Which credit card is better: visa or mastercard. VISA, MasterCard or MIR - which payment system card to choose for payment in Russia and abroad? What is the difference between a Visa and Mastercard

We think about choosing Visa/MasterCard when ordering a new bank card, less often when we need to pay for a purchase in foreign currency.

Few people manage to get comprehensive information from a bank employee about what the difference is. Individual clients understand what billing is, what it does, and how to save on it.

Our article details how Visa differs from Mastercard, for whom it matters, and how to avoid unnecessary fees.

Payment systems

To transfer money from one account to another, there must be a “communication established” between them. The interconnected work of computer equipment, programs, and specialists is required.

Together they constitute a payment system. It can work at any level, for example:

  • peace;
  • states;
  • region;
  • organizations.


The first plastic was issued by Bank of America in 1958 under the name BankAmericard. In 1976, they came up with a new name: Visa. It is short, easy to remember, and sounds the same in all languages. The payment system is called VisaNet. It is capable of processing up to 65 thousand transactions per second, providing instant transfers from card to card.

Interesting fact: The name Visa is an abbreviation that refers to itself (backronym), stands for Visa International Service Association - Visa International Service Association.

Over 60 years of operation, the company has covered more than 200 countries. Until 2010, it served more than half bank cards in the world. The rapid growth in turnover of Chinese plastic UnionPay has displaced Visa from first place in the rankings in many respects. However, it continues to process several trillion dollars in transactions annually. The number of cards in circulation exceeded 80 million.


The system began operating in 1966 in California under the name Interbank, after 3 years it was renamed MasterCharge. The MasterCard brand appeared in 1979.

For decades, the company was significantly inferior to Visa in many indicators, including the number of countries, capital, and turnover. After 2010, payment systems have comparable indicators.

MasterCard's net profit reaches and exceeds $7 billion annually. More than 45 million company cards are used worldwide.

How are they different?

Upon visual inspection we will notice different logos and some other design elements. Let's look at the differences that make financial sense.

It is important not to confuse the services of payment systems and banks. The latter set their own commissions and limits on transfers, payments, cash withdrawals, and offer their own incentive programs.

For example, if the issuer allows you to withdraw 1 million rubles per month on a platinum card, this restriction applies to both Visa and MasterCard. Another bank may have different limits for similar products.

Main differences

Services that depend on the selected payment system:

  • currency billing – the main currency in which payments are processed;
  • loyalty programs, except for banking ones.

Currency conversion

Having opened a Visa or MasterCard, the client can pay at any point of sale in the world that has the logo of the corresponding payment system on the doors or website.

At what point and at what rate does the conversion take place if the operation is performed abroad?

There are 3 currencies involved:

  1. bank account – client’s choice;
  2. billing – the currency in which the system records transactions – if it differs from the client’s account, conversion will be performed;
  3. transaction - conventional units that are paid / withdrawn / transferred / deposited - if they do not match the billing currency, additional conversion is required.

For most users, it is obvious that when paying with a Visa/MasterCard in an exotic country with a rare currency, a conversion fee will be charged. Indignation appears when the currency of the card account and the price tag in the store match, and the bank writes off an amount higher than indicated on the receipt. This occurs due to double conversion when the currency of settlements with the payment system is different.

Where is it more profitable to use

There is an opinion that Visa’s payment currency is only the dollar, while MasterCard can have both the dollar and the euro. Therefore, in the USA it is more profitable to pay with a Visa, in Europe with a MasterCard. These are the most common options for plastic work.

Technically, both systems can choose any payment currency, set rules for working in different territories, for different operations. In practice, banks offer products adapted to mass demand. Visas with system payments in euros are issued, but there are significantly fewer of them than in dollars.

There are multi-currency products for which the bank and the system do not deduct a commission from the client when the card currency matches the transaction currency.

Determine if billing is important to you. The overpayment for each conventional unit (dollar/euro, etc.) can be 2-3 rubles, in rare cases up to 5 rubles.

Opening a new account and card for rare small purchases via the Internet is ineffective. If you regularly pay large sums, the right choice will be no less effective than a good cashback.

For example:

  • from 1 USD 2 rubles;
  • from 1000 USD 2000 rub.;
  • from 100,000 USD 200,000 rub.

Each bank with each payment system has its own billing agreement. Timely clarification of the units of payment will help you choose the best plastic, if necessary, replace it or issue an additional one.

Here are ways to determine how the money will be converted.

  1. Contact the bank that issued your card for advice. Please report:
  • in what currency you intend to make transactions;
  • types of transactions (payment, withdrawal, etc.);
  • on the territory of which country/countries.

Some experts will not be ready to answer what the difference is between MasterCard and Visa. However, if you intend to spend a large sum of money in foreign currency, it is advisable to seek a response. You may need to contact another consultant. Some clients change banks.

  1. Experimental way. If operations are performed regularly and their amounts are not large, you can use different cards from your wallet. In fact, check write-offs for the most favorable rate.

The method is especially convenient if the client has a package banking services with free release of several cards in different systems.

Bonus programs

The lists of MasterCard and Visa partners are constantly changing. Within each system, the size and number of bonuses depend on the status of the plastic.

All proposals can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. everyday use;
  2. trips.

Both systems offer discounts for paying in certain:

  • shops;
  • restaurants, cafes;
  • entertainment venues;
  • educational institutions for children, etc.

MasterCard has more partners in Russia than Visa. The incentive amount rarely exceeds 10%. It is often received as a surprise. Regular monitoring of payment system offers will help increase the number of discounts received. The process is similar to scrolling through a hypermarket catalog.

Platinum and higher visas double the manufacturer's insurance coverage on purchases of $50 or more.

For premium plastic holders Special offers while traveling.

Let's compare the service:

Hotels when paying directlyIN different countries world - 5-10% discounts, sometimes more. There is a free room upgrade available.
Booking through systemsHotel Express International – free access;
Hotels.com – 8%;
Agoda – 12%;
Ostrovok.ru – 7%.
Booking – 8% cashback;
Hotels.com – 10%.
Rent a CarRentalcars –10%;
Avis -35%;
Sixt – up to 10%.
Rentalcars – up to 10%;
Hertz – 10%.
Airlines- Emirates – 10%.
TransfersWheely – 15%;
Gett – 15%;
TBR – 10-20%.
at Heathrow airport.
Luggage packingPack and Fly – 20% (+ free for Signature 4/year, for Infinite 8/year);
Star Bag – 20%.
Free Internet in roamingBeeline;
Escort at airportsyQ – 30-70%.Global airport concierge – 15%
VIP lounges for premium plastic holdersPriority Pass – 1500+ lounges in 140+ countriesOwn network of halls, which is represented in individual cities. For cardholders of Russian banks this is:
St. Petersburg;
Insurance for traveling abroadValid, conditions largely depend on banks.
Medical, legal assistance and remote supportProvided, the scope of services depends on the status of the plastic-
Concierge24/7 -

The table presents services from payment systems. To make a final decision, you should also evaluate the privileges from banks. They often offer a profitable alternative.

For example, the number of Mastercard VIP rooms is several times less than that of Visa’s permanent partner. Banks often offer holders of premium MCs free membership in the Lounge Key program, which is similar to Priority Pass.

PayWave and PayPass

Contactless payment technology allows you to use plastic by bringing it to the terminal without having to insert it inside the device. The operating principle of Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass are identical in terms of use. The only possible difference is the limits for making payments without entering a PIN:

  • Visa up to 3000 rubles;
  • MasterCard up to 1000 rubles.

The exact amount of transactions without confirmation also depends on the issuing bank. For many Visas there is still a limit of 1000 rubles.

Card classes

Visa, MasterCard offer plastic designed for different financial needs clients. The higher the account turnover, the more privileges the payment system is ready to provide. Cards of any status are issued in debit and credit.


Cards have a basic set of functions. They are subject to minimum limits on transactions and loans.

Visa is represented by the Electron product. Its distinctive feature is that it can only be used in online terminals. They receive confirmation from the bank instantly.

The system does not limit the operation of plastic territorially, but due to the lack of embossed details on the front side, many devices are not able to recognize Electron.

The basic version of MasterCard is Maestro. Cards issued in Russia and most other countries have functionality comparable to the Electron Visa. However, by default it does not work abroad. This feature can be activated by the bank.

Maestro was popular as a pension and social service before the advent of the Russian payment system MIR. Now the demand for it has sharply decreased.

Some Russian banks offer Maestro as co-branding with MIR. Within the state, such a card is recognized as national, abroad – as international.

In the European Union, Maestro status is close to standard/classic.

A variation of the initial type are virtual products. The bank provides card details, which can be used for payments and transfers. There is no physical release of plastic.


Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard are designed for the mass consumer. Within a particular bank, they have a common service tariff.

Their main characteristics:

  • transaction limits sufficient for a user with average income or slightly higher;
  • the data on the front side is embossed (pressed out) and is accessible for reading by all terminals connected to the system;
  • support contactless payment.

Debit Classic/Standard are the most common as payroll cards.


For clients with high incomes, products of several levels are available:

1 Gold
1a- World
2 Platinum
3 SignatureWorld Black Edition
4 InfiniteWorld Elite

As the level increases, the following increases:

  • transaction limits;
  • attractiveness of rates on banking products;
  • the scope of non-bank privileges described in our article;
  • cost of service / account turnover required for free.

When choosing, you should analyze the offers of banks separately. Premium service packages differ.

For example:

  • in the majority credit institutions travel insurance is not connected to gold plastic, there are some exceptions, but their cost of Gold service is higher;
  • The number and conditions of free transfers and passes to VIP lounges differ.

Visa and Mastercard cards in Sberbank

The tariff depends on the status of the plastic, and not its payment system. For most card products, the client has a choice of debit/credit Visa or Mastercard:

  • Platinum;
  • Gold;
  • Classic/Standard;
  • Classic/Standard with a design to choose from;
  • Youth (Classic/Standard variety).

Co-branded cards are presented - joint ones that participate in the loyalty programs of the issuer and partners. This plastic is produced in one system:

  • Aeroflot bonus is connected only to Visas - classic, gold, signature;
  • Give Life (charitable foundation) – Visa Classic, Gold, Platinum;
  • for CSKA fans a classic Visa;
  • League of Legends players – standard.

Which payment system should I choose?

The following questions and comparisons will help you make a decision:

  1. Will you use it only in Russia or will you have major expenses abroad? – For payments within the Russian Federation, the difference is rarely noticeable.

If you need to pay in foreign currency, please note that settlements with the system may require additional conversion. It is advisable to find out the billing currency at the bank. In most cases (but not always!) Visa has dollars, MasterCard has dollars and euros.

  1. Are there any partners of one of the systems from whom you regularly buy something? - This is an additional benefit.
  2. If you find one of the bonus promotions that is highly attractive to you, do not rush to apply for a card based only on this indicator. Read the full terms and conditions. There is a possibility that profitable proposition After a few weeks or days, it will stop working, and the chosen plastic will turn into a burden.

Advantages and disadvantages compared to other payment systems

International Visa and MasterCard are the most common in the world. Russian banks They also offer plastic MIR, UnionPay, JCB.

Let us summarize the main advantages of Visa and MasterCard:

  • maximum number of countries of operation (200+), for comparison, the closest competitors are JCB (190+ countries), UnionPay (150+);
  • settlement currencies are the dollar, the euro, which are freely traded on the stock exchange, in contrast to the yuan and yen, which are strictly controlled by national banks.

Disadvantages relevant for Russian citizens:

  • inability to use MasterCard or Visa in Crimea due to sanctions, the only alternative is MIR;
  • International plastic cannot by law be used to receive regular payments from the budget.

Review analysis

Both systems have high ratings on the Internet. Users love the ability to pay anywhere in the world. They note that Visa loyalty programs are more tailored to the needs of travelers. Bonuses from MasterCard often come when paying “close to home”.

There are rare dissatisfied reviews about Visa's work:

  • difficulty getting through to the hotline;
  • in 2015 there were service interruptions.

Otherwise, clients write that they have no complaints about the systems. Possible unpleasant situations are associated with the work of banks.


There is no clear answer which is better than Visa or Mastercard. Their service in Russia is identical, with the exception of small discounts. MasterCard offers them more often.

The difference becomes noticeable when traveling abroad, especially if significant amounts are spent on the card. Visa has more developed premium services and services for travelers. When registering, you should inquire about the currency of settlements with the payment system and select the appropriate option.

IN Russian Federation credit organizations Three main payment systems are used: Visa, Mastercard, MIR. The first two payment systems are the oldest and at the same time the largest in the world. In 2015, an alternative Russian system under the name MIR. So far it is used only by Russian credit institutions and some banks operating in the near abroad.

When applying for a credit card, the client, as a rule, is not given the right to choose a payment system. It is assigned by default, since for the vast majority of areas of using the card, an almost identical mechanism is provided.

Visa and MasterCard cardholders use the same tools with some restrictions. As for the MIR system, due to its relatively recent launch, there are much more restrictions in the process of use than in the first two cases.

Payment system Visa

The first prerequisites for creating an innovative payment system appeared back in 1958. Then Bank of America issued the first plastic card under the name BankAmericard. The name "Visa" was coined later - in 1976.

Since this date, the Visa Corporation has been steadily growing in size. Today it is a transnational system serving large enterprises, financial institutions, holders plastic cards in more than 200 countries around the world. The company provides quick and secure access to non-cash transactions, as well as transactions in cash.

Electronic transactions are carried out using the modern VisaNet payment processing system. Using this processing system, more than 70,000 financial transactions per second are carried out around the world.

The company guarantees cardholders modern protection against all types of fraud, convenient execution of all transactions, and prompt support. The official website of the company, where users can get all the necessary information, is located at https://www.visa.com.ru/.

Visa is not a credit institution. The company does not issue loans and advances, does not establish interest rates and does not issue its own plastic cards. Instead, the company offers a set of modern tools for banks to develop and optimize payments, and improve security measures.

The corporation launched its activities in the USSR in 1988. The first operator to use this payment system was financial institution Intourist, which issued the first plastic cards to athletes participating in the Olympic Games in Seoul. The first credit institution to start working with the payment system is Sberbank of the USSR. The first ATMs were installed in Moscow back in 1992.

The Russian Federation is a member of the CEMEA organization, consisting of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, all of Africa, and the Middle East. There are 82 participating countries in total. Our country covers approximately 48% of all operations carried out in the CEMEA region. In monetary terms, the amount of all transactions is more than 220 billion US dollars.

To date, the number of ATMs that accept Visa cards totals more than 36,000 devices. The total number of retail outlets working with the system is more than 165,000 throughout the country. The company produces more than 25 types of layouts for creating plastic cards, differing in the set of tools, identification measures and security of the holder’s funds.

Payment system Mastercard

The year of foundation of this payment system is considered to be 1966. The first plastic cards began to be issued by the company in 1969 under the name “The Interbank Card”. As in the first case, the main activity here is the processing of transactions between acquiring credit institutions, trading cooperatives, retail outlets, financial enterprises and organizations.

The name “Mastercard” has been used since 1979 to the present day. The official website of the corporation is located at https://www.mastercard.ru/ru-ru.html.

In terms of the volume of transactions made worldwide and the turnover of funds, MasterCard is significantly inferior to Visa: 20% versus 28.5% (according to 2015 data). The company does not issue cards and is not a player in credit and financial segment. The main task is to ensure reliable, secure and fast payments 24 hours a day.

In the USSR, the first cards issued on the basis of this payment system appeared in 1990. The first bank to issue Mastercard cards is Sberbank of the USSR.

Technologies used

In terms of developing innovative technologies, the company is noticeably ahead of its competitors:

  • 1980s - the world's first plastic card with a laser hologram is issued;
  • 1990s - the company releases the world's first Internet debit program “Maestro”;
  • 1997 - the “Priceless” advertising program is launched;
  • 2001 - under development Mastercard system Consultant;
  • 2008 - Mastercard Europe and Europay France corporation merge their transactions;
  • 2010 - the Innovation Center is created, whose task is to develop new ideas and projects;
  • 2015 - the company introduces the MasterPass system;
  • 2016 - the MasterPass system, after 9 months of testing, is launched into mass use.

A well-known convenient contactless payment system, PayPass, was developed by Mastercard. So far, the system has been successfully used by owners of smartphones from Samsung and Apple. By 2020, it is planned to introduce a contactless payment system in all mobile phones. Mastercard is working on this project together with the world's largest manufacturer mobile phones— Nokia.

In comparing the Mastercard network with Visa, it can also be noted that the first option uses a peer-to-peer scheme - when all transactions are transmitted to all endpoints located like “cells” that act independently of each other. This is much more secure than the method used by Visa, which is something like a star (“star topology method”), where all operations converge at one point. Consequently, in the event of a single failure, the operation of the entire system may be disrupted.

Payment system MIR

The official launch date of the national payment system is July 23, 2014. A system was created to ensure uninterrupted financial transactions during periods of disagreement between the Russian Federation and the United States. At the initiative of the US authorities, the Visa and Mastercard payment systems denied operational services to several Russian credit organizations.

The first card that can be used to pay in Russia and abroad was issued by Gazprombank. In 2016, it was announced that from the beginning of 2017, “mass production of plastic cards based on the MIR payment system” would begin. From July 1, 2017, the Bank of Russia introduced the obligation to accept MIR cards by absolutely all credit institutions operating in the Russian Federation.

Unlike the world's largest systems Visa and Mastercard, MIR cards do not provide for additional fees when withdrawing cash. This rule will not be revised in the future. This measure is aimed at stimulating the development of the national payment system and increasing loyalty on the part of Russian users. The official website of the payment system is located at http://mironline.ru/.

Key Advantage

The advantage of MIR cards is independence from global payment systems, political relations with Western countries, sanctions, and other unfavorable circumstances. By the beginning of 2017, more than 10,000,000 MIR cards were issued in the Russian Federation. The total number of card transactions exceeded 14,000,000 in July 2017 alone.

At the end of 2016, an initiative group submitted a project to the Parliament of the Russian Federation for consideration, according to which the use of MIR cards became mandatory for all government and budgetary institutions. The draft was supplemented with appropriate amendments and approved without lengthy debate.

Since January 2018, all budget and government organizations have switched to using MIR cards. This means that law enforcement officers, teachers, doctors, and employees of other structures receive wages only on MIR cards. By 2020, it is planned to transfer all pensioners to MIR cards, which will be issued completely free of charge.

Again, on January 1, 2018, Sberbank of Russia and the MIR payment system launched a special promotion, the participants of which can win a car or a cash prize. The essence of this promotion is that Sberbank MIR card holders pay for purchases worth more than 500 rubles (once a month is enough), after which the bank randomly selects winners on the 30th/31st of each month. The main prize is money to buy a car.

In addition, consolation prizes are also being drawn - 1,111 participants of the promotion receive 1,000 rubles as a gift every month. To participate in the promotion, users do not have to register, since all Sberbank MIR card holders become participants in the drawing automatically. Potential recipients of prizes are cardholders from any region of the country.

: Some citizens are still skeptical about the national payment system, considering it “crude” and inconvenient. Therefore, the majority of plastic cards are still issued based on the Visa and Mastercard systems. In a few years, the trend may be in the opposite direction.

Payment systems have long covered the whole world, routinely functioning through credit, salary and debit cards. The most stable and popular systems are Visa and MasterCard. They offer different types of bank cards, which differ in the level of commission, prestige and range of services. The cheapest to maintain are salary cards, because their main purpose is to withdraw cash. The middle segment includes Mastercard Standard and Visa Classic cards, which allow you to pay for purchases in stores and on the Internet. For people with a high level of income, there are “Gold” and “Platinum”, which emphasize the status of the owner and give him a lot additional privileges. In this article we will tell you about payment systems and find out how Visa differs from Mastercard.

Bank cards

A card is a plastic medium that is tied to a specific bank account. That is, having it in hand, a person can pay for his own purchases. In this case, money will be withdrawn from the account, and the balance will be immediately updated. We will tell you below how Visa differs from Mastercard, but for now we will introduce you to the categories of cards that Russians most often have.

First category

It occupies the largest sector in the bank card circulation market. This is Mastercard Electronic, Visa Electron and Maestro. The main reason for their popularity is the low cost of maintenance, which ranges from $5 to $10 per year. These cards can be used to pay for purchases through store terminals. And, of course, they allow you to cash out.

The disadvantage of these cards is that they cannot be used for online purchases. In addition, difficulties may arise with payment while abroad. Many foreign supermarkets simply do not accept them. This is due to the lack of special embossing to identify the card owner. If the store has regular terminals, then there will be no problems with payment, but if there is a system configured to use imprinters, then it will be impossible to pay for technical reasons. We hope that now you understand a little how “Visa” differs from “Mastercard” and “Maestro”. We'll talk about this in more detail below, but for now let's look at another category.

Second category

Mastercard Standard, Visa Business and Visa Classic belong to the second category of the most common bank cards in Russia. In their production, embossing technology is used (applying special embossing to plastic). This helps make the cards versatile and multifunctional. You can also pay with them online. For these purposes, special codes were applied to the plastic. The only thing that some owners of these cards do not like is the high cost of service (from 15 to 25 dollars per year).

What is the difference between Visa and MasterCard?

This question baffles many owners. plastic cards. Some people can’t even explain how Visa differs from Sberbank’s MasterCard. Well, it happens that the professionals themselves cannot competently advise on this topic. Let's find out how Visa differs from MasterCard.

Firstly, these bank cards have different base currencies. If you do not intend to travel around Europe and America, this fact will not cause any inconvenience. It should be taken into account by those who are planning a trip abroad or purchasing goods in foreign online stores. For Mastercard the base currency is the euro, and for Visa it is the dollar. What does this mean? The fact that if there are rubles on the card, but you need to pay in dollars, then it is more profitable to use a “Visa”. If the payment is made in euros, then first the conversion of rubles into dollars will take place, and then the dollars into euros. A similar procedure is typical for Mastercard. It is clear that it is unprofitable. For example, people who know the difference between Visa and Mastercard (Alfabank) understand perfectly well that they are incurring losses. And this happens not because of unfavorable exchange rates, but because of high commission payments during conversion.

The second difference is the possibility of card payments on the Internet. This option is connected to Visa at the discretion of the bank. And at Mastercard, only owners of Unembossed cards can use this service.

The last difference concerns premium cards. In this regard, Mastercard and Visa offer different sets of services. The first payment system has a partner loyalty program and emergency assistance in case of card loss. The second payment system has a more expanded range of services: health care by phone, legal advice, ticket reservations and restaurant reservations.

Payment by cards

So, we found out how “Visa” differs from “Mastercard”. It remains to consider the issue of payment schemes. After all, it depends on the level of the card where you can pay by bank transfer and where not. MASTERCARD CIRRUS and Visa PLUS only allow cash withdrawals. You can already pay in stores with MASTERCARD MAESTRO and Visa ELECTRON. If you need cards with full functionality, then choose MASTERCARD (MASS, GOLD, PLATINUM) or Visa (CLASSIC, GOLD, PLATINUM). All transactions using such cards are completed quickly and without any extra effort.


Payment systems, which are based on the functioning of plastic cards, have become an integral element of the global financial activities. Increasingly, services and goods are paid for by bank transfer. This is especially convenient when trading significant amounts. Visa and MasterCard are the largest representatives of these systems. Now they are the main market participants, and their products differ only in the status of bank cards. Knowing how Visa differs from Mastercard, you can choose the best card for yourself and not overpay for unnecessary functions.

In the article we discuss the differences between payment systems and understand bonuses for Visa and MasterCard cardholders.

Visa and MasterCard are the most popular worldwide payment systems. In short, they have two fundamental differences:

  • transaction currency;
  • bonuses for loyalty programs.

1. Visa vs MasterCard: currency conversion

Most of us have a salary account in rubles in one of the Russian banks. As a rule, an entry-level or mid-level card, Visa Electron, Visa Classic, Maestro or MasterCard Standard, is attached to it. If you love to travel, but for obvious reasons do not want to take pockets full of cash with you, please note that when making a purchase abroad with a card, Visa or MasterCard will convert the currency from rubles according to different schemes and at different rates.

The conversion rate for Visa can be viewed, and for MasterCard -.

Important! Using the card primary level, both Visa and MasterCard, abroad not provided. This option must be enabled by contacting the bank in advance before your trip.

In addition to the rate of the payment system, the bank servicing the card taxes the currency conversion operation commission(Enter Bank Fee). You can find out its value from your bank.

Visa's main currency is the dollar, while MasterCard has both the euro and the dollar. More often - euro. You can find out specifically about your account from the bank that issued the card. Let's look at the differences in more detail using an example.

Example No. 1
You have a ruble account. You pay for lunch at a pizzeria in Rome.
For a Visa card, the money from rubles to euros that the waiter asks you will be converted according to the following scheme: rubles => dollar => euro. If you pay with a MasterCard card, the conversion will go directly from rubles to euros.
Since in Italy the main currency is the euro, it is obviously more profitable than MasterCard. You'll spend less on direct currency conversion fees.

Example No. 2
You have a ruble account. You are purchasing a ticket to Disney World in Florida, USA.
Here the conversion from rubles will go as follows:
Visa: rubles => dollar.
MasterCard: rubles => euro => dollar.
In this case, it is more profitable to use Visa so as not to lose money on unnecessary triple conversion.

If you have foreign currency accounts, then when traveling around Europe it is more profitable to use a MasterCard, which is linked to an account in euros. In the USA, Canada, Australia, Thailand, Latin America, pay from a dollar account Visa card.

In any case, to avoid getting into trouble, do not forget to take at least some cash in the currency of the country where you are going - at least for food. Often, even in popular resorts, even 2 weeks before the opening of the season, all exchange offices are closed, not to mention payment terminals. Tested from my own experience this June - in the town Costinesti in Romania.

2. Visa vs MasterCard: loyalty programs

All cards of both payment systems have different levels of service:

  • Elementary. Maestro or Visa Electron.
  • Average. MasterCard Standard or Visa Classic.
  • Premium. MasterCard Gold, Platinum, Elite or Visa Gold, Visa Platinum, Visa Infinite.

These service levels offer various bonus programs, in addition to special conditions from the bank that issued the card.

For those who can't decide: selection of offers from Visa and MasterCard for entry-level and mid-segment cardholders.

Visa Bonuses

The jewelry brand SUNLIGHT provides holders of Visa Classic and Visa Electron cards with silver jewelry as a gift using the code word “Visa SUNLIGHT” and bonus card club with 1000 bonus rubles.

GetTaxi gives a trip worth 500 bonuses (1 bonus = 1 ruble) when ordering a Comfort, Business or VIP class car for Visa Classic and Visa Electron cardholders.

35% discount on an annual subscription in all clubs of the Planet Fitness network in Moscow, except for the club in Skolkovo, for holders of Visa Classic and Visa Electron cards.

10% discount for holders of Visa Classic and Visa Electron cards using the promo code “Vis10” on 750,000 e-books and 5,000 audiobooks in the Litres electronic store.

20% discount at Planet Bowling entertainment centers for Visa Classic and Visa Electron cardholders using the code word “Visa bowling”.

All bonus promotions on the Visa loyalty program website.

MasterCard bonuses

Pay for the Transaero Connect service with a MasterCard and receive a 50% discount on Wi-Fi on board the aircraft during the flight.

10% discount when paying for tickets with MasterCard and Maestro cards on the website kinohod.ru or through mobile app"Kinokhod - cinema tickets."

Buy a single travel ticket using your MasterCard card and top up transport card"Troika" at the stations: Akademicheskaya, Begovaya, Vodny Stadion, Vystavochnaya, Kaluzhskaya, Krylatskoye, Leninsky Prospekt, Park Kultury (ring and radial), Trubnaya, Chistye Prudy. Pay for travel with a MasterCard PayPass card directly through the validator on bus routes K, 17t, 758, 883, 205k, 164k.

10% discount on takeaway orders for MasterCard and Maestro card holders in the Coffee House chain of coffee shops. The discount can be combined with other discounts.

10% discount when paying for tickets with MasterCard and Maestro cards at the box office of Formula Kino cinemas, at self-service kiosks, on the website www.formulakino.ru and through the Formula Kino mobile application for iOS and Android.

More pleasant and useful things on the MasterCard website and the MasterCard Rewards program.

When contacting a bank to issue a card product, clients wonder which card is better than Visa or Mastercard in Sberbank. Let's look at their features and compare the differences.

Not so long ago, it was much easier to figure out which was better than Visa or Mastercard at Sberbank. The systems differed in account currency and conversion method. Based on your requirements, the type of plastic was selected.

The differences were as follows:

  1. Distribution and main currency: Visa – America (dollar) Mastercard – Europe (euro). If desired, you could open a ruble card.
  2. When withdrawing abroad, for Visa the amount was recalculated in dollars. For example, having plastic in national currency and if you wanted to pay the bill in euros, two conversions were made: ruble - into dollar, dollar - into euro.
  3. For Mastercard, the conversion occurred immediately into the currency required for the operation.

Today inconvenient features are disabled. Opening accounts for all plastic cards is allowed in any currency. If you need to withdraw money or transfer in another currency, the conversion occurs automatically.

Offered card payment systems in Sberbank

When figuring out which Sberbank card is better than Visa or Mastercard, you will need to compare the offered banking institution plastic options.

Both international card associations have introduced the following types of plastics:

  • Classic, incl. credit
  • Gold, incl. credit
  • Platinum.
  • Premium.
  • Electronic.
  • Virtual.

Non-name products are also used, which are distinguished by the speed of delivery. In addition to the speed of registration, they also have the main advantage of no service fees. However, these products differ in a number of restrictions, the main of which relate to use abroad and on the Internet.

International card associations cooperate with many companies that offer clients a large number of premium discounts and participation in bonus programs

Sberbank has 2 cards that are serviced by Visa - Podari Zhizn and Aeroflot. The first product provides the opportunity to take part in charity and help children fight cancer. The second one helps to accumulate conditional points (miles), which can later be exchanged for air tickets. Mastercard has no such analogues.

Which is better to choose Visa or Mastercard?

Sberbank Mastercard or Visa cards offer almost identical opportunities for clients. Let's look at an example Classic card, as the most popular:

  1. Currency type: national, euro, dollar.
  2. Duration: 3 years.
  3. Cost: for the first year 750 rubles and 450 for the next. Likewise in other currencies: 25 and 15 dollars and 25 and 15 euros, respectively.
  4. The ability to carry out transactions remotely (if you connect online and mobile banking).
  5. Using 3D-secure technology protection for online transactions.
  6. Use abroad.

Identical capabilities of Visa and MasterCard plastic cards

Clients are given the opportunity to take advantage of discounts and offers directly from Visa and MasterCard, which have their own options for bonus programs and promotional offers. This is precisely the main difference, although completely insignificant. For example, a Visa provides travelers with discounts on hotel accommodations, a discount on sending luggage, a gift in a certain amount when purchasing a voucher, etc. There are also quite a lot of shopping offers in stores in different countries and online.

Each card association has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing

Mastercard also provides certain discounts and promotions, incl. for visiting cinemas, restaurants and cafes. The company has also developed a number of programs for clients, upon registration in which everyone can count on a prize - tickets to the Bolshoi Theater or to the Berlin Film Festival. It is worth paying attention to the fact that offers of this kind are periodically updated and new interesting promotions appear. In order not to miss them, you should monitor the updated information directly on the systems’ websites.