B2B zetta insurance registration. OSAGO online at the insurance company Zetta. Simple ways to save on your compulsory insurance policy

Zetta insurance company serves individuals and legal entities. This is a universal company, reliable and firmly on its feet. Occupies a leading position in the insurance industry.

Has regular customers. Provides all types of standard services. Including remotely. You can use them after registering your personal account.

On the website you can apply for and buy a strass OSAGO policy by filling out the appropriate application. It's easy to do.

Insurance provides a guarantee that in the event of a traffic accident, compensation for damage will be paid by the insurance company.

Personal account features

  • Ability to view information from the insurance company
  • Opportunity to receive expert advice
  • Submit an online application for insurance
  • Use a calculator to independently calculate the amount you will have to pay for insurance
  • Send scans of documents to the company
  • Receive a response by email
  • Buy insurance
  • Pay for compulsory motor liability insurance by card
  • Monitor and manage services
  • View what insurance risks exist
  • Receive insurance by email
  • Get expert advice
  • Login to your personal account at any time
  • Access your personal account from anywhere in the world

How to register

To use the services you need to go through the registration procedure. It won't be difficult to do this. Just a couple of minutes and you will be taken to your personal page.

  • Go to the official website of the company
  • Find on the right to log in
  • Click on the registration line
  • Enter your full name
  • Date of birth
  • E-mail address
  • Number of any company policy you have (if you don’t have a policy, leave the field blank)
  • Cell phone number
  • Enter the text shown in the picture and click
  • Read the information about consent to the processing of personal data
  • Click to consent to processing
  • Receive data on your phone that you can use to log into your personal account.

Login to your personal account

The matter remains small. Registration was successful, which means you can log into the service and manage all services.

  • Click “enter your personal account”
  • Enter the username and password you received on your phone
  • Fill out the data in your personal account to fully use all services

How to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance on the website

For this purpose, you will need passport data and some information from your driver's license. You need to enter them into the fields on your personal page, as well as information about the car and other drivers using the car you want to insure. The price of MTPL insurance depends on the make of the car, year of manufacture, your driving experience, the region where the car was registered, the condition of the vehicle, whether the insured car will be driven by one driver and some other items.

If you have E-OSAGO - how to buy and register?

After you complete all these steps, you will see the insurance price. You can pay for it online. Once completed, you will need to submit everything for review. The website shows how to do this. Wait for an answer. It can arrive within 10 minutes or in 2-5 days. An electronic policy will be sent to you by email. You can print it yourself, or you can order the document to be delivered by courier. You must always have the policy with you in your car, since OSAGO is compulsory insurance. Otherwise you will have to pay a fine.

Although an MTPL policy in Russia is considered a mandatory document, the absence of which is punishable by a fine, many drivers purchase it of their own free will. Such a policy provides financial protection and protects its owner from losses in the event of an accident that occurs through his fault. The popularity of the policy has led to the fact that it can now be purchased online on the official website of any Russian insurer, including the Zetta company portal.

About Zetta insurance company

Zetta is a universal insurer that appeared on the service market in 1993. In 2015, the company expanded and received its current name.

Zetta Company has an official license giving the right to provide insurance services. It offers clients over 90 programs to protect their lives, health, property and liability. Now in Russia there are about 100 sales points of the insurer and more than 3,500 of its agencies located in 150 cities. The Zetta company cooperates with official car dealers (there are about 350 of them) and large banks (over 30 organizations). The company's clients include over 650,000 Russian citizens and small and medium-sized businesses.

The insurer has been assigned a very high level of reliability. The Zetta company is a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers and other large detailed organizations. This speaks of it as a respectable and trustworthy company.

Electronic MTPL policy from Zetta company

The Zetta company enters into standard insurance transactions with its clients under a compulsory MTPL policy. The document insures its owner against material risks associated with the occurrence of an insured event. It is any major or minor accident that occurred due to the fault of the owner of the insurance policy. If his involvement is proven, the Zetta company assumes all financial responsibilities and pays compensation to the injured party in the amounts established by law. If the amount of damage exceeds the limit, the culprit pays the difference, but this happens extremely rarely. A compulsory motor liability insurance policy usually covers all costs associated with compensation payments for causing damage to someone else's health or property. It is important to remember that this document does not provide payments for the policy owner himself.

The Zetta company concludes insurance transactions under the MTPL policy both in its offices and remotely. Online shopping takes less time. The cost of an electronic policy is equivalent to the price of a standard paper OSAGO policy.

What you need to buy compulsory motor insurance online from Zetta

To buy a policy from Zetta, you will need:

  1. Mobile phone number to send your personal account password to.
  2. Email address for sending the MTPL policy.
  3. Bank card to pay for insurance.
  4. Passport for individuals or certificate of registration for legal entities.
  5. Driver's license (or several such documents belonging to each of the drivers included in the policy).
  6. PTS or STS.
  7. Diagnostic card (for cars older than 3 years).

All information from the documents will be entered into the appropriate forms when issuing a policy, and then will be checked for authenticity in the RSA database. If a company's client decides to buy his first policy, all the information will be entered into it by the company's employees, which will take additional time. It is important to check the correctness of the data, because if there is a discrepancy, the problem will have to be resolved by sending photographs or scanned documents, which will also require time.

How to buy OSAGO online on the official website of the Zetta company

Purchasing an electronic MTPL policy on the official website of the Zetta company requires a minimum of time and effort. To buy a policy, you must:

  1. Go to the official website of the insurer and select the desired service.

  2. Log in to your personal account or register. To register, you will need to enter your last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, and also indicate your phone number. A few minutes after filling in all the data, a password for authorization will be sent to him (it can be changed). An alternative way is quick registration through the website gosuslugi.ru.

  3. Next, the system will ask you to fill out information about yourself, which will be needed to calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance in the future. Registration address (district, city, town, zip code, street, apartment), passport series and number, date of issue, the same data from the driver’s license, driving experience, telephone number - all this will need to be indicated in the appropriate forms. The entered information will be saved in your personal account.

  4. Then you can proceed to purchasing a compulsory motor liability insurance policy. First of all, the system will determine the cost of insurance, which will be determined from the KBM (a discount is given for accident-free driving) and the data specified during registration. In addition, to calculate the cost of the insurance service, you will have to indicate information about the car (region region, engine power, etc.), as well as enter information about the drivers who will be registered in the policy (their total number, age of the youngest, least experience among them, the number of accident-free years, etc.). You can buy a policy with an unlimited number of drivers, but it will cost more.

  5. Afterwards, the system will check all entered data (lasts about 10-20 minutes) and display the cost of the policy for a specific driver.

  6. If the price of the electronic MTPL policy turns out to be acceptable, you can proceed to pay for the insurance service. This is done online using a bank (credit or debit) card.
  7. After confirmation of payment, a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is sent to your e-mail (the one specified during registration). The document comes into force one day after its execution. To avoid unpleasant situations with traffic police officers, it is advisable to print the electronic policy on a regular printer. If you want to get a policy issued on company letterhead, you will have to visit the company's office. Before your first trip, it won't hurt.
  8. Upon expiration of the insurance document, it can be extended. This is done online on the same official website of the Zetta company. You won’t have to duplicate data about yourself and your vehicle, because it will already be saved in your personal account. The policy renewal process will take no more than 10 minutes.

An effective way to save on an MTPL policy when purchasing it online

Buying an MTPL policy online is not only convenient, but also profitable. Purchasing a document via the Internet allows you to make an informed choice of an insurance company to conclude a transaction. Although the rates for compulsory motor liability insurance policies are similar, some insurers offer more favorable services than others. There are companies that offer discounts for specific categories of drivers. The most convenient way to find out about all existing benefits is to use the OSAGO calculator, which works online. The calculator calculates the cost of the same service in different companies, after which it offers the applicant the most budget-friendly and profitable options. This saves time on searches and allows you to significantly reduce the financial costs of purchasing a policy.

The Zettains ru website offers car insurance (CASCO, OSAGO), real estate, health (accident insurance, insurance for children, migrant workers, anti-mite programs, etc.), travel insurance. There are special offers for business (for example, insurance of special equipment, cargo, liability to third parties). This is the online platform of the Zetta Insurance company, which has been successfully operating since 1993. On the official website you can familiarize yourself with all the insurance conditions and submit an application online without leaving your home. Each user of the service receives a personal account, which allows them to use all the capabilities of the service. Service employees are always in touch with the client and promptly resolve any problems that arise. You can call the support staff yourself or request a call back.

Features of your personal account Zetta Insurance

To use the services provided by the Zetta Insurance service, you must register on the website. To do this you need to fill out a short form. You will need to indicate your full name, date of birth, mobile number, email address and existing policy number (if it is not available, the field will be left blank). After this, an SMS with a password to enter the Zettains ru website is sent to the specified phone number. Next, all you have to do is log in to your personal account by entering your username and the sent password. To make use of all the portal’s features as convenient as possible, you should fill out all your profile information immediately after registration.

In your personal account, you can view all information about the insurance company and receive detailed advice from a specialist on an issue of interest to the user. You also have the opportunity to independently calculate the cost of insurance and submit a request for it. Users of the service can send scans of documents to the insurance company through their personal account, pay for the selected insurance, and view the risks associated with it. The ability to manage services is also implemented. You can log into your personal account and take advantage of the opportunities it provides at any time of the day.

Contacts of Zetta Insurance company

Hotline phone number: 8 800 700-77-07 (calls within Russia are free)

E-mail address: [email protected]

Legal address of Zetta Insurance: 121087, Moscow, Bagrationovsky proezd, 7, building 11

Purchasing an MTPL policy is an obligatory stage in the life of any car owner. The presence of such a document has practical benefits in the form of full coverage of material and other damage caused to a third party as a result of an accident. Now a compulsory policy can be purchased directly online by going to the website of any insurer operating in Russia. It could be Zetta, one of the leaders in the insurance industry.

Zetta: basic information about the insurer

The Zetta company, which calls itself a universal insurer, provides over 90 insurance services. It serves both individuals and legal entities. An insurance policy can be purchased at any company office located in one of 150 cities in Russia. The insurer's branch network includes 3,500 agencies and 100 points of sale.

The company is financially stable and has large assets, the total amount of which is 7.9 billion rubles. Zetta has a very high level of reliability and a stable forecast for this indicator. The company regularly appears in prestigious industry rankings, taking first places in them and receiving awards.

OSAGO from Zetta

A compulsory motor liability insurance policy is purchased to protect the civil liability of its owner. Such an insurance document guarantees that after an accident caused by the policyholder, all costs of paying compensation will be borne by the insurance company. Her responsibility will be the full or partial restoration of someone else’s vehicle, payment of treatment (if people were injured as a result of the accident), as well as repair of property such as a building, sign, etc. This document gives the driver confidence in the protection of his material interests in the event of an unforeseen situation on the road.

You can purchase compulsory motor insurance from the Zetta company in one of two ways: in its office or online on the official website. The first option is uneconomical in terms of time, but the second is convenient and fast. The only difference that exists between two policies issued in different ways is their series. It is noteworthy that the policies also have the same price.

Documents for purchasing MTPL from Zetta online

Only those who have provided the company with a complete set of data taken from official documents can buy an electronic policy from Zetta. These include:

  1. Passport.
  2. Driver's license.
  3. Certificate of registration.
  4. PTS or STS.
  5. Diagnostic card.

The documents themselves are not required, only the data written in them is needed. They are entered into special forms and then subject to verification in the RSA database.

If a driver purchases his first policy, the database does not yet contain any information about him. To fix this, he needs to provide the insurance company with photos or scans of all required documents.

If a user makes a mistake when entering personal data, he has to scan or photograph the documents himself, and then wait for an insurance company employee to identify it and correct it.

To purchase you will also need:

  1. Mobile phone number (a code will be sent to it to activate your personal account and log in to the system).
  2. Bank card or electronic wallet (the fee for the compulsory insurance service will be debited from there).
  3. Email (after payment the policy will be sent to it).

Algorithm for purchasing MTPL from Zetta online

The official website of the insurer Zetta has a simple interface and accessibility for all categories of users. You can buy a policy on it in a quarter of an hour. To do this, you will need to perform a series of sequential actions outlined below:

  1. Register. To do this, the user goes to the official website of the insurer and enters standard data: full name, date of birth, email, mobile number. Within a couple of minutes, a password will be sent to the specified number, which will be used for authorization. Users who have a personal account on the gosuslugi.ru website can skip the registration stage and immediately log in to the system.

  2. Go to your personal account. To do this, use the login and password that was just sent to the specified mobile number. It is best to change it immediately so as not to accidentally lose access to the site where one of the copies of the electronic policy will be stored.

  3. Fill in the data in your personal account. To use all the services of the Zetta company, you need to fill in the empty fields using your passport data. You will need the series, number and date of issue of this document. The system will also request information from the policyholder's driver's license. All entered data will be saved. They can be used to quickly purchase other insurance products or renew an already purchased policy.
  4. Enter vehicle details and other drivers with access to the vehicle. Such information will be needed to calculate the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance. The price of compulsory insurance depends on the category of the car, its make and model, year of manufacture, power and engine size, etc. You can add other persons to the policy by providing information from their driver’s licenses. This is not always beneficial, especially in cases where the other drivers are young and inexperienced. An even more expensive option would be to purchase an unlimited MTPL policy.

  5. Send everything for review. When all the data is filled out correctly, they can be sent for verification. Most often, it takes no more than 15 minutes, but this time may be increased due to system load or technical failures. If there are errors and inconsistencies, this process is also delayed. All information is checked in the RSA database.
  6. Pay for electronic policy. Soon after filling out and checking all the data, the final price of the insurance service, calculated using the OSAGO calculator, is displayed on the screen. After reading it, you can proceed to paying for the policy. Funds are transferred instantly, after which company employees are required to check the receipt of the required amount. Users do not have to worry about their confidential data, because Zetta guarantees their complete safety.
  7. Get OSAGO. The electronic policy is immediately sent to the e-mail specified earlier. It can also be found in your personal account. The validity of this document begins one day after its execution. This is due to the fact that some drivers resorted to deception and applied for compulsory motor liability insurance after being involved in an accident. It is better to print out the policy immediately after receiving it, and then place it in your car and always carry it with you. Firstly, it can be requested by a traffic police officer. If the driver fails to present the document, he will be immediately charged with non-compliance with the laws regarding compulsory insurance. Secondly, the policy comes in handy in insurance situations. The driver calls his insurer at the phone number specified in the document, and then receives a further action plan. Data from compulsory motor liability insurance is also used when documenting an accident.

Simple ways to save on your MTPL policy

We offer you several simple ways to help you spend the minimum amount on compulsory insurance:

  1. Use the OSAGO calculator. Experienced drivers know that the price of a policy varies widely from insurer to insurer, and therefore are in no hurry to buy it without analyzing the market. Now this can be done in just a couple of minutes using the OSAGO calculator. All information that affects the price of the policy is entered into the fields of the calculator (they have already been indicated above). Then he quickly checks and compares policy prices from different insurers. As a result, the most profitable options appear on the screen first, and then the less preferable options. The calculator allows you to save a lot on compulsory insurance and obtain reliable financial support from a trusted insurer.
  2. Check the KBM in advance. Some insurance companies deliberately calculate the BMI of their clients incorrectly, which is why policyholders do not receive the required discounts on compulsory insurance. Before purchasing compulsory motor liability insurance, it is advisable to collect all available insurance policies and insurance policies.
  3. Buy basic MTPL. Almost all companies offer to supplement the standard policy with insurance options, which ultimately increase its cost.
  4. Do not add other drivers to your policy. It is more economical to indicate that the car will be driven by only one person. Young drivers with little experience should not be included at all.

Zetta Euro 2 metal doors have such important characteristics as:

1. Reasonable combination of price and quality(The Zetta Euro 2 steel door has the qualities of doors from well-known brands (Guardian, Senator), but the cost is much lower due to the “unpromoted” brand!)
2.Thickness cold-rolled sheet metal in Euro 2 series models - 2mm + 1.5 mm for the lock area = 3.5 mm. In total, the thickness around the perimeter of the canvas is 5.5 mm!!!(Which makes it impossible to press the door away from the leaf and any mechanical impacts)
3. High sound insulation and thermal insulation, since the filling inside is non-flammable KNAUF mineral wool + insulated material - foamed polyethylene, which prevents heat transfer.
4. Entrance steel doors Zetta Euro series can be installed outdoors, because according to reviews from our customers, they don't freeze(this is facilitated by filling the frame and leaf with insulation and special gasket material inside the metal door).
5. Reliable Border locks, which belong to the 4th class of burglary resistance and no problems with warranty service.
6.One of the important protective properties of the front door is hardened mortise cylinder protection, which passes through sheets of metal, 3.5 mm thick and is attracted to the lock body. which makes knocking out or drilling out the cylinder impossible.
7. Doors Zetta Series Euro 2 with a leaf thickness of 75 mm and a frame thickness of 100.5 mm - quite massive door and aesthetically attractive. You can also choose a model from our warehouse stock (items below - installation within 2-3 days) or choose a different color of the internal MDF panel if desired with a measurer (3-4 weeks production).
8. THREE SEALING CIRCUITS provide ideal sound insulation and double-glazed effect!