Devaluation of the yuan: what threatens Russian business. A catastrophic collapse is predicted for the yuan. Yuan to dollar exchange rate for December

The Chinese currency today is becoming more and more popular among Russians, because their own money is not particularly stable due to the crisis, and no one has confidence in the dollar lately either. It is for this reason that the yuan forecast for 2016 is considered very relevant today.

In modern times, Chinese money, according to authoritative publications, is practically the only “competitor” for American dollars. They are used for international payments in Germany, Australia and several other countries around the world, and Russia has also begun to appreciate their benefits. The government of the state began to negotiate to transfer financial relations between China and the Russian Federation in yuan, because it will be beneficial for both parties, therefore, Russians need to monitor as carefully as possible what position Chinese money will occupy in the foreign exchange market.

When forecasting the yuan/ruble exchange rate for 2016 in Russia, experts make assumptions that it will not change too much. The ruble today has set a “course” for recovery and is gradually (albeit as quickly as some experts want) it is restoring its position both on the domestic Russian currency market and on the international one. Subject to the absence of additional sanctions from the “Western side” and improvement of political relations between countries, National currency Russia will gradually strengthen and, perhaps, next year it will be able to regain its authority. The same can be said about which, in principle, is stable exchange rate

, for which it is valued by many Western countries. The yuan/ruble exchange rate for 2016 is directly influenced, strictly speaking, by the value of the ruble currency. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is making every effort to maintain the generally accepted exchange rate of the ruble today, but the crisis is not over yet, so it is probably not worth counting on the fact that there will be no “financial surges” in the foreign exchange market in 2016. Chapter Central Bank claims that almost everything state banks are actively used today from REPO (with the help of which the Central Bank, by the way, was able to earn a considerable amount last year). Moreover, analysts claim that the demand for foreign currencies (not only the dollar) is growing rapidly, and it is simply impossible not to rejoice at this, because it is all these factors (each in their own way) that affect the state of the Chinese yuan within Russian market and make it a fairly popular currency today.

Yuan devaluation

Recently, experts in their forecasts have often begun to recall the possible devaluation of the yuan, because China had previously underestimated the value of its currency, since this brought it a certain profit when purchasing goods, but now this has become more noticeable. It is worth saying right away that devaluation is unlikely, because China simply cannot allow this, because then it may have difficulties from external debts (be that as it may, but these are the words that were spoken by experts when preparing the forecast for the Chinese yuan for 2016 Bloomberg).

It is believed that the exchange rate of the yuan against the dollar in 2016 will be 7-8 units (although at the end of 2015 the value of the Chinese currency on the market in relation to American money was 6.5 yuan). The head of the Commerzbank organization does not even allow the thought of devaluation, explaining that then China will lose most of its political influence in the world.

He says that representatives of the Chinese leadership should direct all their efforts to prevent the development of the crisis (for example, prevent, which can be observed today), then serious problems can be avoided. Just at the end of last year, Bloomberg analysts named several currencies that could face devaluation in the future, and the yuan was among them, but today the yuan exchange rate is stable, so you can remove it from this list without the slightest fear. Moreover, Foreign Policy, together with Frankfurter Allgemeine, compiled an interactive map of the impact of a possible devaluation of the Chinese yuan on the world, as a result of which it became clear that this procedure would hinder the recovery of the European economy. Some experts argue that the disruption to the economy may benefit China, therefore, today there is a threat of a “war” of devaluation, during which states simply put a spoke in each other’s wheels. However, this is a very risky event in which there are no winners, therefore, none of the heads of state wants to allow this to happen.

Savings in Yuan

When making a forecast for the yuan in Russia, it is worth carefully studying the fact that the popularity of this currency among Russians has increased, primarily due to the fact that it has become profitable to store their savings in it. It turns out that with the help of this currency you can protect your finances from inflationary changes in the country, and given that analysts predict a twelve percent inflation rate in Russia for the next year, there is something to think about. Today, the Chinese currency is most suitable for the so-called “calm investors” who do not expect to profit from their investments immediately, but soon everyone will be interested in it.

Due to the fact that China is gradually strengthening its capabilities and becoming a leader in many positions among other countries in the world, its currency will become more and more popular every day. Today, yuan are the only “competitors” to dollars, and this says a lot, moreover. The Russian government is talking about including Chinese money in the list of currencies actively used in the domestic market, so this opinion must be taken into account, and even if America, which is used to feeling like a world “currency” leader, does not like it, “the Chinese yuan today needed by the whole world (words of the director of the Savements company).

RMB exchange rate now 9.4185 rubles for 1 Yuan. Range of changes: 9.4237 - 9.4926. Previous day rate: 9.4986. Change: -0.0801 rubles, -0.84%. Reverse rate:

Yuan exchange rate forecast for tomorrow, week and month.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, August 21st: 9.57 rubles, maximum 9.71, minimum 9.43. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Thursday, August 22: 9.61 rubles, maximum 9.75, minimum 9.47. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Friday, August 23rd: 9.61 rubles, maximum 9.75, minimum 9.47. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Monday, August 26th: 9.80 rubles, maximum 9.95, minimum 9.65.

A week later. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, August 27th: 9.74 rubles, maximum 9.89, minimum 9.59. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate for Wednesday, August 28: 9.78 rubles, maximum 9.93, minimum 9.63. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Thursday, August 29th: 9.79 rubles, maximum 9.94, minimum 9.64. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Friday, August 30th: 9.70 rubles, maximum 9.85, minimum 9.55. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Monday, September 2: 9.73 rubles, maximum 9.88, minimum 9.58.

Yuan exchange rate online.

In 2 weeks. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Tuesday, September 3: 9.72 rubles, maximum 9.87, minimum 9.57. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, September 4th: 9.61 rubles, maximum 9.75, minimum 9.47. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Thursday, September 5th: 9.72 rubles, maximum 9.87, minimum 9.57. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Friday, September 6th: 9.78 rubles, maximum 9.93, minimum 9.63. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Monday, September 9th: 9.79 rubles, maximum 9.94, minimum 9.64.

In 3 weeks. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, September 10th: 9.82 rubles, maximum 9.97, minimum 9.67. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Wednesday, September 11th: 9.86 rubles, maximum 10.01, minimum 9.71. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Thursday, September 12th: 9.83 rubles, maximum 9.98, minimum 9.68. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Friday, September 13th: 9.82 rubles, maximum 9.97, minimum 9.67. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Monday, September 16th: 9.84 rubles, maximum 9.99, minimum 9.69.

In 4 weeks. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Tuesday, September 17th: 9.87 rubles, maximum 10.02, minimum 9.72. Yuan exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, September 18th: 9.88 rubles, maximum 10.03, minimum 9.73. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate for Thursday, September 19th: 9.89 rubles, maximum 10.04, minimum 9.74.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for the month

date Day Min Max Well
21.08 Wednesday 9.43 9.71 9.57
22.08 Thursday 9.47 9.75 9.61
23.08 Friday 9.47 9.75 9.61
26.08 Monday 9.65 9.95 9.80
27.08 Tuesday 9.59 9.89 9.74
28.08 Wednesday 9.63 9.93 9.78
29.08 Thursday 9.64 9.94 9.79
30.08 Friday 9.55 9.85 9.70
02.09 Monday 9.58 9.88 9.73
03.09 Tuesday 9.57 9.87 9.72
04.09 Wednesday 9.47 9.75 9.61
05.09 Thursday 9.57 9.87 9.72
06.09 Friday 9.63 9.93 9.78
09.09 Monday 9.64 9.94 9.79
10.09 Tuesday 9.67 9.97 9.82
11.09 Wednesday 9.71 10.01 9.86
12.09 Thursday 9.68 9.98 9.83
13.09 Friday 9.67 9.97 9.82
16.09 Monday 9.69 9.99 9.84
17.09 Tuesday 9.72 10.02 9.87
18.09 Wednesday 9.73 10.03 9.88
19.09 Thursday 9.74 10.04 9.89
20.09 Friday 9.73 10.03 9.88
23.09 Monday 9.72 10.02 9.87

Yuan exchange rate forecast for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for August 2019.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.24 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.85, the minimum is 9.24. The average rate for the month is 9.51. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.70, change for August is 5.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for September 2019.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 9.70 rubles. The maximum rate is 10.05, the minimum is 9.70. The average rate for the month is 9.84. The yuan exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 9.90, change for September 2.1%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for October 2019.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 9.90 rubles. The maximum rate is 10.10, the minimum is 9.80. The average rate for the month is 9.94. The yuan exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 9.95, change for October 0.5%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for November 2019.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 9.95 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.95, the minimum is 9.51. The average rate for the month is 9.77. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.65, change for November -3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for December 2019.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 9.65 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.71, the minimum is 9.43. The average rate for the month is 9.59. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.57, change for December -0.8%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for January 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.57 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.57, the minimum is 9.24. The average rate for the month is 9.44. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.38, change for January -2.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for February 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.38 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.46, the minimum is 9.18. The average rate for the month is 9.34. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.32, change for February -0.6%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for March 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.32 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.53, the minimum is 9.25. The average rate for the month is 9.37. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month 9.39, change for March 0.8%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for April 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.39 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.66, the minimum is 9.38. The average rate for the month is 9.49. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.52, change for April 1.4%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for May 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.52 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.89, the minimum is 9.52. The average rate for the month is 9.67. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.74, change for May is 2.3%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for June 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.74 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.76, the minimum is 9.48. The average rate for the month is 9.65. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.62, change for June -1.2%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for July 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.62 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.62, the minimum is 9.19. The average rate for the month is 9.44. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.33, change for July -3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for August 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.33 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.75, the minimum is 9.33. The average rate for the month is 9.51. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.61, change for August is 3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for September 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.61 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.61, the minimum is 9.18. The average rate for the month is 9.43. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.32, change for September -3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for October 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.32 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.32, the minimum is 8.95. The average rate for the month is 9.17. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month 9.09, change for October -2.5%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for November 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.09 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.09, the minimum is 8.76. The average rate for the month is 8.96. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.89, change for November -2.2%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for December 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 8.89 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.30, the minimum is 8.89. The average rate for the month is 9.06. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month 9.16, change for December 3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for January 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.16 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.51, the minimum is 9.16. The average rate for the month is 9.30. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.37, change for January is 2.3%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for February 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.37 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.46, the minimum is 9.18. The average rate for the month is 9.33. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.32, change for February -0.5%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for March 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.32 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.55, the minimum is 9.27. The average rate for the month is 9.39. The yuan exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 9.41, change for March 1.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for April 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.41 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.56, the minimum is 9.28. The average rate for the month is 9.42. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.42, change for April 0.1%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for May 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.42 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.62, the minimum is 9.34. The average rate for the month is 9.47. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.48, change for May is 0.6%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for June 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.48 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.78, the minimum is 9.48. The average rate for the month is 9.60. The yuan exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 9.64, change for June 1.7%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for July 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.64 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.64, the minimum is 9.33. The average rate for the month is 9.52. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.47, change for July -1.8%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for August 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.47 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.51, the minimum is 9.23. The average rate for the month is 9.40. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.37, change for August -1.1%.

Month Open Min-Max Closed Months,% Total,%
Aug 9.24 9.24-9.85 9.70 5.0% 5.0%
Sep 9.70 9.70-10.05 9.90 2.1% 7.1%
Oct 9.90 9.80-10.10 9.95 0.5% 7.7%
But I 9.95 9.51-9.95 9.65 -3.0% 4.4%
Dec 9.65 9.43-9.71 9.57 -0.8% 3.6%
Jan 9.57 9.24-9.57 9.38 -2.0% 1.5%
Feb 9.38 9.18-9.46 9.32 -0.6% 0.9%
Mar 9.32 9.25-9.53 9.39 0.8% 1.6%
Apr 9.39 9.38-9.66 9.52 1.4% 3.0%
May 9.52 9.52-9.89 9.74 2.3% 5.4%
Jun 9.74 9.48-9.76 9.62 -1.2% 4.1%
Jul 9.62 9.19-9.62 9.33 -3.0% 1.0%
Aug 9.33 9.33-9.75 9.61 3.0% 4.0%
Sep 9.61 9.18-9.61 9.32 -3.0% 0.9%
Oct 9.32 8.95-9.32 9.09 -2.5% -1.6%
But I 9.09 8.76-9.09 8.89 -2.2% -3.8%
Dec 8.89 8.89-9.30 9.16 3.0% -0.9%
Jan 9.16 9.16-9.51 9.37 2.3% 1.4%
Feb 9.37 9.18-9.46 9.32 -0.5% 0.9%
Mar 9.32 9.27-9.55 9.41 1.0% 1.8%
Apr 9.41 9.28-9.56 9.42 0.1% 1.9%
May 9.42 9.34-9.62 9.48 0.6% 2.6%
Jun 9.48 9.48-9.78 9.64 1.7% 4.3%
Jul 9.64 9.33-9.64 9.47 -1.8% 2.5%
Aug 9.47 9.23-9.51 9.37 -1.1% 1.4%
Month Open Min-Max Closed Months,% Total,%
2021 Continued
Sep 9.37 9.37-9.73 9.59 2.3% 3.8%
Oct 9.59 9.59-10.03 9.88 3.0% 6.9%
But I 9.88 9.77-10.07 9.92 0.4% 7.4%
Dec 9.92 9.91-10.21 10.06 1.4% 8.9%
Jan 10.06 9.61-10.06 9.76 -3.0% 5.6%
Feb 9.76 9.34-9.76 9.48 -2.9% 2.6%
Mar 9.48 9.25-9.53 9.39 -0.9% 1.6%
Apr 9.39 8.97-9.39 9.11 -3.0% -1.4%
May 9.11 8.93-9.21 9.07 -0.4% -1.8%
Jun 9.07 8.86-9.12 8.99 -0.9% -2.7%
Jul 8.99 8.59-8.99 8.72 -3.0% -5.6%
Aug 8.72 8.46-8.72 8.59 -1.5% -7.0%
Sep 8.59 8.59-8.98 8.85 3.0% -4.2%
Oct 8.85 8.45-8.85 8.58 -3.1% -7.1%
But I 8.58 8.58-8.84 8.71 1.5% -5.7%
Dec 8.71 8.32-8.71 8.45 -3.0% -8.5%
Jan 8.45 8.08-8.45 8.20 -3.0% -11.3%
Feb 8.20 8.09-8.33 8.21 0.1% -11.1%
Mar 8.21 8.21-8.52 8.39 2.2% -9.2%
Apr 8.39 8.39-8.77 8.64 3.0% -6.5%
May 8.64 8.64-8.97 8.84 2.3% -4.3%
Jun 8.84 8.58-8.84 8.71 -1.5% -5.7%
Jul 8.71 8.71-9.07 8.94 2.6% -3.2%
Aug 8.94 8.87-9.15 9.01 0.8% -2.5%
Sep 9.01 9.01-9.42 9.28 3.0% 0.4%

Yuan exchange rate forecast for September 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.37 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.73, the minimum is 9.37. The average rate for the month is 9.52. The yuan exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 9.59, change for September 2.3%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for October 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 9.59 rubles. The maximum rate is 10.03, the minimum is 9.59. The average rate for the month is 9.77. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.88, change for October is 3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for November 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.88 rubles. The maximum rate is 10.07, the minimum is 9.77. The average rate for the month is 9.91. The yuan exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 9.92, change for November 0.4%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for December 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 9.92 rubles. The maximum rate is 10.21, the minimum is 9.91. Average rate for the month 10.03. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month 10.06, change for December 1.4%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for January 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 10.06 rubles. The maximum rate is 10.06, the minimum is 9.61. The average rate for the month is 9.87. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.76, change for January -3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for February 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.76 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.76, the minimum is 9.34. The average rate for the month is 9.59. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.48, change for February -2.9%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for March 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.48 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.53, the minimum is 9.25. The average rate for the month is 9.41. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.39, change for March -0.9%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for April 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.39 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.39, the minimum is 8.97. The average rate for the month is 9.22. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month 9.11, change for April -3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for May 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.11 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.21, the minimum is 8.93. Average rate for the month 9.08. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month 9.07, change for May -0.4%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for June 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.07 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.12, the minimum is 8.86. Average rate for the month 9.01. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.99, change for June -0.9%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for July 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 8.99 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.99, the minimum is 8.59. The average rate for the month is 8.82. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.72, change for July -3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for August 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 8.72 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.72, the minimum is 8.46. The average rate for the month is 8.62. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.59, change for August -1.5%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for September 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 8.59 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.98, the minimum is 8.59. The average rate for the month is 8.75. The yuan exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 8.85, change for September 3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for October 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 8.85 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.85, the minimum is 8.45. The average rate for the month is 8.68. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.58, change for October -3.1%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for November 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 8.58 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.84, the minimum is 8.58. The average rate for the month is 8.68. The yuan exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 8.71, change for November 1.5%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for December 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 8.71 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.71, the minimum is 8.32. The average rate for the month is 8.55. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.45, change for December -3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for January 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 8.45 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.45, the minimum is 8.08. The average rate for the month is 8.30. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.20, change for January -3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for February 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 8.20 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.33, the minimum is 8.09. The average rate for the month is 8.21. The yuan exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 8.21, change for February 0.1%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for March 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 8.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.52, the minimum is 8.21. The average rate for the month is 8.33. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.39, change for March 2.2%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for April 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 8.39 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.77, the minimum is 8.39. The average rate for the month is 8.55. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.64, change for April is 3.0%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for May 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 8.64 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.97, the minimum is 8.64. The average rate for the month is 8.77. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.84, change for May is 2.3%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for June 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 8.84 rubles. The maximum rate is 8.84, the minimum is 8.58. The average rate for the month is 8.74. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.71, change for June -1.5%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for July 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 8.71 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.07, the minimum is 8.71. The average rate for the month is 8.86. Forecast for the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month is 8.94, change for July is 2.6%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for August 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 8.94 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.15, the minimum is 8.87. The average rate for the month is 8.99. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month 9.01, change for August 0.8%.

Yuan exchange rate forecast for September 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 9.01 rubles. The maximum rate is 9.42, the minimum is 9.01. The average rate for the month is 9.18. Forecast of the yuan exchange rate at the end of the month 9.28, change for September 3.0%.

Ruble exchange rate today.

Ruble exchange rate now 10.6174 yuan per 100 rubles Rate change range: 10.5345-10.6115. Closing rate of the previous day: 10.5279. Change: +0.0895, +0.85%.

Ruble-Yuan exchange rate forecast for tomorrow, week and month.

Calculation for 100 rubles

Ruble exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, August 21st: 10.45 yuan, maximum 10.60, minimum 10.30. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Thursday, August 22: 10.41 yuan, maximum 10.56, minimum 10.26. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Friday, August 23rd: 10.41 yuan, maximum 10.56, minimum 10.26. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Monday, August 26th: 10.20 yuan, maximum 10.36, minimum 10.05.

In 1 week. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, August 27th: 10.27 yuan, maximum 10.43, minimum 10.11. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, August 28: 10.22 yuan, maximum 10.38, minimum 10.07. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Thursday, August 29th: 10.21 yuan, maximum 10.37, minimum 10.06. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Friday, August 30th: 10.31 yuan, maximum 10.47, minimum 10.15. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Monday, September 2: 10.28 yuan, maximum 10.44, minimum 10.12.

In 2 weeks. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, September 3rd: 10.29 yuan, maximum 10.45, minimum 10.13. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, September 4th: 10.41 yuan, maximum 10.56, minimum 10.26. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Thursday, September 5th: 10.29 yuan, maximum 10.45, minimum 10.13. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Friday, September 6th: 10.22 yuan, maximum 10.38, minimum 10.07. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Monday, September 9th: 10.21 yuan, maximum 10.37, minimum 10.06.

In 3 weeks. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, September 10th: 10.18 yuan, maximum 10.34, minimum 10.03. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, September 11th: 10.14 yuan, maximum 10.30, minimum 9.99. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Thursday, September 12th: 10.17 yuan, maximum 10.33, minimum 10.02. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Friday, September 13th: 10.18 yuan, maximum 10.34, minimum 10.03. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Monday, September 16th: 10.16 yuan, maximum 10.32, minimum 10.01.

In 4 weeks. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, September 17th: 10.13 yuan, maximum 10.29, minimum 9.98. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, September 18th: 10.12 yuan, maximum 10.28, minimum 9.97. Ruble exchange rate forecast for Thursday, September 19th: 10.11 yuan, maximum 10.27, minimum 9.96.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for the month.

date Day Min Max Well
21.08 Wednesday 10.30 10.60 10.45
22.08 Thursday 10.26 10.56 10.41
23.08 Friday 10.26 10.56 10.41
26.08 Monday 10.05 10.36 10.20
27.08 Tuesday 10.11 10.43 10.27
28.08 Wednesday 10.07 10.38 10.22
29.08 Thursday 10.06 10.37 10.21
30.08 Friday 10.15 10.47 10.31
02.09 Monday 10.12 10.44 10.28
03.09 Tuesday 10.13 10.45 10.29
04.09 Wednesday 10.26 10.56 10.41
05.09 Thursday 10.13 10.45 10.29
06.09 Friday 10.07 10.38 10.22
09.09 Monday 10.06 10.37 10.21
10.09 Tuesday 10.03 10.34 10.18
11.09 Wednesday 9.99 10.30 10.14
12.09 Thursday 10.02 10.33 10.17
13.09 Friday 10.03 10.34 10.18
16.09 Monday 10.01 10.32 10.16
17.09 Tuesday 9.98 10.29 10.13
18.09 Wednesday 9.97 10.28 10.12
19.09 Thursday 9.96 10.27 10.11
20.09 Friday 9.97 10.28 10.12
23.09 Monday 9.98 10.29 10.13

Ruble-Yuan exchange rate forecast for 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for August 2019.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.82 yuan. Maximum 10.82, minimum 10.15. The average rate for the month is 10.53. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.31, change for August -4.7%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for September 2019.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.31 yuan. Maximum 10.31, minimum 9.95. The average rate for the month is 10.17. Forecast of the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month 10.10, change for September -2.0%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for October 2019.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.10 yuan. Maximum 10.20, minimum 9.90. The average rate for the month is 10.06. Ruble exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 10.05, change for October -0.5%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for November 2019.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 10.05 yuan. Maximum 10.52, minimum 10.05. The average monthly rate is 10.25. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.36, change for November is 3.1%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for December 2019.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.36 yuan. Maximum 10.60, minimum 10.30. The average rate for the month is 10.43. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.45, change for December is 0.9%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for January 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.45 yuan. Maximum 10.82, minimum 10.45. The average monthly rate is 10.60. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.66, change for January is 2.0%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for February 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.66 yuan. Maximum 10.89, minimum 10.57. The average rate for the month is 10.71. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.73, change for February 0.7%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for March 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.73 yuan. Maximum 10.81, minimum 10.49. The average rate for the month is 10.67. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.65, change for March -0.7%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for April 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.65 yuan. Maximum 10.66, minimum 10.35. The average rate for the month is 10.54. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.50, change for April -1.4%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for May 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 10.50 yuan. Maximum 10.50, minimum 10.11. The average monthly rate is 10.35. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.27, change for May -2.2%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for June 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.27 yuan. Maximum 10.55, minimum 10.25. The average rate for the month is 10.37. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.40, change for June is 1.3%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for July 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.40 yuan. Maximum 10.88, minimum 10.40. The average monthly rate is 10.60. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.72, change for July is 3.1%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for August 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.72 yuan. Maximum 10.72, minimum 10.26. The average rate for the month is 10.53. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.41, change for August -2.9%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for September 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.41 yuan. Maximum 10.89, minimum 10.41. The average rate for the month is 10.61. The ruble exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 10.73, change for September 3.1%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for October 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.73 yuan. Maximum 11.17, minimum 10.73. The average rate for the month is 10.91. Ruble exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 11.00, change for October 2.5%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for November 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 11.00 yuan. Maximum 11.42, minimum 11.00. The average rate for the month is 11.17. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.25, change for November is 2.3%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for December 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 11.25 yuan. Maximum 11.25, minimum 10.75. The average rate for the month is 11.04. The ruble exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 10.92, change for December -2.9%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for January 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.92 yuan. Maximum 10.92, minimum 10.52. The average rate for the month is 10.76. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.67, change for January -2.3%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for February 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.67 yuan. Maximum 10.89, minimum 10.57. The average rate for the month is 10.72. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.73, change for February 0.6%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for March 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.73 yuan. Maximum 10.79, minimum 10.47. The average rate for the month is 10.66. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.63, change for March -0.9%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for April 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.63 yuan. Maximum 10.78, minimum 10.46. The average rate for the month is 10.62. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.62, change for April -0.1%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for May 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.62 yuan. Maximum 10.71, minimum 10.40. The average rate for the month is 10.57. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.55, change for May -0.7%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for June 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.55 yuan. Maximum 10.55, minimum 10.22. The average rate for the month is 10.42. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.37, change for June -1.7%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for July 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.37 yuan. Maximum 10.72, minimum 10.37. The average rate for the month is 10.51. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.56, change for July is 1.8%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for August 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.56 yuan. Maximum 10.83, minimum 10.52. The average rate for the month is 10.65. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.67, change for August is 1.0%.

Month Open Min-Max Closed Months,% Total,%
Aug 10.82 10.15-10.82 10.31 -4.7% -4.7%
Sep 10.31 9.95-10.31 10.10 -2.0% -6.7%
Oct 10.10 9.90-10.20 10.05 -0.5% -7.1%
But I 10.05 10.05-10.52 10.36 3.1% -4.3%
Dec 10.36 10.30-10.60 10.45 0.9% -3.4%
Jan 10.45 10.45-10.82 10.66 2.0% -1.5%
Feb 10.66 10.57-10.89 10.73 0.7% -0.9%
Mar 10.73 10.49-10.81 10.65 -0.7% -1.6%
Apr 10.65 10.35-10.66 10.50 -1.4% -3.0%
May 10.50 10.11-10.50 10.27 -2.2% -5.1%
Jun 10.27 10.25-10.55 10.40 1.3% -3.9%
Jul 10.40 10.40-10.88 10.72 3.1% -0.9%
Aug 10.72 10.26-10.72 10.41 -2.9% -3.8%
Sep 10.41 10.41-10.89 10.73 3.1% -0.9%
Oct 10.73 10.73-11.17 11.00 2.5% 1.6%
But I 11.00 11.00-11.42 11.25 2.3% 4.0%
Dec 11.25 10.75-11.25 10.92 -2.9% 0.9%
Jan 10.92 10.52-10.92 10.67 -2.3% -1.4%
Feb 10.67 10.57-10.89 10.73 0.6% -0.9%
Mar 10.73 10.47-10.79 10.63 -0.9% -1.8%
Apr 10.63 10.46-10.78 10.62 -0.1% -1.9%
May 10.62 10.40-10.71 10.55 -0.7% -2.5%
Jun 10.55 10.22-10.55 10.37 -1.7% -4.2%
Jul 10.37 10.37-10.72 10.56 1.8% -2.4%
Aug 10.56 10.52-10.83 10.67 1.0% -1.4%
-3.6% Oct 10.43 9.97-10.43 10.12 -3.0% -6.5% But I 10.12 9.93-10.24 10.08 -0.4% -6.9% Dec 10.08 9.79-10.09 9.94 -1.4% -8.2% 2022 Jan 9.94 9.94-10.41 10.25 3.1% -5.3% Feb 10.25 10.25-10.71 10.55 2.9% -2.5% Mar 10.55 10.49-10.81 10.65 0.9% -1.6% Apr 10.65 10.65-11.15 10.98 3.1% 1.5% May 10.98 10.86-11.20 11.03 0.5% 1.9% Jun 11.03 10.96-11.29 11.12 0.8% 2.7% Jul 11.12 11.12-11.64 11.47 3.1% 6.0% Aug 11.47 11.47-11.82 11.64 1.5% 7.6% Sep 11.64 11.14-11.64 11.30 -2.9% 4.4% Oct 11.30 11.30-11.83 11.66 3.2% 7.7% But I 11.66 11.31-11.66 11.48 -1.5% 6.1% Dec 11.48 11.48-12.02 11.83 3.0% 9.3% 2023 Jan 11.83 11.83-12.38 12.20 3.1% 12.7% Feb 12.20 12.00-12.36 12.18 -0.2% 12.5% Mar 12.18 11.74-12.18 11.92 -2.1% 10.1% Apr 11.92 11.40-11.92 11.57 -2.9% 6.9% May 11.57 11.15-11.57 11.31 -2.2% 4.5% Jun 11.31 11.31-11.66 11.48 1.5% 6.1% Jul 11.48 11.03-11.48 11.19 -2.5% 3.4% Aug 11.19 10.93-11.27 11.10 -0.8% 2.6% Sep 11.10 10.62-11.10 10.78 -2.9% -0.4%

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for September 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.67 yuan. Maximum 10.67, minimum 10.28. The average rate for the month is 10.51. The ruble exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 10.43, change for September -2.2%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for October 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.43 yuan. Maximum 10.43, minimum 9.97. The average rate for the month is 10.24. Forecast of the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month 10.12, change for October -3.0%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for November 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 10.12 yuan. Maximum 10.24, minimum 9.93. The average rate for the month is 10.09. Forecast of the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month 10.08, change for November -0.4%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for December 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 10.08 yuan. Maximum 10.09, minimum 9.79. The average monthly rate is 9.98. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 9.94, change for December -1.4%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for January 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 9.94 yuan. Maximum 10.41, minimum 9.94. The average rate for the month is 10.14. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.25, change for January is 3.1%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for February 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.25 yuan. Maximum 10.71, minimum 10.25. The average rate for the month is 10.44. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.55, change for February is 2.9%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for March 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 10.55 yuan. Maximum 10.81, minimum 10.49. The average rate for the month is 10.63. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.65, change for March 0.9%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for April 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.65 yuan. Maximum 11.15, minimum 10.65. The average rate for the month is 10.86. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 10.98, change for April 3.1%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for May 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 10.98 yuan. Maximum 11.20, minimum 10.86. The average rate for the month is 11.02. Forecast of the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month 11.03, change for May 0.5%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for June 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 11.03 yuan. Maximum 11.29, minimum 10.96. The average rate for the month is 11.10. Forecast of the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month 11.12, change for June 0.8%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for July 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 11.12 yuan. Maximum 11.64, minimum 11.12. The average rate for the month is 11.34. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.47, change for July is 3.1%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for August 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 11.47 yuan. Maximum 11.82, minimum 11.47. The average rate for the month is 11.60. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.64, change for August is 1.5%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for September 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 11.64 yuan. Maximum 11.64, minimum 11.14. The average rate for the month is 11.43. The ruble exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 11.30, change for September -2.9%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for October 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 11.30 yuan. Maximum 11.83, minimum 11.30. The average rate for the month is 11.52. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.66, change for October is 3.2%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for November 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 11.66 yuan. Maximum 11.66, minimum 11.31. The average rate for the month is 11.53. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.48, change for November -1.5%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for December 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 11.48 yuan. Maximum 12.02, minimum 11.48. The average rate for the month is 11.70. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.83, change for December is 3.0%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for January 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month was 11.83 yuan. Maximum 12.38, minimum 11.83. The average rate for the month is 12.06. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 12.20, change for January is 3.1%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for February 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 12.20 yuan. Maximum 12.36, minimum 12.00. The average rate for the month is 12.19. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 12.18, change for February -0.2%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for March 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 12.18 yuan. Maximum 12.18, minimum 11.74. Average rate for the month 12.01. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.92, change for March -2.1%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for April 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 11.92 yuan. Maximum 11.92, minimum 11.40. The average rate for the month is 11.70. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.57, change for April -2.9%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for May 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 11.57 yuan. Maximum 11.57, minimum 11.15. The average rate for the month is 11.40. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.31, change for May -2.2%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for June 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 11.31 yuan. Maximum 11.66, minimum 11.31. The average rate for the month is 11.44. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.48, change for June is 1.5%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for July 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 11.48 yuan. Maximum 11.48, minimum 11.03. The average rate for the month is 11.30. Forecast for the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month is 11.19, change for July -2.5%.

Ruble exchange rate forecast for August 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 11.19 yuan. Maximum 11.27, minimum 10.93. Average rate for the month 11.12. Forecast of the ruble exchange rate at the end of the month 11.10, change for August -0.8%.

Forecast of the ruble exchange rate for September 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 11.10 yuan. Maximum 11.10, minimum 10.62. The average monthly rate is 10.90. The ruble exchange rate forecast at the end of the month is 10.78, change for September -2.9%.

Here you will always find fresh Chinese yuan and ruble exchange rate forecast. The forecast is updated and refined by APECON experts daily, taking into account the latest events and changes in market data.

FORTRADER 10/26: According to anonymous sources familiar with the progress of negotiations between China and China, the International Monetary Fund has clearly hinted that the Chinese yuan will be included in the SDR basket as early as 2016, Bloomberg reports.

The yuan is taking market share from the dollar

The IMF meeting to review the status of reserve currencies in the SDR basket will take place in November 2015. If the decision on the Chinese yuan is positive, then the yuan will receive reserve currency status in October 2016.

The yuan is already in wide demand as a reserve currency even without official IMF status. After the inclusion of the SDR in the basket, the demand for the Chinese yuan will increase significantly and may turn out to be significantly higher than the share of the British pound and the Japanese yen in international payments, and of course the positions will be squeezed out. Recently, the yuan has been increasingly capturing market share in international payments, which could subsequently be the beginning of the end for the hegemony of the American currency.

Confirms information about the possibility of including the Chinese yuan in the basket of reserve currencies Reuters. The IMF has already prepared a positive decision on this issue. However, this is only the opinion of experts. The decision will be up to the IMF Board of Directors.

Discuss the yuan exchange rate on the forum

About the confrontation between the yuan and the US dollar

Fortrader Suite 11, Second Floor, Sound & Vision House, Francis Rachel Str. Victoria Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles +7 10 248 2640568

Chinese economy and yuan exchange rate dynamics in 2016

The Chinese economy is already the second largest after the US economy. And the stock market is comparable in volume to the American one. The share of the yuan in international payments is growing. He begins to bargain freely in the market. However, there are many problems in China that worry investors. Let's try to understand what is happening in the largest Asian economy and whether it is worth investing in its national currency.

What factors influence China's economy and stock exchanges?

China is deeply integrated into international system trade and financial relations. It is often spoken of as a world factory and an industrial giant. The main key to the development of this Asian tiger was its export orientation. Therefore, the yuan exchange rate has been trending upward for many years. At the same time, the country is the largest importer of both raw materials and high-tech goods. Over the past 30 years, there has been an active process of urbanization of the population and increasing the level of well-being. Therefore, it is worth highlighting two main factors of China’s growth – external demand and internal demand.

Export. External demand.

Thanks to cheap labor, China was able to achieve its role as a global manufacturer. Western companies, in order to optimize costs, transferred their enterprises to its territory and at the same time shared technologies. As the pace of industrialization accelerated and the influx of capital, the well-being of the population naturally increased. At the moment, China is no longer the cheapest producer. It is becoming more profitable to produce products in other Asian countries.

In the same time developed economies have reached a kind of point of commodity saturation. After the events of 2008, it became obvious that the world was facing a new crisis of overproduction. Exports of Chinese products to Europe and the USA account for about 40%. With a reduction in demand in these regions, the volume of orders at the world's factories naturally decreases. But the specific problem of the Celestial Empire is the presence of huge excess capacity. And this despite the fact that the country’s economy remains largely planned.

Domestic demand.

Problems in foreign markets are prompting China to stimulate domestic consumption. And here a dilemma arises. After all, to increase domestic demand it is necessary to improve the well-being of the population.

And this already leads to the fact that the production of goods in the country becomes more expensive. However, several years ago China officially announced that it would reorient its economy towards its own consumer. In this case, the share of services in the structure of GDP should increase. The formation of a middle class is inevitable. And the increase in labor productivity will occur due to automation. These processes are underway. But not as smoothly as we would like. The Chinese industry has too many plants and factories. Many infrastructure projects are already unclaimed. And investments in them bring losses. There is a bubble in the real estate market. At the same time, the debt burden is reaching dangerous levels.

The problems of the Celestial Empire are not new. The PRC is faced with two types of crises. A crisis of overproduction, characterized by a reduction in demand for manufactured products. And the crisis of the transition of the economy from industrial to post-industrial status (the same thing happened in Japan in the 80s). China will no longer be able to grow at the same rate due to natural reasons. But his situation is aggravated by the fact that he has created too many industries that will have to be closed. The debt burden is high. And the process of reorientation to the domestic market is slowing down.

To stimulate domestic growth, the authorities decided to encourage the population to play on the stock exchange. As a result, securities began to be purchased by citizens who had neither knowledge nor qualifications. Popularization stock market led to the fact that financially illiterate people followed it en masse. As a result, the indices rose quickly and another bubble inflated.

But since the growth of shares was not fundamentally justified, a natural collapse soon began. The Chinese economy is not fully market-based. There is a high share of the state in it. Out of habit, regulators decided to stop the decline with prohibitive measures - they limited applications for sale and began to close trading. This only increased the panic and led to an exodus of foreign investors. Currently, the dynamics of the yuan exchange rate against the dollar is negative. Although this is not only due to the outflow of capital, but also to the actions of the Chinese Central Bank.

What will be the dynamics of the yuan exchange rate and is it worth buying?

Before predicting the yuan exchange rate, it should be clarified that this currency is not completely marketable. A fixed range of fluctuations (rather narrow) is set by the regulator, pegged to the dollar and other currencies. In order to stimulate exports, the NBK carries out a soft devaluation, which is facilitated by capital outflow.

The national currency is being lowered to regain a competitive advantage. Over two years, the Chinese currency lost 9% against the dollar. In 2016, such dynamics of the yuan exchange rate will most likely continue. But this cannot be accurately predicted, because no one knows either the strength of the further fall of the stock market or the depth of the problems in the economy. The actions of Chinese regulators distort the real picture.

If we talk about the yuan/ruble exchange rate, the Chinese currency looks more stable in this regard. Even with further devaluation, taking into account the peg to the dollar, it will not lose very much. But if in the second half of the year the ruble begins to rise due to a reversal in oil prices, the pair will weaken. You can buy yuan for rubles for the purpose of diversification. But this doesn't make much sense. The dollar looks more attractive this year.

China's influence on the global economy and stock exchanges

China has a great influence on world economy. In addition to producing a lot, it also consumes a lot. Moreover, both raw materials and high-value products. As a result, the dynamics of the yuan affects all trading partners. The best technologies so far belong to Western countries and Japan. Therefore, even in the Middle Kingdom, the population prefers to buy imported digital equipment and cars. The slowdown in growth leads to a drop in demand for a wide range of goods.

But the influence of Chinese indices on world ones financial markets limited. The Shanghai Composite has largely benefited from the actions of domestic investors. However, too much of a fall leads to population losses and the ruin of companies, as well as an exodus of non-residents. As a result, the economy slows down. Therefore, collapses on sites in the Middle Kingdom also cause negative sentiment, but not to the same extent as Chinese macrostatistics.

Yuan as the new reserve currency. Is it good or bad

In the fall of 2016, the IMF decision to include the yuan in the list of world reserve currencies will come into force. However, this looks like some kind of easing for China. Until now, the yuan exchange rate is not free, but is set by the NBK. But the currency of the Celestial Empire is beginning to occupy an increasingly larger share in world payments. This is what the IMF is guided by. The long-term prospects for the yuan look good, given the growth of the Chinese economy. But it is still far from reaching the American dollar. The latter’s share in global calculations is 42%. And the share of the yuan is still only 1.5%. If the dynamics of the yuan exchange rate is stable, and its share in calculations is above 40%, it may become more attractive than the dollar. But the PRC economy will not maintain an absolutely stable rate. And increasing volumes will take many years.

Whether this is good or bad is a philosophical question. When a country becomes an issuer of a reserve currency, this is always good for it. But for all other countries this is bad, because it puts them in an unequal position. And here it is not so important whether it is the US dollar or the Chinese yuan.

The Yuan is the national currency of the People's Republic of China. The rapid development of diplomatic relations between China and Russia has led to the fact that not only professional financial analysts, but also ordinary citizens of our country began to show interest in the dynamics of changes in the exchange rate of the yuan, which just a few years ago was considered a rather rare currency in our country.

Moreover, the leadership of China and Russia have long been discussing the project of switching to mutual settlements in their own national money, abandoning the use of the dollar. How has the ratio of Russian and Chinese currencies changed over the past five years, and what fluctuations in the yuan exchange rate should we expect in the near future?

Yuan to ruble: dynamics over 5 years

At the beginning of 2011, the yuan exchange rate was fixed at 4.6 rubles, and by the end of the year it increased to 5.11 rubles; while the relative growth of the Chinese national currency was 10.9%

In January 2012, one yuan cost about 5.04 rubles; in December of the same year, its average cost decreased by 3.5% and amounted to 4.87 rubles.

The beginning of 2013 was marked by the establishment of the yuan exchange rate at 4.88 rubles; at the end of the year its value reached 5.39 rubles. The growth of the yuan against the ruble amounted to 10.5%.

At the beginning of 2014, the yuan exchange rate approached the value of 5.39 rubles, and at the end - 9.07 rubles. In percentage terms, the value of the Chinese currency increased by almost 68%. Such a sharp jump in the yuan exchange rate was due to the introduction of European and American sanctions against Russia, which caused a rapid decline in the value of the ruble in relation not only to the euro and dollar, but also to other currencies.

In 2015, the cost of one yuan fluctuated between 8 and 11 rubles. At the end of the year, due to another weakening of the Russian currency, the cost of one yuan approached the 12 ruble mark.

At the beginning of 2016, the yuan strengthened its position against the ruble, as a result of which the value of a unit of the Chinese currency consolidated at 12.71 rubles.

Despite the significant fluctuations characteristic of the ruble-yuan ratio, the Chinese currency maintained its position in its own country until recently. That is why, according to experts, we should not expect a significant change in the ratio of the yuan to the ruble in the near future.

Despite the fact that the national currency exchange rate, depending on the cost of oil prices, changes within 2-3 rubles per dollar, the value of the yuan also undergoes some changes, and not always favorable.

Thus, according to information provided by the Chinese Central Bank, in July 2016, the yuan exchange rate fell to the lowest level recorded since December 2010. For one dollar you can now get 6.6594 yuan; or, in terms of Russian currency, 10 rubles for one yuan. And if before the rapid growth of the dollar, such a low value of the yuan could lead to its depreciation for Russian citizens, now, compared to 2010, the difference in the value of the yuan and the ruble is more significant. In fact, it is not due to the rise in price of the Chinese currency, but to the depreciation of the Russian currency.

The main reasons why the yuan exchange rate is relatively stable are:

  • a large volume of exports of goods produced in China;
  • the influence of the Bank of China on the value of the national currency and, if necessary, its artificial stabilization;
  • low level of dependence of the Chinese economy on the influence of other countries;
  • lower prices for oil, which China buys in large quantities.

However, it is worth noting the unfavorable factors that have a negative impact on the Chinese currency:

  • China's large external debt;
  • a sharp reduction in foreign exchange reserves and capital outflow from the country.

Yuan to ruble: forecast

According to most experts, the Chinese authorities will not be able to avoid the devaluation of the yuan in the near future. At the beginning of 2019, there were many assumptions that by the summer of 2019 the Chinese national currency would depreciate at least twice. This will not only preserve the country’s foreign exchange reserves, but also partially repay external debts, spending much less of its own funds on this procedure.

However, government officials say that there is no need to devalue the currency and, as a result, no actions will be taken to “drop” the yuan.

If the words of representatives of the Chinese authorities turn out to be close to the existing reality, the likelihood of serious fluctuations in the exchange rate of the yuan against the ruble will become very low. Thus, according to experts from the Russian agency APECON, at the beginning of 2018 the yuan exchange rate will be fixed at 9.1 rubles, and at the end - 10.46 rubles. In 2019, the yuan exchange rate will fluctuate between 9.95 and 12.94 rubles.

A group of analysts from the Prognozex bureau assumes that in 2019 the yuan exchange rate will change from 9.32 rubles at the beginning of the period to 11.08 rubles at the end. In 2020, these values ​​will change to 10.4 rubles and 10.66 rubles, respectively.

So, over the past five years, the yuan exchange rate against the ruble has more than doubled - from 4.42 rubles to 9.84 rubles per 1 yuan. An important role in such a significant jump in the value of the Chinese currency was played by the sharp weakening of the ruble against the backdrop of sanctions imposed by the European Union and America against our country in 2014.

However, analytical reports compiled on the basis of information about fluctuations in the exchange rate of the yuan against the dollar show that the Chinese currency is losing ground, and its value on the world market is gradually decreasing. However, according to many experts, in the future the yuan deserves trust from both investors and the world community as a whole. This is due to the fact that the Chinese economy has great potential for further growth, and the yuan can receive the status of a leading currency and, subsequently, be used for settlements on world markets along with dollars and euros.