Apple pay where it works. What is Apple Pay and how does it work. Where can I pay with Apple Pay

Where and how can I pay with an iPhone

After the launch of Apple Pay, security experts on possible cases of fraud with the system. The hackers allegedly bought stolen data about people and their cards, created cheap copies of the cards, authorized them in Apple Pay and made purchases. Employees of some US banks in early 2015 said that the rate of card fraud rose from 1% to 6%. This story has not been continued.

What are the alternatives to Apple Pay?

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At the end of September in Russia, a similar system that runs on Samsung smartphones. It is available for MasterCard owners and Galaxy S7, S7 edge, S6 edge+, Note 5, A5 2015 and A7 2016 smartphones (Samsung Pay does not work on rooted devices). At the moment, the company cooperates with Alfa-Bank, VTB 24, MTS-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, Russian Standard Bank and Yandex.Money, but plans to expand the list of partners.

Samsung Pay is built on the same principle as Apple Pay: it exchanges tokens, protects card data, and authorizes payment with a fingerprint. There are two significant differences. Firstly, it can pay at old POS terminals for magnetic stripe cards: using MST (Magnetic Secure Transmission) technology, a smartphone imitates the magnetic field of a card and makes a payment. Secondly, it does not work on smart watches.

There is also a Russian application from CardsMobile. It is compatible with Android smartphones that have an NFC chip and MasterCard cards from Russian Standard, Tinkoff and St. Petersburg banks. If the application was pre-installed on a smartphone, then the card information is stored in a secure chip, if it is installed after purchase, then the data will be placed in the MasterCard cloud. A payment in the "Wallet" is confirmed by a mobile PIN-code or a PIN-code of the card, if the purchase amount is more than 1000 rubles.

Contactless payment services are available at,. All of them work only with MasterCard and Android.

There is a service for Visa cardholders. Its applications are released for iOS, Android and Windows Mobile, and the account is replenished through QIWI terminals - from a linked bank card or from a mobile phone account. When paying through the terminal, the application encrypts the data and requires confirmation, which is sent to the phone number.

Google has a payment system. It does not require fingerprint authorization on devices without a scanner, creates tokens in the cloud, transfers them over the Internet and stores several tokens in memory in case the connection is lost. The approximate launch date in Russia was not reported.

September 9, 1952 signed I.V. Stalin Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the creation of a nuclear submarine (PLA). The general management of research work and work on the design of the facility was entrusted to the CCGT under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (B.L. Vannikov, A.P. Zavenyagin, I.V. Kurchatov), ​​and the construction and development of the ship part and armament - to the Ministry of the shipbuilding industry (V.A. Malyshev, B.G. Chilikin). A.P. Alexandrov, the chief designer of the nuclear power plant - N.A. Dollezhal, chief designer of the boat - V.N. Peregudov.

To manage the work and consider scientific and design issues related to the construction of a submarine, Section No. 8 was organized under the Scientific and Technical Council of PSU, headed by V.A. Malyshev. The main work on nuclear power plants, along with the Kurchatov Institute, was entrusted to Laboratory "V", and its director D.I. Blokhintsev was appointed Deputy Scientific Supervisor. By a resolution of the Council of Ministers, Laboratory "V" was entrusted with the execution of theoretical and computational work, the development of fuel elements, the construction and testing of an experimental submarine reactor.

The first and most important task was the choice of the type of reactor as the main source of energy, as well as the general appearance of the power plant. At first, these were graphite and beryllium-moderated reactors with pressure-bearing heat pipes, similar in type to the First NPP under construction at that time. Somewhat later, installations arose in which heavy water was the moderator. And only then (and at that rate it was one month!) A pressurized pressurized reactor appeared.

Thus, from the very beginning, two variants of nuclear power plants for submarines were considered in Laboratory "V": with a water coolant and a lead-bismuth liquid-metal coolant. On the initiative of A.I. Leipunsky, work on the creation of transport nuclear installations was started at Laboratory "V" as early as 1949.

By that time, it was known that two types of facilities were being worked on in the United States: pressurized water thermal reactors and sodium-cooled intermediate neutron reactors. Therefore, work on the creation of power plants for nuclear submarines was deployed in two directions: pressurized water reactors and reactors with a liquid metal coolant.

The choice of the lead-bismuth eutectic alloy as a coolant for nuclear reactors was made by A.I. Leipunsky even before the deployment of work in the USSR on nuclear submarines. As the chief designer of the nuclear power plant N.A. Dollezhal: “This option was especially supported by D.I. Blokhintsev, at that time the director of Laboratory "V" in Obninsk, where Academician Alexander Ilyich Leipunsky worked on the use of fast neutron technology. His idea was that it was possible to create a nuclear power plant for a submarine, in the reactor of which a liquid metal (for example, an alloy of lead and bismuth) would be used as a coolant, and it could be heated to a sufficiently high temperature without creating pressure. A.I. Leipunsky was an outstanding scientist, and there was no reason to doubt the seriousness of his proposals.”

A.I. Leipunsky, and after his death in 1972 - B.F. Gromov. Projects of serial reactor plants for submarines were developed by OKB Gidropress (Podolsk) and OKBM (Nizhny Novgorod), and the projects of the ships themselves were developed by the St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau (SPMBM) Malachite.

Unlike the Americans, A.I. Leipunsky proposed and substantiated a lead-bismuth eutectic alloy as a coolant, despite its worse thermal properties compared to sodium. Subsequent experience in the development of these competing directions confirmed the correctness of the choice made by him. (After several accidents on a ground-based prototype stand and an experimental submarine, work in the United States in this direction was discontinued.)

One of the first problems arose at the very beginning of work when substantiating the neutronic characteristics of the reactor with an intermediate neutron spectrum, which was formed in the core, due to the large leakage of neutrons due to the small size of the reactor and the use of a beryllium moderator. A.I. Leipunsky put before V.A. Kuznetsov, the task was to create a critical assembly, on which it would be possible to test the methods and constants for calculating the intermediate reactor. Such a critical assembly was created in 1954. But on March 11, 1954, during the accumulation of critical mass, there was an acceleration of the reactor on prompt neutrons. A.I. Leipunsky and all the physicists involved in the experiment were urgently hospitalized in Moscow.

The problem could be solved only in the presence of large-scale experimental stands, on which the equipment would be tested in conditions close to natural ones. Therefore, in 1953, on the basis of Laboratory "V", the construction of full-scale prototype stands for nuclear power plants with water cooling (stand 27/VM) and liquid metal cooling (stand 27/VT) began, which were put into operation in 1956 and 1959, respectively. These stands were the reactor and turbine compartments of nuclear submarines. For a long time they became the main experimental base of the IPPE and the Kurchatov Institute for testing new types of reactors, as well as the base of the Obninsk Navy training center for training submarine crews.

Cruising nuclear submarine K-27 (project 645)

The first Soviet cruising nuclear submarine K-27 (project 645) with a nuclear power plant cooled by liquid metal successfully passed state tests in 1963. In 1964, she made a long trip to the equatorial Atlantic, during which (for the first time in the Soviet Navy) she traveled 12,278 miles in 1240 running hours (51 days) without surfacing to the surface. The commander of the boat I.I. Gulyaev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The sailors praised the nuclear power plant. From Laboratory "V" one of the creators of the nuclear power plant, the chief engineer of stand 27/VT K.I. participated in this unique trip. Karikh. In 1965, K-27 made its second trip, becoming the first Soviet nuclear submarine to sneak into the Mediterranean Sea.

At this time, the creation of a series of second-generation boats with nuclear power plants using a lead-bismuth liquid metal coolant was launched. In the early 1960s, in connection with the creation and launch of combat patrols in the ocean by US submarine missile carriers, which were called “city killers” in the Western world (according to the type of target selection - their missiles were aimed at our cities), a decision was made in the USSR on the creation of special anti-submarine submarines. One of the points of the program was the task of building a small high-speed automated boat - a submarine destroyer, i.e. fighter "killers of cities".

The design of a nuclear submarine of project 705 (the Soviet code "Lira") began after the issuance of the Decree of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR in the summer of 1960. The main task is to create a highly maneuverable, high-speed, small displacement submarine with a nuclear power plant, with a titanium hull, with a sharp reduction in the number crew, with the introduction of new models of weapons and technical means.

The most important element of the steam generating plant of the new boat was a nuclear reactor with a lead-bismuth coolant, developed under the scientific guidance of IPPE. Heavy biological protection and low steam parameters of nuclear power plants with a pressurized water reactor (at that time) led to a large specific gravity of the reactor plant. The new reactor with a liquid metal coolant made it possible to reduce the displacement, the diameter of the strong hull and the length of the submarine, and to increase the speed of the underwater course. Due to this, the fundamental difference of the new steam generating plant was its compactness, block layout, high degree of automation and maneuverability, good economic and weight and size indicators.

Project 705 nuclear submarine

A special place in the development of reactors with a lead-bismuth coolant was occupied by the problem of the technology of this coolant. This phrase refers to the methods of monitoring and maintaining the required quality of the coolant and the cleanliness of the primary circuit during the operation of the reactor plant. The importance of this problem was realized after the reactor accident on the K-27 boat in May 1968. Appropriate methods and devices for maintaining the quality of the coolant were developed when the construction of the planned series of submarines of projects 705 and 705K was completed.

The first cruiser submarine of the new type, K-64, was put into trial operation in December 1971. And although only six ships of this type served in the fleet, the appearance in the ocean of a new Soviet anti-submarine submarine made a lot of noise and became an unpleasant surprise for the US Navy. American strategic missile submarines were placed in a difficult tactical position. The small size of the Project 705 submarines, a significant range of diving depth, high full speed allowed her to maneuver at maximum speed, impossible for all other types of submarines, and even avoid anti-submarine torpedoes. The ships of this project were listed in the Guinness Book of Records for their speed and maneuverability.

“Now, looking back,” writes the chief designer of the Malachite SPMBM (where the boat project was developed) R.A. Shmakov, - it should be recognized that this boat was a project of the XXI century. She was decades ahead of her time. Therefore, it is not surprising that for many specialists, testers, and personnel of the Navy, it turned out to be too difficult to master and operate.

“The idea of ​​​​creating such a boat as the Project 705 submarine became,” notes the deputy chief designer of the project B.V. Grigoriev, - could only be realized in the 1960s, when Soviet society was on the rise, new areas of research and development were opening up, and the defense of the country was the most important state priority. “Project 705 nuclear submarine,” according to the decision of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Minister of Defense of the USSR D.F. Ustinov, has become a national task, an attempt to make a breakthrough in order to achieve military-technical superiority over the Western bloc.

The commanders and officers of submarines with reactor plants developed at the IPPE gave a very high rating to the boat itself and its nuclear power plant, calling it a "wonder boat" that was far ahead of its time.

Today it can be considered generally accepted that at the IPPE under the leadership of A.I. Leipunsky laid the foundations for a new direction of nuclear energy, and also demonstrated a unique reactor technology on an industrial scale. This made it possible to ensure the compactness of the reactor plant, which is important when creating submarines of limited displacement, to ensure high maneuverability, and to increase the reliability and safety of the reactor plant.

A.A. Bakulevsky, B.F. Gromov, K.I. Karikh, V.A. Kuznetsov, I.M. Kurbatov, V.A. Malykh, G.I. Marchuk, D.M. Ovechkin, Yu.I. Orlov, D.V. Pankratov, Yu.A. Prokhorov, V.N. Stepanov, V.I. Subbotin, G.I. Toshinsky, A.P. Trifonov, V.V. Chekunov and many others.

Nuclear submarines and other nuclear-powered ships use radioactive fuel - mainly uranium - to turn water into steam. The resulting steam rotates the turbogenerators, which produce electricity to propel the ship and power various onboard equipment.

Radioactive materials like uranium release heat energy during nuclear fission, when the unstable nucleus of an atom splits in two. This releases a huge amount of energy. On a nuclear submarine, such a process is carried out in a thick-walled reactor, which is continuously cooled by running water to avoid overheating, or even melting of the walls. Nuclear fuel is especially popular with the military on submarines and aircraft carriers due to its extraordinary efficiency. On one piece of uranium the size of a golf ball, a submarine can circumnavigate the globe seven times. However, nuclear energy is not only dangerous for the crew, who could be harmed if a radioactive release occurs on board. In this energy lies the potential threat to all life at sea, which can be poisoned by radioactive waste.

Schematic diagram of the engine room with a nuclear reactor

In a typical nuclear reactor engine (left), cooled pressurized water enters the inside of the reactor vessel containing the nuclear fuel. The heated water exits the reactor and is used to turn other water into steam, and then, as it cools, it returns to the reactor. The steam rotates the blades of the turbine engine. The gearbox translates the fast rotation of the turbine shaft into a slower rotation of the motor shaft. The motor shaft is connected to the propeller shaft by means of a clutch mechanism. In addition to the fact that the electric motor transmits rotation to the propeller shaft, it generates electricity, which is stored in on-board batteries.

nuclear reaction

In the cavity of the reactor, the atomic nucleus, consisting of protons and neutrons, is subjected to the impact of a free neutron (figure below). From the impact, the nucleus is split, and in this case, in particular, neutrons are released, which bombard other atoms. So there is a chain reaction of nuclear fission. In this case, a huge amount of thermal energy, that is, heat, is released.

A nuclear submarine cruises along the coast in a surface position. Such ships need to replenish fuel only once every two or three years.

The control group in the conning tower observes the adjacent water area through the periscope. Radar, sonar, radio communications and cameras with a scanning system also assist in the navigation of this vessel.

What is Apple Pay?

Apple Pay is a convenient and secure way to pay in stores, in apps, and online using your iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad, and Mac. Purchases can be paid incredibly quickly. All you need is a device that is always at hand. Apple Pay is also a safer and easier way to pay online and in apps. You no longer have to register in online stores and fill out long forms.

How to connect a card to Apple Pay?

To set up Apple Pay, your device must have Touch ID. Also, the device must be logged into the account.

Note: You need an internet connection to set up Apple Pay.

  • Open the Post Bank Online application
  • Go to the page of any Visa card and click on the "Connect Apple Pay" button
  • Add a card following the instructions. You do not need to scan a bank card or enter codes from SMS
  • Open the Wallet app.
  • Tap the plus sign in the top right corner.
  • To add a credit or debit card associated with your iTunes account, enter the card's security code. Or select "Add another card" and use the camera to enter card details.

Apple Watch

  • Open the Watch app on iPhone.
  • Tap Wallet & Apple Pay and select Add Credit or Debit Card.
  • Enter the security code to add a credit or debit card linked to your iTunes account. Or select "Add another card" and scan it with your iPhone's camera.

*iCloud is an online service from Apple. To sign in to iCloud, you need to go to the Settings app on your device and enter your Apple ID.

What devices can I use with Apple Pay

Apple Pay works with iPhone 6 and later in stores, apps, and websites in Safari; with Apple Watch in stores and apps (requires iPhone 6 or later); iPad Pro, iPad (5th generation), iPad Air 2, iPad mini 3 and later in apps and websites in Safari; Mac (2012 or later) - Sites in Safari with an Apple Watch or iPhone that supports Apple Pay. For a list of Apple Pay compatible devices, see

And now, a few days after that, Samsung's main competitor also launched its similar product in Russia - Apple Pay. They are almost identical, which is why there are constantly jokes on the Internet about who stole the idea from whom. Although, of course, this is nothing more than fiction.
And the appearance of the third mobile payment system is not far off - Android Pay, which will not keep you waiting. But we will talk about it separately when it appears in our country. In the meantime, let's take a closer look at the apple payment service. After all, for many iPhone owners it will be not only interesting, but also very, very convenient!

How does Apple Pay contactless payment system work?

Everything is very simple here! An electronic copy of a bank card is made on the phone, which is stored in a special secure storage, separated from the operating system for security purposes.
At the moment when you need to pay in a store or other place, you simply take out your phone and apply it to the terminal. Further, due to technology very close to the well-known BlueTooth, data is exchanged between them and payment is made.

The advantages are obvious:
+ You do not need to constantly carry a credit or debit card with you, since now it is stored in the phone, which, just like a modern person, is always at hand.
+ You do not "shine" your card and its pin code.
+ In terms of security, Apple Pay is also very, very reliable. When making a payment, a secure one-time token is transferred from the phone to the terminal. Even if the attackers manage to intercept the data exchange, this will not give them anything.
+ Even if you lose your iPhone or it is stolen from you, then you still won't be able to use a copy of your card. Access to it is possible only by the fingerprint of the owner.

Service cons:
- unfortunately, bank terminals with support for contactless NFC technology in Russia are not yet as common as they are abroad. But gradually the old devices will be replaced by new ones.
So far, Apple Pay in Russia only works with MasterCard cards. Support for VISA is promised, but how soon is not yet known.
- Banks that work with Apple Pay are still few in number. During the first month it will be only Sberbank. Later, the list will expand to 10 banks, including VTB, Tinkoff, Alfa-Bank, Otkritie, Yandex.Money, BinBank and Raiffeisenbank. And how it will expand in the future is not yet known.

What devices does Apple Pay work on?
The list of devices that can work with the payment service for October 2016 is as follows:

iPhone SE iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus iPhone 6S iPhone 6S Plus iPhone 7 Plus iPhone 7S iPhone 7S Plus iPhone 7 iPad Pro iPad Air 2 iPad mini 3 iPad mini 4

It is also worth noting that you can make a contactless payment using your Apple Watch.

To do this, you must first link the card in the MyWatch application. Then, when making a payment, simply bring the "smart" watch to the bank terminal.

How to set up Apple Pay on iPhone and iPad?!

In principle, there is no need to somehow cunningly set up an iPhone in order to use contactless payments. The main thing is that you have the latest version of iOS installed on your device.

Now a frame will appear on the screen, in which, using the smartphone’s camera, you need to place your bank card. Like this:

In principle, the iPhone should recognize the data from the card on its own, but if this does not work out, you will need to do it yourself:

Also, you will need to enter the expiration date and security code.

If you are a client of Sberbank, then you can also add a card directly from the Sberbank.Online application. To do this, there is a separate item "Connect Apple Pay":

There you also need to take a picture of the memory card and pass the verification through the SMS code.

If you still have questions and you do not understand how Apple Pay works, watch the video: