State banks of the Russian Federation. Which banks in Russia are state-owned? Impact on the banking services market

Active measures of control over the activities of organizations operating in the banking sector, carried out by the Central Bank over recent years, have led to a more cautious choice of bank by potential depositors. Due to the fact that commercial banks are traditionally considered more vulnerable and unstable, an increasing number of clients are paying attention to Russian state banks, the full list of which in 2019 includes not only federal structures, but also less significant local organizations.

How reliable are banks with government support?

If a bank is owned by the state, in Russian reality this brings a lot of positive factors for development and, above all, ensures financial stability and stability.

If the organization’s solvency indicators decrease, most likely, the state bank will be provided with financial and administrative assistance, or reorganization will be carried out.

The bankruptcy of a state-owned bank primarily affects the reputation of the entire state, with far-reaching political and financial consequences. Not all government banks are the same. Differences are established in terms of the degree of control, participation in capital, and affiliation with specific state structures.

Despite the fact that offers in the retail and corporate sectors are far from the most profitable (low interest on deposits and increased interest on loans, additional requirements or lower speed of service), cooperation with state financial institutions practically guarantees stability and reliability.

The most famous banks in Russia include the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Vnesheconombank. They do not have a license to conduct banking activities; they have access to the entire list of powers to carry out operations.

When choosing an institution for lending or making deposits, Russian citizens give preference to government agencies, worrying about the fate of the invested funds or the stability of servicing the loan debt.

State banks are distinguished by their conservatism, but this hides the presence of control on the part of the state, providing a guarantee of the safety of savings and absolute legality in interaction.

With the help of state banks, social programs are being implemented, policies are being introduced that take into account the interests and needs of various categories of citizens. State programs help to obtain banking services on especially favorable terms if the state itself is interested in the projects.

In addition to objective positive factors, the degree of trust on the part of the population should not be underestimated. Firm confidence in the well-being and stability of the state financial structure is inherent in characteristics not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the whole world.

Government structures can be classified according to many parameters. The main types according to the degree of state participation include organizations:

  • created by force of law;
  • with full, partial, indirect state participation;
  • with state control.

Banks are created by law in accordance with the provisions of federal legislation. They cannot be classified as any type with state participation, since they represent the actual state body itself. The most famous organization created by law is the Central Bank.

A financial company with full state participation implies the absence of shares at the disposal of individuals and organizations. Rosselkhoz, being such a structure, actively participates in the promotion of any social programs and projects, offering ample opportunities for lending and investment, taking into account the interests and needs of citizens.

With partial state participation, organizations are controlled with the transfer of most of the company's securities to the state. A classic example of an organization with partial participation is the Savings Bank. The state owns only more than 52 percent, but many people associate the state bank with it.

It is more difficult to understand and identify the indirect participation of the state in the life of a financial structure. VTB Group, 60.9% owned by the state, owns almost one hundred percent of the shares of VTB24 Bank, which is an example of indirect state participation.

Banks under state control are represented by organizations that are undergoing reorganization, where temporary administration has been introduced, and where the license has been revoked.

A depositor or borrower who intends to formalize cooperation exclusively with a financial organization whose security is guaranteed by the state will need to study the list of state banks of the Russian Federation. Due to the significant number of structures supported and controlled by the state, it is possible to determine the optimal offer from among the organizations insured by the Central Bank of Russia for 2019.

Having excluded the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and Vnesheconombank from the list of institutions available for working with the retail sector, the choice should be made using the following classification:

  1. Organizations with full state participation:
  • Rosselkhozbank;
  • RNKB;
  • Russian capital.

The owners of the shares are institutions such as the Federal Property Management Agency and AHML.

  1. Institutions with partial state participation:
  • SME Bank;
  • Roseximbank;
  • Globexbank;
  • Svyaz-Bank;
  • All-Russian Regional Development Bank (RRDB);
  • Rus;
  • Sberbank;
  • Novikombank;
  • Bank of Kazan;
  • Gazprombank;
  • Municipal Bank of Khakassia;
  • Ruskobank.

The owners are Vnesheconombank, the Federal Corporation for Entrepreneurship Development, Rosneft, the Central Bank, Rostec, Rosoboronexport, as well as some constituent entities of the Federation.

  1. With indirect participation of the state, the activities of RNKO Narat (wholly owned by AK Bars), as well as Krayinvestbank (99.99% owned by RNKB) were organized.
  2. The activities of FC Otkritie (owned by the Central Bank by 99.99%), Genbank (owned in total by DIA - more than 72%, the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol), TRUST (owned by FC Otkritie), Promsvyazbank (owned by DIA) are under state control ).

Financial institutions Sovetsky Bank, Binbank, VVB, Rostbank are undergoing rehabilitation, which does not prevent them from continuing to operate and successfully serving clients.

Despite the extensive list of government institutions presented, Savings Bank and VTB have virtually no competitors in terms of popularity. At the same time, in addition to state participation in financial structures, the terms of cooperation and the level of service provided should be assessed. Taking into account all the parameters in a complex will allow you to choose the optimal financial institution for service, without excluding commercial structures from the list.

The crisis has traditionally hit the banking system, especially under sanctions, when ensuring stability is planned to be achieved by providing support to key organizations with the largest capitalization. 10 banks have been identified that the state will save through regular financial injections. Selected structures are classified as systemically important organizations that fall under the requirements of the Basel 3 rules. The Central Bank, taking into account new requirements and due to crisis phenomena, has determined a list of structures that can count on state support.


The financial organization has an equity capital of $33 billion and annually makes a profit of $520 million. The commercial structure provides services to representatives of medium and small businesses and cooperates with 3.5 million individuals. The bank has 180 branches throughout Russia and services 12 thousand ATMs. Having entered the list of 10 banks that the state will save, the organization received assistance in the amount of $9 billion.


It is one of the largest commercial banks in Russia and has an equity capital of $45 billion, earning a profit of $4 billion annually. The bank stands out for its developed network of branches and primarily operates in 51 regions, its position is especially strong in Bashkortostan, where social payment instruments are being introduced - the “Electronic Universal Card”. The organization takes part in the implementation of social programs:

  • "Education"
  • "Children of Russia"
  • "Health"
  • "Affordable and comfortable housing"

Finding itself on the list of 10 banks, the organization received $12 billion from the state.

8. Bank Russia

The structure has its own capital in the amount of $27 billion and annually makes a profit of $2 billion. The organization specializes in asset control in various economic areas. The Bank owns stakes in the following organizations:

  • "SOGAZ"
  • "First channel"
  • newspaper "Izvestia"
  • "Gazfond"

The organization is under US sanctions, which have frozen the assets of the structure under the jurisdiction of this country. International payment systems VISA and Mastercard do not service bank cards. Standard & Poor's assessed the structure's rating as negative - BB-/B. Taking into account the current situation, the financial organization was included in the list of 10 banks that will be rescued by the state due to the negative external background. The amount of assistance amounted to $13 billion.


The largest commercial bank in the country, with equity capital of $215 billion and earning a profit of $74 billion per year. The organization cooperates with individuals and legal entities and has 110 branches located in Russia, the USA, Great Britain, and Cyprus. A group of credit institutions with the same name operating in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus has been created. Finding itself on the list of 10 banks that will receive government support, the financial structure received $62.8 billion.


Finding itself among the 10 banks that will be rescued by the state, Raiffeisenbank has an authorized capital of 36 trillion. $ and has high reliability ratings in all categories:

  • stability bbb-;
  • deposit rating in rubles on the national scale - Aa2;
  • short-term rating in foreign currency - F3.

Despite this, the organization received a negative long-term deposit rating, both in rubles and in foreign currency - Ba2, and the credit risk received the same rating. Russians are recommended to make deposits in rubles, since on the national scale the long-term rating is rated as AAA with a stable outlook. The bank was included in the additional capitalization program, but has not yet made a decision on participating in it.


Promsvyazbank, part of the Promsvyaz Capital B.V. community, is quite modest, but quite considered. The financial organization's own funds reach $125 billion. The organization cooperates with 100,000 domestic enterprises and serves 2,000,000 private clients. The amount of assistance has not been established at this time. Being included in the list of 10 banks that the state will rescue, the structure has sufficient assets and will receive assistance in the event of a risk of crisis development.

4. Bank Otkritie

A general retailer with $18 billion in equity and $6 billion in annual profits. The organization sponsors the activities of social projects “Good Deeds”, “Vera” and cooperates with the football club “Spartak” Moscow. The bank is part of the Otkritie group, which has a fully functional financial structure with assets in the amount of 2 trillion. $. The bank will receive $65 billion from the state.


The organization is government-owned and has a net worth of $218 billion, with assets worth $2 billion. The loan portfolio of the structure amounts to 1 trillion. $270 billion. The bank issues loans to representatives of small and medium-sized businesses and takes a leading position in lending to the agricultural and industrial complex. Since 2008, the total amount of loans issued has amounted to 2.3 trillion. $. Finding itself among the 10 banks that the state plans to rescue first, the organization received assistance in the amount of $69 billion.


One of the key organizations is Gazprombank, included in the list of 10 banks that will be rescued by the state, due to its high level of capitalization equal to $272 billion. Annual profits are $34 billion and assets exceed $3 trillion. $. The bank operates in the gas industry and cooperates with individuals and legal entities. The organization sponsors the construction of the largest projects in the country:

  • "Blue Stream"
  • "Yamal-Europe"
  • "The Power of Siberia"

The amount of government support is $125 billion.

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The Russian banking market is perhaps one of the few places where one can observe the state entering into competition with commercial organizations. At the same time, state-controlled banks occupy leading positions in the ratings, both in terms of the volume of money turnover and the amount of other resources. The “state” category includes banks where government investments predominate or have a significant presence in their authorized capital. Thus, the state is allowed to interfere in the activities of the banking structure and provide it with all possible assistance. The list of unreliable banks can be found here.

List of state banks in Russia

  • Sberbank is owned by the state 50% + 1 share.
  • Gazprombank is completely controlled by the state, as it is owned by the state company Gazprom.
  • VTB – 60% of the authorized capital belongs to the state.
  • Rosselkhozbank is a completely state-owned institution.
  • Bank of Moscow was previously controlled by the Moscow government, but is currently under the control of the VTB Group.
  • Rosbank - has 8% of state property.

The legal successor of the USSR Savings Bank, which is currently entrusted with more than 50% of private deposits. In terms of profitability and net assets, this banking institution also occupies a leading position. Sberbank has created the largest network of branches and its own ATMs in the Russian Federation. Due to the huge reserve of own funds, clients are offered a low mortgage interest rate (about 12%, the cost is determined based on the type of property purchased). If we talk about the minuses, it is worth noting the backwardness of Sberbank in the field of introducing innovations, although this does not prevent it from being the issuer of the largest number of payment cards.

Through this organization, the construction of many production facilities related to the production of oil, gas and other industries important to the country’s economy is financed. The bank has a developed system of representative offices, including not only internal representative offices, but also branches in countries such as Belarus, Switzerland and Armenia. In terms of the total volume of loans issued, Gazprombank showed impressive results - over the past year this figure almost reached 1.5 trillion rubles. Separately, it is worth noting the extremely profitable car loan program with an interest rate of 9-14%, which was achieved by concluding an agreement with several large manufacturers.

This financial institution specializes mainly in serving high-level corporate clients. The provision of retail banking services is carried out through the sponsored company “Bank VTB-24”, which is focused on issuing consumer loans and payment cards, as well as processing deposits. The population of the Russian Federation is showing high interest in the VTB mortgage program aimed at purchasing finished housing, obtaining a loan for individual construction, and so on. The rate varies from 9 to 13%, and the down payment in the case of individual construction will be 0%.


It is among the top five largest financial institutions in terms of equity capital and has an extensive network of offices and representative offices in every region of the country. In addition, acting within the framework of the development program for the agro-industrial complex, it takes part in regulating the market for agricultural products. Rosselkhozbank provides favorable lending conditions for its clients - for agricultural machinery, subsidiary plots, education and much more, and accepts pension deposits.

Primarily focused on serving the operations of the capital's municipal authorities. Actively invests in the retail industry and develops special credit offers. The yield on deposits in this bank ranges between seven and ten percent per annum. It all depends on the conditions that the client chooses, for example, the ability to withdraw funds early or add funds to the deposit. The mortgage lending program offers a loan with an interest rate of 12.5% ​​per annum for a period of up to 25 years. It is not necessary to pay a down payment.

It comes last on our list, since the state’s share in it is quite insignificant (82% is controlled by the French financial group Societe Generale). The Bank presents itself as a universal institution covering all major industry areas. The most tempting proposal seems to be for issuing loans to small businesses (we are talking about loan programs designed specifically for entrepreneurship - loans with an interest rate of no more than 17 percent, without collateral and without a down payment).

This completes the list of state-owned banks. In this topic, I propose to discuss all the advantages of working with state banking institutions compared to commercial ones.

What people say

Banks with state participation are considered more reliable, so they give lower interest on deposits - this is a minus for depositors. But since their resources are cheaper, they provide cheap loans - this is a definite plus for borrowers.

The main advantage of state banking institutions over private ones is that in the event of unforeseen complications and the bank losing its solvency, the state can support it by providing financial assistance. In addition, since most banks with a significant share of state capital process important payments to ensure the functioning of the economy, they simply must not be allowed to fall apart.

So, by transferring your funds to a state bank, you will protect them, but, as Nikolaich noted, you cannot count on a high interest rate.

One of the main criteria for a bank’s reliability is the level of its state support. In state banks, deposits of individuals have a full state guarantee, while in commercial banks the deposit is insured for the amount paid by the deposit guarantee fund (it goes without saying that the bank must be a participant in this fund).

All banks are insured (700K rubles). Without this they will not be given a license.
As for government agencies, their reliability is a double-edged sword. Everything that is lobbied by the state is less effective and less checked. Take the same housing and communal services - if it were a commercial organization, it would have been considered bankrupt long ago. Again, the level of corruption in government organizations is noticeably higher.

If we talk about commercial banks, they usually have a very conservative policy regarding deposits of individuals and legal entities, in contrast to commercial banks, which can invest part of the money in a high-risk project, or issue a large non-repayable loan and ultimately go bankrupt.

State banks have one very important advantage over other banking structures. Namely, that the state itself is partially or fully responsible for the bank’s obligations. That is, even if the bank goes bankrupt, depositors will not lose their money. At least that's what it says.

It seems to me that now, in principle, there are no state-owned banks. There are banks in which the state invests finances. The same Sberbank is a commercial bank, which is controlled by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. I would like to believe that in the event of bankruptcy, investors will not lose their savings.

Well, the main advantage of such banks, it seems to me, is their reliability. Even if interest rates will be slightly lower than in banks without state participation, the likelihood that something will happen to such a bank is still much lower.

There are no completely state-owned banks, but there are banks with state participation. In addition to those listed above, there are also VTB 24, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, and about two dozen more such banks.

By the way, Gelendzhik Bank, although it was positioned as a bank with state participation, did not avoid serious problems and, ultimately, the revocation of its license.

It turned out that there still is. Vnesheconombank and Rosselkhozbank. The property is entirely owned by the state. They just do not serve ordinary depositors. They are respectively engaged in: foreign economic activity and lending to the agro-industrial complex, farmers, and subsidiary plots. By the way, the rate at Rosselkhozbank is quite good, although the deposit must be at least 1.5 million rubles.

So these are the very banks that have been alive “since the Union”, this says a lot. Vneshtorgbank created VTB 24 for closer interaction with the population, lending not only to collective and state farms, but also ordinary, consumer and collateral. Rosselkhoz, by the way, today offers a full range of banking services for individuals, up to credit cards and car loans, when Sberbank , for example, closed the issuance of car loans. They still can’t get the old ones back.

Actually, it seems to me that all these banks have only the name left from the old Soviet ones, which they very intensively exploit in order to create a more favorable image for themselves among the population. It is the name, preserved from Soviet times, that is their main advantage, but otherwise these banks are exactly the same as those that arose later.

Svintus, Well, don’t tell me. Gazprombank and VTB were opened in 1990, Rosbank - 1993, Bank of Moscow - in 1995, Rosselkhozbank has been operating since 2000. What are the Soviet names? Sberbank was the Savings Bank under Stalin, but it also paid compensation for deposits. So the image is honestly earned. And many of those smaller ones that arose later or earlier were closed altogether. So there is a difference. She is in resilience. And the advantages are in the size of assets and state guarantees.

Of the five named, I recommend Rosselkhozbank: they have very good interest rates on deposits, and very affordable interest rates on mortgages. Now we are choosing a bank in order to purchase an apartment with a mortgage, so far we are leaning towards “agricultural”! There is nothing special to say about Sberbank; it is a brand that is very expensive for the client, but you always have to overpay for the brand. VTB has good rates for buying/selling currencies. I have a salary card at Gazprombank, but I can’t say anything good (or bad) about this institution: everything suits me, but nothing more!

Now, in principle, there are no state banks; they are all commercial structures and are subject to general laws. Another thing is a bank with 100% state ownership. Among the entire list of such banks, there is only one such bank, Rosselkhozbank, and only it can be indirectly classified as state banks. The advantages here are obvious, these are the maximum guarantees from the state, I don’t see any other advantages. All banks are included in the deposit insurance fund; without this, they do not have the right to accept deposits from individuals.

Systemically important banks receive additional support from the Central Bank and the Government. I myself use the services of Sberbank, it is convenient for me. Good loan conditions, many ATMs and branches, and are now expanding the list of online services provided.

State banks are always an additional guarantee of the reliability and stability of the bank. Stricter state control over such banks is an additional guarantee that the bank will not one day collapse like some even very large commercial banks. In addition, such banks often have specialized preferential programs for certain categories of citizens, which allow them to receive loans at reduced rates.


Well, government banks have quite a lot of advantages. Firstly, they are more reliable, because... During a crisis, it is state banks that are the first to receive financial support. Secondly, in many state banks the interest rate on loans and mortgages is lower than in private organizations.

The most important thing about state-owned banks is that they are somehow more trustworthy than others. And peace of mind that nothing will happen to the money in the account.

What is the point of this trust if the conditions are less favorable? In general, I think that the concept of “finance” is inappropriate in the financial sector. It is necessary to collect and analyze information, and make decisions based on this. And faith in financial matters is the last thing. In addition, all deposits are insured, so the confidence is equal. State-owned banks have minimal risk that their license will be revoked, yes. But the conditions... Now I looked at Rosselkhozbank - more or less interesting offers, so for this the minimum amount should be from 3 million. What is the point of trust if only 1,400,000 are insured?

Buying a bank is a serious step, but sometimes a country has no other option but to take it, because this may be the only chance to save a “drowning person.” After all, when any systemic, i.e. If a large commercial bank is experiencing significant financial difficulties, it cannot pay its debts. And here the state comes to the rescue - instead of revoking the license (which the Central Bank did 32 times in 2013!), the country buys back the bank’s shares, makes it a state bank, injects the required amount of capital into it so that it continues to fulfill all its obligations and financially makes him healthier. Thus, state-owned banks in Russia can lose their license only in the most extreme cases, for example, in the event of a complete economic collapse of the country.

The state also has the right to acquire other stakes in state-owned banks. The country owns 100% of the shares in Bank of Russia and VTB, 61% in VTB, and Vnesheconombank sold only 20% of its shares to private holders.

Also, the acquisition of ownership or creation of state-owned banks is carried out to establish complete control over regional banking activities. Vivid examples of this are the following state banks: Bank of Moscow, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, Bashprombank, Far Eastern Bank, Bank of Kazan and Khakass Municipal Bank.

List of state banks in Russia

Name of the bank

% of state shares
1 Sberbank 51%
2 VTB 61%
3 Gazprombank 51%
4 VTB 24 61%
5 Rosselkhozbank 100%
6 Bank of Moscow >51%
7 Vnesheconombank >80%
8 Khanty-Mansiysk Bank 51%
9 AK BARS 56%
10 Svyaz-Bank 99,4%
11 Globex 99%
12 SME Bank 72%
13 Tatfondbank 51%
14 Russian Capital 51%
15 All-Russian Regional Development Bank >90%
16 Bashprombank 51%
17 Pochtobank >50%
18 Krayinvestbank 98%
19 Far Eastern Bank >51%
20 Gelendzhik-Bank >51%
21 Russian National Commercial Bank >51%
22 GPB-Mortgage >51%
23 Naratbank >51%
24 Roseximbank 100%
25 Ruskobank >51%
26 MAK-Bank >51%
27 Rus >60%
28 Bank of Kazan >51%
29 Khakass Municipal Bank >51%

*The percentage share of the government sometimes changes due to purchases/sales of bank shares.

What is a state bank? This is an institution that is owned by the state - fully or partially (the question is to what extent) and indirectly, these are banks that are controlled by the state - directly or indirectly.

State participation, as a rule, entails conservatism in business, which is reflected in low deposit rates. At the same time, the “status” of the state implies a certain reliability, which means guarantees of the safety of deposits.

There is another plus - through its structures, the state stimulates the consumer market; loan rates in state banks are often lower. Russia has its own specifics - the largest retail banks are state-owned.

The population trusts state banks. This kind of mentality, however, is typical for most countries.

Methods of state participation:

  1. By force of law - institutions created for certain state tasks in accordance with special laws. For example, the Central Bank.
  2. Full participation - banks that are 100% owned by government agencies (or municipal or federal subjects). For example, Rosselkhozbank.
  3. Partial participation - the state has a share in the bank. Example - Sberbank - more than 50% of the shares are owned by the Central Bank, which represents the state in the banking sector.
  4. Indirect participation - the bank belongs to a structure that, in turn, is fully or partially owned by the state. Example - Svyaz-Bank - belongs to Vnesheconombank (more than 99%), which in turn is owned by the state.
  5. Control is an option when the state. structures control the activities and assets of the bank. For example, banks in which a temporary administration has been appointed, taken over by the Bank Consolidation Fund - Otkritie, B&N Bank.

At the moment, all financial and credit organizations in our country are divided into two large categories - private and public. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the bank was initially created by the state itself. Often, in order to protect the deposit insurance fund and prevent panic in the market, the government decides to buy a private bank, if it is large, systemic (see) and is experiencing significant difficulties - the situation is too big to fail.

PJSC Sberbank is a state bank in which the state share is more than 50%.

Table - list of state banks

27Binbank. Became part of the Discovery.

p/n Name of the bank Note
1 Bank of Russia (Central Bank of the Russian Federation) 86-FZ On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
2 Vnesheconombank (Bank for Development and Foreign Economic Affairs) No. 82-FZ On the Development Bank.
3 Sberbank
4 VTB Including Bank of Moscow and VTB 24.
5 Gazprombank
6 Rosselkhozbank
7 National Clearing Center Carries out clearing activities and is a subsidiary of the Moscow Exchange.
9 Svyaz-Bank
10 Globex The license has been revoked. Became part of Svyaz-Bank
11 SME Bank
12 Russian Capital
13 All-Russian Regional Development Bank (RRDB)
14 Post Bank Former Leto Bank.
15 Russian National Commercial Bank (RNCB) Crimea.
16 Eurofinance Mosnarbank
17 Krayinvestbank
18 Far Eastern Bank
19 Akibank
20 Almazergienbank
21 Moscow Mortgage Agency
22 Roseximbank
23 BM-Bank
24 Rus
25 Khakass Municipal Bank
26 Bank of Kazan
28 Opening