Who is responsible for landscaping the local area of ​​an apartment building? Legislative norms. Construction and landscaping of the courtyard territory Landscaping of the courtyard territory of an apartment building address

Landscaping of courtyard areas is part of a large-scale state program“Formation of a comfortable urban environment.” The improvement of places where citizens spend a large amount of free time began in 2018 and should finally be completed by 2022. The main scope of work to solve problems in the courtyards of Russian high-rise buildings is planned for 2019-2020. It is important that when choosing a project for the reconstruction of objects, the last word will be with the users of courtyard areas, that is, with the residents. Those wishing to bring the area near their house into proper shape should hurry up and submit the appropriate application.

The essence of the program

Until recently, most of the courtyards in the cities and towns of Russia were in deplorable condition. Children's rooms preserved from the times of the Soviet Union sport complexes and the squares have long since fallen into disrepair and require reconstruction or complete replacement. The reason for this situation lies in the lack of funds for the installation and maintenance of modern facilities. Until 2018, yard landscaping work was carried out exclusively at the expense of local budgets. As you know, the main expenditures of regional funds are spent on social needs, and practically nothing is left for improvement. The problem is especially acute in small municipalities. The government decided to correct the current situation by introducing a unique state program “Formation of a comfortable urban environment.”

According to the approved program, areas near residential buildings and public areas will be built according to new projects. The lion's share of all costs will be borne by the government and allocated money from the federal budget. Regional authorities are responsible for correctly distributing them among cities and regions. It is important to understand that municipalities will receive money from the state treasury only after the development and approval of their own improvement program.

The direct participation of citizens in choosing a project for a particular yard is the main feature of the state program. Residents of apartment buildings themselves have the right to decide how the area near their home will be equipped. Meanwhile, the law provides for two types of work: minimal and additional. The first includes a standard set of services:

  • installation of benches and trash cans;
  • repair of sidewalks within the yard;
  • equipment modern system lighting.

At the request of the users of courtyard areas, it is possible to carry out additional work within the framework of the program. For example,

  • equip playgrounds for children of different ages;
  • provide areas for adults to relax;
  • organize places for walking pets;
  • carry out landscaping of areas (planting hedges, installing small architectural forms);
  • allocate space and equip parking spaces for residents and guests.

Since courtyard space is limited, residents need to make their own choice between one solution or another.

Important. If they wish to carry out work from the additional list, citizens will need to make their contribution. You can participate in the improvement of your yard through financial subsidies, and you need to pay at least 5% of the cost of repairs. An option is allowed when residents invest labor resources instead of money. For example, they paint the site themselves or plant trees themselves. Financial participation does not always mean that citizens will have to pay money out of their own pockets. Previously paid and accumulated funds from the capital repair fund can be spent for these purposes.

How to become a participant in the program

The creation of a comfortable public space, equipped from a practical and aesthetic point of view, as part of an improvement program is possible only for residents of apartment buildings. It is legally determined that participants can participate in the program: settlements with more than 1000 people. At the same time, only the yard where residents express their desire and submit an application will be included in the program. Consent to improvement under the “Formation of a Comfortable Urban Environment” program implies that residents are ready to co-finance the costs of developing the territory and further ensure its maintenance. The concept for landscaping the yard should be proposed by the municipality. And residents have the right to choose one direction or another at their own discretion.

In order to get into the federal program you must:

  • Get acquainted with the improvement plans for the desired period. This can be done on the official website "urban environment". Applications are generated in the current year for the next year. That is, in order for the work to be completed in 2020, you must submit an application before the end of 2019.
  • Contact the district authorities with a desire to join the program or simply complain about the mess in the yard. As practice shows, in response to an appeal, a letter will be sent with an official offer to take part in the federal project.
  • Organize a meeting of residents of those houses to which a specific territory belongs. By voting, citizens decide to participate in the program or not. If the decision is positive, it is necessary to select a group of people who can do organizational and “paper” work. Together, residents must decide on the amount of funding.
  • The initiative group is drawing up a sketch plan for the future vacation spot. In this case, it is important, if possible, to take into account all the wishes of the residents expressed at the first meeting. In the preliminary design, it is necessary to schematically outline the new yard, with existing objects and new ones planned for construction. Most often, residents turn to specialized companies to draw up a sketch. It would be good if the residents chose a responsible citizen who would agree to work on approving the project.

  • As the draft plan is being prepared, resident activists collect a complete package of documents to send to the administration. In addition to the diagram, it includes: an inventory passport of the yard, information about collection utilities, cost estimate, minutes of the meeting of the residents' meeting.
  • If the project is approved by the commission, then the next step is to select a company that will perform the work. The competition to select a contractor is usually held by a management company. Most often they choose the company with the least amount for the work.
  • During the work, residents are advised to monitor their quality. If any defects are found, it is important to indicate them in the acceptance certificate for the work performed.

As a rule, construction work requires no more than one month. In the future, residents need to maintain the new yard in order. Let us remind you that courtyards renovated under the federal program after 2022 will be transferred to the balance of the residents. You can service public areas on your own or enter into an agreement with a specialized company.

For information. Applications for participation are reviewed by the construction department of a specific region. At this stage, the completeness of the package of documents and the correctness of execution are checked. After this, the applications that have passed the selection are sent to the competition of the public commission for the district. The assessment is made on a 100-point scale. The evaluation criteria are the following: the percentage of co-financing of citizens, the number of objects (the more, the better), the absence or presence of debts to pay for services.

How to take part in the program for landscaping courtyard areas in 2019-2020: video

Monument to hopelessness...

You already want to drink quickly to forget. No! That's enough, pull yourself together, you rag! Today we will make the world around us a better place!

I’ll warn you right away that this will be very difficult, only a few out of thousands will reach the finish line, the percentage of success in such matters is still extremely small. But when have difficulties stopped us? People think that getting their yard in order is a fantastic, and most importantly, very expensive story. In fact, money is secondary in this story.

But first, let's take a step back. Imagine that you are on vacation and you book a hotel by the sea. You carefully study the reviews and look at the photographs. You pay extra for your windows to overlook the sea; it is very important for you that there is a clean beach, that there is green territory. You make sure that there is a robe and slippers in the room, and that the food in the hotel restaurant is varied. You are ready to pay extra for comfort, because you are going on vacation! This is completely logical human behavior, because comfort is important to all of us, we all want a cozy room, a beautiful view outside the window and high-quality amenities. Would you ever rent a hotel with a view like this?

Or like this?

At the same time, such a view from one’s own window does not bother anyone. And here the question arises. Why do you pay so much attention to a hotel where you will only spend a few days? And why then don’t you think at all about the comfortable environment in your home, where you spend your whole life? Why are most people willing to spend a lot of money to have a blooming garden outside the window of their resort room instead of a parking lot, but at the same time they slam the door in your face if you ask them to chip in 2,000 rubles to repair the entrance?

This is completely illogical behavior, because from the point of view long term investment It is beneficial for everyone to have a high-quality environment around them.

Recently, a person wrote to me who wished his story to remain anonymous. And the story is very interesting. He decided to start improving his yard and bring order there. I drew up an estimate and invited designers who made a landscaping project. The courtyard was formed by houses with about 500 apartments. Landscaping the yard cost 5 million rubles. That is, 10,000 had to be collected from each apartment. They managed to extract some of the money from the municipality, and the amount dropped to 7,000 rubles. As you may have guessed, when a man went to the neighbors with an offer to raise money, he was sent and almost beaten.

It would seem that here it was necessary to spit on everything and score. But no. The man approached several real estate companies with his project and asked to calculate how the price of apartments in these buildings would change if the residents tidied up the yard. It was then that it turned out that thanks to a steep yard, real estate would rise in price by an average of 5%! That is, by investing even 10 or 20 thousand in their yard, each resident would increase the value of their assets by 200-400 thousand! Good investment? The same applies to rental housing. People who rent out their apartments could raise the rental price and recoup their investment in six months or a year.

Having made a presentation to the neighbors, our hero was able to convince many of the benefits of the reforms. I hope this story ends well and I’ll write about it later.

In Russia, few people think about such things, but in vain. People calmly invest hundreds of thousands of rubles in renovating their apartments and tuning their cars, but they don’t think at all that if they improve the environment around them, the value of their assets will increase, as will their quality of life. Why live in shit if you can live in a beautiful garden?

After studying the experiences and success stories of people who managed to transform their yard, I came up with some rules. Perhaps they can help you get your yard in order.

1. Set boundaries

It is impossible to do anything unless there are clear boundaries. Therefore, of course, you need to start with land surveying, if you haven’t done this yet. That is, it is necessary to define clear boundaries of the local area. And, of course, the yard must be properly decorated and managed by the residents. I will not dwell on all the nuances of land surveying, this is a separate big topic, read it on the Internet.

But it is not enough to draw up boundaries on paper: they must also exist in life. This is a big problem for microdistricts, which, unlike block development, do not imply a clear division of courtyards. Often, when you look out the window, you will see a shapeless wasteland with vague landscaping and parking. What to do with him?

In any case, there is nowhere without zoning. It is not necessary to put up a fence. You can, for example, move a parking lot to the border or plant bushes there. You can at least separate yours from someone else’s with a path or a lawn.

It is important that every resident of your home clearly understands where your land is. Because in the future you will have to fight and shed blood for this land!

2. Let's close ranks!

Almost all stories of changes in a house or yard begin the same way: “I went around the neighbors and realized that no one needed anything!” Indeed: if there is a garbage dump outside your window and everyone was happy with it, then most likely you will be faced with the indifference of your neighbors and reluctance to change anything. This is a banal story, and you shouldn’t be scared by it. You just need to record the current state and change it.

You won't change anything alone. To clean up the mess and make a cool yard, you need to make friends with your neighbors! There are a lot of ways here, and each of you will probably find one for yourself. These could be some kind of chats and forums in your home, where residents will communicate, these could be some kind of real activities.

European practice shows that people unite very well around children. That is, your neighbor is probably an asshole, but the children are not to blame. And for the sake of the children, you can endure it. Therefore, for example, creating a backyard garden for children, where you plant various plants, and then everyone will take care of them together, can be very helpful.

A BBQ area can help too! By the way, you can often find a tandoor in the yard! This is the soul of the yard, and it is what unites the neighbors when someone prepares flat cakes or pilaf for the entire entrance!

3. Start small

A good yard is a place where you will enjoy being. Therefore, treat it as, for example, a personal plot. What is the first thing a person does on his property? Sets up the table! Nothing will work without a table. The table brings people together. At the table you can play dominoes or drink culturally. You can work at the table, do homework in the fresh air, or draw. If you look at how people arrange their own yards, you will notice that no one can do without a table.

In Finland there are tables in every yard.

It is very convenient and inexpensive.

It is also very important to create conditions so that you can be in the yard in any weather. For this you need canopies from the sun and rain. These can be pergolas, which over time will entwine plants, or ordinary gazebos.

A good solution would be to make an extended canopy with benches over the entrance.

4. Yard for everyone

Reading the third point, many of you probably thought to yourself: “Yeah, give him benches and tables so that the bastard can drink there until late?! So that homeless people can live there?”

Let me tell you about the homeless theory. There are homeless people, drunkards and gopniks in any city. And their requirements for the urban environment, for obvious reasons, are extremely low. A homeless person doesn’t care whether there are good amenities or not - he can sleep under a bush. It's the same with drunks. They will drink anyway, and interiors are not very important to them for this activity. But normal people have high requirements for the urban environment. For example, for a hipster to go outside to work with a laptop, you need to create conditions for him.

When conditions are unsatisfactory, we go out into the street, and it may seem to us that there are only asocial elements around us who do nothing but spoil and interfere with normal people’s lives. But there are not as many of them as it seems: there are simply no normal people. But they don’t exist because the environment is bad, and normal people prefer to sit in a cafe, at home or in the office, and rather run away from the street.

And now you look out the window and think: how can you drive the drunks out from under the window? This is where many people make a mistake. The moment you look out the window at an unpleasant company, you try the situation on yourself. And you know that an unpleasant environment once drove you off the street. And you think that if you worsen the existing environment, then unpleasant individuals will become uncomfortable and they will leave. So you decide to remove the last bench at the entrance, insert an ugly metal door, unscrew the light bulb in the lantern so that these bastards will feel completely bad.

This is a big mistake, since you will not be able to descend to the level of an environment that is uncomfortable for the same homeless person. Have you seen the conditions in which homeless people sometimes live? On some heating mains, in garbage, shit and insects... Do you seriously think that you can scare them away with an unscrewed light bulb and a cleaned bench?

So: on the contrary, the environment needs to be improved. Your goal is not to lower the bar, but to raise it! And it is necessary to create such an environment so that as many residents of the house as possible spend time on the street. Then, among 100 normal people, you will not notice one drunkard, and the drunkard will be uncomfortable, and he will rather go to another yard. Remember how it was in Soviet courtyards, when there was always someone on the street. Grandfathers played dominoes, grandmothers sat on benches, children played, adults repaired cars, and in some courtyards they even did homework on the street.

It is very important to make sure that people of all ages and all walks of life have something to do in their yard. Grandmothers need comfortable chairs and shade, young people need a gazebo, adults need a grill and sports grounds, and so on. Every homeowner just needs to ask themselves, “What will make me want to spend more time in my yard?” Distribute questionnaires to residents and ask them to write down what they would like. And you will see:

- swing for adults;
- horizontal bar;
- simulators;
- hammock;
- fountain;
- a place for car repairs;
- grill;
- vegetable garden;
- a house on a tree.

It is important here to avoid noisy activities under the windows. That is, if you have a small area, you should not make a basketball court or skate park. This way you will preserve the mental health of those residents of your house whose windows overlook the courtyard)

This is how the yard in Satka was landscaped. It was like this - a typical wretched courtyard, of which there are thousands in Russia...

A gazebo with an equipped place for grilling meat and a children's rope playground were built there. The improvement of the yard was carried out by the team of Mikhail Shatrov from Ivanovo.

I often get asked how to inexpensively landscape your yard.

Such a project is within the capabilities of the residents themselves, if they wish.

This is how you can inexpensively and easily tidy up an ordinary yard.

All this was done in 10 days last summer, during the first “My Satka” festival. Invited architects and designers supervised the improvement process, and they were helped by caring local residents. Satka entrepreneurs also took part: some purchased boards for designers and planners, some provided the necessary equipment, some brought crushed stone.

5. Parking war

This will be the most difficult test. You have to put things in order with parking. This will be incredibly difficult, since most people will think that they are ALLOWED for a piece of land under their window! By whom it was placed and why, no one knows. Apparently, car dealerships promise people that they will allocate a piece of land under the window for their car.

There is a lot of explanatory work to be done here. You can start. Finish with logic and mathematics.

The logical chain here is very simple.

First, find out how many cars the residents of your home have. Depending on the region, home and area, the number may vary. Next, take a map of your yard and see what percentage of the yard area you are willing to devote to parking. Perhaps you decide to give away the entire yard - then everything was in vain. If common sense prevails, then it would be good to allocate no more than 20% of the yard area for parking. In this case, it is better to organize parking at the border of the yard.

Further, most likely, it will turn out that there is not enough space for everyone. And parking in the yard is a scarce resource that must be somehow fairly distributed. There are two ways. The first one is the queue. That is, whoever arrived first parked. It is not entirely fair, since someone can abandon their car and go on vacation, taking up a place for two weeks. And someone works late, and he will always be left without a place. The second way is to charge a fee for the opportunity to park a car in the yard. This should be exactly the amount so that supply and demand are equal. Perhaps it will be 1000 rubles a month, or maybe 5000 rubles. It all depends on the area and the level of income of your residents. Yes, the richest will park their cars in a beautiful parking lot, and all the money will go towards landscaping and maintaining the yard.

But even if you are not ready to reduce the number of parking spaces, you can reconstruct the yard while maintaining the number of parking lots! For example, in 2014, the People's Architect Bureau prepared a project for the reconstruction of a Moscow courtyard at 21 Berzarina Street.

Almost 80% of the yard area was taken over by parking (140 parking spaces).

The project involved landscaping and landscaping the yard with the creation of play areas and recreation areas, while parking would be reduced by only 13 spaces. It was proposed to organize parking spaces outside the yard.

Off-street parking can be a very important resource for financing the entire project. For example, 10 cars for 5,000 rubles - and now you already have a personal janitor-gardener who will keep the yard perfectly clean. And in six months it will be possible to buy a new gazebo or plant new trees.

Other residents will park on adjacent streets and in other parking lots. I am sure that you can find a parking space in the immediate vicinity of any house. Yes, you have to walk 5-10 minutes to get home, but that’s okay. Don't fall apart.

At the same time, it is very important to stop any unauthorized parking. An effective solution here would be to install bollards that do not interfere with pedestrians, but prevent cars from driving onto sidewalks and lawns.

6. Vacant lands

In any yard, the question arises of the purpose of ownerless areas. These are areas of land that, for various reasons, cannot be used, but they need to be monitored. One type of such area is the land under the windows. You can’t do anything special there, since people live on the first floor: you can’t put a horizontal bar under their window. On the other hand, someone must clean up and improve this land. It turns out to be such an exclusion zone.

It is most logical to give the area under the windows for free use to residents of the first floors. This is how all modern housing in Europe is now designed. The second floor has a balcony, and the first floor has a small area. There they can make themselves a personal recreation area, a vegetable garden - whatever they want.

The main thing is that they take care of this land. This still happens in many yards, when some grandmother plants flowers under her window or makes figures from bottles. Then we will have a living yard.

Your goal is to strive to ensure that there is not a single square meter of unused land in your yard.

7. Garbage

Nothing ruins a yard like garbage bins. Fetid, dirty tanks that spoil the view, the air, and create unsanitary conditions. Garbage cans must be dealt with. It is clear that this is not entirely your area of ​​responsibility, and you cannot make an underground storage facility if there are no special garbage trucks in your area. But organizing a site for containers, even if they are the most ordinary ones, is a very important stage in transforming the yard. Buy new trash cans, if you have old and broken ones, decorate the area for them (for example, with plants), and keep it clean.

8. Tactical urbanism

This technique is often used in the city to understand the needs of residents. The main principle here is to quickly, inexpensively and efficiently improve the space with the help of non-capital changes. Before thoroughly blocking the street, you can cover it with flower beds for the summer, install inexpensive street furniture and see the effect. This is exactly what they did with Broadway back in the day.

In the courtyard, tactical urbanism also works. At the first stage, you can landscape your yard without special expenses. Here a pallet or pallet will come to your aid - a wooden container that is used in any warehouse for storing and transporting goods. A standard Euro pallet measures 80 x 120 cm and is ideal for creating outdoor furniture. Here are some ideas for you:

It’s not difficult to create such furniture, it doesn’t cost a lot of money, but you can understand what will be in demand by residents and what won’t. This usually takes a year. During this time, you can move furniture around the yard, create areas for games and recreation in different places, and arrange flowers and plants.

If the process is organized correctly, it will be possible to involve neighbors in it and accustom residents to the new life of the yard. When you understand where it is convenient for people to relax, and where they prefer to walk, taking shortcuts, etc., then you can do everything more thoroughly.

Same thing with the grill space. To begin with, you can simply buy an inexpensive regular grill or equip a barbecue area. Next - see how residents will use it, whether there will be complaints, whether it is conveniently located. And only after that make solid designs.

9. Entrance groups

Make good entrance groups to the entrances. A good idea is to make a large canopy and organize seating areas under it. Change the doors to transparent ones, put up benches, and bring order to the entrance itself. I recently wrote how.

In one of the Moscow houses, the chairman of the house council installed a new door in her entrance behind own funds. The remaining residents donated money at will after the fact. As a result, out of 20 apartments in the entrance, only 5 were not happy about the positive changes.



The entrance with a transparent door immediately became much more pleasant, and no special effort was required from anyone. This is a very simple example of basic changes to your yard and home that will immediately improve your quality of life.

The simplest change would be to replace the door. And here you will have to overcome another myth. A metal door in the entrance has nothing to do with security. Moreover, it is much more dangerous than a transparent door. From a security point of view, a metal door cannot solve the problem of unauthorized access to the entrance.

Residents apparently build the following logical chain: if a metal door is safer for an apartment, then the same rule applies at the entrance. Here any burglar starts laughing) After all, it’s not the door that is broken, but the lock. But okay. I hope I won’t upset anyone if I say that the entrance door and the door to the apartment are different things? And the material from which the door to the entrance is made does not matter at all. The reader may note that the doors to restaurants, cafes, shops, banks are made of glass - and nothing...

The biggest security problem with a solid metal door is that it is opaque. Previously, in houses they tried to make the entrance doors as transparent as possible so that you could see what was behind it. This is exactly what safety is. You approach the entrance and realize that there is no one behind the door, no one will hit you on the head, no one is waiting for you there. In addition, when the entrance is visible from the street, it is unlikely that anyone will “foul” there in every sense of the word. It's the same when you go outside. Already at the entrance you see what is behind the door - a maniac with an ax, gopars are waiting for you, or a grandmother is sitting on a bench.

10. PR

It is important not only to do something well, but also to tell the world about it. Any successful cases of transformation of the urban environment today attract a lot of attention. Even replacing the door at the entrance is already a reason for people to write about you. Publications in the media and social networks motivate people to do more and better. Compliments from neighbors and approving comments can convince even the most ardent opponents of positive changes in your yard. People are vain, so don't be shy about telling the world about your successes.

Many people underestimate the PR part, but in vain. Even at your home level, it is important to inform residents about the changes and their benefits. Make propaganda leaflets and put them in boxes, hang up advertisements, tell everyone in your home what you are doing and why, what the effect will be. It will be very useful to print out the correct articles and also put them in boxes.

If you consistently go through all these 10 steps, perhaps your ordinary yard in an ordinary Russian city will look like this:

Or like this:

Or like this:

Everything is more than real.

By the way, in almost every Finnish yard there is a shovel hanging:

It is needed to hit the skeptics over the head who whine that nothing can be changed. I collect success stories. If you were able to tidy up your yard or entrance, if you have experience communicating with neighbors and bringing people together, write to me: [email protected] .

Well, spread the post) The more people read it, the better.

Photo: Press services of the Mayor and the Moscow Government. Denis Grishkin

The work is financed mainly by funds from the sale of patents individual entrepreneurs, revenue from paid city parking and income taxes individuals from renting out apartments.

In recent years, more than 22 thousand courtyards have been reconstructed in the capital, the Presidium of the Moscow Government reported at a meeting.

“We have reconstructed, repaired and restored more than 22 thousand Moscow courtyards. We are talking about creating sports and children's playgrounds, landscaping, creating parking space and a number of other activities. It is important that this work does not stop and continues at the systemic level,” noted the Moscow Mayor.

According to him, it is necessary to ensure control over what has already been done: timely replacement of broken small architectural forms, maintenance of sports and children's playgrounds in good condition. Also, improvement must be provided with permanent sources of funding. There are three main ones.

“The first is the parking fee, the second is the fee for patents that are collected in a particular area, and the third is the taxes that come from the rental of housing (apartments). And part of the centralized sources that come directly from the budget of the city of Moscow. These are quite significant sources. Funding for them increases from year to year. Next year the volume of such funds will be considerable - it will amount to about 10 billion rubles. Moreover, they are distributed according to an understandable, clear formula between prefectures and regions,” Sergei Sobyanin clarified.

The mayor of Moscow emphasized that it is now necessary to outline clear plans for the implementation of these programs and the use of these funds in such a way that all projects are created taking into account the opinions of citizens and involve the constant renovation of the capital's courtyards so that they are always in good condition.

The Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Housing and Communal Services and Landscaping reported on the implementation of the program for the improvement of courtyard areas.

“Since 2011, the city has had a program for comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas. The allocated amount of funding over the past years has made it possible to repair and carry out comprehensive landscaping of Moscow courtyards. Moreover, since 2016, the main source of funding has been funds to stimulate district governments,” the deputy mayor said.

He noted that some of the courtyards were renovated as part of the “My Street” program. These are courtyards located next to landscaping areas.

“There are more than 24 thousand households in the capital, including 22.5 thousand households within the old city boundaries. To date, 22.5 thousand yards have been put in order, overhauled within the framework of the standard of comprehensive improvement and safe operation,” said Pyotr Biryukov.

The program for repairs and improvement of courtyard areas for this year has been completed. “The priority task for 2017 and subsequent years is to maintain all courtyard areas in technically sound condition in accordance with regulatory requirements, as well as ensure the safety of various elements and small architectural forms in landscaped areas. The condition of Moscow courtyards today allows us to switch to a rhythmic interval between repairs, depending on the technical condition of one or another courtyard,” the deputy mayor noted.

In 2017, it is planned to improve about three thousand courtyards, repair or rebuild 820 playgrounds, 41 children's playgrounds, 468 sports grounds, 188 quiet recreation areas, 403 areas for walking pets, 16 utility areas. Work is also planned to repair asphalt and fences, create additional parking spaces, landscaping, and tidying up container sites and other facilities.

The city program for the comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas has been implemented in Moscow since 2011. In 2011-2014, as part of this program, centralized repairs and comprehensive landscaping of courtyard areas were carried out. As a result, Moscow courtyards were brought into line with the new standard of comfort.

It includes:

— reasonable and safe organization of yard space;

— separation of space for cars (parking lots, roadways) from space for people (sidewalks, children's, sports and other playgrounds);

— landscaping (trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns);

— high-quality infrastructure for recreation and sports for all categories of residents (modern playgrounds, inter-block playgrounds, sports grounds, outdoor exercise equipment, areas for quiet recreation);

— at the request of residents, restriction of entry into courtyards of outside vehicles (barriers).

In 2015, improvement work was carried out in 4,047 courtyards, including a comprehensive major renovation- in 1578 yards. In 2016 - in 3050 courtyards, including comprehensive overhauls affecting 2078 courtyards.

In total, from 2011 to 2016, 22,288 playgrounds for various purposes were overhauled or rebuilt in Moscow courtyards. Among them are 16,832 playgrounds, 1,664 children's inter-block playgrounds, 1,194 sports grounds, 2,598 playgrounds for other purposes. More than 3.5 thousand sets of outdoor exercise equipment were installed in courtyards, and 29.6 million square meters of asphalt pavement were replaced.

The financing mechanisms used in Moscow provide:

— maintaining the yard infrastructure (children’s slides, exercise machines and other equipment) in good condition;

— regular (on average once every seven years) repairs of courtyard areas;

— implementation of projects for additional improvement of courtyard areas based on the wishes of residents.

At the same time as the improvement of courtyards in Moscow, the entrances of apartment buildings are being repaired and put in order. On average, about 20 thousand of them are repaired annually, which makes it possible to maintain all 105.9 thousand Moscow entrances in good condition.

Thus, in 2016, 22,335 entrances were repaired, the plan for 2017 is 20,661 entrances. The work is financed by management companies.

When purchasing real estate, everyone understands perfectly well that the square meters for which money was paid are their personal property. For some reason, few people think that there is also such a thing as a local area apartment building. In fact, such a piece of land is inherent in every building; the main thing is to find out who owns the adjacent territory.

Adjacent territory of an apartment building with parking

Referred to as the local area, it means an allotment that is adjacent directly to a residential building. Depending on how many meters the adjacent territory of an apartment building is, its purpose and the equipment of the space may vary.

The local area can be:

  1. Privatized.
  2. Also, the maintenance of the local area may be under the responsibility of the housing and communal services.

In general, few people know that, with the exception of cases of non-privatized land, a person, in addition to residential meters, can also claim part of adjoining plot.

Design and beautification of the local area

The boundaries of the local area of ​​an apartment building are determined by specialized structures that are authorized to make such decisions.

What can be located in the local area

If the land plot is owned by the residents of the house, it will fall on the shoulders of the owners. Apartment owners have the full right to decide what will be located in the adjacent area. Depending on the footage of the adjacent territory of an apartment building, its use can be as follows:

In general, if the adjacent area is privatized, its owners have the right to dispose of the plot at their discretion.

Who is the owner of the local area

As already mentioned, both the residents themselves and the housing and communal services, which are determined depending on the address at which the residential building was erected, can be responsible for the improvement of the local area of ​​an apartment building.

Owned by district services

Owned by the residents of the house

If the area of ​​the local area belongs to the owners of the residential area to which the plot is adjacent, then the owners are responsible for all actions.

It is the responsibility of the residents of the house to:

The difference between the privatized and non-privatized areas adjacent to the house is significant. However, despite the fact that the level of responsibility for the adjacent area is quite high, it is more profitable for residents if the land plot is in their possession.

Sample minutes of a meeting of owners of an apartment building

How can residents register ownership of a plot of adjacent territory?

If the land plot is not the property of the residents of the house, then, having learned the standards and requirements, you can submit documents to the relevant structures and privatize the territory. To do this, you must act in the following order:

This is the general and most common scheme for registering ownership of a local area. In individual cases, the process of submitting and registering a land plot for ownership may vary.

Why is privatization needed?

In the event that a plot of land adjacent to residential building, privatized, residents have much more power over the local area.

The registered ownership of the area in front of the building makes it possible to carry out repairs at your own discretion, without waiting for a decision from authorized structures.

Also privatized land plot allows owners to independently manage the purpose and equipment of the area in front of the house.

Privatized plot of adjacent territory

What are the benefits of privatizing the site?

Residents of apartment buildings who have begun to learn about the benefits of privatizing their local area will find a lot of interesting information. Some of the positive aspects include the following factors:

In general, the privatization of a house plot removes boundaries in the matter of decision-making on creating a comfortable zone given to the residents of an apartment building.

Rights and obligations of residents of a house with a privatized local area

It is also worth studying the obligations and capabilities of the residents of the house, whose possessions include a plot of land adjacent to the residential building. Watch the video: why it is necessary to privatize the local area.



In addition to responsibilities, there are also rights that land owners can enjoy. These include:

  • The ability to repair and improve space in a way that is economical and mutually beneficial for all owners of residential meters in the building;

  • Also, residents of an apartment building have the right to dispose of the land plot at their own discretion. That is, to decorate and improve the space according to your own preferences;
  • Repairs in the entrance, on the street, can be done according to your own wishes. That is, choose a design and equipment that will suit each of the residents of the house;

  • Also, residents of a residential apartment building have the right to fence off the area of ​​the site adjacent to the house. That is, there is a possibility, a barrier. To install a barrier, no additional permissions from other services are required; to erect a fence, you must obtain permission from the architectural structure that is responsible for landscaping the territory.
    The only case when such manipulations are prohibited is the presence of central routes that are needed for use without restrictions;
    An example of fencing a local area

  • Owners of the adjacent territory, by joint decision, can organize parking in the space of the land plot, if this does not interfere with the free movement of vehicles in the case when a central highway passes through the adjacent territory, along which public and personal vehicles move;
  • The arrangement of a children's playground can also be provided at the discretion of the owners of the land plot. That is, the equipment and the company that will carry out repair and installation work falls entirely on the shoulders of the land owners;
    An example of arranging a children's playground in the local area

  • Also, the owners of a plot of land adjacent to a residential building have the right, on their own or by hiring specialized specialists, to carry out landscaping of the adjacent area at their own discretion.

In any case, if the land plot is privatized, the residents of the house must clearly understand their rights and obligations.