Business loans for an existing business. We will select the most profitable loans for small businesses Loan for small business development without collateral


To organize your own business or expand an existing one, you need financial investments. What to do if own funds lacks? For most entrepreneurs, the answer is obvious - go to the bank and get a loan for business development under certain conditions. Is it so easy for a borrower to take out a loan, is there a real alternative to bank loans, and what conditions must be met in order for the money to be received? More on this below.

Small business lending

Representatives of small businesses include small enterprises without the formation of a legal entity, the total income of which, together with assets, for the past year does not exceed 400 million rubles, and the number of workers does not exceed 100 people. Individual entrepreneurs are another layer representing small businesses. To start your own business or sustainable development They do not always have enough working capital, so they have to find sources of financing.

If a dozen years ago the unstable situation in the economy made it possible to obtain much-needed cash only a few, since investors were in no hurry to invest in small projects. Today, the picture has changed, and small businesses can count not only on private investors and foreign funds, but also confidently turn to domestic banks and even the state.

Bank loans to small businesses

It cannot be stated categorically that anyone can come to a banking institution and take out a loan for business development. The first thing you need to do before applying for a loan is to draw up a competent business plan, based on the calculations of which bankers will make a decision on issuing funds. Moreover, the answer will not always be positive; you may receive a refusal or the amount issued will be less than stated.

The lender will not take risks by investing money in a deliberately losing idea, since the main thing for him is the return of the invested funds, and even in an increased form. For the same reason, banks rarely offer investment loans, the essence of which is to invest money in business development. It's easier for them to borrow funds and get a margin on it.

State small business lending program

If things don’t work out with a financial institution, you have the opportunity to turn to the state and ask for money for your own business. True, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the amount issued will be small - depending on the region, it can range from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles. The rate on such microfinance loans is 10–12%, although they are issued for a shorter period, which, as a rule, does not exceed one year. The entrepreneur will have to provide a guarantee or pledge of property, the sale of which will help cover the debt.

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch

According to available statistics, about 80% of small businesses cease to exist in the first year of their operation. It cannot be said that they all go bankrupt, because some of them are part of larger industries, joint-stock companies, and some themselves become medium-sized and then large businesses. In addition, many individual entrepreneurs use the so-called “gray scheme” for generating income, so banking institutions cannot see real income enterprises, which could significantly increase the chances of receiving a loan.

It is not difficult to get a loan to develop your own business from a bank, however, for a positive answer, you will need to fulfill a number of conditions, since for financial institution It is very important to obtain a guarantee of return of borrowed funds. Don’t forget about the opportunity to start your own business through a franchising scheme. In this case, it will be easier to get a loan to purchase a franchise.

Requirements for the borrower

The borrower must meet a number of requirements. Since the business is only planned to be developed, it will not be possible to provide any evidence of its competitiveness and profitability. For this reason, the bank will check the future small business entity as an individual in order to understand how responsibly the person takes on his obligations. Bankers will check credit history borrower, will send requests to the Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. If a person was previously an employee, they can make a request to the company where he worked.

Business requirements

Banks do not impose any requirements for the new project as such. They are directly interested in the business plan, so its development must be taken extremely seriously. If you don’t have the skills, it is recommended to hire specially trained people or a company that will draw up a document, taking into account all the client’s wishes. An entrepreneur can easily find and buy a ready-made version of the plan, which spells out all the features of doing business in a particular region. If you plan to carry out licensed activities, for example, selling alcohol, you must present a license.

How to get a business development loan for an individual entrepreneur

For businessmen who want to get money to expand their own business, it is somewhat easier. This is due to the fact that they can document the presence of profit and even provide collateral in the form of their own property. For the bank this is one of the main components, and for the businessman it will bring additional bonuses in favor of a positive outcome of the situation. However, this result is only possible if the client is trustworthy and complies with all the conditions for conducting the business:

  • pays wages;
  • provides contributions to the Federal Tax Service (use the service for generating reports to the Federal Tax Service online);
  • pays all taxes and fees on time; has a profit, etc.

Check out the service for.

For what purposes can you take out a loan for small business development?

As already reported above, the bank is not so important what the borrower is going to do. What is more important to him is whether he will make a profit to cover the debt. If the business is firmly on its feet and the entrepreneur has plans to expand it, you can apply for finance to purchase equipment, vehicles, machinery and even real estate (factoring, leasing, commercial mortgages, etc.). If you need to increase the amount of working capital, then you can also safely apply for a working loan for the development of a small business or take out an overdraft.


In the practice of Russian banks, there are loans that give an entrepreneur the opportunity to receive funds without providing collateral. However, it is worth saying that loans of this kind are issued extremely rarely, since for banking institution a certain guarantee is needed. For this reason, to minimize your own risks, interest rate for unsecured loans for business development are higher than standard offers.


Providing collateral increases the entrepreneur's chances of receiving a loan. The collateral may be movable and real estate, guarantee of individuals or legal entities, availability of a deposit in this bank, etc. In this case, bankers are more willing to make a deal with an entrepreneur, since the sale of collateral in case of non-repayment of the debt will be able to cover the resulting debt.

Which banks give loans to small businesses?

A loan for business development can be obtained from many banks in Russia. Major players make proposals banking market(Unicreditbank, Raiffeisenbank, etc.), as well as its smaller representatives (OTP-Bank, Rosenergobank, etc.). The table shows the five largest players:

Banking product

Amount, rubles

Duration, months

Interest rate



Express overdraft


Secured by the purchase of commercial real estate


Secured by purchased machinery and/or equipment

up to 85% of the cost of purchased machinery/equipment


State support for small and medium-sized businesses




Revolving loan

Investment loan

Alfa Bank

For any business purpose without collateral


Cars and special equipment for leasing


Moscow credit bank

For small and medium-sized businesses with bail


For small and medium-sized under guarantee


How to get a loan for a small business from a bank

Before going to the bank with a request for a loan for the development of a small business, you should carefully study all available offers and get advice from colleagues who have already taken out a loan for business development. In some cases, when it is not possible to provide collateral or guarantee, it may be more profitable to take a consumer loan in cash and use this money for your own business, because the interest rates on such loans can be significantly lower.

What documents are required for registration?

If a bank is selected, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Depending on the institution and the purpose of the business development loan, it can vary significantly. Bankers will definitely require a citizen’s passport and papers confirming the registration of the case. You will have to fill out an application form with all the necessary information. In addition, you will have to attach a business plan, a tax return, and indicate a current account, if you have one. It is possible that other documentation will have to be submitted at the review stage.

State lending to small businesses

Recently, the state has shown interest in small business representatives. Both in the capital and in the regions, you can become a participant in special programs through which you can receive start-up capital to develop your own business. For 2019, a program was adopted to expand state participation in promoting the development of entrepreneurship, reducing interest on loans depending on the level of inflation and the refinancing rate ( key rate) Central Bank.


In the West, the process of microcrediting small businesses has been universally introduced by the state through financial structures. In Russia, this practice is very poorly developed, or rather, it is in its infancy. The advantage of a microloan compared to a bank loan is a lower interest rate and small requirements for the borrower. Funds are issued up to 3 million for a period of one to 5 years.

The state program applies to small businesses that were unable to borrow money. A distinctive feature of the loan is that the money is issued strictly for a specific project, which is closely monitored by the state. It will not be possible to take out a loan for the development of a small business and spend it in another direction - an inspection by the competent authorities can take place at any time.

Guarantee for a loan from an accredited bank

If a small business representative does not have the opportunity to secure collateral, he can take advantage of a unique opportunity state aid and issue a state guarantee from the Entrepreneurship Support Fund. Its essence is that the bank issues a loan to an entrepreneur for business development under guarantees provided by the state. This service is not free, so the borrower will have to pay a certain percentage of the loaned amount.

This opportunity can only be taken advantage of by those entrepreneurs who are confident on their feet and have profit from running their own business. State guarantee is a popular and accessible service, therefore, it is chosen even by those entrepreneurs who have something to offer as collateral, since the service is financially beneficial, because the borrower does not need to arrange collateral and insurance of the pledged property at his own expense.

Receiving a subsidy for business development

Entrepreneurs belonging to the category of business people whose businesses are successful and generate income have the right to know that they can count on receiving free assistance from the state for the development of their business. Regional entrepreneurship funds are responsible for issuing subsidies, so the specific volume of injections is determined in each region separately depending on the available budget. Maximum amount limited to 10 million rubles. It can be spent at the discretion of the business owner: renting production premises, creating new jobs, etc.

Concessional lending to small businesses

Beginning entrepreneurs who have no debt to the state, are not on the verge of bankruptcy, make payments on time under existing contracts and repay interest according to the schedule, have the right to count on a lower annual interest rate or an extended period of using the loan under the preferential lending program. Obtaining a loan for business development is carried out through SMEs in branches of partner banks, among which are:

  • Revival;
  • GenBank;
  • Interkommertsbank;
  • Loko-Bank;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Universal Credit;
  • Uralsib.

For successful accounting of individual entrepreneurs, use.


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If you want to organize your own business in Moscow, every entrepreneur is faced with a choice: to implement his own ideas or to purchase a ready-made business. In any case, you need initial capital to start. In its absence The best way- This is taking a loan from a bank. However, not every financial institution is willing to provide loans to small businesses. And those that provide such services set loan terms that are unfavorable for a beginning entrepreneur and require a huge list of documentation. Answer the question: “Where can I get a loan to buy an existing business in Moscow?” our service will help. We have collected up-to-date information about the best banks And financial institutions who are interested in investing in private enterprise.

Terms of service

Most banks issue loans for ready-made businesses only to trusted clients who have various types of movable/immovable property and have large turnover. If you are a beginner entrepreneur, then you can relatively easily get a consumer loan or take advantage of specialized lending programs that operate on an ongoing basis in many banks. An example of this existing loan in Sberbank under the name “Leasing for Business”.

In this case, a loan for the purchase of premises or the purchase of any equipment for running a business is provided on the following conditions:

  • the maximum loan amount is up to 24 million rubles. (depends on solvency and security);
  • obtaining a loan for the purchase of a small business is possible both with and without collateral;
  • payment period up to 120 months;
  • You can take out a loan to purchase an existing business at a low interest rate of up to 10%;
  • The client's application is reviewed within 24 hours.

How to receive funds through CreditZnatok?

The CreditZnatok service has already helped many beginning entrepreneurs get money to purchase an existing business in Moscow. To apply for a loan through our website, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the available offers, choose the optimal loan conditions for yourself and submit an electronic application. Its form will become available to you after clicking the corresponding button. After filling out and sending the application, a representative of the financial institution will soon contact the entrepreneur to accurately determine the purposes of the loan (purchase of an existing business, purchase of premises, equipment, etc.). It is possible that you will receive the necessary amount only by personally visiting the bank premises, because you will need to provide some original documents, which the representative will additionally notify you about.

Business development and expansion requires regular investment. Question about the need for financial investments Sooner or later, it occurs in both novice entrepreneurs and successful businessmen. In such a financial situation, the question arises: “Where can I get a loan for an individual entrepreneur?”

And this article presents how banks where you can get an individual entrepreneur loan without guarantors or collateral. To collect everything for you Better conditions banks in one place, we analyzed quite a lot of loan offers providing loans for individual entrepreneurs in 2019.

Ways to get an individual entrepreneur loan

Bank lending is an effective and prompt solution to financial problems, a beneficial tool for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, and the ability to respond in a timely manner to emerging negative circumstances. Credit for individual entrepreneurs available for targeted business development, replenishment of working capital, acquisition of new equipment, and expansion of the production base. Almost every credit institution has loan offers, even for individual entrepreneurs with zero reporting (declaration).

Private entrepreneurs confirm solvency based on accounting documents, where income from FCD is indicated; using declarations; income and expense journals; other accounting reports. In order to obtain a loan for an individual entrepreneur from scratch, it is necessary to draw up a promising business plan. It should reflect specific indicators for future periods, taking into account the specific nature of doing business in Russia and the real level of demand for specific services or goods.

When considering an application for a loan for entrepreneurs, it is important for the bank to understand for what purposes the loan money will be used, and from what funds it is planned to repay the debt. The bank’s credit manager will answer the question of how exactly to get an individual entrepreneur’s loan under the chosen program.

What loans can an individual entrepreneur take out?

For small and medium-sized businesses, banks offer loans in the following areas:

  1. Express - loans: designed for businessmen with limited time. A minimum package of documents is provided. The decision to approve the loan and issue it is made within an hour. The interest rate for such programs is much higher, the loan term is shorter.
  2. Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs. This type of loan can be taken out by an individual entrepreneur as an individual. For a large amount, a wider package of documents is required. If you need a large amount, you should be prepared to provide loan collateral in the form of real estate, vehicles no older than 3 years, or capable and solvent guarantors.
  3. Target programs, including government: include loans for small businesses. This is a type of financing the activities of legal entities, when the Assistance Fund can act as a guarantor. Issued only for specific purposes. Designed for entrepreneurs engaged in promising business and already registered for more than three months.
  4. A number of banks provide Individual entrepreneur cash loan, revolving/non-revolving lines of credit and overdrafts.

TOP 6 profitable banks for an individual entrepreneur loan

Ratings of banks offering the most profitable loan products for individual entrepreneurs are formed from an assessment of general conditions, a list of required documents, interest rates, loan duration, and possible cooperation with starting individual entrepreneurs.

It is beneficial for individual entrepreneurs to take out a loan from the bank where the current account is opened. Loans are offered to regular customers on favorable terms. Before opening an individual entrepreneur account, it is recommended to monitor banks not only regarding favorable tariffs, settlement and cash services, but also from a lending point of view. Our blog specialists have already analyzed and compiled rating of the best banks for individual entrepreneurs .

In 2019, the best loan offers are from the Housing Finance Bank, OTP Bank, Renaissance Credit and Sovcombank. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the terms of individual entrepreneur lending programs for both individuals and specialized loan programs for individual entrepreneurs.

The best bank giving a loan to individual entrepreneurs without collateral or guarantors

OTP is one of the best banks that give consumer loan An individual entrepreneur without collateral or a guarantor.. The undeniable advantage of this credit institution is the ability to submit an application online from the official website and receive a final decision in 15 minutes. OTP Bank offers profitable cash loans for both individuals and individual entrepreneurs.

Loan terms for people running their own business

  • Loan amount from 15 thousand to 4 million rubles.
  • The loan is issued for a period of 12 to 120 months.
  • Interest rate - from 10.5% per annum.
  • Providing security in the form of a guarantor or collateral is not required.

The only documents you need to submit are a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, a Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP) certificate, and an INN. The bank is ready to cooperate with beginning businessmen.

Cash loan for individual entrepreneurs from scratch on the day of application

Renaissance Credit is one of the few banks that provides consumer loans to individuals developing their business. We list the main advantages and possibilities of a cash loan for individual entrepreneurs in this bank:

  • Credit limit - from 30 to 700 thousand rubles;
  • Interest rates range from 10.9%;
  • Duration of the loan agreement: from 24 to 60 months;
  • To apply for a loan, it is enough to present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a second document of your choice;
  • No collateral is required, but proof of title to the property will guarantee a reduced interest rate.

The application is sent from the bank's website. If approved, you must visit the office and submit a minimum package of documents. Private entrepreneurs only need to bring a certificate of state registration of individual entrepreneurs. Balance sheet not required. You can also provide a title for a car or documents for an apartment as your solvency. (The deposit will not be used!). Offers from Renaissance Credit Bank can be taken advantage of by businessmen starting an individual entrepreneur business from scratch. The optimal rate and loyal conditions will allow you to quickly receive the required amount on the day of application without unnecessary paperwork.

Sovcombank - cash loan at low interest

Sovcombank offers consumer loans to all categories of citizens, including individual entrepreneurs.

  1. The limit is 1 million rubles for any purpose.
  2. Base interest rate from 12% per annum;
  3. The application can be submitted via the Internet, the loan is issued at the bank office.
  4. The loan is issued for a period of up to 60 months.
  5. Review of the application from one hour to three days.

Individual entrepreneurs have the opportunity to obtain a loan in a larger amount by providing real estate as collateral or vehicle. There is a program “For Responsible Plus”. No documentation is required from private entrepreneurs. Therefore, a consumer loan from Sovcombank is suitable for individual entrepreneurs with zero reporting.

Attention! The bank approves loans to new customers only for persons over 35 years of age. If you have less, then it’s better to leave your application at another bank.

Loan "Trust" for business development from Sberbank

A loan for individual entrepreneurs is offered by the country's main lender, Sberbank. The Trust program will allow you to resolve current financial difficulties and implement plans in the future.

Business loan terms from Sberbank

  1. Type of loan - without collateral and for any needs.
  2. The loan is available to individual entrepreneurs whose annual revenue does not exceed 60 million rubles.
  3. When taking out a loan secured by a guarantee, a reduced interest rate applies.
  4. The base rate is 16.5% per annum.
  5. The maximum loan term is 36 months.
  6. Credit limit - up to 3 million rubles.

Sberbank requires such documents for an individual entrepreneur’s loan as a citizen’s passport - individual, military ID if available, Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs certificate, certificate from the Federal Tax Service on registration of a private entrepreneur, latest version financial statements With a stamp tax authority, tax receipts. Licenses, permits to operate, lease agreements (sublease) or certificates of ownership of non-residential premises may be required.

Bank providing a loan for individual entrepreneurs secured by an apartment from BZHF

Very often, entrepreneurs need a large sum of money to develop their business, to increase turnover or for other purposes related to business development. It is very difficult to take out a large loan without collateral, even if you collect certificates. And then the most the best option becomes a loan for an individual entrepreneur secured by an apartment.

The Housing Finance Bank is by far the most popular bank among individual entrepreneurs that provides loans secured by real estate. The issuance of the required amount of money to businessmen occurs without bureaucracy, unnecessary certificates and in the most short time. Due to the fact that the apartment is collateral, the bank evaluates your credit history and your business more favorably. This gives a real opportunity to take out a loan for an individual entrepreneur without refusal.

Under what conditions can you take out a loan?

  • The loan term is up to 20 years, and the rate is from 11%.
  • Amount up to 8 million rubles (but not more than 70% of the market value of the apartment).
  • If the apartment is owned by the spouse, then it can be indicated in loan agreement as a mortgagor.
  • Early repayment at any time without penalties or moratoriums.
  • The apartment must be located in the cities where the bank operates: Krasnodar, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod region, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Perm, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Volgograd.

Business loan for individual entrepreneurs secured by real estate

In the last few years, P2B crowdlending projects have been actively developing all over the world, when individual investors lend to borrowers without participation credit institutions. In Russia today there are also such companies offering lending to small and medium-sized businesses on simpler and more understandable terms.

One of these companies is the investment and business financing agency “Money in Business”, which lends to individual entrepreneurs secured by real estate and without providing management, accounting and other financial statements.

The loan offer is inherently unique and cannot be compared with any other bank. If an entrepreneur urgently needs money, we recommend paying attention to this company.

Brief terms of the individual entrepreneur loan:

  1. The minimum amount is from 500 thousand rubles for a period of 2 years with the possibility of extension.
  2. Funds are issued strictly for targeted financing of your business.
  3. It is possible to provide commercial or residential real estate, as well as real estate of third parties.

Thus, answering the question of where to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur and how to get it is not so difficult. If the terms of a specialized loan for a small business are difficult to meet, it is possible to take out a standard consumer loan in an amount acceptable for starting a business. I hope the review of the conditions of banks issuing loans to individual entrepreneurs was useful for you and you will find financing for your business from the proposed list.

ARTEGO Finance company offers effective financial services. In particular, assistance to small businesses in obtaining urgent cash loans.

A reliable partner is someone whom you can trust to solve even extremely complex problems. We have been working in the financial and credit sector for quite a long time, thanks to which we have acquired thorough knowledge in this area, experience in implementing large projects, and strong partnerships with large banks. We value our reputation and are proud of the trust of our clients. That is why business owners who are interested in receiving express business loans in cash come to us every day - for development, implementation of new projects or for other purposes.

How easy is it to get a business loan?

To become our client and get help in obtaining a loan, follow three simple steps:

  • Leave a request on the website or by phone.
  • Discuss with the company’s managers the parameters of collaboration, the required amount and loan term.
  • Entrust us with all the hassle associated with paperwork and negotiations with the bank. And soon you will receive the required amount!

You can ask questions and clarify the terms of cooperation right today - by phone or through the feedback form on the website.

Loan programs for small and medium-sized businesses now exist in almost every large bank. For individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, they offer not just money, but targeted programs developed taking into account the needs of business owners and the characteristics of their field of activity.

What loans can you get to open and develop a business in Moscow?

Small and medium-sized businesses are offered several targeted programs:

  • loan for current expenses: money is provided for any purpose;
  • , for carrying out expenditure transactions and increasing inventory;
  • for the purchase of commercial real estate and land;

Loan programs vary in the form of receipt. Many banks offer express lending, which allows you to urgently receive funds without guarantors and with a minimum package of documents.

A targeted loan can be obtained by both beginning businessmen and owners of long-established enterprises. Especially for startups, banks offer loans to small businesses from scratch. As part of this program, you can buy a franchise, a ready-made enterprise, and also receive financing for the development of a business developed according to your own business plan.

Loans for small businesses - conditions and requirements

Conditions vary depending on the bank and intended purpose loans. Lenders consider applications from owners of enterprises with annual revenues of up to 400 million rubles. Special requirements put forward in relation to the life of the company. The business should not be less than 3 months old (in some banks - at least 6-12 months).

Conditions depend on credit program:

  • rates from 11% per annum;
  • a loan for a business from scratch in Moscow can only be obtained with a guarantor or secured by security;
  • term – up to 5 years;
  • When purchasing commercial real estate, transport and equipment, a down payment is required.

To get a loan to buy a business in Moscow, you will need to collect an extensive package of papers:

  • personal documents of the business owner (passport, TIN);
  • reports on financial activities enterprises;
  • constituent documents.

If the loan is issued to start a business, then the borrower needs to provide a business plan and documents on registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. When choosing a loan program, you should proceed from the goals, requirements of banks and your capabilities. Credit calculator will help you quickly calculate monthly payment, percentage and amount of overpayment.