What does consumer credit mean? Credit for the needs of consumers. Can I get a cash loan

A consumer loan without collateral implies the absence of a bank requirement to provide a guarantee, collateral or other types. Consider what this means in practice, and to whom and how can it be obtained?

Types of unsecured loans

Unsecured consumer loans include:

1. Classic bank loan. This is an ordinary consumer loan in cash (or issued in a non-cash form on a payment card), which is provided without collateral and guarantee.

2. Credit card. The credit limit for such a product is set depending on the degree of preference of the credit card (instant, classic, gold or platinum). Such an amount is quite enough not only for everyday small purchases, for which one is just too lazy to save up, but also for quite expensive purchases (no more than several hundred thousand rubles). But the bank will have to pay a little more interest than on ordinary consumer loans for the same purposes. Yes, and cashing out is subject to additional fees, so it’s better to pay for goods / services with a card, and not withdraw funds from it at ATMs. Moreover, such an operation negates the most important advantage of a credit card - an interest-free (grace) period, the fact is that, as a rule, such a period does not apply to withdrawals.

3. . This is an opportunity to take out a loan in excess of the available credit limit for legal entities (unsecured overdrafts are usually issued for a period of not more than 1 year) or the established “credit” limit for a debit card holder. In the latter case, you can use borrowed funds if you suddenly run out of funds on your card account (for example, salary).

4. Commodity. This is a consumer loan for the purchase of household appliances, electronics, etc., which is issued directly at the point of sale at the partner bank (about POS lending - one of the types of commodity lending).

The last type of lending can be secured. One of the requirements of the lender may be a pledge of the purchased item for the duration of the loan.

Lending terms

Loans without collateral are provided in an amount not exceeding the threshold set by the bank (most often - 500 thousand rubles) and for a period of 3 months to 5 years. In exceptional cases, the maximum possible period is extended to 7 years.

Interest rates are set much higher than for conventional consumer loans. On average, now such a loan "costs" from 25% per annum in banks, and in MFIs the rate reaches a figure with two zeros, which is explained by the high risks of a financial institution.

The package of documents is standard:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • certificates of income in the form of 2-NDFL (may be provided on the letterhead of a financial institution);
  • any second document (TIN, driver's license, SNILS) - if necessary;
  • work book or relevant employment contract.

Unsecured borrowers are subject to slightly more requirements than secured loans:

  • age 21-65 years;
  • an average of 6 months of work experience in the last place and at least 1 year of total experience;
  • official sources of income;
  • permanent registration in the territory of presence of a bank branch (in some financial institutions, lending is possible under temporary registration, but for a period not exceeding the date of its expiration);
  • military ID or registration certificate for persons of military age;
  • the presence of a contact phone number, sometimes you need to specify a landline phone number (home or office).

The approach to assessing the borrower is more thorough here, the smallest details are checked. Often, if at least one criterion is not met, the bank asks to change the lending program and provide a guarantor.

Advantages and disadvantages of unsecured consumer credit

A definite plus for any borrower is the absence of the need to transfer property to the bank as collateral and look for guarantors. Moreover, not everyone can become. Previously, loans were rarely taken, and almost any relative or good friend met the requirements of the bank and met the criterion of solvency. Now loans are issued for every second citizen. So, when planning to act as a guarantor, you need to have an income sufficient to cover the obligations under your loan and the planned transaction.

Other positives include:

  • speed of decision-making by the bank;
  • simplicity of registration of credit documentation;
  • a small package of documents;
  • untargeted nature of the loan.

But here, as in any other lending program, there are drawbacks:

  • high interest rates;
  • restrictions on the maximum amount;
  • approved loan terms (it is stated in the conditions that it can be taken for 5 years, but in practice the bank tries to cut this period);
  • significant penalties for late payments;
  • the possibility of collecting a debt through the sale of the debtor's property if he fails to fulfill his obligations (through the court).

The bank, by issuing an unsecured loan, complicates its life only in matters of collecting overdue debt. Since there are no guarantors and collateral, the entire procedure will go through the court. And this is the time during which the financial institution loses the planned income. But this risk pays off easily:

  • high demand, which increases the number of customers and the size of the bank's loan portfolio (after all, not all borrowers are unscrupulous, most pay regularly);
  • high profitability, which is associated with increased interest rates and sanctions for late payment (sooner or later, any debt will be recovered, and the accrued penalty will be able to cover all previously lost income).

Unsecured loans for individual entrepreneurs

Banks have developed a line of loan products without collateral for entrepreneurs. However, you can take such a loan only for small needs:

  • replenishment of working capital;
  • purchase of inexpensive equipment;
  • rental of premises;
  • business development (start-up capital), etc.

Large investment projects still require collateral or surety. Which is understandable - the bank cannot simply take risks with significant amounts.

To obtain a loan as an individual entrepreneur, you need to prepare much more documents than an individual. In addition to your passport and SNILS, you will need:

  • extract from USRIP;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • book of income and expenses;
  • tax declarations (together with the previous document serve as the basis for calculating solvency);
  • certificates of the absence of debts in the Federal Tax Service;
  • profitability plan for the lending period;
  • statement of open settlement accounts and movement on them.

To be approved, an entrepreneur must meet a number of requirements:

  • operating business for six months before submitting the questionnaire (for express loans - from 3 months);
  • good credit history;
  • transparent financial reporting;
  • no tax arrears.

Loans for entrepreneurs are still targeted. This means that the bank will need to report that you spent the funds in exactly the direction that you stated when submitting the questionnaire.

Failure Probability

She is always present. It is not known from which side the bank will look at you, and in which direction it will begin to doubt. The most common reasons for failures are:

  • non-compliance with the basic requirements for borrowers;
  • provision of false documents or false information (checked by the bank's security service);
  • inconsistencies in legal documentation (there have been cases when a typo was made in the passport or other documents of the individual entrepreneur and a person lives fine with this until he applies for a loan);
  • the presence of negative information in the credit history (if it appeared through no fault of yours, try to correct the information and document your trustworthiness to the bank).

You can reduce the chance of rejection by taking out an insurance policy. Insurance in itself is not a security, but at the same time it is an excellent guarantee tool for a bank. Especially if it is issued in a company owned by the bank itself. So, for example, in Rosselkhozbank you will definitely be offered to insure it in RSHB-Insurance, and in Sberbank - in Sberbank Insurance. The risks of a financial institution will be partially reduced, which will allow bank employees to turn a blind eye to your credit history, non-compliance with one of the parameters or non-critical discrepancies in the documentation.

If it is impossible to get a loan from a bank (for example, for a reason), you can use the services of private individuals. At the same time, one should not forget about the high probability of fraud and inflated interest rates. Be sure to formalize your relationship with a contract or receipt.

Banks do not like to issue loans without any guarantees. However, it is this product that is especially popular with customers, and therefore financial institutions do not risk abandoning this type of income. Unsecured consumer credit - what does it mean? In the general sense, this is just a loan for any purpose, which does not imply the conclusion of a pledge agreement. As an alternative, financial institutions offer more optimal conditions in the presence of guarantors, but this is by no means a mandatory requirement. Consider all the features of such a system.

Amount features

Unlike a mortgage, car loan, or any other loan option, no collateral means a relatively small loan amount. It all depends on the financial condition of the borrower. If he can provide official confirmation of serious income, then the loan will be significant. Suppose, in the amount of half a million rubles. But if there is no such possibility, then it is hardly worth hoping for more than 20-30 thousand. The bank quite logically fears that the client will not be able to pay the due amounts, and will try to minimize its possible losses.

Interest rate

Due to the absence of any guarantees of return, the bank will try to get the maximum profit in order to compensate for possible expenses from unreliable borrowers at the expense of normal payers. As a result, the interest rate on unsecured loans is the highest. It is rarely less than 20%, and more often you can meet more serious requirements, even 27-30% per annum.

In principle, if we take into account that such loans are provided for a not too long period, the total amount of overpayment will not be significant. In recent years, interest rates have been gradually decreasing, and it is quite possible to find even 15 or 13% per annum. True, the amounts in such cases are unlikely to be significant.

Required documents

Unsecured consumer credit - what does it mean? And this means that the client will need a full package of documents, from a standard passport to proof of income, work book and much more. If you don’t want to mess around with all this, you can contact a microfinance organization, where you don’t need anything besides a passport, but in this case you will have to immediately put up with frantic overpayments, many times greater than anything that any potential borrower can only imagine in a nightmare. In any case, without documentation, it is almost impossible to get anything.

Among other things, a potential borrower is usually required to:

  • Be over 21 years of age. Up to 27 you must provide a military ID.
  • Not be older than 65-70 years (depending on the conditions of the bank).
  • Have an official job and work for at least 6 months.
  • Provide documents confirming solvency.

Loan term

A consumer loan without collateral is rarely issued for a period of 5 years or more. This is usually done only for verified borrowers who operate with serious amounts and are able to provide proof of their income. In all other cases, the loan term is up to 3-5 years or even less. Of course, the client himself has the right to indicate by what moment he plans to complete all payments, but only within the limits that the bank can offer.

The shorter the term, the greater the amount that will have to be paid monthly, but it becomes possible to overpay significantly less and close the debt as quickly as possible.

Additional payments

Banks often ask the client not only to pay interest and the body of the loan, but also to pay for other services. It could be checking account support or something similar. And these payments can be quite significant. It is recommended to look for such financial institutions that do not have anything like this. However, it should be noted that sometimes all this is included in the interest rate, and in some cases it is easier to pay commissions or fees separately, and interest with the loan body separately, than just paying at higher rates. Each situation must be calculated separately, depending on the conditions that are set by the bank.

Loan consideration period

One of the convenient features of unsecured consumer loans is a very fast application processing time. In this case, the collateral department is not needed, the amount is also small and you can easily calculate all the risks, features and factors. Rarely, the term stretches for months, most often a positive or negative answer follows literally in a week, or even the next day. If you need money urgently, it is recommended to apply only to large financial institutions. If there are not branches, but branches within the settlement, it is best to go there, because all the information will still be concentrated there.

Features of credit history

One of the most important parameters that is checked first is the credit history of a potential borrower. There are many scammers who apply for loans in several banks at once and then “hide into the sunset”, refusing to pay. Sooner or later, they will still be found and forced to answer for their obligations, but until that moment the bank will suffer losses. And that doesn't make anyone happy.

You must be prepared for the fact that the credit history will be checked very carefully and thoroughly. If there is at least something in it that the bank employee responsible for this does not like, then there is a very high probability of being refused credit. In such a situation, you should not be upset, because if up to this point the client’s loans were more or less normal, you can try to get a similar loan at another bank, where credit history requirements may not be so stringent.

In addition, sometimes it contains erroneous data. In this case, it is recommended to request an explanation from the bank, determine who and where entered incorrect information, and then try to correct the situation. Often after this, the doors of financial institutions become completely open.

Bank guarantees

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, banks do not like to give such loans due to the lack of collateral. And, of course, they are trying to somehow protect themselves. Most often there are two options:

  • Guarantee. In this case, the potential borrower will be required to bring another solvent person who can vouch for him. For the bank, this means that in the absence of payments from the main debtor, you can demand the same from the guarantor. At least some guarantee of full repayment of the loan.
  • Insurance. This is a more convenient, but also less profitable option. The bank may require to insure life, health, ability to work, financial risks and much more. All this requires money, but both the bank and the borrower can be sure that the debt will be repaid in any case.


This article was about what unsecured consumer credit is and what it means for the client. Borrowers prefer to take such loans for small household needs. For example, to buy a computer, refrigerator or some other equipment, make repairs or just relax. Banks usually do not impose restrictions and do not require equipment purchased on credit as collateral. However, conditions can vary greatly depending on many factors. For example, the more often a client applies to the bank for such a loan (provided that he always repays it on time and does not cause any problems to the organization), the better the conditions are offered to him. For example, for the first time, the maximum term can be 3 years, and with subsequent application it will already increase to 6 years, and so on. The same is true for the sum. Naturally, with each subsequent registration, fuss with documents is also facilitated. The bank already has the basic data, you just need to confirm them reliably. Often it is required to provide a “fresh” salary certificate and a copy of the work book, but these are quite understandable conditions.

Often there are moments when money is urgently needed, but there is no collateral. And even more so, given that almost every citizen now has at least the smallest loan, finding a guarantor is also problematic. There is only one thing left - to apply for a loan without collateral. Unsecured consumer credit - what does it mean and what are its features?


A consumer loan without collateral is understood as a loan without the provision of collateral and a guarantor. What is a consumer loan without collateral? Borrowed funds can be used for any purpose at your own discretion. It can be repair, purchase of things or equipment. Such loans are suitable when money is needed urgently.

Such loans include:

  • credit cards;
  • credit in cash or to a current account;
  • unsecured loan at retail outlets for the purchase of goods.


Financial institutions impose the following requirements on their borrowers:

  1. The presence of permanent registration in the region where the financial institution is located. Some banks may allow temporary registration.
  2. The age of the borrower varies from 18 to 70 years. Again, the higher the age, the more likely the bank will require collateral. Therefore, it is optimal in this case to take loans up to 60 years.
  3. The presence of a permanent job and an official source of income.
  4. The length of service must be at least one year, and at the last workplace - at least six months.
  5. For men, credit can be granted upon presentation of a military ID.
  6. When specifying contact information, an additional phone number is required.
  7. If the loan involves taking into account family income, then the requirements for the other spouse will be similar.


Naturally, different banks require a different set of documents from borrowers. But basically this is a standard set, which includes:

  • loan application;
  • identity document;
  • the second document that can confirm the identity of the borrower (this is either SNILS, or a passport, or a driver's license);
  • a copy of the labor;
  • certificate 2-personal income tax.

Some banks, in addition to the above documents, may request a certificate from the pension fund, a bank account statement, a tax return (for a legal entity), and some - only a passport and a certificate of income in order to provide a consumer loan without collateral, however, in the latter case, the amount will be small.


The conditions offered by financial institutions vary significantly. For example, having a positive credit history and being a participant in a salary project, you can get loyal conditions from the bank for a consumer loan without collateral. What does it mean? These are the minimum interest rates, a long loan period, the maximum loan amount. By the way, the interest rate can be reduced if the borrower takes out an additional service in the form of accident or job loss insurance.

Consider the basic conditions for unsecured loans.

Main settings

  • the minimum amount can be from 15,000 rubles;
  • the maximum that banks can offer in this case is from 500,000 rubles. up to 1.5 million rubles;
  • payroll card holders and clients with a positive credit history can count on more amounts.

Interest rate

The interest rate is always calculated individually, based on the amount and terms of the loan. You can take out consumer credit insurance without collateral. What does it mean? That the interest rate will drop another couple of points.

  • minimum term: from 3 months to a year;
  • up to a maximum of 5 years.

Sometimes the term can be up to 7 years.

Extra options

  • lack of security;
  • no additional fees for servicing or issuing a loan;
  • the application is considered from several hours to five days, depending on the financial institution.

The client should be prepared for the fact that banks carefully consider loan applications and are demanding of future borrowers. If the organization has any doubts, most likely, it will refuse to work without a guarantee or security.

There are banks that practice informal collateral, when the collateral provided is taken into account, but does not affect the terms of the loan. This option is usually used when the value of the collateral is low, and the guarantor does not meet the requirements of the bank.

Bank overview

Consider, using the example of various banks, what constitutes a consumer loan without collateral. The review of banks will consist of the largest and well-known financial institutions.

Name of company

Amount (rub.)

Loan terms (months)

Interest rate %


From 15 thousand to 1.5 million with proof of income

From 50 thousand to 3 million with proof of income


From 30 thousand to 1.2 million with proof of income

Bank of Moscow

From 100 thousand to 3 million with proof of income


From 10 thousand to 750 thousand with proof of income

Alfa Bank

From 50 thousand to 2 million with proof of income


From 25 thousand to 800 thousand with confirmation of income from 300 thousand

UniCredit Bank

From 60 thousand to 1 million without proof of income


from 91 thousand to 1.5 million from 25 thousand to 800 thousand with proof of income


From 30 thousand to 1.5 million From 25 thousand to 800 thousand with proof of income

Having considered the main offers of the largest banks, you can understand what unsecured consumer credit means. Sberbank, for example, offers good amounts for acceptable terms, but a low interest rate will be set only if the maximum package of documents is submitted. The rest of the organizations are upping the ante. And all because there is no security.

And yet, this method of lending has a number of advantages both for the client of the bank and for the financial institution itself.

Advantages and disadvantages for the borrower

Unsecured consumer loan - what does it mean for a bank client? Consider the main pros and cons of this type of loan.

The positives include the following:

  • the ability to take a loan without providing collateral real estate and a guarantor;
  • minimum list of documents;
  • fast terms of consideration of the submitted application;
  • ease of concluding a loan agreement;
  • lack of control by the bank over the use of funds.

The negatives include the following:

  • without collateral, the interest rate is much higher;
  • high fines and penalties for late payments and default on credit obligations;
  • the loan amount without collateral is much lower than with it;
  • the bank can reduce the loan terms if it deems it necessary;
  • the borrower is liable to the bank for the loan with all his property.

Pros and cons for banks

Provide consumer credit without collateral - what does this mean for banks? On the one hand, the advantage of such lending is the demand for the program among bank customers, high income from the loan itself and a simplified scheme for considering applications. On the other hand, there are also disadvantages. These are quite high risks and difficulties in recovering in case of default.

However, this product is offered due to high returns for a financial institution.


According to customer reviews of various banks, an unsecured consumer loan is a convenient tool when you need money, but there is nowhere to get it from. Convenience lies not only in the bank's quick response to the application, but also in the ability to repay the loan ahead of schedule and vary the monthly payment (in a big way).

Not everyone, of course, is lucky in obtaining a loan. There are also dissatisfied customers. But, as it turns out, these are borrowers who have a bad credit history, or customers who cannot provide any of the necessary documents.

What does secured and unsecured loan mean?

Elena Gorelova (Vasilchenko)

With collateral - this is if you can provide something on credit (an apartment, a car, some other real estate or gold and foreign exchange reserves), without collateral = this is appropriate without all of the above

To be blunt, then:
With collateral - when the lender has something left (including a guarantee), due to which he can repay the borrower's obligations if the borrower does not repay the loan himself.
Without collateral - on the borrower's word of honor.


The bank never sees free loans! If the loan is secured, then in parallel with the loan agreement, a security / mortgage agreement, guarantee, etc. is concluded / if without security, the security is automatically pledged as a percentage of the loan

What is a consumer loan without collateral?

Sergei Khripko

A secured consumer loan is when the repayment of a loan is secured by a pledge of liquid movable or immovable property. At the same time, the amount of the loan is limited by the collateral value of the pledged property, which is estimated in different banks from 50% to 70% of the market value of such property. For a secured consumer loan, it is not required to confirm the income and employment of the borrower, and in the event of a default on the loan, the pledged property becomes the property of the bank and can be sold at auction.

A consumer loan without collateral is when the repayment of the loan is not secured by a pledge of any movable or immovable property. To obtain such a loan, proof of employment and income of the borrower is required. The loan amount is determined by the income level of the borrower. If the borrower's income level is not enough to obtain a loan in the desired amount, then the borrower's guarantors can be involved in this type of loan, while the maximum loan amount is determined by the total income level of the borrower and all his guarantors.


This is a type of loan where you do not need to collect all kinds of documents, but only one passport and another document is enough. Usually such loans have a higher interest rate. You also need to confirm: your place of work, work phone number.


This is a very convenient loan, you do not need guarantors, mortgage documents for an apartment and a car, you just came and took it at a higher percentage! And if you couldn’t give it back on time, then they will come and take away the apartment and the car and friends!)

In the article we will talk about how to take a consumer loan without collateral. Let's figure out what such a loan means and which banks are ready to provide it. You will learn how the loan is issued, what documents are required by banks and read the reviews of borrowers.

Own funds for purchases are not always enough, and the way out in this case is to get a cash loan. Banks actively offer to take various loans available to individuals. But the most popular are loans provided without collateral and guarantors. You can get a loan under such programs quite quickly, often the issuance of money occurs on the day of application. But finding the most profitable option is not always easy, because the number of offers on the market is quite impressive.

TOP-10 banks issuing unsecured consumer loans

The most popular among the population are offers on consumer loans from large banks. These lending institutions have worked out the schemes for issuing loans well and made the process as simple as possible for borrowers. The rates offered by such banks are usually substantially lower than those offered by smaller financial institutions.

Consider what interest rates on loans without collateral are offered by Russian banks:


Rosselkhozbank is ready to provide loans for a period of up to 7 years, while the maximum you can get under the program without collateral is 750,000 rubles. For participants in the salary project, the maximum limit will be 1.5 million. Additional commissions on the loan are not provided, but in case of refusal of insurance, the rate rises by as much as 6%. Preferential rates are provided to "reliable" and payroll clients, as well as employees of budgetary organizations.

Sberbank is ready to lend up to 3 million rubles without collateral and guarantee, and the maximum loan term is 5 years. You can apply for or pay for a loan through Sberbank Online or at any branch. You can pre-calculate the amount of payments on a loan at Sberbank using an online calculator. The purpose of lending can be anything, and commissions for withdrawing money are not provided. Early repayment is allowed at any time.

VTB 24 conditions allow you to get a loan without guarantors and collateral in the amount of 100,000 to 399,999 rubles for a period of six months to 5 years. You can get a loan on the same day you apply. The funds received can be used to purchase any goods and services, while there are no commissions or mandatory connection of paid services. In the event of early full or partial repayment, penalties are not applied.


The Russian division of Citibank offers its customers an unsecured loan, which is distinguished by the absence of hidden fees and mandatory paid services. The maximum loan period under the program without collateral and guarantee is 5 years, and the amount is 2.5 million rubles. You can confirm income not only with a certificate, but also with an extract from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or a credit history, which in some cases simplifies loan processing. The purpose of lending can be anything, and you will not have to report to Citibank for spending funds.


Gazprombank is ready to issue a loan without collateral or other security in the amount of up to 3.5 million rubles and with a loan term of up to 7 years. The lowest rates will be offered to customers who are payroll customers of GPB. This loan is not available to borrowers with a negative credit history. Personal insurance of the borrower is possible only if he agrees with the terms and cost of the service. There are no moratoriums on early repayment in Gazprombank.

Alfa Bank

In Alfa-Bank, you can apply for a loan without collateral in the amount of up to 1 million rubles. For employees of the bank's partner companies, the limit is increased to 1.5 million. The maximum loan term under this program reaches 5 years. For holders of salary cards, the loan amount can reach 3 million rubles, and the term is 7 years. The presence or absence of insurance does not affect the interest rate in any way; various commissions for issuing or servicing a loan are not provided for by the terms of the agreement.

UniCredit Bank

A consumer loan without collateral and guarantors can be obtained from Unicredit Bank in the amount of up to 1 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years. For holders of payroll cards, there are special conditions that provide for a reduction in the rate and an increase in the limit to 3 million rubles. Loan term can be from 2 to 7 years. Insurance is connected only with the consent of the borrower, and commissions for issuance, early repayment and other operations are not provided. This bank willingly cooperates with clients working in companies with foreign capital.


Raiffeisenbank is ready to provide a loan without collateral and guarantors in the amount of up to 2 million rubles with a loan term of 1 to 5 years. There are no fees for loan maintenance or issuance. In case of early repayment, there is a restriction on the amount of payment, it must exceed 10 thousand rubles. In case of refusal of insurance protection, the loan rate automatically increases by 5%.

Promsvyazbank is ready to reduce the loan rate by 1% when applying through the Internet bank. The maximum loan amount reaches 1 million rubles, and the loan term can be from 1 to 7 years. It is allowed to use the received funds for any purpose, you will not have to report to the bank for expenses. The loan program does not provide for various commissions.


Binbank continues to provide various loans to consumers despite the reorganization procedure. Borrowers can expect to receive a loan without collateral in the amount of up to 2 million rubles and for a period of 1 to 7 years. At the same time, the client will not have to connect any paid services when obtaining a loan, there are also no commissions for processing and issuing money.

Online application for a loan without collateral

Submitting an online application for a loan without collateral and guarantee allows you to quickly receive a preliminary decision from the bank and expedite the execution of an agreement when you visit a branch. Some financial institutions offer existing customers to apply for a loan completely remotely using the functions of the Internet bank, and sometimes submitting an application allows you to get a reduced interest rate.

Here is the information that you need to provide in the online application:

  • desired loan options;
  • personal data (full name, passport number and series, etc.);
  • data on income, expenses;
  • information about the place of work.

In some banks, the questionnaire also includes a number of additional questions, for example, about the presence of other obligations on loans or credit history. A decision on the application is usually made within 1-3 business days, but sometimes within a few hours. Applications of salary card holders are processed faster, often there is already a pre-approved offer for them.

Features of an unsecured loan

Not all clients understand what the expression "loan without collateral" means. In fact, this is a banking product that allows you to borrow funds without pledging your own property or attracting guarantees from other individuals. There is a significant difference between secured and unsecured loans. With collateral, the bank lends money with little or no financial risk, and will be able to approve much larger amounts at a lower interest rate. While unsecured loans usually do not exceed 1-1.5 million, and only for payroll clients the limit is increased to 2-3 million rubles.

Unsecured loans are also distinguished by simplicity and speed of registration. Usually, the entire procedure from filing an application to receiving money takes from several hours to 3-5 days.

Unsecured loans are issued for any needs. This means that you can spend the money received from the bank at your own discretion, without the need to report and confirm the intended use of funds. There are no commissions for issuing and servicing loans from large banks.

Early repayment of the loan is possible at any time, while penalties are not applied to the borrower. But it must be borne in mind that if you repay the loan ahead of time, it is unlikely that you will be able to return the amount paid for insurance.

Before you understand which loan option to choose, you need to weigh the positive and negative sides of loans. If funds are needed urgently in a small amount or there may be problems with the provision of collateral, then the choice will certainly stop at an unsecured loan. And in a situation where time suffers, and a rather impressive amount is required, it is worth taking a closer look at loans with collateral or surety.

Requirements for borrowers

It should be prepared in advance that when issuing a loan without collateral, banks become more demanding of potential borrowers. This applies primarily to credit history and the need to confirm income. With the pledge of liquid property or the guarantee of a bona fide borrower, financial institutions can "turn a blind eye" to some of the client's shortcomings.

Otherwise, the requirements for clients wishing to receive a loan without collateral are fairly standard:

  • Russian citizenship;
  • age from 18 (usually 20-23) years;
  • registration in one of the regions served by a financial institution;
  • income to service the loan.

What documents are needed

Requirements for a package of documents, depending on the selected bank, may differ significantly. Some financial institutions are ready to provide a loan without collateral and guarantors on one passport. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Most banks will need the following documents to apply for a loan:

  • passport;
  • additional document (SNILS, TIN, passport, driver's license);
  • employment and income documents.

Every person in his life experienced force majeure circumstances when there was an urgent need for a certain amount of money, and there was no one else to turn to, except for the bank. Banking institutions, in turn, are ready to meet their potential customers and offer to issue a consumer loan without collateral. However, few people know what this means.

What is a consumer loan without collateral - bank employees will be happy to tell a potential client. True, the task of competent persons is to provide information superficially, highlighting only positive aspects, and leave the “pitfalls” for later.

A consumer loan without collateral is one of the types of banking products. The client is provided with a loan of funds on the basis without the obligation to pledge any material assets or property to the bank, and it is also not required to involve guarantors in the transaction.

This type of agreement means that lending takes place according to a simplified procedure, and fewer documents are required from the borrower than in the case of providing security. In addition, there are restrictions on the amount of the loan, as a rule, the amount of the loan does not exceed 1 million rubles.

Types of unsecured loans

Unsecured consumer credit, as a loan offered by banks in two main types:

Basic requirements for potential borrowers

Various banks conduct their own, this also applies to the requirements put forward for borrowers.

There are basic rules that are sure to be in most credit organizations:

A package of documents that will be needed when applying for a loan

In order for the bank to process the client's application for a loan, you must provide:

  • Statement. It is filled, as a rule, in a bank branch under the guidance of an employee of the organization, in order to avoid making mistakes when filling out.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • An identification number.

    Some banks, as an additional confirmation of identity, may ask you to provide a driver's license, pension certificate, a copy of the work book, as well as other documents that are provided for by the internal rules of the bank, but do not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Lending terms

The characteristic features of lending without providing collateral are:

Advantages and disadvantages

Benefits of an unsecured loan:


  • high interest rate;
  • limit on the term and amount of the loan;
  • responsibility is significantly higher than in other credit products;
  • in any case, the bank can even seize the property of a client who has ceased to fulfill obligations through the courts even for loans without collateral.

Despite all the shortcomings, the fast lending service has firmly occupied its niche in the banking sector. People actively make commitments. It is worth saying that the proper fulfillment of obligations has never led to negative consequences for the borrower.