How to create a Visa Virtual, how to top up a Visa Virtual, instructions, reviews. Virtual cards Qiwi Visa Virtual card visa dollar create

Hello, dear friends! Today we’ll talk about virtual credit cards for payments on the Internet. I'll tell you where you can buy Visa Virtual quickly and without leaving home.

I remember the first time I needed to make a payment with a Visa card on an American website, it puzzled me a little. I thought that the WebMoney wallet was quite enough for payments on the Internet. But WebMoney is not quoted at all on the foreign Internet. There, payments are made through electronic payment systems (for example, PayPal) or credit cards(for example Visa or MasterCard). But, since we still have problems with withdrawing money from PayPal, it’s better to think about how to do it credit card. By the way, if necessary, you can attach such a bank card to your PayPal account.

It must be said that Visa Electron credit cards ( Visa Electron) and Card Master Maestro ( MasterCard Maestro) are not always suitable for online shopping, especially on foreign sites. Here we need more serious cards. Since I only dealt with Visa, I will talk about it. For our purposes, we need at least an international Visa Classic card ( Visa Classic).

You can apply for a Visa card at almost any bank. But issuing a card may take several weeks and then you will still have to pay for annual maintenance. Of course, it’s nice to hold a plastic card in your hands, especially if you have a tidy sum in your account. But it is much more convenient to use virtual Visa cards for payments on the Internet. This is an analogue of the Visa Classic bank card, but you cannot touch it with your hands. But you don't have to pay for the service.

You can top up and withdraw money from the virtual card. To do this, we will be provided with data, just like with a regular plastic card: 16-digit number, cvv code and expiration date. This is enough to make purchases in foreign online stores, at auctions, or pay for services. Moreover, the name and address can be fictitious. But, when paying with a Visa card for serious purchases in some foreign online stores, you may need a correct American address or link to real account in the bank.

On issuing a Visa Virtual card at Privatbank of Ukraine it took me about twenty minutes. They also gave me two as a load plastic cards(credit card Visa and MasterCard Maestro). But to make a virtual Visa card, you still need to go to the bank. What if you need a bank card urgently, when, for example, the banks are already closed?

Where to apply for a virtual Visa card on the Internet (online).

You can buy a Visa Virtual card on the Internet online without leaving your home. The whole process will take no more than 5 minutes.

For example, it is very popular now payment system QIWI. There are several ways to buy QIWI Visa Virtual:

  • using QIWI Wallet;
  • through QIWI payment terminals;
  • for [email protected];
  • from a mobile phone account.

This card is valid for three months, and you can top up its balance through QIWI Wallet. Read more about how to buy and how to use QIWI Visa Virtual here.

Since I already have a Privatbank card, I did not use QIWI services. And I don’t have a QIWI Wallet. However, there are many places online where you can purchase the desired card, for example, for WebMoney or Yandex.Money. You can probably fall for scammers. Therefore, I will show you where I sometimes buy virtual Visa cards without any problems.

Where to buy a Visa Virtual card online in 2 minutes.

We go to the website and on the page that opens, select from the list the denomination of the Visa-Internet card that interests us in dollars, rubles or euros.

Click on the selected line and go to the payment page. Here we select the payment method (WebMoney, Yandex.Money, QIWI, [email protected], etc.), agree to the Rules for purchasing goods and click “Buy”. Please note that the system removes commission. For example, for a card with a face value of $10 you will have to pay $11.5.

We go through the standard payment procedure and immediately receive all the data on our virtual Visa card. Don't forget to enter your real email address in the special field. The card data will be duplicated there.

It's that easy apply for a Visa card (Visa Virtual) in a matter of minutes. Sometimes this helps a lot. After all, it is not always possible to replenish the usual bank card. In addition, when paying with a virtual Visa card, you can do it anonymously, since it is not tied to any bank where you are forced to provide your real data. The only negative is that you have to pay more than face value for it.

For clarity, I recorded a short video where I showed how I bought a virtual Visa card for $14 (with a commission of $16) to purchase one interesting program on an American website. By the way, for the fact that I purchased this useful program, I was paid $28 to my WebMoney wallet. Net profit in a few minutes is about $12 plus the program itself. It sounds implausible, but it is a fact.

In the next article I wanted to talk about this in more detail, but the seller suddenly revised the terms of affiliate deductions in his favor. Due to this, the shop has closed for now. But if the opportunity to make easy money arises again, I will definitely let you know. Subscribe to blog updates so you don't miss out. The subscription form is right below the video.

That's all. See you soon! Retweets are welcome. And here is the promised video:

A fairly large number of stores accept virtual currency from the Visa Qiwi Wallet system for payment. Payments are made very quickly, and there are almost never any problems with processing transfers between users of the service. But to expand their ability to pay for various products from the Internet, users are offered a virtual Qiwi card.

In fact, it has all the necessary attributes to make payments. She is being released Russian bank, having all legal rights for embossing (legal release) of such banking products. This service also provides several levels of protection. So, let's take a closer look at how to get a Qiwi wallet card, and what types of cards exist.

How to create a virtual Qiwi card

To issue bank virtual or plastic cards, after registration, the user will need to enter the main menu on their Qiwi page by clicking on the “Bank Cards” link. A list of banking products available for issue will open. All of them are issued by JSC QIWI Bank. There are two types of virtual cards in the system.


The most commonly used QIWI payment instrument besides a wallet on the Internet is a virtual card QIWI Visa Card. Balance this financial instrument equal to the balance of the wallet in the system. All operations for depositing/debiting from it are equivalent to operations from the wallet.

Issue of virtual Qiwi cards

For those who do not know how to create a virtual Visa Qiwi card, you need to click on the link labeled “QIWI Visa Card” in the “Bank Cards” menu. In just a second, a message about the creation of this payment instrument will appear in your account.

Only part of the virtual product number and its validity period will appear on the page.

The remaining data: CVV code and the rest of the card number are sent for security purposes to the phone connected to the account.

The issued card is valid for two years. It is accepted on all sites where payment is made using the Visa system. Only one such card can be connected to your balance at a time. The issue is free of charge.


You can also create a virtual Qiwi card of another type - QIWI Visa Virtual. With its help, you can also make purchases in various online stores.

You can open such a card in two currencies: dollars and rubles.

To issue it you will need a minimum of 300 rubles, and a 2.5% commission will be charged for the issue. IN foreign currency you need to spend 10 dollars, and the commission will be 1 dollar.

The validity period of the financial instrument is 2 months. There are also restrictions on transactions. For the entire duration of its validity, you can pay a total amount for purchases of 30 thousand in rubles or one thousand in dollars.

There are also limits on one-time purchases.

In dollars it is 500, and in rubles it is 15,000. At the same time, ruble spending from the card is not allowed for less than 300 rubles.

This card has an individual balance that does not fully affect the entire wallet. It must be replenished separately by transferring money from the main Qiwi account. You can issue any quantity of QIWI Visa Virtual.

Difference between QVC and QVV

Both cards have everything you need Bank details for online payments. By topping up the balance of any of them, the user will not notice the difference in using them on online shopping sites.

However, QIWI Visa Virtual is valid for only two months and can be safely used on unfamiliar payment sites. After all, the balance is not tied to the main wallet, and all the money in the account is safe. However, you will have to pay for such a service.

Qiwi plastic card

For those who do not have enough services from online stores, and who want to fully use the money from their Qiwi account, we can recommend issuing a real, not a virtual card. To do this, you will need to fill out a form on the website and pay 150 rubles.

Qiwi Card Issue Form

You need to know that the Qiwi Visa Plastic card is sent only within Russia. Therefore, foreign citizens will be able to order a Qiwi card only to someone’s address in the Russian Federation.

You can withdraw cash all over the world.

The card balance is equal to the amount of money in the wallet.

It can also be used for online payments in virtual stores.

Visa Virtual is a virtual bank card that is only suitable for paying for goods on the Internet. U virtual visa(Visa) has enough advantages over regular plastic card. For example, a virtual card is created within a few minutes; personal (including passport) data is also not required. All sites that accept regular bank cards, they work without problems with virtual ones. And you won’t have to show the number and security code of a regular card. Indeed, recently, hackers have often begun to hack various services that store payment information. Even if your virtual card data falls into the hands of criminals, you will not lose anything (or a minimum amount).

So, we have assessed all the advantages of Visa Virtual, let’s move on to its registration. This can be done through QIWI Wallet. If you do not have an account in this payment system, you must create one. We go to the registration page and enter the necessary data (mobile phone number, symbols from the image).

The password to your personal account will be sent to mobile phone specified during registration. Next you need to top up your account QIWI Wallet in the payment terminal.

Once the money has been deposited into your account, you can start issuing a virtual card. In the search bar (or in the "Popular" column), find QIWI Visa Virtual. There are two options: a virtual card with US dollars (USD) and with Russian rubles. Choose any one (whichever will be more convenient to work with).

  • Phone number- better is the same one for which the QIWI Wallet is registered
  • Payment method— select from your QIWI Wallet account
  • Sum- as much as you want (later you can add money). Please note the commission is 2.5 percent (but not less than 25 rubles)
  • A comment- not necessary

Then click " Pay". The payment will not go through until you confirm it using a special code received via SMS.

After this, you will receive a card number with a CVC code on your mobile phone. The virtual card is valid for 3 months (+ 45 days the card is canceled).

You can manage your card balance in a special section on the QIWI Wallet website. That's it, now you can use a virtual card when paying for services and goods on the Internet. By the way, you can create an unlimited number of Visa Virtual. For example, there is a separate card for each service.

Create a virtual card online on the website of a bank that provides similar products, almost every client can do it - the owner of a debit or credit card, whose account has enough funds to write off the fee for this service.

Although the financial institution incurs virtually no costs by generating for the client a set of details for payments on the Internet, the production of a card is extremely rarely subject to a commission. For example, at Nomos-Bank a virtual card can be issued for free only as part of a promotion valid until the end of November - through the NOMOS-Link service for a maximum period of six months and with a limit of up to 50 thousand.

Below we will look at how to create a virtual card using the example of the products of those few institutions that do not charge a fee for its issue - Credit Europe Bank and UBRD.

How to create a virtual card Credit Europe Bank

The free virtual card Credit Europe Bank is issued as an additional card to the main “plastic” card of clients of this financial institution. When creating it in the Internet Bank, the currency, limits and validity period of the card are indicated, as well as the account to which it is linked.

After ordering a card, the user is sent (to the phone number specified as a contact) a message with the details necessary for payments on the Internet.

The holder of a credit card or plastic card with an overdraft from Credit Europe Bank can order only one free virtual card.

Free virtual card UBRD

UBRD clients can create a virtual card Visa Virtue using a special online service called “Telebank”. When ordering a card, you can determine its limit and the number of transactions allowed on the account.

Unlike Credit Europe Bank, UBRir allows you to issue up to 2 free virtual cards per day. After confirming the card order, the system displays its details: promo code, number, CVV-2 and expiration date. The information received must be written down, since after leaving Telebank the card details will not be saved.

You can also connect SMS banking to the virtual card for free at the Ural Bank of Reconstruction and Development.

Bank cards have become widespread among consumers, as they have many advantages that distinguish them from cash. Having figured out how to create a virtual card of one of the payment systems, the user will be able to make purchases on the Internet without using the details of his main card.

Virtual cards - what are they?

At the moment, most financial institutions offer their clients to issue virtual credit cards or debit products. A virtual name card is a traditional plastic card that does not have a physical medium. It is attached to an existing account and has a short validity period, and the client receives only its details instead of traditional plastic.

As a rule, virtual cards are used to make one-time purchases, which ensures maximum security.

Similar products are produced not only banking institutions, but also electronic payment systems. For example, Qiwi offers all clients to issue a virtual plastic card from Visa, and Yandex.Money allows you to instantly create a card from Mastercard.

When planning to create a Visa credit card, it should be noted that such a service is usually available from banking organizations- Sberbank of the Russian Federation and others. Systems electronic money most often provide debit products to their customers.

Virtual cards have advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages of a payment instrument

When planning to create a virtual Visa card online, the user needs to become familiar with the main advantages and disadvantages of such a product. The main function of such a card is to make safe purchases, since it allows you not to use your main account details and, therefore, not to transfer them to online stores.

In addition, it has many other obvious advantages:

  • instant release. The product is issued instantly, which eliminates the need to visit a branch of a financial institution to receive it and wait for production;
  • the ability to make one purchase using the card, after which it can be immediately reissued and used again with updated details;
  • preferential terms of service. This type of plastic allows the client to save money, since monthly payment for using the product is either completely absent or its size is minimal.

This option seems ideal for those consumers who are afraid of fraudulent activities on the part of attackers, as well as the transfer of product data to online trading platforms. However, it also has a number of disadvantages that need to be mentioned. First of all, it has a shortened validity period, which makes it inconvenient to use the same card for a long time.

In addition, the virtual version of plastic cannot be used in regular stores to pay for purchases, since it does not have a physical medium. Some financial institutions often impose certain restrictions on transactions using such cards, which reduces their functionality.

Since the conditions for use and issue of the product vary significantly and depend on the issuer, it is advisable to study the nuances of its receipt and use using the example of cards from Qiwi.

Qiwi virtual card

When wanting to get a virtual Visa card, most users prefer to use the capabilities of the Qiwi electronic money system. The standard version of the product is produced free of charge, which makes it available to a wide range of consumers.

Such a card can be reissued an unlimited number of times, and its validity period, as a rule, does not exceed 1 year. At the same time, virtual plastic is tied to the wallet and does not have a separate balance, which allows you to pay with online stores even in cases where they do not accept electronic money of this system.

Card protection level of this type fully complies with Visa standards and is no different from similar products that have physical media.

To obtain a Qiwi virtual card, you need to log in or create a new wallet

Prepaid card

Many consumers do not want to use the classic virtual card from Qiwi, since its balance is tied to an electronic wallet. This puts the funds in the account at risk if criminals gain access to the card. Wanting to avoid such a threat, this payment system produces special prepaid products that provide special conditions of use.

The user can create several cards of this type at once, but each can be reissued no more than 2 times a month. For issuing a card, a commission of 2.5% is charged, but not less than 25 rubles or $1. Throughout the life of the product, the client will be able to spend no more than 30,000 rubles or 1 thousand dollars with it.

Card holders have access to an SMS notification service at a monthly price of 19 rubles.

Creation procedure

In order for a consumer to successfully create such a product, he must be a registered user of the Qiwi system, and also have the required amount Money to pay the issue fee.

When figuring out how to make virtual plastic in Qiwi, you need to follow simple instructions:

  1. Log in to the official Qiwi website.
  2. Go to the "Bank cards" section.
  3. Among the action options available to the user, you should select “Create a virtual card”. In this case, the client can choose to create a virtual Visa Card or issue a Visa Virtual.
  4. After clicking on the desired button, the system will automatically generate payment card details - number, CVC code.
  5. Read the terms and conditions of the product, the size of the commission and the validity period, and then click the “Buy card” button.
  6. Indicate the phone number to which the card will be linked, and select a payment method.
  7. Wait until the payment is completed and a new card appears in personal account.

The maximum payment amount when paying with a similar product is 15 thousand rubles, and no more than 30 thousand can be written off per month. If desired, the owner of the product can activate the option of SMS notification about transactions for 19 rubles monthly. The details of the created card are always available to the user in his personal account, and product maintenance is provided free of charge.

How to use

Users who have only recently purchased a similar product want to know the rules and features of its use. First of all, you need to remember that it is impossible to pay for purchases using such a tool in a regular store, even if it has a payment terminal.

This limitation is compensated by the product’s wide capabilities for use on the Internet. With it, the user will be able to:

  • pay for housing and communal services, mobile communications and the Internet;
  • purchase goods on online platforms;
  • make various transfers.

Virtual card can be either debit or credit

Virtual credit card

However, virtual payment instruments can be not only debit, but also credit type. The most popular product of this kind is produced by the largest financial organization in the Russian Federation - Sberbank. In order for electronic Visa card has been successfully completed, you will need to meet certain requirements. Among them:

  • the candidate must be the owner of one of the other products of this financial institution;
  • the client card must be registered in the services Mobile bank or Sberbank Online;
  • between the client and financial institution a service agreement must be in place.

One of the reasons for the popularity of this credit card can be considered the low cost of service - 60 rubles, which are charged annually. The product is valid for 3 years from the date of issue. The credit card is issued free of charge, and only domestic currency can be used for payments.

The user can issue only 2 cards of this type - 1 Visa and 1 MasterCard.

The reissue procedure takes no more than a day, and only the verification code is changed, but the credit card number is retained. A confirmation code is sent to the attached phone number of the product owner, after which the countdown of its validity period begins.

The procedure for closing a credit card will also not cause any inconvenience, but its owner must take care to transfer the balances own funds at your own expense in advance.

After this has been done, you should call the support number 88005555550 and inform the operator that you want to close the product. In this case, the client will need to provide the bank specialist with control information to confirm his identity.