How to quickly restore your compulsory medical insurance policy if it is lost or stolen - where to apply and how long it will take to produce it. What to do if documents were stolen The insurance company reported that the policy was stolen

Regardless of whether your passport is stolen or lost, you must submit a statement to the police as soon as possible, indicating all the details of the loss, it will be registered and a notification coupon will be issued.

To restore your passport, you need to submit a package of documents to the Federal Migration Service at your place of registration or MFC (since February 2017):

Coupon notification from the police about the loss (theft) of a passport;

Application for issuance and issuance of a new document in form 1-P;

Receipt or details confirming payment of the state duty in the amount of 1,500 rubles;

Two current personal photos 35x45 mm, without headdress;

Military ID (for men);

Birth certificates of children (if there are children);

Certificates of marriage or divorce (if any);

Documents confirming registration at the place of residence.

A new passport will be issued within 10 days if you live in the same area where the FMS is located, and up to two months in all other cases. During this time, you can issue a temporary identity card.

What are the dangers of losing your passport?

Attackers can use a stolen document, for example, to apply for a loan or a shell company, pledge or re-register property, etc. To avoid this, you need to write a statement about theft or loss to the police as soon as possible. From this moment on, any transactions and operations with your documents will be under control.

“For the loss or destruction (damage) of identity documents, administrative liability is provided (Article 19.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). But if the passport, for example, is stolen, then charges can be avoided. In practice, in all cases, you have to pay a fine in order to restore your passport,” warns lawyer, legal expert at Afanasyev and Partners, Sergey Afanasyev.

If you live without a passport at your place of registration, you will have to pay a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles for residents of the capital region, and from 2 to 3 thousand for everyone else (Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Passport, visa and insurance

The identity document of a Russian citizen abroad is the most difficult to restore - the procedure is lengthy, and a new passport will be issued with a new number and photograph. The sequence of actions in case of loss or theft of a “foreigner” is the same as with a regular passport.

A new international passport will be issued no later than 10 days from the date of application to the FMS authorities at the place of registration or up to two months when receiving a passport in another area.

“Having in hand documents confirming that you need to travel abroad urgently, for example, to undergo a course of treatment, due to a serious illness or death of a close relative, you can obtain a foreign passport in three working days. This is stated in Art. 10 Federal Law of August 15, 1996 N 114-FZ “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation,” advises Dmitry Smakovsky, legal consultant of the My Family Lawyer company.

To restore a passport lost (stolen) while abroad, you need to contact the local police department with a corresponding application, and then apply for a temporary identity card at the Russian consulate or embassy.

“Insurance is issued electronically, so if it is lost, the travel agent simply sends an electronic copy to replace the lost one. It’s more difficult with a visa - it needs to be reissued again, since when crossing the border for Schengen countries, you will need the visa stuck in your passport,” explains the founder of the “Prosto Travel Center” Dmitry Zhuravlev.

The expert recommends applying for a “spare” passport - according to the law, this is possible. In addition, it is worth remembering that to restore a visa and passport, you need a recent photograph that is less than three months old. Otherwise, this may cause refusal to issue documents and ruin your vacation.

Rights and documents for the car

A duplicate driver's license is issued at the traffic police department or interdistrict department technical inspection transport, examination and registration work (MOTOTRER). Addresses for the Moscow region can be found on the website

Package of documents:

Application for reinstatement of driver's license;

Passport or other identification document;

Driver's card from a driving school;

Photographs (often taken on site);

Confirmation of permanent or temporary registration;

State duty payment coupon - 2000 rubles, plus 800 rubles - for a temporary certificate.

Most often, a duplicate license is issued on the day of application, but formally this period can last for 1-2 months.

If you report the theft of your driver's license to the police, you need to keep in mind that a duplicate will be issued only after the case is closed.

The registration certificate for a car is restored at the request of the car owner after paying a state fee of 500 rubles and another 300 rubles for issuing a duplicate. Engine and body numbers will be checked against the traffic police database.

Real estate ownership documents

Rights to real estate are confirmed by a housing purchase agreement and a certificate of state registration of ownership.

A legal expert at Afanasiev and Partners warns that criminals can use documents to sell real estate, for example, by issuing a power of attorney with an unscrupulous notary, contacting a dubious bank and obtaining a loan ( large banks such a situation will not be allowed).

If you lose documents, you must notify Rosreestr as quickly as possible, indicating whether you have given anyone a power of attorney to dispose of real estate. After this, any fraudulent transactions with her will be suspended and placed under special control.

The purchase and sale agreement is restored at the city Registration Chamber using the copy stored there. Agreements of gift, exchange, rent, division of property and marriage contract, certificate of inheritance can be restored by the notary who registered them (the city Notary Chamber will tell you which notary to contact for a duplicate). Documents on shared participation in a new building, privatization, payment of a share in a housing cooperative, as well as a court decision are restored in those organizations where they were issued.

Then in Rosreestr or the Office Federal service state registration, cadastre and cartography (Cadastral Chamber) - where you received the original certificate confirming ownership rights - you will receive a copy of it.

Two main documents (purchase agreement and certificate of ownership) need to be completed urgently. The rest, such as a technical passport and cadastral passport, an extract from the house register, etc., can be restored as needed.

Medical policy

If you lose your compulsory health insurance (CHI) or VHI policy, you can get a new one from the insurance company where you were previously registered, or any other. Citizens of the Russian Federation can change their insurer, but not more often than once a year.

To do this, you will need to write an application with a request to issue a medical insurance policy to replace the lost one, a passport and SNILS. At the time of re-registration, you will be given a duplicate (temporary policy), which is valid for 30 days.

If you have lost your corporate voluntary health insurance, you need to contact your employer.


TIN individual permanent, regardless of the change of surname and registration, the data is stored in the Unified State Register of Taxpayers.

A new certificate can be obtained by contacting the territorial inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service with the following documents:

Application in form 2-2-Accounting for TIN restoration;

Russian Federation passport with a mark of registration at the place of residence;

A coupon confirming the payment of state duty in the amount of 300 rubles.

The period for issuing a new certificate is five days. To get it urgently, you will have to pay 400 rubles.


An officially employed citizen can restore stolen or lost SNILS through the employer. To do this, you will need to write an application for a duplicate and attach a copy of your identity document. The HR department will forward the documents to Pension Fund and order a duplicate.

You can contact the Pension Fund yourself, and this must be done within a month after the loss of the certificate. In 2-3 weeks you will have a new insurance certificate card in your hands. The duplicate retains the old number and is issued it free of charge.

Compulsory medical insurance policy is one of the important personal documents, which you should always have with you. It is necessary in order to use free medical services throughout the Russian Federation. Its new format is compact and convenient a plastic card, however, dropping it is easy as pie. How to recover compulsory medical insurance policy in case of loss and whether this is possible, you will find out further.

Is it possible and how to quickly restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if you have lost it?

Of course, the compulsory health insurance policy is subject to restoration if it is lost. This is regulated by clause 55 of section IV of the Rules of Compulsory Health Insurance. The procedure for applying for it is similar to obtaining new compulsory medical insurance. If you lose your policy, you must collect a package of documents and apply for a replacement. Reinstatement of health insurance is carried out free of charge.

It is worth noting that obtaining a new document is not only possible, but necessary in as soon as possible. The fact is that without a compulsory medical insurance policy, medical care may be denied, and you will have to pay for visiting a doctor out of your own pocket. If the document cannot be presented to a health care worker, in some situations the patient can only count on emergency assistance.

How long will this procedure take?

Documents for reinstatement of compulsory medical insurance insurance are reviewed and accepted on the day of application. Thus, in order to settle all the issues, you will have to spend 2 days submitting an application and receiving ready-made insurance.

The production time for a new policy is 30 working days. During this time, the document must be prepared and handed over to the owner, since the temporary insurance certificate expires. When 30 days have passed, the insurer undertakes to either issue a new temporary policy and justify this, or issue a ready-made permanent document. According to reviews, re-registration takes no more than 14 days.

Where to contact

Restoring your insurance certificate will not take much time and effort. To obtain new policy Compulsory medical insurance, you must contact the following authorities:

  • in your insurance company. If there is no information about who the insurer is, you can contact the district clinic and find out this issue there. As a result of contacting your insurer’s office, a duplicate of the lost policy is issued;
  • to any insurance company. According to the law, it is allowed to change the insurer no more than once a year until November 1 of the current year. So, if it was planned in advance to change the insurance company or the thought suddenly came to you, this can be done right after the loss. The only difference is that in the office of the new insurer you will need to write an application for a new health insurance, and not for issuing a duplicate;
  • in any branch of the MFC. Multifunctional centers provide intermediary services in paperwork. We can say that this is an additional link connecting the applicant and the authority. The operator accepts the documents and application, transfers them to the insurer, and the latter prepares and sends the policy back to the MFC;
  • At work. Many organizations practice corporate health insurance, so they themselves send documents to restore the policy and monitor its readiness. The loss must be reported to the HR department, and appropriate measures will be taken there;
  • online. Most recently, a service for issuing a compulsory health insurance policy was available on the government services portal, but it is currently being finalized and is temporarily unavailable. Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg can apply for insurance restoration through the portal of the mayor of Moscow and on the public services portal of St. Petersburg.

On a note! Policy in the form plastic card is not issued at all branches of the insurance company, so you need to inquire in advance about where the issuance takes place, by telephone or during a personal visit.

How to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if lost

Reinstatement of an insurance policy after loss occurs in the following scheme:

  1. Collection of documents. At this stage, there is no need to obtain any additional papers - it is enough to collect a minimum package of personal documents. The only thing is that if another person is acting on behalf of the insured, a written power of attorney will be required.
  2. Visit the relevant authority or submit an application on the Internet portal. If the policy is not issued through the employer, you will have to independently take the package of documents to the insurance company or to the MFC branch.
  3. Obtaining a temporary certificate of insurance - it has the same force as a lost contract. With him you can receive medical services within the framework of the basic program throughout the Russian Federation while a permanent contract is being prepared.
  4. Obtaining a policy. You must come for the finished document at the appointed time, no later than 30 working days.

Important! If the insurance policy is stolen, it will have to be restored using a slightly different procedure. In this case, the insured must write a statement to the police and, if the case is allowed to proceed, wait for its outcome. All this time you will have to carry a temporary certificate, renewing it monthly.

It makes sense to contact the regional police department only if other valuables and documents have disappeared along with the compulsory medical insurance agreement. Therefore, if insurance is the only thing that the criminals got, you should not contact law enforcement agencies. It will only take time and energy.

Fears that stolen insurance may be used are unfounded, because when a new document is issued, the data on the lost will be deleted from the unified system. Accordingly, it will become unusable. However, you need to apply for a new document as soon as possible.

List of documents

The list of documents that must be collected to restore the policy includes:

  • identification document (in the vast majority of cases, a civil passport is provided, and for minors, a birth certificate);
  • SNILS;
  • application for restoration of lost insurance.

The compulsory medical insurance policy is issued immediately after birth, therefore, when re-issuing a loss document for a child, the documents are submitted by a parent, guardian or other representative by law. The representative is required to present a civil passport. Anyone can be an accompanying person, but subject to availability written power of attorney. If SNILS has not yet been issued for the child, then it may not be provided.

Good to know! If a foreigner has lost the policy, he provides the insurer with temporary registration, a document confirming his right to stay in the territory of the Russian Federation, and his national passport.

After reviewing the documents, the manager of the insurance company or the operator of the MFC removes information about the lost insurance from the database. Then he opens a new application, fills in the data and issues a temporary certificate. If the date of issue is not agreed upon in advance, the insured will receive an SMS notification indicating the date and time of receipt of the permanent insurance contract.

Compulsory medical insurance policy and how to fill it out

To restore a lost compulsory medical insurance policy, you need to fill out the appropriate application. The following information is entered into it:

  • format for issuing the policy - paper or electronic, new or duplicate, as well as the reason for its renewal;
  • information about the insured person - full name, category, place of birth, citizenship, address, SNILS data, etc.;
  • information about the representative of the insured: full name, passport;
  • signatures of the applicant and those who accepted the documents and the date of submission of the application.


Losing your compulsory medical insurance policy is not a reason to panic, since restoring your insurance will not be difficult. Firstly, this will require a minimum package of documents, which everyone has. Secondly, this can be done at any insurance company - you don’t have to contact your insurer specifically. The maximum registration period takes 30 days, and during this time the lost person will be issued a temporary insurance certificate.

You will learn more about what it provides and the features of its use in the following article.

We are waiting for your questions in the comments and will be grateful for your rating of the post.

In June of this year, I bought a CASCO policy from a broker who came to my work. In August, I got married, changed my last name and started replacing all my documents, including the one for the car. The broker simply disappeared. didn't answer calls. After calling the insurance company whose policy I have, I found out that my policy was not registered in their database. I contacted the brokerage office where the person who sold me the policy worked. They found him. He asked me to send him copies necessary documents and assured me that everything would be done within a week. 2 weeks have passed. The policy is still not in the company's database. The brokerage office says that the person who sold me the policy only handed over the documents the other day. And they need documents in the old name. But I don't have them. Now, besides this policy, all other documents are new.

Please tell me:

What should I do to get the policy registered? Can I somehow compensate for the past 5 months of a supposedly valid policy?

Hello! I have a question regarding the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. First, I’ll describe the situation: two years ago I worked for an individual entrepreneur in a salon mobile communications, was formalized with work book as it should be. in October 2008, in the communication shop where I worked, it was stolen mobile phone worth 20,000 rubles. The police and investigators came to investigate this case. I and 2 other salespeople on whose shift the theft occurred were charged wages this amount. BUT, the goods were insured! I recently found out by chance that the insurance company paid this employer for this theft Insurance payment. and it turns out that for this stolen product the company received damages twice - 1) from the sellers, 2) from the insurance company. Now I no longer work for this individual entrepreneur (since 2008.) And now the question is: can I demand from this employer to return to me the amount withheld for the stolen goods? and how to submit this request? what statements should I write where? What can be done in this case? Thanks in advance for your help!

I don't have an insurance policy. I have been working at the company for 3 months. On September 24, I went to the clinic with a cold. they opened it for me sick leave until September 29. On September 28, I called the foreman at work and asked him to go to the HR department and pick up my insurance policy so that he could give it to me in the evening. At the clinic, they won’t cover my sick leave without an insurance policy. The foreman of the enterprise answers me that there is no policy and there will not be one soon, the personnel department workers say that I should have taken care of this myself earlier... I have a question of this kind, who should take care of issuing and receiving a medical insurance policy at the enterprise? Where can I find a law or article on the timing of the issuance and receipt of insurance policies at an enterprise? and what should I do now, on September 29 I need to close my sick leave, but I don’t have a medical insurance policy?

Instead of an MTPL policy with an error, which indicated the period of use of the vehicle and the time of payment of the insurance premium, the insurance company gave a policy with a period of use indicating only the dates of the period of use of the vehicle.

Because Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - forgery only official documents... OSAGO policy...

An official document (from the comments of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation) is a document granting the right to something or releasing from any obligations (military ID). The policy does not give any rights...

How to excite the ud. for counterfeiting in this case, because there is no corpus delicti

However, the policy states that forgery is subject to liability under Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Maybe tampering with the policy itself, say on a printer, will be punishable... but what about unauthorized entry? Will there be liability? or write refusal material...?

I'm asking because... It’s extremely difficult to get caught for this! to criminal liability, or rather almost impossible (((

The client entered into a CASCO agreement with Uralsib.

An insured event occurred - the car got into an accident and was seriously damaged.

The client submitted a claim for payment to the insurance company, which responded with silence.

After filing a lawsuit, insurers came and began to claim that the policy was stolen in 2012.

An interesting point is that on the Uralsib website in the section of stolen forms, the client’s policy was not listed. We checked this on his first visit to us.

We promptly sent the client to a notary so that he would make a protocol for inspecting the Internet page. In this action, the notary visits the site and draws up a protocol of what he discovered on this page.

The notary established that this policy was indeed not on the website, that is, even at the time of the trial this policy was not on the website. Thus, the client, even when concluding the contract, could not know that the policy was stolen.

Uralsib brought to the court a printout of a screenshot of an Excel file in which this policy is available and the judge, despite all our evidence, rejected the client’s claim and declared the insurance contract not concluded.

We filed an appeal in which we asked to cancel the decision, pointing out gross procedural violations committed by the court of first instance.

Result: the court recovered more than 3,000,000 rubles in favor of our client.

Another interesting point: the client was not the owner of the car and did not have a notarized power of attorney from the owner, but he insured the car. We have also proven that this is legal.

The court's decision:

Appeal determination:

Compulsory medical insurance policy is one of the most necessary documents for a Russian. Its loss will significantly complicate obtaining free medical services. How to restore a lost compulsory health insurance policy in 2019?

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The new format of the compulsory medical insurance policy is a compact plastic card. It's convenient to use, but just as easy to lose. And other cases of loss of documents have not been canceled. How to restore your compulsory medical insurance policy in 2019?

What you need to know

A compulsory health insurance policy must be presented each time you apply for medical care to state medical organizations.

It should be taken into account that only emergency medical care is provided to Russians free of charge.

This is due to the fact that the number of each issued policy is entered into the electronic database. That is, employees of a medical institution can check the policy number of the client who applied to them from the database.

However, doctors are not always ready to meet halfway and understand the situation. More often it happens differently - if you have a policy, medical care will be provided in a guaranteed volume, if you don’t have insurance, you can only apply for free emergency care.

Required terms

Compulsory medical insurance is a system that ensures the constitutional rights of citizens to receive free medical care.

In Russia social insurance citizens is mandatory. Its principle is that every Russian citizen has the right to receive the state-guaranteed volume of medical care absolutely free of charge.

The compulsory health insurance program applies to all Russian citizens, regardless of gender, age, place of residence and social status.

Foreigners permanently residing in the Russian Federation can also take out a policy. At the same time, the policy is valid throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation, and the policy can be issued in another city, and not at the place of actual residence.

Within the framework of compulsory medical insurance, citizens are provided with the following types of medical services:

  • emergency;
  • outpatient care;
  • services for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in clinics, day hospitals of all types, educational and preschool institutions and at home;
  • inpatient care for acute and chronic diseases, injuries, pregnancy and childbirth, and care for a newborn.

But these rights can only be exercised in person. It will not be possible to use a temporary compulsory medical insurance policy to receive electronic services “Make an appointment with a doctor” or “Call a doctor at home”.

This requires a permanent insurance policy. To apply for a policy, a citizen must contact the authorized body and submit the necessary package of documents.

Immediately after checking and accepting the documentation, the employee issues the applicant a temporary policy that allows him to receive medical care. The date of issue of the permanent document is also reported.

Standard package

To restore a lost compulsory medical insurance policy, the following documents will be required:

  • passport confirming the identity of the applicant;

The same package of documents is provided when applying for a new policy. Since no additional documents or certificates are required to be collected, there should be no problems with preparing the package of documents.

But at the same time, non-standard situations are also possible. For example, the policy was lost along with the passport.

In this case, first you will need to restore your identity document and only then apply for reinstatement of the policy. Or the documents were stolen, and the citizen filed a police report.

In this case, you will need to wait until the end of the investigation to receive a certificate from the internal affairs authorities about the closure of the case.

Considering that the search can last quite a long time and, in fact, no one will look for the policy, it is better to immediately apply for the restoration of the policy, indicating in the application the loss of the document as the basis for the application.

For a child

Mandatory medical insurance is necessary not only for adult citizens, but also for children. A compulsory medical insurance policy is issued immediately after birth, since on its basis the required volume of services is provided .

The document is prepared by the child’s legal representatives – parents or other responsible persons.

Similarly, when restoring a document, authorized representatives are official representatives. The package of documents includes:

  • (in the presence of);
  • passport of the representative (for parents confirms relationship);
  • documents confirming the right to apply (about establishing guardianship, about);
  • statement.

For a foreign citizen

According to Russian legislation, in addition to Russians, foreigners who permanently or temporarily reside in Russia are also subject to compulsory health insurance.

But to participate in the compulsory medical insurance program, a foreign citizen must confirm the fact of residence. According to the law, a compulsory medical insurance policy for foreigners is issued if:

  • have a temporary residence permit;
  • have a residence permit;
  • a citizen of the EAEU works in Russia on the basis of.

Accordingly, in case of loss of the policy, to restore the document, the foreigner must provide the following documents:

  • application for policy reinstatement;
  • document on temporary registration in the Russian Federation;
  • a document confirming the legality of stay in the country;
  • national passport.

Regulatory regulation

Compulsory health insurance is regulated in Russia by the standard of the same name -.

This law defines the relationships that arise within the framework of the implementation of the compulsory medical insurance program.

Among other things, the law determines legal status insurance subjects and system participants, grounds for the emergence of rights and obligations, rights, and other nuances.

Basis for legislative framework Compulsory medical insurance is covered by such legal acts as:

  • others legal norms Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The need to restore the compulsory medical insurance policy in the event of loss is regulated by clause 55 of section IV of the Rules of Compulsory Medical Insurance.

The restoration procedure is similar to the initial registration process, with the difference that an application is submitted to your insurance company with a request to make a duplicate. Reinstatement of health insurance is free of charge.


To restore your compulsory medical insurance policy, you must follow the following instructions:

Prepare the necessary package of documents This stage will not take much time, since the bare minimum of documents is required. A nuance - if registration is carried out through a representative, you will need to issue a written
Visit the authorized body Documents with an attached application are submitted here. When receiving documentation, an employee of the institution will immediately check its composition. If everything is correct, the request is recorded and the document recovery process begins.
Get a temporary insurance certificate The document is issued so that the citizen can use medical care until a duplicate policy is issued
Get a ready-made policy You need to visit the authorized body again and get a new document

Important! If a citizen nevertheless contacts the police with a statement about the theft of the policy, then he can obtain a temporary certificate of insurance.

However, until the investigation is completed, a permanent policy will not be issued, and the “temporary” will have to be changed monthly.

There is no need to fear that criminals may take advantage of a stolen policy. If a new document is drawn up, the data on the old policy is deleted from the database and it becomes invalid.

Where to contact

To obtain a new compulsory medical insurance policy, you must contact one of the following authorities:

Own insurance company If a citizen does not know who the insurer is, you can go to the clinic at your place of attachment and get there necessary information. For example, a citizen remembers that he is insured with ROSNO, which means that to obtain a duplicate he needs to contact this company
Any insurance company that issues compulsory medical insurance But you need to take into account that changing the insurance card is allowed once a year. Moreover, in this case we are not talking about issuing a duplicate, but about obtaining new insurance
Any branch of the MFC Of course, you need to know which insurance company the documents will be submitted to. MFC employees perform only the functions of an intermediary - they will accept documents and send them to the specified IC. The finished policy can be obtained from the MFC
Employer This method is suitable for those who took out a policy at their place of work as part of corporate health insurance. You will need to report the loss of the policy to the HR department and the responsible employees will independently send documents to issue a duplicate policy
State Services website The service for issuing a compulsory medical insurance policy on the State Services portal is not yet operational, and it will not be possible to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy online if it is lost.

However, some regional sites, for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, allow you to apply online for the restoration of your insurance policy.

For example, how to restore a compulsory medical insurance policy if it is lost? Moscow and St. Petersburg provide their residents with the opportunity to apply online.

In this case, you will only have to visit the authorized authority to receive the finished document. But even with a personal application, the time costs for reinstating the policy are not too great.

How long will it take

Obtaining a duplicate insurance policy takes the same amount of time as obtaining new insurance.

You will have to spend two days visiting authorized authorities - one to submit documents, the second to receive the policy. The application with documents is reviewed and accepted immediately on the day of application.

The applicant is immediately informed when to reappear for the policy. During the period of production of the permanent document, the citizen receives a temporary insurance certificate.

The maximum period for producing a policy or its duplicate is thirty days. Exactly after this time, the temporary insurance expires.

Video: loss of PTS, what to do?! How to recover

If for some reason it was not possible to produce a permanent document on time, then the authorized body is obliged to justify the reason and re-issue the temporary policy.

In practice, compulsory medical insurance policies are prepared within about two weeks. Therefore, when applying, it is advisable to find out the phone number where you can get background information about the readiness of the policy.

Application writing sample

An application for reinstatement of the compulsory medical insurance policy can be written at the place of application, asking for a blank document form. As a rule, you can also see a sample of filling out the form here.

But since not everyone is comfortable writing an application quickly, and in this case the risk of filling it out by mistake increases, it is better to download a blank form and fill it out at home, without rushing.

An application form for reinstatement of the compulsory medical insurance policy is available. The application must indicate the following information:

  • to whom the application is intended - the name of the insurance company;
  • from whom it is submitted - full name the applicant;
  • the purpose of the application is to obtain a new policy or a duplicate;
  • document form - paper certificate, plastic card, electronic policy;
  • reason for contacting – change of personal data, detection of erroneous data, loss or unusability of the policy, expiration of the document;
  • personal information about the applicant;
  • passport details;
  • citizenship;
  • registration address;
  • address of the actual residence;
  • date of application;
  • applicant's signature with transcript.