Where to get an insurance policy for a newborn child. Compulsory medical insurance policy for newborns and children. What documents are needed to include a child in a passport?

A newborn child must take out a compulsory health insurance policy. This document guarantees the provision of timely and high-quality assistance to a citizen of the Russian Federation. Do not hesitate to complete the document. Only then will medical services be provided in a timely manner, free of charge and at the proper level.

By law, 3 months are allocated for issuing a policy. Otherwise, parents will have to pay for each doctor visit. And calls will begin to come from the children's clinic with questions about problems with registration.

Where is the document issued?

First, parents must fill out this document. This document is issued at the registry office. After which the baby is registered. Only after this the insurance company will begin issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy.


  • One of the parents submits an application in the prescribed form.

  • Documents to be submitted: original and photocopy of the parents’ passport, birth certificate of the baby.

Parents have the right to choose an insurance company based on their personal preferences.

If dad and/or mom are registered with a certain insurance company, they can choose the same organization to issue a policy for the baby. They also have the right to contact another company.

What documents are required to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn?

  • Passport of one of the parents.

  • Child's birth certificate.

The insurance policy is issued within a three-month period from the date of birth of the child. Until the issuance of a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy, a temporary document is drawn up. It provides the right to receive the same free medical care as is provided under a permanent document.

Validity period of the temporary compulsory medical insurance policy

The document is valid for thirty days from the date of registration.

How long does it take to obtain a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn?

Typically, the completed document is issued within 30 days.

Where is the compulsory medical insurance policy issued?

The document is received from the same company where the package of documents was submitted.

The procedure for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy

Within the specified period, the document is collected independently. If the parents cannot do this themselves, a person who has a power of attorney to receive it can pick up the policy.

To pick up the policy, you need to provide the following documents:

  • Recipient's passport.

  • Child's birth certificate.

Documents required for an authorized person to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy:

  • Recipient's passport.

  • A power of attorney indicating that the recipient is authorized to pick up the compulsory medical insurance policy for the newborn at the request of the applicant.

  • Application for receipt. This document is issued after submitting an application for a policy for a newborn.

How to write an application?

The form of this document is established by law. You should not fill out this document in advance. Usually it is filled out directly at the insurance company at the place of application. The document is then printed and given to the newborn’s parents for signature.

The application of the established form must be filled out by the child’s legal representatives.

In what territory is the compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn valid?

The document is valid in medical institutions located throughout Russia. It also applies to states that have a compulsory health insurance agreement. A sick child in such countries has the right to receive free medical services.

It takes some time to receive insurance. A plastic card is issued with the document, replacing an insurance policy. Before starting registration, parents should check with the insurance company about the terms of receipt in order to avoid unpleasant moments if the child suddenly gets sick.

To obtain a newborn insurance policy (CHI), the child’s parents must provide certain documents.

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Paperwork for a newborn is an important process. In Russia they devote a lot of time to it.

If parents do not take care of completing certain documents in time, the child will face some problems.

Initial information

At birth, a child becomes part of society, so it is very important to immediately protect him from all kinds of risks.

An important point concerns the insurance procedure, which is a mandatory requirement for all babies.

The state has a federal law that obliges all citizens to have a compulsory medical insurance policy and to use basic medical care. institutions free of charge.

All parents should have an idea of ​​what documents must be prepared and issued at the birth of a baby:

  • documents from the maternity hospital;
  • registration at the registry office;
  • registration at place of residence;

Main concepts

Compulsory medical insurance is health insurance for a child, which becomes available for registration from the moment of birth.

Thanks to insurance, the child will be able to receive free help in public clinics when applying.

This policy is mandatory for registration, and is one of the most important nuances that parents need to obtain first.

Insurance is issued to each insured person, and obliges the insurer, if necessary, to cover a large list of possible cases, diseases for which parents can go to a public clinic and receive free treatment for their child.

If you have a compulsory medical insurance policy, the child is protected throughout the country, regardless of his place of residence.

The insurance is valid in several other countries with which Russia has an agreement on health insurance.

Registration is similar to any other insurance, however, this policy is often offered to be issued directly at the district clinic, when parents contact their child for advice.

What is it for?

If the child is insured and has compulsory medical insurance, parents will be able to save most of the money if they give preference to public clinics for treatment.

When visiting a clinic, the medical institution, after treatment and expenses for the insured child, submits an invoice to the insurer, and he compensates for the costs. Every citizen should have insurance.

With its help, a person has the advantages and opportunity to receive help free of charge, while without insurance, clinics provide medical care only in emergency circumstances, which can lead to the death of the patient.

In order to take advantage of the benefits of the policy and the list of included services, the policyholder must:

  • present the existing policy to the medical institution, if this is not an emergency call for help;
  • send an application to the insurer about the medical institution where he has chosen and wishes to undergo treatment as necessary;
  • notify the insurer of the fact of a change in name or surname;
  • in case of a change of residence, choose a new medical institution and notify the insurer within 30 days.

Legal basis

The main federal law regulating the actions, rules and registration of citizens No. 326-FZ, according to which a child or other person who has a policy can claim:

  • free provision of assistance at the selected institution in the event of an insured event, which is regulated by the list of the basic health insurance program;
  • choose a medical institution by application;
  • change the attending physician and clinic;
  • receive honest and accurate information about medical institutions and their level of quality of services provided;
  • receive compensation for damage caused in case of incorrect service.

What documents are needed to obtain a policy for a newborn child in 2020?

Many parents do not know what documents are needed to obtain a medical policy for a newborn and what a newborn must have in order to be able to obtain a medical policy.

The main point for the child is to have a permanent place of residence, since insurance is issued with such information.

Photo: procedure for obtaining a policy for a newborn

If the child does not have a permanent registration at the time of registration of the policy, the insurance company will be able to offer only a temporary policy, which will need to be regularly reissued.

A permanent policy is in the form of a plastic card, while a temporary policy is issued in paper form.

What documents are needed to apply for an insurance policy for a newborn? You will need:

  1. Birth certificate.
  2. Documents of one of the parents (passport), which is geographically related to the place of presence of insurance departments.
  3. SNILS (if available).

The policy can be issued by both the child’s parent and his guardian or trustee. When contacting an insurance company, a person must write an application in order to obtain a policy for a child.

The company offers its clients ready-made application forms, where you only need to enter personal information and put a date and signature.

There are cases when parents or other persons with parental rights cannot come to take out insurance, then any other person can do this, upon presentation of a power of attorney for compulsory medical insurance and their passport.

What certificates will be needed?

To obtain a birth certificate, the following certificates are provided:

  • a certificate from the medical institution where the child was born;
  • parents' passports;
  • certificate that the marriage was registered;
  • a certificate stating that the child was registered at the place of residence.

If your parents’ passports change during the registration period, it is advisable to wait. After all, there are no restrictions on applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy. Only the original passport must be presented.

Now citizens are required to have SNILS. To receive this document, you need to write an application and send it to the Pension Fund.

To do this, one of the child’s parents must come to this institution and show an identity card and the child’s birth certificate.

Rules for registration at the MFC

Multifunctional centers, which exist in every city in the country, also provide health insurance services.

To apply for a policy with the help of this institution, you need to come with a package of documents on the reception day.

A center employee will advise you on insurance services and provide you with an application form. After filling it out, you will need to attach the registered papers.

The center employee will inform you of the date when you can pick up the policy. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a compulsory health insurance policy is issued at a time. The compulsory medical insurance policy does not need to be replaced and is usually issued once.

If the parents do not have a permanent place of residence and difficulties arise with the registration of the child, the compulsory medical insurance policy is issued on the basis of a birth certificate and a petition from representatives of the social service. protection of the population.

Also, referring to Russian legislation, parents can change the insurance organization that issues the policy and submit an application to another company.

The application to change the insurer has been under consideration for some time. Insurance company employees must inform the child’s parents about the review time during the application submission period.

Registration at place of residence

The registration process at the child’s place of residence is mandatory; parents must complete it before submitting papers for insurance. Child registration is carried out by the following authorities:

  • multifunctional centers;
  • divisions of the Federal Migration Service;
  • State Services portal.

Regardless of which body will perform the registration, parents provide the following documents:

  • parents' ID cards;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate certifying marriage;
  • statement of no objections regarding the registration of the child of the other parent.

If one parent is not the owner of the premises, the child registration process will be completed, regardless of the owner’s wishes. Registration of a newborn without parents is not permitted.

Features for foreign citizens

Insurance can be issued both by citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as by foreign persons who do not have citizenship.

According to the law, children who were born in the Russian Federation but do not have citizenship of the country are not provided with free medical insurance.

They receive the right to a free policy only when they become citizens of Russia, or they are granted asylum or a residence permit.

The mechanism for obtaining citizenship of the country by foreigners is established by Federal Law No. 62 “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”.

Foreign citizens serving in Russia have the right to free medical insurance only if there is a threat to their life, for example, they need an ambulance. Foreign citizens are required to pay for other types of services.

After birth, the baby needs the care and affection of his parents. In addition, you need to prepare documents confirming your citizenship and rights. One of them is a medical policy for a newborn, which makes it possible to use free medical care. In this case, it is not necessary to resort to the services of a hospital in the area of ​​​​registration; you can contact an institution at any place of stay. For medical observation and free activities provided for by law, it will be enough to submit an application for attachment to the clinic.

When to apply?

The generally accepted period for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy is 3 months from the date of birth. Insurance companies stipulate that the newborn is covered by the insurance of the mother (other legal representative). It is valid for 30 days from the date of registration of the birth of the baby by authorized government bodies. Then the child’s compulsory health insurance is provided by the organization to which the parents applied to obtain the policy.

If compulsory medical insurance is not issued within three months, the clinic may call for a reminder, and the next visit to the doctor, for a routine examination or if there are complaints, will be paid. Many institutions may refuse medical services altogether. help for a newborn. The absence of a policy deprives the child of free medicines, vaccinations, and a doctor visiting the home, if necessary. In case of inpatient treatment of diseases, the costs will have to be paid by the parents. When observing a baby in a private clinic, there will be no problems, but it is necessary to take out a policy in case of emergency contact with the state. institution.

Where to contact?

The clinic staff will tell you where to get an insurance policy; there are several options:

  • Insurance companies;
  • Specialized points (often located near the hospital).

Parents independently choose an insurance company to obtain a medical policy; obtaining it free of charge is mandatory. This could be any organization located nearby, or whose services are used by family members. It’s easier to navigate to the clinic where you plan to see your baby. It is enough to clarify which insurance organization they have an agreement with and contact them to apply for compulsory medical insurance.

There are different ways to submit an application for health insurance for a newborn:

To receive it, you must appear in person, as a signature is required in the registration register.

Documents to be received

Preparations for registration must begin in advance, as some documents require additional time.

Newborn registration

A birth certificate must be issued at the registry office no later than 30 days after the birth of the child. This period is established by law. You can submit an application to the district MFC, whose employees independently transfer the necessary documents to the registry office, where you will need to pick up the certificate.

Parents must provide:

  1. Medical certificate institutions where the birth took place, or from a private organization, entrepreneur, providing medical services. services. If the child was born outside the maternity hospital, a document from the clinic where the woman and the baby later went, or a confirmation statement from a witness who was present at the birth, is provided;
  2. Mother's and father's passports;
  3. Marriage registration certificate. If it is not officially issued - a statement of paternity. Both parents must appear together. If a man refuses to acknowledge paternity, the registration data is entered from the words of the child’s mother;
  4. Application according to the established form, filled out upon application.

The certificate is usually issued on the day the documents are submitted. Additionally, you need to take certificate No. 24 (No. 25 if the woman is unmarried) for subsequent registration of child benefits.

Receiving SNILS

Previously, assignment of an insurance number was not required for an application for compulsory medical insurance; now, without it, a policy will not be issued. You need to contact the Pension Fund, preferably a week after registering the birth of the baby, when the registry office department transmits information about the child there.

The person receiving the insurance number for the child must come to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a passport, the baby’s birth certificate and fill out an application. Within a few days, SNILS can be collected.

Registration of place of residence

The parent at whose address the child will be registered must provide the passport office employees with:

  1. Marriage certificate;
  2. Passports of father and mother;
  3. Child's birth certificate;
  4. Application from the second parent for consent to register the baby with the spouse. In this case, both must be present when applying for registration.

The passport of the person with whom the child is registered is taken away for 2 weeks. You need to take this into account when planning other important matters. When submitting an application, the child’s registration is not required. For most insurance companies, it is enough to tell the future address of registration of the baby.

Registration of compulsory medical insurance

The insurance company must provide:

  1. Passport of the parent with whom the baby is registered;
  2. Birth certificate;
  3. A completed application – a questionnaire according to the established template (the form is issued by the insurance organization, can be found on the company’s official website). Most insurance agents fill out the form themselves on a computer and print it out for the applicant to review and sign;
  4. SNILS.

When preparing any certificates and registrations, it is better to always have 2-3 copies of the documents provided.

Production time

The medical policy can be collected 15-20 days, less often a month after submitting the application. The exact timing should be obtained from your insurance agent. While compulsory medical insurance is being issued, parents are given a temporary policy that completely replaces the original document. It is similar to a certificate containing the baby’s data, date of completion, expiration date. Clinics and baby food distribution points are required to accept it (at the child’s place of registration, or provide a certificate that they did not receive it at the place of registration).

The temporary document is valid for a month, by the end of this period the medical policy should already be ready.

The finished policy can be picked up personally by the parents or another person with a passport, an application filled out on the day the documents are submitted, and a power of attorney, which can be drawn up in free form and not notarized by other legal means.

If parents do not have the opportunity to complete the document, it is better to additionally check with the insurance agent whether another person can do this and what will be required of him.

VHI policy

Additionally, you can take out voluntary insurance on a paid basis. It makes it possible to use medical services not covered by the compulsory medical insurance program: types of rehabilitation, preventive procedures, diagnostic tests, and additional consultations.

The cost of voluntary health insurance is from 5,000 rubles, depending on the range of services provided and the number of clinics in which the child can be examined and treated. The list is determined by the parents. The document is valid for 12 months, after which it is necessary to renew the contract, otherwise it becomes invalid.

The voluntary insurance system has a commercial basis, but is officially permitted and implies the possibility of issuing sick leave if necessary.

There are restrictions for issuing a VHI policy: it cannot be obtained if the child has congenital defects that require constant medical monitoring.

Obtaining an insurance policy for a newborn is not difficult and does not require the presence of both parents and the baby. You should ensure that you have the document in advance to prevent problems when receiving medical care for your child.

All children have the right to receive medical care from the moment they are born. And if with adults everything is very clear, they can get it in a medical institution under a compulsory health insurance policy, then with newborns everything is not so clear. At least, many parents, even before giving birth, think about how to get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn, and what rights a baby has who has not yet received a medical insurance policy. Therefore, in this article we will talk about exactly what documents are needed for registration, and what the baby can count on while the parents are engaged in this procedure.

No policy yet

Until the policy for the newborn is received, the child can receive medical care under the policy of his mother. But this situation can last no more than two months (usually even less), and then, in the absence of a medical policy, the baby can only count on paid services.

You can obtain a policy from an insurance company, where parents must contact after obtaining a birth certificate and registering the baby at their place of residence.

The insurance agency will require a passport (of either parent), SNILS and the baby’s birth certificate. On the same day you will be able to receive a temporary policy, which will be valid for one month. With a temporary document, your baby will be able to freely receive medical care.

Why do you need a policy?

Medical insurance in the Russian Federation is a mandatory procedure. Therefore, every newborn who is a citizen of our country must have a compulsory medical insurance policy. According to it, the child will be able not only to receive free care in healthcare institutions, but also certain benefits provided by the state.

Registration of a policy

The policy for a newborn is currently issued at a time and does not need to be replaced. In some cases, when parents do not have a permanent place of residence, and registering a child becomes problematic, a policy can be obtained even from one birth certificate. But in this case, social protection services must submit their petition to the registry office.

In addition, there are no strict restrictions on the choice of insurance company. Parents may change their insurance agent at their discretion. But, as a rule, this most often works when a family moves from one city to another, since there is usually only one company assigned to the region. This procedure also takes a certain time, about which you will be notified directly by the insurance agency employees upon your application.

Parents should remember that after the newborn has all the necessary documents, they need to immediately start applying for a compulsory medical insurance policy.

After collecting all the necessary documentation, you need to contact the insurance company. Let us remind you that you will need to present the following documents:

  1. Child's birth certificate.
  2. Passport of one of the parents.
  3. SNILS - many insurance companies require this document, but in some cases registration can be done without it.
  4. Application completed according to the sample.

By the way, you can print and fill out the application at home yourself.

Now it’s worth talking in more detail about how and where to get all the documents necessary for compulsory medical insurance.

Birth certificate

It is impossible to obtain health insurance without a birth certificate. Therefore, first of all, you should deal with it. You can get the metric at the registry office. Let us remind you that no more than a month should pass from the moment the baby is born until he receives his first document.

To obtain a birth certificate you need:

  1. Contact the Newborn Registration Department.
  2. To write an application.
  3. Attach a marriage certificate, an extract from the maternity hospital and passports.


With this point everything is very clear. There is hardly a person who does not have an identity card. But if, by coincidence, your passport is currently being exchanged (change of surname, restoration due to loss, etc.), then it is best to wait a little while applying for a health insurance policy. Because insurance employees must receive the original document, and not a temporary certificate.


Until recently, it was possible to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy without SNILS. But current innovations in the legislation of the Russian Federation have practically eliminated this possibility (with the exception of petitions from social services in emergency cases). Therefore, without having SNILS in hand, you don’t even have to try to contact the insurance company.

You can obtain this document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. To do this, one of the parents must contact the Pension Fund with his passport and the baby’s birth certificate, filling out a certain application. It is best to do this not immediately after receiving the metrics, but only after a week. After all, submitting information about a newly appeared person to the pension fund authorities does not happen immediately.

If you collect all the necessary documentation in a timely manner and in the prescribed manner, then you will not have any problems with how to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn.

Nuances when registering

All the necessary components of what you will need to obtain a health insurance policy have been described above. But I would like to highlight some nuances that parents should be aware of.

  1. To ensure that the registration process takes a minimum of time, it is better to immediately take care of the availability of all documents.
  2. Despite the fact that insurance companies most often require original documents, it is a good idea to take copies with you.
  3. If your child is not yet registered at the place of permanent registration, then you can simply tell the agent the address where you are going to register the baby in the future.
  4. The insurance company should issue you a temporary policy on the day of your application and inform you of the exact date of receipt of the permanent one.
  5. Be sure to check that all information about the child is spelled correctly. Any errors or typos may delay your child’s receipt of the policy.

The main thing that parents can give their children is love and care. Therefore, do not delay in obtaining health insurance. After all, your baby may need the help of a medical facility at any time.

So, your long-awaited baby was born. Besides your love and affection, he needs to get documents, which will confirm his citizenship, rights and obligations.

One of these documents is which guarantees provision of timely and high-quality medical care every citizen of the Russian Federation.

You need to get a policy as quickly as possible, in order to be sure that medical services for the baby will be provided at the proper level and without payment.

In this article we will tell you in detail about all the intricacies, what documents you need to collect, and also answer frequently asked questions regarding obtaining a policy.

What documents are required to obtain a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn?

Before obtaining a policy, it is mandatory register the child at the registry office, receiving a birth certificate. Next - registration of the child at the place of residence or stay. Only then can you receive a compulsory medical insurance policy.

The insurance company or company you you can choose based on personal preferences.

For example, you can be registered with one company or another and take out a policy for a newborn in the same company, or choose a company whose office is located in your or a nearby area.

Documents required to receive compulsory medical insurance policy (CHI) for a newborn:

  • birth certificate child;
  • passport mother or father;

You can and should take out a policy within 3 months from the birth of the child. To do this, it is necessary to have the original birth certificate and the original passport of the mother or father of the child, registered at the place where the compulsory health insurance policy is provided.

Temporary compulsory medical insurance policy: validity period

While the permanent policy is being prepared, you will be issued a temporary one. It gives the right to receive timely medical care free of charge, just like a permanent one.

The temporary compulsory medical insurance policy is valid within thirty working calendar days.

How much do you get for a policy?

Registration of a permanent compulsory medical insurance policy usually takes 30 days.

Where do you get the policy?

The compulsory medical insurance policy is obtained from the company you contacted for its registration.

How to get a compulsory medical insurance policy?

When the day of receiving the compulsory medical insurance policy arrives, it must be pick it up yourself. If such a possibility is not foreseen, then this can be done person with power of attorney to receive a policy.

Documents you will need to pick up the policy:

  • birth certificate child;
  • your passport;

Documents required by a person who will replace you upon receipt of the policy:

  • passport;
  • power of attorney, allowing the receipt of a compulsory health insurance policy for a newborn;
  • application for, which you were given after submitting an application for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn.


Question. My husband and I are residents of St. Petersburg, but we have been living in Arkhangelsk for four years now, where we have a permanent job. Just a week ago, our daughter was born in one of the Arkhangelsk maternity hospitals. Where can I get a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn? Who to contact?

Answer. Based on the new law, parents can obtain a compulsory compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn not only at the place of formal registration at the place of residence, but also at the place of stay. In your case, you can submit an application to the insurance company in Arkhangelsk, providing the necessary documents (passport of the father or mother and the child’s birth certificate).

Question. My husband and I are citizens of Ukraine. But we have been living in Moscow for several years. The birth will take place, accordingly, in Moscow. Is it possible to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy for a newborn child?

Answer. Yes, there is such a possibility. Contact the insurance company at your place of residence, having with you the necessary documents: a birth certificate, as well as a document that confirms the right to reside in the Russian Federation on a permanent basis.

Question. I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, my husband is a citizen of another country. What documents need to be provided in order to apply for a compulsory medical insurance policy?

Answer. Required documents: 1) birth certificate indicating Russian citizenship; 2) a document that confirms the identity of the child’s parent.

Question. After the birth of the child, I plan to go to my grandmother in the village with the child. How will medical care be provided there under the insurance policy for newborns?

Answer. Once you have made the exact decision to leave, tell your pediatrician about your plans, as well as the address of your future residence. Then the doctor himself will decide how the child will be examined.

At the local medical center, children are cared for by a midwife or nurse until they reach the first year of life. In the first month, the examination is carried out by a local pediatrician.

If you do not leave information about your future place of residence in your maternity hospital, then be sure to correct this or contact an obstetrician at a local medical center.

Question. Having a compulsory medical insurance policy, is it possible to treat children with anomalies?

Answer. Yes, of course you can. Treatment of children with developmental defects is carried out at the expense of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. To get the necessary help, contact the clinic where you are registered, your local pediatrician, who will draw up a list of necessary tests and studies for you.

Both adults and children need it. Without a compulsory medical insurance policy, it is difficult to count on receiving medical services.

So, as you can see, getting a policy is an easy procedure with a minimum of documents. The only thing you need to stock up on while waiting for your compulsory medical insurance policy is this is patience since any insurance company has a first-come, first-served basis.

Video: how compulsory medical insurance is issued for newborns.

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    The compulsory medical insurance policy, of course, guarantees the child to receive timely emergency medical care, but this care is not always of high quality. Therefore, increasingly, parents of children with serious problems are forced to turn to private clinics. And they are helped financially in this by simple people with a kind heart, who are not indifferent to the misfortune of others.