Limits on the amount of transfers to Sberbank online. The limit on the Sberbank card has been exceeded, what does it mean?

PJSC Sberbank, issuing plastic cards to its clients, offers a number of opportunities. But there are also restrictions on these cards. For example, a daily limit is set at Sberbank for basic transactions, and exceeding this limit requires payment of additional interest, the amounts of which we will familiarize ourselves with in this article.

Daily limit restrictions for different types of Sberbank cards

To choose a card that suits all parameters, you need to carefully study all its capabilities.

Plastic cards Sberbank are classified according to the following parameters:

  • by type: debit and credit;
  • by purpose: salary, children's, ;
  • by use: for international and domestic transactions;
  • By payment system: ;
  • by class and status: , Platinum.
In addition to the above differences, Sberbank also offers cards designed specifically for participation in partner promotions (,).

To choose the right card, you need to study its capabilities, conditions, and, of course, restrictions on transactions. The last parameter is important for those who carry out large settlement transactions. The higher the card level, the higher the monthly and daily limits at Sberbank.

It is also worth considering the fact that restrictions will vary depending on which system is used. The branch cash register has a higher limit than the ATM.

The commission when withdrawing cash also plays an important role. Using ATMs (including those of other banks) or cash desks of Sberbank branches located in other territorial districts, you will have to pay a commission. It’s a different matter if you take advantage of the capabilities of the branch that services the card. In this case, there are no additional write-offs.

If you need to use bank cards outside the country, you should check the daily limit at Sberbank for a number of transactions and the bank’s commission.

Daily limits on cash withdrawals from cards

The limit on cash withdrawals varies depending on the type and class:
  • from premium level cards of two payment systems (Visa, Mastercard), you can withdraw 500 thousand rubles per day;
  • from Gold class cards: 300 thousand rubles;
  • from classic (universal) cards: 150 thousand rubles;
  • Momentum instant issuance cards: no more than 50 thousand rubles.

Although there are limits, there are ways to get around this limitation. When withdrawing an excess amount at a Sberbank branch, a commission of 0.5% is charged on the excess of the limit. This commission applies to all types of Sberbank cards, if cash withdrawal is carried out at the branch servicing the card.

It is impossible to withdraw an amount exceeding the allowed limit from an ATM.

Sberbank clients served in subsidiaries of Sberbank in the CIS countries can conduct transactions at cash desks without restrictions, but with a commission of 1%. If transactions are carried out through the cash desks of other financial organizations, a certain percentage is charged:

  • for transactions with cards and other territorial banks: 0.75% of the withdrawal amount or 0.75% of the amount exceeding the limit;
  • for transactions on all other Sberbank cards outside the country: no additional charges;
  • for transactions carried out through other financial and credit institutions: 1%, but not less than 150 rubles;
  • You can withdraw funds from student and social cards only at ATMs or Sberbank branches.

If you need to withdraw money from an ATM of a Sberbank subsidiary, this is free for all cards except non-registered ones. For carrying out transactions using remote services of other banks, a commission of 1% is charged, but not less than 150 rubles, regardless of the types and level of cards.

Monthly restrictions and limits on Sberbank cards

The limits set by Sberbank can be not only daily, but also monthly. The following restrictions are provided for carrying out withdrawal operations per month, without charging a commission:
  • from Platinum class cards of two international payment systems: RUB 5,000,000;
  • from Gold class cards: RUB 3,000,000;
  • from classic (universal) cards: RUB 1,500,000;
  • from social: RUB 1,500,000;
  • youth: 1,500,000 rubles;
  • instant issuance cards: RUB 100,000.

Daily limit in Sberbank Online

It is more convenient to manage accounts remotely, so many are interested in what limits are set for transactions through Sberbank Online - for settlements, transfers, etc.

Today for users remote service establishes the following daily allowance limits:
  • transfer Money to the card of another Sberbank client or private account: no more than RUB 1,000,000;
  • replenishment of the personal account of a telephone number of any telecommunications operator (MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2), as well as online wallet all payment systems or transfer to a card by account number: up to 10,000 rubles;
  • replenishing a Social card account by withdrawing funds from deposits: up to RUB 1,000,00;
  • replenishment of the Client's brokerage account: no more than 999,999,999 rubles (this figure can be adjusted by Sberbank);
  • carrying out any operations that require confirmation using a code received at an ATM: up to RUB 3,000;
  • transfers from Sberbank card to bank cards clients of other banks using Visa Money Transfer and MasterCard Moneysend technology: up to 30,000 rubles. for one operation and no more than 150,000 rubles per day. The monthly limit for this operation is 1,500,000 rubles.
There are also limits on the number of transactions performed per day or month. But they concern only two operations:
  • You can top up social cards with deposit money 2 times.
  • You can transfer funds between your cards or to cards/accounts of other clients 100 times.

In this article we will take a closer look at what constitutes transfer limit Sberbank Online and how to change it.

To use the Sberbank Online system, it is enough to have a PC, tablet or smartphone with Internet access at hand. Using a unique login and password, the user logs into an account where information about finances on the personal card account is displayed. The online system allows you to produce various transactions. The most popular among them:

  • moving funds from one Sberbank card to another using a bank card number;
  • transferring money from a Sberbank card to a card of any other bank;
  • transfer from a Sberbank card to the recipient’s account of any bank in Russia;
  • mobile account replenishment;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • replenishment of an electronic wallet;
  • payment for online purchases.

After each transaction you will be charged commission jar.

However, there are limits on monetary transactions in Sberbank Online. This measure was created in order to protect the funds in the client’s personal account from attacks by a fraudster. If the latter gains access to the user's finances, he will not be able to withdraw too much money from the account.

What are the limits for transferring money to Sberbank?

According to the bank's rules, the owner of an online card can transfer no more than 3,000 rubles in one transaction. Up to 100 such transactions are allowed daily. The average daily limit is 100,000 rubles. depending on the type of card. To move money to other financial structures The amount is set to 10,000 rubles. when taking into account the system commission. Each time the transfer of funds must be confirmed via SMS, which is sent to mobile number, linked to the card.

Of course, such an installation is somewhat limiting financial activities entrepreneurs. However, in this case, you can issue the appropriate type of card, which will slightly expand the possibilities of using personal funds.

Choosing one or the other plastic card, you should focus not only on the conditions and opportunities that it provides. It is important to study the restrictions imposed by Sberbank: daily limit on transfers, withdrawals, spending.

For premium card holders the limit will be higher than for a regular product

The bank offers its clients a wide range of card products to choose from, which are classified according to a number of criteria:

  1. Type: credit, debit.
  2. Purpose: social, salary, youth, children.
  3. Format of use: domestic, international.
  4. Payment system: Visa, MasterCard.
  5. Product class: unnamed, Classic, Gold, Platinum, Premium.

In addition, there are partner products, for example Aeroflot or Podari Zhizn, as well as specific ones - electronic and contactless.

The daily limit for different types of Sberbank cards will differ, as will the capabilities, conditions and benefits of the products. If plastic is used for large operations, it is better to choose a high and premium level (Gold and higher). The limit also varies depending on the terms of cash withdrawal: through a cash register or an ATM.

It also matters structural subdivision, whose service is used for the transaction. In some cases, if you use self-service machines or the cash register of another territorial division banking institution(not the one that issued the product), you will need to pay a commission. Similarly, commissions are charged when using the services of other financial institutions, and some types of transactions for certain products cannot be carried out in them at all. Other requirements are also provided for withdrawals from subsidiaries abroad; cash withdrawals per day from Sberbank and commissions there will be less profitable.

Let's consider what limits are set for plastics of different formats:

  • Platinum Visa, MasterCard: 1 million rubles.
  • Gold: 300,000.
  • Classic: 150,000.
  • Maestro Momentum, Visa Electron, Social, Student: 100,000.

For foreign currency accounts, the size of the limit is similar in terms of currency (dollar, euro) taking into account the current exchange rate. These parameters are provided for receiving funds at the operating cash desk and ATM of the department in which the client’s product was issued. Similar amounts apply when using the services of subsidiary branches of the bank and other financial institutions.

There is a limit on cash withdrawals for all types of plastics

The client will need to pay a commission if Sberbank's daily limit is exceeded when carrying out a withdrawal operation. It is charged only on the excess amount, and not on the total amount. It is 0.5% for all types of plastics, except non-name (instant).

For Maestro Momentum, Visa Electron, Student and Social, 0.75% is charged when carrying out the procedure at an ATM or branch. For others, collection of excess fees occurs only at the branch. If you use an ATM, there is no additional charge. Social and Student cards do not imply the possibility of cashing out money in the currency of a state other than the Russian Federation.

If the client opened an account in a subsidiary abroad of the Russian Federation, namely in Ukraine, Kazakhstan or Belarus, a commission is charged in any case in the amount of 1%, but there are no restrictions on the transaction. If you use an ATM for the procedure, and not the cash desk at the branch, it will not be credited.

The cash withdrawal limit at Sberbank is similar when using the cash desk of another branch financial institution, but the commission parameters differ:

  • Subsidiaries abroad: 0.75% for Maestro Momentum and Visa Electron.
  • Subsidiaries abroad: no commission for other types.
  • Other financial organizations and banks: 1%. At the same time, the minimum amount charged by the institution is 150 rubles. (5 euros or dollars).
  • Other financial institutions do not carry out transactions on Social and Student products.

For instant issuance plastic cards – the minimum withdrawal of funds

If you use ATMs of subsidiaries, the commission is calculated only on instant withdrawal products in the amount of 0.75%; for all others, the procedure is free. When using ATMs of other banks, a commission is charged to all clients. Its size is 1%, but at the same time there is a minimum level required for payment - 100 rubles (3 dollars or euros). Social and Maestro Momentum cards cannot be issued through ATMs of other banks.

Basic parameters of the monthly limit

Having decided what the daily withdrawal limit is at Sberbank, it is important to know that there are similar restrictions on the total transaction for the entire month. They are provided for all types of plastics issued by the issuer:

  • Platinum Visa, MasterCard: 50 million rubles.
  • Gold: 10 million
  • Classic: 5 million
  • Maestro Momentum, Visa Electron, Social, Student: 5 million.

Similar sizes are provided for foreign exchange products:

  • Platinum Visa, MasterCard: 1.5 million dollars or 1 million euros.
  • Gold: $400,000 or €300,000.
  • Classic and others: $200,000 or €150,000.

Since there are differences in cash withdrawal per day for plastic cards issued in a subsidiary branch, there are also nuances regarding the monthly limit. For Maestro and Visa Electron, you cannot withdraw more than 7.5 thousand rubles if the opening was in branches of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The foreign currency account is limited to $250. For a payment instrument above the average level (Classic, Gold, Platinum), these parameters are larger:

  • 50 thousand rubles to an account in national currency.
  • 2 thousand dollars - for foreign exchange.

Limitations provided in the online service

Many clients connect the online banking service to conduct transactions remotely, without directly contacting branches. Therefore, it is important to clarify the following parameters: the maximum possible amount of payment, transfer and transfer to other accounts and plastics.

The bank has a wide selection of payment instruments

Today the online service has the following parameters:

  1. Up to 100 thousand rubles: transfers to card accounts of other clients of this bank, organizations and individuals.
  2. Up to 500 thousand rubles: for any types of transfers using templates, confirmed through the Contact Center and other services.
  3. Up to 10 thousand rubles: payment mobile phone client and other persons, transfers by phone number to card accounts of clients of this institution, transfers to electronic systems(WebMoney, Yandex Money, Qiwi, Intellect Money, etc.).
  4. Up to 1 million rubles: transfers from deposits to your social cards.
  5. Up to 3 thousand rubles: for any procedures that are confirmed by passwords received through self-service devices (issued on a receipt at an ATM).

As already noted, there is a daily transfer limit in Sberbank Online, but in addition there are restrictions on the number of transactions. Such parameters are provided only for a few banking procedures.