Credit card 100 days without interest Alfa Bank. Credit card “100 days without interest. Cash withdrawal from Alfa-Bank card “100 days”

“100 days without interest” is one of the most popular products, giving users the opportunity to manage their credit limit and take advantage of its other benefits.

Alfa-Bank 100 days without interest - conditions, requirements

The “100 without interest” card, unlike other credit cards, has a significant 100-day validity. It is available free of charge and in 3 versions: classic, gold and platinum. But classic is more affordable. Her limit does not exceed 500 thousand rubles. During the LP the following is allowed without commission:

  • replenishment;
  • repayment of credit cards from third-party banks;
  • cash withdrawal (up to 50 thousand rubles per month);
  • payment for purchases.

The interest rate is from 23.99% per annum. Paid service - 1190 rubles. Requirements for the borrower:

  • age from 18 years;
  • Russian Federation citizenship, residence in the country;
  • income from 5-9 thousand per month;
  • availability of a telephone (landline/mobile), indication of work number;
  • passport + second document at your discretion.

Card design

You can apply for a “100 days without interest” credit card on the bank’s official website. If you wish, you can come to the department. The process is simple, completed in 3 steps:

  1. Within 5-10 minutes.
  2. Then he waits for a decision.
  3. If successful, the borrower takes necessary documents and goes with them to the nearest department. There he reads the loan agreement, signs it and receives the plastic card.

Bottom line

Some Alfa-Bank credit card holders report that they ordered delivery by courier. The service was satisfactory, but I had to wait a long time for an answer. When concluding a transaction with the issuer of a “100 days without interest” card, pay attention to financial protection, in other words, insurance. This is an optional service. If you are not vigilant, you may later be surprised by your insurance premiums being written off. At the time of registration, tell the bank employee immediately whether you need insurance or not.

Basic moments

I am glad that the interest-free period here applies not only to purchase transactions (as in many other banks), but also to cash withdrawals from ATMs.

Please note that a LP of 100 days is given only for traditional Alfa-Bank credit cards. If your card is co-branded or supports contactless payment technology, then the grace period will be only 60 days.

Next point - During the LP it is mandatory to make minimum payments (MP)! This must be done during the payment period, which begins monthly on the date of conclusion loan agreement and lasts 20 days. MP is 5% of the existing credit card debt (but not less than 320 rubles).

And most importantly, the interest-free period begins the next day after the first purchase. All other purchases over the next 60 (or 100) days will be discounted. At the end of this period you need be sure to break even(i.e., pay off all accumulated debt to the last penny), otherwise interest will be charged and the next LP will not start!

LP 60 days

For a better understanding, Alfa-Bank has posted a LP calculation scheme on its website. Let's look at it point by point.

So, for example, the contract was concluded on November 22 (that is, the 22nd will be your reporting date when you receive the statement). On the 28th we did some shopping at the store. This means that from the next (29th) day you begin a grace period of 60 days (until January 28).

On December 22, you will receive an SMS indicating the amount you spent. Next, over the next 20 days (i.e. until January 11), you must make the minimum payment. As you can see, in the example this was done on December 28th.

Then you calmly make purchases again, and before January 28 (in the example - January 20) you already deposit the amount of the entire debt together with accrued interest. Thus, this grace period is closed, after its end you can start the next one.

LP 100 days

In the case of a 100-day grace period, the calculation scheme is exactly the same. Only in the example given, the LP will no longer last until January 28, but until March 9. And the minimum payment for this period will need to be made 2 times. This must also be done within 20 days from the 22nd of each month, i.e. until January 11 and February 11.

Until the end of 100 days, i.e. before March 9, you need to pay off absolutely all the debt and break even. Only after this can you begin to use the next grace period.

Remember that if you do not pay the full amount due by the end of the LP, interest will be charged on it.

Where can I see the amount and date of payment?

You can find out the date and exact amount of payment at any time by requesting a statement:

  • in the Alfa-Click Internet bank;
  • at a call center;
  • with help mobile banking Alfa Mobile;
  • at a bank branch (for a fee).

It should be noted that today this proposal “ Alfa Bank" is the most interesting. After all, we have before us a full-fledged product with advanced interest-free period reaching 100 days, and this is, in fact, whole 3 months interest-free installments for any purchases on the card within your credit limit!

note: Alpha’s credit limit requires the card to be completely wiped out within 100 days so that no interest is charged for using credit funds, so carefully evaluate your capabilities! There are mandatory payments every month within the interest-free period: no more than 5% of the amount in the statement.

In July 2017, another advantage of this card appeared - this commission-free cash withdrawals in general at any ATM in the world, which accepts Mastercard cards. At the same time, as usual, with Alfa Bank cards you you fall out of the interest-free“grace period”, that is, you can withdraw money within the limit and use it for 3 months without having to overpay interest at all. The limit for such an operation is also quite large - 50,000 rubles per calendar month(that is, within the interest-free period, you can withdraw money for 3 months and not pay for it).

Conditions for withdrawing cash without interest

This is one of the few cards in the world in general, according to which such conditions are possible with free We cash out bank funds at absolutely any ATM, and even within interest-free period! Such opportunities open up wide opportunities for increase Money. For example, receive interest on your debit card balance using your credit limit.

Just format it, for example: free debit card bank " ", replenish it with funds that were withdrawn from the credit card "100 days without interest" free of charge and without interest and receive 7% on balance funds via Home Credit Bank debit card. You can fill out an application for “Cosmos” online right now. When the time comes to pay off the interest-free period on the “100 days without interest” card, simply withdraw money from the Cosmos, then the operation of depositing the credit limit funds on the Cosmos debit card can be repeated again, because the interest-free period on the Alfa Bank card » renewable 🙂

Total: for one cycle 100 days grace period With monthly making 50,000 rubles We have cash from the “100 days without%” card to the “Cosmos” card from Home Credit Bank with a yield of 7% per annum total income 1732.59 rublesin 100 days through capitalization and constant monthly contributions. And the card itself pays for itself within the first 100 days of the interest-free period! 🙂

And this is only if you use “Cosmos” to a minimum, that is, as a piggy bank. Active use of the card(that is, adding to credit funds your own, transferring your monthly salary, as well as making purchases with cashback using your free funds) significantly increases efficiency b from using the scheme at times.

We are increasing the interest-free period on credit cards to 220 days

Pay off your debt on your Alfa Bank credit card 100 days without interest and take advantage of another 120 days from Tinkov for free. In total 220 days interest-free period!

If you use a credit card "" ( our review of this) with her service " Balance transfer". It's interest free refinancing (the debt is paid off at Alfa using funds " Tinkoff Bank"and opens for the same amount on a Tinkoff bank credit card).

You are provided with “vacations” in the form of additional 120 days of interest-free service credit card debt on Tinkoff Platinum. And these, as you understand, can and even should be used. After all, in total you can not repay the loan until 220 days. The “Balance Transfer” service is available on an ongoing basis, but no more than once a year from the date of the transaction!

Limits: 300,000 rubles if you transfer money using an account number or 150,000 rubles if using a credit card number from another bank.

Conditions for the Alfa Bank card - 100 days without interest (2018)

Available Mastercard or Visa (optional), as well as category (Classic, Gold, Platinum). Personalized card, with a chip and contactless payment (paypass / paywawe, there is also support for Android Pay, Apple Pay and Samsung Pay).

With an interest-free period of 100 days and free withdrawal of 50,000 rubles per month from any ATM in the world!

  • interest-free grace period 100 days- on All purchases + cash withdrawal at ATMs: cash withdrawal fee ( 0% ), that is absent(but not more than 50,000 rubles per calendar month); In total, within one grace period you can withdraw up to 150,000 rubles free of charge and without commission.
  • release free, maintenance cost (per year) from 1190 rubles according to Classic, 2990 rubles according to Gold and 5490 rubles according to Platinum
  • replenishment from other cards, as well as Internet banking, SMS notifications and mobile bank(Alfa Mobile Light) free;
  • No need connect service packages;
  • credit limit up to 300,000 rubles (according to Classic), up to 500,000 rubles(GOLD) and up to 1,000,000 rubles(according to Platinum);
  • interest rate from 23.99% per annum for everything that is not covered by the grace period of the loan
    (for such a rate, it is advisable to have a salary of 5,000 rubles per month (2-NFDL), or have a car for 4 years, or travel abroad with an international passport for a year);
  • Russian passport + additional document of your choice
    (SNILS, INN, driver's license, international passport, medical policy);
  • You can
    (no more than 10 minutes), within 1-2 business days the bank will inform about its decision and inform you when to pick up the card and provide Required documents. Filling out the form online significantly saves time, as it eliminates the need to visit the bank again :)

Additional pleasant discounts on the Alfa Bank card in 2018:

  • When paying with an Alfa Bank card, you can get a 25% discount when paying online “Ile de Beaute” (promotional code ALFA25).

Are there alternatives to Alfa Bank on the market?

If you need to withdraw cash free of charge and without commission from a credit card, then no one does this on an ongoing basis! 🙂

And if you need more days in the interest-free period, then we advise you to take a closer look at another interesting offer on the market - the “” credit card from UBRir (“ Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development"). Here you can already get whole 120 days interest-free period on the card + also 1% cashback on all purchases.

At the end of summer 2017, it also entered the market from the bank Home Credit . Its characteristic feature is that, unlike where purchases are available only from partners, you can make purchases anywhere and have interest-free installments 3 months, and for bank partners up to 12 months. Essentially, it's a credit card, only completely free in maintenance (including SMS information, release and other parameters).

Alfa-Bank credit cards with a grace period of 100 and 60 days are becoming increasingly popular in 2019. How much profitable terms, what rates, as well as interest for cash withdrawals, are offered by Alfa-Bank.

Bank credit cards are becoming increasingly popular today, especially among young people. The fact is that citizens over 18 years of age can receive Alfa-Bank credit cards. You will need only 2 documents - a general passport and, for example, a driver’s license or SNILS.

Another feature of Alfa-Bank bank cards is the relatively low level of income required to receive them - only 9,000 rubles after taxes for Moscow and 5,000 rubles for Russian regions.

Grace period for Alfa-Bank credit card

The grace period for Alfa-Bank credit cards is 60 and 100 days, depending on the type of card. It is also called the "interest-free period". This is more than the 50-day grace period for Sberbank credit cards.

Interest-free period- this is an opportunity to use a credit card and not pay interest for using money. To do this, you need to make a minimum payment every month and pay off the entire debt on the card before the end of the interest-free period. Then no interest will accrue, and the interest-free period will be renewed every time after 60 or 100 days, depending on the type of card.

Minimum payment is 5% (but not less than 320 rubles) of the amount of credit card debt. This payment must be made monthly during the payment period.

Payment period- this is a period of 20 calendar days, it begins from the date when the bank set a credit limit for you, and ends on the twentieth calendar day at 23:00 Moscow time.

Withdrawing cash from an Alfa-Bank credit card: features

Bank credit cards are convenient for paying for purchases, and there is a fee for cash withdrawals. Its size varies from bank to bank. At Alfa-Bank, the commission for cash withdrawal ranges from 3.9% to 5.9%. The cash withdrawal limit from an Alfa-Bank credit card ranges from 60 thousand to 200,000 rubles per month, depending on the type of card. The interest-free (grace) period of the Alfa-Bank credit card also applies to cash withdrawals.

However, we must remember that bank clients can withdraw cash up to 50,000 rubles per month without commission or interest during the grace period at all ATMs in the Russian Federation and abroad. To activate this option, just leave a request at a call center or bank branch.

Alfa Bank credit card “100 days without %” - conditions

Alfa Bank Visa and MasterCard credit cards “100 days without %” can be of three types: Classic, Gold and Platinum. All cards support contactless terminals, including Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. Credit card with an interest-free period of 100 days is issued free of charge to all Alfa-Bank clients.

Gold cards “100 days without %” Alfa Bank

  • Payment system: Visa, MasterCard
  • Cash withdrawal limit: RUB 120,000. per month
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: 4.9% (min. 400 rub.)
  • Minimum credit limit: 10,800 rubles.

Credit. limit

Maintenance, rub/year

Platinum cards “100 days without %” Alfa Bank

  • Payment system: Visa / MasterCard
  • Grace period for lending: 100 days
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: 3.9% (min. 300 rub.)
  • Release additional cards: Yes
  • Free mobile app Alfa Mobile

Credit. limit

Maintenance, rub/year

Alfa Bank credit card “60 days”: conditions

Alfa Bank credit card “No costs” allows you to use borrowed funds without interest for 60 days and not overpay. The minimum payment is 5% of the debt amount.

No Cost Credit Card Alfa Bank

  • Grace period for lending: 60 days
  • Cash withdrawal limit: RUB 200,000. per month
  • Commission for cash withdrawal: 5.9% (min. 500 rub.)
  • Minimum credit limit: 150,001 rubles.
  • Increased discounts on premium cards
  • Free year of service

Credit. limit

Maintenance, rub/year

(990 rubles from 2nd year)

Credit cards that allow you to manage borrowed money free of charge for 100 days, popular payment instrument. To ensure that using a credit card does not lead to unpleasant surprises, it is important for the client to know the conditions under which banks provide interest-free loans. They are discussed in the article.*

Credit cards at the bank for 100 days without interest

Not many banks offer interest-free lending with a repayment period of 100 days:

  • This is the cards VISA Classic and MasterCard Standard. The bank does not take money for their issue, but the borrower will have to pay for the service - 1,290 rubles. in year. To order, you need to fill out a form on the bank’s web portal.
  • Promsvyazbank offers an improved tariff plan - 145 days of preferential lending and a special “Supercard”. Her annual maintenance free. You can also order through the form on the bank’s website.

Features of cards with a long loyalty period (LP):

  • Credit limit banks set individually, depending on the financial situation of the borrower and his credit history.
  • You are allowed to spend and repay funds as many times as you like. By returning the money on time, the client pays only for the service of the “plastic”.

Credit card 100 days without interest: conditions

Only working Russian citizens over 21 years old, registered in the region where the bank operates, have the right to become the owner of a card with a large credit limit.

  • To obtain a credit card from Alfa-Bank, 3 months of work experience and an income of 5,000 rubles are enough.
  • Promsvyazbank will issue a credit card if you have worked for more than a year.

To use bank money for free, it is important to return it before the end of the interest-free period. At Alfa-Bank, it starts from the moment of the first purchase and lasts 100 days. Before their completion, the borrower must repay the debt, then a new grace period will open.

It is also possible to repay the debt exclusively in monthly payments of 5%, but after the grace period expires, interest is charged on the remaining amount as on a regular loan. Alfa-Bank charges a commission of 6.9%. The grace period applies when withdrawing money.

The loyal period in Promsvyazbank consists of two time periods:

  1. For the first 92 days from the date the card was issued, the borrower has the opportunity not to return the money and not worry about rising interest rates. But he is required to make monthly 5% payments on the debt. Then the grace period will be extended for another 55 days.
  2. In the future, Promsvyazbank will not provide 92 interest-free days. All subsequent grace periods last 55 days. A loan not repaid on time is subject to an interest rate of 34.9%. The loyalty period also applies to withdrawal transactions. Cash withdrawal fee – 4.9%.

Credit cards 100 days without interest: reviews

Cards with a long credit period are convenient for people who use cashless payments and value financial freedom. With a disciplined approach to repayment, borrowers only receive benefits: a bank loan helps them survive salary delays or make a profitable purchase when there is a lack of personal savings.