Job description of the head of the capital repair department. Job description - Head of construction Job responsibilities of the deputy head of the capital construction department

1.1. The construction manager belongs to the category of managers.

1.2. The following person is hired for the position of construction manager:

1) having a higher education in the field of construction;

2) those who have completed additional professional education - advanced training programs;

3) having at least ten years of work experience in the profile of professional activity in the field of construction.

4) having at least three years of work experience in organizations engaged in construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects in engineering positions.

1.3. The construction manager must know:

1) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the composition, content and execution of project documentation;

2) requirements for technical documentation for organizing construction production;

3) the composition and procedure for preparing documents for obtaining permits and permits for construction production;

4) technologies for the production of various types of construction work;

5) features of construction production at dangerous, technically complex and unique capital construction projects;

6) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the procedure for arrangement and preparation of construction sites (on-site preparatory work);

7) methods and methods of planning construction production (network planning, scheduling, project planning, master planning);

8) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the areas of labor protection, fire safety, environmental protection;

9) labor protection and fire safety requirements during construction work;

10) basic sanitary rules and standards applied during construction work;

11) main harmful and (or) dangerous production factors;

12) types of negative impacts on the environment during various types of construction work and methods for their minimization and prevention;

13) requirements for workplaces and the procedure for organizing and conducting a special assessment of working conditions;

14) rules for maintaining documentation to monitor compliance with labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection requirements;

15) regulatory and design indicators of the need for construction production in material and technical resources (by type of material and technical resources);

16) types and properties of basic building materials, products and structures;

17) types and characteristics of main construction machines, mechanisms, power plants, vehicles;

18) methods of consolidated planning of supply, distribution and expenditure of various types of material and technical resources;

19) the procedure for documenting applications for various types of material and technical resources;

20) rules for insurance of various types of material and technical resources;

21) rules for acceptance and documentation of material assets;

22) composition and classification of costs for the creation and storage of a stock of material assets;

23) the procedure for calculating costs associated with losses (damage, obsolescence) of material resources;

24) the procedure for drawing up reporting documentation on the use of material assets (statements of consumption and write-off of material assets);

25) the procedure for filing applications for construction machinery, equipment and technological equipment;

26) types and characteristics of technological equipment used for various types of construction work;

27) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the rules of maintenance and operation of machinery and equipment;

28) requirements for technical documentation for organizing construction production at the construction site;

29) requirements for structural elements of a building (premises) and common property of multi-apartment residential buildings, due to the need for their accessibility and compliance with the special needs of people with disabilities;

30) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for design documentation, the procedure for carrying out construction work and technologies;

31) technologies for construction work;

32) the procedure for economic and financial relationships between the construction organization and customers and contractors;

33) methods and methods of operational management of construction production (project management, network planning, scheduling, project planning, master planning);

34) methods for determining the types and volumes of construction work and production tasks;

35) rules for maintaining executive and accounting documentation of construction proceedings;

36) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for the procedure and documentation of acceptance and transfer of completed capital construction projects and stages (complexes) of work;

37) requirements of the construction contract for the specification of the object, the procedure for delivery and acceptance of the completed capital construction project and stages (complexes) of work, the availability of accompanying documentation and deadlines for the delivery of work;

38) the grounds and procedure for making a decision on the conservation of an unfinished capital construction project;

39) rules for documenting the acceptance and transfer of completed capital construction projects and stages (complexes) of work;

40) rules for documenting the conservation of an unfinished capital construction project;

41) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as the construction contract for the state of the capital construction project transferred to the customer; requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of technical regulation in construction;

42) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation for construction work;

43) requirements of technical documentation for the procedure for accepting hidden work and building structures that affect the safety of a capital construction project;

44) rules for carrying out works and construction control measures;

45) means and methods of documentary and instrumental control of compliance with technological processes and results of construction work;

46) methods for eliminating the causes of defects in construction work (use of alternative construction technologies, advanced training of workers);

47) rules for maintaining executive and accounting documentation of construction control measures;

48) rules for maintaining reports on completed types and stages of construction work;

49) requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of technical regulation in construction;

50) the basics of the quality management system and the features of its implementation in construction production;

51) the procedure for the development and execution of local regulatory technical documents (organization standards);

52) means and methods of documentary and instrumental assessment of compliance with the requirements of the organization’s standards;

53) basic methods of metrological support for instrumental assessment of compliance with the requirements of the organization’s standards;

54) methods of technical and economic analysis and assessment of the main indicators of production and economic activity;

55) methods for identifying reserves for increasing the efficiency of construction work;

56) means and methods of organizational and technological optimization of construction work;

57) modern achievements in the field of construction production and the building materials industry;

58) the basic requirements of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the rights and obligations of employees;

59) methods for calculating the need for construction production in labor resources;

60) internal labor regulations, job descriptions, employment contracts;

61) methods and means of managing labor collectives;

62) principles of distribution of organizational and management functions, methods of collective management of construction production processes;

63) types of documents confirming professional qualifications and availability of access to certain types of work;

64) basic methods for assessing labor efficiency;

65) grounds for prosecution and measures of administrative and criminal liability for violation of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

66) ……… (other documents, materials, etc.)

1.4. The construction manager must be able to:

1) check the completeness and quality of design documentation, assess the compliance of the technical information contained in it with the requirements of regulatory technical documentation;

2) apply regulatory, technical and design documentation when planning and allocating production resources;

3) prepare documents for obtaining permits and permits for construction work on the construction site, including in security zones;

4) develop plans (network, facility, calendar) for construction production;

5) make calculations of compliance of the volumes of construction work with regulatory requirements for labor and material and technical resources;

6) determine the composition and volume of auxiliary work to create the infrastructure of the construction site (communications and dispatching facilities, transport communications and utility networks, household premises);

7) identify workplaces that are under the influence of harmful and (or) dangerous factors during construction work and the use of construction equipment;

8) determine the list of works to ensure the safety of the construction site (fencing construction sites, fencing or marking hazardous areas, lighting, provision of fire extinguishing equipment, emergency communications and alarms);

9) determine the list of necessary means of collective and (or) individual protection of construction site workers;

10) determine a list of necessary measures to provide workers at the construction site with household and sanitary facilities;

11) carry out and monitor documentary support of the results of monitoring the implementation of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection requirements, industrial safety requirements;

12) determine the nomenclature and calculate the volumes (quantities) and delivery schedule of material and technical resources in accordance with construction production plans;

13) develop schedules for the supply, operation, maintenance, repair of construction equipment, machinery and mechanisms in accordance with construction production plans;

14) determine the necessary list and volume of resources supplied through external engineering networks (water, electricity, heat) in accordance with construction production plans;

15) plan the supply and control of the distribution and consumption of material and technical resources at the construction site;

16) draw up and check applications for material and technical resources, construction equipment, machinery and mechanisms, resources supplied through external engineering networks;

17) carry out documentary, visual and instrumental control of the quality and volumes (quantity) of supplied material and technical resources, construction equipment, machines and mechanisms, resources supplied through external engineering networks;

18) plan and monitor the performance of work by contractors performing maintenance and repair of construction equipment, equipment, and technological equipment;

19) carry out and verify calculations of the expenditure of funds to provide construction production with material and technical resources;

20) develop and monitor the implementation of consolidated construction plans at the construction site;

21) determine the types and complexity, calculate the volume of construction work and production tasks in accordance with the available material and technical resources, the specialization of contractors, the specialization and qualifications of construction site workers;

22) provide documentary support of construction proceedings;

23) establish the reasons for the deviation of technological processes from the requirements of regulatory technical documentation, technical specifications, technological maps, maps of labor processes;

24) establish the reasons for deviations of the results of construction work from the requirements of regulatory technical and design documentation;

25) carry out documentary support of works and construction control measures;

26) carry out documentary support of work and acceptance control measures of completed types and stages of construction work (capital construction projects, elements, structures and parts of capital construction projects, utility networks);

27) develop executive and technical documentation for completed capital construction projects, stages (complexes) of work, conservation of unfinished capital construction projects;

28) carry out measures to ensure compliance of the results of construction work with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards and the terms of the construction contract (cleanliness, absence of excess materials, technical condition);

29) analyze and generalize the experience of construction production;

30) develop local regulatory technical documents (organization standards) in the field of organizing construction production;

31) assess the compliance of processes and results of construction production with the requirements of local regulatory technical documents (organization standards);

32) carry out a technical and economic analysis of production and economic activities at the construction site;

33) analyze the efficiency of use of production resources;

34) develop and plan measures to improve the efficiency of use of production resources;

35) carry out a technical and economic analysis of the results of the introduction of new methods and forms of labor organization, rationalization proposals, the introduction of new equipment and technologies, mechanization and automation of construction work, optimization of the use of resources;

36) determine the required number, professional and qualification composition of workers in accordance with production tasks and calendar plans for construction production at the construction site;

37) determine the optimal structure of distribution of workers to carry out construction production processes;

38) evaluate the effectiveness and quality of performance by managers of work production sites (capital construction projects), individual work production sites, production tasks, job (functional) responsibilities;

39) assess the psychological climate in the work team and its impact on the fulfillment of production tasks;

40) determine the missing competencies of work site managers;

41) ……… (other skills and abilities)

1.5. The construction manager in his activities is guided by:

1) ……… (name of the constituent document)

2) Regulations on ……… (name of structural unit)

3) this job description;

4) ……… (names of local regulations regulating labor functions by position)

1.6. The construction manager reports directly to ……… (name of the manager’s position)

1.7. The construction manager supervises ……… (name of the structural unit)

1.8. During the absence of the project manager (vacation, temporary disability, etc.), his duties are performed by a deputy (an employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement).

1.9. ……… (other general provisions)

2. Labor functions

2.1. Organization of construction production at the construction site (capital construction projects):

1) preparation of construction proceedings at the construction site;

2) logistics support for construction production at the construction site;

3) operational management of construction production at the construction site;

4) acceptance and quality control of the results of completed types and stages of construction work at the construction site;

5) delivery of the results of construction work to the customer;

6) implementation of a quality management system at the construction site;

7) development of measures to improve the efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site;

8) management of construction site workers.

2.2. Supervising subordinate employees.

2.3. ……… (other functions)

3. Job responsibilities

3.1. The construction manager performs the following duties:

3.1.1. As part of the labor function, preparation of construction production at the construction site:

1) organizes incoming control of design documentation for the construction site, organization of incoming control of design documentation for capital construction projects;

2) issues permits and permits necessary for construction work at the construction site;

3) carries out planning and control of the preparation and equipment of the construction site;

4) carries out planning of construction production at the construction site in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection.

5) monitors the implementation of training activities at the construction site and compliance by employees with labor protection, fire safety and environmental protection requirements;

6) carries out planning and control of the preparation of production areas, work areas and workplaces for conducting a special assessment of working conditions;

3.1.2. As part of the labor function, logistical support of construction production at the construction site:

1) determines the need for construction production at the construction site in material and technical resources;

2) carries out consolidated supply planning and control of the distribution, storage and consumption of material and technical resources at the construction site (capital construction projects and individual work areas);

3) determines the list of construction equipment, machines and mechanisms required for construction production;

4) carries out consolidated planning for the supply, operation, maintenance and repair of construction equipment, machinery and mechanisms at the construction site (capital construction projects and individual work areas);

5) determines the need of construction production for resources supplied through external engineering networks (water, electricity, heat);

6) carries out consolidated supply planning and control of the distribution and consumption of resources supplied through external engineering networks to the construction site (capital construction site and individual work areas);

7) carries out incoming control of the quality and volumes (quantity) of supplied material and technical resources, construction equipment, machinery and mechanisms, resources supplied through external engineering networks;

8) exercises control over the expenditure of funds on material and technical support of construction production.

3.1.3. As part of the labor function, operational management of construction production at the construction site:

1) carries out operational planning, coordination, organization and conduct of construction control in the process of construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects;

2) coordinates construction processes at the construction site;

3) carries out the development, planning and control of the implementation of operational measures aimed at correcting defects in the results of construction work at the construction site;

4) maintains current and executive documentation on the production activities of the construction site.

3.1.4. As part of the labor function, acceptance and quality control of the results of completed types and stages of construction work at the construction site:

1) carries out planning and control of the implementation of works and construction control measures;

2) carries out the development, planning and control of the implementation of measures aimed at preventing and eliminating the causes of deviations in the results of construction work from the requirements of regulatory technical, technological and design documentation;

3) carries out acceptance of completed types and individual stages of work on construction, reconstruction, major repairs of capital construction projects, elements, structures and parts of capital construction projects, engineering support networks, their sections with the right to sign the relevant documents;

4) maintains established reporting on completed types and stages of construction work;

5) implements and improves the quality management system for construction production.

3.1.5. As part of the labor function, delivery of construction work results to the customer:

1) carries out planning and control of the implementation of work and measures to prepare the results of construction work for delivery to the customer (completed capital construction projects, stages (complexes) of work, conservation of unfinished capital construction projects);

2) prepares as-built technical documentation to be submitted to the acceptance committees;

3) presents the results of construction work to the acceptance committees;

4) signs the acceptance certificate for the capital construction project;

5) signs a document confirming the compliance of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility with the requirements of technical regulations;

6) signs a document confirming the compliance of the parameters of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility with the design documentation, including the requirements for energy efficiency and the requirements for equipping the capital construction facility with metering devices for the energy resources used;

7) signs a document confirming the compliance of the constructed or reconstructed capital construction facility with the technical conditions for connection (technological connection) to engineering support networks (if any);

3.1.6. As part of the labor function, the implementation of a quality management system at the construction site:

1) carries out planning and control of the implementation of work and activities for the implementation of the quality management system for construction production;

2) conducts an analysis and assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the quality management system for construction production;

3) optimizes construction production based on the requirements and recommendations of the quality management system.

3.1.7. As part of the labor function, development of measures to improve the efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site:

1) determines the main reserves of construction production, plans and monitors the implementation of measures to increase the efficiency of production and economic activities and labor productivity at the construction site;

2) carries out planning and control of the implementation of work and measures for the introduction of new technologies in construction production, ensuring increased efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site;

3) evaluates the results of work and measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of production and economic activities at the construction site.

3.1.8. As part of the labor function, management of construction site workers:

1) determines the needs of construction production at the construction site in labor resources;

2) arranges workers at the construction site (capital construction projects and individual work areas);

3) exercises control over the implementation and operational management of the performance by managers of work production areas of their functional (job) responsibilities.

3.1.10. As part of the labor function of managing subordinate employees:

1) distributes labor functions and official tasks among subordinate employees and exercises control over their implementation;

2) provides subordinate employees with advisory support, gives explanations and instructions within the framework of the performance of labor functions by subordinate employees;

3) ensures compliance with labor legislation and labor protection legislation in relation to subordinate employees, creation of working conditions that meet established requirements;

4) resolves conflict situations between subordinate employees;

5) submits for consideration ……… (name of the manager’s position) proposals on the hiring, transfer and dismissal of employees; proposals to encourage them or to impose penalties on them;

6) ……… (other duties)

3.1.11. As part of the performance of their labor functions:

1) carries out instructions from his immediate supervisor;

2) undergoes periodic medical examinations (examinations), as well as extraordinary medical examinations (examinations) in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.1.12. ……… (other duties)

3.2. ……… (other provisions on job responsibilities)

4. Rights

The construction manager has the right:

4.1. Participate in discussions of draft decisions of the organization’s management, in meetings on their preparation and implementation.

4.2. Sign and endorse ……… (types of documents)

4.3. Initiate and hold meetings on organizing procurement and monitoring its implementation.

4.4. Request and receive necessary information and documents from structural units and specialists.

4.5. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

4.6. Demand cessation (suspension) of work (in case of violations, non-compliance with established requirements, etc.), compliance with established standards; give instructions to correct deficiencies and eliminate violations.

4.7. Get acquainted with draft decisions of management relating to the function he performs, with documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of his labor functions.

4.8. Participate in discussions of issues related to his/her official duties.

4.9. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of its official duties and rights.

4.10. ……… (other rights)

5. Responsibility

5.1. The construction manager is held accountable:

For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the organization - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ……… (other liability provisions)

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of the Professional Standard "", approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2017 N 516n, taking into account ……… (details of local regulations of the organization)

6.2. The employee is familiarized with this job description upon hiring (before signing the employment contract).

The fact that the employee has familiarized himself with this job description is confirmed by ……… (by signature on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with job descriptions); in a copy of the job description kept by the employer; in another way)

6.3. ……… (other final provisions).

HEAD OF THE CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT ___________________________________ (name of organization, enterprise, institution) JOB DESCRIPTION for the head of the capital construction department 00.00.00 No. 00 ____________________________________ (director, other official authorized to approve the job description) ____________________________________ (signature) (signature transcript) 00.00.00 I.

GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1.The head of the capital construction department belongs to the category of managers, is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise upon the recommendation of __________________________________________________________. 1.2. A person with a higher professional (technical) education and professional experience in engineering, technical and management positions in construction for at least 5 years is appointed to the position. 1.3. The head of the capital construction department reports directly to _________________________________________________________________________ (director, deputy director for capital construction, other official) 1.4.In his activities he is guided by: - ​​legislative and regulatory documents on the issues of the work performed; methodological materials relating to relevant issues; - the charter of the enterprise; - labor regulations; orders and instructions of the director of the enterprise (direct manager); - this job description. 1.5. The head of the capital construction department must know: - legislative and regulatory legal acts, resolutions, orders, orders of higher authorities, methodological materials on capital construction issues; market methods of management; - prospects for technical and economic development of the enterprise; - the procedure for developing capital construction plans; - the procedure for concluding contracts with contractors; - technology of construction work, methods of conducting capital construction; - the procedure for financing construction and drawing up design and estimate documents; building regulations; - labor organization requirements when designing construction projects; - standards, technical specifications and other guidance materials for the preparation of project documentation; the procedure for maintaining accounting and reporting documentation on the implementation of construction work; - scientific and technical achievements in the relevant industry and the experience of leading enterprises in the field of capital construction; - basics of economics and organization of construction, labor and management; - basics of labor legislation; - rules and regulations of labor protection, safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire protection of construction sites. 1.6. During the absence of the head of the capital construction department, his duties are performed by his deputy, who bears full responsibility for their high-quality, efficient and timely implementation. II. FUNCTIONS The head of the capital construction department is assigned the following functions: 2.1. Guidelines for carrying out work on capital construction and reconstruction of production facilities. 2.2. Interaction with representatives of third-party organizations in the process of performing functional duties. 2.3. Control over the expenditure of funds allocated for the purchase of equipment, submission of established reports. 2.4. Promoting the implementation of rationalization proposals. 2.5. Organization of work to improve the qualifications of information department employees. 2.6. Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions for subordinates. III. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES The head of the capital construction department is obliged to: 3.1. Manage the direct implementation of capital construction and reconstruction of production facilities. 3.2. Organize the development of long-term, medium-term and current capital construction plans, compile title lists for all capital construction projects, applications for construction materials and equipment. 3.3. Ensure the targeted, rational use of financial resources for capital investments and increasing their efficiency, prioritizing the allocation of funds for technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise, their concentration on start-up facilities, and reducing the volume of unfinished construction. 3.4. Take part in concluding contracts with design organizations and general contractors. 3.5. Monitor the fulfillment of contractual obligations by design and construction organizations, and, if necessary, impose sanctions stipulated by the contracts. 3.6. Ensure the execution of banking transactions under concluded agreements with contractors and the submission to banking institutions of documentation on the construction of facilities carried out by contract or economic methods within the established time frame. 3.7. Organize the implementation of capital construction plans, timely issuance of design estimates and technical documentation for construction work, carry out technical supervision over the timing and quality of work, their compliance with the approved design estimates, working drawings, building codes, standards, safety regulations, industrial sanitation, the requirements of rational labor organization. 3.8. Monitor the timely commissioning of facilities. 3.9. Coordinate with the authorities exercising technical supervision issues related to the installation, testing and registration of equipment at construction sites. 3.10. Monitor the expenditure of funds allocated for the purchase of equipment in accordance with the title list, compliance with storage rules and the quality of conservation of uninstalled equipment. 3.11. Manage the work to improve the organization of labor in construction, reduce costs and improve the quality of construction work, reduce their time, improve and reduce the cost of design and survey work. 3.12. Promote the implementation of rationalization proposals that reduce costs and reduce construction time, accelerating the return on capital investments (without reducing the strength of structures and deteriorating the quality of construction work). 3.13. Manage department employees, organize work on maintaining records and reporting on capital construction. IV. RIGHTS The head of the capital construction department has the right: 4.1. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities, to demand from the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights. 4.2. Submit proposals for improvement of the enterprise’s activities on relevant issues for consideration by management. 4.3. Sign and endorse documents within your competence. 4.4. Interact with the heads of structural divisions of the enterprise, obtain information and documents necessary to perform their job duties. V. RESPONSIBILITY The head of the capital construction department is responsible for: 5.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation. The job description has been developed in accordance with ________________________ (name, number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit __________________________________ (signature) (signature transcript) 00. 00.00 AGREED BY: Head of Legal Department _____________________________ (signature) (signature transcript) 00.00.00 I have read the instructions by: _____________________________ (signature) (signature transcript) 00.00.00

1. General Provisions

2.3. Drawing up reports, providing information to higher organizations and statistical reporting on the implementation of the capital repair plan, the use of new technologies and building materials in production.

3. Responsibilities

3.1. Planning and carrying out comprehensive overhauls of multi-apartment residential buildings with subsequent submission of proposals to the draft regional budget.

Development of capital repair programs.

Participation in the preparation of defective acts;

3.2. Formation of a package of documents before approval of the title list:

3.3. Coordination of title lists:

· Administration

3.4 Preparation of a package of documents for financing of actually completed work.

3.5. Organization of construction supervision during complex overhaul of municipal housing stock.

3.6. Participation in inspections and surveys with specialists from the Department of Internal Affairs, Control and Economic Inspectorate, OBEP, Control and Accounts Chamber of the RO - to take control measurements at major repair facilities of third-party organizations.

3.7. Drawing up reports for the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, the Department of Finance, the Department of Economics, the Department of Construction and Prospective Development on the overhaul of municipal housing stock on a monthly, quarterly, year-end basis.

3.8 . Drawing up and submitting an annual report.

3.9. Drawing up and providing certificates on the progress of major repairs for all programs (at the time of request) to the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities, the Department of Finance, the Department of Economics, the Department of Construction and Prospective Development, the Department of Internal Affairs, the Department of Economic Crimes, the prosecutor's office of the city of Shakhty.

3.10 . Drawing up long-term plans and programs for major repairs.

3.11. Interaction with residents of the housing stock on issues of drawing up minutes of meetings and lists for major repairs, timing of major repairs of residential buildings and their individual structural elements (upon request).

3.12. Current work with citizens' appeals (as received): inspection of apartments and structural elements, drawing up technical inspection reports for material damage caused by poor-quality capital repairs. repair.

4. Rights

4.1. Demand compliance with instructions, conclusions, technical approvals and justifications for repair and construction work from contractors and fulfillment of contractual conditions.

4.2. Make claims in case of violations of SNiP when performing repair and construction work to the contractor.

5. Responsibility

5. 1. The head of the capital repair department is responsible for failure to fulfill duties in accordance with this job description.


Deputy Director of Municipal Housing and Communal Services

Head of Legal department

I. General provisions

  1. The head of the capital construction department belongs to the “Managers” category.
  2. Appointment to the position of head of the capital construction department and dismissal from it are made by order upon presentation in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code of Ukraine and current labor legislation.
  3. The head of the capital construction department reports directly to _______.
  4. The head of the capital construction department must know:
  • laws of Ukraine, regulations and decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on issues of industry activity;
  • prospects for technical and economic development of the region;
  • management methods;
  • technology and organization of construction production;
  • achievements of science and technology, advanced domestic and foreign experience;
  • the procedure for conducting bidding (tenders), concluding and implementing contracts (agreements);
  • basics of planning, statistics, construction financing, work with securities, taxation, management, marketing, commercial activities, psychology;
  • ethics of business communication and negotiations;
  • possibilities of using organizational and computer technology;
  • rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire protection and environmental protection.
  1. Qualification requirements: higher professional (technical or bachelor's degree). Postgraduate education in management. Work experience in the profession: for a master's degree or specialist - at least 2 years, for a bachelor's degree - at least 3 years.
  2. In the absence of the head of the capital construction department, his duties are performed by a deputy (in the absence of the latter, a person appointed in the prescribed manner), who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
  3. To fulfill duties and exercise rights, the head of the capital construction department interacts with _______.

II. Job responsibilities

Head of Capital Construction Department:

  1. Manages the construction of housing, civil and communal facilities within the framework of the functions of the customer, which is a structural unit of central and local executive authorities.
  2. Organizes work on placing orders for capital construction (drawing up protocols of intent, holding auctions, tenders), concluding relevant contracts (agreements) with construction organizations; coordination of contract prices for the construction of facilities together with contractors in accordance with current regulatory documents.
  3. Ensures registration in the inspection of state architectural and construction control of responsible employees of organizations directly involved in the construction of facilities and technical supervision, timely and full financing of design and survey work and construction of facilities in accordance with the title lists of buildings and concluded contracts.
  4. Organizes the conclusion of agreements with design and exploration organizations for the development of design and estimate documentation and their supervision of construction.
  5. Provides a geodetic basis for construction.
  6. Participates in the creation and work of a commission for preliminary verification of the construction readiness of objects for presentation to the state acceptance commission, provides the commission with the documents necessary for the work, and participates in its work.
  7. Organizes the transfer of completed facilities to enterprises and organizations entrusted with their operation.
  8. Manages the activities of the department, bears personal responsibility for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the department, determines the degree of responsibility of the deputy heads of the department and the heads of its structural divisions.

III. Rights

The head of the capital construction department has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the enterprise relating to his activities.
  2. Participate in discussions of issues related to the performance of his duties.
  3. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to those provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.
  4. Within your competence, inform the manager about everything identified in the process of his activities, and make proposals for their elimination.
  5. Involve specialists from all structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to them.
  6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The head of the capital construction department is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill their official duties, as well as for failure to use or directly their rights provided for in this Job Description - within the limits determined by the current legislation of Ukraine.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.


"____"___________ 2005

Head of Capital Construction Department

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the head of the OKS.
1.2. The head of the OKS is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by the general director.
1.3. The head of the OKS reports directly to the general director.
1.4. An employee may be appointed to the position of head of the OKS
with higher education in construction,
with knowledge of the basics of accounting and budget standards,
Having experience as a manager in the field of construction for at least 5 years.
1.5. The tasks of the head of the OKS include ensuring the full cycle of construction work.
1.6. The head of the OKS in his work is guided by the orders of the general director, SNiPs, internal regulations and this job description.

Head of OKS:
2.1. Provides the construction process with permits and design documentation.
2.2. Organizes and coordinates obtaining permission to construct the facility at the appropriate level.
2.3. Monitors the timing of design and construction of facilities.
2.4. Coordinates engineering and design solutions for construction projects.
2.5. Manages the supply of construction materials and equipment.
2.6. Organizes construction work and controls its quality.
2.7. Coordinates interaction with subcontractors.
2.8. Participates in contract tenders.
2.9. Monitors compliance with technology and implementation of the construction schedule.
2.10. Ensures the quality and safety of work, carries out technical supervision of construction.
2.11. Conducts control and operational meetings of construction participants.
2.12. Participates in the selection of personnel for specialized departments.

The head of the OKS has the right:
3.1. Require the submission of documents drawn up properly, based on the requirements of the company’s internal regulations.
3.2. Contact company officials to provide information necessary for production activities.
3.3. Conduct negotiations on behalf of the company in your area of ​​activity.
3.4. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.


4.1. The head of the OKS is responsible for:
— timely and high-quality performance of duties assigned by the job description;
— timely and high-quality implementation of tasks assigned to his department;
— inaccurate information about the state of affairs and performance of official duties;
— maintaining trade secrets and not disclosing any information obtained as a result of professional activities;
- offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation;
— causing damage (material or damage to business reputation) to the enterprise within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation;
— failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the general director or decisions of the board of directors.
— violation of internal labor regulations, safety and fire safety regulations and sanitary and hygienic standards.

5.1. The work schedule of the head of the OKS is determined in accordance with the terms of the employment contract and the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.
5.2. Due to operational needs, the head of the OKS may be sent on business trips (including local ones).
5.2. Due to production needs, the head of the OKS may be involved in work outside the standard length of the day.