How to transfer cash to a Sberbank card via an ATM. How to transfer money from one bank card to another. Transfer cash to a Sberbank card

You can make a transfer to a Sberbank card in various ways (there are at least 10 of them), you just need to choose the most convenient one. If the sender and recipient are Sber clients, then everything is simplified many times over, thanks to simplified transfer methods, a large branch and ATM network large bank Russia and the presence of the majority of Russian families at least one savings account bank card, mainly calculated, received as part of the salary project.

How to transfer money to a Sberbank card by bank transfer

Via Internet bank Sberbank Online@yn

If the sender uses Sberbank Internet banking, then he can literally carry out online translation between your cards or to another person’s card.

Restrictions: WITH credit card transfer is not possible (only from debit)!

Go to the “Transfers and Payments” section and select “Transfer between your accounts and cards” (no commission is charged) or “Transfer to a Sberbank client” (commission 1% max. 1000 rubles outside the city, no commission charged within the city) in depending on the direction of your transfer.

How to transfer money to a Sberbank card in Internet banking? This can be done in several ways: by card number, by card account(required) or by number mobile phone(must be linked to card)

The money will reach the recipient instantly, the transfer amount should not exceed 100,000 rubles, the bank does not refund erroneously credited funds (only by agreement with the recipient).

On the Sberbank website you can use the translation selection service - fill out the required fields and they will give you the most optimal and affordable schemes. Choose the one that is more convenient for you.

You can experiment with this interesting feature (go to the selection page).

Via an ATM or Sberbank terminal

You must insert the card into the ATM/terminal and enter its PIN code. Then, through simple manipulations in the “Payments and Transfers” section, make a transfer using the card number (gold limits are no more than 300,000 rubles, for classics – no more than 200,000 rubles, for others – no more than 100,000 rubles).

Commission: 1% of the amount, maximum 1000 rubles.

Through Sberbank Mobile Bank (transfers via SMS)

This is another opportunity for bank clients to transfer their funds to a Sberbank bank card via SMS. It is enough to type the necessary commands (SMS requests) and send them by SMS message. Naturally, it must be connected and the card must be linked to your mobile phone number. Examples of request execution are taken from Sberbank documentation.

All SMS messages are sent at the expense of the card holder in accordance with the tariffs mobile operator!

Method 1 We transfer between our cards

SMS to number 900 :TRANSFER XXXX YYYY 10000, Where


YYYY– last 4 digits of the recipient’s card number;

10000 – transfer amount in rubles.

We receive confirmation in the form of SMS.

Restrictions: The maximum daily limit is 100,000 rubles. It will not be possible to transfer money from a virtual, corporate or credit bank card.

Method 2 We transfer to someone else’s card using its number (this option is currently not available)

Sending SMS corresponds to method 1. In this case YYYY– these are the last 4 digits of the recipient’s card number, the details of which must be registered in the SMS template Mobile banking. The template can be created in Internet banking, an ATM (self-service terminal) or at a branch.

Restrictions: see method 1.

Method 3 By recipient's phone number ("Fast payment" service)

SMS to number 900 : TRANSLATION 9XX1234567 500, Where


500 – transfer amount in rubles.

Funds will be transferred to the card linked to this number. If the recipient has several cards linked to a cell phone number, then the accrual will occur mainly for salary (payroll). If the sender has several cards, then you can indicate the one from which the transfer will take place (see below) or rely on the bank for everything (it will withdraw money from the one with available funds).

SMS to number 900 : TRANSLATION XXXX 9XX1234567 500, Where

9XX1234567– mobile number of the recipient;

XXXX– last 4 digits of the sender’s card number;

500 – transfer amount in rubles.

You must confirm your intention with a five-digit code sent by the bank in a response SMS. We also send it to number 900.

Word TRANSLATION in SMS requests can be replaced with PEREVOD, TRANSLATE or PEREVESTI

Through funds transfer services between cards

This opportunity is provided by Card2Card services of well-known international payment systems “Visa Direct” and “MasterCard MoneySend”, as well as various financial institutions, for example: Alfa-Bank, Russian Standard, etc. It is now possible to use transfer services from Visa and MasterCard almost everywhere: on the Internet, at ATMs and terminals (QIWI, etc.) that support such a service, in bank branches, from a mobile phone. Moreover, the sender (donor) and recipient cards do not have to be the same international payment system(MPS), i.e. to the card Sberbank Visa can be sent from a Visa, Master Card or Mir card of any bank. Please check delivery times and exact fees directly with your chosen service.

This, as a rule, is not a free pleasure, and you have to pay for the convenience (commission from 1 to 3%). But there are ways to transfer from card to card without commission, which we described in.

Interbank transfer via online banking and mobile applications of other banks

If your bank provides the ability to manage your funds using applications such as online banking (including mobile app on a smartphone) or mobile bank, then you have the opportunity to make a cashless transfer using your Sberbank card details.

At any bank branch

At a Sberbank branch, when transferring from your account (if you have one!) to a bank card account through a cashier, the following commission applies:


  • If the card is open in your city: absent;
  • If opened in another city: 1.5% min. 30 rub., max. 1000 rub.

This method is suitable when the Internet is not available.

If you have an account with another bank, then for a non-cash transfer with the help of an operator, check with him about the commission.

From electronic wallets

Additionally, you can give more exotic ways of transferring money to Sberbank bank card. For example, from electronic wallets Webmoney, Yandex-Money. Here you need to pay attention to the commission - in some cases it can be very tasty, and sometimes simply unaffordable.

Cash transfer

In this case, you actually use various options for replenishing your card account, which we have dedicated a separate section to. However, we list all the main methods and fees below.

At any bank branch

If you do this at a Sberbank branch, then all you need to do is contact the cashier-operator and tell her the recipient’s card number (yours or someone else’s) and passport.

Commission for replenishing a card:

  • open in your city: none;
  • open in another city: 1.75% min. 50 rub., max. 2000 rub.

In any other bank, you must make a cash transfer (without opening an account) using the card details (bank name, account number, bank account, full name, etc.). The commission needs to be clarified on the spot.

At an ATM or self-service terminal

You can only top up your card account with cash at Sberbank ATMs or terminals - without commission. For some cards (Maestro, Visa Electron and a number of other budget cards) commission possible

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The Sberbank card balance can be replenished in various ways. Each person chooses the method that is most appropriate at the moment, taking into account current circumstances. It would be fair to note that there are many more non-cash ways to top up your card balance. Therefore, if it is necessary to transfer cash to a Sberbank card, many are lost, because there are not so many options. The main ones are replenishment through the Sberbank cash desk and through an ATM. However, in different situations, when you have cash on hand and need to put it on a card, you can use non-cash payment methods as an intermediary, but they have their pros and cons. You can transfer cash to a Sberbank card in the following ways:

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Of course, it is most profitable to transfer cash to the account.

The only disadvantage of this method is that you need to appear in person at the department.
While searching for an ATM, you may find payment terminal, for example Qiwi, through which you can also put money on a Sberbank card. The advantage of this method is that the card itself is not needed for such an operation; it is enough to know its number. The downside is the commission charged by the payment terminal.

You can familiarize yourself with the tariffs and terms of transfer on the official websites of mobile operators.

How to deposit cash on a Sberbank card via Russian Post

Transferring money via mail is justified in exceptional cases. Not only does the post office take its own commission for carrying out the operation, but the time frame for receipt of funds into the account is quite long and can take up to 7 – 10 days.

  1. We find the post office.
  2. We present the passport to the employee.
  3. We fill out the form that the operator will issue. You must indicate the recipient's card number and amount.
  4. We provide money to the employee.
  5. Don't forget to pick up a document confirming the transfer.

How to deposit cash on a Sberbank card through a cash desk of a third-party bank

If you urgently need to transfer money to a card, but it is not possible to get to the nearest Sberbank branch, the operation can be performed at any bank. In this case, a third-party bank will charge its own commission for such a service, and the period for crediting funds will be up to 3 – 5 business days.

  1. We come to any bank branch.
  2. We present an identification document (passport).
  3. We provide the card details (either the number or detailed details, if available).
  4. We name the transfer amount.
  5. Do not forget to pick up payment documents confirming the fact of transferring money to the card.

Some of the methods discussed above are relevant when you need to make a transfer to another person. To do this, most often you need to know the recipient’s card number, or full details cards. So, you can transfer cash to someone else’s Sberbank card:

  • through the cash desk at the office of Sberbank itself;
  • through the cash desk of any other bank;
  • through a payment terminal;
  • via Russian Post;
  • from your mobile phone account.

In all cases myself a plastic card You won’t need another person, but you need to know her number and some details. Without a commission, you can top up someone else’s card with cash only at a Sberbank branch; in other cases you will have to pay for the transaction a small amount. Thus, you can transfer cash to a Sberbank card in various ways. You can perform such an operation quickly and without commission at a branch of Sberbank itself or through an ATM. If it is not possible to travel to a Sberbank branch, you can deposit money through payment terminals, a cash register or ATM of a third-party bank, or through Russian Post. However, you will have to pay an additional commission and wait for the funds to be credited within a few days. In case of urgent need, you can resort to some tricks, and, for example, first credit cash to your phone account, and then transfer it to your card account via SMS.

Every client of the country's main bank who is a user of the money transfer system should have a good understanding of how to transfer cash to a Sberbank card. Practice shows that sometimes even the most sophisticated consumers of Sberbank services do not have a sufficient understanding of how to transfer money through the terminal to the card of this credit card. financial institution. Lack of proper knowledge and experience among bank clients often leads to numerous mistakes, wasted time and futile efforts.

Topping up a card from the terminal: features of the operation

In fact, this service money transfers can be considered the most suitable for the majority of Sberbank clients, for several reasons:

  • convenience and ease of use;
  • funds are credited to the card very quickly;
  • the transaction is not subject to commission.

As mentioned earlier, many people often have problems when transferring cash to a bank card from a terminal operating in the Sberbank system. To perform this operation correctly, the user must be guided by certain rules and strictly follow existing instructions.

Topping up a bank card through a terminal is a common procedure

Rule one: check the intended purpose and adequacy of the terminal

First of all, the sender Money must first ensure that the terminal he intends to use is suitable for making the planned transfer. It is necessary to pay attention to the information plate located directly above the device. It must specifically state for what purposes the device can be used. The fact is that some bank machines may work exclusively for issuing money and do not provide for accepting cash. Accordingly, in order to transfer money to a financial institution card, you should use exactly those bank terminals, which were initially adapted for this possibility.

It also happens that the device is designed to accept cash, but when making a transfer, some glitches repeatedly occur, due to which the transaction is not completed. Most likely, this may be due to the following circumstances:

  1. The terminal is overcrowded with paper bills, as a result of which the loading of cash into this machine is temporarily suspended by the system.
  2. The sender is trying to deposit new banknotes, which the device has not yet been adapted to accept.
  3. The user makes a mistake when specifying the card PIN code. If this code is entered incorrectly three times in a row, the card is automatically blocked by the terminal. To return the plastic, the client will be forced to contact the bank with a corresponding request.

When replenishing through the terminal, the money is immediately credited to the card

Rule two: insert the card and load banknotes correctly

The correct installation of the bank card and the insertion of banknotes into the terminal is crucial for the successful transfer of cash to the bank card. It is important to follow the following recommendations:

  1. The plastic must be inserted into the device with the “beautiful” (front) side up - the part of the card on which the microchip is located. The "pad" of the user's thumb should be located on the card logo. If in doubt, read the instructions, which are usually located next to the terminal.
  2. Banknotes must be prepared in advance for loading into the terminal. They should be even. The device will not accept bills with curved edges, glued with tape, torn, or unsuitable for use.
  3. You can load cash into the device in single banknotes or in bundles (30-100 banknotes).
  4. It is recommended to place new paper money in the machine in single bills.
  5. It is important to check in advance that the cash in the receiving compartment of the terminal is placed smoothly (otherwise the paper bill may be “chewed”).

“Deposit cash” button on the terminal

Transferring cash to a Sberbank card via terminal: instructions

The procedure for crediting cash from the terminal to a bank card is carried out in the following order:

  • place the bank card directly into the slot (hole) of the device designed to accept plastic instruments;
  • in the menu that opens, select an item that involves transferring cash to a bank card account;
  • confirm the selected operation by pressing the touch button;
  • accurately indicate the PIN code of the plastic card;
  • load the required quantity paper bills of the corresponding denomination into the receiving opening of the device intended for entering cash. The amount of the transfer planned for implementation is displayed on the device’s display. The user has the ability to control it.

If the transfer of money is carried out by the sender in favor of another entity (recipient), then you should go directly to the section of the relevant transfers.

When the transfer operation is successfully completed, the user (sender) is strongly recommended to pick up a receipt, which confirms the execution of this transaction.

This document should be kept at least until the funds from the completed transfer are credited to the card account of the specified recipient. Subsequently, the sender can safely get rid of this paper when the fact of receipt of money on the Sberbank card is finally confirmed.

Indeed, the procedure for transferring cash from a terminal to a Sberbank card is very simple and intuitive. You just need to be guided by generally accepted rules and recommendations, as well as clearly and strictly follow the available instructions. It is also important to note that this operation does not require the sender to present any documents.

Russia, you can store your savings there for convenience. To do this, just transfer funds to it, choosing a method convenient for yourself.

Replenishment through a cash desk at a bank

The easiest way to top up a bank card is to transfer money through a cash desk. To do this, you must indicate your card or account number. If the transfer is made to a card in another region, then the fee for this operation will be charged in the amount of 1.5% of the transferred amount for a non-cash transfer and 1.75% for cash deposits. If you carry out this operation through a payment terminal, it will be 1% of the amount. The disadvantage of this method is that you personally need to visit the nearest bank branch, spending your free time on this. In addition, you will have to spend part of the money for the transfer itself.

Top up via ATM or terminal

You can also top up your Bank of Russia card using an ATM. Money is transferred from a card or by depositing cash. If the transfer is made from bank card to card within the same region, then no commission will be charged. When transferring funds from a card of another bank, the commission is removed.

If there is no ATM nearby and you need to transfer cash to a bank card, you can use the terminal. This is quite simple to do: in the “Transfers and Payments” section, indicate the recipient’s card number and deposit the appropriate amount. When transferring funds from one bank card to another outside one region, a commission will be charged. To transfer money using this method, you need to know. The transfer, indicating the full name, is carried out at the bank's cash desk.

Replenishment through the cash desk at the bank ">

We provide online translation

It is also convenient to top up your bank card using the system. To transfer money using this method, you must have an Internet connection, personal page in the Online Banking service and user ID. An ID and password are issued during registration.

We provide online translation ">

Mobile bank

The next way by which you can top up a Russian Bank card is the service Mobile bank. With its help you can determine which service is connected to. To activate it, you should send an SMS message to number 9000. In it, you must indicate the last four digits of your card and the recipient’s card, as well as the transfer amount itself. The established limit for this operation is 10 thousand rubles. You can transfer funds in this way only if you first create a transfer template at an ATM or at a bank branch.

When transferring to a card that is also connected to Mobile bank, you should send an SMS message to 900, in which you indicate the phone number of the receiving card and the amount of the transfer itself. In this way you can transfer up to 8 thousand rubles. In this case, you will need to pay a commission of 1% of the amount and pay SMS to the telecom operator.

We transfer electronic money to a bank card

You can transfer money to a bank card from electronic wallets of systems such as WebMoney or Yandex Money. This service is convenient for those who often have to deal with electronic money.

More detailed information about this or that translation method electronic money to a bank card, you can find out on the official website or from the consultants of the nearest branch.

Topping up a bank card via Yandex Money

How to transfer money to a card?

It's simple: use a special form on the website - To find it, click on the “Withdraw money” link (next to your balance) and select “”.

What data is needed to transfer to a bank card?

Just her number.

Which cards can I transfer Yandex.Money to?

You can send them:

What is the deadline for crediting money?

For participating banks MasterCard MoneySend and Visa Money Transfer, the enrollment period will be one to two business days, for other banks - from one to six business days.

How much is the commission?

3% of the payment amount + 15 rubles. For example, if you want 1000 rubles to be credited to your card, you need to withdraw 1045.93 rubles from your account.

What are the limits for transferring Yandex.Money to a card?

The minimum transfer amount is 100 rubles. The maximum amount is 15,000 rubles at a time and 40,000 per month.

Can I transfer money from another card (for example, linked for payments) to any Visa or MasterCard?

No, such a translation cannot be made directly. However, you can first top up your Yandex.Money account from a bank card (directly on the website - through a special form), and then send the required amount to any .

Where can I check the full number of the card to which I sent money?

For security purposes, this number is transmitted over an encrypted channel. We don't know him. If you're not sure you entered the number correctly, just wait. Bank card numbers are created in such a way that if there is an error even in one digit, non-existent details are obtained. Therefore, the money should return to your account.

Transferring funds from card to card is a very popular way of transferring money today. People are transferring money to someone’s account less and less often, since entering a 16-digit number is faster and more convenient. Regardless of whether you want to transfer money between your cards from different banks or send it to someone else, it is worth studying possible transfer methods, fees and restrictions.

When may there be a need for translation?

The method of transferring from one card to another has the following advantages:

  • simplicity of the process - in order to make a transfer, you just need to find out the card number. No long details or details about the recipient are required for the transfer;
  • speed of transfer - funds during transfer are almost always credited instantly. The exception here is a transfer between different banks, in case of delay on the part of the banking system of the recipient of the funds;
  • no commissions for transfers within the city - if you transfer funds within the same banking system, then there will be no commission for this operation. If you send money to another city, there will still be a commission within one bank, although usually insignificant.

Situations when you may need to perform such a translation:

  • if you have two cards from the same bank and you want to move your funds between them;
  • in a situation where you need to transfer funds from a card of one banking system to a card of another banking system;
  • to transfer money to your relative or friend;
  • when buying or selling something over the Internet, if we are talking about a small amount.

Transferring funds between cards is not used to pay for large transactions.

How to transfer money from one card to another: step-by-step instructions

Regardless of which bank card you use, the process of sending money from one card to another is approximately the same. Let's figure out how to make a transfer using the example of a Sberbank of the Russian Federation card, but if necessary, you can easily adapt these instructions to the bank you require.

Once a transfer has been completed, you cannot cancel it yourself; be extremely careful when making it.

Guide using the example of Sberbank

There are several ways to transfer money within the same banking system.

Via online application

One of the most convenient methods is a transfer using the Sberbank Online application on your phone:

Via SMS message

The next method is to transfer funds via SMS. It is necessary that both the sender and the recipient have the “ Mobile bank" To transfer funds, you must complete a number of steps.

Using Sberbank Online

Transferring through Sberbank Online using the website is also very simple. First you need to access your personal account. You can get your login details from the bank. Log in to the site and do the following:

Transfer via ATM

You can also transfer funds from card to card using an ATM. This method is used less often than others, because more often people prefer to make money transactions without leaving home. And the transfer is carried out using an ATM as follows:

Regardless of the transfer method, when transferring funds from the card of one Sberbank client to the card of another, the money will be credited instantly.

How to transfer funds between different banks

A transfer to a card in another bank is characterized by the presence of a commission and an increased transfer time. Otherwise, the translation process is almost the same for each method. When transferring through the Sberbank Online website or application, you must do the following:

To transfer through an ATM, just do the following:

Limits and commissions

Each bank has its own restrictions on transfers. They are expressed as maximum amount funds that you can transfer, as well as in commissions for performing the operation. If you need to make a transfer within the Sberbank system, the conditions will be as follows:

  • within one region, you will not be charged any additional fee;
  • if you send funds to another city, the commission will be 1%, but not more than one thousand rubles;
  • transfer limit per day: when transferring via SMS - 8 thousand rubles, through the application 500 thousand rubles, using the website - up to 1 million rubles.

When transferring from a Sberbank card to a card of another bank:

  • transfer time depends on the recipient's bank;
  • the maximum amount of one transfer is 30 thousand rubles;
  • the amount of transfers per day is 50 thousand rubles for Visa Electron/Maestro, 150 thousand for other cards;
  • the commission is one and a half percent, but not less than 30 rubles.

Conditions of other banks

In other banks, commissions and limits differ from the commissions and limits of Sberbank. Since the transfer process itself occurs approximately the same everywhere, we will consider only these commissions and limits:

Is it possible to save on commissions?

An obvious way to save money when transferring is to transfer between cards of the same bank. Most banking systems there will be no commission for such an operation. Sometimes, when it comes to the need to send a large amount, it is more convenient to simply ask the recipient to get a card from the desired bank. Of course, this is only beneficial if the fees exceed the cost of servicing this card.

If you need to transfer funds between your cards from different banks, you can simply withdraw cash from one card and credit it to another through an ATM. This way you won't have to pay any commission. That is, transferring from one card to another is not always the most profitable solution.

Video: transferring funds from card to card via ATM

Transferring from card to card is perhaps the easiest way to transfer funds. With the development of technology, the opportunity to transfer money both within one city and throughout the country is becoming more accessible. You should not forget to be careful when making any monetary transactions and then the transfer of funds will be convenient and safe.