Five ways to find money for a down payment on a mortgage. Options for where to get money for a down payment for a mortgage Lending option with government support

What is a mortgage without a down payment? Is it possible to take out a mortgage without a down payment and is it worth it? Where can I get a mortgage without a down payment?

How to get a mortgage without a down payment in 2019: Top 10 proven ways to bypass the down payment

The topic of today's story: " »:

  • What is a mortgage without a down payment?
  • Is it possible to take out a mortgage without a down payment and is it worth it?
  • Where to get a mortgage without a down payment is as profitable as possible.

In general, if not down payment , and you really need housing, then be sure to read this article to the end.

Why do banks need a down payment?

First of all, let's figure out what a mortgage is and why banks require an initial fee.

A mortgage is a loan from a bank to purchase a home. As a rule, the bank takes as collateral exactly the real estate that is purchased with a mortgage. Until you pay off your debt to the bank, your home will be under encumbrance. This means that you will not be able to sell, donate or do anything else with this property.

It would seem that everything is fine. The bank gives you money to buy an apartment, and itself receives a guarantee in the form of a mortgage on it. If you suddenly cannot pay the mortgage, he will simply sell it and get his money back. But it's not that simple.

A mortgage loan without a down payment is too risky for a bank for two reasons:

  1. The real estate market is very unstable. Periods of rising property values ​​are followed by protracted crises that bring down housing prices. If a bank issues a mortgage at the peak of prices, then it simply will not be able to sell an apartment at the required price to cover the debt of a borrower who is unable to continue paying the loan during a crisis.
  2. No-down mortgages attract low-quality borrowers. Banks believe that if a person cannot save money for a down payment, it means he does not know how to manage his finances, and as a result, there is a risk of non-payment on the mortgage due to low payment discipline. The second point is that banks are convinced that mortgages without a down payment are for low-paid borrowers with “gray” incomes and unofficial employment, and this again poses a risk of future problems with repayment. But practice shows that all this is just speculation by banks. Delays on mortgage loans are minimal (3-4%), and those who decide to take out a mortgage usually fulfill their obligations to the bank quite regularly.

One way or another, but an initial fee has become a mandatory requirement for most banks. With a mortgage, you are required to have 10-15% of cash on hand from the cost of the apartment.

But for every lock there is a master key. Wanting is not harmful, but not wanting is harmful. Now let's talk about 10 ways to bypass the down payment at the bank.

10 proven ways to get a mortgage without a down payment

So, let's look at the most popular methods get an apartment with a mortgage without a down payment . As a result, you will become absolutely clear how to arrange mortgage without down payment exactly in your case.

1. Classic mortgage

Classic mortgagewithout a down payment in 2017, presented by the bank - this is Metallinvestbank and its program « Mortgage without down payment ».

The essence of the program is very simple. You are issued a mortgage in full for the entire cost of the apartment without any problems at a fixed 14% per annum (if you do not insure life and health, then +1%).

Without a down payment, a mortgage is possible only for employees (not individual entrepreneurs and business owners), in the amount of 250 thousand to 3 million, for a period of up to 25 years. It is not possible to obtain a mortgage to build a house under this program.

Use onlinemortgage calculator to make a mortgage calculation without a down payment at Metallinvestbank. The calculated initial payment should not exceed half of your family income.

Important point! The monthly mortgage payment must be half of the household's net income (minus credit and card payments and dependent expenses). For example, if the income of a family of three with one minor child is 50,000 rubles per month. There is a loan with a payment of 5,000 rubles, then the maximum that this family can claim is approximately 1,450 thousand rubles.

Also, a mortgage with 0 down payment can be obtained from SMP Bank (from 12.5%), Bank Vozrozhdenie (from 12.95%) and Promsvyazbank (from 13.3%), but only for a new building and from specially accredited developers.

2. “Moving” program and analogues

The next option on how to get a mortgage without a down payment could be the “Moving” program from Levoberezhny Bank or its analogues in other banks.

If you don't have money for an initial fee , then the bank can lend them to you on the security of your other home. Those. You apply for a mortgage in the bank you need, and the money is an initial fee you receive from Levoberezhny Bank, for example. However, you do not need to pay monthly for this loan.

The money is issued for a year on the condition that during this period you will find buyers for your apartment and sell it with the bank’s permission at the price you need without haste, and then repay the loan with interest. But you don’t have to sell this apartment, but simply return the money to the bank + interest that accrues during this time (from 17.5 to 19% per annum).

The advantage here is obvious - a legal way to get money for a down payment without checking income requirements and your employment.

Example.You are not officially working, but you have an apartment that you can mortgage. The bank will give you no more than 60% percent of its appraised value. From 3 million this is 1800 thousand rubles. At VTB 24 Bank you can get a mortgage using two documents without proof of employment, if you have a 40% down payment. Thus, even if you are officially unemployed or have a low official income, but own an apartment, you will be able to purchase housing for up to 4.5 million rubles.

The disadvantage is also obvious - the presence of an apartment in the property.

3. Secured by real estate

There is another real way to avoid searching for a down payment - to take out a loan secured by existing real estate.

You, as in the previous option, need to own your own property, but you will be given the required amount in cash without analyzing where you will spend this amount.

This is commercial mortgage without down payment . It is very often taken out for business purposes, or for the purchase of non-standard housing, which is not suitable for a regular mortgage.

Mortgages secured by real estate exist in almost all major banks. In particular, at Sberbank you can take out a non-targeted loan secured by real estate in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. up to 10 million. The amount is given within 60% of the collateral value of the property. The term is from one to twenty years at a rate of 14% per annum.

4. Credit

Another option to get a mortgage without a down payment is to take out a consumer loan, including a consumer loan secured by a car, and take out a regular mortgage.

Here you need to approach the matter head-on.

Firstly, you need to calculate whether you can make the loan payment and the mortgage payment at the same time. Consumer loans are issued for a shorter period and at a higher rate than a mortgage. You can very quickly fall into arrears if problems with work and income begin.

Secondly, A consumer loan must be taken out at the right time. Depending on the type of bank, there are different algorithms for issuing mortgages. As a rule, after you have provided documents on the property to the bank after the application has been approved, you can safely go and take out a loan for the down payment, but from a different bank. The bank will not check your credit history again and will not notice that you have a new debt.

But there are other options when the bank requires you to place a down payment in an account or put it in a letter of credit before issuing a loan. Then if you take out a loan, the bank will see this in your credit history and may cut off the amount of the already approved mortgage or completely reject the application, and you will be left without an apartment, but with a consumer loan in hand.

5. Borrow

If you don’t want to overpay, then you should consider borrowing money.

On the one hand, the simplest option. Ask relatives or friends to borrow money and contribute it to pay the down payment on the mortgage, and then return it, if possible, with or without interest.

But on the other hand, not everyone will have the amount they need on hand. To buy an apartment for 3 million rubles, you need to find approximately 450 thousand. The second point is psychological. It is not always convenient to borrow from close relatives and friends, and, moreover, if there are problems with repayment, then you can ruin your relationship with them forever.

The pension fund will transfer the money to the bank within two months and pay off part of the mortgage for you or in full, if the amount is enough.

Mortgages without a contribution for maternity capital are currently most profitable in Sberbank (from 12% per annum) and Uralsib (10.8%). At Raiffeisenbank you can take out a mortgage without a down payment with maternity capital at 12.5% ​​per annum, but only if you have an official income of 2 personal income taxes, if according to the bank’s form, then you need to find 10% PV. Reviews about these banks are only positive.

7. Subsidies from the state

The state actively helps certain categories of citizens in solving the housing issue. In particular, they can take out a mortgage without a down payment in the Moscow Region under the program "Social mortgage in the Moscow region" teachers, doctors and scientists. The first payment for them up to 50% will be covered by the budget.

Without a contribution, a program (social mortgage) should be considered in Moscow and other cities. There are a number of benefits for a young family. You can receive a subsidy from the state up to 35% of the cost of the apartment.

To participate in the program, you must contact local authorities and provide the necessary documents in order to be recognized as in need of improved housing conditions.

There is a savings-mortgage system for the military. Under this system, a certain amount established by the state is accumulated in a special account, which a service member can use to pay the down payment on a military mortgage.

Thus, after three years of service, a zero down mortgage is entirely possible for a military member.

and the best military mortgage offers from Russian banks.

8. Overstatement

If you are planning to rent an apartment without a down payment, then you must know the term “Overstatement”. Now let's figure out what it is.

You can bypass the bank's requirement for a down payment in different ways. The simplest of all options is to simply inflate the cost of the apartment to the bank.

In this situation, you show the bank the cost of the apartment is higher than it actually is by the amount of the down payment, and also provide it with a receipt from the seller as confirmation of payment.

Example. The cost of the apartment is 4 million rubles. The down payment must be, at the bank's request, 15% (600 thousand). If you don’t have such money on hand, then we submit an application to the bank under the following conditions: the cost of the apartment, taking into account the overstatement, is 4,706 thousand rubles, the loan amount is 4,000,100, the down payment is 705,900 rubles. The bank approves the required amount (4,000,100 rubles), and then provides a receipt stating that the seller allegedly received 706,000 rubles from the buyer as a down payment. The bank transfers the entire amount of 4 million to the seller.

Possible problems:

  • You may not be able to get your apartment appraised by the bank. If the overstatement is too large and the cost of the apartment differs greatly from the market, then the bank may refuse to lend to this housing.
  • It will be extremely difficult to purchase an apartment from a developer in a new building. Banks do not accept receipts from legal entities.
  • The seller has a risk that the buyer may demand the return of the “virtual” down payment.

9. Loan from the Academy of Sciences and the developer

To avoid problems with appraising an apartment or need a mortgage without a down payment from the developer, there is a way to take out a loan for the down payment from the developer himself or a real estate agency.

The essence of the program is that you take out a regular mortgage, and the developer or AH gives you an interest-free or interest-bearing loan in the amount of the down payment. You give it to the bank, and then return the loan on the terms that were specified in the agreement.

This scheme is used more often in conjunction with inflating the cost of an apartment, then the developer receives the entire cost of the apartment from the bank at once, and a cash receipt order is issued to the bank for the amount of the overstatement. In this case, after receiving the keys and in the absence of claims from the buyer, the loan agreement is destroyed.

As a rule, an additional fee is charged for this service - 3-5% of the cost of the apartment.

You can also take out a loan from any microfinance organization.

10. Promotions from the developer

To support developer sales, various promotions are often held. For them, mortgages have become a powerful tool for selling apartments. Mortgages with state support simply pulled out the construction industry in 2015-16.

For every developer, the down payment on a mortgage is a headache. The majority of the population simply does not have the money for it. Moreover, when purchasing an apartment in a new building with a mortgage, you also have to pay rent for the apartment while the house is being built.

A promotion from the developer may consist of an installment plan for the down payment or a special discount in the amount of the down payment on an apartment.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the supply market so as not to miss an interesting option.

When is it profitable to take out a mortgage without a down payment, and when is it not?

Before you decide to buy, you should calculate your mortgage using our calculator and think about how profitable it is for you.

Many people in need of housing do not have the means to purchase it. A mortgage loan may be a way out of this situation. But the question arises about the down payment, which is sometimes not possible to make.

Some banks allow you to purchase housing under “no down payment” programs. There are also alternative options for obtaining a mortgage in which you do not need to deposit cash. But where and how to get a mortgage without a down payment?

How to get

Banking institutions provide mortgage loans without a down payment to clients with high incomes or those who, in addition to the purchased property, own additional property. The bank may ask for this property as collateral.

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A mortgage can be obtained using maternity capital, double mortgage, consumer loan or with the guarantee of legal entities and individuals. They must have a good reputation and be financially secure.

Bank programs

To attract new clients, banks began to offer many mortgage programs without a down payment.

To receive money to purchase real estate, the borrower must have:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • registration of the Russian Federation;
  • permanent place of work;
  • good credit reputation;
  • age over 21 years.

When applying for a mortgage, you must submit a package of documents to a banking institution:

  • loan application;
  • passport (copy);
  • driver's license or foreign passport;
  • document on family composition;
  • work book (copy);
  • certificate of income (form 2-NDFL) or according to the bank form;
  • document for the purchased property.

The list of documents may increase depending on the selected program.

Maternity capital as a down payment

Maternity capital has been allowed to be used as a down payment since 2009. To use these funds for a mortgage, you do not have to wait until three years have passed since the birth of your second child.

The certificate can be provided to the bank immediately after receiving it. Maternity capital will be transferred by the Pension Fund only after the property is registered in the name of the owner.

When using maternity capital, in addition to the standard list of documents, the bank must provide:

  • application statement;
  • certificate (copy);
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

Double mortgage

When lending, the bank issues two mortgages: the first mortgage is issued against real estate owned for a down payment, and the second is secured against the apartment being purchased.

Banking institutions offer double mortgage loans at high interest rates. To get more favorable conditions, these loans can be obtained from different banks.

Consumer loan

The down payment on a mortgage can be paid with funds obtained through a personal loan. He can be released without bail.

This program is suitable for borrowers who do not own property. Thanks to this method, it is easier to get a mortgage, and the conditions will be much more favorable.

Disadvantages of a mortgage with a consumer loan:

  • income must cover payments on two loans;
  • high interest rate on non-targeted loans;
  • double burden of monthly debt repayments;
  • a consumer loan is issued for a shorter period;
  • with the same income, the amount issued is much less than for a mortgage loan.

This option will be beneficial to the client if he has the opportunity to repay the consumer loan ahead of schedule.

Is this always beneficial?

A mortgage without a down payment has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages:

  • high interest rates;
  • the amount of monthly payments is much higher than with a classic mortgage;
  • a larger amount of property is provided as collateral;
  • the costs of notary and insurance company services increase;
  • more stringent requirements are imposed on the borrower;
  • the income should be significantly higher than with a loan with a down payment.

Where to get?

A mortgage without a down payment is considered a risky type of lending for banking institutions.

Banks compensate for their risks with high interest rates, require expensive collateral, etc. But even with all these shortcomings, such a program is popular, which is why many banks offer it.


Sberbank issues mortgage loans without a down payment under three programs:

  • with government support;
  • mortgage refinancing;
  • mortgage with maternity capital (provided that housing will be purchased on the secondary market).

The maximum amount for the regions will be 3,000,000 rubles, and for Moscow and St. Petersburg - 8,000,000.

VTB 24

In this banking institution, you can pay the first installment with maternity capital. Its amount must exceed 20% of the value of the purchased property.

The bank provides double mortgage programs, but the loan amount will be issued for no more than 90% of the price of the old property. Such conditions are suitable for those who have an expensive apartment and want to buy another, cheaper one.

At VTB 24, you can get a mortgage loan simultaneously with a consumer loan or refinance a mortgage obtained from another bank. The loan is refinanced using two documents: the first is a passport, and the second is at the borrower’s choice. There are no fees or penalties for early repayment.


Issues a mortgage without a down payment secured by purchased housing on the secondary market. The loan is issued for one-room apartments at a fixed rate of 12% per annum.

The borrower must be between 21 and 65 years of age, with a good credit reputation and permanent employment. Citizenship and registration are optional. The application can be submitted online.

Bank of Moscow

One of the first banks in Russia to offer a mortgage without a down payment is the Bank of Moscow.

It offers the following programs:

  • mortgage plus maternity capital;
  • double mortgage;
  • consumer loan secured by real estate.

With a mortgage, there are no fees for registration, issuance or early repayment. Special conditions are provided for salary clients. An online application option is offered.


You can get a mortgage without a down payment at Rosevrobank both in rubles and in foreign currency.

Early repayment without fees is provided from the first day of receiving the loan. Additional risk insurance is not required.


Recently, the bank has been offering mortgages for the purchase of real estate on the primary market without a down payment. To apply, the borrower must provide an official income certificate. The building in which the apartment is purchased must be accredited by the bank.

Summary table of bank offers

Even without funds for a down payment, it is possible to take out a mortgage loan. The main thing is to choose the right program and calculate your capabilities.

Many people would like to live in their own apartment, but not everyone has the means to pay off the first payment. Is it possible to get a mortgage without a down payment? Now some banks provide the opportunity to buy your own home, with no down payment required. You just need to take into account other conditions that may be imposed on borrowers.

Why is a down payment required?

The down payment is the difference between the size of the mortgage loan and the price of the purchased home. But not everyone knows what affects the rate. The lower the payment, the greater the bank’s risk of non-repayment.

If the down payment amount is small, the interest rate will be higher. No credit institution will issue funds with high risks. Is it possible to get a mortgage without a down payment? There is such an opportunity, you just need to choose a bank with suitable conditions. It also depends on the client's provision. Every city provides mortgages without a down payment. St. Petersburg is no exception, since many credit institutions operate in the city.


Each bank, according to its own rules, issues a mortgage without a down payment. The conditions may be similar. Usually it is mandatory to insure both the purchased object and the client. This service involves compensation for the risks of property damage and deterioration of health.

Mortgage money is issued in Russian rubles, no matter what program is used. There are also requirements for borrowers. They can be persons aged 21-75 years. Under the military program, the client must be no older than 45 years. Many banks have a fixed term for using the loan. Usually it does not exceed 30 years. Many people choose Sberbank to issue a mortgage without a down payment. Conditions there are more acceptable for all citizens.

Clients must have Russian citizenship. You also need to have a regular income, which is confirmed by a certificate from work. Equally important is your credit history, which must be positive. The bank needs to provide proof of employment.

Sberbank services

Russian citizens are offered a mortgage without a down payment. Sberbank provides similar services in compliance with several requirements. The application is approved if valuable property is provided as collateral. Instead, there may be guarantors. Sberbank issues loans for high-income citizens, as well as for property owners.

There are many preferential programs under which mortgages are issued to single mothers, military personnel, and young families. Typically, loans are provided using family capital, as well as with the presence of a guarantor. Such borrowers are subject to strict conditions compared to those clients who take out a mortgage with a down payment.

Each city has its own banks that offer mortgages without a down payment. St. Petersburg, like any other city, has many financial organizations. Many people turn to Sberbank, because it offers favorable conditions for borrowers.

Sberbank programs

A person should consider whether he can afford a mortgage without a down payment. Sberbank offers several programs:

  • Government-backed loan.
  • Loan refinancing.
  • Family capital.
  • Mortgages for the military.

If the program is selected, you should clarify the loan conditions. They may differ from a regular loan.

What does VTB24 offer?

Other banks also provide mortgages without a down payment. VTB24 will be an excellent choice if there is no money to pay the first payment. The advantages include a long loan term - 50 years, which is not found in every bank. Thanks to this, you can take out a mortgage for the desired period, paying in small installments.

The bank offers a favorable mortgage without a down payment. VTB24 offers low interest rates. The rate is 8-12.5% ​​depending on the amount of debt. There are no fees for providing a loan. That is why this bank is the choice of many people.

And if there is real estate

If you already have housing, it can be used as collateral when signing a mortgage agreement. Then you can count on an amount not exceeding 70% of its assessed value. The final loan amount will be determined by the client's income.

Which banks provide mortgages without a down payment? You can take it from the Bank of Moscow, where you must provide your own home as collateral. You can purchase any property: an apartment, a house. A mortgage is provided for secondary housing without a down payment, as well as for primary housing. The loan amount ranges from 500 thousand rubles to 60% of the price of the collateral property. The rate is determined by the size of the mortgage and ranges from 13.15-15.25%.

A mortgage without a down payment in Moscow can be issued at Rosbank. There, clients are offered a profitable program for a room, apartment or house. The rate is 12.6-14.1%. The security is an apartment, a house with a plot. The bank can issue a mortgage for an amount not exceeding 80% of the assessed value of the collateral. Rosbank is one of the institutions that issues loans, the amount of which is less than the cost of housing. What other banks offer mortgages without a down payment? It is issued at the Housing Finance Bank, Svyaz-Bank, Alfa-Bank.

Additional collateral

A mortgage without a down payment in Moscow can be arranged in another way. Additional security is required as collateral. Programs may contain special conditions that the borrower must fulfill. Which banks provide mortgages without a down payment? Currently such services are provided in:

  • "Economy Bank".
  • "Communication Bank".
  • "Bastrobanke".

Gazprombank offers clients the “Improving Housing Conditions” program. It does not require an initial payment, but it has a special feature. With the execution of the contract, the client is obliged to sell the collateral property within 9 months and repay the loan with funds. The amount cannot be less than 15% of the price of the purchased home.

For down payment

There are banks that offer loans under special programs “for a down payment.” When paying off debts, the client must close 2 loans. Which banks provide a mortgage without a down payment if you take out an additional loan? There are not many such organizations. These include DeltaCredit and Moscow Mortgage Agency. You should find out about such a service from a specialist at the bank where you want to apply for a loan.

Maternal capital

A mortgage for a young family without a down payment can be obtained thanks to maternal capital. Banks offer to use it as repayment of the down payment. Not all credit institutions provide this service.

Where can you get such a loan? You can pay for your mortgage with maternity capital at VTB24 and Sberbank (11 and 14%). DeltaCredit Bank offers to obtain a mortgage by paying only 5% of the property price. Now the banks NomosBank and Primsotsbank are working with maternity capital.

Preferential lending

This mortgage is provided on preferential lending with the help of government subsidies. But it will not allow you to pay more than 10% of the property price. The program provides the opportunity to obtain a loan at a low rate. How to get a mortgage without a down payment in this case? You must provide a certificate that confirms this right. The document is obtained from the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The issued certificate is valid for 6 months. For banks that work under the program, there is a list of documents required to apply for a loan. To become a participant in preferential lending, you will need a 2-NDFL certificate for six months. The payment amount should not exceed 45% of the income of the client and co-borrowers.

There are few such organizations that offer mortgages without a down payment. Reviews indicate that you need to familiarize yourself with the offers of several banks and then make a decision. Borrowers are also advised to first consult with a financial expert who will help them choose the most suitable option. Loans of this type are provided by AHML partners. Each region has its own list of organizations that deal with obtaining mortgages for young teachers. You can choose a suitable bank on the AHML website.

Mortgage for young teachers

Teachers under 35 years of age can get a mortgage using a preferential lending program. The annual rate is 8.5% for the purchase of an apartment and 10.5% for a private house or apartment during construction. Mortgages for secondary housing without a down payment are provided by the banks Interkommerts, Petrokommerts, CJSC Reliable House, CJSC Housing Finance Bank. Each institution offers its own conditions, which borrowers should familiarize themselves with in advance.

For a young family

The best option for purchasing housing for a young family is to use the state support program. If you become a participant, you can receive a subsidy from the state, which will be the first payment. Spouses under 35 years of age can use the program.

When the certificate is received, the first payment will be paid by the state. Families who are on the waiting list can take advantage of these benefits. It is important to choose the right program. Further actions do not differ from the standard procedure. A mortgage for a young family without a down payment will be the best option for purchasing a home.


Which banks provide mortgages without a down payment? To obtain a loan, you can contact Gazprombank. To do this, the borrower needs to provide an application form, passport and income certificate. The loan period is 15 years. The minimum rate is 15.25%, and the collateral discount is 30%. The maximum you can take is 30 million rubles.

There is an official website for Gazprombank clients, as well as a hotline, through which you can get all the latest information. Only to obtain a loan you must provide collateral in the form of housing.

"Alfa Bank"

Alfa Bank does not require a down payment, but a deposit is required. The rate is equal to 9.2% for the purchase of housing in Moscow, and also from 12.3% in other regions of the Russian Federation. The maximum mortgage period is 25 years.

Alfa Bank should be contacted by people who can confirm their income using a personal income tax certificate. Business owners must provide financial statements. Permanent registration in the region is not required. In this bank you can obtain mortgages on the primary and secondary markets.

Required documents

How to get a mortgage without a down payment? If all conditions are met, you need to prepare documents. They are different in each bank, but most of them require:

  • Statement.
  • Passport.
  • Marriage certificate.
  • A copy of the work book.
  • Help 2-NDFL.
  • Right to real estate.

Only when you have this list, you need to contact the bank. In some cases, additional documents are required.

Features of the procedure

How to get a mortgage without a down payment? You need to submit an application for a loan from your chosen bank. The borrower must provide personal information, leaving contact information for communication. A mortgage application can be processed within a week. If a positive decision is made, the client is informed about this by telephone.

After this, the client needs to visit the bank office, presenting all the necessary documents to the specialist. Only then does the registration procedure begin. An agreement is drawn up between the bank and the client, which will regulate their rights and obligations. You need to familiarize yourself with this document so that there are no difficulties in the future.

During the registration period, the specialist should ask questions about the rate, payment, and lending features. A mortgage is issued for a period specified in the agreement, during which payments must be made.

Mortgage for military personnel

A loan for the purchase of real estate with benefits can be obtained by military personnel who have been participants in a savings mortgage for 3 years. During this period, funds were regularly transferred to the borrower's account. This money will be used as a down payment. All other deposits go towards repayment, and your own funds are not spent.

The client needs to choose a suitable program, taking into account the following nuances:

  • Mortgages are provided in rubles.
  • 9.5% is the minimum rate.
  • Loans are provided to military personnel up to 45 years of age.
  • The mortgage is issued in the amount of 15 thousand - 2.4 million rubles.
  • No proof of solvency is required.
  • No need to take out life insurance.

Residents of Moscow have access to a social loan, whoever gets in line. Housing that is issued on credit is the property of the municipality. Only Russian citizens with Moscow registration and regular income can use it. You had to get in line before 03/01/2005.

  • Purchasing housing with benefits.
  • Funds are transferred to the candidate for start-up investment.

An application for the program is submitted to the housing fund. When an application is submitted, a personal file is opened, and housing parameters are established based on family income. After this, the borrower needs to collect the necessary documents and also prepare for registration.

Before applying for a mortgage, it is advisable to consult with a specialist in order to take out a profitable loan. This will avoid many mistakes. An expert will tell you for what period it is better to take out a mortgage, as well as which bank is more profitable to do it with.

Each bank offers its own lending conditions, which may differ markedly from the offers of other institutions. Thanks to a careful approach, you will be able to correctly complete the transaction.

Mortgages without a down payment are issued in some banks. However, most organizations offer to use a loan for which you need to make a first payment. In both cases, careful attention to the transaction is required. Then you will be able to purchase housing at favorable rates and on suitable terms.

For an adult, and especially a person burdened with a family, it is normal to want to get his own apartment or house. As in many other countries, the majority of transactions for the purchase of residential real estate in Russia are carried out through mortgage lending. It’s just that in recent years it has been almost impossible to find a bank that would agree to lend money without a down payment, the minimum amount of which is 15-20% of the transaction amount, which is quite a lot. And this stops many potential borrowers, because they simply do not know where to get that kind of money.

Option 1. Accumulate

This option can rightfully be called classic. In order to contribute part of the funds from your personal budget when purchasing an apartment on credit, this money can be accumulated over a certain period of time. True, to do this you need to calculate the amount that you will withdraw from the budget every month. There are two main parameters for the calculation - the amount of money you will need to apply for a mortgage (don’t forget that in addition to the down payment, you will also have to pay other expenses) and the deadline by which you must save this money.

It’s rare that anyone manages to change the expenditure side of the family budget upward without making significant changes in the family’s lifestyle. Usually you have to either start saving on something or look for an option for additional income. Both options should be carefully weighed to see if they suit your capabilities. If your budget was already very modest, it is unlikely that you will be able to find an opportunity to cut it even more. Moreover, we will be talking about a fairly long period of time. Likewise, you will not be able to find additional employment opportunities if you currently have a fairly busy schedule.

Option 2. Help from the state

When it comes to how the authorities (federal and regional) can help Russians with a down payment, the first thing that comes to mind is maternity capital. Indeed, the amount of this benefit is large enough to in some cases become the first payment on a mortgage loan, or at least part of it. So, this amount (more than 450 thousand rubles) is quite comparable to the “classic” size of the down payment (20%) for an apartment worth 2 million rubles.

Don’t forget about government support programs for Russians who want to take out a mortgage loan. These programs are very different, some (like, for example, military mortgages) are implemented at the federal level and are relevant for the whole country, while others are the initiative of regional authorities. Some of these programs precisely involve compensation of the first loan installment from budget funds.

Option 3. Sell something... needed

You can give up something for the sake of home ownership. Think about what you have that is so valuable that the proceeds from its sale will be enough for you to make a down payment on your mortgage. A summer cottage, not a new car, perhaps securities or jewelry. It is quite possible that, having set the goal of collecting as much money as possible, you will review all the unnecessary things in the house (or even those that were taken to the dacha or garage). Perhaps what seems like trash to you is something someone really needs. And such sales will be another step towards a mortgage.

Option 4. Ask for money for the down payment on a mortgage as a gift. Or in debt

If you have fairly wealthy parents or relatives, when inviting them to your next celebration, invite them to give you gifts in monetary terms. In other words, donate money. This request will be especially relevant if you are inviting them to a wedding. However, if there are no people in your circle who can afford to give a large sum, you can ask to borrow this amount. True, then it’s worth getting acquainted with

Although a mortgage solves the issue of acquiring the necessary housing, at the same time it is a serious long-term obligation that requires special responsibility. This article reveals the main points that potential borrowers face when thinking about where to get money for a mortgage.

How to get money for a mortgage: basic principles

Mortgage loans are issued by organizations that offer appropriate programs, assessing not only the client’s solvency, but also other possible risks. Money for a mortgage can be provided in several ways:

  1. Secured by the purchased property.
  2. Secured by real estate that is already the property of the client.

The size of the mortgage depends on:

  • assessing the client's solvency;
  • down payment amount;
  • loan term;
  • the value of the purchased property.

To apply for a mortgage you will need the following documents:

  • a questionnaire indicating all the necessary data about the client;
  • application from the borrower;
  • the client’s passport, as well as the guarantor’s passport and the passports of the co-borrowers and the mortgagor;
  • documents confirming the solvency of the client, co-borrowers and guarantor.

A more precise list of required documents can be found on the website of a specific bank, or by contacting the manager of the credit department of the selected financial institution.

What is the best way to transfer mortgage money to the apartment seller?

Often the bank indicates the method of transferring funds to the client, based on the following options:

  1. with tracking of the full amount, including own and credit funds;
  2. with tracking only the loan amount;
  3. lack of bank control.

In the vast majority of cases, the bank itself chooses and controls the procedure for transferring mortgage money, since simultaneously with the purchase of an apartment, a pledge is most often issued, which is the purchased housing. Transfer of borrowed money is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Through a deposit bank account. In this case, the seller will be able to receive money from the deposit box only after a successfully completed transaction.
  2. To the bank account of the home seller after drawing up and registering the mortgage and purchase and sale agreement;
  3. Through a letter of credit. The money is credited to the seller’s bank account before the transaction, but he will be able to withdraw it only upon its successful completion.
  4. In cash before submitting the necessary documents for state registration.

If the seller of the apartment does not like the chosen method of transferring money, then the bank will probably offer the borrower to find another home to purchase. Otherwise, it is worth considering offers from other banks.

How does an apartment sell with mortgage money?

By selling secondary real estate under the terms of a mortgage, the seller receives money in the same way as in a regular purchase and sale transaction, and the new owner will repay the loan to the bank in which he issued it. In general, the procedure has a standard sequence:

  1. Contacting a mortgage broker to select the optimal mortgage lending program in a particular bank and a realtor to find a suitable apartment. At the buyer's request, this item can be skipped.
  2. Submitting a loan application to the selected bank.
  3. Waiting for a positive response from the bank regarding the provision of a loan.
  4. Search for an apartment that meets the bank's requirements. After selecting a particular property, a corresponding assessment certificate is drawn up, according to which the bank determines how suitable the apartment is for lending.
  5. Preparation of necessary documents.
  6. Approval of the selected apartment by the bank and insurance company.
  7. Concluding a mortgage and insurance agreement with the subsequent transfer of money to the apartment seller using the chosen method.
  8. Registration of housing in the state. organs

What is a mortgage without your own money?

As a rule, one of the conditions for receiving mortgage money to purchase real estate is a down payment, the amount of which is at least 10% of the total loan amount. In a difficult economic situation for the population, a mortgage program without a down payment has become in demand, which has the following advantages:

Among the disadvantages it is worth noting:

  • increased interest rate associated with increased risks of the creditor bank;
  • a small number of offers among banks;
  • extended package of documents.

Borrowers who have real and movable property as collateral, the possibility of refinancing, maternity capital, etc. will receive approval.

Banks providing mortgages without their own money:

  • Vokbank (tariff “Reliable”)
  • BystroBank (Real Estate program)
  • When applying for any loan, you should carefully study the agreement. Hidden costs can add up to several percent of the loan amount per year.
  • An objective assessment of the value of real estate will protect the borrower from overpayment. Consultation with a realtor in this case will be the most effective and relevant. It is better for the client to pay for the inexpensive services of a real estate specialist than to cover losses of up to 30% of the cost of housing in the event of bankruptcy.