Loans for individual entrepreneurs to start a business. How to get a loan to start a business. Types of loan programs and key features

If we talk about individual entrepreneurs, businessmen often take out a regular consumer loan for an individual and use it for business purposes. In this case, the advantages are obvious: you will be able to receive money quickly and without collateral; you will not need to collect an impressive package of documents to the bank and wait for the bank’s specialists to analyze them and then make a decision on issuing a loan.

For newcomers to business who have not worked for even 3 months, this may be the only way to receive money for the development of the company. Banks, unfortunately, refuse to lend to startups. But you shouldn’t count on large sums; by taking out a consumer loan for an individual without collateral, you can get no more than 500-700 thousand rubles.

Loan from a microfinance organization

Surely you have heard about companies that offer loans quickly, “before payday” individuals. Some of them provide services to small and medium-sized businesses, so a small amount and short term you can borrow from them.

In addition to private microfinance organizations, there are government ones that provide loans for businesses from the state budget. These are various funds for the support and development of small businesses, small business lending funds, microfinance centers.

You can receive no more than 1 million rubles from a microfinance organization and, as a rule, the loan is issued for a period of no more than a year. The interest rate is different and an individual approach is applied to each. The interest rate of state-owned microfinance organizations is the most attractive: it is significantly lower than that of private ones, but you will have to make more efforts to obtain a loan. Commercial microfinance organizations request a minimum of information, but the overpayment on the loan is significant. The package of documents required to obtain a loan should be clarified with the specific microfinance organization.

Before choosing an organization from which you will take a loan, make sure that it is included in the state register and has the right to carry out microfinance activities.

It is convenient to use the services of microfinance organizations if you urgently need cash for a short period of time and there is no time to wait until the bank approves the loan. But when a business needs more significant amount to implement any project, purchase expensive equipment or your own office, then you should consider lending programs for small and medium-sized businesses from banks.

Loan for business development from a bank

Now almost everything large banks offer small and medium-sized businesses loans for preferential terms. The loan amount can be from several hundred thousand rubles to tens of millions, and the main advantage is a low interest rate from 14 to 27% depending on the bank. But taking out a loan to develop a business is not so easy.

Firstly, large sums are provided only to firms that have worked in the market for at least six months and are dealing with profit. In addition, banks are actively studying credit history, so it must be perfect.

Secondly, to obtain a loan for business development, you will definitely need property as collateral or a guarantor, and sometimes banks require that both of these conditions be met simultaneously. Various property can be used as collateral depending on the purpose of the loan: real estate, car, goods, equipment, personal property of the entrepreneur. The guarantors are the business owners, and for individual entrepreneurs the guarantee of a spouse or a third party is required. If your collateral is not enough to secure the loan, then the guarantee fund can also act as a guarantor. More on this a little later.

Third, be prepared to provide the bank with all the necessary documents. The specific list needs to be clarified in each bank, it roughly looks like this:

  • statement;
  • constituent documents;
  • tax return;
  • accounting reports or KUDiR;
  • a clearly developed business plan for the enterprise.

Then you will need to wait some time while the bank analyzes your documents and decides whether to grant a loan. The application review period can take from 3 to 14 days.

Obtaining a loan through guarantee funds

If the bank denies you a loan due to insufficient collateral loan agreement, i.e. your property is not enough for collateral, then the guarantee fund can act as a guarantor. Guarantee funds can also be funds for supporting small and medium-sized businesses and entrepreneurship development centers in the regions.

Of course, funds provide guarantees for a fee. On average, the fund's remuneration is up to 2.5% per annum of the guarantee amount. You will have to pay this amount to the fund immediately upon concluding the contract.

To obtain a loan, you can either contact the guarantee fund directly, or get a loan through a bank that cooperates with the fund under a guarantee program. The procedure for reviewing the application and the package of required documents is similar, only the loan agreement will be tripartite: with you, the bank and the guarantee fund.

Credit in the simplified tax system

Finally, let’s look at accounting for borrowed funds in the simplified tax system. Money received under a loan agreement is not subject to the simplified tax system, since it is not recognized as your income (Article 346.15, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, Article 251 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If you apply the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses”, then you have the right to take into account interest on the loan in expenses (clause 9, clause 1, article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The repayment amounts of the loan itself (the body of the debt) are not taken into account. According to the law, interest can be written off as expenses provided that its amount does not differ by more than 20% from the average level for similar loans. Otherwise, you will be able to write off as expenses only interest calculated at the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, increased by 1.8 times. At the moment, it is 14.85%. Interest is included in expenses of the simplified tax system on the date of their actual payment.

And although the economy is going through hard times, banks are still quite willing provide loans to small businesses. The main task of an entrepreneur is to get Better conditions on a loan. Here are 7 steps that an individual entrepreneur or legal entity needs to take to get a loan to develop their business.

Step 1

Decide what needs to take out a loan for

An individual entrepreneur or legal entity can take out a loan without collateral and for any purpose from almost any bank. Only the rates will be high, and the conditions for obtaining a loan will be quite strict. Therefore, when planning to take out a loan for business development, an entrepreneur must decide in advance for what purposes he will spend the money received. By indicating why you need the money, you can choose a loan with a lower rate.

It is believed that there are good and bad reasons for taking out a loan.

Good reasons include: acquisition and modernization of equipment, construction or purchase of real estate, a car. The bank can set a condition that up to 70% of the loan goes specifically to such capital investments into fixed assets. You can use property or goods purchased as collateral, as well as those purchased on credit funds raw materials and semi-finished products for production. In these cases, the rate may be lower than that of a loan for unspecified purposes.

Bad reasons - repayment of other loans, current losses or acquisition of non-core assets. In these cases, borrowers are subject to more stringent conditions for obtaining a loan.

Step 2

Decide how much money to get on credit

An individual entrepreneur or legal entity can take out a loan and by 150 thousand rubles, and by 200 million rubles, depending on the goal. So that the representatives small business no problems getting a loan, you need to immediately decide how much to ask. It is believed that many entrepreneurs they ask for less than they actually need. Underestimating the required amount can lead to problems due to a lack of working capital before the money borrowed begins to pay off.

At the same time, there is no need to act on the principle “Ask for more - they will give less.” If entrepreneur will try take out a bank loan for too large an amount, this may raise questions about the reliability of the individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Planning get a loan for business development, you need to weigh everything, evaluate the budget, supporting your loan application with a financial forecast (profit/loss balance sheet, cash flows). This will allow the entrepreneur to better calculate his actions in the future, and perhaps show the lender that Individual entrepreneur or LLC plans his business carefully.

Step 3

Check whether the individual entrepreneur or LLC meets the requirements that the bank imposes on the borrower

Giving out business development loan, especially without collateral, banks, as a rule, present special requirements to borrowers. Therefore, it is important for an entrepreneur to know what lenders want and what it takes to meet those expectations.

Age.One of the conditions for issuing a loan may be the age of the borrower. For example, from 23 to 60 years old.

Time in business.Some lenders give money and provide better lending conditions to businessmen who have been in business for a certain period of time. It may differ for different types of activities. For example, for retail– more than 6 months, for wholesale – no less than 18 months, and for manufacturing companies – the minimum period in business can be 2 years.

Credit history. A good credit history will show the lender that the entrepreneur is a reliable borrower, which will undoubtedly increase the chances of receiving a loan on favorable terms.

Cash flow report. The main thing you need to know if you want to get a loan for business development is that the bank may, and most likely will, require you to provide financial statements about the movement of funds. This could be a tax return, income and expense books, bank statements on total monthly turnover, etc. These documents show the entrepreneur’s ability to successfully repay the loan. It is on their basis that, most likely, a decision will be made to issue a loan for business development.

Step 4

Find a lender

Having understood why and how much money is needed, it’s time for the entrepreneur to choose a lender. These can be banks, other credit organizations, or even private investors who are ready to provide loan for business development with interest.

Commercial banks : This the best option for traditional loans with standard lending terms.

Non-bank credit organizations : these are credit organizations that have the right to carry out certain Bank operations, which are established by the Central Bank.

Other creditors: Small local banks and other lenders who are interested in economic development specific area or industry.

Private investors : An individual entrepreneur or LLC with a bad credit history can try to take out a private loan against a receipt. This method of receiving money is becoming increasingly popular both among investors who earn money on interest and among entrepreneurs who urgently need money.

Step 5

Select a loan program and contact a credit institution

Before contacting a bank, it is important to study the loan offers of various organizations. Calculation of acceptable loan servicing costs based on the amount and repayment period. Important parameters are such as the interest rate and method of calculating interest, the presence and amount of additional commissions, fines and other payments, the possibility and procedure early repayment, as well as loan deferment.

Some banks offer individual entrepreneurs or legal entities to apply for a loan online. On the websites of many credit institutions there are online calculators, which will help you choose the optimal rate and loan term.

A bank specialist will schedule a meeting, review the list of documents required to obtain a loan, and answer your questions.

Step 6

Prepare a package of documents for a loan application

In every bank package of documents for obtaining a loan for individual entrepreneurs and small businesses different, it can also change with different types of lending. But, as a rule, such a package includes:

Loan application and guarantor questionnaire according to the bank form;

Constituent and registration documents of a legal entity/individual entrepreneur

Financial statements

Documents on economic activities


Full list necessary documents the entrepreneur will be provided with credit organization, which an individual entrepreneur or LLC will choose to receive a loan.

Step 7

Sign the contract and wait to receive the money

Expect loan approval for individual entrepreneurs or small businesses As a rule, it takes 3-5 days from the moment the full package of documents is provided.

Before signing the agreement, check whether all its terms correspond to those that you previously agreed with the bank. Carefully read the text marked with an asterisk or small print: the bank may include in the agreement its right to change the interest rate, terms and other conditions.

The bank can transfer funds to the current account legal entity or individual entrepreneur, as well as to the deposit account of an individual - the owner of the business.

These are typical

The Business Start loan product allows you to receive funds to open a business under a franchising program or according to a standard business plan developed by Sberbank.

The credit institution has entered into agreements with companies that are ready to provide a franchise to a beginning entrepreneur. For example, the partners of the program are the chain of Italian restaurants “Sbarro”, “Stardogs”, fast food restaurants Subway, stores “Expedition”, manicure studios of Lena Lenina, toy store “BegemotiK”, network of early development clubs “Baby Club”, clothing stores Baon and Newform, Chistoff laundries, etc.

The scheme for obtaining a loan is as follows. A potential borrower contacts the bank and chooses a franchise. Studying the multimedia course “Business Fundamentals”. Applies to the franchisor for consent to interact. If the company is ready to cooperate, the borrower fills out an application for a loan and provides a package of documents to the bank. The application review period is three days.

To organize your own business or expand an existing one you need financial investments. What to do if own funds lacks? For most entrepreneurs, the answer is obvious - go to the bank and get a loan for business development under certain conditions. Is it so easy for a borrower to take out a loan, is there a real alternative to bank loans, and what conditions must be met in order for the money to be received? More on this below.

Small business lending

Representatives of small businesses include small enterprises without the formation of a legal entity, the total income of which, together with assets, for the past year does not exceed 400 million rubles, and the number of workers does not exceed 100 people. Individual entrepreneurs– another layer representing small business. To start their own business or its sustainable development, they do not always have enough working capital, so they have to find sources of financing.

If only a dozen years ago the unstable situation in the economy allowed only a few to obtain much-needed funds, since investors were in no hurry to invest in small projects. Today, the picture has changed, and small businesses can count not only on private investors and foreign funds, but also confidently turn to domestic banks and even the state.

Bank loans to small businesses

It cannot be stated categorically that anyone can come to a banking institution and take out a loan for business development. The first thing you need to do before applying for a loan is to draw up a competent business plan, based on the calculations of which bankers will make a decision on issuing funds. Moreover, the answer will not always be positive; you may receive a refusal or the amount issued will be less than stated.

The lender will not take risks by investing money in a deliberately losing idea, since the main thing for him is the return of the invested funds, and even in an increased form. For the same reason, banks rarely offer investment loans, the essence of which is to invest money in business development. It's easier for them to borrow funds and get a margin on it.

State small business lending program

If things don’t work out with a financial institution, you have the opportunity to turn to the state and ask for money for your own business. True, you will have to come to terms with the fact that the amount issued will be small - depending on the region, it can range from 50 thousand to 1 million rubles. The rate on such microfinance loans is 10–12%, although they are issued for a shorter period, which, as a rule, does not exceed one year. The entrepreneur will have to provide a guarantee or pledge of property, the sale of which will help cover the debt.

How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch

According to available statistics, about 80% of small businesses cease to exist in the first year of their operation. It cannot be said that they all go bankrupt, because some of them are part of larger industries, joint-stock companies, and some themselves become medium-sized and then large businesses. In addition, many individual entrepreneurs use the so-called “gray scheme” for generating income, so banking institutions cannot see real income enterprises, which could significantly increase the chances of receiving a loan.

It is not difficult to get a loan to develop your own business from a bank, however, for a positive answer, you will need to fulfill a number of conditions, since it is very important for a financial institution to obtain a guarantee of repayment of the borrowed funds. Don’t forget about the opportunity to start your own business through a franchising scheme. In this case, it will be easier to get a loan to purchase a franchise.

Requirements for the borrower

The borrower must meet a number of requirements. Since the business is only planned to be developed, it will not be possible to provide any evidence of its competitiveness and profitability. For this reason, the bank will check the future small business entity as an individual in order to understand how responsibly the person treats their obligations. Bankers will check the borrower’s credit history and send requests to the Insurance Fund and the Pension Fund. If a person was previously an employee, they can make a request to the company where he worked.

Business requirements

Banks do not impose any requirements for the new project as such. They are directly interested in the business plan, so its development must be taken extremely seriously. If you don’t have the skills, it is recommended to hire specially trained people or a company that will draw up a document, taking into account all the client’s wishes. An entrepreneur can easily find and buy a ready-made version of the plan, which spells out all the features of doing business in a particular region. If you plan to carry out licensed activities, for example, selling alcohol, you must present a license.

How to get a business development loan for an individual entrepreneur

For businessmen who want to get money to expand their own business, it is somewhat easier. This is due to the fact that they can document the presence of profit and even provide collateral in the form of their own property. For the bank this is one of the main components, and for the businessman it will bring additional bonuses in favor of a positive outcome of the situation. However, this result is only possible if the client is trustworthy and complies with all the conditions for conducting the business:

  • pays wages;
  • provides contributions to the Federal Tax Service (use the service for generating reports to the Federal Tax Service online);
  • pays all taxes and fees on time; has a profit, etc.

Check out the service for.

For what purposes can you take out a loan for small business development?

As already reported above, the bank is not so important what the borrower is going to do. What is more important to him is whether he will make a profit to cover the debt. If the business is firmly on its feet and the entrepreneur has plans to expand it, you can apply for finance to purchase equipment, Vehicle, equipment and even real estate (factoring, leasing, commercial mortgage, etc.). If you need to increase the amount of working capital, then you can also safely apply for a working loan for the development of a small business or take out an overdraft.


In the practice of Russian banks, there are loans that give an entrepreneur the opportunity to receive funds without providing collateral. However, it is worth saying that loans of this kind are issued extremely rarely, since for banking institution a certain guarantee is needed. For this reason, to minimize your own risks, the interest rate on unsecured loans for business development is higher than standard offers.


Providing collateral increases the entrepreneur's chances of receiving a loan. The collateral may be movable and real estate, guarantee of individuals or legal entities, presence of a deposit in this bank, etc. In this case, bankers are more willing to make a deal with an entrepreneur, since the sale of collateral in case of non-repayment of the debt will be able to cover the resulting debt.

Which banks give loans to small businesses?

A loan for business development can be obtained from many banks in Russia. Major players make proposals banking market(Unicreditbank, Raiffeisenbank, etc.), as well as its smaller representatives (OTP-Bank, Rosenergobank, etc.). The table shows the five largest players:

Banking product

Amount, rubles

Duration, months

Interest rate



Express overdraft


Secured by the purchase of commercial real estate


Secured by purchased machinery and/or equipment

up to 85% of the cost of purchased machinery/equipment


State support for small and medium-sized businesses




Revolving loan

Investment loan

Alfa Bank

For any business purpose without collateral


Cars and special equipment for leasing


Moscow credit bank

For small and medium-sized businesses with bail


For small and medium-sized under guarantee


How to get a loan for a small business from a bank

Before going to the bank with a request for a loan for the development of a small business, you should carefully study all available offers and get advice from colleagues who have already taken out a loan for business development. In some cases, when it is not possible to provide collateral or guarantee, it may be more profitable to take a consumer loan in cash and use this money for your own business, because interest rates for such loans can be significantly lower.

What documents are required for registration?

If a bank is selected, you need to collect a certain package of documents. Depending on the institution and the purpose of the business development loan, it can vary significantly. Bankers will definitely require a citizen’s passport and papers confirming the registration of the case. You will have to fill out an application form with all the necessary information. In addition, you will have to attach a business plan, a tax return, and indicate a current account, if you have one. It is possible that other documentation will have to be submitted at the review stage.

State lending to small businesses

Recently, the state has shown interest in small business representatives. Both in the capital and in the regions, you can become a participant in special programs through which you can receive start-up capital to develop your own business. For 2019, a program was adopted to expand state participation in promoting the development of entrepreneurship, reducing interest on loans depending on the level of inflation and the refinancing rate ( key rate) Central Bank.


In the West, the process of microcrediting small businesses has been universally introduced by the state through financial structures. In Russia, this practice is very poorly developed, or rather, it is in its infancy. The advantage of a microloan compared to a bank loan is a lower interest rate and small requirements for the borrower. Funds are issued up to 3 million for a period of one to 5 years.

The state program applies to small businesses that were unable to borrow money. A distinctive feature of the loan is that the money is issued strictly for a specific project, which is closely monitored by the state. It will not be possible to take out a loan for the development of a small business and spend it in another direction - an inspection by the competent authorities can take place at any time.

Guarantee for a loan from an accredited bank

If a small business representative does not have the opportunity to secure collateral, he can take advantage of a unique opportunity state aid and issue a state guarantee from the Entrepreneurship Support Fund. Its essence is that the bank issues a loan to an entrepreneur for business development under guarantees provided by the state. This service is not free, so the borrower will have to pay a certain percentage of the loaned amount.

This opportunity can only be taken advantage of by those entrepreneurs who are confident on their feet and have profit from running their own business. State guarantee is a popular and accessible service, therefore, it is chosen even by those entrepreneurs who have something to offer as collateral, since the service is financially beneficial, because the borrower does not need to arrange collateral and insurance of the pledged property at his own expense.

Receiving a subsidy for business development

Entrepreneurs belonging to the category of business people whose businesses are successful and generate income have the right to know that they can count on receiving free assistance from the state for the development of their business. Regional entrepreneurship funds are responsible for issuing subsidies, so the specific volume of injections is determined in each region separately depending on the available budget. Maximum amount limited to 10 million rubles. It can be spent at the discretion of the business owner: renting production premises, creating new jobs, etc.

Concessional lending to small businesses

Beginning entrepreneurs who have no debt to the state, are not on the verge of bankruptcy, make payments on time under existing contracts and repay interest according to the schedule, have the right to count on a lower annual interest rate or an extended period of using the loan under the preferential lending program. Obtaining a loan for business development is carried out through SMEs in branches of partner banks, among which are:

  • Revival;
  • GenBank;
  • Interkommertsbank;
  • Loko-Bank;
  • Promsvyazbank;
  • Universal Credit;
  • Uralsib.

For successful accounting of individual entrepreneurs, use.


How to get a loan to start a small business from scratch? Where can I get a soft loan to open a small business? What are the conditions for a loan to open a small business?

The most common question that new entrepreneurs ask themselves is: where to get start-up capital to open a business? If you can’t borrow money from your parents, friends, or get a loan from the government, there is only one option left – a bank. There is always money there and in any quantity.

Denis Kuderin is with you, a finance expert at HeatherBober magazine. I will tell, how to take out a loan to open a small business, what requirements do banks impose on beginning businessmen, and do they exist in nature? preferential loans for newly formed individual entrepreneurs and LLCs.

Read the article to the end - at the end you will find a review of banks with the most favorable conditions lending and tips on how to increase the chances of a positive response from a financial company.

1. Loan for starting a small business - assistance to a beginning entrepreneur

Small business (SB) is a commercial enterprise whose number of employees does not exceed 100 people and whose annual revenue does not exceed 400 million rubles . Provided for small businesses special taxation regime and simplified accounting procedures.

Lack of start-up capital – the main stumbling block for novice businessmen. A lack of assets slows down the development of one’s own business, prevents the implementation of potentially profitable commercial ideas and interferes with self-realization.

Psychologically, people who are at the initial stage of opening their own business ready to risk borrowed funds for a successful start. They have a thoughtful plan and development strategy.

All that remains is to present your ideas to creditors and make them believe in the commercial potential of the future business.

But remember that only about 10% of small businesses break even or at least do not go bankrupt in the first 1-2 years after opening.

For this reason, banks are not eager to give out money to everyone. They have no interest in financing projects with an uncertain future. Therefore they you need a clear business plan, a guarantee or a franchise. And even better - liquid collateral.

Condition 2. Availability of security and guarantor

Mortgaged property - reliable money back guarantee. Secured loans are beneficial both to banks and, partly, to the borrowers themselves. The interest rate on such loans is lower, the terms are longer, and the documentation requirements are more flexible.

The following is taken as collateral:

  • liquid real estate - apartments, houses, land plots;
  • transport;
  • equipment;
  • securities;
  • other liquid assets.

It’s even better if, in addition to collateral, you have guarantors - physical or legal entities. Have the right to become a guarantor city ​​or regional Entrepreneurship Centers, Business incubators and other structures that help aspiring businessmen.

Condition 3. Clean credit history

Banks check the credit history of all borrowers without exception.

  • successfully closed loans;
  • there are no sanctions for past delays;
  • There are no existing loans.

If you want to fix your credit history, it will take time. The most effective way is to take out several consecutive loans from microfinance organizations and close them on the company’s terms.

Condition 4. Complete package of documents

The more documents you provide to the bank, the greater the chances of a positive response. Make sure all documents are current and properly completed.

A definite plus - Availability of ready-made licenses and other permits for the type of activity you are going to engage in.

Let's take a break and watch a short video on the topic.

3. How to get a loan to open a small business from scratch - 5 simple steps for the borrower

First, decide on the amount you need. There is no need to take more than required, but lack of funds is also undesirable. Ideally needed professional financial analyst to calculate all costs.

Immediately think about whether you can provide the bank with collateral, if required, and find guarantors.

Open checking account– no businessman can do without it.

The most convenient and fastest way to open accounts is in the following banks:

Step 1. Select a bank and lending program

Banks offer dozens of types of lending programs for beginning businessmen. Your goal is to choose the one that best suits your needs.

First, you should take an interest in the offers of the bank whose services you use. Salary clients and to those who have it in the bank deposit or current account, banks offer more favorable conditions.

It is more reliable to cooperate with well-known financial market players who have many branches in different cities of the Russian Federation.

Other important criteria:

  • independent bank rating– in Russia the most authoritative rating companies are RA “Expert” and “National Rating Agency”;
  • experience– you should not trust institutions that opened less than 5 years ago;
  • financial indicators– if banks have nothing to hide, they publish financial reports on your website;
  • reviews from other businessmen who have already used the company’s services;
  • Availability of preferential loans with state support– in case you manage to use such programs.

And another tip - read the latest news about the bank. Suddenly he changes owner or transfers its assets to another bank. You don’t need any extra hassle with details.

In the Russian Federation, several dozen banks a year lose their licenses. Cooperate only with those companies whose position is stable and strong.

Step 2. Prepare documents

I already spoke about the package of documents above - the more complete it is, the better.

You will need:

  • passport;
  • the second document – ​​preferably TIN;
  • certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC;
  • fresh extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • certificate of registration with the Tax Service;
  • licenses and permits (if any);
  • documents for collateral (if you are applying for a secured loan);
  • business plan;
  • income certificate (if any).

The bank has the right to require other documents - for example, list of purchased property for business activities, office lease agreement, etc.

Step 3. Submit an application

All modern banks accept applications online. Fill out the form, submit and wait for a decision. Please indicate the most detailed and reliable data– the bank will carefully check this information.

Do not try to hide information important to the creditor - bankruptcy is in the past, existing loans. The bank security service works no less efficiently than the police, when it comes to screening the borrower.

Banks will never take risks by issuing loans to those who are trying to defraud them. On the contrary, they will blacklist such citizens.

A significant portion of loans for start-up businessmen are issued on the terms down payment in the amount of 10-30% of the loan amount. It is worth preparing this amount in advance and convincing the bank that you have it.

Step 4. Conclude an agreement

A loan agreement is a serious thing. The financial well-being of your company and your own emotional and psychological well-being for many years to come depend on it. Paying under an agreement that you have not read is dangerous and stupid.

I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the draft of this document in advance and read it at home, in a calm environment. It’s even better to have it studied by a lawyer who understands the intricacies and pitfalls of business lending.

What to look for:

  • final interest rate;
  • payment schedule – is it convenient, does it meet your capabilities;
  • the procedure for calculating fines;
  • conditions for early repayment of the loan;
  • obligations and rights of the parties.

Study at the same time pledge agreement if you take out a loan with a guarantee. You need to know your rights as the owner of the collateral property.

Remember: if some clauses of the agreement do not suit you, you have the right to demand that the bank change the wording or even remove this clause completely.

Standard and formal banking agreements does not happen - they are all drawn up taking into account the individual conditions and circumstances of the transaction.

Step 5. Receive funds and open a business

All that remains is to receive funds to your current account or in cash and open your own business with them. Or the company will transfer money to the account of the seller from whom you are purchasing equipment or special equipment under the contract factoring or leasing.

4. Where to get a loan to open a small business - review of the TOP 5 banks

The expert department of our magazine conducted monitoring credit market RF and compiled a list five most reliable banks.

Please note that in some of them it is more convenient to take out a consumer loan without specifying purposes or to issue credit card with a renewable limit. This option is suitable if you need relatively small amount within 300-750 thousand rubles .

1) Sberbank

– the most famous bank in the Russian Federation, the leader of the country’s credit market. Uses the services of this organization 70% of Russia's population. Here they issue loans to individuals and legal entities.

Beginning entrepreneurs should pay attention to the loan program “ Confidence”, which is ready to finance the needs of small and medium-sized businesses.

Business development loan available to companies with annual revenue up to 60 million rubles . The rate under the program is 16.5% per annum. The maximum amount is 3 million rubles.

There are other programs - “ Loan to replenish working capital», « Express bail», « Loan for the purchase of equipment and transport», « Leasing», « Business Asset», « Business-Invest" and others.

– loan programs for individuals and beginning businessmen. Tinkoff calls itself the most convenient bank for doing business.

If you require a small amount for the current needs of the enterprise, order a Tinkoff Platinum credit card. Its renewable limit is 300,000 rubles, and the base rate is from 15%. The interest-free period lasts 55 days. The card will be issued and delivered to your office or home free of charge.

– loans to individuals, companies and start-up entrepreneurs. Pay attention to a non-targeted loan without collateral in the amount of up to 3 million rubles and a base interest rate of 14.9% per annum.

There are special programs for existing and newly opened MB enterprises - “ Turnover"(replenishment of working capital), " Business perspective», « Overdraft" Take advantage of VTB Bank's offers depending on your goals.

4) Alfa-Bank

– loan programs for business and ordinary consumer loans up to 5 million

Pay attention to the unique product from Alpha - the Gemini card. This is a debit and credit card in one piece of plastic. Renewable limit – 500,000 rubles . Grace period applies to cash withdrawals. The record period of preferential use is 100 days.

5) Renaissance

– consumer loans for any needs in the amount of up to RUB 700,000. Special conditions for bank clients and borrowers who have provided additional documents.

If you urgently need a small amount for the current needs of the MB, order a Renaissance credit card with a limit 200 thousand and a preferential loan period of 55 days. Free issue and annual maintenance. The rate is 24.9% per year.

5. How to increase your chances of getting a loan to start a small business - 4 useful tips

If you want to increase the chances of a positive response from the bank - use our advice.

Read, memorize and put into practice!

Tip 1. Seek support from financial funds

If you do not have collateral, additional income and other obvious signs of solvency, try taking advantage of preferential loan programs and with the help of Entrepreneurship Centers In your city.

Such structures will provide guarantee to the bank or even take on part of the loan payments.

A number of Russian banks cooperate with the Centers and are ready to provide loans to entrepreneurs at a lower rate and without any collateral. The state reimburses the costs to the banks.

Franchising is an additional guarantee of MB success. Perfect option - buy a franchise from the bank’s partner companies. Financial institutions partner with large brands that have an effective business model.

Tip 3. Provide collateral and issue a guarantee

Collateral and guarantee help you achieve your credit goal as quickly as possible. If there is collateral interest rates are falling, and loan amounts and terms, on the contrary, are growing.

But it’s worth soberly assessing your financial capabilities. If you cannot pay off the loan, the collateral will be sold at a price of 40-50% of its real value. Yes, and you will let down the guarantors - your debts will also affect their credit history.

Tip 4. Use the services of financial brokers

Financial brokers know much more about business loans than first-time entrepreneurs. The services of such companies cost money, but if you find a truly professional and experienced broker, your expenses will be repaid with interest.

6. Conclusion

A loan for starting a small business is a chance for entrepreneurs to launch a promising business project without having personal savings. Many successful businessmen started with borrowed money and now have billions in profits.

Question for readers

Do you think it’s worth pledging personal property as collateral for a business loan?

We wish you generous lenders and successful commercial projects! Write comments on the article, rate it, and share with friends on social networks. See you again!