What can you afford on a salary of 30,000. Financial literacy lessons: how to save for your own home? Ways to increase existing funds

The housing issue has been a pressing problem for people in all centuries. And now this problem is as acute as before for everyone without exception. But here’s the problem: where will you get the money to buy a home with very modest incomes? How to save up for an apartment with a salary of 30,000, 20,000, 50,000 rubles, if you need a million for decent housing? The answer is simple - take a loan from the bank. But a loan is expensive, and wages are unstable. In this case, you need to set a goal for yourself - to accumulate funds to buy a home. Let's consider the question of how to save for housing in more detail.

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 50,000: saving method

How to save for an apartment in Moscow if your monthly earnings are about 50,000 rubles? The saving method is not a strategy for the faint of heart or the wasteful. Purposeful and persistent people can, without hesitation, begin to realize their intended goal, actively cutting their expenses, giving up bad expensive habits and planning their monthly budget. Be sure to do it monthly because we live in an unstable world with unstable wages.

But the main thing is not only the plan, but also the accounting. Therefore, you need to record your expenses daily, and then do an analysis to optimize them in the next planning period.

Specialized PC software - Keepsoft.ru, Family - will help you start keeping home accounting and wisely managing your finances. An alternative to these programs would be mobile applications- EasyFinance, BUDGET, Toshl and others. This software will help you discipline yourself, plan expenses and set yourself up to achieve your goal.

But we don’t have our head in the clouds, we live in a specific country, and material goods in it have a real price. In addition, when saving, one should not forget about inflation and decisively reconsider one’s (or family’s) consumer basket. Ask your friends and acquaintances who have already realized their dream of owning their own home - how you were able to save up for an apartment. And you will probably be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things about this thorny path.

What can you give up without harming your family?

Advising a person with such earnings to stop purchasing luxury goods is absurd.

  • First of all, you should think about giving up bad habits - drinking alcohol and cigarettes, or at least reducing their quantity.
  • It's a good idea to consider buying sweets for your family. This triad causes great damage to any budget and at the same time has a bad effect on health. Thus, you achieve two goals at once: save money and improve your well-being.
  • In order to save money, you will have to engage in shopping in a positive sense, that is, looking for cheaper retail outlets for purchasing goods and food. By going to wholesale warehouses once a week, you can save up to 20-40% on food. You can also buy household chemicals and cosmetics there. To save on clothes, you can buy things from China in online stores such as tmall.com, aliexpress.com, taobao.com. You can buy equipment and electronics much cheaper on the American online auction ebay.com, on the boards free ads avito, Yula, auctions for the sale of confiscated property of debtors and bankrupts. You can save significantly on shoes by purchasing goods in stores at the end of the season (summer shoes in winter, winter shoes in summer). To purchase outerwear, you can go to a second-hand store, where they often sell brand new branded items from Europe from last year’s collections.
  • Transport costs also need to be reduced: you should not often use a personal car or taxi. It is cheaper to use public transport. If you are planning a long-distance trip, you can save on fuel by taking a travel companion with you. The Blablacar.ru service will help you with this.
  • If you don’t have water and gas meters, you need to install them. The costs for this are low, but the savings are noticeable.
  • It will be cheaper to have fun. Trips to theaters and cinemas will have to be postponed until better times. And instead of an evening in a cafe, you will have to have dinner at home. Learn to cook pizza, rolls and other culinary masterpieces at home, and then you won’t have to spend money on visiting catering establishments.
  • For a while you will have to forget about tourist tours, but cheap weekend trips are welcome, as well as trips by personal car.

How many years can it take to save up for an apartment, saving on everything?

Since the minimum wage is now 7,800 rubles, you can try to live on 20,000 rubles a month. Therefore, if you earn 50 thousand rubles, by investing the saved funds in a bank at 8% per annum, the amount of 1,162,157.01 rubles can be accumulated in 4 years. If you are thinking about how to save for an apartment, the deposit calculator will help you quickly estimate how many years of your life you will save by investing your finances wisely, rather than storing them at home under the mattress.

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 20,000: a strategy for gradually improving living conditions

To use this method, you need to have a small accumulated amount, which will allow you to purchase a small living space in cheap, non-prestigious areas of the city. For example, in a hostel or communal apartment. And if you have temporary housing, you can rent it out, generating additional income. Then, by constantly monitoring advertisements, you can exchange it with a small surcharge for an apartment with poor communal conditions or requiring extensive repairs. And this process can be continued until you achieve the desired result. You can find cheap real estate for 5-40% of their real value at bankruptcy auctions, where property is sold individuals and organizations recognized as debtors.

Is it possible to save up for an apartment without a mortgage?

It’s quite possible to save for an apartment without a mortgage. There is a risk in this method and you have to rely on luck, because with such a salary you will not be able to save more than 5,000 per month and this means that you will have to save the required amount for fifteen years. During this time, the cost of the apartment may rise significantly, and you risk losing all your enthusiasm. That is why it is worth thinking about how to profitably invest money at interest. This will allow you to achieve your goal faster.

If you invest money at 15% per annum in mutual funds, you can reduce the period of capital accumulation to 10 years. As we can see from the example, competent financial management can save up to 5 years.

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 30,000: speculators’ strategy

Everyone dreams of getting rich quickly, but without risk - these are just dreams. Now it is quite possible to take risks without breaking the law. To do this, you can use a small capital by starting trading on the Forex exchange. Or invest money in a reliable investment fund. You can create your own business project or purchase a franchise to invest your savings in it. But all this is for people who are capable of doing business. Here you can double your investment, but you can lose everything. A calmer and less expensive method is to use some kind of government program that helps young or large families improve their living conditions. There are many federal and regional housing programs for government employees. But the likelihood of getting an apartment is thus very low.

With a salary of 30,000 rubles. You can save half of this amount. If you don’t keep your money under your pillow, but invest it in stocks, then with a return of 20% per year, you can accumulate the amount of 1,005,040.89 in 4 years.

Watch a video about managing personal money to save up for a large purchase faster:

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Greetings, dear friends! I have great news for you - to have your own home! Yes, yes, you heard right. In our country, buying an apartment through a mortgage is a large-scale event. Many people have to save money for its implementation almost all their lives. And for some, even this time is not enough to finally acquire personal property. In general, even if your salary allows you to take out a loan from a bank, then in any case you will need funds for the down payment, and therefore, one way or another, you will have to rack your brains about where to get the money. I suggest you don’t fool yourself and don’t put off buying a home, but together with me figure out how to save up for an apartment and start moving in the direction of your dreams.

Learning to save money: how to improve your financial situation

Unfortunately, it will be very difficult for the average hard worker with a salary of 20,000 rubles a month to save for an apartment. That's why you need to think what can you do to earn extra money? to start saving for an initial fee on mortgage. It's easy to say, but difficult to do. Of course, many of you will now say that you have no idea where to start looking for part-time work, and have no idea where you can find additional sources of income. But these are just excuses.

What to do?

I advise you to first ask yourself the question “ What can I do?». Right now Take a piece of paper and write down on it all your knowledge, abilities and specific skills that you have acquired throughout your life. Now look through the resulting list and ask yourself the second question - “ Which one do I do best?" Any skill you have in a particular subject area is your advantage in the labor market.

And finally, the last question to ask when looking at the list. " What can this bring me? highest income? " Here I recommend that you mark a couple of options. Now feel free to choose the point that you like most, to which your soul lies, and begin to actively work in a given direction. You desperately need money. You can get them in various ways, among which:

What should you never do?

Now figure out for yourself which things will become a real taboo for you throughout the entire period of savings. Now we will talk about investments and purchases. So:

Count your money

Since we all know from childhood that money loves account, obviously, the better we count them, the more of them we will have.


Order an income card for yourself. I previously did a review. Read it, it is quite possible that you will like some kind of plastic. This way you will make money work for you and your dream.

Opening a deposit

Open a deposit with interest capitalization. This will allow your money not to gather dust on the shelf, but to bring you a small passive income and help save money for an apartment as soon as possible.

Phone assistant

Housing and communal services

Install water meters and start saving on utility bills.
If you have a three-phase electricity meter, switch some household chores to night mode. For example, start washing at night, cook in a slow cooker at night.

Attitude towards loans

In the very near future pay off all your debts, if any, and don't borrow money in future.

But before you go into saving mode, I implore you: start earning more. Only in this case, within a year you will have the amount necessary for the first mortgage payment. And the experience gained will prepare you for the loan, morally and materially. I advise you to start looking for an apartment about 2-3 months before your bank account The amount required for the purchase will appear. Thus, the problem of how to profitably take out a loan will automatically disappear, and you won’t have to waste precious time.

Strategies for saving money

Since obtaining a mortgage loan without a down payment is very difficult, it is necessary to take care of solving the most pressing problem - how to accumulate this amount in as soon as possible? I’ll tell you right away that money for a down payment on a mortgage is not at all the same as saving for a “gray day”. After all, you need to have a specific amount by the specified deadline. I suggest you use workers accumulation strategies.

Shlomo Benartzi's principle

Studying the mistakes of economic planning, the famous economist Shlomo Benartzi created a standard behavior pattern for people who are puzzling over how to get a mortgage. His research showed that approximately two-thirds of Europeans have never engaged in long-term savings, and therefore are completely unable to predict their spending.

Simply put, people are not used to cutting their expenses and deny yourself the usual things. Fear of limitation prevents them from procrastinating. To solve this problem, Shlomo suggests saving according to the “ more tomorrow" Her idea is to gradually increase investment. That is, at first you save 3% of your monthly income, gradually increasing the share of savings. The period through which the savings portion will increase depends only on you and the goal you are pursuing.

I’ll say right away that if you are deciding how to save up for your own apartment in Moscow, being a specialist with a salary of 30,000 rubles, you need huge deadlines. Since we need a down payment on our mortgage, we can increase our savings percentage by 1 percent each month. Although it is more profitable to take 5% step, which will be done every 3 months.

Of course, you won’t be able to increase your share indefinitely. Gradually you will come to the maximum that will be optimal for your savings and comfortable for you. It is clear that no one has canceled current living expenses, but in this case it is important for us to learn to follow this principle. Benartzi himself is convinced that it is much more far-sighted to save money on a residual basis. In addition, if your income suddenly increases (your salary increases, for example), it makes sense to transfer the difference between the new and old salary or bonus into savings.

Fraction method 50/20/30

This accumulation option is much faster than the previous one and more widespread. The method is based on rationalizing the division of income. Since it is extremely difficult to control income divided into many parts, it is necessary to divide the salary into only 3 categories:

  • 50% - This amount for mandatory expenses, which include utility bills, rent, groceries, tuition, insurance, medicine, internet and communications
  • 30-35% - these are savings that will later become the down payment on a mortgage loan
  • 15-20% - these are trips to cafes, restaurants, shopping and entertainment

Aim to follow this methodology and divide your income in this ratio. Remember that the most important figure in this formula is future savings. However, this does not mean at all that you need to forget about current expenses, save on yourself and thereby lose motivation, periodically breaking down and spending what you have accumulated on trips to cafes and shopping.

Special government and banking programs

Benefits for young families

Social mortgage for newlyweds. Provided to families in which each member is under 35 years of age. Thanks to this state program you can get mortgage subsidy. The amount of this assistance is calculated based on the number of members in your family.

If your young family is recognized as in need of improved housing conditions, you will need to collect a special package of documents and register with the city administration. I advise you not to rush into this matter, but first find out how actively this program is developing in your region of residence, and how many families have already received compensation for the purchase of housing.

Maternal capital

A family in which a second (or third, or fourth, or...) child was born can use maternity capital to pay the down payment on a mortgage loan.

Applying for a loan without paying a down payment

You can receive such a loan if you can provide the housing you already own as collateral. However, be prepared for the fact that the rate on such a mortgage will be slightly higher than the average.

Alternative deals

To speed up the home buying process, use the proceeds from the sale of assets as a down payment. A striking example of an alternative transaction can be considered the sale of an apartment you already have and the purchase of another to replace it. Alternatively, you can take out a mortgage to share an apartment with your good friend or relative. When the loan is repaid, you will sell the apartment, divide the money, and use the profit as a down payment on the mortgage on your own home. The only caveat you need to know is that the assets must be sold 2-3 months before the loan is issued. This is exactly the period the bank needs to approve a loan application.

Some numbers

Let's calculate how quickly we can pay off mortgage, if we buy an apartment that will cost 3 million rubles. Those of you who read my article “” can skip this point because you are already familiar with these calculations.

So, I propose to immediately break down borrowers into three categories:

  1. those who have a small income and who do not have any savings
  2. those who have saved some of their funds and are trying to pay off their mortgage loan as quickly as possible
  3. intermediate option

Let me remind you that banks calculate monthly mortgage payments and fix them until the end of the lending period. This is why you will know how much money you will need to pay to the bank every month.

Thus, it turns out that if you tighten your belts, use all the above tips for saving and increasing your monthly income, then literally in 10 years You can become the full owner of your own home. Well, if we add here the possibility of applying for a tax refund from the purchased apartment using a mortgage, then it will be possible to pay off the loan even in 7-8 years. I won’t talk now about how tax interest is refunded, since you can find all the information you are interested in in my separate review, which I will devote specifically to this issue.

Possible risks and ways to solve them

Before taking out a mortgage for an apartment, you need to assess all possible risks associated with savings. I suggest you consider the most common and together with me, figure out how their impact on the final result can be reduced.

Loss of concentration on the end goal

You must be prepared for the fact that quite impressive sums will be taken out of your family’s usual budget. extremely difficult and painful. As soon as your initial enthusiasm subsides, and the accumulated amount is equal to several monthly family incomes, you will be faced with an incredible number of temptations to use it not for its primary purpose or even give up saving for some time in order to solve some current problems.

To avoid this scenario, before you start saving for a mortgage make a reserve for all kinds of unforeseen expenses, the amount of which is equal to 3-6 monthly expenses of the family. In this way, you will protect yourself from the desire to “get into” mortgage money if something really happens that will require you to spend urgently, beyond your budget. In addition, knowing that you have such an unpleasant habit of spending money for no reason or without reason, make a small reserve of money for yourself that can be spent on pampering and treating a bad mood.

Failed Investments

Since investment money is in a state of free play, we are constantly at risk of losing some of it. This principle is completely inappropriate when it comes to mortgage money. These savings must be reliably protected and ready for use within the specified period. Otherwise, your dream of owning your own home will again be shelved.

Don't try to multiply the money you've saved for your mortgage down payment by investing in securities, units of mutual funds and derivative instruments. Remember that money should be stored in such a way that there is no not the slightest possibility reducing their number.

Bad timing

This point is in many ways similar to the previous one. However, in this case we will be talking about storing mortgage money V foreign currency . Agree, an unsuccessful purchase of currency is a sure way to delay the application for a mortgage loan. The same applies to reliable investments such as the acquisition of bond mutual funds or any funds for money market. In principle, this decision is quite reasonable, but we must remember that in a crisis the price of these assets may fall seriously.

This problem can be solved as follows. The closer your savings deadline gets, the less money you have investment portfolio there should be “almost safe” investments like currencies and bonds. Try to cancel them 3-6 months before making your first loan payment. By the way, this should also include the choice of the bank in which your capital will be stored. Choose most reliable commercial Bank , do not chase high interest rates. As a rule, the most profitable organizations collapse at extremely inopportune moments.

Loss of income

If you chase a little more income, while guaranteeing the preservation of the main body of capital, a banal loss of all the interest you have accrued may occur. For example, most investment companies offer their clients complex products, guaranteeing them a return on their investment and offering them the opportunity to earn more income than in a bank. In this case, the risk associated with a possible loss of several percent per annum turns out to be completely unjustified if the shelf life of your capital is strictly limited.

I strongly recommend that you keep your mortgage money exclusively with reliable banks that provide the opportunity to replenish a long-term deposit, even if they do not offer the highest deposit rates. Try plan the terms of the deposit as accurately as possible, so that you do not have to lose interest on early withdrawals.

Criminal impact

It is unlikely that I will surprise anyone if I say that several hundred thousand, and even more so millions, of rubles are an enviable target for all kinds of scammers and swindlers. That is why it is necessary to think in advance about implementing an “anti-criminal” plan.

Try not to talk about the fact that you are saving money for an apartment. Limit the circle of people involved in your financial plans, even among close people. You understand that even those who do not wish you harm may inadvertently spill the beans about your plans and successes. This is especially important for those whose usual social circle is completely unaccustomed to such amounts of savings. Unfortunately, money often causes envy and increased attention from strangers. Entrust your capital to the bank, refuse to link the account to yours plastic cards, mobile phone and Internet banking. And if tied, keep cards and access at home, with maximum isolation from the outside world.

Lost profit

Some banks provide special conditions for those clients who are saving money for a mortgage loan. Now I'm talking about special mortgage deposits with various bonuses. I must admit that non-interest bonuses are often much more profitable than higher interest rates at other banks.

I advise you to study all available bank offers for mortgage deposits. Pay special attention addition to annual interest . As a bonus, you may be offered a discount on your mortgage or free rental of a safe after the deposit expires, as well as much more.

And finally, a couple of tips that will help you realize your dream of owning your own home in the very near future:

Don’t try to buy an apartment on your own, save with like-minded people

Be that as it may, saving the amount necessary to purchase a home on your own is an extremely difficult task. Just think about it: you will need to live somewhere, pay for utilities and food. To make your task easier, write on a piece of paper a list of relatives and friends to whom you you trust completely. Choose among them those who find themselves in the same situation as you and have identical housing issue. Invite them to save for an apartment together with you, setting aside equal shares for the property.

If you divide all payments equally, you can significantly reduce the term of your mortgage loan and live with your partner in a rented apartment. The only difference is that you will pay for your property. As soon as half of the loan is paid, the apartment can be sold and the remaining debt can be repaid using the proceeds. The remaining difference can be divided equally and used as a down payment on a mortgage loan for your own apartment.

If you apply, you need to comply

Unfortunately, nothing just falls on your head. To achieve the desired results, you need to work hard, develop and improve yourself. You must understand that any experience and knowledge can subsequently be monetized. A person who does nothing but whine about his salary of 30,000 rubles, of which he has to pay 20,000 monthly for a rented apartment, will never become successful. You need to learn new professions, try to earn money in other types of activities, or improve your own qualifications in order to move up the career ladder and get more money. wages. Get in the habit of saving money at the same time. invest them (at least in bank deposit), make it work for you. If you don’t like such changes and are not ready for them, then all you can do is continue to make ends meet, live in rented apartments and make large purchases exclusively on credit.


Our savings lesson has now come to its logical conclusion. I really hope that you will be able to put the acquired knowledge into practice and realize your dream of buying your own home. Share your mortgage experience in the comments, tell us how you saved for an apartment, what difficulties arose, and how you dealt with them. Well, that’s all, dear friends, see you soon!

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For many people, a mortgage is the only way to purchase their own home. However, high rates, a large package of documents for the bank and a down payment make even such a purchase impossible.

What then remains? You can rent a house, but with a salary of 20,000 rubles, this means parting with most of your income. Today, experts have come to the conclusion that it is quite possible to save up for your own apartment even with a small salary.

Real estate in Russia

The real estate market in Russia has emerged relatively recently. This is due to the fact that in the Soviet Union there was practically no private property. After its collapse, the need arose to quickly adapt to new conditions.

Today, all real estate in Russia is divided into two types:

  • residential;
  • a commercial.

Residential also has its own types:

  • urban;
  • suburban.

Urban real estate includes apartments in multi-storey buildings. In some small towns, private houses and cottages are still relevant. However, they are very rare.

All city real estate is divided into several types:

  • Economy class. This type of real estate includes small apartments in panel houses. Also included in this category are apartments located in residential buildings, but with an unsuccessful layout, a small area and in poor condition.
  • Business Class. This includes large apartments in brick buildings. The main conditions for such real estate are increased heat and sound insulation, the presence of a developed local area and parking.
  • Deluxe. Other names for this class are premium and elite. Such housing is built according to the original design of the famous architect. Local area is also arranged according to the design of a renowned specialist. For the construction of deluxe real estate, only high-quality materials are used.

Country real estate includes one-story buildings, cottages with two or more floors, as well as townhouses, where three separate dwellings are located in one house.

The price of real estate is determined depending on the class of housing.

Approximate prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in provincial cities

In megacities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, real estate prices are the highest.

To purchase secondary housing in Moscow, the average person will have to pay approximately 163 thousand rubles per square meter. This is the price for business class real estate. The cost of housing in Moscow in a new building is approximately 155 thousand rubles.

Real estate prices in St. Petersburg are slightly lower. Secondary housing can be purchased for 100 thousand rubles per square meter. The cost of real estate in a new building is approximately 93 thousand rubles per square meter.

In provincial cities, the cost of real estate is much lower than in megacities. Table 1 will show prices in some major cities of Russia.

Real estate prices in Russia. Table 1.

City name

Price per m2, thousand rubles

Nizhny Novgorod

Such housing prices indicate that buying your own home is impossible for the vast majority of Russian residents.

Average salary in Russia

The average salary in Russia is approximately 36,000 rubles. However, for megacities and regions the numbers will be different. In Moscow, the average salary is approximately 66,000 rubles, and in St. Petersburg 45,000 rubles. In the regions the numbers are much more modest. For some cities they will be shown in Table 2.

Average wages in Russian cities. Table 2.

However, as practice shows, many ordinary people have a salary of only 15-20 thousand rubles; it is almost impossible to make significant savings with such income.

No mortgage

To save up for an apartment without any mortgage, you need to prepare to leave your comfortable living conditions. Moral attitude is half the battle.

You should start saving not by setting aside funds, but by keeping records of expenses. Experts advise having a separate notebook or notebook in which all expenses are recorded - rent, transportation costs, loans, groceries, household chemicals, etc. You even need to take into account the purchase of a matchbox. At the end of the month you should sum it up. You need to count all your expenses and think about where you can save.

This system allows you to decide how much money you need per month. The remaining amount can be deposited in the bank to earn interest. They are the ones who will bring you closer to your cherished goal.

How to save for housing with a salary of 15,000

Accumulating a serious amount with a salary of 15,000 rubles is an unrealistic task. If studio apartment costs about 1,800,000 rubles, then you will have to save your entire salary for 10 years. At the same time, you cannot afford to spend any money at all. It is a priori impossible to do this. This means that you need to look for other ways to get money for an apartment.

With a salary of 15,000 rubles, no bank will give you a mortgage. You should forget about this option. In this case, in order to purchase your own home, you should think about finding an additional source of income. Below we will discuss ways to do this. You also need to pay attention to government support. Now programs to support young families are constantly being developed. Still valid maternal capital. According to it, upon the birth or adoption of the mother’s second and subsequent children, a certificate is issued that can be used to improve living conditions.

In addition, you can borrow money from relatives. However, this will make it necessary to pay back the entire borrowed amount sooner or later. Therefore, when the salary is 15,000 rubles best option– search for an additional source of income.

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 20,000

If the average person’s income is 20,000 rubles, then saving for their own housing is also very problematic. A one-room apartment worth 1,800,000 rubles will become available if you save 15,000 rubles for 10 years.

The situation is simpler for families where at least two adults work. They will be able to purchase a one-room apartment for 1,500,000 without a mortgage in just 6 years. To do this, they should form their budget in such a way that they spend only one salary. The second should be completely saved for the apartment.

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 30,000

You can only save money for an apartment with a salary of 30,000 rubles if you try to save on literally everything. First you need to decide on the housing that will subsequently be purchased. You should select an area and find out the current prices at which real estate is sold there. When it is clear how much housing costs, it is easier to decide on the amount that needs to be saved and make a calculation.

For example, a one-room apartment costs 1,500,000 rubles. If you save 20,000 a month, you can buy it in 6 years. In this case, only 10,000 rubles remain for all needs. You cannot go beyond this limit. Only under this condition will the real estate acquisition operations be feasible.

If you want to buy an apartment quickly and don’t want to save on everything, then you can find an additional source of income or turn to government support programs.

With a salary of 50,000

Quickly saving up for an apartment with a salary of 50,000 rubles is a fairly realistic task. To do this, as already mentioned, you should decide on the cost of the apartment and keep a notebook of income and expenses. With reasonable savings, you can save 30,000 rubles per month. In this case, after 4 years an apartment will be available for 1,500,000 rubles. If you need housing at a higher cost, then you need to either save longer or find an additional source of income.

In Moscow

Saving for an apartment in Moscow is the most difficult because of the high cost of housing. However, even in this case you can do without a mortgage.

The first thing you should do is find out about preferential conditions for purchasing real estate. If they suit the average person, then he must then contact the social security department, where he will be told in detail about what documents he should collect.

In case of absence preferential terms, you need to decide on the cost of the apartment and start saving money. When a sufficient amount is collected, it is recommended to do savings deposit, thanks to which you can quickly raise money for an apartment.

Saving methods

There are several specific saving tips Money that contribute to the accumulation of financial resources:

  • Avoid drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages and tobacco. For these needs, a certain amount is spent daily and weekly, on which it is quite possible to save.
  • Refusal to visit cafes, restaurants, etc. If you don’t eat in the canteen at work, but take food with you, you can save an impressive amount of money.
  • A trip to the store should only be done with a specific shopping list.
  • Refusal of rented housing. This advice is relevant for families who may be moving in with their parents.
  • Refusal to use personal transport.

How to increase income, various options

To start saving, you need to have a good salary. If your income is small, but there are a number of conditions that keep you in this position (social benefits, friendly team, etc.), you should start looking for new sources of income. Here are some options for this:

  • Investments. This is passive income. You can invest money in precious metals, shares of large companies, etc.
  • Bank deposit. In this case, it is recommended to choose proven jars with high interest rate. In this case, the deal will bring great income.
  • Your own blog or website. Their creation brings good income, sometimes several times higher than what is available at the main place of work.
  • Purchasing a ready-made website. If you don’t have the skills to create a website, you can purchase a ready-made resource. Then it “promotes” and generates income.
  • Open your own business. Disadvantage: you need an initial payment.
  • Earn money on your car. You can get a job at certain hours, for example, before and after work, in a taxi service or in a courier service.
  • Resale of goods. If you buy goods at a lower cost and sell them for a higher price, you can make good money.

An example of calculating savings for an apartment for the required period of time

If a family consists of 3 people, and the total income is 70,000 rubles, then a two-room apartment for 2,000,000 can be bought in 3 years.

Here is a calculator for calculating savings for the required period of time:

  • Expenditure on cigarettes is 180 rubles per day. This amount is 65,700 rubles per year.
  • The cost of coffee is 300 rubles per can. It lasts for 2 weeks if all family members drink coffee. The cost per year will be 7,200 rubles. The amount is small, but still it contributes to the general fund.
  • Three liters of beer for 200 rubles. If you allow yourself to drink the drink once a week, then the amount per year is 9,600 rubles.
  • A set lunch costs about 150 rubles per day. This amounts to 750 rubles per week and 3,000 rubles per month. The savings per year will be 36,000 rubles. You can save 72,000 rubles to feed two adults. If you have a habit of going to a restaurant once a week, then for two adults this trip costs approximately 6,000 rubles. The amount collected per year is 72,000 rubles.
  • When purchasing something unnecessary, a family overpays up to 1000 rubles at a time. Spending on unnecessary purchases sometimes amounts to 10,000 rubles per month. Per year – 120,000 rubles.
  • If the cost of rent is 20,000 rubles, then refusing it will bring savings of 240,000 rubles per year.
  • If you transfer to public buses, you can save up to 200 rubles per day. The savings per month will be 73,000 rubles.

TOTAL: 659,500 rubles per year. In three years, with such savings, you can accumulate 1,978,500 rubles. This is almost the full cost of the apartment.

Pitfalls, inflation

Often ordinary people are interested in the issue of inflation. Over the years, money depreciates due to rising prices, so many are sure that saving is irrelevant. However, this does not apply to real estate. Prices for it were initially inflated, so the increase in housing construction leads to the fact that the cost is constantly decreasing. Therefore, now it is much more profitable to save and wait for prices to fall than to take out a mortgage. After paying it off, it is much more likely that the home will cost much less than at the time of purchase.

There are many ways to increase your income and save for your own home. To do this, you don’t need to ask someone: “Lend me money” or “Help me buy an apartment,” but you just need to correctly distribute your income. How to do this was described in this article.

In the article, I shared proven ideas and ways by which you can really quickly and honestly earn money for an apartment, even in Moscow and St. Petersburg, numbers and calculations are attached

Hello, dear friends!

The business magazine “HeaterBober.ru” and Alexander Berezhnov are with you.

Today we’ll talk about a topic that is relevant to many of our compatriots. We will talk about buying a home, or rather about how to earn money for it yourself.

After all, not everyone has rich relatives and inheritance in the form of real estate.

The information provided here will be especially relevant for young families and people with an average salary who cannot save up for an apartment quickly and buy it from scratch.

And now everything is in order!

1. What you need to know to earn money for an apartment in 1 year

The very first thing you must decide on is questions about the parameters of the future apartment, namely:

  • what kind of apartment you want to buy (size, location, floor);
  • where - in what area of ​​the city or outside the city;
  • at what price and on what terms (installment payment, mortgage, maternity capital);
  • whether you have sufficient funds or part of such funds to purchase housing.

Without clearly answering these questions, the chances of acquiring living space will tend to zero, especially if you don’t have the money for such a purchase.

Remember the famous expression:

For a ship that does not know its direction, no wind will be favorable.

Then, based on available resources, you will need to draw up a plan that will show exactly how much money you need to earn for an apartment over a certain period, for example, a year.

Let's assume that the apartment you are interested in costs 3 000 000 rubles, and you have an amount of 1200 000 rubles

In this case, if you want to buy an apartment in a year, you will need more 1 800 000 rubles, that is, per month you will have to earn:

1 800 000 / 12 months = 150 000 rubles per month.

You will need to build on this figure.

2. How to earn money for an apartment in Moscow and St. Petersburg

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, apartment prices are significantly higher than in other Russian cities.

Now the cost of a one-room apartment in the capital ranges from 5 000 000 before 25 000 000 rubles and more depending on the type of house, the distance of the apartment from the city center, its condition and square footage.

It is clear that it is unrealistic for an ordinary citizen of our country to earn an apartment in Moscow and St. Petersburg if he is not a businessman and lives on an average salary (from 15,000 to 40,000 rubles per month).

The same principle of calculation applies here - you need to determine what monthly income you need to have in order to afford to buy this property.

When people start calculating the cost of housing even in their own city, not to mention Moscow and St. Petersburg, it turns out that they will have to save for an apartment from 5 before 100 years at their current income. It is known that the price of real estate increases in the long term.

And this also takes into account that a person will save his entire salary for future real estate, without buying food, clothing or other expenses.

If you are reading this article, you most likely think so too.

But not everything is so hopeless.

As Carlson said in the cartoon of the same name:

Calm, just calm!

You have two ways to solve this difficult financial problem:

  1. Buy an apartment with your own money, increasing your income many times over
  2. Take out a loan for an apartment and repay it without damaging your budget (income)

If the first option of buying an apartment is at least clear, except for the question of how to increase this same income, then the second option is shrouded in darkness and mystery for most people.

Indeed, you can earn money for an apartment in Moscow in a year with an income of 500 000 rubles a month, no less! The situation with St. Petersburg is approximately the same, only the amount will not be so impressive.

To buy an apartment in St. Petersburg you need to earn money 250 000 - 300 000 rubles per month if you want to buy an apartment without a mortgage (loan) for cash.

Now is the time to find out how to do this!

3. 5 proven ideas for quickly earning big money or how to buy an apartment if you have a small salary

Below are described effective ways that allow a person to buy an apartment himself in a short period or with minimal investment.

Here we will consider the option of buying an apartment with a mortgage, but you will not pay it, or rather, the mortgage loan will not be paid out of your money, earned by sweat and blood.

Have you heard the expression:

Lifelong slavery has now been replaced by a lifetime mortgage!

I am also not a supporter of such slavery, so let's try to get around it.

This is how the preamble turned out, and now let’s move on to the ideas with which a common person can earn enough to buy an apartment in a year or two.

Idea 1. Create passive income on the Internet and take out a loan against it to buy an apartment

Now enterprising guys (mostly young) have realized how they can not save several million rubles, but immediately get them and buy long-awaited real estate.

I write about what passive income is and how to create it.

Even a student and a retiree can create such an income on the Internet; they just need to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills (or find people who can create such a website for you).

For example, the business magazine “HeaterBober.ru”, where you are now reading this article, is just such a profitable site.

How does this scheme work?

Step 1 . We create a website

You create a website that you promote in search engines and place advertising on it. In a year or two (if you work hard on such a site), it will bring you income comparable to the average Moscow salary, and maybe more.

The most interesting thing is that the profit from the site will come to you automatically and, using it, you will simply pay off your monthly payment on mortgage.

Step 2. We take out a mortgage for an apartment

Everything is like people. No "black" schemes.

Just go to the bank and apply for a mortgage loan.

You confirm your income, and if it is insufficient, attract co-borrowers (your relatives).

Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of an apartment!

There’s just one thing - you have to pay the loan for several years.

Step 3. Repay the loan with passive income from the created website

This is where your passive income website comes in. It is with this money that you pay off your monthly loan (mortgage) for the apartment.

In this case, you do not give away most of your salary, but use it for your needs. At the same time, your income website is the guarantor of your payment on the mortgage loan.

I already wrote in the article “” how to create a profitable website and make money on it.

By the way, the payment scheme for a loan for an apartment and not only can be carried out at the expense of passive income created in any other way.

Passive income can be obtained, for example, in network marketing.

Just don’t confuse good network companies with financial pyramids. How to distinguish them, read in.

Idea 2. Take out a mortgage on an apartment and let tenants into it

Another way to earn money for an apartment is to pay off the loan using other people’s money.

This method is the simplest and most obvious, but it takes several years for this property to become your property.

Its essence is as follows.

You take out a loan (mortgage) and buy an apartment. Next, you let tenants in and pay off the mortgage with the rent they bring you monthly.

It is worth saying that sometimes the apartment may be idle if you do not find tenants.

There is also a risk of your property being damaged by tenants.

However, if you approach this method of buying an apartment responsibly and calculate the efficiency of renting out your mortgaged home, then in 10-15 years you will have your own residential property.

Yes, not very soon, but without large monthly expenses and endless “savings” and “savings” from your salary.

Idea 3. Borrow money against your apartment as collateral

If you do not have free money to buy an apartment, you can use a loan and buy an apartment secured by the one in which you currently live.

Most banks can give you such a loan, unless the property you have has restrictions for this (the apartment has an encumbrance, it is mortgaged or is under arrest).

This method is suitable for those who do not have enough current income (salary) for the bank to approve a mortgage.

Idea 4. Open your own business with high income

Opening your own business is not as difficult as many people think at first glance.

This will open up many opportunities for you to earn money for an apartment and more.

It’s quite possible to figure out the basics of doing business in a month and earn money on your treasured real estate within a year, two, three.

Yes, following this idea you take on certain risks, but each of us has heard the expression “working for someone else” and most people do just that.

Then why do our institutes teach how to become a specialist (lawyer, accountant, engineer, designer), but nowhere do they teach how to become this most mysterious “uncle” for whom these specialists work.

The truth is that if you want to earn big money (after all, you need at least several million to buy an apartment), willy-nilly you will have to become an “uncle” and in the near future open your own business, which will bring in many times more income than your salary.

That is, you must literally become a millionaire in order to afford to buy residential real estate.

You can find out how to earn a million for an apartment and any other goals from scratch.

At the same time, his ENTIRE salary must be spent on such savings, and real estate prices usually rise from year to year, so the process of saving over many years will be an almost pointless exercise.

You can also earn a lot of money by starting a business on the Internet, making a profit in non-standard ways, which we described in the article “”.

This is how, by increasing your income, you can earn money for an apartment. Some will be able to do this in 1 year, while others will need 3-5 years.

In any case, this is not “lifelong” mortgage “slavery”, but a cold mathematical calculation with the prospect of big life changes.

Idea 5. Conclude a lifelong maintenance (annuity) agreement with a lonely elderly person

Another way to “earn” an apartment is to find an elderly person in need of care and “see” him, receiving an apartment for this after his death.

This method of paid care for a disabled person will help you purchase real estate with minimal (relative to the cost of the apartment) investments.

To do this, you must find such an elderly person and enter into an annuity agreement or, in other words, a lifelong maintenance agreement with him.

This agreement sets out the conditions that you must fulfill to care for an elderly person in exchange for his property (after the death of the ward).

Usually, in this way it will be easier for a woman to get an apartment, since purely psychologically, due to her nature, it will be easier for her to care for an elderly person than for a man.

Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of this method of purchasing an apartment for you:

Pros of an annuity agreement:

  1. You don't need to have millions to buy an apartment;
  2. In the event of the imminent death of your ward, you will own an apartment with virtually no financial costs;
  3. You can live in the apartment of the person you are caring for, so you don't even have to own or rent your own place. This is especially convenient for people who do not have a family.

Disadvantages of an annuity agreement:

  1. Your ward may live for a very long time, and your care for him will drag on for years, respectively, and you will wait the same amount of time for an apartment;
  2. You risk losing the time and money that you invested in caring for an elderly person if he believes that you are caring for him in bad faith and terminates the annuity agreement (legally he has every right to do this);
  3. You will spend a significant part of your time and money on maintaining your ward, this will become, in a sense, your forced work for an indefinite period, so you must be prepared to endure all the inconveniences associated with such care for an elderly person.

It’s sad, but in our country there are criminals who enter into rental agreements with lonely old people, and then kill them and appropriate the apartments for themselves.

Such people are called “black realtors”.

I am sure that you, dear friend, are a law-abiding person and the thought of using such a criminal scheme for obtaining an apartment will not arise in your head.

Most people dream of owning their own residential property, but do not take action. They most often only think about the fact that they will never save enough for the treasured square meters, or they wait until they get the property from someone.

Every day, ordinary people like you and me buy apartments. Surely you are asking the question: “How did they do this and where did they get the money?”

And everything is quite simple - they, in turn:

  • Learned how to manage your budget wisely;
  • Had a clear goal and worked towards achieving it;
  • We found additional sources of income.

If you want to change your life, but don't know, then we recommend starting by setting a goal.

Tell yourself that in a year you will buy your own home. Your goal must be clear and realistic. Earning 20-30 thousand rubles and not having any savings, you should not hope that in exactly 365 days you will become the owner of a 3-story penthouse.

Let's move from simple dreams to real actions. You need to decide on the characteristics of your future apartment in order to understand how much you will have to earn and how long it will take to save money.

To make this easier, answer the following questions.

  1. What characteristics should your future apartment meet? For example, the number of rooms, their location (adjacent or separate), kitchen area, etc.
  2. Where exactly do you want to buy an apartment? In the city or outside it.
  3. What funds do you have at your disposal at the moment?

By answering these questions, you can easily calculate how much you will have to save during the year to purchase your own property.

For example, you want to buy a one-room apartment in the city center. We go to the real estate website and see how much the apartment you would like to buy currently costs. Let’s say the cost of a one-room apartment is 2 million rubles. You have a quarter of the amount in your hands, i.e. 500 thousand rubles.

After a simple calculation, it turns out that you need to save another 1,500,000 rubles in a year.

You will have to save per month:

1,500,000/12 = 125,000 rub./month.

Rebuilding our thinking and learning to save

So, you decided to buy your own apartment in a year. But for this something needs to be done. First you have to “tighten your belt” and... But you don’t need to eat only bread and wash it down with water.

Save - does not mean living worse and limiting yourself in everything. It’s enough just to control your expenses, give up “money eaters”, and not spend your hard-earned money thoughtlessly.

  1. Before each trip to the store, make shopping lists. This way you will protect yourself from impulsive purchases.
  2. Constantly analyze your spending and keep track of your cash flow.
  3. To refuse from bad habits. If you calculate how much you spend on tobacco products and alcohol, you will get an impressive amount.
  4. Switch to public transport. Owning a car is a very convenient means of transportation, but this benefit can take up the lion’s share of your budget.
  5. Avoid weekly visits to entertainment venues. If you cannot do this, then try to go to nightclubs or cafes not once a week, but once every 2-3 weeks. At the same time, control your spending.
  6. Replace going to the gym with morning runs around the stadium.
  7. If possible, live with your parents or relatives. The money you previously spent on renting an apartment can be saved for your own property.

In order to prove to all readers that saving money is actually possible to save for an apartment, we suggest considering the following table.

Expenses Amount of expenses
Impulse purchases RUB 500/day is spent on impulse purchases. This is 15,000 rubles. per month. For the year 180 thousand rubles.
Bad habits

Cigarettes: 1 smoking family member spends from 100 rubles/day on cigarettes, for two it is approximately 150 rubles/day

Per year: (150*30)*12=54,750 rub.

Alcohol: one person drinks on average 3 liters. beer a day. This is 50*3=150 rubles. If you drink only on weekends, then 54,750 rubles are spent on alcohol per year.

Entertainment A trip to a nightclub costs on average 5 thousand rubles. per person. If you visit such establishments once a week, then in a month you will spend 20 thousand rubles. And for the year 240 thousand rubles.
Renting a home On average, renting a home costs 14 thousand rubles. per month. For a year this is 168 thousand rubles.
Total: RUB 642,750

By cutting down on useless expenses, you can save up for ¼ of the apartment in just a year. Or use these funds as initial capital.

Anyone can do the same calculations. You will be very surprised when you see your numbers.

Visualize your goal

You've probably heard that our thoughts are material. Some people believe in it, and some don't. But, nevertheless, we would advise you to still think positively and believe that in the near future you will become the owner of an apartment.

For those who do not know how to visualize their dream, we suggest using the following method. Create a poster (collage) of wishes. One of the items must be an apartment. You need to find a picture of your dream apartment (for example, in a magazine), cut it out and paste it on your poster.

Be sure to hang your creation in a visible place. Thanks to this, you will constantly meet the picture of the apartment with your eyes and achieve your goal.

Looking for money

At this stage you can go in several ways:

  1. Take out a mortgage from a bank.
  2. Find a person who wants to enter into a Lifetime Maintenance Agreement with you.
  3. Reach out to relatives for financial assistance.
  4. Take out a mortgage secured by your existing home.
  5. Learn to redistribute family income.
  6. Find additional sources of income.
  7. Change profession or.
  8. Use government programs.

Now let’s talk about how to earn money for an apartment in more detail.

Mortgage from a bank

Many people are skeptical about the idea of ​​taking out a loan. They believe that this is voluntary slavery into which people force themselves. But in some cases this is the only acceptable option for receiving money.

Before applying for a mortgage, carefully study all the terms of the loan and calculate how much you will overpay. This is easy to do on the bank's website. Often the amount of interest is equal to the amount of the loan itself. For example, you take 2 million rubles. for 10-15 years, but you will have to return almost 4 million.

In addition, there is always the possibility of being left without work or the family’s financial situation may worsen. Applying for a mortgage for such long term, you cannot be sure that in 5-7 years you will be solvent.

On the other hand, due to inflation, money loses value every year and you may end up paying off your mortgage early.

The mortgage option can be considered when you have part of the amount to buy an apartment and you have additional income that will fully cover the mortgage payments.

Conclusion of a life annuity agreement

Some people make various sacrifices and inconveniences in order to have their own home. For example, you can often find a situation where older people who need special care enter into an annuity agreement with young people. According to its provisions, young people look after the elderly, and after the death of the latter, the apartment automatically goes to the persons who provided care.

This option is more suitable for women, because it is easier for them to adapt to such conditions. You may have to live with the elderly person you will be caring for.

But be prepared that you may have to look through it for more than one year. The main disadvantage of this option for obtaining an apartment is the possibility of terminating the contract and high costs.

For example, you have been caring for an old man for 5 years. But one day it seemed to him that you were not coping well with your responsibilities. He terminates the rental agreement, and you lose the opportunity to get his housing. At the same time, no one will return the money that you spent on the old man (you bought him food, medicine, etc.).

Weigh the pros and cons before taking such a step.

Financial assistance from relatives

Most often, young families need their own housing. If a couple has saved up, for example, a third of the money, then you can turn to your parents for help.

Close people will try to find a way to help. Perhaps they will have a certain part of the amount set aside, or maybe they will sell their dacha, which they have not visited for a long time, or their own car, in which they travel several times a year.

Mortgage secured by existing property

If you have an apartment, but want to purchase a home with a larger area, you can get a mortgage secured by the apartment in which you live.

After that, you let tenants into one of the apartments. The tenants will pay you rent each month, which you will use to pay off the mortgage.

But do not forget to take into account the fact that the apartment may remain idle for some time while you look for tenants, so you need to have some financial reserve in order to pay monthly mortgage payments in the event of force majeure.

Also, you are not immune from troubles associated with careless tenants. They can damage your property.

Use government programs

The state takes care of young families and in some cases helps financially. The money provided by law can be spent on purchasing an apartment. You just need to set a goal and find out about all the available government agencies. programs.

For example, Russian families at the birth or adoption of a second and subsequent children can count on the so-called maternity capital.

Redistribution of the family budget

This option is suitable for families with at least 2 people working. Its meaning is as follows. The family must live for a year on the salary of one worker, and save the second.

For clarity, let's look at example:

The cost of the apartment is about 1.5 million rubles.

The salary of each family member is approximately 25 thousand rubles.

If you save these 25 thousand rubles every month, then in a year you will accumulate 300 thousand rubles.

You will be able to afford an apartment in about 3-4 years.

Find additional sources of income

If you are completely and completely satisfied with your current job, but the salary leaves much to be desired, then we advise you to acquire an additional source of income.

The best way is to find a source of passive income.

Passive income This is when you perform an action once and receive profits over a long period of time.

For example, you deposit money in a bank for a year. For 12 months, without doing anything, you can earn interest on your deposit.

There are many ways passive income. . But let’s focus on the 5 most popular options.

In order to save up for an apartment in a year, you can also receive passive income. There are many options for making money on your own website. There is only one “But!” You must be prepared for the fact that within 6-12 months you will have to work a lot, invest money, and you will begin to receive profits only when the site is visited, interesting for advertisers, etc.

  1. Purchasing an existing site

If you don’t know how to create websites, then for a fee. After that, you “promote” it and sell it at a higher price.

You can also buy an already promoted site. It will be more expensive, but in this case you won’t have to wait long for profits to arrive.

Change your profession or start your own business

If you don't love your job and it doesn't bring you the income you want, then it's time to change it.

There are several options here:

  1. Retrain and master another profession. To do this, you don’t need to go to university and wait several years until you graduate. You can simply take short-term courses where you will be taught everything you need. Of course, over time you may get higher education specialty, studying part-time.
  2. Open your own business. Many people don’t even try, because they believe that it is quite difficult and a lot is needed. We are confident that for people with a clear goal (and you have one) and a desire to work, nothing is impossible. Moreover, you can start your own business with, and the initial capital in this case will not exceed 10 thousand rubles.

Regardless of whether you change your place of work or type of employment, we are sure that it is quite possible to earn money for an apartment in 1 year.

To confirm this, we bring to your attention 8 promising ideas for making money:


Realtor is an employee of a real estate agency who helps buyers find suitable housing and accompanies the client throughout the entire purchase/sale transaction.

Selling apartments is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If you have free time and a desire to work, then you can try to master this profession. Moreover, no investment is required from you.

Let us just mention that real estate agents receive 10-15% of the transaction value. Let's make a calculation. If the cost of an apartment is 2 million rubles, then you can earn 200-300 thousand rubles per transaction, and there may be several of them per month.

Resale of an apartment in a new building

Everyone knows that apartments in buildings under construction are several times cheaper than real estate that has already been put into operation.

This way you can buy an apartment that is still unfinished (at the foundation pit level), and when the house is completed and delivered, you can sell it at a higher price.

For example, you have enough money for a one-room apartment, but you want to buy a two-room apartment. In this case, you purchase a one-room apartment in an unfinished house, and when it is put into operation, you sell your property with a 15-20% markup. The proceeds should be enough to buy a two-room apartment.

Part-time work on your own car

If you have your own car, then you can and should make money on it. You can get a job in a taxi service, be a courier, or work as a driver in some organization.

In addition to the classic ways of making money on a car, you can use extraordinary methods. For example, transporting cars from abroad and selling them Russian market. It is best to drive cars from the Baltic countries, Germany or Poland.

Organization of training courses

If you are a creative person and know how to do things that others cannot, then you can open an author’s workshop. There you can teach everyone your skills for a fee.

This could be the production of unique dolls, jewelry, clothes, etc.

Resale of goods

Quite a good income is received by people who are engaged in the resale (speculation) of goods. You can trade a wide variety of products.

Now many people buy Chinese goods and resell them at many times higher prices.

Breeding exotic animals and plants

Good capital can be earned by breeding rare exotic animals and plants. In any city there are connoisseurs of such goods, and they are ready to shell out impressive sums for their weakness.

Representatives of flora and fauna can be sold via the Internet or specialized stores.

Starting your own business

Think about what you enjoy doing most and what you are best at. Maybe we should start doing just that. It's time to get out of your comfort zone and open your own business.

For example, a man worked as a mechanic at a service station for several years. He likes this activity and everything he doesn’t take on succeeds. Then he needs to take a risk and open his own service station. Thanks to this, he will be able to earn more, expand his business and develop.

How to save money on buying an apartment

When buying an apartment, people are often too lazy to search for their future home on their own and turn to realtors or real estate agencies. For a certain percentage of the transaction, specialists select an apartment and accompany you at all stages of the purchase and sale transaction.

All this sounds nice, but in practice it turns out that such agencies do not have their own database, but look for options in newspapers, real estate websites or bulletin boards. But you can do this yourself.

Many realtors do not have the necessary legal education and cannot properly advise you on any issues.

If you are afraid to complete the registration yourself, then it is better to contact experienced lawyers. They are the ones who know all the details and intricacies of buying real estate. Of course, lawyers will also have to pay. But this way you will spend 2-3 times less.

Is it possible to earn money for an apartment in a year with a salary of 15-30 thousand rubles? per month

In order to understand how to earn money for an apartment with a small salary, you need to analyze your expenses and decide on the parameters of the desired apartment.

Let’s say right away that at the moment we are not considering housing in Moscow or St. Petersburg, since a salary of 30 thousand rubles in these cities is unlikely to be enough for a family to live, not to mention savings.

Therefore, with such an income you will have to buy an apartment outside the city or in small towns.

So, a one-room apartment in good condition costs 2-2.5 million rubles.

Having a salary of 30 thousand rubles., you will have to give up your own car and rented housing. You will have to live with your family for a while and switch to public transport.

On average it costs one person to eat 8-9 thousand rubles. If a family of 2 people - 17 thousand rubles.

For public transport and other small expenses - 5 thousand rubles.

Remains 8 thousand rubles.

We calculate and determine how much you will have to save for an apartment worth 2 million rubles.

2,000,000/8 = 250 months or 20 years

If there are 2 working people in the family, then about 10 years. But remember that during this time you will limit yourself in everything. And with the advent of children, spending will increase.

As you can see, you won’t be able to collect 2 million rubles in a year with a salary of 30 thousand rubles, even if you don’t spend a penny. But you will be able to save up for a down payment on your mortgage. To summarize, let’s say that if you really want to have your own living space, then it is vital for you to look for a part-time job or change your current job.

Having decided to save money for an apartment in a year, you set yourself a rather difficult task. During this period, you will have moments of elation and loss of strength, because you will have to work a lot.

In order not to give up and continue to move towards your cherished dream, we suggest using the following recommendations:

  • Never give up. Go towards your goal. It's worth it;
  • Don't be a skeptic. Think positively and optimistically;
  • Don’t look for simple ways and “easy” money. You remember the proverb “Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap”;
  • Don't be reckless. Think over any step you take, consult with your loved ones;
  • Avoid dubious offers and do not get involved with “gray” schemes.


It’s quite possible to quickly earn money for an apartment. But anyone who sets such a goal will need to get out of their comfort zone. Surely you will have to change your lifestyle, learn to save and keep track of money spent, give up entertainment, perhaps change your profession, retrain and find a new job.

Some people manage to save money, but others don’t. We know one thing: in order to earn such a sum in such a short time, you need to act. Namely, set a goal and go towards it no matter what. We are confident that everything will work out for you, and very soon you will be proud of yourself and show off your own home!