Write a claim to Sberbank. Complaint to Sberbank - sample complaint. Where to complain about Sberbank? Documents that regulate the work of the organization

It happens that Sberbank clients have any difficulties or questions. At such moments, they think about how they can contact bank specialists to solve their own problem. In fact, there are many possibilities.

Complaint against Sberbank

For those who want to complain about the work of a financial institution, there are several solutions:

  1. Contact the Sberbank branch whose work the client was dissatisfied with. This organization has established itself as a financial institution working for the benefit of its citizens. At the same time, we must not forget that Sberbank is a state organization. How can you apply? First, go to the department in person and talk to the director. You can also leave a complaint. If you don’t want to go to Sberbank, you can find out the department’s phone number on the bank’s official website and call it. The complaint can be made in writing and sent by registered mail.
  2. If the client is not satisfied with the work in general or is not satisfied with any service, he can always write to the head office of Sberbank. This can be done in several ways: call the hotline number, write to the email address indicated on the website, or send a registered letter. There are several other alternative options - write a feedback letter on the official website or within the Sberbank Online system.
  3. Serious complaints related to the infringement of client rights and violation of the law can be sent either to the Central Bank (Sberbank, like any other financial organization, is accountable to it) or to the Prosecutor's Office. It is possible to contact other services.

How to ask a question to a Sberbank employee?

Some people don't want to complain, but try to solve a problem or get the most accurate information. Today you can do this in several ways:

  • by contacting a Sberbank employee at the nearest branch;
  • call the hotline;
  • contact a special contact center using the Sberbank Online system.

About the functionality of Sberbank Online

So, if a client is already working with the Sberbank Online remote service, then it is most convenient for him to ask a technical specialist a question through the contact center. What will it take? Write a letter within the system.

An undoubted advantage is the detailed and fairly fast processing of requests. To improve the feedback process, Sberbank has developed a specialized page for sending letters and viewing incoming, outgoing, and drafts. Moreover, the functionality of this application is really huge. You can find all this inside your personal account.

How to write a letter: step by step instructions

  1. First, the client needs to log in to the system.
  2. Once in his personal account, he will see an envelope icon next to his full name. It is always at the top of the page, no matter which one is open. You can also go to the desired page using a special link located at the bottom of the site. In this case, you need to click on the “Letter to the Bank” icon.
  3. On the page that opens, the client can immediately see what emails he has sent previously. You can do this by going to the sent emails tab. Each message contains a lot of information, and you don’t have to open it to view it. So, on the page of sent messages you can see the number, subject, status and type of the letter, as well as the date and time at which it was sent. Letters here are sorted 10 pieces on each page. If you want to see earlier messages, you just need to go to the next page.
  4. The client has the opportunity to create a new letter. At the same time, there are a number of required fields to fill in (subject of the message, subject and method of receiving a response - by email or mobile phone).
  5. You can attach files to the letter. You can do this by clicking on attachments. They will be copied from a computer or flash drive inserted into the processor.
  6. Next, the text of the message itself is typed. It is very important to describe the problem or question in detail.
  7. It is not necessary to send the letter right away. You can simply save it and send it after a while.

View existing emails

If the information on the start page about sent letters is not enough, you can open the desired message and read it in more detail. If you no longer need it, you can delete it from your personal account. This is done very simply - select a message with a checkmark, and then press the delete button. Actions taken must be confirmed.

Sometimes a user accumulates quite a lot of letters. In such a situation, searching for the desired message manually is not always easy. A convenient search will allow you to find a letter in a matter of seconds. In this case, you can specify the following parameters:

  • when or during what period the message was written;
  • what is its number or topic;
  • filtering emails by type and presence of attachments.

The more parameters you specify, the fewer search results there will be. You can always reset them and search for new values.

About incoming letters within the system

There is a separate tab for incoming messages. The page displays the 10 most recent emails. In this case, without opening the body of the message, you can view the following information:

  • number;
  • date;
  • topic;
  • status.

You can perform the following actions with received messages:

  1. reply;
  2. choose a type or topic;
  3. configure the method by which the response will be received.

Working with incoming messages is no different from working with outgoing messages. It is only important to set up your personal account correctly and understand the functionality of the system, which is quite easy to use.

Attention, important information!

    Irina 26.02.2019 14:29

    I have a difficult financial situation. I was unable to pay my loan and credit card due to illness. And she didn’t hide, she went to the bank to do a restructuring. And only then do I find out that a credit card cannot be restructured. Why can't it be combined into one debt? It turned out that the bill was issued in such a way that it was impossible to pay. Now I'm a habitual defaulter. Why can’t you put yourself in the position of a person in a difficult situation? Tver. Now I'm like a criminal thief in the eyes of the bank.

    cry from the heart 13.02.2019 05:50

    Good afternoon! The team of VSP 86 19/0 777 Vyselki village is writing to you. We are writing because we no longer have the strength to remain silent and endure the tyranny of the leader Nadezhda Mikhailovna Grabchak.
    In August 2018, a client left a complaint against the manager Grabchak in the book of complaints and reviews, what was written in the complaint, none of the employees know because Grabchak hid the book, registered a complaint under the “left” number and a new book was urgently opened, supposedly an old one ended (although the book was half clean). Deputy Grabchak Nosyreva Ekaterina Sergeevna said that such a book cannot be handed over to the archive; it must be burned.

    And that's just the smallest part! The grabber speaks to us brazenly, boorishly, with contempt, using the word obscenities. To leave for lunch, you have to ask her for time off and very often you hear the answer “no one leaves for lunch, we all sit and work.” Our VSP has changed the work schedule from 16 to 17 hours, but in order to avoid deviations in overtime, some employees work from 8 to 17 16 o'clock, and the other from 9 to 17 o'clock. How can this be? It seems to us that this is a personal whim of Grabchak. We never leave home on time, at 16:12 we turn off the computers as expected, then the manager or those who work until 17:00 log in using their login password and the whole department sits and calls, or we just sit and wait, when she decides her personal affairs, but she doesn’t let anyone go home, we sit until 19-20 hours every day. That is, every day we don’t know when we will go home, what time he deigns to let us go, nothing can be planned for the evening, because the working hours are irregular, no one none of us knows when he will leave work. It turns out that we do not work for Sberbank, but are in personal slavery to Grabchak.

    And also Grabchak does not allow anyone to go on sick leave, sets working days (since combat strength is important to her) or starves him out, constantly calls a sick employee and threatens (fired under the article) forces him to go to work. The phone rings off the hook every minute because a lot of groups have been created in WhatsApp and you must report to each (and there are three of them) every 30 minutes about your sales and how many clients you redirected to MP, KBP. It’s impossible to work, just go to the group and write the results.

    In our department, part of the team are friends, relatives, classmates of Grabchak and they can steal everything, be late, not come to work, go on a systematic four-five-day binge, disregard their job responsibilities and get away with it all.

    In September 2017, SMO Pankeev Alexander Andreevich (who is the son of classmate Grabchak) stole 1000 rubles from the cash register. that same evening, Grabchak gathered all the employees, held a show meeting and said that Pankeyev would be fired, but despite everything he was working. In December 2017, Pankeev stole money again, but in the amount of 21,000 rubles, Grabchak knew this, but again, contrary to common sense, Pankeev is still working to this day!!!

    Grabchak forces Marina Aleksandrovna Sinichkina and Evgeniy Vitalievich Zaets to work under the personnel number of Anastasia Romanovna Andryushina (she is our manager’s niece), and more than once. It turns out that Andryushina is not at work, but she gets paid - salary + bonus, which is given by other employees. In October 2018, Andryushin’s niece was laid off, received all cash payments, but a few weeks later she was hired again in the same position. None of the other employees understand the meaning of this reduction; we believe it was done specifically to improve the financial situation of the niece.

    This is how MP Lazebnik, who is Grabchak’s classmate, is constantly late for work, has been an unproductive MP all year, her counters are always high and this is connected with Grabchak forcing other managers to conduct their sales under Lazebnik’s personnel number and also gave her a grade of B for 2018 d. It turns out that in order to receive a good bonus at the end of the year, you do not need to work all year, but simply be a close associate of the manager.

    More than once, MPs complained that clients, after applying for a loan, came the next day and said “Nadya Grabchak told me to come and refuse insurance.” Is this what a leader should be like? Is this a team?

    The manager's fund is distributed exclusively to one employee; the rest do not see anything from there.

    We are all already tired of working in such conditions, we are afraid because we don’t know what to expect from those close to us, today someone will steal, tomorrow it can be pinned on another person altogether (forced to take out a loan, we have already gone through this), we do this more We don’t want to work, so we turn to you for help. I want to come to work and smile, and leave work with a smile and on time.

    We really ask for a change in the manager and deputy. Because no one in the team wants to work with such a leader. Evil must be punished.

    Elena 12.12.2018 19:17



    On 02/09/2018, I refinanced a mortgage loan to the Russian Agricultural Bank, which I took out from Sberbank PJSC in 2016, repaid it and on 02/12/2018 through an authorized representative - my wife Rita Dzantemirovna Balikoeva, born 12/07/1959, acting on my behalf by power of attorney 15 AA 0506152 dated November 13, 2015, certified by a notary of the Vladikavkaz Notary District for No. 6-3530, applied to the Sberbank branch in KRASNODAR on the street. Red partisans named after Kotovsky with a request to issue me a mortgage. A Sberbank employee, not having accurate information, sent requests to 3 bank archives and the Unified State Register. In the last place (USRP) there is no mortgage. This means it is in one of the archives of Sberbank. I ask you to speed up the search and issue of a mortgage to me, because until the issue with the mortgage is resolved, due to BUREAUCRACY and the inefficiency of Sberbank employees, I am forced to pay an increased rate to the RSHB...

    ananiano 1.02.2018 16:08

    to the bank branch Additional office No. 9040/02102 Sergiev Posad, the consultant brazenly flirts with men and not only!!! Somehow she found out my husband’s phone number and writes to him about her love for him!!! It's not normal to have employees like this.

    Olga 1.12.2017 07:26

    Dear SBER BANK,
    With this letter I inform you that I do not want to confirm the “Privacy Policy of the Sberbank Online mobile application”.
    I am a client of Sber Bank and not my contacts in my mobile device and all information related to my contacts.
    PROBLEM! I cannot use Sberbank online on my mobile without this confirmation, which I strongly disagree with.
    I am not able to send a screenshot as an attachment. Your automation service is already aware of what is coming out in mobile applications.
    Please take measures, in case of a negative result, I will be forced to refuse the services of this bank, which has an inadequate “confidentiality” policy and the goals of the bank are not clear to me and I do not want to understand them, since I believe that neither my contacts are clients of the bank but I.
    Thanks for understanding.

    Sincerely, Olga Igorevna Yashina.

    Alexander Anatolyevich 26.10.2017 09:28

    06/07/2016 in the branch of branch No. 5221 of Sberbank of Russia in Rostov-on-Don (structural unit No. 5221/0358) by service manager Generalenko N.A. and a senior employee refused to replenish my personal account No. 42607.810.8.5209.6600150 for the “Universal Sberbank of Russia for 5 years” deposit, opened on May 20, 2015, informing me that I could now not make any transactions on my deposit due to changes in banking rules, namely: without renewing the current agreement to another one, necessarily “linked” to the mobile card. All my objections were not accepted.
    Placed in the absence of any choice, I was forced to agree with the bank’s “ultimatum”, as a result of which the above account was closed, and a new account No. 42307.810.2.5209.6619588 was immediately opened, to which my contribution had now already been accepted.
    I consider this policy of the bank not at all in my favor, as a client, a pensioner, who would be quite satisfied with an ordinary “Savings Book”, with which only I and no one else could operate, but in favor and to the great joy of the scammers.
    I consider this to be an unreasonably imposed service by the bank that is absolutely unnecessary for me, opening the way for scammers to gain access to my funds, which they subsequently took advantage of.
    On November 7, 2016, I received an SMS message about a transaction I allegedly performed: a certain purchase and someone transferring my funds somewhere in the amount of 12,000 rubles. After 76 seconds (which is recorded), I reported to the Sberbank customer service contact center about a transaction that was not carried out by me, that is, the theft of my money, but Sberbank neither suspended (blocked) the transfer operation nor took any action to return the payment. I just blocked my already empty account.
    In Sberbank’s official response to my appeal, I was told verbatim the following: “Under current federal legislation, cancellation of transactions contested by the Client can only be carried out at the initiative of the recipient of funds.”
    That is, I, having received an SMS from the bank about the transfer of money from my accounts, immediately contacting the bank, do not have the right to challenge someone’s transaction with my money? And the bank does not suspend the transaction with my money based on my application? Yes, these are just ideal conditions for scammers, but not for clients who entrusted their savings to the bank!
    After all, a client can mistakenly make a transaction, or even fall into the trap of scammers, including on “phishing” sites with the Sberbank logo, etc., but not he, but only some “recipient” can cancel the transaction? Nonsense!
    After all, if it were legislated that it is and only the bank client who can manage his money (and not some “recipient”), then the fraudulent scheme itself would cease to work, namely: if the client, having received an instant SMS notification about someone conducting , and not by himself, banking transactions with his money immediately contacted the bank with a demand to cancel the transaction, and at the same time the money would not be transferred to the scammers (blocked, returned to the account, etc.), then the scammers-recipients would no longer have there would be no point in “working” according to this scheme..
    A direct cause-and-effect relationship is seen from the consequences of failure by responsible employees of Sberbank to take the measures necessary to prevent fraudulent activities, which led to a violation of the material interests of their depositors. How to qualify such inaction: as negligence? Or what about preventing a crime that is reliably known or being committed? Or as condoning a crime, creating conditions for others to commit crimes? It is not within my competence to give specific qualifications, but the cause-and-effect relationship between Sberbank’s inaction and the fraudulent actions of scammers is clearly visible.
    If fraudsters are de facto head and shoulders above and two steps ahead of bank specialists who develop systems for ensuring banking security and safety of deposits, then we need to admit this and, or return to clients the opportunity to refuse the unalternative service imposed by the bank and not link all accounts to the electronic card service , and return to “savings books”, or - compensate clients for stolen funds.
    Currently, the bank’s iron-clad policy is that if it’s stolen from you, it means “you’re a fool.” But, according to Zecurion, a company that deals with information security systems, hackers stole 650 million rubles from Russians’ bank cards in 2016. In 2017, growth to 750 million is predicted. That is, tens of thousands of not stupid people suffered!.. And, of course, it is easier to blame them, the victims, for what happened...
    The head of the bank, German Gref, at a meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, reported on the receipt of record profits by Sberbank, which in the eight months of this year broke all records for the entire existence of the credit institution, tripling and reaching 322.8 billion rubles, in including by reducing “costs”. Surely we, the robbed investors, also fall under the concept of “reduced costs”?
    It’s worth thinking about: what role can be assigned to Sberbank, taking into account all of the above: as an unwitting intermediary between scammers and their clients, or as a passive accomplice?
    A. Novikov

    Valery 22.10.2017 14:52

    In 1988, while serving in the Vidyaevo garrison of the Murmansk region, we opened an account No. N-11 in the name of Chuvashov’s son Vladlen Valerievich at the branch of the USSR Savings Bank No. 5545/029 of the Kola branch of the village of Vidyaevo “Targeted deposit for children”. In 1989, we transferred for service to Sevastopol, where we still live. With the collapse of the USSR, we ended up in Ukraine, and in response to our questions at local savings banks they answered that in order to resolve the issue of the deposit we had to go to the regime garrison of Vidyaevo. Now we are citizens of Russia. How can we get our deposit with the interest due for all these years? Sincerely, the Chuvashov family.

    Alexander 14.10.2017 12:51

    Good afternoon I would like to know whether payments to non-working pensioners apply to me according to the Sberbank social program, if my work experience in the Sberbank system is 12 years. In 2014, he was laid off due to staff reduction, and retired in 2017.

    Svetlana 2.10.2017 06:32

    Good afternoon, dear bank employees. I would like to express a complaint regarding a mortgage loan.
    August 18, 2017 at the Sberbank branch 6991/00720 Syzrani wrote an application for a reduction in mortgage loan agreement No. 44166 dated August 30, 2012. I was refused, allegedly the mortgage was taken out in 2012. There is only one law, the rate is being lowered, why? Please give an answer, why can’t it be lowered bet?

    Dmitriy 13.09.2017 08:33

    Dear bank employees, I can’t understand why they won’t give me the card! I should receive the card issued on August 28, but I’m forbidden to issue it. I didn’t take loans from you and I’m not on the black list, there are no arguments, but your bank should be everywhere, in stores, at gas stations, and other cards you charge interest, who will give me the interest if you own all the retail outlets in the country!

    Andrey 4.07.2017 11:13

    Hello. Today I encountered the following problem: I decided to use the “thank you from Sberbank” bonuses and was unable to. In our city of Sarapul, Udmurt Republic, these same bonuses are not accepted either in the Magnit store, or in the Agat hypermarket, or at the Bashneft gas station. I don’t understand: why in those places where these same bonuses are awarded, I can’t spend them? if Sberbank has an agreement with these retail outlets, then they are obliged to accept these same bonuses, so why do I need these dead points?

    Valery Ivanovich 7.06.2017 19:49

    My comment requires verification. I can indicate the account number of the manager, I found out about this today, June 7, 2017, the address is St. Petersburg, Engels Ave. 128, Moimu. The manager is Elena Sergeevna. 1000 rubles have already been stolen. They can't explain anything. They said they would look into it. The pension was not issued. I wanted to take it off so that everything wouldn’t be stolen.

    Valery Ivanovich 7.06.2017 19:44

    The bank just stole my pension, good thing it wasn’t a card. He simply debits 20-30 rubles from his current account every day, without any explanation. I’m asking on what basis, but just like that, no explanations, no documents. They're just bandits.

    Tatiana 24.05.2017 01:00

    Dear Sberbank managers! Please explain to me why you spent such a short period of time servicing the client. You demand prompt work from your employees, but the client of your bank suffers. Why do your employees put pressure on clients by offering to issue a pension card. I ask you to look into this issue and explain to employees the rules on how to behave with clients of your bank

    Inna 17.05.2017 11:37

    Hello!!! I am very unhappy with your work. A bank employee offered to insure my personal account against fraud. What was and was done. But after some time, all my funds from the online bank are somehow written off from my card, although I did not make any transactions. Bank employees refer to the fact that I allegedly did this. Dear bank, stop stealing money from citizens, steal it from yourself. Probably we should just file a police report against you. Terrible bank and has no trust in you.

    Alexander 25.04.2017 16:21

    Hello! Tell. So I understand the federal law, why the traffic police withdraws funds from my personal account for fines. What right does flattery have in my wallet? It’s someone else’s money and you’re creating more problems for me. Regarding the fine, I do this specifically for official duties, you allow these funds to be withdrawn. I want to refuse your services from Sberbank, otherwise you will soon allow me to withdraw for utility services

    Alexander 25.04.2017 13:02

    Hello dear employees of Sberbank! The essence of the matter: on April 16, 2017, I filled out some form on the Sberbank website at 10:37. At 10:38 am I received a message on my mobile bank 900 that I had registered in the iPhone application. Following this, at 10-47 and 10-48, 5 messages were received stating that a payment for services was made from my credit card to the MTS number (9136422600) for a total amount of 10 thousand rubles. After that, I logged into Sberbank online, and to log in I needed an SMS with a one-time login code. But the scammers who stole my login and password, which is the direct fault of Sberbank security officers, did not need it. On April 17, 2017, in the morning I went to a Sberbank branch and reported that 10 thousand rubles had been stolen from my credit card. The employee recorded this fact and made an application to block this credit card. She printed out a report on my credit card account for me to contact the Police, and after that I went to the Police and wrote a statement about committing fraudulent acts. On April 18, 2017, I again received 5 SMS messages on mobile bank 900 at 10:48 with a message that a payment for services of 2 thousand rubles had been made from my credit card, for a total amount of 10 thousand rubles from a BLOCKED card, and I did not take any action with I did not make the card. Based on an unsubscribe from Sberbank on April 16, 2017, through the Sberbank Online system, the “Auto payment” service was connected to my card in the amount of 2000 rubles to the phone number 7913 6422600. The question again arises about SMS messages for each operation, be it changing the phone number or “Auto payment” connection. With the security service completely inactive, fraudsters steal money, and the card owner is to blame for everything, a very convenient position for inactivity. On April 18, 2017, I was forced to disable “Auto payment” from all cards, block all 3 cards, send them for reissue, and disable the mobile banking service. Failure to resolve this issue will force me to contact the prosecutor's office, as well as leave a review on television and in other media. Please let me know your decision!

    Anastasia 15.03.2017 19:38

    Hello, Dear Sberbank employees! The essence of the matter: on February 19, 2017, an SMS was received on mobile bank 900: VISA8787 02/19/17 13:11 transfer 17040.69 rubles PLATEZH PO KREDITU Balance: 16480.26 rubles. Let me clarify that I do not have a loan with such a write-off per month! Being in the third month of pregnancy, I had to go 15 km to the nearest branch of Sberbank (OSB 8627 1710) to write a statement about ILLEGAL WITHDRAWAL OF MONEY BY SBERBANK, and also had to block the card and withdraw an amount of money in the amount of 16,000 rubles. (there is a balance of 480.26 rubles left on the card). When I asked a question at a Sberbank branch to your employee about how I can live with my child until payday without that illegally written off money, the employee didn’t even answer anything, as I understand it, this is a normal situation for you, but for a woman in a situation receiving alimony for the child and all monetary transactions no! When the card was reissued on March 1, 2017, the money was returned in the amount of 17040.69 rubles, with the exception of 480.26 rubles! Due to your mistake, I had to travel twice, wasting my nerves being in this position..... And you didn’t completely resolve my question! Failure to resolve this issue will force me to contact the prosecutor's office, as well as leave a review on television and in other media. Please let me know your decision! P.S: you still had the conscience to send me an SMS from number 9000, am I happy??? Answer yourself: the issue has not been fully resolved, I spent 1000 rubles to go to a bank branch, my nerves and my child’s, to borrow money from friends until I return 17,040.69 rubles. and having two loans of my own.

    Victor 6.03.2017 10:25

    Hello, Dear bank employees. On January 26 of this year, I needed to make an international transfer. I arrived at the Sberbank branch, where three people served me. With grief, they made a half-and-half transfer in the amount of $450, + they took a commission of $35.
    On February 20, I learned that my transfer did not go through. The next day I had to go to the Sberbank branch again to find out why the transfer did not go through. It was a great surprise for me when I was given a message dated January 30 that the payment did not go through because the address of the recipient’s bank was not indicated. Now, due to the inexperience of the bank employees, my money is stuck between two banks. I went to the bank several times to find out if the refund had arrived, but to no avail. This time they told me that they would call and tell me whether the money had arrived or not. But it seems to me that I will have to go there again. This is difficult for me, because it is very expensive to go to the bank every time.
    A question of this nature: How long does it take for a refund to take place and will the transfer fee be returned to me given that the payment did not go through? Bank employees said that the commission would not be returned. And I don't understand why? After all, the bank itself made a mistake.

    Lyudmila 30.12.2016 02:07

    Good afternoon! I have already contacted Sberbank several times! On December 16, 2016, the scammers withdrew the entire pension from my card in the amount of 15,000 rubles through a mobile application in favor of YANDEXMON/Moreover, the withdrawal of funds occurred without my participation! I filed a claim with the bank and was successfully denied( who would doubt).Who cares about someone else’s grief? We sorted it out, they say! The codes were entered correctly, so Sberbank is not to blame. And who is to blame? They told me to contact law enforcement agencies! I contacted the police and the prosecutor’s office right away! The application was accepted, they treated me humanely, unlike the employees of the central Sberbank! But the fact is that I continue to receive dubious SMS with a request to evaluate the work of Sberbank employees on a scale from 1 to 10. The SMS come from numbers 900 and 9000. It is obvious that these are scammers who again want to withdraw the last money from my mobile and, possibly, the balance on the card. I say this confidently, because there have been such cases among my friends! By the way, 2 weeks have passed, and the message about the issue of a new card has not appeared! And in SMS they confidently call my data and then that I filed a claim! How do scammers know this? When will you clear your ranks of various hackers? After all, obviously all actions are carried out from the central office by people who have access to information! Figure it out! We are already drawing up a collective complaint to the Prosecutor General’s Office with people , also victims of scammers! A similar case, albeit with an amount of only 500 rubles, happened with ATB! They sorted it out within 24 hours and returned all the funds! And you unsubscribe! Please sort it out, I urge you!

    Mikhail 12/13/2016 11:12

    I apologize to Ekaterina that her work was destroyed by other employees.

    Svetlana 2.11.2016 10:46

    Hello. I got a mortgage, paid everything on time, without delay. Last year, due to maternity leave, interest payments were postponed, which were spread over all other years of mortgage payment. On September 30, I invested maternity capital, but for some reason the ban, instead of the required amount, put the amount at almost more than 180,000. On October 3, I wrote a statement and a claim, which is still being considered, each time increasing the consideration period - already until 12/2/16. I need to pay the next payment on November 9, but the money that comes in is written off towards these 180,000. What should I do? How to pay the next payment if I am charged with arrears, which the bank itself attributed to me?

    Natalia 14.10.2016 08:51

    Good afternoon, gentlemen bankers. Knowing the % of your bank’s rates for payment of credit services, as well as penalties for late payments, and they are very large. I really want to know who and how will pay the %, as well as late payments to me, as a bank client? Thank God I have a debit card in your bank and try to use the services of your bank as little as possible, there is too much negative and dark in your work. Although the employees are mostly wonderful people. Now the crux of the matter, the Russian Treasury sent money to my debit card on September 30, 2016 , the amount is small, 800 rubles, to this day there is no money. I contacted the employees by phone 900, the appeal was accepted, but the issue must be resolved on 10/29/16. Gentlemen, who will pay me % for the use of moss funds? You give loans at 25% per annum. So be so kind as to pay me interest for the illegal use of my funds, especially since I didn’t give them to you. Or do you hope that the amounts are small and people will not go to court? 10 people 800 rubles is already 8000, and they still have an interest rate of 25 per annum, good earnings, gentlemen bankers. I really want to get clarification on this issue, I indicated my email address

In case of disagreement with the actions of Sberbank, the client can independently or by turning to lawyers for help, write a complaint about the quality of the work performed.

Such a document is drawn up in two copies (one of them remains in hand, the second is taken by employees of the financial institution for review).

There are no special strict forms for submitting a claim, so you need to write in free form describing the situation and circumstances that, in the client’s opinion, violate his rights.

At the beginning of the document it is indicated to whose name the complaint is addressed (the head of the financial organization), then it is indicated from whom (your last name, first name and patronymic).

After this, briefly describe the problem in chronological order and at the end, a request and wishes for resolving this issue. At the end, be sure to write the date of compilation and put a personal signature.

In what cases do you file a claim?

Claims are written in all of the following cases related to dissatisfaction with the quality of work performed by a financial organization:

  • provision by employees of a financial organization of a low-quality financial product;
  • illegal debiting of funds from the client’s personal account;
  • illegal debiting of money to pay commissions;
  • incorrect accrual of fines and penalties (see);
  • refusal to provide information;
  • requiring additional investments from employees of a financial institution;
  • incorrect operation of remote maintenance services, etc.

Where to file a claim and deadlines for consideration

The application with the requirement is submitted to any administrator or bank employee in person. On the submitted paper, the employee must mark the date of acceptance of the document (see).

Reviewed within 10 calendar days.

The option of submitting through your personal account is possible. To do this, go to the Sberbank Online system website and execute. Scroll down the site page, find the item “Letter to the bank” and click on it.

Click on “Sent emails” and click the “Create new” button. Fill out the application by selecting “Claim” in the message type, select one from the drop-down menu in the message subject.

Choose a method of receiving an answer (in writing or by phone) and briefly describe the problem. If you need to additionally attach documents, this can be done in the “Attachments” column. Click the “Browse” button and upload the required document.

After completing the complaint, click the “Submit” button.

The application is reviewed within 5 working days.

The response will be sent to the specified email address or by phone.

On the website of the Sberbank Online system, complaints are filed related to incorrect financial transactions and incorrect servicing through remote services “Sberbank Online” or.

You can describe the problem and select “Write to us” on the main page and briefly describe the problem that arose.

Once sent, such an application is assigned a personal number by which you can track the stages of consideration of the application on the website online.

Insurance return claim

Submitted in the event of payment of any type of loan with insurance taken out or in the event of an unlawful charge of commission.

The document must indicate the number of the concluded agreement between the bank and the client, as well as the date of full repayment of the loan.

To refund the commission

Commission may be charged for transactions with accounts (transfer of funds, payment for goods and services, etc.).

If Sberbank did not warn about the debiting of the commission or this was not stipulated in the terms of the agreement, but the commission was debited from the account, then you need to write a complaint to the financial institution. In the text, indicate the date and time of the operation, and how much the commission was charged.

After describing the situation, demand the return of funds illegally debited from the personal account by transferring to the personal account.

In the text, describe when, where and under what circumstances (if known, indicate the location of the ATM or organization) the illegal debiting of funds occurred. Indicate the account number from which the money was illegally written off and submit the document to bank employees.

Samplefiling a claim with the bank does not require a strict form, but may be required in a number of situations. For example, you may need a sample claim to a bank if you were provided with a low-quality financial product, refused to provide information, required additional investments, etc. We will tell you how to write such a claim correctly in this article.

How to write a complaint to Sberbank or any other bank

There is no established form for such claims, but if you do not know how to write a claim to the bank, you can use the general claim form, of which there are a huge number on the Internet.

However, no matter what sample claim to the bank you choose, you need to remember that it must still have a certain structure:

  1. Indication of the person to whom the claim is addressed (if you do not know the name of the manager, you can simply write: “Manager” and indicate the name of the organization).
  2. Indication of your personal data (last name, first name and patronymic).
  3. Below, in the center, the name of the document (“Claim”) is indicated.
  4. In its main part it is necessary to set out the factual circumstances that, in your opinion, constitute a violation of your rights. It should be stated briefly, focusing only on those details that really matter when considering the claim. Do not forget also about maintaining chronology and the principles of logical presentation of the text: indicate specific numbers, when the events took place, the names of the employees with whom you tried to resolve the problem, etc.
  5. Next, you must indicate that, in accordance with the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights,” you request that your appeal be considered within 10 days from the date of receipt. Then you need to indicate your preferred method of sending you a response, the exact address of your place of residence, email and, just in case, a contact phone number (this is necessary in case bank employees need any clarification or additional information from you).
  6. The claim is completed by affixing the date of compilation and the personal signature of the sender.

It should be noted that if you have any written evidence of illegal actions or other violations committed against you, then copies of such documents must be made and attached to the claim. In this case, at the very end of the appeal you should add a list of attached documents. If you have video or audio evidence, then you do not have to attach it, but you need to notify about its presence in the text of the claim. They can be provided later, upon request.

How to write a claim to a bank, sample claim to a bank

To the Head of OJSC "Bank"

Semenov Valery Mikhailovich

from Timofeev Sergei Vladimirovich

Don't know your rights?


On February 10, 2015, I made the obligatory monthly payment under loan agreement No. 111 dated November 11, 2011 in the amount of 5,500 rubles. (five thousand five hundred rubles 00 kopecks) to the cash desk of your bank branch located at the address: Moscow, Leningradskaya street, building 1.

On March 10, 2015, I came to the above branch to make the next payment under the same loan agreement, and the bank employee said that I did not pay the loan last month, so now I have to make not only a double payment (for February and March) , but also a penalty equal to 10,000 rubles. (ten thousand rubles 00 kopecks).

I presented a document confirming payment for February, but the employee explained to me that I still had to pay the amount he mentioned. He will transfer my documents to the head office, and if the payment really was made, then it will be sent to repay the principal amount of the debt.

I consider these actions to be a violation of the terms of the agreement concluded between us, and therefore I ask you to recalculate the amounts accrued to me for payment and remove the unreasonably accrued penalty. Please send your answer to the following address: Moscow, Lugovaya street, building 3, apartment 5. Please also inform me about the decision made by calling 11-11-11.

Despite the fact that Sberbank is the very first bank in our country and today is the largest and most trusted bank, which has captured more than a quarter of the market, the quality of service does not always fully satisfy customers. In addition, the bank has internal regulations on the basis of which employees act, but even in this case, controversial situations may arise. Particularly acute is the issue of illegal, in the opinion of clients, debiting funds from accounts, which naturally forces clients to write a complaint to management. Let's look at how to write a claim to Sberbank.

In what cases is a claim necessary?

Anyone may have the trouble of discovering an illegal debit of funds from a deposit or card, for example, in the form of a commission fee or another fee not provided for in the contract. Or another example, you paid the loan on time according to schedule, but they arrived in your account very late, that is, later than within five days, and you were charged an illegal fine, and therefore you suffered a loss.

In general, problems can have many causes, from staff incompetence to system failures and other factors. In this situation, a pre-trial claim to Sberbank addressed to the manager may be the best way out of the situation, but, accordingly, if this measure does not bring the expected result, then you can safely go to court and restore justice with the help of a lawsuit.

Advice to clients: before contacting the bank management with a complaint, carefully study the service agreement; the funds may have been written off on the basis of a mutual agreement.

Just keep in mind that you need to contact management or other authorities that control banking activities no later than 3 years after the incident. It’s better to do this as soon as you discover that the bank has violated your rights in one way or another. Moreover, there are several ways to convey the essence of your complaint to management.

Where to complain

If you are applying for a refund of money that was illegally debited from your account, then you can write a letter:

  • on the bank's website;
  • send a letter to a Sberbank branch;
  • write a complaint by email;

Writing a claim on the Sberbank website is quite simple: you just need to open the website and at the top find the “Feedback” link. You need to open the form and fill it out, including a detailed description of the essence of your problem and requirements, then indicate in what form you want to receive an answer.

Feedback on the Sberbank website

Another option is to find “Contacts” on the bank’s website, open this link and in the text find the application form from an individual, download it and print it. You can submit the completed document to any bank branch for review.

Last option - you can send an email with a claim to [email protected]. Among other things, if you are an Internet banking user, you can also submit a claim through it. You need to go to the “Online Services” section.

Please note that there are no strict legal requirements for the text of the message, but you can make references to the legislation of the Russian Federation, although this is not necessary.

Text of the complaint

As mentioned earlier, you can compose a text in any form, but you must correctly state the essence of your requirement. Let's consider an example: you paid off the loan, but through no fault of your own, the money did not arrive in the loan account and the bank illegally charged you a fine. Let's consider a sample complaint to Sberbank about illegal debiting of funds:

  • indicate to whom you are sending the claim, that is, Sberbank PJSC;
  • from whom, you can indicate your full name and contacts, telephone number and residential address;
  • further, you need to describe in detail the essence of your problem, namely, indicate that the bank illegally charged you a fine, indicate its amount;
  • indicate the details of the employee who served you, his first and last name, position;
  • time of visit to the bank, as well as address and department number;
  • write your requirements, for example, that the bank cancel the fine and transfer new data to the BKI;
    be sure to indicate the payment order number, date, time and place of payment, even when you sit down
  • made payments remotely, you can view this data on the same resource;
    indicate how you would like to receive a response, for example, by letter to your home address or by email;
  • put the date and signature;
  • attach copies of documents that can confirm your text.

The text of the complaint can be arbitrary; your task is to convey your idea to management. By the way, the processing time can vary from 3 weeks to one month, depending on the number of complaints received.

Where else can you complain about Sberbank?

If the management of a financial institution has not responded to your claim, then you can get justice through the court. You can write a complaint against the bank to the prosecutor's office or the police.

In addition, you can send a complaint to the Central Bank - this is the main regulatory body of commercial banks in Russia, so this authority will definitely respond to the message. You can leave your claim on the official website of the Bank of Russia in the section “Internet reception of the Bank of Russia”.

Complaint on the Central Bank website

Please note that you have every right to sue the bank and recover the amount of damage caused to you by the bank.

Thus, bank clients can count on fair treatment from credit institutions. Moreover, in most cases, bank management tries to avoid conflict situations with the client.