How to save money on building a house. How to save money on building a house at the preparatory stage. Budget options for building a roof

The construction of housing against the backdrop of limited financial resources is a reality. Usually, private builders only have an approximate idea of ​​how much it will cost to build a house and think that such costs are unaffordable. However, you can save even without starting the workflow.

Construction is a step-by-step process, and each step can benefit, regardless of the technologies and materials chosen. Experienced builders know how to save money on building a house.

If you decide to build your own housing from scratch, prepare for the following:

  • purchase of land;
  • project development;
  • purchase and delivery of materials;
  • foundation work;
  • installation of the box and roof;
  • external networks;
  • exterior and interior decoration.

A modest country house can be very cheap. Residential housing requires a slightly different approach and higher costs

Construction site

If the land is not received under any state program, as a gift or by inheritance from relatives, it will have to be bought. At this stage, you can save a significant amount of money by following the recommendations presented.

Communications supply:

  • the most expensive is the gas supply, which depends on the distance at which the gas pipeline is located;
  • providing electricity;
  • water supply;
  • on average, all communications presented can be summed up for an amount equal to 450 tr. To build economically, it is recommended to purchase those sites where all networks are located as close as possible to the future home (within reason, living under power lines is dangerous to health);
  • it is equally profitable to buy a house for demolition, which has long been dilapidated or damaged after a serious fire. Such houses are often supplied with all the supplies - this is more profitable than working in undeveloped territories.

Next, you need to check the level of groundwater. When choosing a site, you can pay attention to a number of signs that hint at the high passage of the aquifer.

In particular, worth considering:

  • the presence of abundant succulent vegetation on the territory, for example, sedges;
  • the presence of natural reservoirs nearby: rivers, streams, lakes, swamps;
  • there may be a well nearby, where the level is clearly visible to everyone;
  • it's a good idea to chat with your neighbors, asking if they have dokuki for seasonal scooping of water from a cellar or basement.

In this context, it is important to pay attention to the terrain. This will allow you to understand how melt and rainwater will drain. It is recommended to inspect the site in the spring.

If the territory is suitable in all respects, it remains to be understood whether the entrance of heavy construction equipment is possible here. After weighing all the criteria, considering the decision, you can safely acquire land as a property.

The cheapest project

At the design stage of the project, you can save a significant amount of money.

The most budget house can be built by choosing a standard project for work, which is freely available on the network

To date, the choice of standard design solutions is so large that it is possible to choose the right option without much difficulty.

Given the limited financial resources, you can take a ready-made solution for building the cheapest house from the Internet. This is rational and not as expensive as the development of an individual project in an architectural bureau.

It is impossible to build housing without a project - this is a risky step, especially for a person who does not have sufficient experience in this matter. All such attempts in 99% of cases end in restructuring / alterations, where professionals already eliminate serious design errors. These are direct time and financial costs that were not originally foreseen.

Constructive decisions

How to save money when building a house? It is important to choose the right design features of future housing. This is no less effective in reducing the overall cost of the work.

Can use these tips:

  • it is better to abandon the basement, that is, choose a shallow strip foundation. In addition, if mistakes are made during the construction of the basement, this will become a source of serious consequences - damage to the interior finish, floor, constant dampness. Eliminating such problems is expensive and difficult;
  • if there is a need to lay a basement due to the placement of a boiler room in it, it is easier to attach a small technical room;
  • it is more profitable to build a mansard roof, which will become a bright, spacious, comfortable room in which you can live in peace;
  • from the point of view of economic efficiency, the shape of the box should be rectangular or square. With this form of walls, you can get an excellent ratio of usable area to the perimeter. The size of the perimeter is directly proportional to the amount of materials that will be required for work;
  • complicating the shape of the box, you can not only increase the cost of its construction, but also lay a further rise in the cost of work. This approach entails the need for a roof with a complex configuration, etc.;
  • the most economical is the construction of a simple ridge, gable roof. The more complex this element, the more expensive the work, the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slopes, therefore, more materials are required, by the way, their costs will be higher.

The cost of construction is highly dependent on technology. The increase in costs is disclosed as follows: frame houses, the use of fixed / removable formwork, block cellular concrete, brick

Search for a construction team

The cheapest way to do all the work yourself. However, many years of practice shows that one cannot do without a brigade of covens or at least two or three assistants. The search for a team, even these two or three people, can begin after the purchase of a site, the preparation of a project.

However, even here there are some Tips to help you save money:

  • as a recommendation, it is worth accepting that it is better to search for employees in the second half of winter, for example, in February. This is not the season and many specialized teams are idle without work and are ready to get down to business for minimal prices;
  • it’s not bad if acquaintances or acquaintances of acquaintances have recommendations regarding certain builders. If there are none, you should familiarize yourself with the projects that they managed to build and, if possible, communicate with the owners of these houses;
  • experience shows that friends, relatives and friends who are doing work are not the best helpers. Despite the obvious savings, this is an inefficient solution, which will eventually result in downtime and costs;
  • it is optimal to hire people who will help build a turnkey house. Thus, for a large amount of work, it is possible to further reduce prices and the team will work more efficiently, since it is they who will have to do the finishing. It is unprofitable for employees to allow defects in order to subsequently correct them on their own and free of charge. It is unlikely that with this approach mistakes will be made in the construction of the house;
  • an exception may be earthworks and the construction of a supporting foundation. Here it may turn out to be rational to hire cheap labor, but under the control of a good foreman who will check the geometry, the quality of the reinforcement, the concrete pouring stage. As a rule, qualified specialists charge inflated fees for this amount of work, as this is hard and “dirty” work.

How much money does it take to build a house - cost structure

Many private builders are interested in whether it is necessary to draw up an estimate before starting work. Of course, it is not necessary to contact professional estimators, but it is still useful to estimate a cost plan even when building cheap country houses. The total cost of construction depends on the project, the amount of preparatory work, salaries of assistants and other factors.

The cost structure is as follows:

  • construction of a house frame - 40% (differentiated - foundation 15%, walls 30%, stairs, ceilings 12%, roofing 18%, openings, facades 25%);
  • organization of heating - 9%;
  • sewerage/water supply – 7%;
  • electricity - 6%;
  • finishing - external and internal - 38%.

Examples of available house plans

The most affordable buildings from an economic point of view are the simplest.

When choosing a project, you should consider its purpose. It is unacceptable to apply a project for a frame house under brick or aerated concrete

Among the variety of planning solutions, you can pay attention to those discussed below.

Country house 50 m²:

  • in a summer house it is optimal to have two bedrooms, a living room, a modest combined bathroom, a utility room and a kitchen;
  • in such houses there is a miniature entrance hall, smoothly turning into a corridor;
  • the largest room is allocated for the living room, where a stove or fireplace is placed;
  • the minimum cost of such projects is 700 tr.

Small seasonal buildings:

  • these are modest one-story houses with a usable area not exceeding 50 m²;
  • such a structure is optimal for the seasonal residence of a family of 2-3 people;
  • such houses are built according to the “living room + bedroom” scheme, sometimes there is a combined bathroom;
  • the kitchen occupies ¼ of the entire area;
  • Estimated cost starts from 550 tr.

Summing up some results, it can be noted that an inexpensive house is built from affordable building materials, does not have expensive finishes and has a small usable area.

How to save money when building a house at all stages of its construction and arrangement is described in the video:

Building a house is the dream of many people. Everyone who is interested in the construction of houses and cottages is concerned about the issue of price and quality. Is there an opportunity to save - we will analyze in this article.

The presence of ready-made communications is a reason to save money during construction

When choosing the location of the site for construction, pay attention to the availability of communications. The absence of gas, running water or remote electricity is a sure step towards higher prices. The owners may promise to carry out “soon, next year, and then there will be a rise in the price of the site”, they will talk about savings, but it is imaginary, since plans for conducting communications are not always fulfilled. And, you may have to invest in their appearance from your own money, and this is a round sum that will have a great effect on the final one.

House / cottage project - another opportunity to save

Do I need to develop a house project from scratch or can I download a standard project?

Let's just say this right away - downloading a typical project, if it works out, it will be extremely docked, because in any case, the project of the house needs to be integrated into your conditions for future construction - the parameters of the site, the location of the house, additional communications - all this is important to take into account and register in the project, otherwise the result will be simply impossible to predict!

Of course, a typical project will cost much less. But an individual project will allow you to fulfill any of your ideas and desires. However, if the task is to save money, then you need to choose a typical project that will adapt to your needs.

How to save on materials when building a house without losing quality

The materials used in construction can vary greatly in cost. Here, in no case should you save on the foundation, on the supporting structures. The house must be secure.

If you turn to experienced, qualified specialists, they will suggest those building materials that will be durable and safe for health. Also, experienced builders will tell you where you can save on finishing materials, how to do it most appropriately, for example, buy materials on sale or some kind of promotion.

A common question concerns what material the walls of the house will be built from. The building material of the walls is of great importance in determining the price of construction. Here you need to understand in which house you want to live happily ever after, since redoing it will be very expensive, if not impossible. Of course, if your plans are not included again ...

Finding the Right House Construction Contractor

The choice of a construction team is important. Definitely, you should not turn to performers whose services are priced much cheaper than others. We risk getting cheap execution, which will affect the quality of housing. This is also associated with financial and time losses - sometimes it takes a very long and expensive time to correct the results of the work of unskilled builders.

It is worth noting that you should not agree to obviously expensive construction options either, because the issue of remuneration for builders must be approached comprehensively, based on the conditions they offer and the quality of their previous work.

The best solution would be to reach out to those with experience and name first, and then torment them about special offers and benefits.

Doing something yourself is not a reason to save money?

You can even try to save money on building a house by doing some work yourself. Here you only need to take the area that does not require special qualifications, for example, interior decoration.

But if you are not confident in your abilities, then it is easier to involve specialists, so as not to waste a lot of time reworking what could have been done the first time. For example, we not only build houses, but also do business. It is more convenient for us to perform all cycles of turnkey work, and it is more profitable for you.

Step-by-step payment for building a house

The issue of payment for work must be determined in advance. Remember that it is better to pay for each stage than to make a large upfront payment. Very often builders use advance funds to close other projects. It is also easier to control the construction in this way, since the builders will be ready to correct mistakes before receiving payment. If the work is paid in advance, then you lose the main and most simple leverage.

How will the project help save on construction costs?

Due to effective constructive solutions!

When building a house, the thought inevitably comes to the head of any person: how to make a quality house and at the same time save money? Many mistakenly believe that if you save on a house, it will turn out to be of poor quality. This is not true. And here we have given absolutely safe and effective ways to avoid wasting money.

Savings on the foundation - about 800 thousand rubles!

Savings on the walls - about 400 thousand rubles!

Savings on cladding - about 200 thousand rubles!

Savings on the ceiling - about 100 thousand rubles!

Savings on interior decoration!

Save on home space!

1. You can save about 800 thousand rubles. only on the foundation!

The foundation is the basis of any construction, a symbol of the stability of your home and a guarantee of its durability. It is not surprising that people who begin to realize their dream of owning a house do not spare any funds for laying the foundation, sometimes overpaying for its construction at times - and after all, the cost of the foundation is up to 30% of the total cost of the house. Unscrupulous firms take advantage of their clients' ignorance of construction issues and offer them more expensive foundation options than required for a given type of soil.

Therefore, the first stage in building a house, even before laying the foundation, should be a geological study of the soil of your site, which will show what type of soil and groundwater level prevails on your site, what type of foundation is most preferable in each case, which will help you avoid unnecessary spending.

In addition, the choice of foundation will be influenced not only by the soil, but also by the desired type of house; for example, for most capital and wooden houses there is no need to fill in an expensive monolithic tape, for which earthwork and reinforcement will have to be carried out, followed by concreting and a large amount of materials.

It will be much cheaper to make a grillage on bored concrete piles (if the basement needs to be raised in height) or USHP (Insulated Swedish Plate) if a high basement is not required and the plot under building the house is flat - while the price difference will not affect the quality and durability of the structure.

2. You can significantly save about 400 thousand rubles. on the thickness of the walls and the volume of wall materials, if you

Use effective insulation.

The more material goes into the construction of the walls of the house, whether it is Warm ceramics or Aerated concrete, Teplosten or Brick, Arbolit or Durisol - the more expensive the construction will cost you. But the insulation of the house due to the thickening of the wall is an unjustified expense and a false path. Even thick walls will require insulation - otherwise, up to 40% of heat can escape through the walls, no matter how thick you build them! By using the right insulation materials initially, you will spend far less money and resources than building overly wide walls, which, in the end, will still not be able to retain heat as they should. And more importantly, wide walls will steal a useful total area from the house, which will also affect the dimensions of the house and the price.

Every year more and more effective insulation materials appear on the construction market, so their choice today is huge - for every taste and budget. Our company will select the most optimal and inexpensive insulation for your project. You can also familiarize yourself with the types of materials on our website.

Wall insulation is possible not only inside the wall cake (for example, when finishing with facing bricks), but also outside. Depending on the choice of heaters, you can create an indoor microclimate that is optimal for you. In any case, this solution will save the lion's share on construction, its implementation will be carried out as soon as possible, and your house will become 2 times warmer than it would be without the use of effective thermal insulation.

An important role here is also played by the so-called "dew point" - the place where condensate forms in the wall material, which subsequently crystallizes when freezing and can lead to the destruction of the wall material. With effective insulation, the "dew point" is in the heaters.

3. You can significantly save about 200 thousand rubles. on the exterior of the building.

On the one hand, everyone wants the exterior of the house to match your ideas and wishes. On the other hand, facing materials and their installation are an additional burden on the budget, which not everyone can afford. But do not rush to get upset - we will help you find the perfect solution that will suit everyone!

Firstly, not all types of houses require additional exterior decoration. For example, houses made of thermal walls, timber or rounded logs and without cladding delight the eye with their natural beauty; the only thing you need to take care of is the protective impregnation of the wood or the painting of the block, which is the main guarantee of its durability.

Secondly, even if you want to finish the lining of your timber or log house, or any other type of house, you can choose less expensive materials that are in no way inferior in appearance and quality to their expensive counterparts, for example, fiber panels.

Here are examples of such materials that will help you find a more economical and affordable solution for cladding your home:

Plaster. Differs in prevalence, very inexpensive and simple solution. In addition, a rich palette of colors is available, which will help emphasize the individuality of your home.

Facing tiles. In fact - an artificial stone, this material is distinguished by reliability and strength, and it gives the house a special charm. This is an inexpensive and affordable material, and its installation will take very little time.

Ceramic brick. One of the main features of this material is its environmental friendliness, and it costs even less than artificial stone. It is easy to fit and serves as an additional protection of the building from adverse environmental influences, however, this material also has some disadvantages…

Clinker tiles. The main advantage of this material, relatively recently appeared on the domestic construction market, is its durability. At least 60 years of uninterrupted operation are provided to you. There is an opportunity to choose from more than 500 shades and a huge variety of textures and shapes, for every taste and color. It is also very environmentally friendly as it consists of clay and is essentially the front part of a brick with a thickness of 6 mm to -15 mm.

Fiber cement panels. A new reliable material for exterior decoration of houses. It has a very extensive use in high-tech style houses.

In addition, combined finishing of the facade of the house is possible, because the combination of two or more materials will not only give a pleasant visual effect and emphasize the style of your house, but also significantly reduce the cost of expensive facing materials.

It is possible to save money on flooring only by choosing a cheaper type of flooring.

The most common type of floors is wooden, but they are not without significant drawbacks: this floor can only be used as an interfloor (wooden beams are not used to cover the foundation - there is not enough strength), it may turn out to be less stable and more shaky than other types of floors. Wood practically does not isolate sounds - which means you will have to spend extra money on soundproofing materials. And that's not all: the installation of a wooden floor will require an additional installation of a monolithic belt, and you will also need finishing materials.

So in reality, the assertion that wooden floors are the cheapest turns out to be nothing more than a myth. Behind the apparent cheapness, additional costs are hidden, as a result of which the cost of a wooden floor can be equal to the supposedly more expensive monolithic and aerated concrete floors.

One of the most popular solutions today is the installation of a monolithic ceiling. It is extremely reliable, able to withstand high loads. Many sites say that it is quite possible to install a monolithic ceiling yourself, without resorting to the services of a construction company for installation, which will also save additional money. Theoretically, of course, this is possible, but we consider it our duty to warn you that the lack of qualified assistance from an architect can lead to dire consequences - after all, only a specialist can correctly calculate the weight load that a particular monolithic ceiling can carry.

It is very convenient to work with monolithic ceilings, they greatly simplify the work of designers and can be applied almost everywhere and always. One of the few disadvantages of this design is the duration of the laying - the process of fully assembling a monolithic floor can take about two weeks. Also, its severity can be attributed to the minuses - the walls and foundation of the house will carry an additional load, which should be taken into account at the design stage of the house.

Hollow concrete slabs are another great alternative to both hardwood and monolithic floors. In terms of cost, it is almost equal to monolithic, but its additional advantages include comparative lightness (hollow-core floor slabs are three times lighter than monolithic ones), quick laying and good soundproofing properties. They are cheaper than monolithic and aerated concrete floors, are very durable, and are produced in a huge variation in size and for any load. Their mounting does not take much time, and the construction practically does not stop.

It is worth noting, however, that reinforced concrete slabs practically do not isolate sounds and will exert a large load on the walls and foundation, which must be taken into account when drawing up a project. Most likely, additional laying of monolithic belts under the floor slabs will be required. Undoubtedly, their use will make it possible to build a very durable building at minimal cost.

5. One of the best ways to save money on building a house, without resorting to reducing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house or buying cheap, and therefore low-quality materials, is the construction of the so-called. combined house.

When building a house from one material, its cost can sometimes skyrocket - especially when it comes to such expensive materials as brick or natural stone. And even if you are satisfied with the price, such a house may have certain disadvantages. For example, a brick cottage is not very suitable for living, because, arriving there irregularly, you will find that the house is cold and damp, and it takes a lot of effort and time to warm it up. In a house made entirely of bricks, you must either live all year round or keep warm all the time, even if you are not there. To avoid such disappointing situations, the best solution would be to build a combined house.

It would be a mistake to believe that combined houses are a modern invention designed to save money for construction companies' clients. The combined house is many hundreds of years old, as we can see from medieval buildings in Germany and Switzerland - the famous half-timbered house, for example, is a classic example of a combination of wood and natural stone when building a two-story house. Due to the more solid stone or brick first floor, the structure acquires greater strength, and the second floor, made of logs or timber, does not exert a strong load on the walls and foundation.

Even in Russia, this technology is traditional - many provincial two-story houses are made in the same technique.

Why is the construction of a combined house more profitable than a building made of one material? The point here is not only that you will significantly save on expensive materials:

The first floor is traditionally made of heavier and fireproof materials that will ensure stability and safety for your home - concrete blocks, bricks, stone, aerated concrete or foam concrete blocks, which are not only not prone to fire, but also keep heat well and let moisture through , like a tree. You will not only ensure fire safety for your home, but also make it comfortable for living - the first floor is ideal for a common living room and utility rooms, while the second floor, made of natural wood, and therefore the most environmentally friendly, will serve as the best place for sleep, work and rest. In addition, you can not even talk about the huge number of design solutions possible for a combined house - you can finish the whole house "under the stone", "under the tree" or leave everything as it is, so that the natural beauty of the tree on the second floor and the stone on first emphasized and set off each other - it's up to you!

For the second floor, as we have already said, the best choice would be materials such as timber, blockhouse, logs or frame construction. In terms of cost, the second floor will cost you much lower than the first, and in terms of environmental qualities it will be even better. The tree perfectly keeps heat when heated in the cold season, and coolness - in the hot months; a wooden room will not be damp and it will be easier to warm it up, and the aroma of natural wood will have a beneficial effect on the psyche and your mood. Another positive point is the relatively low weight of the second floor due to the use of wood, so you can also save on the foundation by making it less massive. The only negative is the danger of fire or rotting of wood, but in our time there are many fire-fighting and antiseptic impregnations for wood.

When drawing up a project, it is worth paying attention that the service life of all materials may vary; with incorrectly selected materials, one part of the house may need repair after 30 years, while the other will be in the same excellent condition as when the construction work was completed. Based on this, we recommend that you do not select materials yourself; our leading experts will help you to decide and make a correct list of materials with approximately the same service life.

Thus, the construction of a combined house will not only save you a lot of money, but as a result you will also get a comfortable and environmentally friendly home, protected from fires.

6. Savings on the interior decoration of the house.

Interior decoration of the premises is the final chord in the construction of the house. Everyone wants the inside of the house to look as stylish as the outside, but here a new problem arises - the budget is still not rubber, and any of us may have financial difficulties. Some homeowners try to solve the issue with the interior cladding themselves, but at the same time they spend precious time, effort, and sometimes much more money than they originally expected. We treat our customers with understanding, and therefore we can offer a range of economical solutions for the interior decoration of your home, which will not be as burdensome for the wallet as their more expensive counterparts, but no less high-quality and effective.

The simplest and most inexpensive option is gypsum plaster, which is applied directly to the gas blocks. Immediately after gypsum plaster, you can stick non-woven textured wallpaper for painting.

Another option is drywall; this material is a recognized leader of interior finishing materials in the domestic construction market. This is a cheap and durable material that is not afraid of nails and screws. When used in finishing works, drywall forms a flat surface on which wallpaper can be pasted.

Panels are among the ten most popular and inexpensive materials for interior decoration. They come in two types - with photo printing and laminated. Laminate panels are the best choice for those who want calm and light colors to dominate the home. PVC panels compare favorably with their environmental friendliness, a wide choice of colors and high fire resistance.

Even with the help of such seemingly unpretentious finishing materials in the house, you can create exactly the atmosphere that you wanted, and which will delight you for many years to come.

The desire to save money when implementing such a large-scale and, frankly, not the cheapest project as "the house of your dreams" is quite natural and understandable. Here we have indicated only a few basic ways how to do this. However, we urge you to be prudent and not try to save money by buying cheap and often low-quality materials for capital construction, this can not only adversely affect the longevity of your home, but, ultimately, lead to a tragedy.

Building a house is a serious and responsible business, so we recommend that you come to our office and consult with our specialists for free. We will select for you the most optimal materials at the lowest prices, as we have direct deliveries from factories of trusted manufacturers.

The words of a well-known investor and financier "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things" can be applied to the construction of residential buildings. And yet, in the process of building a house, almost traditionally, costs pop up that are clearly not provided for in the estimate.

And it’s good if this estimate was made by a competent specialist. For example, the designers and estimators of the InnovaStroy company quite successfully cope with this task, excluding additional costs with almost one hundred percent probability. But what if the construction budget was planned independently, and it does not provide for all costs. Is it possible to save money during the construction process?

If we adhere to objectivity, then it is certainly possible to find some "optional" costs in the project. The main thing is not to confuse them with key costs, without which the construction and further operation of the house will be at risk. So, let's try to find out what you can’t save on when construction of cottages or country house.

Where are the funds going?

In order to better understand what it is undesirable to save on, one must be aware of the direction of financial flows during the construction of a house. Traditionally, significant amounts of funds are directed to the following goals:

  • Geological exploration at the site;
  • Drawing up a project;
  • Approval of project documentation;
  • Rental of special machinery and equipment;
  • Purchase of materials;
  • Arrangement of communications;
  • Payment for construction work.

It would seem that for each of these items it was possible to reduce costs, and in some places - even in tangible amounts. And in order not to come to undesirable consequences, we will further find out what exactly you do not need to save on. All other actions and materials may be accompanied by various financial investments.

Why pay for something that is only on paper

Unfortunately, in the view of many developers, the project of the future house seems to be a draft sketch, in which the location plan of the future apartments, the number of floors and the roof configuration are outlined. Visually, such a "document" should give an idea of ​​the appearance of the future structure.

Filling the interior - it already seems to be a matter of taste of the owner himself, and in this regard, nothing is required to be added to the project at all. Unfortunately, it is this approach that leads to the fact that the construction of the house is delayed for several years.

How else? After all, during the construction process, it will be found that the thickness of the walls with such force presses on the foundation, that the level of window openings dynamically move towards the ground, and the foundation itself goes deeper and deeper into the ground. Or halfway through the construction phase, it turns out that the ill-conceived layout of the rooms interferes with the wiring of communications. And there can be many such circumstances not taken into account in the project. As a result of saving on project preparation:

  • Overspending;
  • Delaying the construction period;
  • Increasing the complexity of construction.

And when preparing a project, one should remember that diagrams and drawings made on plain paper, if they are correctly drawn up, will very quickly turn into a beautiful and reliable house. But - provided that the owner of the site will not save on the project.

By the way, sometimes you can also try to save a modest amount on his approval. But:

  • First, the amount is so small that it is not worth trying to save it;
  • Secondly, such prudence can lead to claims from the architectural, engineering services, as well as the sanitary and fire departments.

As a result, such savings can result in multiple losses due to the payment of prescriptions and fines.

How to save money on site survey

For some developers, it seems only a formality that a surveyor visits the site. Quite logical reasoning leads them to this opinion - even the regional departments of geological exploration have a map showing the structure of the soil in all areas of development.

But even within the limits of one plot of several acres, a surprise may appear in the form of a surface horizon of groundwater, clay inclusions in the composition of the soil, sandy clubs and other troubles. It is their discovery that is the goal of the surveyor's visit. Moreover, in the process of surveying the site, it is quite likely that it will be necessary to drill test wells. Sometimes this requires additional costs - the call of special equipment, the production of drilling operations sometimes require tangible costs.

If we imagine a situation where test drilling is not carried out due to the "economical" nature of the owner of the site, then it is possible that if there are sand layers in the soil on the territory, the foundation of the house will be just above them. The consequences will make even the most economical ones think - the sliding of underground sand will lead to deformation and collapse of the house at about the stage of its completion, when the supporting structure will be quite heavy for such a sand cushion.

The basis of the estimate and the house

Based on the results of many years of activity, many contractors, designers and all construction workers know that approximately 40% of the entire estimate falls on laying the foundation.

Here's where to save money! Moreover, the volume of construction work and materials seems to leave room for the implementation of the fundamentals of the economy and economy. But is it worth experimenting with the stability and reliability of the foundation of the house? Savings on the foundation can manifest itself in a lower consumption of materials, which will inevitably lead to a decrease in the design strength and stability of the foundation of the house. As a result, the thickness of the supporting structures will have to be reduced. And this will lead to a loss of heat capacity of the house.

If you try to save on the quality of materials for the foundation, then negative results may make themselves felt a little later. The gradual destruction of the integrity of the foundation will also lead to deformation of the walls, violations of the structure of communications and, as a result, to the huge costs of eliminating the cause of such unsuitability of the house.

Perhaps the only way to save on the foundation, which should not be neglected, is to entrust the design and construction of the foundation of the house to experienced professionals. Hundreds of such reliable bases have already been made by competent employees of InnovaStroy. And, based on knowledge of the theoretical and calculation base, as well as on the results of their own activities, they can partially optimize the estimate for the construction of the foundation.

Economical technical supervision

Another delusion of private developers is complete self-confidence in their knowledge and unwillingness to pay for seemingly unproductive work. It's about technical oversight. Do not confuse this function with the duties of the head of the construction team or foreman.

The responsibilities of a technical supervision engineer include:

  • Monitoring compliance with design standards;
  • The choice of building, finishing materials or their analogues;
  • Selection and registration of rental of special equipment and special equipment;
  • Selection of specialists in construction specialties;
  • Statement of production tasks;
  • Control over the achievement of goals;
  • Ensuring the work process with consumables and materials;
  • Organization of the work cycle, including the work of special equipment;
  • Organization of logistics, including the delivery of materials and the removal of construction debris.

In addition, a technical supervision specialist may be vested with authority and control functions for the expenditure of the planned estimate and its adjustment. And this is an incomplete list of duties assigned to a technical supervision officer.

In order to cope with even a part of these duties, the owner of the site would have to leave his main occupation for a while, familiarize himself with the theoretical base and devote all available time to this occupation. Such savings would hardly be justified, especially since it absolutely does not guarantee the correct fulfillment of all these duties and the achievement of all goals.

The role of cheap communications in building economy

The issue of saving on communication systems should be devoted to a separate section. This is the second most important element of the construction project after the foundation. Like the heart in the human body, communications keep the entire home alive. arrangement and wiring of communication systems also accounts for a significant proportion of the construction budget. And involuntarily doubts may arise regarding the choice of materials for the construction of these systems. Saving money on them is a strong enough temptation.

However, attempts to alleviate the financial burden may be limited by the relevant departments. For example, when arranging gas heating, the relevant services will definitely check whether the equipment meets the design characteristics of the house. Similarly, requirements will be made for the arrangement of the ventilation system at the location of the heating boiler. Therefore, in this regard, it will not be possible to save much.

When using cheap materials for the installation of the electrical wiring network, requirements will also be made by the district electrical network authority if the type or cross-section of the wire does not meet fire safety requirements. By the way, the fire inspectorate is especially attentive to its duties and tries to control all the moments that pose a risk of fire. The requirements of the fire inspectorate relate to the arrangement of power supply communications, connecting a three-phase line, connecting to a transformer. And they also relate to the device of the gas supply system.

How economical is the wiring of communications?

As you can see, it’s definitely not worth saving on communications, even for reasons of your own safety and safe operation of the house. But the idea of ​​saving on communications wiring may seem more than attractive. Indeed, with even a little experience, connecting pipes and connecting equipment to a consumer network does not seem like a daunting task.

But such confidence usually stays only until the moment of reading the drawings and wiring diagrams. Usually, from this place, the owners of the new building begin the stage, referred to by professionals only as “amateur activity”. As a result of such savings, the equipment is connected without proper configuration and testing, without observing the conditions for a trial run. And at best, minor damage occurs. At worst, the whole house and its owners themselves may suffer.

Summing up, we can conclude that the communications themselves, and even more so - it is definitely not necessary to save on their wiring and connection. At the same time, another, logical, conclusion suggests itself: it will be much more economical and practical to entrust the process of completing and connecting communications to experienced and qualified specialists. Moreover, they are always ready to respond when contacting InnovaStroy.

Savings on materials - which will be cheaper?

No matter how bitter it is to state a fact after all this, it’s definitely not possible to save a lot on the listed points of the construction project. There is also a "wonderful", according to many developers, option to save on building materials and interior decoration. Let's consider both versions.

Most building materials are used for the construction of load-bearing structures. The building materials industry is present on the market with such a wide range of prices that the choice here satisfies not too wealthy pensioners and developers with millions of budgets. But you don’t need to be a famous expert to determine the direct relationship between the cost of a material and its technological qualities. For example, as a heat-insulating material, you can use both inexpensive fiberglass wool and dense polystyrene foam, the thermal conductivity of which is one and a half times lower. Approximately the same is lower and its cost. But the cost of heating the house subsequently in the first season will block this difference in prices.

If the material is chosen for the construction of walls, then it’s definitely not worth saving here - such savings will be to the detriment of the strength and durability of the house. A similar situation with roofing materials - if there is no irresistible desire to make repairs two to three years after settlement, then it’s better forget about saving on roofing materials.

Economy Finish

Here, as it seems, nothing is able to limit the tired of negative searches for the opportunity to save on the construction of the house of its owner. Indeed, the interior is a matter of taste. The only thing you can remember is the functional purpose of some finishing materials. For example, ceramic tiles are designed to protect walls (especially in the bathroom and kitchen) from the inside from moisture. So there is still a chance, albeit small, regarding savings.

Savings on construction services and choosing a contractor

But on what it’s definitely not worth saving when building a house - it’s on paying for the work of the construction team. Cheap contractors with neither sufficient experience nor legal guarantees will never worry about the quality of their work. Moreover, such prefabricated teams often do not have their own machinery, equipment, and even many tools. Therefore, all this will have to be rented. Naturally - for the developer's money. It can hardly be called an economical construction option.

The situation is completely different for responsible and competent contractors. They are always equipped with everything necessary for doing work from scratch and on a turnkey basis. They have sufficient experience, thanks to which it is possible to achieve real savings in building a house, as qualified builders will always tell you how to minimize the estimate and what you cannot save on when building a house.

And their experience and constant professional development through the development of new construction technologies can reduce the budget burden on some projects by up to 30%! Qualified and responsible employees of InnovaStroy have such advantages.

And regarding the savings on building a house, you can also learn more from the video.