Campus B&B card activation. ​B&N Bank salary card. How to check your card balance

The PIN code of the BINBANK card is the main means of protection against unauthorized access. It is necessary to carry out transactions to pay for goods/services, withdraw funds, etc. The combination of numbers for any card is unique. PIN code information is confidential and is available exclusively to the card owner. If there is a risk that the PIN code will be revealed to unauthorized persons or the holder has forgotten it, the security value must be changed.

How to find out the PIN code of a BINBANK card

At BINBANK you can get and find out your PIN code in two ways. This is rarely practiced in other banks, where usually there is only one option - receiving a code in an envelope. Therefore, bank clients have more ways to find out the PIN code of their BINBANK card in case of blocking at an ATM. The cardholder can find out the combination of numbers:

  • In a special envelope;
  • In the Unified Information Center (UIC), subject to identification over the telephone using a special code word.

How to recover your PIN code

If the owner has forgotten the PIN code of the BINBANK card, you must:

  • View it in the envelope;
  • Contact the bank to reissue and assign a new numeric password;
  • If the code was received through the EIC, contact them via phone call and go through the identification procedure using the code word. The center's employees will be able to change the old card code to a new one, which will save the owner from re-issuing the card.

If the ATM has blocked the card after three incorrect entries, you must act in accordance with the bank’s rules. Contact your bank or unified information service to reset the blocking. After this, enter the current PIN code of the BINBANK card. If the owner has forgotten it, he will have to either order a reissue (for those who received the code in an envelope) or contact the EIC to change the forgotten code to a new one and find it out directly from the operators.

How to change your card PIN

How to change the PIN code on a BINBANK card? Any cardholder can do this at an ATM, provided that he remembers the valid code. For those who received a secret combination through the EIC, there is another option: contact the service specialists to change the code. This is very convenient - you can immediately find out what PIN code was assigned to your card.


So, the easiest way for the owner to change the PIN code of a BINBANK card is at an ATM. For those who received it through the information center, the opportunity to change it using this service opens up. Then there will be no need to re-issue the card if the client has forgotten the code.

The security of this method is guaranteed by the entire security system of the banking institution. All cards are stored in special protected safes until delivery, and activation is carried out only after they fall into the hands of clients.

Activation by phone

This method is suitable for those clients who order a card product remotely. Most often, distance selling is carried out out of a desire to save time. First, you need to send an application online or send it by mail, having previously informed the bank employee about it by phone.

  • Once the application is approved, the holder will receive the card by courier or by mail along with an access code and a contract.
  • After signing the agreement, the holder must call the bank and inform him that he wants to activate the card. First, you need to go through the identification process by providing your passport details along with an access code. In the future, an SMS notification will be sent to the phone confirming activation, and the PIN code will be sent to the client’s email. After receiving it, you can activate the card yourself at any ATM.

In addition, after receiving the card by mail, it can be made active by visiting a bank branch, where the manager of the institution will be required to issue a PIN code in an envelope.

PJSC "Binbank" is one of the largest universal banks. The main direction of work is lending to individuals and legal entities.

Binbank credit cards are a plastic product that allows you to make purchases and pay for services using credit funds. A variety of programs and incentives are a nice bonus. The company actively cooperates with organizations selling tickets and fuel. And the presence of a grace period allows you not to overpay personal money.

In 2018, 7 types of credit cards are available to customers. They differ:

  • limit;
  • additional bonus programs;
  • availability of cashback;
  • type of payment system: VISA or MasterCard.

A wide selection of credit cards is due to the bank’s desire to attract as many customers as possible and satisfy their needs. Thanks to this, every potential borrower can easily choose the right product for themselves.

Binbank credit cards in 2018 with an instant decision.

NameCredit limitInterest rate (% per annum)Interest on cash withdrawalsGrace periodAdditional featuresCost per month (rubles)
SVO Club Premiumup to 300 thousand rubles25.5 34.5 57 days
  • 7% refund for purchasing airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals;
  • 2 weeks of free airport parking;
  • discounts in hotels and restaurants.
SVO Club25.5 34.5 Participation in the loyalty program:
  • 5% refund for purchasing air tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals;
  • 1 week of free airport parking;
  • 10% discount in DUTY-FREE stores;
  • 5% refund on purchases at the airport;
  • discounts in hotels and restaurants.
Airmilesup to 1 million rubles29.0 29.0 57 days 1950
Credit card Platinumup to 300 thousand rubles25.5 34.5 50
Airmilesup to 1 million rubles29.0 29.0 57 daysA variety of privileges are available, from discounts and compliments to priority access.

Personal manager, special conditions, individual service.

Platinumup to 300 thousand rubles25.5 34.5 Refund up to 5% per month in one of the selected categories within the Binbonus program.50
OZON.RUup to 300 thousand rubles25.4 34.5 All purchases earn you bonus points that can be redeemed later.

1 point = 1 ruble.

500 rubles per year

Before concluding a service agreement, the borrower must carefully read the tariffs, additional fees and other terms of use.

How to apply for a B&N Bank credit card

You can fill out an application for a credit card in one of two ways:

  1. At a bank branch.
  2. On the official website, through an online application.

When filling out the form you will need to indicate:

  • personal information: full name, date of birth, gender, mobile phone number and email address;
  • passport data: series, number, department code, by whom and when issued;
  • place of registration and residence;
  • information about work: address, telephone number, employer information;
  • income information.

At the same time, it is important to indicate only reliable data, so the bank’s security system carefully checks each potential client.

Review of the application approximately takes about 15 minutes. After which, if the result is positive, the borrower should contact the bank office to sign the papers. A company employee will inform you in person what documents are required for this. If additional information is not indicated in the message and during the call, then only a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation will be required.

In order to increase the chance of making a positive decision, it is recommended to contact the B&N Bank branch directly, bringing with you additional certificates. For example, information on wages, work record.

The credit limit is set individually and depends on the following factors:

  • financial stability of the client;
  • credit history;
  • credit bureau rating.

The most convenient conditions can be obtained:

  • holders of B&N Bank salary cards;
  • clients who opened a deposit in B&N Bank;
  • regular clients of B&N Bank.

The credit limit may be subsequently increased by the bank's decision.

After receiving a credit card, it must be activated. It will be activated in the following cases:

  1. 1 day after delivery in automatic mode.
  2. After completing the operation and entering the PIN code.
  3. After calling customer support at 88002005075. The call within Russia is free.

In some cases, the bank independently decides on the possible issue of a credit card. To refuse an imposed credit card, just inform a company specialist about your decision.

Requirements for borrowers