Buying and selling bitcoins for Belarusian rubles. Where do they accept Bitcoin in Belarus Bitcoin wallet in Belarus

At the end of March, Decree No. 8 “On the development of the digital economy,” which is also called the “Decree on HTP 2.0,” came into force. It reveals issues related to the legalization of the work of Belarusian residents with cryptocurrencies. The document stipulates all the points that in one way or another relate to “virtual money”. It is assumed that individuals received especially comfortable conditions: tokens can be alienated, purchased and exchanged without any taxes on these transactions through exchanges and exchange operators.

However, what is absolutely clear to the drafters of the law may raise questions among people who are not sufficiently legally savvy. Moreover, the topic is still new and pressing for the country.

And on the forum, users are discussing how the Decree will affect cryptocurrency holders and miners in practice. We sent a request to the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus with a request to clarify unclear points. For this purpose, an example was given with a hypothetical Belarusian who owns a certain amount of crypto money. We briefly retell it below.

A Belarusian individual mined 100 units of fictitious cryptocurrency on his computer. These units were then exchanged through an exchange outside Belarus for real money and transferred to a Belarusian bank card. The total amount was 200 thousand Belarusian rubles.

The official salary of this Belarusian is 1000 rubles per month. Having received 200 thousand rubles from a cryptocurrency exchange, he buys an apartment. As a result, expenses significantly exceed income, and he may be called to the tax office. Here he must provide documents.

What kind of documents are these and should a Belarusian, in principle, provide anything?

Below we publish in full the response that the department provided us.

The Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus, within its competence, reports the following.

The third paragraph of subclause 3.1 of clause 3 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 21, 2017 No. 8 “On the development of the digital economy” (hereinafter referred to as the Decree), which came into force on March 28, 2018, establishes that the objects of taxation with income tax individuals Income of individuals from mining activities, acquisition (including as a gift), alienation of digital signs (tokens) (hereinafter referred to as tokens) for Belorussian rubles, foreign currency, electronic money and (or) exchange for other tokens.

At the same time, in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Belarus of January 4, 2003 “On the declaration of income and property by individuals at the request of tax authorities,” the tax authorities are responsible for monitoring the compliance of income and expenses of individuals.

Moreover, such control is carried out on the basis of the information specified by the individual in the declaration of income and property, and information available to the tax authority.

If during such control it is established that the expenses of an individual exceed his income indicated in the declaration of income and property, or the fact of receipt of income is not confirmed, then the individual is obliged, at the request of the tax authority, to provide explanations about the sources of income, which must contain information about the source of income (last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the individual, place of residence (if information about the place of residence is available), name legal entity, its location), the amount and date (period) of receipt of income, as well as, if available, other information about the source of income.

Additionally, please note that according to subclause 2.2 of clause 2 of the Decree, it is tokens that are not subject to declaration, and not income from mining, acquisition, or alienation of tokens carried out by individuals independently without the involvement of other individuals under employment and (or) civil law contracts.

The attackers who launched the “Petya” virus, which blocked the computers of more than a hundred companies around the world, including Belarusian ones, asked for an unusual ransom for decrypting data - bitcoins. The choice of digital currency is explainable: it is impossible to track where the money went, there is no information about the owner of the wallet, exchanging it for the corresponding real currency, dollars, for example, is not a problem in some countries. However, most states simply have not yet decided how to react to the emergence of such an unsupported means of payment. Meanwhile, it is gaining weight - for one bitcoin they are already giving about 2.5 thousand dollars! The popularity of this and other cryptocurrencies is growing at such a rate that some are predicting complete extinction paper bills and the transition to digital money. Is it possible? What is the status of cryptocurrencies in our country? Can they be exchanged for Belarusian rubles, used to pay for services, or purchase goods in a store?

To mine not gold, but cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency, simply put, is electronic money. What distinguishes them from the usual ones is that they exist only in virtual space - they have no material expression, are not presented in the form of banknotes or coins. Cryptocurrency should not be confused with ordinary money, which is presented in electronic form. In order for the usual rubles or dollars to appear on electronic account, initially they must be deposited into the account in a physical embodiment - through a terminal or bank. That is, for ordinary currency, the virtual form is only one of the forms of existence. While “crypto” is issued only online.

Anyone can engage in the extraction of electronic currency (so-called mining) on ​​the Internet. This requires powerful computer equipment and special software. During the mining process, the computer solves algorithms of varying complexity - for each completed task, it produces a coin (a set of encrypted information). This is the same cryptocurrency. Pure, essentially, mathematical abstraction. But many are willing to pay big money for it.

Today, according to various estimates, there are from 500 to 2 thousand cryptocurrencies in the world. The very first and most popular among them is Bitcoin, which appeared in 2008. Many experts agree that this was the start of the financial revolution. Judge for yourself - the new currency is not tied to any country, no one controls it, it cannot be reprinted or withdrawn, the account cannot be frozen, and the more people use it, the higher its quote. However, this resource is limited - approximately 2/3 of bitcoins have already been mined. At the same time, the rate continues to rise - today they give just under 2.5 thousand dollars for one. The second most popular cryptocurrency is Ethereum, or simply ether. It is valued at $204.

Dollars for coins from the Internet

It is not easy for the average person to understand the whole essence of the development of cryptocurrencies. Essentially, it's money out of thin air. But the fact remains: virtual coins have turned into currency in a few years. In some countries it has already been recognized as a full-fledged means of payment. In particular, Japan, from April 1 of this year, equated bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies to ordinary money; in the USA they are officially recognized as one of the types of payments in e-commerce. The German Ministry of Finance also stated that Bitcoin is a legal and taxable currency in the country. And just a couple of days ago it became known that Russia had launched projects to test the national cryptocurrency.

Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov explained why the country took such a step: “So far, virtual money occupies a very small niche in the market. The same Bitcoin is not widely used; its use is rather exotic. At the same time, cryptocurrency has the potential to gain popularity: it is convenient for use in electronic commerce and significantly increases the speed of transactions.”

Apparently, the hour is not long before we completely switch to electronic money. By the way, how are we doing with them today? It turned out that among Belarusians there are many miners (those who mine cryptocurrency) and those who decided to invest in bitcoins and ethereum. Among the latter is Alexander (name changed at the request of the interlocutor) from the Polotsk region. He became interested in the new generation currency about a year ago:

I admit honestly, for me it was a kind of experiment - I wanted to see whether the system worked or not. In the spring I bought $100 worth of cryptocurrency, and my friend did the same - they opened a shared wallet. In three weeks, due to a jump in rates, this amount increased by one and a half times. Now growth has slowed down, but we have put the money on a long-term deposit and do not plan to withdraw it in the next year or two. If there is a jump of 1000-2000 percent, as was the case with Bitcoin, we will already have a significant amount.

Have you just bought cryptocurrency? Have you tried to get it?

I'm not going to make money from this. Although I know those for whom this has become their main income. Some are engaged in mining - that is, they invest in computer equipment, mine cryptocurrency, and exchange it for real money. And someone buys cryptocurrency and resells it, but at a premium. For our country, for example, the rate is approximately 20 percent higher than for Russia. Therefore, buyers purchase currency on Russian exchanges and then sell them here. This is how they make money.

Not prohibitedbut not allowed either

How legal is such activity? It turns out that there is a legal vacuum in Belarus regarding cryptocurrencies. That is, bitcoins, ethereums and other types of such money are not prohibited. But there is also no official permission to use them.

The National Bank confirmed to SG that there is now legal uncertainty about the status of cryptocurrencies in the country. In accordance with the law, they do not relate to works, services, intellectual property, property rights, electronic money, foreign currency, cash, securities. Therefore, regulation of their turnover is not within the competence of the National Bank, as well as other government bodies of the country.

To eliminate possible contradictions and gaps in the legislation, the National Bank believes, it is necessary to carry out a phased, full regulation of the circulation of cryptocurrencies through the adoption of regulatory legal acts of the appropriate level: “In our opinion, legal relations in this area should be regulated at the level of a legislative act, which should define a new an object civil rights, a separate cryptocurrency regime that takes into account all the legal and technical features of this innovation.”

But so far there is no such legislative act. The Ministry of Taxes and Duties immediately warned that issues of the legality of activities involving transactions with cryptocurrencies are not under their jurisdiction. And then they added: due to the fact that the legal nature of such electronic money is not defined, in each specific case the issue of taxation should be considered taking into account all the circumstances of obtaining income using cryptocurrencies. At the same time, the department recalled that all income received by an individual, both in cash and in kind, is subject to taxation (with the exception, of course, of those that are not considered subject to taxation or are exempt from it). That is, whether you pay tax or not depends on the type and nature of the income, and not on the method of receiving it - in cash or in kind, in cash or non-cash, using Belarusian rubles, foreign currency, electronic money and other payments.

Therefore, when receiving income during a calendar year, a resident of our country is required to submit tax authority at the place of registration of the declaration no later than March 1 of the year following the year of receipt of income. And then, before May 15, pay the amount calculated based on the information provided income tax. The rate is 13 percent.

Many call the boom with cryptocurrencies nothing more than financial pyramid or a soap bubble. They say that as long as some people invest and buy electronic money, the system will exist. The value of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other similar currencies depends entirely on supply and demand. But the same can be said about the more familiar dollars - essentially, ordinary pieces of paper. But there is demand - the exchange rate is rising. Let's take gold - a noble metal. And its value is also determined solely by demand. At one time, even salt was a currency! Again, there was demand, limited supply - and this was the result. We are probably at the turning point of eras, and right before our eyes, paper money is giving way to more modern, electronic ones. It is no coincidence that some countries have already recognized such a currency as official, equating it to dollars, euros, rubles, yen...

At the end of last week, the launch of the first Belarusian cryptocurrency, the thaler, was publicly announced in Minsk. The name of the cryptocurrency was given in honor of monetary unit, which was in circulation on the territory of modern Belarus during the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Thaler is based on blockchain technology and a slightly improved Bitcoin algorithm (SoW), that is, it is a distributed (decentralized) cryptocurrency that does not have a single emission center and centralized management. The viability and integrity of the thaler system, transactions within the system and the issue of new coins are ensured by the computer network of thaler users.

The fact that Thaler was created from the very beginning as a distributed network classifies it as a so-called true cryptocurrency, that is, based on the same principles as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and many others. And in this regard, the Thaler turned out to be the first such cryptocurrency in the post-Soviet space. Although in Russia and other countries former USSR There have already been attempts to issue private cryptocurrencies (the most famous is the Russian BioCoin), but there was an issue of digital tokens (digital coins) from a single center, that is, their creators turned everything on themselves and carried out an ICO (placed tokens), simply calling their brainchild “cryptocurrency” " Thaler does not have a single center, and thus fully complies with the principles of a peer-to-peer monetary network.

It is known that the first transactions on the Thaler network took place on September 13. But for several weeks the network operated in closed mode. Now everyone can download the “wallet” program from it in order to use the thaler themselves, as well as start mining it on their own computers.

The announcement of the emergence of a Belarusian cryptocurrency caused a stir in the Belarusian segment of the Internet and on social networks. According to the authors of the project, they receive many offers by e-mail to “sell thalers.”

“We have to explain that we ourselves do not issue thalers, much less trade them,” explain the creators. “We have no goal at all to make a profit in this project.”

Excursion into history

In the past, a thaler was a large silver coin, minted by various European monarchs from the late Middle Ages through the Renaissance. Thalers were very common in the Old World, and even the word “dollar” came from the word “thaler.”

In Russia, the thaler was well known under the name “efimok”.

  • “Efimok with a sign” (overmarks of 1655 on the Brabant thaler of 1637)
  • Wikimedia

Efimki, for example, are mentioned in Alexei Tolstoy’s novel “Peter I”.

In Poland, the first thaler was issued by King Sigismund I the Old in 1533 in Toruń; in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania - Sigismund II Augustus in 1547. Thalers were also minted in Tykocin and Vilna. Regular minting of thalers in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (which included Belarusian lands) was started by Stefan Batory (1576-1586). The weight of the coin was 28.5 g, the silver content was 24.3 g. The Grand Duchy of Lithuania minted a thaler - half a kopeck. The last thaler was minted in 1794 in Belarus, at the Grodno mint.

The talers of the last Polish king, Stanisław August Poniatowski (1764-1795), after the monetary reform of 1766, had the designation X EX MARCA PURA COLONIEN on the reverse, half talers, respectively, XX EX MARCA. Thus, the weight of the thaler was reduced compared to previous issues to 1/10 of the Cologne mark (28.07 g with a silver content of 23.38 g; 833rd hallmark). Thaler was equal to 8 zlotys, and was also equal to 240 copper groschen.

The last time the thaler was issued by the Grand Duchy of Warsaw was in 1814. It was minted weighing 23.9 g from 720 silver. The obverse depicted a portrait of King Frederick Augustus I of Saxony, appointed Grand Duke of Warsaw by Napoleon, and the denomination TALAR was minted on the reverse. The Grand Duchy of Warsaw also minted coins of 1/3 thaler and 1/6 thaler.

In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, the word “thaler” became very popular among the nationally oriented Belarusian intelligentsia. It symbolized some ideal, “classically Belarusian” money. Many opposition activists have repeatedly proposed issuing a new Belarusian currency called “thaler”; sketches of it were even drawn.

Now the Thaler is experiencing a rebirth in the form of the first Belarusian cryptocurrency.

IT strategy of Belarus

The creators of the thaler say that their brainchild is not intended to compete with the Belarusian ruble as legal tender on the territory of the republic. From their point of view, the task of the thaler is to help eliminate the shortcomings of the existing monetary system, help attract investment into the Belarusian economy and help the development of small and medium-sized businesses.

The project was approved at the launch stage by the “father of the Belarusian banking system,” the first head of the National Bank of Independent Belarus, Stanislav Bogdankevich. In his opinion, “the denationalization of money, the decentralization of its issue based on the latest breakthrough electronic technologies will be implemented over time with benefit for increasing the efficiency of the economy, although not in the near future.”

However, economists see the future of the thaler as far from rosy, and its prospects for becoming a competitive cryptocurrency are more than vague.

“Thaler will have to do the impossible to become in demand. Firstly, to prove its advantages over all other cryptocurrencies - and whether they even exist, these advantages,” Belarusian economist Andrei Aksyonov noted in a conversation with RT. — Secondly, to overcome the traditional and very strong conservatism of Belarusians. Try to explain to a simple collective farmer from the outback what cryptocurrency is, he will decide that you are swearing at him! And thirdly, make sure that the republic’s monetary authorities come to terms with the thaler. And they don’t need competitors to the Belarusian ruble.”

The creators of the thaler still remain anonymous. It is known that this is a group of Belarusian economists, IT specialists and journalists.

They planned to talk about themselves at a press conference on Monday, October 9. But at the last moment the press conference was postponed.

A presidential decree is currently being prepared in Belarus, the task of which is to provide maximum opportunities for the development of IT business, turn Belarus into a “center of gravity” for the world’s major IT companies, and at the same time stimulate the growth of their own.

This spring, speaking to the people and parliament, Alexander Lukashenko announced the need to turn Belarus into an “IT country.”

And this transformation should not happen out of nowhere: the High Technology Park (HTP) has been operating in Belarus for more than 10 years - a technology park where the most preferential terms for the work of IT companies, and which as a result brings economic returns that are colossal by the country’s standards.

  • Hi-Tech Park in Minsk
  • RIA News

Now, as the creators of the thaler write in their comments, they have become aware that the authors of the presidential decree paid great attention to blockchain technology, extremely liberalizing developments based on it. And the press conference was postponed until the decree was signed in order to “combine our development with the new reality.”

At the same time, the Thaler system continues to operate, and more and more new users are connecting to the network. But the authors of the project have already stated that they are ready to cooperate with everything National Bank Republic of Belarus, which in recent months has been taking measures to implement blockchain technology in banking system countries.

  • National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, Minsk
  • Reuters

But while cryptocurrencies are not allowed or prohibited in Belarus, they do not have any legal status and are outside the legal field. That, however, does not prevent many people from using them.

Private money

The main idea of ​​the creators of the thaler, as they themselves designated it, was to “untie” money from the state. According to the authors of the project, the implementation of the thaler in the Belarusian economy and its widespread distribution will lead to stabilization of the financial system, reduction of inflation, elimination of the problem of mass non-payments and cheaper loans, easier (and cheaper) money circulation generally.

From the point of view of monetary theory, the thaler is based on the ideas of economists such as Friedrich August von Hayek and others who created the theory of “private money”. The idea of ​​the possibility of denationalizing money and eliminating the state from issuing and controlling the banking industry, first expressed by von Hayek in the book “Private Money” in 1975, eventually formed the basis of first Bitcoin, and then other cryptocurrencies.

Due to the blockchain technology underlying the thaler system, decentralization of emission is provided. Simply put, the emission is limited by a complex mathematical formula, and the issuers at first are the users of the created new cryptocurrency themselves. It turns out a semantic paradox: the thaler is private money, since it does not belong to the state represented by central bank, which organizes and regulates the issue, but at the same time it is public money, since it is issued by the users of this money themselves, and not by the initiators of the project.

One of the advantages of such a scheme is the impossibility of inflation. In the case of the thaler, there is no conditional government that could print and throw into the economy an arbitrary amount of unbacked money. In addition, the total issue of coins will be limited: the maximum quantity is 23,333,333 thalers.

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Most popular course Bitcoin cryptocurrency$20,000 mark. In total, in 2017 it grew 25 times - at the beginning of January, one bitcoin cost about $800. Anton Yarosh, REVERA lawyer, explained how residents of Belarus can buy cryptocurrencies, and also explained the difficulties and risks of each method.

The photo is for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Olga Shukaylo, TUT.BY

Why can't you just buy or sell Bitcoin or Ether? What's the difficulty?

— There are two autonomous worlds, each of which lives by its own laws: the crypto world and the world of fiat (real) money. As long as they do not contact each other, there are likely to be no problems. You can make payments in cryptocurrency, store and accumulate it in wallets, and invest it anywhere. Although the cryptosphere is not fully regulated, as long as transactions take place only within it, this is not in direct conflict with the rules of law in most jurisdictions, says Anton Yarosh. — The fiat world has its own rules - you must explain to the bank or tax office where you received the cryptocurrency, where and why you are transferring it. And the main difficulties begin at the moment of the “junction” of these two worlds.

To solve the problem, states are extending the rules of the fiat world to the crypto world. For example, crypto exchanges are required to comply with KYC (Know Your Customer) and AML (Anti Money Laundering) procedures. Before the crypto boom, these procedures were applied on a large scale to transactions with real money: before providing a service, large banks and payment systems require identification from clients (they ask for passports, questionnaires, constituent documents and sometimes even tax returns). At the same time, there is a technical difficulty - the crypto world is simply not suitable for such checks.

So far, the issue is being resolved differently in different jurisdictions: some exchanges receive licenses for payment systems from the fiat sector, while in others the regulator legalizes crypto-exchange activities. There are various projects - wallets or programs that are trying to close this “junction” - for example, the Belarusian ICO project CopPay plans to install cryptocurrency payment terminals around the world. On December 17, the European Parliament decided to ban all anonymous transactions; within 18 months, this decision must be translated into law in EU member states.

Main risks when buying cryptocurrency

Since crypto activities are largely not regulated by law, there are two main groups of risks: legal and economic. The former are associated with fraud and the likelihood of being involved in money laundering. The second is due to the fact that cryptocurrencies are highly susceptible to price fluctuations.

“It is clear that world practice and regulation regarding cryptocurrencies are constantly changing, no established practice has yet developed in Belarus and perhaps tomorrow it will be different, but for now this is the case,” says the specialist.

How can you buy cryptocurrency

There are four main methods that may be suitable for Belarusian residents.

  1. Through a crypto exchange (for example, Yobit);
  2. Buying cryptocurrency “from hand”;
  3. Through electronic money permitted in Belarus;
  4. Buying futures on cryptocurrencies.

All of them also work for the reverse operation - selling cryptocurrency.

Purchasing through a crypto exchange (using the example of Yobit)

One of the most common and simple ways for those who want to purchase cryptocurrency through a bank card. To do this you need to follow several steps:

  1. Create an account in a payment service (for example, Payeer). Be prepared that you will be asked for documents for identification: a photo of your driver’s license, bank card, receipt for payment of housing and communal services, etc. After you attach everything necessary documents, the account is verified within 24 hours.
  2. Top up your account by bank card.

3. Create an account on a crypto exchange (Yobit was chosen for example) and link an account in the payment service to it. Money from the payment service is automatically transferred to the crypto exchange.

4. Buy cryptocurrency. We bought Ethereum because it was cheaper - in July, 1 ETH could be bought for $200 (now 1 ETH costs more than $700).

Legal risks

— There are no direct risks in this case. At the second step (when you top up Payeer with a bank card), you purchase electronic money, and here someone may see a risk: according to the law, “foreign” electronic money can circulate on the territory of Belarus only if it is “guaranteed” by a Belarusian bank. It is not a fact that electronic money on Payeer will be guaranteed. But even if so, there is no liability for individuals for using foreign electronic money, notes Anton Yarosh. — Regarding the legislation on currency regulation, it does not follow from formal legislation that in order to carry out the transactions described above for the acquisition of cryptocurrencies for individuals, it is necessary to obtain permission from the National Bank to carry them out.

Buying cryptocurrency directly

With this method, the buyer meets the seller live or on a special platform, for example, Here the buyer selects a seller based on rating, territorial principle (in his country, city) and agrees on the price and method of payment. Although this service does not guarantee anything, it does offer its own anti-fraud mechanism - escrow. This is an intermediary service that temporarily stores cryptocurrency until the transaction is completed.

Legal risks

— As for live meetings, it’s largely a “pig in a poke.” Firstly, the seller may turn out to be a fraudster: recently there was media coverage of one such meeting in the center of Brest, where the seller received money and ran away without completing the transaction; a similar story happened in Russia - there the buyer lost 20 million Russian rubles, notes Anton Yarosh. — The cryptocurrency rate for such a purchase will almost certainly be higher than the market one. Among other things, this method also has legal risks. It is difficult to predict and almost impossible to verify how legally a counterparty is trading bitcoins.

According to the specialist, in the cryptocurrency exchange activities one can see signs of foreign exchange operations, which is the exclusive prerogative of companies with banking licenses. “Without such a license—and it is quite difficult to obtain—a cryptocurrency seller is recognized as an illegal entrepreneur. The punishment for such an offense is the confiscation of income in favor of the state, says Anton Yarosh. — These risks concern cryptocurrency sellers specifically. They touch buyers rather tangentially - if the state has questions for the sellers, then questions will probably arise for the buyer as a person involved.

Purchasing cryptocurrency through electronic money allowed in Belarus

Webmoney has been working with Bitcoin for quite a long time (for now only with it) through its own internal currency WMX (this is the equivalent of bitcoins, 1 WMX = 0.001BTC). According to Belarusian legislation, electronic money must be guaranteed by a Belarusian bank, and for Webmoney currency this bank is Technobank.

Accordingly, to buy cryptocurrency, you need:

— register in Webmoney system in Belarus;

- open online wallet in Belarusian rubles;

— buy WMB — this is the equivalent of Belarusian rubles;

— change WMB to WMX (equivalent to bitcoins);

— convert them into bitcoins on a bitcoin wallet.

There are quite a lot of intermediary operations in this method. Therefore, it cannot be called the most convenient and obvious, but without a doubt, it is the safest for Belarus. It is interesting that Webmoney secures the legal status of cryptocurrencies - the system stores bitcoins as property rights in connection with your WMX electronic money. This is stated in the WebMoney public agreement as follows:

INDX Transactions Ltd., hereinafter referred to as the “Custodian”, on the one hand, and any person who has accepted (accepted) this agreement, hereinafter referred to as the “Owner”, on the other hand, collectively referred to as the “Parties”, have entered into this agreement for the storage of property rights to publication of records in the global public database of the network.

“Although the term “property rights,” in our opinion, does not fully reflect the legal nature of cryptocurrencies, it additionally guarantees the owner’s right to claim real property (for example, fiat, that is, “real” money) in the event of an exchange,” the expert notes .

Buying Bitcoin futures

This method of buying bitcoins is only a week old - the Chicago Options Exchange launched it on the night of December 11, and on the night of December 18, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange began trading futures. This method is not the most convenient or widespread, it is not really about buying bitcoins and is not very applicable to Belarusian realities. But it shows well what trend is now emerging in the area of ​​​​the relationship between investment banks, exchanges and the crypto community: Bitcoin (again, only it for now) is beginning to be publicly recognized by institutions financial sector USA.

Classic futures contracts are usually used when trading timber, gold and other commodities. Having concluded it, the buyer undertakes to buy and the seller to sell the goods within a certain time for the amount specified in the contract. For example, buy 5 tons of wood for ***** $ on December 31, 2018. It is clear that during this time wood can either rise or fall in price - and here the futures contract will play into the hands of one of the parties.

Considering how much the Bitcoin rate has grown in 2017, one can imagine how a buyer of such a contract would have won if he had concluded it at the beginning of the year.

Bitcoin futures can be concluded on the exchange through brokers. This method indicates the interest of large traditional financial institutions in Bitcoin. Since they are much more concerned about compliance with the law and deal in larger amounts, Bitcoin futures contracts on traditional exchanges practically make Bitcoin "legal" in legal and financial terms. This is a big step towards global exchanges starting to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies like any other asset, along with agricultural products, energy, etc.

See the rates of popular cryptocurrencies to the Belarusian ruble in