Categories of import-substituting products in the Russian Federation. How can a business make money on import substitution: analysis of the import substitution program in Russia. Oil and gas industry

The Russian economy today is going through not the most stable times. To a large extent, this is due to the great dependence of certain sectors of the national economy on foreign suppliers. In this regard, in the economic development of the country, import substitution becomes especially relevant. What is this process? For which Russia is it especially necessary?


Import substitution is, according to a common interpretation, a process at the level national economy, which ensures the release of goods necessary for the domestic consumer by the forces of producers, within the country. This process can be proactive or reactive. In the first case, import substitution goods are produced in such a way as to keep competing foreign suppliers out of the market. In the second, there is a displacement of foreigners from the respective segments.

In turn, both options for import substitution can be carried out on the basis of predominantly market mechanisms or through the administrative intervention of various political structures. In the first case, successful import substitution is a fair result of competition. A domestic manufacturer thus proves to his buyer that he produces goods better and cheaper than a foreign supplier. However, it is possible that this process will be carried out due to administrative prohibitions on conducting activities imposed on foreigners.

Russian scenario

The economic situation in Russia today is such that in our country, import substitution is necessary, according to many analysts, in several key industries at once. At the same time, in some segments, the corresponding process can proceed with more or less market conditions, while in others, Russian producers will have advantages due to the administrative factor. Thus, import substitution in Russia is likely to occur under both scenarios, depending on the specific industry.


The food embargo against Western European suppliers of agricultural products is the most active incentive for the development of domestic businesses in this area. Russian farmers have received an unprecedented chance to carry out large-scale import substitution. The list of goods subject to the import ban is very wide. These are dairy products, and vegetables, and fruits, and meat, and nuts. The market capacity of some segments of the trade turnover between Russia and Western countries in the agricultural sector is estimated by experts at billions of dollars.

Of course, there will be competition in this area: in particular, deliveries of products from the countries of Asia, South America, Africa, as well as from the states of the Customs Union, can be carried out to Russia freely - there are no sanctions against the relevant activities. But, despite the availability of alternative agricultural products to European suppliers, for Russia, import substitution in agriculture is among the top priority areas. economic development soon. The main question, experts believe, is how effective the interaction between farmers and retail outlets will be in practice.


Regarding this area, the need for an alternative to the products of foreign suppliers among Russian consumers has arisen mainly due to the fact that imported goods have become more expensive. In many segments of the industry, this also predetermined the increase in prices for domestic products. When importing, say, machine tools or some kind of radio-electronic parts, a Russian manufacturer faced significantly increased costs, which in many cases could be compensated in one way - by raising prices for domestic consumers.

At the same time, import substitution in industry, if we talk about the Russian scenario, can be far from being only forced. The fall of the ruble played, according to many experts, to a certain extent a positive role for the economy. The fact is that, in fact, the depreciation of the Russian national currency many production costs, as well as wages in dollar terms, as well as, however, in relation to most other major world currencies, have decreased very significantly. As a result, it has become profitable to invest in Russian industry.

If you look at the reports of the Ministry of Finance for 2014 regarding trends in the economy, you can see that in the Russian Federation it has grown significantly - by about 1.4%. While GDP, according to preliminary estimates, in 2014 grew by about 0.6%. Also, some experts note that even in a number of segments that are completely uncharacteristic, it would seem, for our national production, import substitution is taking place. The list of goods that are actively produced in Russia is formed, in particular, by household appliances and electronics, while most of the inhabitants are used to the fact that it is produced in Asia. Although there is a version that such figures are caused by a situational surge in demand for a particular product. And therefore, you need to wait to make sure that this trend is fundamental.

Import substitution in the industry of Russia, therefore, is expressed in two aspects. First, it is the desire of consumers to have access to cheaper products. Second, it's attractive. Russian economy in terms of production costs.

Industry: dependent areas

In what areas of industry in the Russian Federation is the issue of the need for import substitution most acute? Among the industries most dependent on external supplies is machine tool building. In it, the share of imports, according to some analysts, is about 90%. In heavy engineering, not much less - about 80%. Strong dependence on imports is also in the light industry - the figures in some of its segments also reach 90%. In the pharmaceutical industry, in the food industry, the dependence is comparable.

Regarding production, experts believe, a large-scale import substitution program is needed, largely supported by the state. Work in this direction is generally underway. If it is successfully implemented by the competent departments, then over the next few years it is quite possible, according to some analysts, to reduce the indicators of dependence of each of the industries by about 30%, and maybe more.

IT industry

The Russian IT industry is one of the fastest growing in the economy. It can also be noted that many IT products from the Russian Federation are well known abroad. That is why our IT school is quite competitive. At the same time, as some analysts have calculated, the dependence of the Russian information technology sector on Western solutions is very significant. About 70% of the software used by users, both private and corporate, is supplied by foreign developers. And this despite the fact that in many software segments there is a Russian alternative, which, according to many experts, is in no way inferior to foreign models in terms of functionality and quality.

One of the key arguments in favor of using domestic IT solutions, analysts call the need to ensure the security of software deployment in most business segments. The work of many enterprises is connected with the transfer of secret data. Many of the leaders of Russian firms tend to have doubts about the use of foreign software in such cases. Also, the work of many companies is associated with the need to maintain exceptionally uninterrupted operation of server systems, which can sometimes be ensured only by those suppliers that are located directly in the Russian Federation.

The corresponding import substitution program in Russia, experts believe, has all the resources for successful implementation. Even in such technologically complex segments of the IT industry as the development of operating systems, programmers from the Russian Federation have something to offer as an alternative to Western suppliers.

Thus, import substitution is a process that can affect any industry. We have identified a few key ones. The economic situation in Russia requires rapid import substitution in many segments of the national economy, but it is not always easy to implement in practice. Why? Consider the main nuances associated with the realities of the relevant work.


Import substitution is a multifactorial process that is not easy in terms of practical implementation. Its successful implementation depends on the solution of a number of problematic nuances that are characteristic of the Russian economy. What, for example?

First of all, it is very limited, according to many experts, the access of Russian businesses to loans. The fact is that the sanctions imposed by the EU and the US on many companies from the Russian Federation do not allow loans abroad, which helped out in the past in many ways. In turn, loans within Russia are not very profitable now: the refinancing rate of the Central Bank is now 15%, and the company will most likely be able to get a loan at interest rates that will not be less than this value. It will be problematic to develop production with a profitability that will make it possible to close loan payments under such conditions.

What can be Possible Solution problems with the availability of loans? Some experts believe that many Russian businesses could get used to the market or, for example, in the field venture investments, thus gaining access to loans at a more favorable basis, or to capital on the condition of concessions on shares in the ownership of the company.

Such a prospect, of course, will not suit all businesses, but it is probably better than waiting for some news from the Central Bank camp. Options with state subsidies for some projects are possible. Also, many businesses can develop areas related to the production of new goods under contracts in the framework of public procurement.

Another problem that accompanies import substitution in Russia is the lack of qualified personnel in a number of industries. In the 1990s, many citizens of the Russian Federation, choosing a profession, focused on the humanitarian industry, on services. Engineering, working specialties were not very popular. As a result, there is a shortage of personnel in many segments.

This problem can be solved in different ways. The most accessible is retraining. Fortunately, in general, Russian educational institutions have retained a developed research and production base, which can be used to train specialists in various industries. Another option is to attract people from abroad, which, however, can be complicated due to the low exchange rate of the ruble: not in all cases it will be more profitable for a person to work in Russia. At the same time, the Russian government is taking significant steps to facilitate immigration into the country. In particular, a simplified citizenship program has been opened for people who have significant ties with Russia - family, language, and culture.

International aspect

Another possible barrier to successful import substitution is Russia's obligations under WTO membership. The fact is that due to the signing of international treaties with other states of this structure, Russia does not have too many options for intervening in economic processes government structures, which can be involved, for example, in order to protect the national market in terms of trade with foreign suppliers.

Therefore, the government of the Russian Federation does not have a lot of options in order to get more powers. There is absolutely radical - withdraw from the WTO. At the same time, as some experts note, the states, within the framework of the current norms prescribed in the WTO agreements, are generally endowed with a significant amount of tools to protect the interests of domestic producers. The question is how to properly use this resource. For example, in 2015 Russia, as noted by some analysts, may exercise the right to adjust its tariff obligations in such a way as to effectively protect a number of segments of the domestic market and at the same time not violate existing WTO rules.

Success factors

The policy of import substitution in Russia, despite the noted difficulties, has excellent chances of success. This is due to a large number of factors. First, Russian enterprises in most cases have no problems with access to the necessary raw materials and natural resources. Secondly, production costs when starting production in the Russian Federation in many cases will be lower than abroad, in fact, due to the relative cheapness of some natural resources. Also, electricity is quite cheap in Russia. We have already spoken about the salary benefits that have arisen in connection with the depreciation of the ruble. Thirdly, Russia has a tangible technological potential. So far, it is being implemented in practice in a small number of industries - mainly in the military-industrial complex, but if necessary, as many analysts believe, one or another military developments can always be transferred to the civilian industry.

The role of the state

How successful the import substitution plan in Russia will be in a particular industry depends largely on the position of the state. To what extent are the authorities of the Russian Federation ready to perform a function so necessary for the country's economy? In general, the Russian government approaches the issue of import substitution quite seriously.

In particular, in August 2014, a Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was issued, in accordance with which a new structure was created - the Industry Fund. The key task that this institution will perform is to provide businesses with the necessary loans. It is assumed that the conditions under these loans will be more favorable than when the enterprise applies to a commercial bank.

The import substitution program being developed by the state also includes a number of other noteworthy initiatives. For example, in June 2014 the Government developed new law"ABOUT industrial policy The provisions contained in it, according to experts, can become the basis for the implementation of key strategic directions in the development of the manufacturing industry in the country. The industrial program of import substitution in Russia, therefore, will be implemented with the significant participation of the state.



Draft documents of the Foundation are posted on the Foundation's website and on our portal, defining:

The Fund is interested in the opinion of the expert community. You can send your comments and suggestions to us by e-mail [email protected] or to the address of the Foundation: [email protected]

We offer companies engaged in the production of equipment, goods, provision of services, development software that replace imported analogues or do not have imported analogues - apply for inclusion in the list of import-substituting products, goods, works. Information can be sent to our email. In case of difficulties when filling out passports investment projects or if you need to develop a business plan according to the standards of federal ministries - please contact us.

Directions financial support Fund - debt financing of projects aimed at:

  • import substitution and production of competitive civilian products;
  • completion of the development of a new civilian product and the development of a feasibility study for projects planned for implementation with the support of commercial banks; private investors, development institutions.

The Fund provides financial support for projects aimed at:

  • development and implementation at enterprises of promising technologies (including basic industry technologies) that take into account the principles of the best available technologies;
  • creation, completion of development and introduction into production of new high-tech competitive industrial products;
  • development of financial and economic, technical and economic, design and engineering and other types of analysis, expertise and justifications necessary for the further implementation of production and technological projects with the involvement bank lending and funds of private investors;
  • implementation of technological and industrial projects carried out in priority areas of Russian industry and aimed at import substitution.

The financial support of the Fund's projects must meet the following requirements:

  • loan amount - from 50 to 700 million rubles;
  • loan term - from 5 to 7 years;
  • rate % (announced) 5-6% per annum;
  • the total budget of the project - from 100 million rubles;
  • the target sales volume of new products is at least 500 million rubles. per year, starting from the 2nd year of serial production;
  • availability of co-financing of the project by the applicant, private investors or bank loans in the amount of at least 30% of the project budget;
  • the proportion of financing for development work and engineering services in the total loan amount should be at least 50%.

Expansion of the numerical values ​​of the requirements for a project applying for financial support is possible by decision of the Supervisory Board of the Fund.

Criteria for selecting projects for financial support (projects are evaluated for compliance with the following criteria):

  • market prospects and potential for import substitution of the product;
  • scientific and technical prospects of the product and project, including compliance with the principles of the best available technologies;
  • industrial feasibility of the project and the strategic interest of the company in its implementation;
  • financial and economic efficiency and sustainability of the project;
  • financial viability of the borrower and sufficient collateral for the loan;
  • legal viability

To assess the compliance of the project with the criterion "Market prospects and the potential for import substitution of the product", in particular, an examination is carried out on the following parameters:

  • the presence of a market for the product;
  • positive dynamics of market development;
  • availability of competitive advantages relative to Russian analogues and foreign analogues presented on the Russian market;
  • classifying the product as import-substituting.

Ministry of Industry and Trade Russian Federation prepared scrollpriority products for the formation of investment projects that promote import substitution, increase exports and technological development.

Enterprises planning to organize the production of products from this list can provide information on the planned investment project for submission to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan for the purpose of including information in the budget and subsequent receipt of state support on a competitive basis.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation collected the first information before 02/01/2015. This list is constantly expanding.

We offer companies engaged in the production of equipment, goods, services, software development, which replace imported analogues or have no imported analogues apply for inclusion in the list of import-substituting products, goods, works.

Information can be sent to our email. If you have any difficulties when filling out investment project passports, please contact us.

We will be happy to help you in solving your questions.

Employees of the Vernoye Reshenie company provide consulting support for projects, develop strategies and development programs, plans - action programs (road maps) for development, other necessary documentation, conduct research and advise on business issues.

We offer you to use the range of services of the Company:

  • consulting and information support for participants in state competitions for obtaining state support in the form of tax benefits, grants and subsidies, other types of support, supporting the applicant's project in competitions of Ministries, departments, funds, other organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation,
  • development of a development concept (strategy), business plan, feasibility study (feasibility study), memorandum, presentation, project passport, preparation of a project documentation package,
  • conducting market research (marketing) - search for niches, market assessment
  • attraction of strategic and financial partners, investors in the project, business

The problem of import substitution, that is, the replacement of foreign-made goods on the Russian market with domestic ones, is not new and is periodically raised, including by the country's leadership. First of all, import substitution is associated with the solution of one of the main tasks of the Russian economy - its diversification. However, the authorities made an attempt to develop a coherent policy only after the imposition of sanctions. Thus, the need to overcome the critical dependence on foreign technologies and industrial products was discussed in the message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly at the end of 2014. Use the situation emerging in connection with sanctions to reach new frontiers of development President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin also called during the "direct line" in April of this year.

Currently, according to government estimates, the share of imports in various sectors of the economy is extremely high. For example, Russia imports more than 80% of components in civil aircraft construction, about 70% in heavy engineering, 60% in oil and gas equipment, about 50% in power equipment, and from 50% to 90% in agricultural engineering, depending on the product category. parts, etc.

Anti-crisis measures for 2015 in the new Internet version of the GARANT system. Take advantage of free access for 3 days!

There is a popular opinion that the difficult moments for the Russian economy associated with a decrease in foreign demand for raw materials supplied by Russia and the natural devaluation of the ruble are a kind of window of opportunity for the development of domestic industry and the deepening of import substitution. However, despite a number of "successful" moments in this sense - these are, for example, the crises of 1998 and 2008, the state did not take full advantage of them. This problem is periodically raised at various levels. Yes, in 2011 Dmitry Medvedev, who at that time held the post of President of the Russian Federation, at a meeting with representatives of small businesses in the Penza region spoke about the inefficiency of the import substitution program in force at that time.


Vladislav Korochkin, Vice-President of the All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises "OPORA RUSSIA":

"Plans for the implementation of import substitution in Russia will be able to come true if the price of domestic products is competitive. This was facilitated to a certain extent by the devaluation of the ruble that occurred at the end of last year: domestic products have significantly fallen in price compared to similar ones produced abroad. However, the devaluation works for import substitution It is necessary to use as actively as possible other mechanisms for reducing the cost of products, such as reducing non-production, administrative costs (excessive requirements for businesses in obtaining public services, mandatory payments, etc.) and increasing competition in the domestic market. , manufacturers themselves, before proceeding directly to production, must adequately analyze the market (and not only domestic, but also global, if we want to truly develop the industry), so that the products find their buyer and occupy a certain niche without using administrative leverage".

From words to deeds - a whole mile

As part of the course announced by the country's leadership towards import substitution, the first acts have already been adopted. In April 2014, the Cabinet approved new edition state program Russian Federation "Development of industry and increasing its competitiveness" (). One of the main tasks of the state program, designed until 2020, is to reduce the share of imports of products, including those used by domestic manufacturers, into our country.

A month later, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a list of instructions on additional stimulus measures economic growth, including import substitution in industry and agriculture. In pursuance of the instructions of the President, the government prepared a Plan to promote import substitution in industry. At the end of 2014, an import substitution program in agriculture was approved ().

Financial assistance to import substitution

The allocation of funds to support import substitution takes the form of subsidizing and co-financing research, as well as providing grants and preferences in public procurement.

So, in the fall of 2014, the government adopted a program to support investment projects implemented in Russia on the basis of project financing (). This program was developed with the aim of increasing the volume of lending to organizations in the real sector of the economy for long-term and preferential terms.

Within the framework of the program, only projects selected as a result of the competition, implemented until 2018 in certain sectors of the economy, are financed:

  • Agriculture;
  • manufacturing industry;
  • chemical production;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • housing construction;
  • transport;
  • communications and telecommunications;
  • energy.

In accordance with the terms of the program, state financial support is received by investment projects worth from 1 billion to 20 billion rubles. The borrower will have to pay at least 20% of the project cost himself. The borrower is provided with a target loan by an authorized bank in rubles at 9% per annum. Moreover, the funds spent by banks to provide loans will be reimbursed by the Bank of Russia. At the moment, 10 Russian credit institutions and international financial institutions- their list can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. Interest rate for a loan is calculated according to the following formula: 6.5% - the refinancing rate of loans for investment projects determined by the Bank of Russia () + 2.5%. The first component may subsequently be set in a different amount, which means that the conditions for financing entrepreneurs may change.

An important condition of the program is the requirement to locate the production site of the project being implemented in Russia.

It also provides for the provision of state guarantees for loans issued under the program. Guarantees are given for loans issued for a period of three to 20 years, in the amount of up to 25% of the borrower's obligations. The total amount of funds allocated for these purposes in the current year is 60 billion rubles (clause 8 of section 1.1 of Appendix 39 to Federal Law No. 384-FZ of December 1 "").

The list of selected investment projects has already included:

By a similar measure financial support import substitution was the allocation by the government, at the expense of the federal budget, of targeted loans to enterprises implementing import substitution projects. Since August 2014, the Industrial Development Fund has been operating, the task of which is to finance projects at the pre-production stage. True, its budget is not so large: 20 billion rubles, despite the fact that, according to the fund, from January to April 2015, more than 800 applications were received for a total amount of about 280 billion rubles. from different companies. The Fund provides loans to industrial enterprises for a period of five to seven years at a rate of 5% per annum. Borrowing companies must meet a number of requirements:

  • have a positive credit history;
  • the loan amount must be secured by the net assets of the applicant or by collateral provided, such as a bank guarantee;
  • the funded project should be aimed at the introduction of advanced technologies, the creation of new products or the organization of import-substituting industries.

A loan from the fund will not be available to foreign companies, and companies with offshore "registration", with the exception of companies that have received the status of a national producer and have entered into a special investment contract.

The concept of "special investment contract", new to Russian law, contains the Federal Law "On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation", which has not yet entered into force (). Such a contract is a form of cooperation between investors and the state wishing to create, modernize or master the production of certain industrial products in Russia. At the same time, the authorities undertake to provide investors with tax incentives and benefits for the payment of customs duties, as well as guarantees against adverse changes in the current legislation during the term of the contract.

It is not yet possible to assess the real effect of such a partnership, since the relevant norms will come into force only from July 1, 2015. However, there is reason to believe that investing relations between the producer and the state in a similar form will give b O greater confidence in the success of such projects than, for example, public-private partnerships by creating conditions for stability legal regulation.

At the same time, the list of tools to support projects in the field of import substitution is planned to be expanded. According to Arkady Dvorkovich, their full complex will be developed by July 1 this year. So, at the end of May, the government decided to submit to the State Duma a proposal to reduce tax burden for newly created enterprises for the production of goods (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 22, 2015 No. 926-r). The bill proposes to give the subjects of the Russian Federation the right to reduce taxes for participants in regional investment projects by reducing corporate income tax to 10% in terms of tax received by the regional budget, and to 0% in terms of tax received by the federal budget.

In addition to direct support for enterprises, it is planned to introduce special measures to stimulate import substitution, including through state and municipal purchases. Thus, the government quite actively uses the right to restrict the purchase of goods originating from foreign countries.

The purchases of certain types of foreign-made goods are limited, such as medical products, engineering and light industry goods, as well as goods purchased for the purposes of national defense (,).

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia has high hopes for standardization as a tool for import substitution in public procurement. Corresponding amendments to the legislation on the contract system are under consideration in the State Duma. It is planned to clarify the rules for describing the object of procurement in such a way that, in their implementation, priority is given to products that meet national standards.

Import substitution in real time

In pursuance of the January anti-crisis plan () in April of this year, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Communications, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Energy of Russia developed 19 industry-specific import substitution programs for the coming years. As part of the prepared programs, events are planned in such industries as:

  • pharmaceutical industry ();
  • heavy engineering ();
  • software ()
  • aircraft industry ();
  • shipbuilding (), etc.

As reported at a briefing following the government meeting in early April this year, Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, within the framework of these programs, it is planned to implement a total of approximately 2.5 thousand projects. The director of the Investment and Innovation Promotion Department of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation adds that the implementation of these programs will allow even in the most sensitive sectors, for example, machine tool building, to reduce import dependence from the current 88% to 40% by 2020. The implementation of these measures will require 159 billion rubles. budget funds. However, it is planned that in the 20-year perspective this will serve to attract revenues to the budget in the amount of up to 2.2 trillion rubles. (an increase of 13.6 times).


The interpretation of a legal or economic term can be found in the GARANT system. To do this, you need to call the tab with a list of terms of the explanatory dictionary (F12) and enter the appropriate query, for example, "import substitution". For a term encountered while reading a document, you can call up the dictionary by selecting the desired fragment (or hovering over a single word) and calling the "Find in the Explanatory Dictionary" command by pressing the right mouse button.

Complains about the shortcomings of the legal regulation of the import substitution policy in the pharmaceutical industry CEO Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Victor Dmitriev. At the same time, he emphasizes, the domestic pharmaceutical industry has actually been working in this direction for many years, reproducing copies of original medicines. So, any so-called generic (generic drug) is a repetition of the original drug, usually of imported origin. Therefore, import substitution for pharmaceuticals, according to the expert, is a daily, routine work, and there are no fundamental novelties in this matter. At the same time, Viktor Dmitriev notes a problem similar to the one that has developed in the software market: organizing the production of a medicine is not as difficult as bringing the created drug to the market. Back in September last year, the government posted for public discussion a draft resolution, which the industry calls “the third is superfluous”: on limiting the participation of suppliers of imported drugs in budget auctions if there are two or more participants offering domestic drugs. However, the project has not yet progressed beyond the project.

In addition, according to Viktor Dmitriev, the existing registration procedures require improvements. For example, despite the fact that it is not necessary to register pharmaceutical substances, the law requires them to be entered in the state register of medicines (clause 2, part 1, article 33 of the Federal Law of April 12, 2010 No. 61-FZ ""), which in fact is a repetition of the registration procedure. Therefore, Russian drug manufacturers lose out to foreign competitors who enter the market with a ready-made drug and are not required to enter the substance in its composition into the register.

The Russian software development industry is rightfully considered one of the dynamically developing sectors of the domestic economy. A number of Russian software products are consistently in demand not only in neighboring countries, but also in the global market. This is the merit of the state. So, since 2011, software developers have been paying insurance premiums in a reduced amount (, Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ "On insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Fund health insurance").

After almost a year, the relevant draft laws and regulations were prepared. In general, it is expected to reduce dependence on foreign software by making the state order market more accessible to domestic companies. The proposed projects imply the maximum restriction of the ability to purchase foreign software, unless there are no domestic analogues of the necessary programs, or if the existing one does not meet the requirements of the customer. In this case, customers will have to justify their choice in favor of foreign software so that Russian developers are informed about the needs of the market. At the same time, it is supposed to recognize the software as domestic if it was entered by the Ministry of Communications of Russia into the appropriate register.

It was not possible to get comments on the implementation of import substitution programs from representatives of the aviation and shipbuilding industries of the editors of the GARANT.RU portal.

Pace without quality is not pace, but profanity

At the end of April, by government decree, the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization " Russian system quality "(). Member of the interdepartmental working group on the creation of the Russian quality system Elena Saratseva explained to the portal GARANT.RU, the Russian quality system is being created in order to promote high-quality Russian goods to the domestic and foreign markets, as well as to increase confidence in Russian products. The Cabinet of Ministers on its official website notes that, among other things, the Russian quality system should serve to solve the problem of import substitution. In addition to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Rosstandart, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium Business "OPORA RUSSIA" and other public and scientific organizations and associations worked on the creation of ANO "Roskachestvo".

It is planned that goods for testing in laboratories accredited by ANO Roskachestvo will be purchased at retail outlets in Russia. The test results will be published in the public domain on the official website of Roskachestvo.

Products that have successfully passed the voluntary certification procedure will be awarded the Russian Quality Mark. At the same time, certification of products for obtaining will be completely free for manufacturers. The right to label products with the Quality Mark will be issued for a period of two or three years (depending on the product category), after which the product can again undergo voluntary certification by Roskachestvo. Moreover, in case of complaints from the population about the quality of products that received the Russian Quality Mark, unscheduled inspections of these products will be carried out. If information about non-compliance with quality or localization requirements is confirmed, then the right to use the Quality Mark for such goods will be revoked.

The organization is funded from the federal budget, adds Elena Saratseva, which ensures the independence of research and certification. Already this year, Roskachestvo will carry out rolling research of products in 30 categories. The sample of each study will include b O Most of the products presented in each category (up to 50 samples). It is assumed that the first Quality Marks will be awarded this year.

Protective Measures: The Other Side of the Coin

At the same time, protective measures, despite their obvious benefits for domestic producers, can also carry hidden threats to the economy. For example, the embargo on the import of food products into our country from countries that supported anti-Russian sanctions significantly reduced the competition between Russian farmers and foreign producers in the food market. At first glance, it may seem that such foreign policy measures have played into the hands of domestic agricultural producers only. However, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, in its report published in October 2014, expresses concern about the possible acceleration of inflation if Russia fails to fully replace the embargoed imports of food and raw materials. And the speed of replenishing the resulting deficit, the department emphasizes, is limited by the capabilities of existing production capacities.

Again, in the production of some food products, imported raw materials are used, the access of manufacturers to which has ceased. Sergei Fakhretdinov, a member of the coordinating council of the All-Russian public organization "Business Russia", a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, adds that the problem of shortage of raw materials indispensable for the production of domestic products is also acute in high-tech industries. So, according to him, the Russian petrochemical industry, whose products are used by almost all industries, is far behind the advanced countries. It will take considerable effort and time to fill the shortage of chemical raw materials at the expense of domestic resources.


It can be stated that a global campaign has been launched in Russia to meet domestic demand with the help of domestic producers. At the same time, experts talk about the need to make this process more systematic. Thus, according to Vladislav Korochkin, First Vice-President of the All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurship "OPORA RUSSIA" Vladislav Korochkin, it is necessary to create a set of permanent mechanisms that would allow setting specific tasks, and introduce tools to track their implementation, otherwise the process of import substitution will again take chaotic character.

In addition, a natural question arises: what scenario will the process follow? Will the final product of this large-scale work be the creation of a product that is an analogue of a foreign one, or will we go further and in a number of areas we will be able to compete for existing overseas markets? The plans of the country's leadership in this regard can be judged by a number of statements. Thus, Vladimir Putin at the XVIII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in May last year separately emphasized the need to approach import substitution selectively, to implement it only in those areas where it is promising, where domestic products will be competitive. The same idea was developed by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev during his annual report to the State Duma in April this year, adding that import substitution will not lead to Russia's economic self-isolation. However, time will tell how the economy will develop in reality.

Crisis is the best time for changes in economic strategy. Energy is no longer Russia's main source of income. It is necessary to develop domestic production, especially in sectors traditionally dependent on imports. For example, the share of imports in Russian mechanical engineering (especially machine tool building) reaches 60-80%, in oil and gas equipment - up to 70%, pharmaceuticals - up to 70-80%, and in electronics and light industry it reaches 90%. Unfortunately, it is impossible to solve this problem quickly: import substitution is a long and complicated process. However, the first "swallows" of future changes have already appeared.

We present five best examples import substitution in Russia in 2014-2015.

5. Oil and gas industry and oil engineering

One of the new projects of the Rosneft company is the new production complex Zvezda, which is engaged in the creation of a shipbuilding base. Russian Factoring Company, together with Surgutneftegaz, is building hydraulic fracturing equipment. Uralmash is developing a drive system for drilling rigs. The Perm machine-building company is testing a new set of rotary controlled systems.

OAO Gazprom approached the need for import substitution responsibly: it imposed a ban on the purchase of foreign equipment for all its divisions. In addition, the company has created a registry of used imported equipment so that any engineering company wishing to develop a new market knows what is requested. Gazprom is ready to test test samples live and, in case of a successful result, immediately purchase them.

4. Agricultural engineering

Concern "Tractor Plants" invested 700 million rubles in the creation of wheeled tractors with an automatic control system. The potential demand for such tractors by 2020 is about 160 units. It is planned that by this time the profit will amount to 1.2 billion rubles.

3. Military industry

The import substitution rating included the program for the development of strategic nuclear forces, which refused the participation of manufacturers from Ukraine. Now the Topol-M, Yars and Bulava missile systems are made entirely from domestically produced components. The new missile "Sarmat" has already gone into production. Our own air-to-air missiles also appeared, and the powerful one began to receive the Moskva-1 electronic warfare systems created with the latest technology.

2. Software

Companies "1C" and Acronis are engaged in the production of software and successfully withstand many years of competition with foreign manufacturers. The 1C: Enterprise ERP system successfully competes with Microsoft, SAP and Oracle. At present, 1C has 30% Russian market ERP in money. The number of installations of 1C in the Russian Federation is greater than that of SAP worldwide.

1. Agricultural and dairy products

Import substitution contributes to an increase in the share of domestic production, especially in such sectors as pig breeding, poultry farming, the production of cheese, butter and, to some extent, herring. According to the mayor of Moscow, 90% of the dairy products market in the city is already occupied by domestic products.

But, unfortunately, many manufacturers, in pursuit of a long ruble, fill store shelves with counterfeit products. For example, according to Rosstat, the import of palm oil and its derivatives to Russia has grown to 260 thousand tons, it is used to produce cheap and low-grade dairy products.

The best example of import substitution in the market
, which uses only domestic raw materials in production - Lianozovsky Dairy Plant. Recently, the plant launched a new workshop, which began to process whey obtained in the process of manufacturing dairy products into dry whey (it is used in the baking, confectionery and meat industries). 7.5 million euros were invested in the workshop, of which about a third was invested in Russian-made equipment. Another plant opened new line packaging and invested 21 million in the production of containers for bottling milk.

Sanctions imposed against Russia in 2014 called into question the country's economic condition. The import substitution strategy chosen by the authorities involves reducing the dependence of production and industry on imported foreign goods.

10. Mechanical engineering and metal processing

This industry is the foundation of the entire economy, and it is very sad that in the engineering industry we have more than 80% of imported products, which means that the entire economy is tied to goods from other countries and directly depends on it. Now it can already be stated that the existing base of mechanical engineering is expanding, factories that did not work before are resuming their work.

So, for example, a plant producing heavy gear-cutting machines will be opened in Saratov. OOO " Chernivtsi Central Electromechanical Workshops" began to produce bodies and buckets for mining equipment, and " » launches the production of the latest hydraulic excavators.

9. Light industry

In the light industry, imports fluctuate around 30-50% for different groups of industries. Main problem: few factories that would produce fabrics and sew clothes, and too few offers for primary products such as linen and cotton.

As part of import substitution, new production facilities are being opened: a modernized knitwear factory was opened in the Tula region BTK Knitwear”, in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic built one of largest enterprises in Russia for the production of textile fabric " Textile Industry».

There is a search for new varieties of cotton that can be grown in colder Russian regions, as the Volgograd region has already harvested twice, and thereby expanded the primary cotton market.

8. Production and processing of fish products

Despite the fact that the market for fish products was imported in smaller volumes than other industries, significant progress has been made in this area with the participation of a large amount of investment. A new fish processing factory has started operating in Murmansk " Polar Sea+» with a design capacity of 10 thousand tons per year, the company produces frozen cod using super-cooling technologies.

A plant for growing tilapia fish, which is completely imported from abroad to Russia, will be launched in the Astrakhan region. The volume of production should be around 1 thousand tons per year. And in the Khabarovsk Territory, a fish processing plant is being built on the basis of old workshops.

7. Tourism industry

In tourism, active development began in many regions of Russia, which previously did not attract vacationers in any way due to the lack of services, routes or natural attractions. The authorities and investors are looking for ways to brand the regions, historical tourism, the development of such tours and routes that are aimed not only at contemplation and active recreation, but also at the development of intelligence, expanding knowledge, new methods of treatment, creating man-made monuments and attractions.

6. Oil and gas industry

In the Russian Federation, it is oil and gas that are the main suppliers of cash receipts. " Gazprom» was among the first to actively promote the import substitution strategy and signed an agreement with the plant « pipe detailer» for the production of special ball valves used in the gas industry.

Factory " Prompribor”, thanks to a large investment program as part of import substitution, on its basis produces equipment that is used from a well to a processing plant, and JSC “ Bulanash machine-building plant» manufactures the latest drilling rigs that have no analogues in the world.

5. Medical and pharmaceutical industry

This industry is actively engaged in the invention of fundamentally new drugs and medical equipment, as well as the manufacture of Russian analogues of foreign drugs. Kazan has already started producing generics, which were mostly imported.

The production of intelligent children's prostheses is developing in the Arkhangelsk region, and the latest drugs for atherosclerosis and tuberculosis have been invented in the Irkutsk region. In many regions, a cluster pharmaceutical industry is developing, which helps to combine scientific developments and large-scale production.

4. Transport industry

In the production of basic parts and assemblies in the transport sector, the role of imports is great. Thanks to the import substitution strategy, some transport complexes have already switched to 93% of domestic components. This is due to the expansion of our production facilities.

So, for example, on the basis of JSC " Transpneumatics” will produce the latest brake systems for trains, offshore tank containers for “ Gazprom”, Ulan-Ude LVRZ expands the production of components for diesel locomotives, which were imported from Ukraine.

3. Computer software

The main problem in Russia is the active use of foreign software in large companies, corporations, as well as in the public administration system. One of the tasks of import substitution is to facilitate the transition of key companies and government agencies to domestic software.

An integration platform was formed Zircon”, on the basis of which it is possible to create various automated secure systems for many industries. The Unified Register of Domestic Software has been launched. Developments in the field of mobile operating systems began. Many Russian companies, such as " Russian Railways», « Sberbank», « Rostelecom” have already abandoned foreign software.

2. Chemical industry

For Russian chemists, the challenge is to find materials that will move the industry as a whole forward. A modern packaging plant has been opened in Tatarstan, which is the only one in Russia so far. In Omsk on " Omsk rubber» revive the production of latex. In Nizhnekamsk, polyethylene is produced for the production of cable sheaths, which will replace imported materials.

1. Agricultural production

Agricultural products fell under the sanctions to a greater extent. For several years of import substitution, domestic farmers have done a tremendous job of finding alternative options for the production of cheeses, vegetables, fruits, elite seeds and much more. There are many examples in this industry.: production of marbled beef is being expanded in the Altai Territory.

In Dagestan, more than 1,500 hectares of land were laid for horticultural crops, a new poultry complex was opened in the Lipetsk region, a greenhouse complex was built in Tyumen, and so on. conducted in all areas of agriculture.