Has the university closed? How to get a higher education without worrying about the possible closure of the university. Hundreds of universities in Russia are under threat of closure (list) Universities that have closed

First, we will list the universities that have been deprived of their license and/or accreditation. Then we'll understand the concepts. And at the very end of the article we summarize everything in notes for schoolchildren and students.

Find out all the information about the university before submitting documents

Universities deprived of their license

The most serious problem of universities. Without a license, they have no right to conduct educational activities. Studying at such an institution has no value.

List of universities without a license:


Full title


Academic international institute

Institute business, psychology and management

Institute of Industry fashion

Institute international social and humanitarian ties

Institute economy business

Industrial institute

International Academy of Evaluation and consulting

Moscow Institute of Analytical psychology and psychoanalysis

Moscow Institute banking

Municipal Institute of Zhukovsky

Moscow Institute rights

Moscow Institute physical culture and sports

Moscow new legal institute

New humanitarian institute

Modern humanitarian academy

Metropolitan humanitarian-economic institute

Saint Petersburg

European University

Nevsky Institute of Management and Design


Barnaul: Altai Academy of Economics and Law

Ekaterinburg: Ural Humanitarian Institute

Samara: Samara Institute of Business and Management

Sochi: Sochi Institute of Economics and information technologies

Licenses suspended:

The lists are constantly updated: some regain the right to teach students, others lose it. Be careful! Some unscrupulous universities do not inform about the revocation of the license and continue to accept documents.

If your license is revoked during the academic year, you have the right to request a transfer to another institution with similar educational conditions.

Universities deprived of accreditation

Only accredited institutions can issue state diplomas. Universities without accreditation can recruit students and conduct the educational process. But you will receive a diploma of a standard format, which has no value in the labor market. Also, such institutions do not have the right to grant a deferment from the army.

List of universities that have recently lost their accreditation:


Full title


Institute of the Commonwealth of Independent States

Moscow Institute of State and Corporate management

Moscow Institute psychology

Moscow Institute energy security and energy saving

Moscow open institute

International Slavic institute

First Moscow legal institute

Saint Petersburg

Baltic humanitarian institute

Baltic Institute foreign languages and international cooperation

Baltic Institute of Ecology politics and law

Institute television, business and design

St. Petersburg Institute hospitality

St. Petersburg Institute management and law

St. Petersburg Institute Economics, Culture and Business Administration


Astrakhan: Institute of World Economy and Finance

Ekaterinburg: Ural Institute of Commerce and Law

Ekaterinburg: Ural Financial and Legal Institute

Izhevsk: International East European University

Krasnodar: Institute modern technologies and economics

Kursk: Regional Financial and Economic Institute

Novosibirsk: Siberian Academy of Management and Mass Communications

Naberezhnye Chelny: Kama Institute of Arts and Design

Tomsk: Tomsk Institute of Business

Khabarovsk: Priamursky Institute of Agricultural Economics and Business

Chiep them. M. V. Ladoshina

Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk Institute of Economics and Law named after. M. V. Ladoshina

A year after the deprivation of accreditation, the university may try to return it.

A university may be deprived of accreditation completely or only in some areas. If status is lost during the academic year, you have the right to transfer to another educational institution under similar conditions of study. However, you can choose another specialty. To transfer you need to write an application.

Ineffective universities

Every year, the Ministry of Education and Science monitors the effectiveness of universities. When checking, the following is analyzed:

  • educational activities (competitive points for the Unified State Exam and the Secondary VI);
  • research activities (income from its conduct);
  • financial and economic activities;
  • percentage of graduates' employment during the first year after graduation;
  • teaching staff salaries;
  • number of referred students (for branches);
  • additional indicators (presence of highly qualified teachers, titles, etc.).

If a university lags behind the norm in four or more indicators, it is considered ineffective. Such institutions have nine months to correct the situation. The weakest universities face reorganization or loss of license.

Here is a list of some ineffective universities based on monitoring results for 2017.

Ineffective universities:


Full title


Moscow Psychological and Social University

VSSHI them. K. Raikina

Higher School of Performing Arts named after. K. Raikina

Academy of Watercolor and Fine Arts of Sergei Andriyaka

Institute of Information Technologies, Economics and Management

Institute of International Trade and Law

Moscow State Academy of Water Transport

Saint Petersburg

St. Petersburg Institute of Jewish Studies


Ekaterinburg: Ural Institute of Economics, Management and Law

DagGAU named after. M. M. Dzhambulatova

Makhachkala: Dagestan State Agrarian University named after. M. M. Dzhambulatova

Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Law Academy

Simferopol: Crimean Institute of Business

Tver: Tver Institute of Economics and Law

This list may include not only little-known educational institutions, but also top universities in the country. This may be due, for example, to their narrow focus. In addition to the monitoring results, look at the university rating, find student reviews, and study the teaching staff.

Reorganized universities

Most often, the reorganization of universities is carried out with the aim of improving the quality of education. The weakest educational institutions are joined to the strong ones. This happens only by mutual consent of both parties.

The largest reorganization processes in recent years:

  • RGGRU named after. S. Ordzhonikidze became structural unit RGUNG;
  • MAMI and MSUP im. I. Fedorov merged into the Moscow Polytechnic University (MPU);
  • GKA them. Maimonides joins MGUDT;
  • The Russian University of Transport appeared on the basis of MIIT.

In fact, the reorganization brings only positive changes for students and applicants. They will have the opportunity to receive a better education at a strong university. Students who were studying at the institution at the time of its merger, with their written consent, transfer to the new university.

Memo for applicants

University status

What does it mean

What to do about it

No license

No accreditation

Ban on student education

You cannot get a state diploma and a deferment from the army

Look for another university to enroll in


Joining a stronger university

Enroll in a merged university


Does not meet established performance standards. There may be problems with the quality of education and equipment

Enter with low scores

Memo for students

University status

What does it mean?

What to do about it?

Deprived of license

Studying at the university is terminated within five working days

Deprived of accreditation

You can continue your studies. But at the end you will receive a non-state diploma

Write an application for transfer to another university with similar study conditions


The name of the new university will be written on your diploma.

Keep learning


The rector will soon change, the process of restructuring the university will begin

Be prepared to move to another university in the event of license deprivation or reorganization

Don't rush into choosing a university. Check several times to see if everything is okay. Then you won't have to waste your time. And remember that you can find a way out of any situation.

“I didn’t even go on vacation because of the blacklists”
Deputy Head Federal service for supervision in the field of education Elena Gevorkyan told a Vlast correspondent Sergei Petukhov about the risks in Russian system education.

— Are there any guarantees that the university you are applying to will not be closed?
— There are two minimum guarantees: the university has state accreditation and a license to conduct educational activities. If you only have a license and no accreditation, it means that the university can conduct educational activities, but does not enjoy benefits, and you can, for example, be drafted into the army. Therefore, if you think that you need the knowledge that this particular university will give you, you must be prepared to risk ending up in the army. But upon completion, in any case, you will not receive a state diploma. Such universities often guarantee that they will undergo state accreditation during the period of your study. But we must be very wary of this. No one can guarantee passage. This is a very long and labor-intensive procedure, and the decision is made not by an official, but by the accreditation board under our service, consisting of representatives of universities, the public, employers' associations, etc. There are only fifty people there, and even I don’t know how they will vote.
— If there are no guarantees, then how to reduce the risk?
— We must carefully approach the conclusion of an agreement with a university. If they tell you that they guarantee accreditation, let it be written down in the contract. At least you will have a reason, if this does not happen, to sue for failure to comply with the terms of the contract. In addition, you should definitely be wary of advertising; such universities always advertise very widely and promise unrealistic things. For example, higher education in three years. In our country, a bachelor’s education takes four years, a specialist’s education takes five years. If it's evening or distance learning, the period is extended for another year. It can't be shorter. The next thing that should alert you is the low cost. According to our calculations, a year of study in the humanities, that is, low-cost specialties, costs about $1200-1500. If it is lower, you need to ask where the rest of the money comes from. After all, a university may have sponsors. And finally, don’t be lazy to talk with graduates of the university of your choice: where they got a job, what difficulties they had with their diplomas after that.
—What about conscription into the army?
— In state universities, a deferment from the army is granted simply because you are a full-time student. In non-state ones - only if you are studying in an accredited educational program. Here you need to be very careful when applying. In addition to the accreditation certificate, the university also has an annex to it. It states what educational programs the university is accredited for—all of them or not. If only for some, you may be drafted into the army, but students from neighboring faculties or even groups will not be touched.
— Do the students care?
“Girls are not being drafted into the army yet, but if they study by correspondence, they must be prepared for the fact that they will not have benefits when paying for vacations during the session. And finally, all students - both girls and boys - must understand that their diploma will be non-state.
- So what?
— Graduates with such diplomas often think for the first time about what they were given instead of a higher education diploma when they are going to work abroad. There is such a procedure - nastrification, that is, recognition of a diploma obtained in one country as suitable for another country. But even if there is a country that is ready to recognize a diploma from an unaccredited Russian university, it will not be able to do so. According to international rules, nastrification is preceded by the legalization of a diploma. We at Rosobrazovanie are often asked to make a so-called apostille, that is, to legalize a diploma, and are refused.
— Last question: maybe you still have secret blacklists of universities?
“I didn’t even go on vacation last year because of them, I kept looking for these lists.”
- Found it?
- No.


Rectors about Olympiads, Unified State Exams and entrance exams
Victor Sadovnichy, Rector of Moscow State University Lomonosov
The results of the Unified State Exam will not be counted for admission to Moscow State University. This is the decision of the university academic council. Winners and prize-winners of the fifth stage of the All-Russian Olympiad can be enrolled without exams. They are enrolled in a specific specialty, according to the subject conformity classifier recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science. We have it on our website (www.msu.ru.— "Power").
It will be easier in the exams for the winners and prize-winners of district and regional Olympiads, that is, the fourth (held in seven federal districts) and third (held in the constituent entities) stages of the All-Russian Olympiad. Upon admission to Moscow State University, their victory at the Olympiad will be counted as the highest score in the exam in the corresponding subject. Let me explain with an example: the person who takes third place at the Moscow City Olympiad is automatically given the highest score in this subject in the entrance exam. The applicant will have to pass the remaining tests. If a student wins or becomes a prize-winner of two or even three Olympiads, and all of them correspond to exams for a particular faculty, they are counted as entrance exams. And it may happen that, based on the results of the Olympiads, the young man has already entered. Two more Olympiads are equated to the third stage: “Lomonosov” and the national project “Conquer the Sparrow Hills”. But the winners of these Olympiads have already been determined, and now we can only talk about participation in these Olympiads next year.


Yaroslav Kuzminov, rector State University— Higher School of Economics
A significant innovation this year is that applicants can apply to several faculties at the same time. Moreover, it is enough to pass the exams once. This year, Moscow joined the experiment in conducting the Unified State Exam, so admission to half of our faculties is regulated by slightly different rules: the faculties that were part of the experiment (economics and management profile) will have the Russian language exam counted only as a result of the Unified State Exam. The only alternative for these faculties is that the results of the interdisciplinary Olympiad held at HSE in May 2005 can be taken into account as an exam. The winners of this Olympiad will be enrolled out of competition, its winners will be credited with results in one or more subjects (of their choice). Another point is connected with the results of the Olympiad: when entering the State University-Higher School of Economics, it is possible to count the results of various rounds of the All-Russian subject Olympiads. The winners of the fourth and fifth, final rounds of subject Olympiads can enter a number of our faculties without exams. The same applies to the winners of the Moscow city and Moscow regional Olympiads. But the winners of regional Olympiads in some subjects (for example, mathematics, economics, foreign languages, etc.), who received the highest score in the corresponding subject, may not take this subject in July, but simply participate in the competition.


Igor Fedorov, Rector of MSTU named after. Bauman
The competition is held separately for each of the faculties and forms of education (budget or paid). That is, when submitting documents, each applicant must immediately determine his future specialty and form of study. When applying for government-funded places, the following are taken into account: the results of entrance exams; interview results for medalists and persons who graduated with honors from secondary vocational educational institutions; results of testing of the laureates of the competition of the All-Russian youth program "Step into the Future", the final conference of the program "Step into the Future. Moscow", the final conference of the Russian youth program "Cosmonautics"; results of the winners of the district stage of the Moscow Regional Olympiad of MSTU. Bauman in mathematics and physics; Unified State Examination results corresponding to positive grades when converted to the MSTU grading system. This year it is possible to take entrance examinations in a mixed form. If an applicant has passed, for example, the Russian language on the Unified State Exam, then with us he can only take physics and mathematics. But you can not submit documents with the results of the Unified State Exam for all specialties. The following are included in the paid form of education: the results of the relevant entrance exams; results of paid testing conducted at MSTU. Bauman; the results of entrance tests for the budget form of education listed above.


Vladimir Filippov, Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
50% of entrance exams are conducted in the form of the Unified State Exam. The list of specialties for which entrance exams are taken in the form of the Unified State Exam is approved annually by the rector. The current list can be found on the university website (www.rudn.ru.— "Power"). But the usual form of entrance exams for the other 50% of specialties has also been retained.
We accept applicants for both budget and commercial basis training. For those who decide to study for money, it is enough not to receive an unsatisfactory grade upon admission, showing a minimum level of knowledge. The screening of "contract workers" occurs during the training process.
This year, without entrance exams to RUDN University, all winners and prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads who contact us will be admitted to all specialties of the university. In addition, outside the competition for target places, we plan to accept the winners of regional Olympiads - this decision was made by the RUDN Academic Council last year. Separately, targeted admissions from the autonomous regions of the Russian Federation are carried out. Based on its results, students from the constituent entities of the federation are admitted. Last year we had about two hundred of these people. Gold and silver medalists, as in other universities, have the right to take one exam. If it is passed with “excellent” marks, the applicant becomes a student.

How the competition runs
It becomes more and more difficult to predict competition for a particular specialty over time, which is perfectly demonstrated by the example of Moscow State University*.

faculty 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
bioengineering and bioinformatics - - 10,6 11,7 8,0
biological 4,5 4,6 5,4 7,0 4,6
computational mathematics and cybernetics 7,2 7,3 7,3 7,3 6,0
geographical 6,8 5,5 5,0 5,2 3,8
geological 4,9 5,0 5,3 5,1 2,3
government controlled 12,7 13,3 14,5 7,5 8,5
journalism 2,6 2,9 3,0 3,3 4,1
foreign languages 13,1 12,3 17,5 8,3 16,6
Institute of Asian and African Countries 4,2 4,0 4,1 3,7 5,1
historical 5,2 4,6 4,1 4,6 4,8
mechanics and mathematics 7,4 6,9 9,8 9,3 8,0
world politics - - - 7,7 26,0
materials science 14,4 11,6 13,5 11,0 2,8
soil science 6,4 7,7 4,9 5,0 2,3
psychology 7,9 5,1 4,8 4,6 4,8
sociological 3,7 2,8 3,1 3,8 9,5
physical 6,4 5,8 6,0 5,8 3,4
philological 4,4 3,5 4,1 4,5 6,0
philosophical 2,9 3,5 3,7 4,2 5,3
fundamental medicine 5,6 6,3 6,1 10,9 9,03
chemical 3,2 3,6 3,3 4,2 2,6
economic 5,2 5,4 7,0 6,5 6,8
legal 4,9 4,2 4,6 3,1 3,8
*Budget form of training, person per place.

In 2017, Rosobrnadzor deprived dozens of universities across the country of accreditation and licenses. In recent months, hundreds of students from MITRO, the First Moscow Law Institute, the Moscow Academy of Economics and Law and other universities have been left out of higher education, many before defending their diplomas. Students are worried about the future of their education, and for good reason. A university without accreditation does not have the right to issue state diplomas, because the presence of accreditation just means that the quality of education corresponds federal standards. Other privileges are also lost: students are no longer guaranteed a deferment from the army, the institution cannot use tax benefits or maternity capital when paying for tuition.

If accreditation is lost, the university must notify students within five working days and also post an announcement online. However, as a rule, management withholds information until the last minute, and for many students the news comes as a surprise.

Lack of accreditation does not deprive a university of the opportunity to educate students. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Licensing of Certain Types of Activities,” a university will close only if it loses its license. A university deprived of accreditation can issue its own diploma - a non-state standard, but such a “crust” has no value.

"This document is in modern conditions nobody needs. Both in professional organizations and firms, and in the civil service, a non-state diploma is not valued. With it, among other things, you cannot enroll in a master’s program or get a second higher education,” explains Grigory Shabanov, vice-rector for academic affairs at RosNOU.

How to transfer to another university

If a student does not want to remain a dropout, the only way out is to complete his studies elsewhere. The procedure for transferring from a university deprived of accreditation is regulated by the Federal Law “On Education in Russian Federation" It sets out a special procedure that guarantees that students' rights are respected. By law, the university is obliged to ensure the transfer of students to other universities while maintaining the conditions of study. The student has the right to count on the same specialty, form and cost of training, course.

According to general director legal bureau "Amelin and Kopystyrinsky" Alexander Amelin, the transfer period does not depend on the time of the school year.

“The student must write a transfer application addressed to the management of his university. For minors, such a statement is written by one of the parents or a legal representative. Within 5 days, the university is obliged to provide a list of educational institutions ready to accept students,” says the lawyer.

He adds that it is possible to change the specialty. Then in the application you need to write about your desire to transfer to another educational program.

If a student does not agree with the transfer, he can obtain a certificate and independently transfer to other universities. However, according to Grigory Shabanov, in this case not a single serious university will accept him. Therefore, the student needs to try to choose the best option from those organizations that the rector’s office offers him a choice. As soon as the student has chosen a new university, it is worth contacting this organization and clarifying whether it actually carries out the transfer, and also once again discussing the conditions that will be preserved.

State certification at another university

Sometimes universities that have been deprived of accreditation do not inform students about this and proceed with graduation as if nothing had happened. In this case, in order to receive a state diploma, students have the right to undergo state final certification as an external student at an accredited university.

“The Russian New University provides the opportunity for students of other universities to pass the GIA, but only if they studied in the areas of training that we have. Otherwise, we would have to separately develop a huge package of methodological and regulatory documents for each profile. In addition, not all universities conscientiously comply with the legislation in the field of education, and we cannot take their students either,” says the vice-rector of RosNOU.

According to Shabanov, the duration of the procedure depends on how prepared the student is. All disciplines studied after the university was deprived of accreditation are subject to re-certification. This also applies to practice, so the university must find time to conduct consultations, recertify the person, schedule a defense time, provide time to prepare for the exam, and at the same time comply with all deadlines set by the Ministry of Education. As a rule, this takes from three to six months. The student receives a diploma from the university in which he passed the state final certification.

In what cases can you receive compensation?