What client data can the bank check? Banks that do not check credit history (list) What banks check when receiving a loan

When contacting a bank with the intention of , the client must be prepared not only to provide a certain set of documents and certificates, but also to answer many questions from the credit expert. To minimize all possible risks, before approving a loan application, the bank subjects all received data to verification. First of all, this concerns credit history. However, lenders may be interested in other life circumstances of their clients. And the more information they receive, and the more positively it characterizes the borrower, the more likely it is that the loan will be approved.

Potential borrowers are conventionally divided into 2 categories. The first are those who already have a positive credit history in any bank, which is one of the confirmations of their responsible attitude towards debt obligations. Ever made small delays in payments, most likely, will not prevent you from taking new loan, if the client data meets all other reliability criteria.

What is the impact of this data? Based on information about the client, the bank determines:

  • loan amount;
  • interest rate;
  • the amount of the minimum monthly payment;
  • loan terms.

How does the scoring system work?

Today, the lending system is actively developing, and many organizations offer to issue a small loan in just a couple of hours. But how do banks check the borrower in such a short time? The fact is that customer profiles are carefully studied directly by bank employees only in cases where a large amount is indicated in the application. In all other cases, information is processed by a special program - scoring.

In many financial institutions The procedures for checking a future credit client are similar. However, each bank has its own approved verification rules and regulations. That is why, having been rejected by one bank, you can get approval from another. How are they checked when issuing a loan?

Checking the data specified in the application form

In the client questionnaire, all completed information is checked. The stability of residence in the last place and the period of work at the enterprise are especially carefully checked. Residence data, if it matches the registration in the passport, as a rule, is not checked. But if a person lives at an address that differs from his registration, a call is always made to clarify this information and preferably from independent sources, and not by calling the phone number specified by the client.

The area of ​​the questionnaire where the current or past credit history of the borrower is indicated is carefully studied. Very often people try to hide the fact that they have already used lending services before. This usually occurs due to the client's negative credit history.

In addition to the questionnaire, information about positive or negative lending history is contained in the credit history bureau, with which most have cooperation agreements. financial organizations and banks. Therefore, even if the borrower did not write this in the application form, the lender will still find out about it and regard it as a negative characteristic of the client.

Telephone call to a potential borrower and his entourage

A telephone call is a mandatory step in checking the solvency and honesty of a future credit client. Typically, telephone calls are made in three directions:
- the borrower's employer;
- to the person himself;
- contact person specified in the application form;
When you call at work, all the information specified in the income certificate and the application form is clarified at the same time. A call must be made to the accounting department to confirm the amount of income and to the client’s immediate supervisor to clarify the qualitative characteristics of the person. When calling a potential borrower, they double-check their personal information. Does the client answer everything clearly, doesn’t he confuse anything, doesn’t he stammer when naming his place of work, the name of his manager and his position, etc. The contact person over the phone clarifies all the information he has about the client and checks it with the questionnaire. To be more confident, you can ask for the number of another mutual friend to double-check. Very often, during cross-questions, all false information is revealed, which, in turn, adds a negative opinion about the person.

Verifying the authenticity of submitted documents

The income certificate of the future borrower is checked both over the telephone and using databases. The name and surname of the director indicated in the certificate are verified. Work experience in the organization is also subject to verification. After all, today many fake certificates are sold even on the Internet. Amounts on the certificate that are identical to each other are definitely a fake. This means that a person has never gotten sick or gone on vacation in six months.

The passport is also checked for authenticity in the databases of lost passports and the correctness of the original is verified. The passport and husband/wife of the potential client are checked. If sellers are involved in the transaction, their passports must also be checked.

When checking documents for a mortgage loan, a legal service is involved, which verifies all legal provisions in the submitted documents. Also, documents for an apartment are checked in a unified register that controls rights to real estate. Since the property may be arrested and then the transaction will simply be invalid. The certificate of registered people in the living space is also subject to verification. Since you can buy an apartment in which one of the owners will live.

So, to form an objective opinion about a future loan client, bank specialists use all databases and verification tools available to them. After all verification work, a final decision is made regarding the client. Therefore, a positive or negative decision about a loan depends entirely on the person himself and the veracity of the information he provided.

Banks analyze the level of borrower reliability in order to assess their risks when issuing loans to the public. The thoroughness of the check depends on the bank: the level of specialists conducting the check, the relevance of the scoring systems and even the type of loan product.

The objects of verification are the borrower’s data specified in the application form and the provided package of documents.

Verification of general information and identity of the borrower

1. The credit inspector verifies the full name, date of birth, registered address, marital status, and passport details of the borrower. They must match in the application form, passport and 2-NDFL certificate. If there are any discrepancies in the documents, they are returned to the borrower for correction.

2. The inspector also takes a photograph of the borrower and compares the passport photo with the person sitting opposite. If there are any doubts about the identity of the borrower, or a fake passport is used to obtain a loan, the inspector must make a note. For this purpose, a special code or assessment sheet of the borrower is used, which is subsequently sent to the underwriter. Naturally, in such a situation, the bank will refuse to issue it and will blacklist the client.

3. In the 2-NDFL certificate, it is necessary to check the complete and correct filling of all fields. Based on the borrower's income data, the average monthly income is calculated minus taxes and other deductions. Even at the stage of consideration of the application, an experienced inspector can advise the borrower to reduce the requested loan amount to a realistic figure that will be approved by the bank.

4. The printing on the income certificate must be clear and readable. The certificate must bear the main round seal of the organization, and not a stamp “for documents” or the seal of any other person. The certificate is signed only by the manager and chief accountant or employees performing their duties.

5. The loan officer is not able to verify the authenticity of the specified salary amount, unless the borrower is a participant in the bank’s salary project. That is why for borrowers who receive wages using a bank card, lower rates are always set. interest rates, and the only documents required are a passport.

6. The borrower's additional income is also documented and verified in the usual manner.

7. The work record book (copy) allows you to calculate the borrower’s work experience. The inspector enters the total length of work experience, frequency of job changes, last place of work and period of work there into the computer. Read how to get a loan without work experience. As a rule, one of the mandatory conditions of banks is at least six months of experience at the last place of work. If there were problematic dismissals, the inspector will also indicate this in the program.

Checking data on targeted loans

1. By mortgage loan In addition to the basic documents, at the initial stage it is required to provide a copy of the marriage certificate, since the borrower’s spouse will necessarily participate in the loan transaction. If you apply for a targeted loan using maternity capital, you will definitely need copies of the children’s birth certificates and the capital certificate.

2. Since banks do not provide 100% of the amount of purchased housing, the availability of 15-30% of own funds will need to be documented. Often this money is credited to the client’s account, and an extract is made from the account, which is also filed in the package of documents.

3. In the future, the bank will carefully check the documents on the acquired property. Each bank has a certain number of restrictions on collateral. For example, some banks do not issue loans for the purchase of a share of an apartment, a dorm room, apartments on the first and last floors of buildings, etc. Banks do not lend to apartments and houses from the stock of dilapidated housing. Banks also consider transactions to purchase housing from relatives on credit, for which maternity capital funds are used, to be fictitious. The bank's security service checks these conditions without fail.

4. A car loan is the purchase of a car (new or used) only at car dealerships and auto centers. If the borrower wants to purchase a car from a dealership that is not on the list of banks and with which the bank does not have a cooperation agreement, the bank will need to additionally provide documents proving that the dealership is an official dealer.

Own funds (15-30%) can be made as an advance payment for the car and this can be confirmed by an invoice, a paid check and a sales contract.

5. Copies of insurance and payment receipts are provided annually to ensure that the collateral is insured (apartment, house, car).

Checking your credit history

For the borrower, banks must make a request to the BKI. Banks usually do not focus on rare and short-term failures in the payment schedule (up to 3-5 days), but long and repeated delays on loans entail a refusal to lend. You can, of course, find out which bank does not check your credit history, but their number is small.


Data on targeted loans and large loans are checked with particular care, since their number is much lower than the amount consumer loans. To analyze the latter, banks often rely on the results of scoring and verification by the inspector/underwriter/security service.

In any case, any form of credit fraud can easily result in major problems. Each borrower must decide for himself whether it is worth risking his reputation and his position.

The bank checks the borrower for a mortgage in various ways. Each individual lender has its own approach, so it is difficult for a client who wants to purchase real estate on credit to predict what exactly may influence the bank’s decision. In this article we will look at what verification methods are most often used by credit specialists and security services.

Scoring system

Many banks use so-called scoring. This is a special computer program into which data about the borrower is entered: age, profession, income, length of service, availability of property and current obligations, etc. The data is analyzed automatically and the applicant’s solvency is calculated. For small consumer loans Scoring is often the only way to assess a borrower's creditworthiness, and when considering an applicant for a mortgage, it will only be the first stage. Thanks to it, the loan officer understands whether it is worth further conducting a detailed check of the potential borrower.

Client identification

To undergo verification in order to obtain a loan from a bank, an individual must provide a package of documents. It usually includes: passport; TIN; certificate 2-NDFL; marriage (divorce) certificate; child's birth certificate; documents confirming ownership of any property; certificates from existing lenders about the loan balance. The loan officer checks all documents and asks the client to fill out and sign a special form.

How to check the borrower's place of work

At the next stage, the place of employment of the potential borrower is checked. The bank's security service analyzes the reliability of the information specified in the certificate, namely, whether the company is actually located at the specified address and whether it is actually conducting business. The SBB also checks whether the organization is going through bankruptcy or liquidation.

How to check a borrower's income

Today there are banks that are ready to issue a mortgage without documentary proof of income. But for this you need to pay about 50% of the cost of housing own funds. If the borrower is not ready to do this, then the bank must bring a certificate in Form 2-NDFL or in the bank’s form.

The bank will double-check the numbers indicated in the certificate. They do this in different ways without notifying clients about them. State banks have the right to apply to Pension Fund and reconcile deductions. The check is also carried out on the government services portal.

Bank employees almost always make calls at the borrower’s place of work. They ask questions about whether such and such an employee actually works at the company, whether he plans to quit, and whether he is being laid off.

In addition to the official wages, borrowers often claim additional income. If we are talking, for example, about renting out real estate, the loan officer will ask for a lease agreement. If you have deposits in other banks, you will need to provide a deposit agreement. Income that the applicant cannot confirm is usually taken into account by the bank with a reduction factor.

If a private entrepreneur applies for a mortgage, then to verify income, he will need to submit registration documents and declarations for several reporting periods. Bank specialists often check whether the entrepreneur really conducts his business. To do this, additional documents are requested and a visit to the potential borrower’s place of work is carried out.

How to check your credit history

Information about closed and current loans The bank has the opportunity to check the applicant at the credit history bureau. It should be noted that in Russia this requires the client’s permission. But if he refuses, the loan will not be approved for him.

The presence of information about overdue debts in the BKI is one of the most common reasons for refusal. If the client continues to prove that he has no overdue obligations to other creditors, he will be asked to document this.

In order to determine the client’s reliability, the bank checks information about criminal records, as well as open trials.

If the client has successfully completed all stages, he is issued a letter of opportunity mortgage lending. Next, he will have to select real estate and submit documents for it to the bank.

How to check the subject of a mortgage

A characteristic feature of checking a borrower for a mortgage is that the property that he wants to purchase is also checked. First of all, lawyers will do this. They will study all title documents. If there are controversial issues in terms of ownership and use of real estate, the bank usually refuses, as this is fraught with problems with the collateral. An expert also visits the property and determines its market value.

Information updated: 01/22/2020

Before issuing a loan to a person, the bank must make sure that the client will repay the borrowed money in full and on time. To achieve this, credit institutions develop various rules and methods for assessing the borrower’s creditworthiness. These rules apply to all clients – both individuals and legal entities.

In this article I will talk about how banks check borrowers when issuing loans - individuals and entrepreneurs. Knowing general rules checks, you will be able to assess in advance the likelihood of approval and refusal, and, if necessary, adapt to them.

General rules for assessing a borrower

These rules apply, regardless of the type of borrower, to both individuals and entrepreneurs. With their help, the bank receives a sufficient understanding of the client’s solvency and reliability. Let's take a closer look at them.

Credit history assessment

First of all, credit institutions pay attention to. It is the easiest way to determine the reliability of a potential client and the likelihood of non-repayment of the debt. The bank makes a request to the CCCI to find out in which bureaus the borrower’s CI is located, and then begins to work with these bureaus.

During the verification process, the organization pays attention to the following indicators:

  • Number of repaid and outstanding loans
  • Number and duration of arrears – the main focus is on arrears lasting 30 days or more
  • Number of loans transferred for collection to collectors and bailiffs
  • Presence or absence of status, number of insolvency announcements, date of last announcement
  • The number of requests to the BKI - both from the borrower and from credit institutions

Also considered a negative factor. In such a situation, it is more difficult for the bank to predict the likelihood of loan repayment and assess the client’s reliability. Borrowers without a credit history may be subject to stricter requirements than customers with a positive credit history or minor violations.

If the client repaid all loans on time, had no arrears and did not declare himself insolvent, then his loan application is more likely to be approved. On the contrary, frequent delays, transfer of debts to collectors and the presence of bankrupt status indicate low client reliability. Loans are almost always denied.

Then the bank must review the documents that the borrower attached to the application. Information from them will help confirm the client’s identity and assess his reliability. Documents are also checked for authenticity and correctness.

The composition of the package of documents depends on the specific proposal, the requirements of the lender and the type of client. Most often, it includes a passport, a second identity document, and income documents. It may also include information about the client’s employment, solvency and status. If the borrower is an entrepreneur, the bank will require registration and constituent documents, financial statements and tax return. If – documents for the mortgaged property.

The more information a client provides about himself, the better the organization will be able to evaluate him. Documents drawn up with errors or containing insufficient information will be rejected by the bank and will require replacement. If any information turns out to be fake, he will blacklist the unscrupulous borrower and report him to the police.

Checking the borrower using databases

In addition to credit history, information from other databases - state, municipal and banking - can tell about the client’s reliability and goals. The organization searches for information about the borrower using these databases, analyzes it and compares it with the application. At this stage, the following information is studied:

  • Compliance of passport data with those specified in the application, registration address – in the migration service database
  • Information about registration with the Federal Tax Service, property and payment of taxes is in the databases tax service
  • Debts not related to loans (unpaid taxes, fines, alimony) - in the database of enforcement proceedings of the FSSP
  • The presence of offenses, their duration and severity – in the databases of the police, prosecutor’s office and traffic police
  • Presence of criminal records and status of court proceedings - in court databases
  • Violations of Law 115-FZ “On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Income” - in the Rosfinmonitoring databases
  • Suspicions of fraud or violation of the rules for using banking services are on the black lists of clients

When applying for a loan, the lender can in this way find out about the income, employment and marital status of the borrower.

If the facts that the organization receives from these sources indicate unreliability, then the client may be more likely to be denied a loan.

Study of the borrower's income

It is important for the bank to check the client’s solvency - for this it studies his income. For him, not only the size is important, but also the stability of income throughout the loan term. First of all, it takes into account official income, which is taxed income tax(for individuals and individual entrepreneurs) or income tax (for legal entities). Some lenders also take into account additional income - for example, from renting out housing or from valuable papers.

The organization also pays attention to regular mandatory expenses that may interfere with debt repayment. These include payments for housing and communal services, alimony, expenses for minor children and payments on other loans and borrowings (including car loans, mortgages and credit cards). The difference between the amount of income and the amount of expenses forms net income - key indicator solvency.

The main condition when assessing solvency is that the total payment amount cannot exceed half of the net income.

If the amount of income is not large enough, the bank may offer to attract a co-borrower, reduce the amount or increase the term. High income does not always indicate solvency, since real income such a borrower can sometimes be lower than that of a client with a small salary but low debt load.

Loan repayment assessment

The bank will be able to approve a loan to the borrower only if it is confident in its repayment. Debt repayment depends on many conditions - the solvency and reliability of the borrower, the type of loan, the currency of issue, the economic situation and others. If the level of repayment is insufficient, then the organization can use various ways to ensure it:

  • Pledge. This form of security is used most often. The collateral is the borrower’s liquid (which can be quickly sold) and fairly valuable property - real estate, personal transport, shares, etc. If the borrower cannot repay the loan, the lender takes the collateral and sells it. The proceeds go towards paying off the debt
  • Surety. Here, part of the borrower's responsibility is transferred to a third party. The guarantor will have to repay the loan himself if the borrower cannot do so. The guarantor can be either a private or entity. He is subject to the same requirements as the borrower
  • Guarantees. This method is usually used when obtaining loans to entrepreneurs. According to the principle of operation, a guarantee is similar to a surety, but with the difference that only a legal entity can act as a guarantor, and the amount of the debt is repaid partially (according to the terms of the agreement) and immediately. You can find out more about guarantees

Banks can use several methods to ensure repayment at once, if their proposals allow this. For example, in addition to , a surety or guarantee may be required.

If the probability of return is high enough without collateral, then the credit company is likely to approve the application. If the organization doubts the return, it will most likely offer one of the security methods. Further conditions depend on the quality and sufficiency of repayment.

Verification of collateral

If the loan is issued against collateral, then it is also necessary to check the pledged property. This stage consists of two parts:

  • Assessment by a specialist. The employee must personally examine the collateral and verify its compliance with the requirements. Based on the assessment, the value of the collateral is determined - the final loan amount depends on it
  • Searching for information in databases. This further confirms that the object of collateral belongs to a person, as well as the absence of any encumbrances. The pledged property must not be seized, in the process of sale or already registered as collateral

If the collateral does not meet the requirements, is not owned by the client, or already has encumbrances, then a loan issued against it will be denied, even if the borrower has high solvency and a positive credit history.

Underwriting and scoring

The final stage of lending risk assessment. During the underwriting process, the bank analyzes all information about the client in aggregate, and during the scoring process it calculates credit rating. Each lender has its own underwriting and scoring methods; they are a trade secret and are not disclosed.

Based on a thorough analysis and the assigned score, the company makes the final decision whether to approve the application or not. In any case, it adds information about the application and its decision to the credit history. The bank informs the client of the result of consideration of the application.

Approximate credit score levels and their values ​​are presented in the table:

Determining loan quality

After issuing a loan, the bank additionally assesses the risks and extent of financial losses due to the client’s failure to fulfill his obligations. In accordance with the assessment, the debt is assigned one of the quality categories. This classification makes it easier credit organization creating reserves for losses on outstanding debts.

The classification of quality categories and the procedure for their assignment is determined by the regulation of the Central Bank No. 590-P dated June 28, 2017. The types and parameters of the categories that it sets are presented in the table:

How legal entities are checked

Lenders usually have the most stringent requirements. Business loans are often issued for large amounts, and almost always for specific purposes. Therefore, it is especially important for the bank to ensure the creditworthiness and reliability of a particular organization.

When evaluating companies, first of all, pay attention to the following indicators:

  • The credit history of managers and founders is considered both separately and collectively
  • Business reputation of the company and its managers. If a legal entity does not fulfill its obligations to counterparties, then it is more likely to be denied a loan
  • The date and place of registration of the company, the period of its existence, the actual and legal address, the presence of other companies registered in the name of the director. If the registration address turns out to be massive, and the manager is fictitious, then the loan will most likely be denied
  • Financial and economic indicators - the size and dynamics of revenue, the movement of funds through accounts, taxes paid, and others. These indicators are assessed over the last 12 months
  • The number and value of assets - real estate, transport, equipment, securities, goods in circulation and others. The bank may require some assets as collateral
  • Additional information that indicates the reliability of the company is the number of changes in constituent documents and authorized capital, the presence of reorganization or liquidation, the presence of litigation (both the company and management) and others

The requirements for small businesses are usually less stringent than for medium or large businesses, but most of them apply to them as well.

The process of reviewing an application for a business loan takes a long time – up to several weeks. During this period, employees of the credit company study all the information about the company and draw conclusions about its reliability. Even seemingly insignificant factors - for example, registration at a mass address or violation of the terms of one transaction - can serve as a reason for refusal.

How are individual entrepreneurs assessed?

Bank clients are considered simultaneously as individuals and as entrepreneurs. Specific requirements depend on the purpose of the loan - for personal needs or for business development. If money is issued for consumer purposes, then the borrower is considered from the position of a private client. If you need a loan for a business, more attention is paid to the financial and economic indicators of the individual entrepreneur.

In any case, the bank takes into account the following parameters:

  • Individual entrepreneur credit history
  • Duration of existence and actual activity
  • Revenue level, amount of taxes and fees paid, net profit, absence of salary debts
  • Business reputation, absence of criminal or administrative offenses
  • Availability of property owned by the individual entrepreneur that could be used as collateral

For entrepreneurs who use the simplified tax system, PSN or UTII, the likelihood of approval may be lower than when using OSNO.

The lender will also have to make sure that the individual entrepreneur will not use the business loan for personal needs or the consumer loan for business needs. Misuse of money may result in non-repayment for the bank and additional penalties for the client. Therefore, during the application process or after it, he may additionally require confirmation of the purpose of using the money - for example, request checks, payments or agreements with counterparties.

How individuals are verified

For individuals, all basic rules for assessing creditworthiness and reliability apply. But since this category of clients is quite broad, banks identify additional criteria for different types of borrowers and loans. They can be used to more effectively evaluate clients and make decisions.

When studying solvency, preference is given to those who are officially employed and are able to confirm their income with a 2-NDFL certificate, and employment - work book or a contract. People who receive a salary or part of it “in an envelope” have a lower chance of having their application approved. To further confirm income, the bank can contact the employer or request statements of the client’s accounts and cards.

When analyzing individual credit companies often evaluate the social characteristics of the borrower - marital status, presence and age of children, position and status in society, and many others. This can be done in different ways - from calling relatives and employers to additional interviews. Some banks study borrowers' pages on social networks - information from them can say a lot about the client's goals and reliability.

Depending on the category of the borrower, additional requirements may be imposed on clients. A pensioner needs to confirm the fact of receiving a pension, a student needs to provide information about the place of study, a disabled person needs to submit documents and certificates of disability. A man of military age will have to confirm completion of military service or a deferment from it - joining the army increases the risk of non-return.


Specific valuation methods depend primarily on the bank. The same client, under the same conditions, can receive approval from one organization and refusal from another. But the general rules and principles for studying clients remain the same, and with them the general requirements. If you maintain a positive credit history, have a sufficiently high official income and do not commit serious offenses, then your application will be approved by any bank.

Most of these rules also apply to microfinance organizations - MFC and MCC. But such companies are usually less strict with clients due to the features of microloans - lower amounts and short terms. IFCs and MCCs more often approve applications from those who are rejected by banks, but they also risk significantly more due to large number dubious borrowers.

Before issuing a loan, the bank carefully checks the borrower. He draws attention to:

  • Credit history
  • Borrower's documents, their authenticity and compliance with requirements
  • Client data in government databases
  • Income and solvency of the borrower
  • Status of the collateral or guarantor (if any)
  • Other parameters (for example, goodwill or unpaid taxes)

The final decision is made during the underwriting and scoring process. Before applying for a loan, to assess the likelihood of refusal, check yourself against these indicators.

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