Average salary in Belarus. Salaries in Belarus. Salary dynamics

As Dmitry Kruk, a researcher at the Belarusian Economic Research and Educational Center (BEROC), noted in an interview with RBC, in 2017, an increase in real wages was actually recorded in Belarus, although not radical (according to Belstat, it amounted to 7.5% compared to the previous year ). “The peak of real wages occurred in mid-2014, then they declined for three years until they resumed [growth] last year, approximately from the second quarter,” the expert said, noting that the dynamics of wages according to PPP has its own characteristics and may differ.

Situation in Russia

In 2015, real accrued wages in Russia decreased by 9% compared to the previous year, HSE experts recall, citing Rosstat. In subsequent years, it grew at a slow pace: the increase was plus 0.8% in 2016 and plus 2.9% in 2017. The growth of nominal indicators in these years was 5.1, 7.9 and 6.7%, respectively. At the same time, the devaluation of the ruble in 2014-2015 led to a reduction in wages in Russia in dollar terms, economists note.

The Ministry of Economic Development expects a slowdown in the growth rate of real wages from the planned 6.3% in 2018 to 0.8% in 2019. As follows from the ministry’s forecast (*.pdf), this is primarily due to the high base of 2018, since the salaries of social workers (they fell under the May 2012 decrees) were brought to the target level, and the minimum wage to the subsistence level. Other reasons may be the acceleration of inflation and a change in the timing of indexation of salaries of public sector employees (from October 1, 2019 instead of January 1, as this year). In 2020, wages will increase by 1.5%, in 2021 - by 2.3%, and in the next three years - by 2.8% annually, the Ministry of Economic Development predicts.

The countries closest to Russia in terms of average monthly wages are Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan: in 2017, wages there amounted to 76% of the Russian figure ($1,252 at PPP). In general, in all CIS countries, except Belarus, comparable salaries are lower than in Russia. In Ukraine, which previously decided to leave the CIS, the average salary according to PPP is also consistently lower than Russian indicators. In 2017, it amounted to $1074 (65% of the Russian one).

Eastern Europe and BRICS

Among the countries of Eastern Europe, Russia is inferior in terms of wages according to PPP to such countries as Poland ($2343), Czech Republic ($2026), Croatia ($1950) and Hungary ($2107), follows from the monitoring. Bulgaria and Romania lag behind Russia in terms of wages, but in recent years the difference in wages in Russia and these countries has been rapidly decreasing, experts say.

As for the two BRICS partners considered in the monitoring, Russia is ahead of them in terms of wages. In China, at the nominal exchange rate, wages exceed Russian wages, but when switching to PPP calculations, Russia maintains a higher figure, HSE experts note. Thus, in 2016 (there are no comparable data for 2017 for China yet), the average salary in China was $1,461, and in Russia — $1,561. But the gap is also narrowing: in 2011 it was more than $450, and in 2016 it was $100. In Brazil, the average salary last year reached only $1,407 - its level of wages in Russia is consistently higher.

Average salary is an official statistical indicator characterizing the level of income of the population. It is calculated in each country, and the calculation methodology may vary.

  • the volume of the wage fund in the country is divided by the number of working population;
  • the calculation takes accrued income together with taxes paid by employees at their own expense;
  • The entire working population is taken into account, including personnel on probation.

The average monthly salary of workers in the Republic of Belarus in November is 1113.1 rub..

One of the macroeconomic goals set by the country's leadership is to increase the average salary for workers to 1,000 rubles.

Nominal accrued average monthly salary of employees (white rubles)

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
January 981,6 859 720,7 655,2 6023213 5322441 4368023 2880585 1409625
February 977,6 850,4 716,5 661,6 6129105 5389193 4504840 2964249 1439301
March 1056,9 926,8 770,6 709,5 6483703 5753101 4692789 3159624 1537210
April 1073,7 921 776,7 708,6 6536111 5860652 4888296 3252689 1563393
May 1071,6 943,9 795,2 718,3 6687564 6055941 4988338 3559648 1648669
June 1080,5 953,7 819,3 738,7 6883744 6198540 5159884 3752118 1782857
July 1128,5 973,8 827,5 745,8 7008649 6455276 5450175 3925900 1854517
August 1117,8 987,5 844,4 750,3 6970521 6364471 5547075 4084895 1992310
September 1108,5 963,6 831,3 732,9 6862950 6335320 5374793 4096741 2260112
October 1123,4 999,7 841 722,9 6837568 6377912 5477569 4228447 2318000
November 1113,1 994,0 836,9 717,6 6748775 6194398 5348781 4244270 2439681
December 1115,3 995,3 801,6 7424092 6805978 5854664 4741282 2877658

What does the average salary depend on?

The dynamics of the average salary varies depending on the general state of the national economy, labor productivity, as well as external economic factors (changes in world prices for raw materials, energy, etc.). The equivalent of the average salary converted into currency depends on the situation on the international foreign exchange market. The following factors influence the size of the indicator:

  1. A specific locality. Statistical data show that in villages and small towns, compared to megacities, the level of wages can be two times less or more.
  2. Branch of the economy. The highest paid workers are those employed in the financial sector and industry, as well as in the IT industry. The lowest salaries are traditionally in agriculture and the social sphere.

The level of wages is negatively affected by the sanctions imposed by the international community on the Russian Federation, since this country is the main and strategic partner of Belarus not only in politics, but also in the economy.

Where are the highest and lowest salaries in Belarus?

The average salary level varies significantly across regions of the country. The highest is in the Soligorsk region, since potassium salt extraction enterprises are the backbone here. A high average monthly salary was recorded in the Minsk region, because the region is the center of large industrial complexes. In addition, many IT companies are registered in Minsk, including those with foreign capital, which traditionally have high salaries.

The lowest rates were recorded in the Vitebsk region. The economy of this region is formed mainly by agricultural enterprises, which are characterized by traditionally low profitability (some of them are subsidized by the state).

Average salary in Minsk

Average monthly salary in Minsk from 2015 to 2019 (bel. rub.).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 1567,0 1360,4 1151,8 10462680
November 1537,7 1375,3 1151,9 1008,1 9256390
October 1541,6 1370,3 1151,3 1011,7 9321682
September 1516,2 1319,5 1137,1 1014,9 9287831
August 1512,8 1343,3 1138,3 1022,8 9233805
July 1556,0 1334,8 1141,3 1037,2 9359150
June 1498,7 1314,7 1143,1 10454826 9398004
May 1472 1294,4 1104,4 10069670 8932503
April 1551,7 1275,3 1103,3 9928505 8793083
March 1544,5 1364,9 1118,1 10509849 8933326
February 1382,1 1190,4 1020,2 9474959 8569993
January 1379,5 1188,7 1027,6 9387961 8235591

Average salary in Gomel and the region

Average monthly salary in the Gomel region from 2015 to 2019 (bel. rub.).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 972,4 893,0 694,1 6482299
November 997,1 895,7 761,8 640,2 6098698
October 1015,1 907,9 766,0 644,1 6263791
September 995,7 880,9 753,3 656,6 6372332
August 1004,0 892,7 761,0 674,6 6421258
July 1003,4 879,3 741,1 669,7 6511192
June 967,7 860,5 730,5 6531052 6343218
May 968,4 849,8 712,1 6329252 6164695
April 950,3 836,1 698,2 6350283 6066628
March 930,2 818,3 678,2 6206394 6000123
February 882,4 772,3 638 5901261 5590690
January 891,4 783,6 646,1 5850681 5558133

Average salary in Mogilev and the region

Average monthly salary in the Mogilev region from 2015 to 2019 (bel. rub.).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 899 854,6 666,0 6163295
November 922,0 836,3 713,4 614,2 5774362
October 936,6 836,7 719,4 618,4 5873297
September 930,9 817,2 713,9 627,2 5906946
August 934,6 833,2 723,9 645,3 6091703
July 929,4 821,7 709,0 638,5 6107018
June 903,6 808,1 701 6258728 5995300
May 884,1 797 673,9 6108772 5833806
April 871,1 775,7 651,9 5996805 5724032
March 846,3 765,1 645 5879446 5633459
February 810,4 719,7 610,4 5593772 5289804
January 817,3 723,9 612,6 5555274 5257185

Average salary in Vitebsk and the region

Average monthly salary in the Vitebsk region from 2015 to 2019 (bel. rub.).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 902,9 836,1 669,0 6212559
November 944,2 838 716,9 608,4 5769808
October 954,1 848,2 710,1 613,8 5869890
September 945,5 827,7 708,1 629,1 5907041
August 957,8 846,7 714,3 647,9 6100989
July 947,6 830,8 702,0 639,3 6164036
June 916,8 816,7 694,6 6337563 6049192
May 908,3 814,4 678,9 6229238 5881579
April 898,5 782,8 647,5 6048938 5724707
March 867 764,8 642,8 5961094 5572242
February 825,2 726,6 606,7 5639531 5336309
January 830 734,8 611,5 5607124 5316850

Average salary in Grodno and region

Average monthly salary in the Grodno region from 2015 to 2019 (bel. rub.).

Month year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
December 976,5 894,4 681,4 6391838
November 983,1 863,7 719,4 613 5890849
October 980,5 885,3 739,4 625,6 6092346
September 960,7 837,4 723,5 635,0 6108952
August 966,4 857,6 735,9 650,6 6269660
July 975,2 852,2 717,4 640,3 6243038
June 931,3 827,4 708,7 6372111 6117960
May 926,2 823,5 684,7 6259538 6031511
April 910,8 794,6 660,7 6116785 5738922
March 892,7 779,4 655,7 6002959 5722781
February 831,1 721,5 606,2 5638989 5398569
January 837,7 729,6 606,6 5587862 5335135
644,5 6073174 June 932,5 827,5 706 6319943 5896217 May 918,8 813,7 679,9 6138282 5702574 April 907,6 794 658,6 6086660 5597542 March 892 784,1 663,6 5995189 5556212 February 841,1 731,6 614,2 5652374 5219823 January 833,8 730,7 608,7 5537773 5166450

Impact of the indicator on living standards

The indicator is actively used in official statistics, but does not allow us to adequately assess the real situation with the income of the population, which is due to the following reasons:

  1. Accrued and paid salaries differ at least by the amount of taxes withheld from the employee's income. Some enterprises practice paying part of wages with their own products, the accounting estimate of which may differ from the actual market value.
  2. The incomes of the highest and lowest paid workers differ significantly. In the IT industry, many specialists receive 2-5 thousand rubles, while in the social sphere, education (including preschool), and agriculture, salaries of 300–500 rubles (10 times less) are common.
  3. To objectively assess the well-being of the population, along with the average monthly salary, it is necessary to take into account other indicators: food costs, utility bills, inflation dynamics, the cost of gasoline and public transport services, etc.

In recent years, the country's economic authorities have preferred to announce the average salary not in US dollars, as has been the practice for a long time, but in the national currency. This is being carried out as part of measures to de-dollarize the economy and reduce its dependence on exchange rate dynamics.

After A. Lukashenko’s announcement that the banner of the fight for the $500 average salary in Belarus was again being raised in Belarus, this time in 2017, Belstat reported on the 2nd month in a row of its decline: in October it fell again not only in $-equivalent, but also nominally in Br-rubles. Now, in order to reach a $500 salary at least in December 2017, it needs to grow by more than a third in a year and 2 months, and for the current dollar exchange rate to remain the same all this time. What foreign exchange resources will be required for this and whether another “2011” will come after 2017 is not reported.

Moreover, according to the traditional seasonal dynamics of the indicator, the average salary will decrease in November, and taking into account the dollar that has already risen in price this month, the decrease in the $ equivalent of November salaries will be quite noticeable. So you will have to rise to $500 from an even lower value and in a shorter period of time.

And the fall in wages in real terms, taking into account inflation, has been going on for a long time: in the “month to the corresponding month of the previous year” format - 28 months in a row. Over the course of a year (October 2016 to October 2015), real wages decreased by 5%, and over 3 years (to October 2013) - by 10.7%.

In October, the average salary in Belarus decreased after 4 months of growth

The average accrued (before taxes) wages in October amounted to Br722.9, which is Br10.0 less than in September. This decrease is the 2nd in a row after 4 consecutive months of growth. The dynamics of last year are repeated, when in each subsequent autumn month there was a drop in the national average salary compared to the previous one. This means that we can expect a decrease in the average salary in November.

However, the long-term trend in the dynamics of nominal wages in Belarus is upward, and the basis for this nominal increase in wages is inflationary growth. Over the past 10 years, from October 2006 to October 2016, the average salary has increased 11.7 times.

The historically record average national salary was the month before last, Br750.3, August 2016. And, looking at the dynamics of the indicator in all previous years, this maximum will last until December, traditionally the most “salary” month of the year.

Salaries in Belarus over the years of independence: inflationary growth hundreds of millions of times

If we express today's salaries in the format of 1990, without taking into account the denominations that took place in Belarus in 1994 (1:10), 2000 (1:1000) and 2016 (1:10000), then the October salary of 2016 - this is 72.29 billion rubles, when in October 1991 there were 640, and in December 1990 - 269, then still, Soviet rubles.

That is, the nominal growth over 26 years and 10 months amounted to 269 million times (October 2016 to December 1990). For comparison, in Ukraine – 1.2 million times, in Russia – 80 thousand times: inflation in Belarus during the post-Soviet period became the highest among all countries of the former USSR.

Real wages in October decreased from September by 2.1%, over the year - by 5.0%, and over 3 years - by 10.7%

The October average salary is nominally lower than the September one by 1.36%. And since in October Belstat determined monthly inflation at 0.80%, real wages decreased by 2.1%. This is the second month in a row that real wages have fallen compared to the previous month.

Compared to the corresponding month of last year, the average October salary in 2016 remains lower in real terms: nominally it increased by 5.72% (by Br39.1) compared to October 2016, but prices for consumer goods and services for the year (October 16th to October 15th) increased by 11.0%. The result is a real drop in wages by 5.0%.

The dynamics of real wages (compared to the corresponding month of the previous year) entered the “minus” zone in July 2014, has been there for 28 months already, and, apparently, will remain there at least until the end of 2016.

Since in October 2015 there was a negative value (by October 2014), and in October 2014 (by October 2013), then over 3 years real wages decreased significantly: October 2016 to October 2013 - by 10.7%. This is, so far, the largest drop in real wages by 2013, the last stable and calm year in the region.

$- the equivalent of the average salary in Belarus decreased in October by $1 - to $379

In October, the dollar in Belarus fell by 1.11% (at the rates of the last trading in the month on the BVSE), and this strengthening of the Br-ruble, with a 1.36% nominal drop in the accrued average salary, compensated for the corresponding decrease in its $-equivalent: the national average fell by only $1, to $379 . In October 2015 it was $392: a drop over the year, thus $13 (by 3.3%). The drop over 2 years is much greater – $216 (by 36.3%).

Historically, the maximum $-equivalent of average Belarusian salaries was $626 in July 2014 (at the end of the month exchange rate - at the last BVSE trading in July 2014). Obviously, the record will not be updated here for many years. And in the worst case scenario (a fall in world oil prices below $35, with this comes another collapse of the Rr-ruble, and with it the Br-ruble) - the level of the crisis months of the devaluation year 2011 - below $300.

In 1991, the $ equivalent of Belarusian salaries, the national average, was less than $10 at the then market rate. During the period 1992-94. - 20-30 dollars equivalent. Until mid-2000, the average dollar salary in Belarus was less than $100. Although, of course, the purchasing power of the dollar in those years was very high in Belarus.

Goal - $500

In Belarus, again, like many years ago, the country’s leadership announced the goal of achieving a $500 salary, this time in 2017. From the October “point” of $379 it will have to be raised by 32%.

In November, the dollar in Belarus rose (at this moment - by 3.05% from the beginning of the month), and since another traditional nominal fall in the November national average salary is predicted, based on the average long-term dynamics of the indicator in Belarus, the $-equivalent next month may will decrease noticeably, and reaching a $500 salary even in the most distant and “salary” month of 2017 – December – will have to start from a lower point.

Taking into account the long-term monthly dynamics of the average salary, you can draw up a rough forecast plan for bringing it to $500 by December 2017, and then monitor its implementation. In this case, of course, the main thing is to maintain a stable Br-ruble to dollar exchange rate, weakening it over the year by no more than 10%, without which there can be no talk of any $500.

But even with a stable exchange rate, the rise in the average salary indicator looks very steep on the graph, although quite real - but only with economic growth.

Average annual monthly salary in dollars in Belarus - $364

The possibility of achieving an average annual monthly salary in Belarus equivalent to $500 in 2017 looks even less realistic. Now the average accrued salary for the last 12 months (from November 2015 to October 2016) is only $364. And the maximum value remains $592 (2014).

Now the third and strongest wave of decline in dollar values ​​of wages over the past more than 15 years is ending: the 1st was in 2009 after a one-time devaluation at the very beginning of the year, the 2nd - during the monetary and financial crisis of 2011, 3rd - after the devaluation of December 2014 - January 2015.

Previous peak values ​​of the average annual salary in $ equivalent: in 2008 - $414 per month, before the 2011 crisis - $437 per month. “Bottom” due to the global crisis of 2008-09. - $356, and due to the 2011 crisis - $314.

As can be seen from the graph, the fall has practically stopped. And according to the results of 2016, the average salary in dollars in Belarus will remain within these achieved limits - $360-370. In 2015 it was $418, in 2014 - $579, in the super-devaluation year 2011 - $333, in the crisis year 2009 - $356, in 2008 - $414.

Regional statistics

Traditionally, Minsk salaries are significantly higher than regional ones. The lowest average salary in October was in the Vitebsk region (last month the Mogilev region was an outsider).

In October, real wages fell the most since September also in the Vitebsk region, the least in Minsk.

Over the year, the most significant decrease in real wages occurred in the Gomel region. The smallest is again in the capital.

In $ equivalent, the average salary in October decreased in all regions. She grew up in the capital (the same thing happened last month). The largest drop in the $-equivalent in October was in the Vitebsk region.

The dollar equivalent of salaries in Minsk, on average in the city, has been consistently above $500 for 8 months now, while in the regions statistics have not shown an average salary of $500 since the end of 2014.

In addition, from year to year, capital salaries exceed regional ones by an increasing percentage: relative to the average salary throughout the country, the average salary in Minsk in October 2016 was 40% higher. The only region where the average salary is not lower than the republican average is Minsk.

In recent years, the “gap” of Minsk salaries has become increasingly larger; in the Minsk region they have all this time fluctuated around the national average level, and in the regions they have decreased relative to the Belarusian average.

Wages indicate the standard of living of people in a country. The average salary in Belarus (minimum wage) is calculated using the arithmetic average method. This means that when calculating the SWP, the entire volume of the Federal Law is summed up and divided among the employed population.

According to a sociological survey for 2016, only 15.6% of the population are satisfied with their standard of living. Such data can be explained by the fact that in 2015 only a third of the working population could boast of an average level of earnings and, accordingly, living standards. Although the majority of Belarusians note material stability, the social sphere suffers.

Over the past few years, from 2015-2017, the situation has changed for the worse due to the crisis. The local currency in the country has weakened significantly, which is why in 2016 they made a denomination and cut off the zeros in many thousands of Belarusian rubles.

According to experts, the standard of living in the country will decline in the next 5 years. The situation will affect the middle class the most.

Features of life in Belarus for 2018:

  • free medicine;
  • quality roads, cleanliness;
  • absence of corruption;
  • unemployment rate 1.1%.

Salary dynamics

The national currency of the Republic of Belarus is the Belarusian ruble. After the redenomination, the currency was cut by four zeros. In the charts, data is indicated in the old currency. If before the denomination people received salaries in millions, then after the 2016 nomination they began to receive in rubles: 100 den. rubles. = 1 million Bel. rubles

The minimum wage as of January 1, 2017 was 265 den. rub. In August 2017 it remains at the same level. Compared to 2016, the minimum salary increased by 11% and amounted to 230 den. rub.

Table. Dynamics of growth of the minimum salary in the Republic of Belarus in the period from 2000 to 2017:

Year Minimum salary in Belarusian rubles.
2000 The minimum salary was 3600. Since January 2000, it was 2200, but it rose twice by 8.4% and 61%.
2001 The minimum wage increased three times in a year. By March 2001 it amounted to 5,700, by July it increased by 31%, and in December it was already 10,000.
2002 Increased over the year by 70% and amounted to 17,000.
2003 Increased by 139% by January 1, 2003 and amounted to 40,600.
2004 By January it had risen by 100%, and by November 2004 it reached 128,390.
2005 Remained in the same place, rose only by 470 rubles, which is equal to 0.1%
2006 It increased by 22% and amounted to 156900.
2007 The salary was 179050.
2008 By January it increased by 16% and amounted to 208,800.
2009 Equal to 229700
2010 By January it increased by 12.5%, and by November it was exactly 400,000.
2011 The indicator has grown almost every month since May 2011. In May it was 491,920, in June it increased by 10%, in July by another 8%, in August by 4.7%, and in September it amounted to 687,730. By December, the minimum salary increased to 925,520, which is 131% more than the previous one of the year.
2012 The mark was raised to RUB 1,000,000. However, throughout the year the rate was raised every month. By December it grew by 10%
2013 By the end of the year, the minimum salary increased to 1,532,230. This is 38% higher than the previous year.
2014 Over the year, the rate increased 8 times, by December it reached 1,841,483.
2015 Increased by 13.5% and amounted to 2,100,000.
2016 With the denomination, the salary became equal to 230 den. rubles.
2017 Equal to 265 den. rub.

average salary

The average salary indicator indicates the level of remuneration. Productivity depends entirely on it. In order for an organization to make a profit and the economy to remain at an appropriate level, it is necessary that the growth in salary be lower than labor productivity.

By July 2017, the average salary of the Republic of Belarus was 827.5 rubles, which is equal to 426 US dollars. Below you can trace the growth dynamics of the FFP against the US dollar since 2014.

Dynamics of average wages in the Republic of Belarus in dollars from 2014 to 2017.

Comparative analysis of the average salary for 2014-2017. showed that the income of Belarusians increased by 147 den. rubles, but in dollar equivalent the average salary, on the contrary, decreased by $180. Let's consider the average monthly salary in the Republic of Belarus from 2013 to 2017.

Average monthly salary in Belarus from 2013 to 2017.

The accrued salary of employees in January 2013 amounted to 436.8 den. rubles. (translated), which is 390.7 den. rub. less compared to September 2017. There was an increase in salary by 89% over 4 years. In 2017, average wages grew every month. Compared to January 2017, there was an increase of 14.9% to July 2017.

You can trace the dynamics of average wage growth relative to the closest neighbors of the Republic of Belarus - Ukraine and Russia:

Dynamics of wages in Belarus, Russia and Ukraine in 2015-2016.

Thus, in December 2016, wages in the Republic of Belarus were $18 lower compared to 2017. However, the country was significantly ahead of Ukraine by $161 and behind the Russian Federation by $357. High earnings in Russia correspond to the satisfaction of the population, which cannot be said about Ukraine, where people are completely dissatisfied with the economic situation in the country. The Republic of Belarus is in an average position and is far from the poorest country among the countries of the former Soviet Union. Although the general atmosphere remained the same as under the USSR.

Average salary by region

The Republic of Belarus is divided into six regions. You can see the leading areas by average salary using the following table:

Average salary by regions and leading districts in the Republic of Belarus for 2016

According to data for 2016, the leading position is occupied by Soligorsk district 1293.5. In terms of wages, it is 10.9% ahead of the capital of the Republic of Belarus. Many people are interested in: what is the salary in Minsk? It is noteworthy that the capital is not ahead in terms of salaries of a small district of the Gomel region - Soligorsk. In Minsk, wages still remain high relative to other regions of Belarus and even relative to the Minsk region. The graph shows that the region lags behind the capital's earnings by 30%.

Next come Brest and Gomel regions at 39% relative to Minsk. The Grodno and Vitebsk regions were not far behind at 40.8% and 41.9%. The last place in salary by region is occupied by the Mogilev region - 666 rubles. This figure is 42% lower than capital earnings. The lowest ZPRB is in the Sharkovshchinsky district of the Vitebsk region.

Average wages by industry

The most paid industry in the Republic of Belarus is aviation and information technology. The average salary is 2082-3500 den. rub. – this is approximately 1073-1804 US dollars. Financiers and insurers are not far behind. RUB 2,790. Belarusians working in the technical and oil refining industries earn on average from 1212 to 1166.2 den. rubles. This is approximately $600. Telecommunications employees are not far behind them. Engineers and architects receive an average of 970 rubles. The following is a table of average earnings for some industries for 2016:

Industry Average salary
Information Technology 3500,6
Financial services and insurance industry 2790-1915
Production of chemical products 1534,6
Research and Development 1445,8
Activities in the field of law, accounting 1272,7
Vehicle production 1057,7
Food production 919,1
Construction 809
Activities in the field of culture and sports 802,1
Retail 704
Forestry 661
Healthcare 648
Tourist activities 635
Catering services 587
Education 542
Activities of libraries and museums 444,4
Social service activities 435, 3

The amount of salary directly depends on the person’s profession and labor productivity. For 2016-2017, the most popular specialties on the labor market are:

  • manager, trade specialist, sales representative;
  • general workers: builders, drivers, masons, loaders, painters;
  • sellers;
  • engineering specialties;
  • accountant;
  • teachers, doctors, cooks, seamstresses.

The demand for a profession does not mean high wages. You can note the profession of programmers. In 2016, this specialty is one of the highest paid professions in the Republic of Belarus. Social workers and agricultural workers have the lowest income. The average salary in the Republic of Belarus after the crisis at the beginning of 2015 began to change month by month. In January 2016 it was $332, and in February it increased by $50. In March, the FFP was equal to 410.5 dollars.

The size of the salary largely depends on the efficient operation of the country's economy. The current level of the country is completely justified. During the Soviet era, Belarus had a fairly strong industrial base and was also considered an agricultural country. Now, over the past 20 years, the Republic of Belarus has maintained a developed industry, but lags significantly behind the Russian Federation and other developed countries.

According to statistics, the country experiences crises every 2-3 years, and the local currency depreciates. Therefore, many residents are accustomed to keeping their savings in dollars.

Although the ZP currently allows citizens to live without poverty. In the country, according to statistics for 2016, 37% of the population belongs to the middle class. For foreigners and those working abroad and earning dollars, living in the Republic of Belarus will be quite convenient.

Photos used from the sites: laplimbare.com, ap1.by, rusvesna.su

Our economic observer Dmitry Ivanovich analyzed statistical data on wages in three countries - Belarus, Russia and Ukraine - and made comparative tables and an interactive map. Here are his conclusions.

— Here is how salaries changed during the year in three neighboring countries - Belarus, Russia and Ukraine:

The growth of the economies in the three countries will contribute to further growth in wages. Here's what the situation looks like now by region:

Average salaries in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine by region

IN Belarus- the lowest increase in average wages among the three countries. At the same time, administrative efforts are being made in the country to increase this indicator.

The average accrued salary in June 2017 was $424. A year earlier - $370. The increase over the year was $54, or 14.6%.

An increase in wages was noted in all regions of the country. The minimum increase in absolute terms is in the Vitebsk region. Over 12 months, salaries there increased from $316 to $359, or by $43. As of June 2017, the Vitebsk region is the lowest paid region in Belarus.

Minsk holds the leadership in wages: the capital is very close to the $600 mark.

Russia. The average accrued salary in June 2017 was $713. A year earlier - $598. The increase over the year was $115, or 19%.

Russia is the only one of the three countries in which the salary level of December 2016 as of June 2017 has not been overcome.

In Russia alone, over the year, wages in two regions decreased in national currency: in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and in the Republic of Tyva. However, thanks to the strengthening of the Russian ruble against the US dollar, in dollar terms an increase in wages was noted in all regions.

In terms of wages, the regional leader was the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, where wages reached $1,600 and increased by 19% over the year. The previous leader, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, with a salary of $1,580, ranks second in terms of salary levels. Moscow returned to the top three: in the Russian capital, the average salary in June 2017 was $1,464.

Moscow became the leader in absolute salary growth: over the year they increased from $1,140 to $1,464, or by $324.

The lowest level of salaries was recorded in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. This is the only region in Russia where wages were below $400 in June. In the Chechen Republic and Altai Territory, wages were about $400. In low-wage regions, wages have grown more slowly over the past 12 months than in the country as a whole.

Ukraine. The average accrued salary in June 2017 in Ukraine was $282. A year earlier - 215. The increase over the year was $67, or 31%.

Ukraine has the highest relative increase in wages among the countries under consideration.

One of the reasons for such high rates of wage growth may be the gradual emergence of “gray” wages from the shadows due to changes in tax policy regarding wages in this country.

An increase in wages was noted in all regions of the country. The minimum level of regional salaries has increased over the years from $160 to $227. The lowest salaries are in the Lugansk and Kirovograd regions. Traditionally, the leader in Ukraine is Kyiv: in June 2017, the salary in the capital was $425. Kyiv also leads in terms of the maximum increase in salaries: a year earlier they were $81 lower.

The highest paying activities

IN Belarus The only type of activity in which wages have decreased both in national currency and in US dollars is the IT sector. Over the course of the year, salaries in this area fell by $57 to $1,820. This decrease is due to the active expansion of the number of employees: new employees are actively entering the area; at the initial stage, they cannot receive the average salary in the industry. Despite the slight decline, this type of activity retains its absolute leadership in terms of earnings, surpassing the air transportation industry by 1.5 times.

In June 2017 the highest paid activity in Russia, as can be seen from the table, became the production of petroleum products. It is worth noting that the sharp increase in salaries is associated with bonus payments to top management. Depending on the year they occur in different months. Last year, similar payments were made in August, in 2015 - in May. After the payments, wages in the industry will return to $1,700-1,800 per month. And leadership can go to the field of air and space transport, where the salary is about $2,500.

IN Ukraine The air transport industry is the only activity that pays more than $1,000 per month. Ukraine does not publish separate data on the IT sector (part of the activity “information and communications”). However, together with representatives of communications enterprises, IT specialists are among the most highly paid specialists.

Lowest paid activities

Despite the increase in salaries over the past 12 months by 10% or more, the lowest paid activities in Belarus are budgetary areas.

In the lowest paid activities in Russia There are no salaries left below $350.

Among the three countries, wages are lowest (less than $200) in the lowest paid occupations in Ukraine.


1. Economic growth in the three countries will contribute to further growth in wages. At the same time, if in Russia and Belarus the strengthening of the national currency has stopped, in Ukraine it continues - this will contribute to a further increase in the dollar equivalent of wages.

2. In Russia, the unfavorable demographic situation (shortage of personnel) will support wage growth. It is possible that a transition to an active policy to attract foreign workers from abroad or to ease the requirements for migrants due to the shortage of specialists is possible.

In Ukraine, the situation with the emergence of a visa-free regime with the EU may contribute to a certain outflow of labor.

In Belarus, pressure from the authorities to increase wages will continue, but this growth will not correspond to the capabilities of the economy, which will have an adverse impact on the finances of enterprises and the budget in the future.

3. The situation with wages will be largely related to further changes in the field of tax policy regarding wages. Local benefits and a reduction in the tax burden on payroll funds can lead to an increase in wages or to the legalization of gray wages.

⇒ Here is a comparison made in 2016 :