Bps Sberbank from card to card. Transfers from BPS-Sberbank. Instantly or without commission? Conditions and commission for urgent money transfers hummingbirds

Transferring funds from ATMs

The remuneration for making a transfer is 1.5% of the transfer amount.

The operation is carried out in real time and the recipient of the transfer will be able to use the money within a few seconds.

The senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders issued by any resident banks of various payment systems (for example, a money transfer from a Mastercard to Visa card, from BELKART card to Mastercard cards, etc.).

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

the name of the operation

Reward amount

2.5% of the amount

2% of the amount

2.5% of the amount

Transfer of funds at information kiosks

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer between bank cards

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders of OJSC " ASB Belarusbank» various payment systems.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer between cards of different banks (within the BELKART payment system and Mastercard MoneySend, Visa Direct services)

In addition, from cards of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" you can make transfers to cards issued by non-resident banks (except for Venezuela, Colombia, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan (the list of countries can be changed by payment systems).

In accordance with the requirements of international payment system the maximum number of transactions between Mastercard and Visa cards per day is 5, in 4 days – 15, per month – 60.

The amount of remuneration for making a transfer is:

the name of the operation

Reward amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) to Belarusian rubles using the card of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" or its details to the account to which the card of another bank is issued 1

2.5% of the amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using a resident bank card:

to the account to which the card of OJSC "JSSB Belarusbank" is issued

2% of the amount

to an account to which a card from another bank is issued

2.5% of the amount

1 The reward does not apply when performing transactions of transferring funds (transfers) using the AIS “Settlement” (ERIP).

Money transfers BLIZKO

The senders of the transfer can be cardholders of JSC ASB Belarusbank.

BLIZKO transfers are carried out in accordance with general Rules payment system BLIZKO, which can be found on the website www.blizko.biz.

Transfer within the Shchodra Club (3 favorite recipients)

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transferring funds via Internet banking

Transfer from card to bank card within the accounts of one individual

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders of JSC ASB Belarusbank.

The transfer is carried out both in Belarusian rubles and in foreign currency without charging any remuneration.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer between bank cards

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards of JSC ASB Belarusbank of various payment systems.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles. The remuneration for making a transfer is 1.5% of the transfer amount.

Transfer between cards of different banks (within the BELKART payment system and Mastercard MoneySend, Visa Direct services)

Recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards issued by any resident banks or non-resident banks, except Venezuela, Colombia, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan (the list of countries can be changed by payment systems), various payment systems (i.e. a money transfer from a card is possible Mastercard to Visa card, from BELKART card to Mastercard cards, etc.).

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card. Enter the first and last name of the transfer recipient in Latin (when making a transfer to a non-resident bank card).

In accordance with the requirements of the international payment system, the maximum number of transactions between Mastercard and Visa cards per day is 5, in 4 days – 15, per month – 60.

The amount of remuneration for making a transfer is:

the name of the operation

Reward amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using the card of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" or its details to the account to which the card of another bank is issued 1

2.5% of the amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using a resident bank card:

to the account to which the card of OJSC "JSSB Belarusbank" is issued

2% of the amount

to an account to which a card from another bank is issued

2.5% of the amount

1 The reward does not apply when performing transactions of transferring funds (transfers) using the AIS “Settlement” (ERIP).

Transfer within the Shchodry Club to a club card or Magnit installment card (three favorite recipients)

To make a transfer, registration of the service is required at the bank institution at the place where the account was opened using the Shchodry Club card. The client can specify no more than 3 recipients of the transfer.

The senders of the transfer are holders of the Shchodry Club cards, the recipients of the transfer are the holders of the Velvet, Carte Blanche, #nastart, Shchodry, Persona Club cards or Magnit installment cards.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles without charging a fee.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer of funds in M-banking

Transfer from card to bank card within the accounts of one individual

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders of JSC ASB Belarusbank.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles without charging a fee.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

Transfer between bank cards

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards of JSC ASB Belarusbank of various payment systems.

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles. The remuneration for making a transfer is 1.5% of the transfer amount.

Transfer between cards of different banks (within the BELKART payment system and Mastercard MoneySend, Visa Direct services)

The senders and recipients of the transfer can be cardholders issued by any resident banks of various payment systems (i.e., a money transfer from a Mastercard to a Visa card, from a BELKART card to Mastercard cards, etc. is possible).

In addition, from cards of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" you can make transfers to cards issued by non-resident banks, except for Venezuela, Colombia, Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan (the list of countries can be changed by payment systems).

To carry out the operation, the sender of the transfer must indicate the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card. Enter the first and last name of the transfer recipient in Latin.

In accordance with the requirements of the international payment system, the maximum number of transactions between Mastercard and Visa cards per day is 5, in 4 days – 15, per month – 60.

The amount of remuneration for making a transfer is:

the name of the operation

Reward amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using the card of JSC "JSSB Belarusbank" or its details to the account to which the card of another bank is issued 1

2.5% of the amount

Transfer of funds (transfer) in Belarusian rubles using a resident bank card:

to the account to which the card of OJSC "JSSB Belarusbank" is issued

2% of the amount

to an account to which a card from another bank is issued

2.5% of the amount

1 The reward does not apply when performing transactions of transferring funds (transfers) using the AIS “Settlement” (ERIP).

Transfer of funds on a corporate website

Transfer between bank cards

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards of JSC ASB Belarusbank of various payment systems.

The transfer is carried out in Belarusian rubles, the remuneration amount is 1.5% of the transfer amount.

Within the accounts of one individual the transfer is carried out without charging a fee.

Transfer between cards of different banks (within the BELKART payment system and Mastercard MoneySend, Visa Direct services)

Senders and recipients of the transfer can be holders of cards of various payment systems issued by any resident banks (i.e., a money transfer is possible from a Mastercard to a Visa card, from a BELKART card to a Mastercard, etc.).

To carry out a transfer operation, you must indicate the number, validity period and three-digit CVV2/CVC number of the sender's card, as well as the number and validity period of the transfer recipient's card. The card from which funds are written off must necessarily support 3D-Secure technology, Internet Password BELKARD/BELKART-InternetPassword.

In accordance with the requirements of international payment systems, the maximum number of transactions between Mastercard and Visa cards per day is 5, in 4 days – 15, per month – 60.

The amount of remuneration for making a transfer is:

Alfa Bank Belagroprombank Belarusbank BelVEB Belgazprombank Belinvestbank BNB-Bank BPS-Sberbank BSB Bank BTA Bank VTB (Belarus) Idea Bank Moscow-Minsk MTBank Paritetbank Priorbank Solution RRB-Bank Technobank

Alfabank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card via an ATM or information kiosk is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, Belagroprombank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of 1.5% of the transfer amount, but not less than 0.2 BYN per transaction. The commission size is the same and applies to all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, information kiosk.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, Belarusbank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of 1.5% of the transfer amount. The commission amount is the same and applies to all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, ATM/info kiosk.

BelVEB Bank carries out transfers of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card via an ATM or information kiosk is not possible.

Belgazprombank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, ATM/info kiosk.

Belinvestbank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person through Internet banking and m-banking without commissions and fees. In case of transfer through an ATM or information kiosk, a commission of 1.5% of the transfer amount is charged, but not less than 2BYN per transaction.

BNB-Bank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card via an ATM or information kiosk is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, BPS-Sberbank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of 2.5% of the transfer amount, but not less than 0.5 BYN and not more than 15 BYN per transaction. The commission size is the same and applies to all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, information kiosk.

BSB Bank carries out transfers of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card via an ATM or information kiosk is not possible.

BTA Bank carries out the transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card via an ATM or information kiosk is not possible.1

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, VTB Bank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of a fixed payment - 0.15 BYN. The commission amount is the same and applies to all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, ATM/info kiosk.

Idea Bank carries out transfers of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card via an ATM or information kiosk is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, Moscow-Minsk Bank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of 1% of the transfer amount + 0.14 BYN. The commission amount is the same and is valid for transfers via Internet banking and m-banking. Transferring money through an ATM/kiosk is not possible.

Transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person MTBank carries out only through Internet banking or online service perevod.mtbank.by. There are no fees for this transaction.

Parity Bank carries out transfers of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card via an ATM or information kiosk is not possible.

When transferring funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person, VTB Bank deducts a commission from the sender in the amount of a fixed payment - 0.5 BYN. The commission amount is the same and applies to all transfer methods: Internet banking, m-banking, ATM/info kiosk.

Transfer of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person via Internet banking or m-banking Bank Solution carries out commissions and fees. In case of transferring funds through an ATM/kiosk, a commission of 0.5% of the transfer amount is charged, but not more than 1BYN.

RRB-Bank carries out transfers of funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person only through Internet banking. There is no fee for this service.

Technobank transfers funds from the card account of one person to the card account of another person without commissions and fees. This condition applies to transfers via Internet banking and mobile banking. Transferring money from card to card via an ATM or information kiosk is not possible.

We check the quality of service in Belarusian banks. Today we will test transfers to the card BPS-Sberbank. Let's find out how to transfer money instantly, and how without commission.

First, we call the bank’s contact center.

- Good afternoon. My name is Alina. How can I help you?

- Hello. I need to transfer money to your bank card. How can i do this?

— You want to transfer from a card of some other bank, right?

— I have 2 translations. One transfer from a card of another bank to your card, and the second - from my BPS-Sberbank card to another BPS-Sberbank card.

— In this case, if you use our bank’s Internet banking, you can transfer cash remotely in personal account. If you have a salary package, or for personal purposes you signed up for a “Classic” or “Status” service package, or you have a ComPass card, then there are several options for transferring funds without any commissions. Maybe you know what kind of card you have?

A few minutes later, we found out that I had the most ordinary card, which means that for a transfer to another bank client, they would still charge me a commission - 1.8% of the amount.

This is normal debit card, is not included in the service package, so a commission will be charged - this is 2BYN, if to our bank card,- the specialist explained.

— What if it’s through online banking?

—Yes, this is if through Internet banking. The card number and expiration date of the recipient's card are indicated there.

- Can I give you a phone number?

-Yes, you can also use a phone number if a client of our bank...

— What if from a card of another bank?

—If you transfer funds from a card of another bank, you can also do it remotely, without leaving your home, through the ERIP system. It indicates either the contract number or the account number in the formatIBAN This will be without any commissions.

Clear. How fast?

— As soon as the money is credited to our bank, the funds are immediately credited to the account. As a rule, no later than the next business day.

- So not instantly?

- No, not instant translation.

— Isn’t it possible to instantly transfer to your bank card?

— If you use the information kiosk. In this case, the recipient's card number is indicated, it is possible from a card of another bank, or in cash. This will be an instant card top-up without commissions.

The first transfer is from a card of another bank to a BPS-Sberbank card

On the advice of a specialist, we used the ERIP system.

The transfer was commission-free; we only needed to indicate the account number, which can be found in the Internet bank.

Despite the fact that the contact center specialist said that the transfer was not instantaneous, the money arrived on the card very quickly. I think we were very lucky.

It should be noted that the contact center specialist spoke in some detail about translations.

However, for transferring from a card of another bank, I was offered only one “non-instant” option - the ERIP system. But that's not true.

In fact, BPS-Sberbank has its own transfer system "Translate for me", the money should arrive instantly, but for such a transfer a commission of 1.8% will be charged, and for transfers you can only use Mastercard cards and Maestro.

Second experiment - transfer between BPS-Sberbank cards

For the second transfer, the specialist advised using transfers in the Internet banking system with a commission.

In chapter "Catalog" choose "Transfer to a private person".

You can transfer money either by card number or by phone number. I used the second option. The system automatically found the recipient, so all I had to do was check the name and card number.

All that remains is to confirm the translation of the SMS. The money appeared on the recipient’s balance at that very moment!

Personal opinion of the correspondent

The consultation turned out to be incomplete, the girl suggested using the ERIP system and transfers in the Internet bank for transfers, but did not tell me about the “Transfer to me” transfer system!

Despite the fact that the transfer through the ERIP system is “not instant”, the money can only arrive the next day, it appeared on our balance sheet very quickly.

If you use the “Transfer to me” service, the transfer will be instant, but with a commission and only between Mastercard and Maestro cards.

As for intrabank transfers, they are also instant, the only pity is that you have to pay a commission. :(

Test result: 22.5 points out of 50 possible

Evaluation criteria for the competition BPS-Sberbank
By phone Waiting time for a response from the Contact Center on the line 1 point - 3.5 minutes
2 points - 3 minutes
3 points - 2 minutes
4 points - 1 minute
5 points - less than 30 seconds
MAX 15 5
Completeness of information
received from the Contact Center
. did they offer transfer options between cards - 5 points (if more than one) 5
. talked about each option in detail and named the commission - 5 points 2,5
. offering only offline transfer options (info kiosk or bank branch) - minus 2 points 0
Online transfers within one bank Transfer speed from this bank's card
. 3 points - during the day
MAX 40 10
Cost of transfer from a card of this bank . 0 points - any commission
. 10 points - free
Online transfers from a card of another bank Speed ​​of transfer from a card of another bank . 0 points - next day or longer
. 3 points - during the day
. 10 points - within half an hour
Cost of transfer from a card of another bank . 0 points - more than 1%
. 5 points – less than or equal to 1% of the transfer amount
. 10 points - free
Is it possible to make an online transfer between cards from different banks for all payment systems (Visa, Mastercard, BELKART) - minus 10 points (for the absence of one of the systems) -20
Maximum number of points MAX 55 22,5

Transfer from card to card is a convenient service that allows you to transfer funds to a loved one without leaving home. You can perform such an operation or by contacting the bank that issued your card for help.

Most often, the transfer can be made via Internet banking. mobile application, some financial and credit institutions supplement this list with information kiosks, ATMs and transfer services on the corporate website.

However, it is worth remembering that a fee may be charged for such a service. The size of the bank's remuneration may depend on several factors:

  • Which bank issued the card to which the transfer is made?
  • who owns it, you or another individual
  • where the transfer is made, for example, in online banking or an information kiosk
We monitored Belarusian banks to find out which of them provide services for transferring funds from card to card, and how much does it cost? For your convenience, information for each bank is presented in a separate table.
Transfer method between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Service on the bank's website
no commission
no commission - from a card of another bank to an Alfa-Bank card
Mobile Bank no commission no possibility
ATM / Information kiosk no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank

between cards of different persons:
0.9% - transfer using the Internet Bank service
0.9% (min 0.49 BYN) - transfer "Hutka to card"
1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - on Visa card, Mastercard, Belcard of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a BelVEB Bank card
Service on the bank's website
no commission - between cards of the same person
0.9% (min 0.49 BYN) - between cards of different persons

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank /
Service on the bank's website
no commission 1% (min 1 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a VTB Bank card

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
no commission - between cards of the same person
1% + 0.14 BYN - between cards of different persons
1.5% + 0.14 BYN - salary “Basic”, “Bonus”
0.5% + 0.14 BYN - salary "Premium"
1.5% + 1 BYN - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks / from a card of another bank to a Dabrabyt Bank card
Service on the bank's website no possibility
ATM no possibility
2% - from a Dabrabyt Bank card to a card of another bank (except for devices and services of Belgazprombank)
free - salary "Elite"
Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website
no possibility
Transfer in devices and services of other banks 0.5% - from a Solution Bank card to a card of another bank (except for V-BANKING cards)

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank
no commission - between cards of the same person
1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - between cards of different persons
1.5% (min 0.99 BYN) - to a card of another bank
ATM / Information kiosk /
Service on the bank's website
1.5% (min 0.99 BYN) - to a card of another bank / from a card of another bank to a Belagroprombank card
1.5% (min 1.49 BYN) - between cards of other banks
Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank /
Information kiosk /
Service on the bank's website
no commission - between cards of the same person
1.5% - between cards of different persons
2.5% - to a card of another bank / between cards of other banks
2% - from a card of another bank to a Belarusbank card
Transfer in devices and services of other banks 2.5% - from a Belarusbank card to a card of another bank

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile Bank /
Information kiosk
no commission
no commission - from a card of another bank to a Belgazprombank card
Service on the bank's website no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
no commission 1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - only Belagroprombank, Belarusbank
ATM / Information kiosk /
Service on the bank's website
1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - to a card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a Belinvestbank card

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website
no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank no commission - between cards of the same person
2 BYN per transaction - between cards of different persons
1.5% (min 2 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank
ATM / Information kiosk / Service on the bank’s website no possibility
Transfer in devices and services of other banks 2% (min 2 BYN) - from a BPS-Sberbank card to a card of another bank (for cards
serviced at BPC - on the back of the card number 2992525)

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks

Service on the bank's website
no commission 1.5% (min 0.5 BYN) - to a Visa / Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a BSB Bank card
ATM no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank /
no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank no commission - by contract number / telephone no possibility
Mobile Bank no commission - by contract number / telephone
1.5% (min 2 BYN) - by card number
1.5% (min 2 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
ATM no possibility
Service on the bank's website 1.5% (min 2 BYN) on Visa, Mastercard cards

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank /
Service on the bank's website
no commission 1.5% (min 0.49 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to an MTBank card
ATM / Information kiosk no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile bank
no commission no possibility
ATM / Information kiosk /
Service on the bank's website
no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank /
no commission 1.2% + 1.5 BYN - to a card of another bank / between cards of other banks
Service on the bank's website no possibility
Transfer in devices and services of other banks 0.5% - from a Priorbank card to a card of another bank

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile bank
no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website
no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank /
Mobile bank
no commission no possibility
Service on the bank's website no possibility 1.5% (min 1 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks
no commission - from a card of another bank to a StatusBank card
ATM / Information kiosk no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet Bank / Mobile Bank no commission 1.5% (min 2 BYN) - to a Visa, Mastercard card of another bank / between cards of other banks / from a card of another bank to a Technobank card
Service on the bank's website
no possibility

Transfer method between cards issued in the same bank between cards of different banks
Internet bank no commission - between cards of the same person
no possibility - between cards of different persons
no possibility
Mobile Bank / ATM /
Service on the site
no possibility

Thus, all listed financial and credit institutions allow you to transfer funds within one bank. Please note that making a transfer to a card Fransabanka You can only use your cards.

Most banks offer such transfers free of charge. The fee for transferring funds to another person’s card issued by the same bank as your card will be charged:

  • Bank BelVEB
  • Bank Dabrabyt
  • Belagroprombank
  • Belarusbank
  • BPS-Sberba NK
15 financial and credit institutions allow you to transfer funds to another bank’s card, and this list has recently been expanded BSB Bank.

In addition, previously in Alfa-Bank’s Internet bank a transfer to a card of another bank could be made only through the service of the Russian Alfa-Bank, but now the Belarusian bank will have its own service.

If your bank is not one of the financial institutions that allow you to transfer money to a card of another bank, then you can use the services of other banks, some of them allow you to make transactions even if the sender’s card is issued in another bank.

Please note that some banks may charge a fee for transfers from their cards through third-party services!

To clarify, here's an example:

You need to make a transfer to an Alfa-Bank card from a card, say, BelVEB Bank. If you use Alfa-Bank’s P2P transfer service for the transfer, then neither Alfa-Bank nor BelVEB Bank will charge you a commission for such an operation. But if you transfer money to an Alfa-Bank card from a Priorbank card, then the latter will charge you a commission of 0.5% of the amount for “transfer in devices and services of other banks.”

Please note that according to the map Bonuses up to 5% are provided for each transaction. Bonuses can be used to compensate for purchases on AliExpress

So, today they charge a commission for transferring funds through third-party services:
  • Bank Dabrabyt - 2% of the amount (exception: devices and services of Belgazprombank)
  • Bank Solution - 0.5% of the amount (exception: V-BANKING cards)
  • Belarusbank - 2.5% of the amount
  • BPS-Sberbank - 2% of the amount, minimum 2 rubles (applies to cards serviced at BPC - number 2992525 on the back of the card)
  • Priorbank - 0.5% of the amount
We have added this information to the tables of the respective banks.

In addition to transferring by card number, you can transfer money through the ERIP system; no commission is charged for such a transfer. However, in this case you will need to know the recipient's contract or account number, and crediting may take longer. Let us immediately note that you cannot top up cards through ERIP:

  • VTB Bank
  • Belagroprombank
  • Belarusbank
Another way to transfer funds is "Arbitrary payment". In this case, there will definitely be a commission, both from the sending bank and the receiving bank. This transfer takes up to several days. Plus, you need to know all the recipient’s data:
  • Account number
  • UNP of the recipient bank
  • BIC of the receiving bank
In addition to all of the above, you should remember that many banks have limits on transfers - minimum and maximum amounts.