Analysis of the implementation of the state program for the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex in its main directions. Agro-industrial complex of Russia, its development and features. Programs of the agro-industrial complex Similar works to - Analysis of implementation

The agro-industrial complex today ensures the country’s food security and also contributes to the development Agriculture. Agriculture represents the second sphere of the agro-industrial complex and is the main component of the agro-industrial complex, in the interests of which other spheres of the complex are organized, function and interact.

Agriculture is not only the main, defining element of the agro-industrial complex, but also its connecting link - even minor changes in the volume and structure of agricultural products can have a very significant impact on other areas of the agro-industrial complex.

In this regard, the problem of agricultural development is hot topic for scientific research. Let's analyze the main indicators of agricultural development over the past 5 years.

In the last five-year period, the Rural Revival and Development Program was implemented. This is the largest in the history of our country investment project with a total cost of $52.6 billion. Taking into account the priorities for the development of the agro-industrial complex in previous periods, the program made it possible to radically improve the life of the Belarusian village and create new competitive advantages for the country in international trade.

Belarus has not only ensured its food security, but has also become a significant exporter of food products. Occupying 89th place in the world in terms of territory, the republic has reached 4th place in milk exports, 6th place in flax fiber, and is among the top 20 countries in exports of cheeses, meat products and other food products.

Exports of agricultural products and the food industry in 2010 reached a record value in history of $3.3 billion and grew 2.1 times over the five-year period. There is no doubt about the success of the program, but factor analysis shows that a number of important targets have not been achieved, and the economy of the agro-industrial complex is in a difficult state.

In recent years, in the structure of gross domestic product, the share of agriculture in GDP does not exceed 8%. Moreover, the minimum value of this indicator was observed in 2007 and 2010. - 7.5% (Fig. 2.1)

Figure 2.1 - The share of individual sectors of the economy in the structure of GDP. Source:

Agriculture is characterized by an increase in production volumes in constant prices compared to the previous year for the entire study period. At the same time, in 2009, the growth rate of production volumes was reduced by such sectors as forestry, industry, transport, trade and public catering.

Over the past 5 years, 9.7-10.5% of the employed population worked in agriculture. At the same time, there is a tendency to reduce the number of labor resources in agriculture by 2010. Largest number employed in agriculture in 2011. and amounted to 10.3% (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1 - Dynamics of the population employed in agriculture, thousand people.


Studying the structure of fixed assets by economic sector at their original cost at the beginning of the year for the period 2006-2011, one can see that the share of agriculture here is 14.1-15.0%.

Since 2006, investments in fixed capital in agriculture have increased annually. The growth rate of this indicator in comparable prices for 2008-2010. compared to the previous year amounted to 128.5%, 129.8% and 108.7%, respectively. At the same time, the share of agriculture in the total volume of investments in fixed capital ranged from 14.6% in 2007 to 18.2% in 2009 (in current prices). In 2011, this figure was 12.5%, which is 4.7% less than in 2010 (17.2%).

Agricultural organizations continue to play the main role in agricultural production - 62.0-69.6% of the total volume (Figure 2.2).

The second position is occupied by households. It is significant that in 2010, farms reached their maximum value in 5 years - 1% of the total agricultural production.

Figure 2.2 - Structure of agricultural products by farm categories.

The main branches of agriculture - crop production and livestock - over the past 5 years in the republic have occupied approximately the same share with a slight predominance of crop production: 52.6-56% and 44-47.4%, respectively (Table 2.2). At the same time, in agricultural enterprises, livestock production leads (56.2-60.8% of total production) over crop production (39.2-43.8%). At the same time, households and farms are primarily engaged in obtaining crop products (within 77-84%).

Table 2.2 - Agricultural products (in farms of all categories; as a percentage of total agricultural production)

Crop production


In recent years in Belarus, agricultural production volumes have tended to increase in all categories of farms (Table 2.3). Having reached a maximum in 2008, the growth rate subsequently decreased and in 2010 amounted to 101.9%. But in 2011, the volume of agricultural products reached 106.6%.

Table 2.3 - Indices of physical volume of agricultural products compared to the previous year (in comparable prices)

According to official statistics, in recent years in Belarus there has been a positive trend in increasing both the total volume of agricultural production and per 1 resident and worker in agriculture - in 2010 the figures exceeded 2006 by more than twice (Table 2.4 , Fig. 2.3). The maximum growth rate of crop production was observed in 2008 (141.4% compared to previous year), minimum - in 2009 (102.1%). Livestock products in 2010 were produced in a volume of 127.3% compared to the previous year. Interestingly, at current prices, more crop production was produced than livestock production.

Table 2. 4 - Agricultural production per capita and per worker in the industry


Agricultural products produced, billion rubles. (at current prices)

Total, incl.

Crop production


Agricultural products produced per inhabitant, thousand rubles.

Total, incl.

Crop production


Agricultural products produced per 1 agricultural worker, thousand rubles.

Total, incl.

Crop production


Figure 2.3 - Dynamics of agricultural production (in actual prices; billion rubles)

In the first half of 2012 in agriculture, on farms of all categories, production at current prices amounted to 34,070.1 billion rubles. and increased compared to the corresponding period in 2011. in comparable prices by 5.1%.

In organizations engaged in agricultural activities, production volumes during this period increased by 6.7%, with livestock products - by 7.8%, crop production - by 0.2%

Despite the positive dynamics of development of agricultural production in Belarus, A. Gerasimenko in his research notes that under-reformed and inefficiently functioning agriculture is a burden for state budget. The level of budgetary support for agriculture in Belarus (4.15% of GDP) is significantly higher than in other countries (Figure 2.4). And the share of transfers, expressed as a percentage of added value in the agricultural sector, reaches 67%, while in the EU this figure corresponds to 30%, in Canada - 34%, in Russia - 30%.

Figure 2.4 - Level of budgetary support for agriculture in different countries of the world, % of GDP

Most of the support measures used in Belarus, according to the WTO classification, belong to the so-called “yellow box”, i.e. they distort production and trade. According to World Bank estimates, in 2008-2010. The “yellow basket” in Belarus collectively accounted for 86% of state support, which amounted to about 40% of agricultural GDP. The most significant item of expenditure (42%) is subsidizing interest rates on loans and implementing government guarantees for their repayment. Subsidies for the purchase of inputs (fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, fuel) amounted to 28% of the total volume of the “yellow basket”. Leasing subsidies account for 12%, and support for the production of certain types of agricultural products - 9%.

At the same time, only 12% of the total funding was allocated in 2010 for support measures related to the “green box” (the least distortive of production and trade). In the world, more than 70% of government support is for these purposes. At the same time, as follows from the World Bank report, the Belarusian “green box” has a low level of diversity and is limited to a set of basic public services aimed at maintaining the competitiveness of the sector. It is based on land reclamation and, to a lesser extent, expenditures on research, education and R&D.

In 2005-2011, the agricultural complex fully met the needs of the country’s domestic food market and at the same time supplied for export. As S. Shapiro notes, export activities will be a priority in the Belarusian agro-industrial complex in the coming years. However, according to the author, the path to foreign food markets will not be easy. Firstly, as the material well-being of the population grows, the requirements for the quality of food products are constantly increasing both in the domestic and foreign markets. Secondly, competition in foreign markets is intensifying due to the increased activity of a number of large developing countries: China, Brazil, Argentina and others. It should also be taken into account that agricultural production in Russia is also gaining momentum.

To solve pressing problems in the agro-industrial complex, innovative measures are needed to ensure a significant increase in the production of agricultural products with economic feasibility, expansion of their range and improvement of quality to the level of world standards.

In order to increase the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex, increase income rural population and other socio-economic goals, the State Program for Sustainable Rural Development for 2011-2015 was developed and launched. It is envisaged that the efficiency of agricultural production will be increased through:

Bringing the costs of production of agricultural raw materials and food to the standard level;

Increasing the productivity of agricultural sectors;

Development of the material base and technical and technological re-equipment of agro-industrial production;

Priority setting economic indicators characterizing the profitability of production, profitability of sales of goods, products, works, services, return on investment.

It is expected that by bringing costs to the standard level, about 1 trillion will be saved. rub. Increasing the efficiency of the crop and livestock industries should reduce the unit costs of agricultural production by 5-10%, which today is estimated at 1.5 trillion. rub., and ensure an increase in profitability of sales up to 11% in the country as a whole.

Having analyzed the dynamics, composition, and structure of socio-economic indicators of the agricultural sector, we can conclude that the state needs to concentrate more attention on increasing these indicators.

Statistics clearly show how these indicators are falling every year: there is a downward trend in the number of labor resources in agriculture, the number of employed people in agriculture is decreasing, GDP is growing at a slow pace, it is necessary to increase the production of agricultural products per capita.

Over the past 20 years, Russia has been developing its own production in various industries, including the agro-industrial complex. Due to the collapse of the USSR, many large production enterprises, as well as a significant part of the resources, remained on the territory of the former Soviet republics. Russia had to increase its own capacity and import goods from neighboring countries.

The lag in the development of key areas of the agro-industrial complex and the low competitiveness of domestic agricultural enterprises have led to a sharp increase in imports. Accession to the WTO only worsened the situation. The Russian market is flooded with foreign products. Domestic agricultural producers, unprepared for increased competition, suffered heavy losses.

Attempts at import substitution have been carried out in the country more than once during periods of acute crisis. Thus, in 1998, the volume of imported goods decreased by 20%, in 1999 - by 28%. This contributed to further economic growth in the country and restoration of the potential of Russian producers. During these years, GDP grew by 25%. The next global crisis was 2008-2009. also had a positive effect on the development of the domestic market. The fall in the ruble exchange rate led to the development of the food industry, automobile and aircraft manufacturing. State program for the development of the agro-industrial complex for 2008-2012. contributed to strengthening the import substitution policy by supporting local production. During the period of the program, meat imports in the country decreased significantly: from 53.4% ​​in 2008 to 36% in 2011. A similar situation was observed in the vegetable market. Its imports have decreased, and its own production has increased.

Today, import substitution is one of the strategic objectives in connection with the economic situation that has developed in the country and the world over the past two years. As former Minister of Agriculture of Russia Nikolai Fedorov noted at one of his meetings with journalists, economic sanctions did not take us by surprise. The country preferred to use the difficult situation in the international market to develop its own enterprises. As a result, the agricultural sector adapted to the conditions of the sanctions. The crisis situation strengthens its structures and contributes to an increase in production volumes. The highest results, as noted by the authors of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture for 2013-2020, will be felt by Russia by 2020.

Already in 2014, according to Rosstat, the country achieved 83% pork supply, 90% poultry meat supply, took first place in the production of rye and oats, and third in wheat harvesting. The grain harvest in 2014 amounted to 109 million tons, which is 16.51% more than in 2013.

Due to the fall of the ruble, products from Russian manufacturers have become more accessible on the foreign market. The country occupies a leading position in grain exports, behind the USA and the EU. Thus, grain exports in 2014 amounted to 20 million tons. This is 30.8% more than in 2013. The majority of grain supplies abroad were wheat – 88%, while about 90% of the wheat supplied outside the country was food grade. In the export of vegetable oil (mainly sunflower), Russia occupies over 25% of the foreign market share, while also fully meeting domestic needs. Russia's potential for further export growth is quite high, provided that the competitiveness of domestic products increases.

But at the same time, the profitability of producing the same meat, for example, still remains quite low due to the high cost of grain, feed, fuel and agricultural machinery on the domestic market. As a result, meat prices are rising and consumption is declining. So the cost of pork in 2010 averaged just over 190 rubles. per kilogram, in 2014 already over 270, in 2015 about more than 300 rubles. At the same time, demand for meat decreased from 35,751.5 thousand tons in 2013. up to 27,078.4 thousand tons – in 2014. Russians began to give preference to more affordable poultry meat and dairy products.

In order to ensure food security in August 2014. Russia, in response to US and EU sanctions, introduced a food embargo. This measure, as analysts note, is the most ambitious in scope since the beginning of the implementation of the import substitution policy. This is also the most effective measure in the current situation, which contributes to the early achievement of the goals of the State Agricultural Development Program.

The implementation of the State program provides significant support for agricultural producers by subsidizing interest rates on loans, providing grants and subsidies for the development of livestock farms. Thanks to government funding, Russian products, as follows from the program, will become half the price of imported analogues, while being of much better quality.

But the policy of import substitution should not be an end in itself, since in a number of areas Russia is still heavily dependent on foreign supplies. For example, 50-70% of hybrid sunflower and corn seeds are imported into the country from abroad. A similar situation is with imported components, without which the production of agricultural machinery and equipment is still indispensable. Therefore, the policy of import substitution and support for domestic producers should be carried out in parallel with the search for new markets, both for the supply of scarce goods and for the sale of products manufactured in the country. Foreign economic relations in modern world are factors in the growth of gross domestic product and, therefore, gross world product. Russia needs to develop and improve production technologies, expand the number of sown areas, use methods to increase the productivity of livestock and agriculture, increasing the competitiveness and export potential of domestic agricultural products.

The agro-industrial complex is an extremely important sector national economy RF. This area determines the level of food security, and can also be one of the powerful incentives for the growth of the entire economic system of the state. What are the specifics of the agro-industrial complex in Russia?

Definition of AIC

The agro-industrial complex is, in fact, a combination of several branches of the national economic system that are aimed at producing or processing raw materials of agricultural origin, as well as obtaining various types of products from them. The noted set of economic segments includes: agriculture itself, represented in a wide variety of industries that process raw materials, supply farmers with equipment, necessary fertilizers and other resources of industrial origin, as well as transport and logistics enterprises responsible for supplying agricultural products to consumers.

The agro-industrial complex, according to a number of points of view, also forms sectors of the national economic system that are not directly related to the industrial or agricultural sphere, but are extremely important from the point of view of the prospects for the development of the corresponding segment of the economy. First of all, this is education: it may include public, private, and international institutions of various profiles. Also, recently the role of the IT industry has become increasingly significant, especially in terms of software development for automated control of various production processes, CRM systems, etc.

The role of the agro-industrial complex in the Russian economy

Russia is a state with a relatively small share of agriculture in GDP, about 5%. At the same time, as many experts believe, there are a large number of related industries (in fact, forming the agro-industrial complex), which represent a significant group of subjects in the macroeconomic sense. In connection with changes in the foreign policy vector of the country's development, the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, as many analysts are inclined to believe, has a chance of significant growth. Some of its signs are already visible. For example, in connection with trends in the framework of import substitution, the emergence of which was due, if we adhere to the popular point of view, to the food embargo, as well as the depreciation of the ruble, the production of some types of agricultural products in the Russian Federation in 2014 increased by tens of percent, and in 2015- m has a chance of further growth, as many analysts believe. Thus, the role of the agro-industrial complex in the Russian economy is likely to increase in the coming years. However, we will study aspects of import substitution in more detail a little later.

The agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation is also extremely important from the point of view of ensuring the food security of the state. Until recently, in many key segments of providing the population with food, a high dependence on imports remained (and in a number of industries remains relevant). The state, experts believe, should make every effort to provide the population with products primarily of domestic production. At least in those segments in which it is possible to achieve acceptable results due to climatic conditions: it is clear that, for example, many types of fruits in Russia simply cannot grow due to the long winter.

Classification of agricultural sector segments

Above we outlined what main areas form the agro-industrial complex. Let us consider the essence of their classification in more detail.

One of the key areas of the agro-industrial complex is the industry for the production of agricultural machinery and other material resources needed by farmers (including, in particular, feed and fertilizers). The next segment is the production sector, which unites agriculture itself, within which the practical work of farmers is carried out, as well as industries in which products are produced based on agricultural raw materials.

The third component of the agro-industrial complex is a sphere that combines the transport industry, logistics, communications, retail - everything that is associated with the supply of agricultural products to consumers, as well as with the establishment of inter-production communications. Some experts believe that agriculture and industry, which produces products based on the corresponding types of raw materials, should be considered as separate areas of the agro-industrial complex.

One way or another, the industries that form the agro-industrial complex are classified within the framework of the designated scheme rather conditionally. Often the boundaries between them are very fluid: for example, many agricultural companies combine business lines related to both the production of products for consumers and their delivery. Therefore, many experts prefer to classify the agro-industrial complex not so much within the framework of certain industries, but rather by the method of distributing certain activities according to the types of activities of enterprises. This is due, analysts believe, to active integration processes in which many organizations of the agro-industrial complex are participating, if we talk, in particular, about the Russian model.

One way or another, the considered classification of the agro-industrial complex within the framework of spheres or types of activity - depending on what point of view you adhere to - is quite logical. The fact is that it assumes a three-stage, sequential system of production cycles. At the very first level, release is carried out technical means for agricultural activities. At the second stage is the production of main products. The third stage is its sale to the end consumer.

It can also be noted that with the structures of the agro-industrial complex, if we talk, in particular, about Russian economy, state and municipal authorities actively interact. The management may be in charge of the most important issues of development of the agro-industrial complex. The economic condition of certain industries often depends on how effectively a specific regional committee of the agro-industrial complex will work. In particular, priorities in the provision of loans, subsidies and other forms of support needed by farmers are the responsibility of the relevant structures.

Let us consider the specifics of each of the areas (or areas of activity) in more detail.

Agro-industrial complex supply sector

This area is thus formed by the branches of the agro-industrial complex responsible for the production of material and technical resources of agricultural enterprises. Which ones exactly?

First of all, this is, of course, mechanical engineering - mainly represented by the tractor sector, enterprises producing combines, as well as various types of technological equipment and inventory. The most important role is played by the food industry, which interacts with the agro-industrial complex, producing feed and other types of products that are in demand in livestock farming. The scope of supply to the agro-industrial complex also includes enterprises engaged in qualified repairs of various equipment. The most important industry in this area of ​​the agro-industrial complex is rural construction.

Production sector of the agro-industrial complex

This industry is a set of activities related to the direct labor of farmers, which can be represented within a wide range of entities - private farmers, peasant farms, large holdings, etc.

It can be noted that many of the relevant elements of the industry under consideration also implement production-type activities. That is, these enterprises can directly participate in the production of the main agricultural product. Such firms can form an industry represented in the agro-industrial complex in a wide range of industries - food, dairy, meat. Enterprises of the corresponding profile are also divided into a large number of types.

Transport and logistics sector of the agro-industrial complex

This area includes enterprises of the agro-industrial complex that are engaged in logistics, delivery, retail and other issues related to the direct supply of agricultural products to consumers. As we noted above, in the economies of developed countries of the world various integration processes are often observed at the level of individual spheres of the agro-industrial complex. The development of the Russian agro-industrial complex, as many analysts believe, occurs generally within the framework of the same patterns. Therefore, enterprises whose main profile, for example, is agricultural production, also form in their corporate structure divisions responsible for logistics, sales and other areas of activity relevant to the area in question.

Prospects for the Russian agro-industrial complex

Let us now consider how the Russian agro-industrial complex is developing in more detail. We noted above that among the key factors of the processes that are currently taking place in this sector of the economy are import substitution, as well as the foreign policy situation. As many experts believe, the Russian agro-industrial complex as a whole has overcome the crisis period characteristic of the 90s, when production in most areas decreased, therefore a huge percentage of food products were imported.

At the same time, as some analysts believe, in many respects Russian agriculture has not yet reached, in particular, the indicators of the Soviet period, and therefore there is something to strive for. Although there are estimates according to which indicators in the relevant industry are quite comparable with the figures, in particular, for 1990, and in some areas they exceed them.

Let us study in more detail the specifics of one of the most pronounced, as many analysts believe, drivers of growth in the Russian agro-industrial complex today—import substitution.

Was the agro-industrial complex ready for import substitution?

An interesting fact is that the process in question did not begin with mutual sanctions between Russia and Western countries, although, of course, its current dynamics are largely due to the foreign policy factor in the form of corresponding activities. Programs of the agro-industrial complex in the Russian Federation began to be actively formed and implemented several years before the preconditions for complications in relations between our country and the West arose. Thus, the prospects that opened up for large-scale import substitution during the period of sanctions, analysts believe, had every chance of being realized due to the presence in the Russian Federation of the necessary infrastructure, technology, and personnel. In Russia, quite a lot of industries were discovered, experts believe, in which farmers did not have to start from a low start: everything was ready for short time increase the required production volumes of the main product.

What examples of successful and constructive actions by the Russian government before the sanctions can be found? For example, in 2013, the authorities, managing the agro-industrial complex, invested about 5.43 billion rubles. at the expense of the federal budget in some of the most important areas of livestock farming. Regional initiatives also received funding. Many workers in the agro-industrial complex experienced increased wages, improved working conditions and the technological state of enterprises. Support was provided to farmers in terms of lending.

Thus, the state of the Russian agro-industrial complex at the time of the introduction of sanctions was in many aspects optimal from the point of view of implementing successful import substitution. Among Russian analysts, there is a point of view according to which the Government of the Russian Federation decided to introduce a food embargo in the summer of 2014, having carefully calculated the possible consequences, analyzed the capabilities of the agricultural sector and came to the conclusion that Russia will be able to replace imported products on its own.

At the same time, in the field of import substitution in the Russian Federation, experts identify a number of pressing problems that have yet to be solved. Let's look at them.

Import substitution in the Russian Federation: tasks

First of all, as analysts note, the Russian government has a lot of work to do in stimulating public-private partnerships in the agricultural sector. This can be expressed, for example, in investment issues, logistics, and exchange of experience. In addition, analysts believe that the development of public-private partnerships can help reduce the budget burden.

The economy of the Russian agro-industrial complex largely depends on the efficiency transport infrastructure. Many suppliers of agricultural products simply do not have the opportunity to interact with consumers or at least with intermediaries who are ready to offer cost-effective terms of cooperation, due to the low availability of transport communications. Actually, one of the key areas of financing within the amount requested by the Ministry of Agriculture in the amount of 600 billion rubles. development of import substitution is precisely the logistics industry. At the same time, many analysts believe that even if the Russian government is able to allocate the funds requested by the Ministry of Agriculture, the country’s development, due to the imperfection of the logistics system, may not proceed at a fast enough pace.

Funding issue

Above, we noted the scale of figures that can appear in communications between departments responsible for the development of the country’s agro-industrial complex and the government. We are talking about financial values ​​comparable to the budgets of several Russian regions at once. This circumstance, as some analysts believe, suggests a difficult task facing the Russian government in the context of a budget deficit, which will most likely be observed in the near future due to low oil prices.

How effective the state policy in terms of financing will be is determined by the quality of work of the competent departments, analysts say. For example, in the Russian Federation there is such a structure as the Efficiency Commission government spending. In particular, it may be entrusted with the task of finding funds for import substitution. Perhaps, experts believe, this will be implemented by temporarily reducing other areas of budget financing.

Key directions

Despite the fact that the Government of the Russian Federation faces a number of unsolved tasks in the field of import substitution, and in addition, financial difficulties may arise in terms of their implementation, the authorities continue to develop programs that reflect the implementation of import substitution algorithms in the coming years.

As we noted above, one of the most important areas of activity of departments is the construction of logistics centers. These facilities are expected to be used, firstly, in order to increase the efficiency of interaction between various sectors of the agro-industrial complex, and secondly, for the purpose of better financial monitoring of the expenditure of budget funds.

The operation of the logistics centers in question will be ensured by updating legal framework, improving standards within a variety of areas of legislation. The state’s goal is to create a mechanism within which an agricultural producer can easily find a consumer through the resources provided by the logistics center.

The next direction of government activity as part of the implementation of import substitution programs is subsidizing a number of agricultural sectors, in particular, dairy and meat production.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of activities that the Ministry of Agriculture or, for example, the department of the agro-industrial complex reporting to it can implement in a particular region. At the same time, analysts believe that if the authorities manage to solve these problems, then excellent conditions for import substitution will be created.

Import substitution and food security

At the beginning of the article, we noted that the agro-industrial complex is extremely important for the country’s economy from the point of view of ensuring food security. Let's consider this aspect in more detail.

There is information that, within the framework of the current government doctrine, Russia must reduce its dependence, in particular in the field of milk imports, to 30%, that is, produce 70% of the product on its own. Similar indicators need to be achieved for meat, to ensure complete independence for potatoes, and 50% for grapes. It can be noted that food security for vegetable oil, as well as sugar, as evidenced by data from a number of sources, has been achieved almost completely. One way or another, as the Ministry responsible for the development of agriculture believes, there should not be an agro-industrial complex primarily dependent on imports in the Russian Federation.

And therefore, even if we are talking about the import of agricultural products from countries friendly to Russia, the corresponding volumes, nevertheless, should not lead to exceeding the criteria established at the government level. Of course, there are quite a lot of global suppliers of vegetables, fruits, meat, and milk that can replace European companies subject to a food embargo.

In particular, China, Serbia, and Latin American countries are ready to provide assistance to Russia in supplying certain products. For example, it is known that the PRC plans to open large infrastructure facilities through which national producers of vegetables and fruits will be able to establish interaction with Russian consumers, including through direct supplies. However, the emphasis should be on real import substitution, experts believe. It’s not even a matter of the geopolitical factor, which presupposes as much sovereignty as possible, including in the aspect of food security. The Russian economy now needs new growth drivers, and the agro-industrial complex in this sense has great potential that has not yet been fully realized, experts believe.

Short description

The purpose of this work is to study the Russian agro-industrial complex, identify current problems and prospects for further development.
To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:
1. understand the essence of the agricultural-industrial complex
2. study the actual state of the Russian agro-industrial complex;
3. evaluate the effectiveness of agricultural production;
4. determine the essence of the main problems of the agro-industrial complex;
5. identify prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex

1. Agricultural production is a special area of ​​application
labor and capital ………………………………………………………………………………….6
1.1. The essence of the agrarian-industrial complex………………………………6
1.2. Agricultural-technical revolution…………………………………………..10
1.3. Market relations in the agrarian-industrial complex……….........17
2. Analysis of the agro-industrial complex in modern Russia ………………………………………...23
2.1. The state of the agrarian-industrial complex
in pre-market Russia………………………………………………………23
2.2. Current state agriculture in Russia…………….........28
2.3. Problems and development prospects
agro-industrial complex……………………………………....36

Attached files: 1 file


1. Agricultural production is a special area of ​​application

labor and capital ………………………………………………………………………………….6

1.1. The essence of the agrarian-industrial complex………………………………6

1.2. Agricultural-technical revolution… ………………………………………………………..10

1.3. Market relations in the agrarian-industrial complex……….........17

2. Analysis of the agro-industrial complex in modern Russia………………………………………...23

2.1. The state of the agrarian-industrial complex

in pre-market Russia………………………………………………………23

2.2. The current state of agriculture in Russia…………….........28

2.3. Problems and development prospects

agro-industrial complex……………………………………....36

Conclusion…………………………………………………… ………….........47



Agricultural labor is the initial and determining beginning of all social production. In relation to society, it is entirely necessary labor, creating a product that satisfies primary needs.

The law of scarcity first manifested itself in agricultural production. Both the resources of agricultural production (primarily soils suitable for farming) and the material benefits created here are available in limited quantities and are relatively rare. Production capabilities are limited and primary needs cannot be replaced. The law of substitution does not apply to them. Therefore, at any historically specific moment, any society can allocate for all other types of production. Moreover, in order to maintain economic security, each country strives for food self-sufficiency, at least at a minimum level.

The relevance of the topic lies in the difficult situation of the agricultural sector, which is explained by the general decline in production, the severance of economic ties, the lack of a scientifically based concept of the legal framework for the implementation of market reforms, as well as a financial and credit mechanism that creates economic conditions for expanded reproduction, which led to deconstruction the entire existing system.

The current situation in the agro-industrial complex is characterized by crisis factors. The main reason for the resulting imbalance in the agricultural system was the radical transformation of ownership of the means of production. The organizational and legal forms of collective enterprises have changed, and the sector of individual entrepreneurship in rural areas has developed. Agriculture, with its labor-intensive production, can solve one of the most pressing social problems - employment of the population.

Consequently, the problem arises of developing a mechanism for economic relations between the state, subjects of agricultural production and commercial structures to develop new adequate approaches to providing investment resources to the agricultural sector of the economy. At the same time, expanding the scope of economic methods of state return provision of funds to enterprises in the agricultural sector can become a real source of maintaining their resource potential as the most economical and effective way to support the industry.

The degree of development of this topic is quite high. In the economic literature, there are a wide variety of concepts and approaches to studying the problem of the foundations of a market economy and the formation of an economic mechanism in the agro-industrial complex system. General issues of the theory of market economics and economic mechanism were studied by A. Smith, F. Bastiat, J. Proudhon, K. Marx, J. Keynes, as well as in the works of R. Barr, J. K. Galbraith, P. Drucker, F. Larrens .B., Leontyev, D.D., Samuelson P., Friedman M. and others.

The problem of the formation and development of market relations of the economy and the economic mechanism, its individual aspects, in particular, the features of their development in the agro-industrial complex system, the economic nature, essence and content of self-supporting relations are considered in the works of such scientists - economists as Abalkin L.I., Barnekova T. .K., Bronshein M.K., Buzdalov I., Buzgalin A.V., Belousov V.M., Voitov A.G., Emelyanov A., Esina A.I., Kamaev V.D., Nikiforov A. .A., Serkov A., Smirnova A.D. and others.

Study of the problems of the economic mechanism, the influence of its individual elements on the level of production efficiency, i.e. the relationship and interdependence of the economic mechanism and the efficiency of social production are presented in the works of A. Gataulin, K. Koluzanov, R. Kravchenko, A. Malyshev, V. Medvedev and other authors.

In the development of theoretical issues of improving the economic mechanism, forms and methods of management in the agro-industrial complex system and its orientation towards final results a certain contribution was made by Boev V.R., Borkhunov N., Wolf G., Gorodetsky E.S., Gorlopanova V.V., Dobrynin V., Lukinov I.I., Orlov Ya.G., Petrikov A., Romanov A., Ushachev I.G., Sagaidak E.A. and others.

In the works of these authors, there is a discussion about the economic mechanism in a market economy, the role of the state in market economy, market economy infrastructure, agrarian reform and market. At the same time, scientific research into the key issues of this problem remains incomplete and requires further in-depth clarification, analysis, theoretical and practical justification.

The purpose of this work is to study the Russian agro-industrial complex, identify current problems and prospects for further development.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

1. understand the essence of the agricultural-industrial complex

2. study the actual state of the Russian agro-industrial complex;

3. evaluate the effectiveness of agricultural production;

4. determine the essence of the main problems of the agro-industrial complex;

5. identify prospects for the development of the agro-industrial complex

1. Agricultural production is a special sphere of application of labor and capital

1.1. The essence of the agricultural-industrial complex

The formation of the agro-industrial complex is due to the development of productive forces, deepening specialization in industries National economy, strengthening ties between agriculture and industry to increase the efficiency of social production.

The term “agro-industrial complex” first appeared in our country in the late 60s of the last century. But the development of agro-industrial integration in Russia began in the late 20s with the formation of agro-industrial complexes that produced, processed and sold one type of agricultural product. However, the weak material and technical base, the political and economic situation and other reasons did not contribute to its further development. Only in the early 70s did the integration of agricultural and industrial production become widespread.

The agrarian-industrial complex (AIC) is a set of sectors of the national economy interconnected by economic relations regarding production, distribution, exchange, processing and consumption of agricultural products. It includes industries that provide the production of agricultural products, their processing, storage and sale, the production of means of production for the agro-industrial complex and its maintenance. About 80 sectors of the national economy participate directly and indirectly in the agro-industrial complex at different stages of production and circulation. From industrial sectors it includes: the food industry, which includes the food industry (sugar, baking, confectionery, pasta, oil and fat, fruit and vegetable), meat, dairy, flour and cereal and feed industries; light industry (textiles, leather and fur, footwear); mechanical engineering for the agro-industrial complex, etc.

The main branch of the agro-industrial complex is agriculture. At earlier stages of the social division of labor, agriculture had only two branches - agriculture and livestock breeding. Subsequently, beet growing, vegetable growing, horticulture, cattle breeding, pig breeding, etc. gradually emerged as independent industries. All of them differ in the type of products manufactured, technology, production organization, and machine systems used.

The agro-industrial complex is a complex diversified production and economic system, which includes three main areas.

The first area includes industries that provide the agro-industrial complex with means of production: tractor and agricultural engineering, mechanical engineering for the food and light industries, production of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products, repair of equipment and machinery, construction. The first sphere of the complex essentially determines the industrialization and intensification of production, both in agriculture and in other sectors of the agro-industrial complex. This sector accounts for about 10% of the final product and 15% of fixed production assets, 20% of the number of agricultural workers.

The second sphere is represented by agriculture and is the central link of the entire agro-industrial complex. Agriculture receives production resources from 80 industries and supplies its products to 60 industries. Each worker in agricultural production provides employment for five more people outside of it. Almost 50% of the final product is produced in this area and about 65% of production fixed assets and 60% of the number of agricultural workers are concentrated.

The third sphere includes a set of industries and enterprises that provide procurement, transportation, storage, processing of agricultural raw materials, as well as the sale of the final product. This area includes the food industry (flavoring, dairy and meat), light industry (textile, leather and fur and footwear), feed industry, procurement and trading organizations. Most of the industries in this area are multifunctional. Thus, freight transport in the absence of agricultural cargo can relatively easily be repurposed for the transportation of other goods, the textile industry can work on imported raw materials, and the shoe industry on synthetic ones. Therefore, the inclusion of the listed industries in the agro-industrial complex is possible only when it can be quite profitable. On the other hand, agricultural enterprises are usually limited in the choice of appropriate third-sphere enterprises. This entails an unreasonable reduction in purchase prices and the inclusion in the text of business contracts of conditions that place service enterprises in a more advantageous position than manufacturing enterprises. The third sector accounts for 40% of the total volume of final products, 20% of all production fixed assets and the number of agricultural workers.

An important place in the agro-industrial complex is occupied by infrastructure, which serves all areas of the agro-industrial complex.

Infrastructure is a complex of sectors of the national economy that provide conditions for reproduction. It contributes to the normal functioning of agricultural enterprises and the production of the largest amount of final products. Without producing goods themselves, infrastructure sectors largely determine the final results of production.

Infrastructure is usually divided into two areas: production and social.

The production infrastructure includes industries serving agricultural production: transport, communications, logistics organizations, plant protection stations, computer centers, etc.

Social infrastructure – sectors that ensure normal work activities of workers and contribute to the reproduction of the labor force. It includes housing and communal services, medical and children's institutions, catering organizations, labor protection services, sports and recreation areas, recreational facilities, etc.

The result of the activities of industrial infrastructure sectors are services for direct production, social services for improving living standards and improving working and leisure conditions of the population.

The most important conditions for the dynamic development of the agro-industrial complex are proportionality and balance of all three areas. By the contribution to the cost of the final product of each area, one can judge the imbalances in the structure of the agro-industrial complex. IN developed countries ah, the bulk of the value of the final product is created in the third area. It provides comprehensive waste-free processing of agricultural raw materials, their storage, packaging and packing finished products. Thus, in the USA, up to 80% of the retail value of a product is created in this area, in our complex - no more than 40%.

Final product is part of the cost of gross output (goods and services) minus its production consumption. The final product is understood as products that go beyond a given link. The final product at the enterprise level is no different from commercial products. The final product of the agro-industrial complex includes products created in all spheres of production, used for final consumption and export.

Depending on the intended use of the final product, the agricultural sector is divided into food and non-food complexes. The largest share of final products is created in the food complex. It includes industries and enterprises in all areas of the agro-industrial complex that are engaged in the production and distribution of food products for consumption.

Implementation analysis state program development of the Russian agro-industrial complex in its main areas

state program agro-industrial complex


Fundamentals of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

1 Modern agro-industrial complex - concept, structure

2 State of the agro-industrial complex on the eve of transformations

Development of the agro-industrial complex within the framework of the priority national program

1 Goals and objectives of the state program “Development of the agro-industrial complex”

2 Main directions of implementation of the priority program, support tools

2.2 Creation of general conditions for the functioning of agriculture

2.3 Development of priority industries

2.5 Regulation of the market for agricultural products and food

Implementation of the State Program in the Kirov Region



Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C


Russian agro-industrial production in general and agriculture, as the basis of the agro-industrial complex, being the largest sector, occupies a special position in the state economy. Over the past decade, economic growth has been observed in this industry, however, the lag behind the pace of development of the economy as a whole has not been overcome. Agriculture, which is dependent on natural factors and has a pronounced seasonal, cyclical nature of production, adapts more slowly than other industries to changing economic and technological conditions. As Russian agriculture integrates into global economy The increased degree of lag of the domestic agro-industrial complex from the world's leading food producers in all components of scientific and technological development is becoming more and more tangible. Financial instability of the industry due to instability of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food; shortage of qualified personnel caused by the low level and quality of life in rural areas; unfavorable general conditions for the functioning of agriculture, first of all, the unsatisfactory level of development of market infrastructure, which makes it difficult for agricultural producers to access financial, material, technical and information resources, finished products - precisely because of these circumstances, creating conditions for the sustainable development of rural areas, accelerating the growth rate of agricultural production based on increasing its competitiveness has become a priority direction of agricultural economic policy states. The priority national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex” has become an accelerator of positive processes in this area. Its implementation demonstrated the enormous potential of Russian agriculture and helped stimulate the development of entrepreneurship in the countryside. For the first time clear legal basis implementation of agricultural policy, as an integral part of the state’s socio-economic policy, covering the sphere of development of agriculture and rural areas, the main directions of this policy, its goals, principles, mechanisms and forms of state support are determined. Further development of the situation will entirely depend on the effectiveness of agricultural policy, its adaptation to rapidly changing conditions, the ability to turn the agricultural sector into a national priority, to make food an integral part of Russian exports, a competitive advantage in world markets.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the implementation of the state program for the development of the Russian agro-industrial complex in its main directions.

The purpose of the work is specified in the following tasks: - to analyze the current state of affairs in the agro-industrial complex of Russia; identify the main development problems; - determine the goals and objectives of the state program for the development of agriculture; - reveal the content of the main directions of implementation of the priority state program

analyze the conditions and activities of the State Program in the Kirov region;

The relevance of the study of numerous aspects of the development of the agro-industrial complex and the agri-food market is also determined by the opportunity to analyze recent events directly related to the functioning of the agro-industrial complex, the formation and improvement of market relations in the agricultural sector of the economy, on the way to achieving the goals of the state program by 2012.

1. Fundamentals of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

1 Modern agro-industrial complex - concept, structure

The agro-industrial complex, or agro-industrial complex for short, is a set of sectors of the national economy associated with the development of agriculture, servicing its production and bringing agricultural products to the consumer. The agro-industrial complex, being an integral part of the country's economy, is subject to general laws economic development and at the same time, it is distinguished by specific features due to the high social significance of the products produced. The term “agro-industrial complex” came into use in the mid-seventies, by which time it had formed as a single whole. The formation of the agro-industrial complex was historically caused by the scientific and technological revolution, the penetration of its achievements into agriculture, and the strengthening of ties between agriculture and industry. The agro-industrial complex includes three main areas.

The first sphere consists of industries that provide the agro-industrial complex with means of production, as well as those engaged in production and technical services for agriculture. This area includes: tractor and agricultural engineering, mechanical engineering for livestock and feed production, food engineering, production of specialized vehicles, land reclamation equipment, production of mineral fertilizers and chemical plant protection products, microbiological industry, capital construction in the agro-industrial complex, repair of agricultural machinery. The industries included in the first sphere of the agro-industrial complex are designed to provide resources for the production process, create the basis for the industrialization of agriculture and contribute to the normal functioning of all parts of the complex. The rhythm, flow and mass production of agricultural products and the final product as a whole largely depend on their activities. The first sphere of the agro-industrial complex accounts for almost 15% of the total volume of products produced, 13% of production assets and 22% of the number of employees.

The second sphere of the agro-industrial complex includes enterprises and organizations directly involved in the production of agricultural products. There are two main sectors here - crop production and livestock farming, which are also subdivided. In crop production, there are: vegetable growing, horticulture, grain production, cotton growing, flax growing, etc. In livestock farming, industries are distinguished by type of animal: cattle breeding, pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming. Along with this, livestock industries are distinguished by the nature of the products produced: dairy cattle breeding, meat and wool sheep farming, etc. Agricultural products cannot be reproduced in other areas or replaced by other types of products.

The second sector of the agro-industrial complex produces almost 48% of the final products. It employs over 68% of production assets and 60% of the number of employees.

The third sphere of the agro-industrial complex includes industries and enterprises that provide procurement, processing of agricultural products and bringing them to the consumer. The food, meat and dairy, fish, flour and cereal, and feed milling industries are concentrated here. This area partially includes light industry for processing agricultural raw materials. The industries of the third sphere of the agro-industrial complex provide primary industrial processing of agricultural raw materials, their procurement and storage, as well as secondary processing of raw materials and bringing them to readiness for sale to the population. They also deliver finished products to places of storage and sale. The standard of living of the country's population depends on the state and pace of development of the agro-industrial complex and especially the third sphere - the food and processing industry. The share of industries and enterprises in the third sphere of the agro-industrial complex accounts for 38% of the total production volume, 19% of all production assets and 18% of the number of employees.

Thus, in addition to agriculture, the agro-industrial complex includes industries that either supply it with means of production and provide services, or harvest, process its products, produce ready-to-consume food and non-food products from agricultural raw materials and bring them to the consumer.

Based on the nature of the final product produced, the agro-industrial complex can be divided into a food complex and a complex of non-food products. The food complex includes the agricultural and processing sectors that supply the population with food, as well as enterprises that supply the means of production to those involved in the procurement and transportation of food products.

The main socio-economic goals of the development of the agro-industrial complex are:

achieving sustainable growth in agricultural production;

solving the country's food problem and bringing the level of food consumption closer to scientifically based standards;

meeting the population's demand for non-food products from agricultural raw materials;

restructuring of agro-industrial production to a predominantly intensive form of development, ensuring accelerated growth in the production of final products;

improving the use of resource potential and increasing production efficiency on this basis;

changing the structure of foreign trade turnover in order to gradually transform the country into an exporter of food products.

Improving the structure of the agro-industrial complex should be aimed at achieving the ultimate goal: ensuring the balanced development of its spheres and industries, with minimal costs of labor and means of production, in order to increase the production of final products, fully satisfy the needs of the population, to solve the problem of providing the country with food and agricultural raw materials.

2 The current state of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation on the eve of transformations

Analyzing the general state of agriculture, it should be noted that the industry plays an important role not only in the economy and social life of the country. In general, the agro-industrial complex, according to experts, produces about 8.5% of the gross domestic product, of which 4.4% is produced in agriculture. More than 7 million people are employed here (almost 11% of the number of employees in the entire economy), and 3.4% of fixed production assets are concentrated. As you know, Russia has one of the world's largest agricultural potentials. Russia's share in world agricultural production is somewhat lower: about 5% of milk is produced; grains and legumes 3%; meat 2%.

If we talk about economic growth in agriculture, then, as in the economy as a whole, it continues. Although ten years ago, the Russian agro-industrial complex was in a deep state of crisis, due to the accumulated problems of its functioning: a decline in production, a reduction in sown areas, livestock, which occurred as a result of the instability of production and economic relations, inflation, and the rise in the cost of credit agricultural land. Unfavorable general conditions for the functioning of agriculture remain. Namely, the level of development of market infrastructure is unsatisfactory, production assets are worn out, prices for the main resources consumed by the industry, and above all, energy resources, are growing at a faster pace. An equally important problem is the financial instability of the industry, caused by instability of income and insufficient influx of private investment. Access for agricultural producers to markets for financial and information resources is difficult. The share of unprofitable enterprises is high. Profitability in agriculture is lower than in other sectors of the economy, and the risks, for obvious reasons, are higher. The social problems of the village are especially acute. Salaries in agriculture are only 40% of the average in the country's economy. This is significantly lower than in other countries. It’s bad that in this regard we lag not only behind developed countries, but even from neighboring countries - from Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus.

Before the transformations in rural areas, the socio-demographic situation was very complex and was characterized by:

a decrease in the rural population due to high natural decline and migration losses. This is especially true for young people. Therefore, the provision of rural areas with qualified personnel, both at the managerial level and in mass professions, remains low.

the dominance of the process of depopulation of rural areas, leading to structural changes in the rural settlement system towards an increase in the number of smallest (up to 10 people) and large (over 2 thousand people) settlements with a reduction in the number of rural settlements in all other population groups. In the period between the last two population censuses (1989 and 2002), the rural settlement network decreased by 10.7 thousand settlements (7.5%). The number of settlements without permanent residents increased by 40% and reached 13.1 thousand against 9.4 thousand in 1989, and their share increased from 5.8 to 8.4%;

the persistence of low incomes of rural households and the widening gap in living standards between urban and rural areas, low wages in agriculture compared to the economic average;

widening gap in the incidence of poverty in urban and rural areas, characterized by the share of the population with disposable resources ( cash income) 2 or more times below the subsistence level.

In order to solve these and other pressing problems, a draft State program for the development of agriculture and regulation of resource markets was developed. In general, we can talk about the unconditional validity of the agricultural policy, aimed at reducing the cost of importing food products and directing the released financial resources for the modernization and renewal of the domestic agro-industrial complex, strengthening the production and social infrastructure of the Russian village. Such a strategic maneuver, relying on its own strengths, should allow our country to take the path of getting rid of many years of food dependence and make fuller use of one of the most powerful food resources in the world. resource potentials For effective development of their agricultural production.

2. Development of the agro-industrial complex within the framework of the priority national program

1 Goals and objectives of the priority program

The priority national project "Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex" became the basis and accelerator for the adoption of the State Agricultural Development Program for 2008-2012, and all agricultural policy became a priority in the country's socio-economic policy. The program addresses not only issues of agricultural production, but also social development sat down.

Three main goals have been identified as priorities for the five-year period within the framework of the State Program:

ensure sustainable development of rural areas, increase employment and living standards of the rural population;

increasing the competitiveness of Russian agricultural products based on financial stability and modernization of agriculture, as well as on the basis of the accelerated development of priority sub-sectors of agriculture;.

To achieve these goals, it is necessary to solve the following main tasks (priority areas):

  • create prerequisites for sustainable development of rural areas through diversifying the employment of the rural population, restoring and building the capacity of the social and engineering infrastructure of the village;
  • improve the general conditions for the functioning of agriculture by improving land and tax legislation, intensifying antimonopoly policy, forming associations and unions of agricultural producers, improving personnel and information support industry, a set of measures to maintain soil fertility;
  • ensure the accelerated development of priority sectors, and above all livestock farming, based on the renewal and modernization of fixed assets, increased efficiency in the use of production potential, and improved mechanisms for regulating agri-food markets;
  • increase the financial sustainability of agriculture through measures for the financial recovery of agricultural producers, expanding their access to credit resources, and developing insurance for agricultural activities;
  • to improve the mechanisms of foreign economic regulation, including the operational regulation of foreign trade operations with agricultural raw materials and food, the creation of incentives for the growth of foreign investment in the agricultural sector, the formation of a quality control and phytosanitary control system harmonized with international requirements.

As a result of the implementation of the State program, the basic indicators of socio-economic development of agriculture should improve significantly. Their actual dynamics and forecast are given (see Appendix A. Table 1).

The state program, still adhering to a program-targeted approach in implementation, left federal and departmental target programs as an integral part, showing that agricultural policy is coordinated at the level of regions and the federal center. According to the parameters of the State Program, the volume of financing of the agro-industrial complex from the federal budget for five years will amount to just over 551 billion rubles. Approximately the same amount of co-financing from the regions is provided. Thus, consolidated support for agriculture over five years will amount to about 1.1 trillion rubles. Over 50% of this amount will be spent on achieving the financial sustainability of the industry, about 20% - on the sustainable development of rural areas, 1% - on regulating the market for agricultural products and food (see Appendix A. Table 2.)

It was planned that over five years, agricultural production would increase by 24%, private investment would increase by 1.6 times, and the incomes of the population in rural areas would more than double. Within the framework of the State Program, 3.5 billion rubles are planned for crop insurance, which will reduce the risks existing in agricultural production. In addition, the program provides 5.5 billion rubles. to ensure risks associated with rapid growth in gas and electricity prices. In addition, the State Program includes a set of measures to update and modernize fixed assets and reduce risks in agriculture: subsidizing insurance, financial recovery of agricultural producers, maintaining price parity.

It is assumed that the growth rate in agriculture should increase to 4% per year, and in livestock farming - to 5%. This is especially important because corresponds to an increase in demand in the meat and dairy markets and is aimed at achieving the goal of improving the quality of nutrition of our citizens. The revival of the investment process will, in particular, increase the rate of renewal of the main types of agricultural machinery. The intention to double the disposable resources of households in rural areas will have a positive impact on the growth of employment and income of the rural population, and the solution of social problems. An important direction in the State Program is to attract business and private investment in agriculture. This will allow us to modernize agriculture not only technologically, but also organizationally, and make it competitive.

The program includes an integrated approach to the development of agriculture, that is, support in all areas, including the introduction of new technologies and crop insurance. As a result, the program is aimed at increasing the growth rate and competitiveness of the industry, creating a number of basic prerequisites for the sustainable development of rural areas.

2.2 Main directions of implementation of the priority program, support tools

The Program sets out for five years specific parameters of financial support for the industry, mechanisms and indicators for the implementation of measures, including customs tariff and antimonopoly regulation, tax policy. Thus, a whole new strategy for agricultural development in 2008-2012 was developed. In total, the program includes five sections: sustainable development of rural areas, creation of general conditions for the functioning of agriculture, development of priority sub-sectors, achieving financial sustainability of the agro-industrial complex and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the first direction.

2.1 Sustainable development of rural areas

a set of measures to increase the level of development of social infrastructure and engineering infrastructure in rural settlements;

a set of measures to improve the living conditions of the rural population through the provision of grants;

a set of measures to increase employment and income of the rural population based on the development of traditional agricultural and non-agricultural activities.

In general, these measures are aimed at improving the quality of the social environment and living conditions of the rural population by increasing the accessibility and quality of services provided in the field of education, healthcare, culture, increasing the level of engineering and housing provision, and developing transport and energy infrastructure in rural areas.

Over the five years of implementation of the State Program, it is expected to increase the commissioning and purchase of housing by 3.7 times compared to 2006, increase the supply of high-quality drinking water to 66% and increase the level of gasification in rural areas to 60%. (22)

Measures to improve the living conditions of the main category of the rural population are carried out on the basis of the development of a housing mortgage lending system, with the involvement of federal budget funds to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on mortgage loans. Young professionals are given the opportunity to use the mortgage lending mechanism provided for in the current Rules. Mortgage It is intended to be provided for the following purposes:

acquisition of ready-made residential premises in rural areas;

creation of an individual housing construction project in rural areas, including completion of what was previously started;

acquisition of residential premises through participation in the shared construction of an apartment building in a rural area.

Measures to provide housing for young professionals are being carried out until 2012. Amounts of funding for measures to develop the social and engineering infrastructure of the village from the federal budget (See Appendix B in Table 3)

Overcoming the difficult social situation in rural areas should be facilitated by a system of government support measures that forms the second direction of an integrated approach to the development of rural areas - improving the social environment and improving the quality of life of the rural population. The residual principle of financing the rural social sphere, which prevailed over the previous several decades, and the effort to liquidate “unpromising” villages led to a large-scale reduction of social and living facilities, a decrease in the territorial accessibility of educational, medical, cultural, trade and consumer services for the rural population. Over 17 years, the number of schools decreased by 12 thousand (25%), kindergartens - by 21.5 thousand (53%), district hospitals - by 4.3 thousand, clubs - by 44 thousand (30%). To improve the level and quality of life of the rural population, a grant system has been adopted aimed at preserving and developing local social infrastructure, developing physical culture and sports, youth leisure, developing folk art, amateur performances, and providing non-agricultural employment for the rural population. Recipients of grants can be public organizations in rural settlements, non-profit organizations operating in rural areas; state and municipal institutions, cultural centers and research organizations, territorial self-government bodies; municipal administrations.

From every village settlement Only one project can be supported within the Program during the year. The amount of federal budget funds for the implementation of a project supported within the framework of the competition is determined depending on the category of rural settlement based on the size of the population living in it (See Appendix B. Table 4).

The subjects of the Federation are differently involved in the process of implementing this area of ​​the program due to differences in the levels of socio-economic development and budgetary security, priority systems for spending funds from regional budgets and the place among them of issues of social development of rural areas. The most active participants in program events are the subjects of the Volga Federal District (Republics of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Mordovia, Chuvashia, Orenburg, Saratov, Ulyanovsk regions). Program activities are also successfully implemented in the regions of the Southern (Republic of Dagestan, Stavropol Territory, Rostov Region) and Siberian (Altai Territory, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Tomsk Regions) federal districts. Now the main task is to effectively implement the decisions made on the basis of monitoring ongoing changes, promptly responding to emerging difficulties and taking adequate measures to eliminate them.

An essential condition for comprehensive sustainable development of rural areas is to increase the level of knowledge and information available to the rural community. For these purposes, it is necessary to fully support and develop regional rural advisory services and centers that, as foreign and domestic experience shows, are capable of ensuring the optimal organization of the activities of municipalities for the purpose of sustainable development of the entire territory covered by their activities. The strategic goals of such centers can be expressed in promoting the development of small and medium-sized rural businesses, developing and implementing a strategic plan for the development of the municipality, supporting initiatives and providing information and consulting assistance to business entities and citizens. The implementation of measures to strengthen the economy of the agricultural sector and sustainable development of rural areas contributed to improving the financial situation of rural households, increasing their provision of housing and the level of engineering equipment of the housing stock, partially compensating for the reduction in the network of social facilities, preserving and creating new jobs in rural areas, attracting and retaining in agriculture and the social sphere of the village of young specialists. However, the current pace of rural social development is not sufficient for fundamental changes in living conditions and a turning point in demographic situation in rural areas and providing the agricultural sector with qualified personnel. The number of rural social infrastructure facilities continues to decline, the rural housing stock remains predominantly poorly equipped, and the share of housing with high percentage wear and tear, dilapidated and emergency residential buildings.

2.2.2 Creation of general conditions for the functioning of agriculture

Agriculture is a sector of the economy that is exposed to more risks than industry or the service sector, which affects the level of investment attractiveness- the level of inflow of investment resources into agricultural production on the eve of the transformations remained extremely low. To change the situation to reduce the growth rate of agricultural production, active attraction of capital into the industry was required. In order to increase investment attractiveness, the program took measures to create the necessary conditions for the effective functioning of agriculture:

1)measures to maintain soil fertility

The main goal is to create conditions for increasing the volume of production of high-quality agricultural products based on restoring and increasing soil fertility of agricultural lands. The set of measures is being implemented within the framework of the federal target program “Preservation and restoration of soil fertility of agricultural lands and agricultural landscapes as a national heritage of Russia for 2006-2010 and for the period until 2012.” Federal budget funds allocated within the framework of the State program for the reconstruction of interregional and interfarm reclamation systems and separately located hydraulic structures, are used for technical re-equipment of federal property. At the same time, on-farm systems that are on the balance sheet of agricultural producers, due to the lack of their own financial resources are being reconstructed at a slow pace, irrigation equipment is being updated extremely slowly, and the technical wear and tear of structures and equipment exceeds 80%.

)measures to develop technical regulations that define the requirements for fixed and working capital of agricultural production and for finished products are designed to create conditions for regulatory support for the production of high-quality, safe for the population, competitive agricultural products. The development of technical specifications for technical regulations is necessary for the functioning of the industry’s technical regulation system. Reforming the standardization system in agriculture, by organizing mechanisms for the development and implementation of national standards unified with international standards must ensure the use of advanced technologies, methods of rational use of resources, technical and information compatibility.

) creation of a unified system of information support for the agro-industrial complex - the main objectives of which are the formation of state information resources and the provision of state services for information support of agricultural producers based on the development of an information and telecommunication system for the agro-industrial complex of Russia, automated information system Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, information systems on markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food and systems for remote monitoring of agricultural land.

With subjects Russian Federation agreements were concluded on the implementation of the activities of the State program regarding the implementation of the department’s target program “Creation of a Unified Information Support System for the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex (2008-2010)”. Within the framework of research and methodological work it was assumed: to form a normative, technical and organizational and methodological base for application information technologies in the field of agriculture. All these measures made it possible to systematize data, increase the efficiency of their processing, eliminate duplication of information and data incompatibility and provide convenient user access to various types of information, as well as create conditions for the widespread dissemination and use of information support system tools in preparing and making decisions at all levels of management in the field of agriculture. In 2008, 66 regional agricultural authorities (79.5%) used the functionality provided by the information support system, with a target of 30%. We ensured the provision of government services to agricultural producers in electronic form in 46 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the target being 42 regions. The most common services are the provision of regulatory documents for registration of subsidies for compensation of part of the interest rates on loans and borrowings, information on prices and analytical reviews, and reference information on processing enterprises. Price monitoring of the agri-food market is carried out by 75% of regions, 62% conduct remote monitoring of agricultural land, receiving information about the current (ten-day) state of development of agricultural crops and forecasts of their yield.

)the development of land mortgage is the most important condition for ensuring access of agricultural producers to credit resources secured by collateral land plots. The solution to this problem was supposed to be through the creation of legislative and regulatory framework, which made it possible to expand opportunities to attract mortgage loans owners and users of agricultural land mortgage lending;

  • reducing transaction costs of turning over plots of agricultural land;
  • creating an infrastructure for land and mortgage lending that reduces transaction costs of the collateral procedure;
  • organizing scientific and methodological support for the development of land mortgages;

Raising awareness among agricultural producers about mortgage lending

) staffing and development of the information and consulting service of the agro-industrial complex. The goal of implementing activities in this area is to expand access for agricultural producers and the rural population to consulting services, improve the quality of retraining and qualifications of specialists for agriculture.

This direction is being implemented by updating the educational and scientific equipment of educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia by providing targeted funding, the formation of regional information and consulting systems (ICS) by providing targeted funding to educational institutions of higher and additional professional education of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia on a competitive basis, the creation at the federal level of educational methodological centers. Agricultural consulting centers in 2008 operated in 58 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The regional level is represented by 56 consultation centers (target indicator 56 centers), the district level - by 443 centers of various organizational and legal forms. As part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program " Social development villages until 2012”, 262 district centers were created in 29 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including in 2008, 98 district centers were created in 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. To conduct training, retraining and advanced training of consultants, 27 regional educational and methodological centers have been created in educational institutions of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.

2.3Development of priority industries

The main goal of developing priority sub-sectors of agriculture is to level out the emerging imbalances in the agri-food sector by supporting those industries that have potential advantages in the domestic or global market, but without government support and regulation cannot fully realize this potential. These industries include those with a long investment cycle and higher infrastructure requirements. State support measures in 2008 - 2012 are aimed at stabilizing the population of the main types of farm animals, as well as the population in traditional livestock sectors - reindeer husbandry, herd horse breeding, sheep breeding and goat breeding. Their development will not only increase the production of certain types of meat, but also support the preservation of the traditional way of life and employment of the peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

To provide agricultural producers with domestic breeding animals and reduce their import supply, it is necessary to strengthen the existing breeding base. By 2012, Russia's breeding base should ensure that the share of breeding livestock in the total number of farm animals reaches 13 percent.

The main measures in livestock farming were aimed at increasing the production of meat and milk. For these types of products, there is the greatest gap from recommended consumption standards and a high share of imports. In 2008, it was not possible to stop the reduction in the number of large animals cattle. To support the development of the industry, an industry target program for 2009 - 2012 has been adopted. In some regions of the country, work has begun on breeding beef cattle. In a number of regions, the results of activity are not so significant, since the processes of technical and technological modernization are slowly being carried out in them; innovations are local in nature due to the fact that insufficient funds are allocated for comprehensive modernization, both by the manufacturers themselves and from the budget. Most regions have not yet fully exploited the potential to increase meat production. The main increase in meat production in the country was achieved through the work of the established capacities of industrial poultry and pig farming, which provide the greatest return on investment and all production activities. The development of these sub-sectors involves the formation of agricultural holdings, which include all links in the chain from supplying agricultural producers with all necessary resources to the sale of finished products, the creation of selection and breeding centers and the development of the necessary infrastructure. In pig farming, a developing industry in the Kirov region, technical and technological modernization, begun within the framework of the priority national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex,” has continued. Selection and breeding centers are being created, and the share of meat breed pigs is increasing. The increase in poultry meat production volumes is proceeding evenly across all federal districts, thereby ensuring its import substitution throughout the country. The main producers of milk continue to be household farms, which account for 52% of all cows in the country. In crop production, the main program activities were aimed at realizing the country's potential in the domestic and world markets for grain, flax products, creating a feed base for the development of livestock, and reducing import dependence on sugar, vegetables and fruits.

Assessing the results of the development of crop production, it should be noted that the industry turned out to be very responsive to positive economic changes under the conditions of its functioning, an increase in all types of products, especially grain, has been achieved. At the same time, the tasks of the State program for increasing production in flax growing, expanding crops in the Far North, increasing the gross harvest of rapeseed, and planting vineyards have not been fully fulfilled. Crop reduction continues fodder crops, the structure of sown areas remains irrational, the potential of the most valuable irrigated and drained lands is not restored, the volumes of mineral and organic fertilizers are still extremely low.

2.4 Achieving financial sustainability in agriculture

The state program is tasked with stabilizing the financial situation in agriculture. The average profitability should be at the level of 10%, and the share of unprofitable farms should not exceed 30%. To solve this problem, measures are provided for budgetary and extra-budgetary support of agricultural producers and their financial recovery.

The main indicators of financial stability are growth in profits and profitability, reduction in overdue debt of agricultural organizations. The goal of measures to increase the attraction of credits and loans by agricultural producers is to increase the financial stability of the industry through the timely replenishment of working capital, renewal and modernization of fixed assets, and the development of primary processing of meat and milk in agriculture.

In accordance with the State Program, increasing the availability of loans to agricultural producers was ensured by providing subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to reimburse part of the costs of paying interest on loans received by agricultural organizations and peasant (farm) farms. In total for the year, the volume of attracted loans on subsidized terms interest rate significantly overfulfilled. OJSC Rosselkhozbank became one of the main agents of the state for credit support of the agro-industrial sector of the economy. Over the nine years of its operation, the bank provided loans to agricultural enterprises and the rural population in the amount of 859 billion rubles, and formed the second largest network of territorial divisions in Russia, including 78 regional branches and 1,414 additional offices. In the second half of 2008, due to crisis manifestations in banking sector the situation with the availability of credit resources for enterprises in the real sector of the economy and agriculture has also worsened, which was reflected in the deterioration of the conditions for providing credit funds banks, namely: an increase in rates on loan agreements to 18-20%, an increase in the fee for opening a credit line to 1%, introduced compulsory insurance collateral for short-term loans (previously this requirement applied only to long-term loans). Similar credit policy led to an increase in the costs of enterprises to attract and service loans and had a negative impact on their economic and financial condition.

The purpose of implementing measures to increase the financial sustainability of small forms of farming in rural areas was to increase production and sales of agricultural products produced by peasant (farmer) and personal subsidiary plots, and increase the income of the rural population.

2.2.5 Regulation of the market for agricultural products and food

The main goal is to increase the competitiveness of domestic agri-food products, increase the share of Russian agricultural products, raw materials and food in the domestic market, smooth out seasonal fluctuations in prices for agricultural products, raw materials and food, as well as create conditions for increasing the export of agricultural products and developing commodity distribution infrastructure in the domestic market .

This direction is extremely relevant today in the context of Russia’s accession to the WTO, because It is the interests of the agro-industrial complex that are most vulnerable here, and it is necessary to ensure measures to protect domestic markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food products, to ensure stable dynamics of prices for agricultural products for producers and consumers. Therefore, a customs and tariff policy was needed that would truly create a regime of fair competition and sustainable development of domestic production. During the period of implementation of the Program, the share of domestic food products in commodity resources retail food products were expected to increase to 70 percent by 2012. Measures to regulate the grain market are aimed at stabilizing the grain market and increasing the competitiveness of Russian grain on the world market. Based on government procurement and commodity interventions, as well as on the implementation of collateral transactions, it is necessary to smooth out seasonal fluctuations in prices for grain and its processed products for grain producers and consumers, increase the income of agricultural producers, and stimulate the movement of grain from remote regions of the Russian Federation to regions of consumption .

To increase the competitiveness of Russian meat products, it is necessary to solve problems to improve the quality of domestic meat products, as well as to maintain a level of profitability of sales that provides investment for expanded production of meat products. Developing a forecast balance of supply and demand for meat by type (beef, pork, poultry) in order to optimally plan the structure of production and consumption and ensuring the extension of the tariff quota mechanism for meat imports after 2009 is the main mechanism for implementing the program. Regulation of the sugar market is carried out by ensuring the growth of white sugar production from sugar beets to the level of maximum self-sufficiency in sugar for the needs of the domestic market by reducing dependence on imported raw sugar, as well as creating conditions for increasing the efficiency of the beet sugar complex and maintaining the profitability of producers of sugar and beet raw materials. In general, over the past period the share of domestic products in food resources on the market has increased, and the quality of certain types has improved. Unfortunately, the problem of relationships between producers, processors and representatives of the wholesale and retail chain has not been resolved; small agricultural businesses still have no access to consumers, as evidenced by what happened with dairy products this year. In 2010, the situation in agricultural production due to unfavorable natural and climatic conditions was of particular concern, and in the future it is necessary to take additional steps aimed at supporting agricultural production.

3.Implementation of the program in the Kirov region

To synchronize actions in the agricultural sector, both at the federal and regional levels, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation adopted their own five-year agricultural development programs, taking into account regional characteristics. In the Kirov region, great attention has been paid to the implementation of the program, because The agro-industrial complex is an integral part of the region's economy. A significant part of the region’s municipalities have an agricultural specialization; accordingly, the development of the territories directly depends on the level of agricultural development. Agriculture produces 13 percent of the gross regional product and provides employment to 12 percent of the working population. Share tax revenue agricultural enterprises, food and processing industries account for 15.6 percent of incoming tax payments. There are more than 2 thousand enterprises and peasant farms in the industry, there are 400 thousand heads of cattle, including 147 thousand cows, 185 thousand pigs, 75 thousand sheep and goats, 3 million poultry.

State support for industry organizations is based on the implementation of regional targeted programs and activities. Since 2008, the implementation of the priority national project "Development of the agro-industrial complex" in the Kirov region has been carried out within the framework of the State program for the development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2008 - 2012 on the basis of Agreement dated 02.12.2008 No. 70/17 , concluded between the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kirov Region.

I will dwell on the main areas of the program that have been developed in the Kirov region. Firstly, this is the accelerated development of livestock farming. Livestock farming holds one of the leading places in the development of the agricultural sector of the economy of the Kirov region. Our region is an area of ​​livestock breeding. Today there are 70 breeding organizations, including dairy cattle breeding - 43 breeding farms, which contain 37% of the cows of the total dairy herd (Appendix C Table 5). The main activities in livestock farming are aimed at increasing the production of meat and milk. Development occurs through the construction, reconstruction and modernization of livestock complexes on the basis of 8-year investment loans with subsidies of 2/3 of the Central Bank refinancing rate from the federal budget and 1/3 of the rate from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, as well as the supply of breeding livestock and equipment for livestock farming. The increase in productivity occurs due to the launch of a number of dairy complexes, the introduction of new technologies, targeted breeding work, as well as the use of economic levers to stimulate the livestock industry.

Since the beginning of the implementation of the priority national project “Development of the agro-industrial complex”, 45 agro-industrial enterprises from 21 districts of the region have concluded 53 loan agreements for an 8-year lending cycle totaling 4 billion rubles. As part of the implementation of the national project through attracted credit resources and own funds At 39 agricultural enterprises, construction and reconstruction of livestock complexes is underway. Significant volumes have been mastered in the construction of the two largest pig farms in the region: in CJSC Agrofirma Doronichi (for 64 thousand heads) and in LLC Absolut-Agro of the Kirovo-Chepetsk region (for 48 thousand heads). OJSC Kostinskaya Poultry Farm is increasing its production of poultry meat, having reconstructed its buildings and completely replaced equipment. This will allow the poultry farm to increase production of poultry meat by 40% by the end of this year. In 2009, within the framework of the state program, the construction, reconstruction and modernization of 6 livestock facilities was completed. At the same time, agricultural organizations in the region noted an increase in the production of livestock products: livestock and poultry - by 6.7%, milk - by 2.8%, eggs - by 3.4%. The pig farming industry is showing positive dynamics. Thus, the production of pigs for slaughter in agricultural organizations in the region increased by 34% compared to the previous year. There was an increase in the productivity of dairy herds in agricultural organizations. It is not possible to stop the reduction in the number of cattle, which, compared to 2009, in farms of all categories decreased by 17 thousand heads (by 6%) and amounted to 292.2 thousand heads. At a faster pace, there is a decline in the number of livestock on personal farms of the population - 8% and peasant (farm) farms - 37%. The first direction of the priority national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex” is complemented by the acquisition of breeding animals and equipment for livestock breeding by agricultural enterprises in the region. In addition, with the attraction of investment loans, the process of technical renewal of the machine and tractor fleet and technological re-equipment of livestock production facilities is underway. However, the problem of reducing the fleet of agricultural machinery remains. (See Appendix C Table 6)

In crop production, elite seed production, flax production, rapeseed production and planting have been identified as priority sectors for state support. perennial plantings. In recent years, there has been a tendency to reduce sown areas in all categories of farms in the region. Thus, in 2009, the sown area decreased by 71.6 thousand hectares, or by 7.3% compared to the 2008 level. However, thanks to the technical re-equipment of the industry and the biologization of agriculture, 19.3 centners of grain were obtained from each hectare, an increase compared to the 2008 level of 3.8 centners. The increase in productivity occurred due to the introduction of modern resource-saving technologies, which are used on 50% of the area. The second direction - stimulating the development of small businesses - has also received development in the region. Implementation is carried out by increasing and reducing the cost of credit resources attracted by personal subsidiary plots, peasant farms and agricultural consumer cooperatives created by them, which makes it possible to increase the marketability of farms and the incomes of the citizens employed in them.

In general, we can say that agricultural organizations occupy the largest share in the structure of agricultural products. Moreover, in recent years, their share has increased from 47.6% in 2006 to 61.3% in 2009, while the share of private plots has decreased by 13.4%. Peasant (farm) households do not occupy a significant share of the gross agricultural output. This situation arose due to the economic unprofitability of production due to low purchasing prices, especially for milk and meat.

In order to implement the direction of increasing the level of development of social infrastructure and engineering development of rural settlements, a departmental target program “Social development of rural areas until 2012” is in effect to improve the living conditions of citizens living in rural areas, including young families and young professionals, to develop water supply and gasification in rural areas. In 2009, 172 families living in rural areas expressed a desire to improve living conditions using state support funds, built or purchased 11.4 thousand square meters total area residential premises. However, in general, there is no increase in the rural population.

As part of the implementation of the direction to achieve the financial sustainability of agriculture, the priority is to increase the availability of loans and the development of small forms of farming. The situation in this area is characterized by a slight reduction in the profitability of production and the share of profitable farms, the increase in total overdue debt on obligations in agriculture has had an impact economic crisis 2008. However, in terms of the volume of subsidized credits (loans) on the terms of interest rate reimbursement, the indicators were significantly exceeded. (See Appendix C, Table 6)

Short-term loans with state support also became widespread in the region for the purpose of purchasing fuels and lubricants, as well as mineral fertilizers and plant protection products for spring field and harvesting work. One of the main reasons for the low creditworthiness of small businesses (including agricultural consumer cooperatives) is the insufficiency or complete absence of a collateral base.

As part of this direction, assistance is provided to the development of consumer cooperation, which allows for the real participation of small agricultural producers in strengthening the rural economy. As of 01/01/2010, 68 agricultural consumer credit cooperatives, 31 supply and marketing, 14 processing, 13 service and 23 other agricultural consumer cooperatives were registered in the region. In 2009, 34 agricultural consumer cooperatives were registered, including 22 credit ones. This work was carried out in the most organized manner in the Uninsky district. Much attention in the implementation of the program is paid to such an area as the regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food, aimed at increasing the competitiveness of goods and maintaining the profitability of agricultural producers - Agricultural raw materials and food produced in the Kirov region are predominantly of regional importance. (Appendix C, table 7)

The analysis of the predicted parameters for the implementation of the State program for 2010 showed the following:

Taking into account the negative dynamics of milk and meat production in farms of all categories in recent years, it is predicted that the main targets for agricultural production will not be met (Appendix 3, Table 8). In 2010, it is predicted that targets for technical renewal of the main types of agricultural machinery will not be met. In the current conditions, a decrease in investment activity should be expected and, as a result, the plan for the volume of investments in fixed capital in agriculture is predicted to be unfulfilled.


The need to develop a State program was determined by the exceptional importance of agriculture in providing the population with high-quality food, industry with agricultural raw materials and in promoting the sustainable development of rural areas. Over the past years, a new approach has emerged from the state to agriculture, as a promising and potentially high-tech sector of the economy, and to the village as a whole, as an important way of life for our people. For the first time, the State Program proposed a systematic approach to solving production, financial and social problems in agriculture, which should create the preconditions for reducing rural poverty and increasing the country's food security. To date, only half the way has been completed. The National Project in the field of agriculture in 2006-2007 was also called one of the most difficult. But two years of work led Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to a simple thought: “There are no unpromising industries and sectors, but only unpromising methods of work, reluctance to deal with what was seriously neglected in the previous period.” I believe that the state has done a lot, but it has not yet been possible to achieve exclusively positive changes in all areas of the State Program. Based on the analysis, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The priorities remain the tasks of increasing the efficiency of funds invested by the state in the development of agro-industrial production, maximizing the preservation of the momentum and volumes of implementation of the state program, achieving qualitative changes in the main industry areas;

Over the past period, the share of domestic products in food resources on the market has increased, and the quality of certain types has improved. The priority area of ​​activity is the construction and modernization of livestock complexes, which is confirmed in our region.

Availability of investment credit resources at preferential terms for a period of 8-10 years made it possible to ensure both the technical re-equipment of agricultural enterprises and the creation of new facilities for production. The prospect of state support has appeared; it has been determined for several years in advance. Thus, commodity producers gain access to government subsidies, which, in particular, allows them to calculate their own development programs. The priority here is breeding and beef cattle breeding.

Of course, the program for the development of the agro-industrial complex is in effect, but so far the measures taken are clearly insufficient. In the context of the financial and economic crisis, problems associated with the development of the economic and social infrastructure of the village, ensuring employment and employment of rural youth have noticeably worsened. As before, rural settlements share typical problems: insufficient economic basis municipalities for their sustainable and integrated socio-economic development; low level of own revenues of local budgets; demographic problems: declining birth rates, natural population decline, leaving rural areas, low attractiveness and prospects for living and working in rural areas. Thus, issues of socio-economic development of rural areas remain extremely relevant. In some areas, production is falling. At the same time, agricultural producers are in need of loans, which have risen sharply in price due to financial crisis. In 2010, the situation that developed in agricultural production due to unfavorable natural and climatic conditions caused particular concern. The decline in agricultural production due to drought is projected at the end of 2010 at the level of 9-10 percent; therefore, in the future it is planned to strengthen measures to update and modernize fixed assets, reduce risks in agriculture, in particular subsidizing insurance.

We can summarize that the development of our country not only in the field of agriculture, but also the agro-industrial complex as a whole, with competent, long-term planning, requires a lot of effort and financial costs, however, this is a completely achievable prospect.


Official legislative documents

1. Resolution No. 446 of July 14, 2007 "On the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and Regulation of Markets for Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Food for 2008 - 2012"<#"justify">Magazines and newspapers

4.Popova L. Government regulation and pricing policy in the agro-industrial complex of Russia // Questions of Economics. - 2010. - N 7. - P.79-86.

.Rau V.V. Promising directions for the development of the agro-industrial complex (through thorns to innovation) // Problems of forecasting. - 2010.- No. 1. - P. 63-77.

6. Skulskaya L.V., Shirokova T.K. On the problems of agricultural production and its staffing // Problems of forecasting (Electronic resource) - 2009. No. 4 Access mode<#"justify">Monographs, textbooks

12.Well economic theory/ Ed. Chepurina M.N., Kiseleva E.A. - Kirov. 2005

13.Minakov I.A. -Economics of agribusiness sectors/Textbook<#"justify">Electronic resources

15.<#"justify">Appendix A.

Table 1. Dynamics and forecast of agricultural development for 2008-2012.

Main indicatorsUnit. change 2006 report 2007 estimate 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Index of agricultural products in all categories of farms (in comparable prices) in % of the previous year 102.8102.0103.8103.9104.1103.6104.0 Index of physical volume of livestock production (in comparable prices) in% to the previous year103.7104.0104.8105.3105.0104.8104.9 Share of domestic food products in commodity resources of food retail trade% Investments in fixed capital of the agro-industrial complex billions. rub. 265.9299.2328.6352.4376.2400.6426.7 Disposable resources of households in rural areas rub. per household member per month. 4325562370858928103881112111821 Growth in housing commissioning in rural areas% 100.0107.0104.0104.0104.3104.6104.9 Wages of employees of agricultural enterprises thousand rubles per person. per year 37,243,349,455,561,667,673.7 Involvement of unused farmland in agricultural circulation million hectares 0.20,30,30,40,40,40.4

Main sections Database 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Total for 2008-2012 2012 to 2007 Sustainable development of rural areas 5.48 7.34 19.03 25.12 29.60 31.28 112.37 5.7 times Creation of general conditions for the functioning of agriculture, including maintaining soil fertility 4.70 4.20 9.86 8.17 12.92 10.67 13.78 11.40 14.66 12.20 15.33 12.98 66.55 55.42 3.3 times 3 .1 times Development of priority sub-sectors of agriculture 8.50 13.73 15.41 14.11 14.37 15.04 72.66 1.8 times Achieving financial sustainability of agriculture, including a set of measures to increase the availability of credit resources for agricultural organizations 45.43 19.79 44.00 25.28 51.28 36.46 65.62 46.90 64.94 50.54 66.85 52.08 292.69 211.26 1.5 times 2.6 times Regulation of the market for agricultural products and food 1.30 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.43 1.50 7.01 115.4% TOTAL: 65.41 76.30 100.00 120.00 125 .00 130.00 551.30 2.0 times

Appendix B

Table 3. Amounts of financing of measures for the development of social and engineering infrastructure in rural areas from the federal budget, million rubles

Directions Total for 2008-2012, including by year 20082009201020112012 Total105770.187368.1216566.9025683.9025814.7330336.53 including provided for by the Federal Target Program “Social development of rural areas until 2010” 8.805885.426142.006541.306868.337211 ,75 of which: measures to develop housing construction in rural areas and provide affordable housing to young families and young professionals in rural areas 76919.204000.0012077.9019687.0018665.0022489.30 including provided for by the Federal Target Program “Social development of rural areas until 2010” 18444 ,423434,203530,103641,603823,674014,85measures for the development of water supply in rural areas15500,001500,002500,003000,004000,004500,00including provided for by the Federal Target Program “Social development of rural areas until 2010” 3618,53 634.80673.90732, 70769.33807.80 other activities included in the Federal Target Program “Social Development of Rural Development until 2010” 13350.981868.121989.002996.93149.733347.23 including those provided for by the Federal Target Program “Social Development of Rural Development until 2010” 10585.851816.421 938.002167 .002275.332389.10

Table 4. Amount of federal budget funds for grants

Categories of SNP by population Federal budget funds for grants Up to 100 people from 100 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles. From 100 to 1000 people from 1 to 10 million rubles. Over 1000 people from 1 to 20 million rubles.

Appendix C

Table 5. Production of main types of livestock products in the Kirov region (in farms of all categories; thousand tons)

January-October 2010% of January-October 2009 Livestock and poultry for slaughter in live weight 70.3102.1 Gross milk yield 422.6100.4 Egg production, million pieces 402.3106.6

2009 as a percentage of 200820092010Tractors of all brands9886907191.7Plows2422211987.5Cultivators2235201089.9Seeding machines2410215789.5Wheel harvesters38032786.1Combine harvesters1713151688 ,5forage harvesters63459193,2flax harvesters271866,7potato harvesters856981,2Milk installations and units87581192,7

Table 7. Achievement of target indicators for the volume of subsidized credits (loans) on the terms of interest rate reimbursement in 2009

Target indicators Plan Actual Implementation, % Volume of subsidized credits (loans) - total, million rubles including: 4007.010778.6 2.7 times short-term credits (loans) 1417.03544.4 2.4 times investment credits (loans) 1990.07234, 2 to 3.3 times

Table 8. Sales of own-produced products in farms of all categories in 2009

Name of indicators Unit. change 2008 2009 2009 as a percentage of 2008. Cereals and leguminous crops - total thousand. tons 164.4194.0118 Potatoes thousand. tons99,589,990Vegetables. tons 17.718.4104 Livestock and poultry (live weight) thousand. tons78,981,5103Milk. tons 387.2399.5103 Eggs million. pcs. 393,9408,3104

Table 9. Fulfillment of the main target indicators for the implementation of the State program in the Kirov region in the first half of 2010

No. Name of indicators and indicators of the State program Target and control indicators are provided for 2010 actually fulfilled as of 07/01/2010 1 Index of agricultural production in farms of all categories (in comparable prices), in% of the previous year 102.3102.12 Index of production of livestock products in farms all categories (in comparable prices), in % of the previous year 102.8102.13 Index of crop production in farms of all categories (in comparable prices) in % of the previous year 101.7-4 Index of physical volume of investment in fixed capital of agriculture, in % of previous year 110,257.45 Disposable resources of households in rural areas, rubles per household member per month 89848034.66 Renewal rate of main types of agricultural machinery in agricultural organizations, %: tractors combines grain harvesters forage harvesters 2.5 4.0 4.00.5 1.0 2.67 Energy supply of agricultural organizations per 100 hectares of sown area (total rated power of engines of tractors, combines and self-propelled machines), hp 1521728 Labor productivity index in farms of all categories, in% of the previous year 104.4103.6

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