Money or WebMoney.

In general, situations are different, and you need to be able to choose exchangers, compare rates, and calculate commission. For some services, it is hidden, others steal money altogether, so the main criteria for selecting services are popularity and reliability.

Next, you need to enter the card number, full name of the holder, phone number. After that, within 15 minutes, you need to transfer money to the specified wallet and click on the green button. As soon as the recipient confirms that the money has arrived, your application will be immediately processed and the money will be sent to the card. Payment processing time depends on the bank that issued it. The transfer can reach instantly or within 7 days. Please note that the amount of commissions of the system and the bank (in the amount of 200 rubles) is fixed, and the larger the amount, the more profitable the exchange. So, if you change 500 Qiwi RUB, then the output will be 300, and if you exchange 10,000 Qiwi RUB - 9800 rubles.

No. 3 - transferring Qiwi to bitcoins

They are attracted by the fact that all transactions occur anonymously, so they are often used as an intermediate link in withdrawing funds from Qiwi. The method discussed above also allows you to remain incognito, but it is not always safe: law enforcement and tax authorities, in case of any suspicion, have the right to ask the exchanger for the personal data of its customers.

To make the output more secure and anonymous, you should use a different scheme:

Qiwi wallet - exchanger - Bitcoin wallet - exchanger - bank card.


  1. it is better to use different exchange points, and not the same one;
  2. it is worth making transfers, maintaining a long pause (from several hours to a day);
  3. it is better to operate with different amounts of money in each link of this chain.

You can use this scheme or not, at your discretion. The more transfers from one system to another you make, the greater the loss on commissions. If the amounts are small, then this is not necessary.

Transferring from Qiwi to bitcoins is easy. Consider, again, using the example of Megachange.

We select the amount and direction of the exchange, and on the next page we enter the address for the transaction, which we previously received in the bitcoin wallet. Then you need to transfer money to the qiwi wallet specified in the system - and it will process the application as soon as the recipient of the payment confirms that the rubles have reached him.


So, to ensure the anonymity of transfers from Qiwi:

  1. Do not disclose personal information in the wallet.
  2. You can issue it to another person and withdraw money from the Qiwi card, which is also recorded on it.
  3. You can withdraw Qiwi using an exchanger to a card, EPS, or exchange it for bitcoins.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to hide from whom the payment was received on a Sberbank card or any other. The situations are different: to make an anonymous donation or a gift, to hide from the tax authorities the presence of a large amount of money from the sender, to withdraw money from an incognito electronic wallet, and so on. While the state is tightening the screws, ways are being found to hide the identity of the sender of money on the card. Let's consider them.

Cash transfer through payment terminals and ATMs

Sometimes you need to anonymously send cash to a Sberbank card. For example, a client from another city wants to transfer a fee for the services of a freelancer, while keeping his name secret. It happens that the payee himself does not want the bank to recognize the sender, or the sender wants to anonymously donate money to another person.

Terminals and ATMs often require you to insert a card in order to credit cash to it. We are not talking about anonymity, because you yourself transfer them to the account. However, there are payment terminals that require only the card number and full name of the owner to deposit funds, that is, you can send incognito cash from them from any place where they are installed.

1.Anonymous replenishment through Qiwi terminals

Cash can be sent through the menu item “Payment for services - Money transfers” only to Visa. You must enter the code written on the front of the card and your phone number. You can take or buy a SIM card issued to another person. You will receive a notification that the payment has been completed. You need to enter the Sberbank card number carefully: in case of an error, it will be very difficult to return the money.

  • Terminal fee: 1.5 - 3% depending on the amount of replenishment.
  • Limits: no more than 15000 r. at a time and a maximum of 60,000 rubles. per month;
  • Enrollment term: 2 hours - 4 days.

2. Transfer via Europlat terminal

Through it, you can send cash to Sberbank using the recipient's card number, your phone number and passport data. Of course, no one checks the passport during transfers, so you can enter other people's data. However, keep in mind that in case of an error (wrong card number) or technical problems (payment does not reach), there is no guarantee that the money will be returned. This applies to any other terminals as well, so be careful. Be sure to keep the receipt until the money reaches the card account.

  • Limits: 15000 r. per transaction. Note that in any terminals where a card is not required, there are approximately the same restrictions.
  • Commission: 0%
  • Enrollment deadlines: from several minutes to several days.

It is also possible to replenish a card account with cash without disclosing real information about yourself in other payment system terminals. It is important to be careful and be aware of the risk of non-return of money due to technical problems and errors.

Transfer from electronic wallets

The state establishes total control over electronic money, so it is becoming more and more difficult to remain an anonymous owner of wallets: too small limits and strict restrictions on opportunities for unverified users. In 2014, Federal Law No. 110 was issued stating that all payments and transfers through electronic PS must be identified. That is, wallet owners are required to provide reliable information about themselves.

1. WebMoney. With a pseudonym passport, you cannot transfer money to other wallets. It is only allowed to pay for purchases in Russian online stores, pay mobile phone bills, and a communal apartment. A formal passport makes it possible to withdraw money to a card, make transfers between wallets, and pay in foreign stores. However, it is necessary to upload a scan of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, so absolute anonymity is not possible. Withdrawal limits to Visa/Mastercard cards of any banks:

Foreign citizens are not granted a formal certificate. They need to buy an initial or personal one right away, and this requires a personal visit to the registrar or sending documents certified by a notary by mail.

  • Withdrawal fee: 2,5% from the amount + 40 rubles.

2. Kiwi. We order an unverified plastic card Visa Qiwi Plastic, on which your name will not be written. It is acquired even by users with the status “Anonymous”, that is, without identification. If you need to withdraw money from a Qiwi wallet to a card of Sberbank or any other bank, then you need to be identified in the system. It is partial and complete. In the first case, the limits are less than in the second, but there is no need to provide reliable information and present a passport. The Qiwi card can be used at all ATMs in the world, pay for purchases with it. It is associated with the account of the wallet in the PS, that is, its balance is identical to the balance of the wallet.

  • The limit for "Anonymous" on cash withdrawals is no more than 20,000 rubles per month and a maximum of 5,000 rubles per day.
  • Withdrawal fee: 2% a plus 50 rubles.

3. Yandex.Money. You can issue a Yandex.Money card and order its delivery by mail. Confirmation of passport data for citizens of the Russian Federation staying in Russia is not required when issuing a card. To apply, you must specify your full name, address and phone number if you choose courier delivery. But for everyone who is outside the country, there will be such a message:

You can also link a card from another bank, but to withdraw money, you will need identification with a passport. The limit for withdrawing funds from a Yandex.Money card for anonymous users is 5,000 rubles, and you can store and make payments in the wallet for up to 15,000 rubles.

Note that on the forums you can buy verified e-wallets that are issued to strangers. You can withdraw money from them and hide transactions. However, when buying “left” accounts, the risk of stealing your money is high. In addition, if the wallet is blocked, you will not be able to restore it and return the money if you do not find the person to whom it is issued.

Using online exchangers

You can withdraw money from electronic wallets using online exchange points.

IMPORTANT: although transfers in this way are considered anonymous, law enforcement agencies have the right to request information from exchangers about transactions of specific users, so this method should be used with caution. However, the request requires serious grounds, for example, the opening of a criminal case, suspicion of fraud, and so on.

Why is transfer through exchangers anonymous?

You send money from your wallet to the account of the service, and after that they go to the specified card. The payee will never know who the original sender was. In this way, you can transfer ED to bank cards using. For most destinations, the exchange occurs automatically. Transfer terms - from instant crediting to 2-7 days, depending on the processing speed at the bank that issued the card.

In the service, you can change the PS currency for rubles (this exchanger does not list dollars and euros for cards of Belarusians, Russians and Ukrainians). Simply put, you send ED to the accounts of the exchanger, and he transfers them to your card or to the name of the recipient by bank transfer without opening an account. When transferring to a plastic card, it is enough to indicate the card number and e-mail. Full name and other personal data do not need to be entered. This is how the form for applying for withdrawal looks like in Megachange:

Withdrawing money to a card using cryptocurrency

Bitcoins are anonymous, the course of which is rapidly gaining momentum. Here is the history of its change over the past year:

They are used for anonymous storage and multiplication of money and as an intermediate link when withdrawing to an account with Sberbank. This is the most reliable way to translate if you really want to remain incognito.

How to transfer ED to a card in the most reliable way so that no one can understand where the payment came from? Let's use the megachange service again:

  • Exchange of electronic money for rubles on a card.
  • and then sending them to .
  • Each of the methods has disadvantages, in particular, the timing of the transfer, commissions, and the degree of risk. It is worth considering them and calculating profitable options in advance.