Medical insurance for divers. Diving insurance Inexpensive diving insurance up to 40 meters

If you are going to scuba dive - do not forget to insure yourself. Are you leaving today or are you already abroad? Now you can buy insurance through our website Online in one click, without leaving your home.

Why WE?

Divers help divers - our team of specialists has been professionally engaged in diving for many years, and has extensive experience and recommendations in resolving issues related to insurance events. You can judge our merits by looking at the guest book on the main underwater portal

We value our reputation and represent the interests of divers, as well as provide consulting support to our clients. How to act correctly in case of an insured event, how to behave with an insurance company - 24 hours a day, our specialists are ready to answer any questions related to diver insurance.

How is the insurance process?

On the right in the menu, enter data about the upcoming trip;

After that, you will find out the price and description of the insurance program;

Fill in your contact details and passport details, send an application;

Receive a ready-made insurance policy and details for payment via the Internet by mail;

The insurance comes into force immediately from the moment of its payment.

We work with the insurance company TIT (former IIC) - providing a wide range of insurance services to lovers of the underwater world around the world.

Our motto: A good diver is a healthy diver. Dear divers, take care of yourself and value your safety.

About company TIT (MSK)

MSC Insurance Group, over the years of work, has proved to be a reliable insurer for tourists and divers traveling abroad. This company employs highly qualified medical specialists in diseases and injuries associated with scuba diving. The company also has contracts with hyperbaric centers and rescue services around the world, and customer service is at the highest level.

What is this policy for?

AT insurance cover This policy includes the following risks: health care, hospitalization, evacuation from the scene, treatment in a pressure chamber, repatriation, consultation with a dive physiologist, as well as, if desired, supplementing the insurance policy - ordinary medical insurance for risks not associated with diving. The amount within which medical and other assistance is provided under the policy depends on the chosen program and ranges from 100,000 to 300,000 euros. The annual programs include the risks of Disability and Death, as well as the loss of equipment in the event of an insured event under water.

Why regular tour insurance is not suitable for a diver

Going on a trip, each diver has on hand the usual insurance policy provided by the travel agency selling the tour package. This insurance policy usually includes the standard diver-to-tourist medical treatment. Assistance for injuries received in the water is not included in the package of such insurances. Some travel agencies consider diving a hobby with an increased risk of danger, and if you have an accident during a dive, any insurance company will be forced to refuse to cover your treatment costs, since such cases are not prescribed in the insurance rules of conventional programs.

In Russia, a special divers insurance program Dive Insurance Policy, since 2000, has been offered by the insurance company TIT (MSK-Standard). It should be added that the international company International SOS, one of the world leaders in the field of insurance, took an active part in the development of this program in Russia.

The DIP insurance policy (diving insurance) guarantees assistance and payment for the services rendered to you. In the event of an accident, you just need to call on the phone and tell where you are, and help will be sent to you immediately.

Insurance programs

We offer any divers insurance programs: short-term and annual, for trips abroad and for diving in Russia and the CIS countries, taking into account only "diving" insured events or including general insurance.

The insurance coverage includes medical assistance, evacuation, hospitalization, repatriation, treatment in a pressure chamber and consultation with a dive physiologist, as well as regular medical insurance abroad. The sum insured, within which medical and other assistance will be provided, depending on the chosen program, ranges from 100,000 to 300,000 euros. All insurance programs include search and rescue.

Divers insurance

An electronic insurance policy for divers from VSK, Ingosstrakh, Allianz, Alfa Insurance, Liberty Insurance is a great way to save your time and focus on collecting and preparing diving equipment.

An electronic policy is no different from a paper one, except for saving money, speed and ease of registration. It is accepted by all visa centers and embassies.

Simply choose the most suitable insurance option for you, go through a simple online registration and payment procedure and print out an insurance policy.

Important for divers!

1. Do not forget, when going diving, when making an insurance policy, select the option “ Sports and active recreation«->» Amateur sports«->» Diving«.

If you plan to participate in competitions or you have difficult dives, then you need to select the option “Sports and outdoor activities” -> “Professional sports and competitions” -> “ Diving»

If you are planning an active rest after diving, then be sure to write next to diving all the sports that you will do.

2. When applying for insurance, click on the “i” icons in circles + read the contract and pay attention to the depths and conditions of diving (they are different for different companies).

3. As a rule, the diver's insurance includes transportation and treatment in a pressure chamber, but it is better to clarify this point in advance by reviewing the contract or talking with a consultant of the chosen company.

4. Pay attention to the points where there may be restrictions for non-certified divers. For some companies, having a certificate is a prerequisite for payments.

5. And one more thing. If you are carrying equipment and checking it in as luggage, we highly recommend adding luggage insurance options for the appropriate amount.

life hack: For those who travel or plan to go diving more than 2 times a year. I highly recommend paying attention to annual insurance. Sometimes they turn out to be cheaper or comparable in terms of the cost of insurance for specific dates, and the benefit is obvious - a whole year of insured trips is “in your pocket”!

Diving is not included in the category of particularly traumatic types of recreation, but there are several circumstances that oblige everyone who is going to dive under water to buy insurance - this is the risk of decompression sickness and the high cost of evacuation.

Diving without insurance is not possible in good dive centers

To begin with, in any good school or diving center, you simply will not be allowed to dive underwater without an appropriate insurance policy. But it is still wiser to take responsibility for your own health and take care of it in advance. We are often asked, “Do I need a policy if I don’t dive deep?” or “Do I need a policy if I only want to learn to scuba dive?”. The story of our client diver Anatoly will help answer all such questions.

In March 2013, Anatoly was a novice diver who did not think much about insurance until the moment when trouble happened to him.

Our hero is a healthy guy. He does not smoke or drink, he has been involved in sports all his life - he has been playing hockey since childhood. That year he was on vacation in Thailand, where he had already 7 times scuba diving.

Anatoly did two dives a day - the first was always deep, about 30 meters. On the fourth day of diving, our diver surfaced after the first dive, got into the boat and after a few minutes felt very unwell, joint pain and dizziness. More experienced comrades immediately understood the reason - decompression sickness. Oxygen during the boat trip to the pier improved the situation, but the next morning Anatoly woke up with severe dizziness, ringing in the ears, nausea and weakness.

The cost of treatment in the pressure chamber reaches $ 1,500 per hour

Fortunately, the dive center had a pressure chamber. Three hours of treatment significantly improved Anatoly's physical condition, which cannot be said about the moral: the use of a pressure chamber cost $ 1,500 per hour. The next day, Anatoly spent 4 hours in the pressure chamber, since he could pay for the treatment on the spot, thanks to a credit card.

The doctor who monitored Anatoly's condition advised him to continue treatment in the hospital, where he had to undergo a 90-minute session in a pressure chamber on the same day, and a 2-hour session the next day.

Thanks to surgical treatment in the pressure chamber, Anatoly fully recovered. Only the treatment cost almost 14 thousand dollars + a return ticket from Thailand, since there was no question of flying with decompression sickness.

Decompression, or, as it is more commonly called, decompression sickness occurs when a diver quickly ascends due to a rapid decrease in the pressure of the inhaled gas mixture, as a result of which cells and walls of blood vessels are destroyed and blood flow is disturbed.

Let's return to the questions of our users: although decompression sickness is a fairly rare occurrence, the risk still remains. The worst thing is that her treatment in any case will be very expensive. It is much better if the insurance company pays for the treatment. Moreover, the policy costs 10 times less than a few hours of scuba diving.

Transportation on a boat is also a very important risk, which must be included in insurance for divers. Diving sites are often very far from the coast, and transportation to the victim to the nearest hospital can be very expensive. For example, transportation from the remote islands of Thailand to the mainland can cost several thousand dollars.

What is not covered by dive insurance?

Before diving, be sure to remember that Insurance companies do not cover diving injuries.

Alfa Insurance– insures diving deeper than 30 meters.
"Important"– insures diving only up to 10 meters.
"Recessance"– insures diving only up to 30 meters.
ERV - insures dives only up to 40 meters. Does not cover dives without a scuba diving association certificate (except for training dives in order to obtain the appropriate certificate), as well as in the case of the use of diluted oxygen mixtures during diving. Insurance will also not work if you dive without having a scuba diving certificate.

How much does diving insurance cost?

Due to specific risks, diving insurance costs more than regular insurance. Moreover, the cost depends on the riskiness of the dive: the deeper the allowable dive, the higher the coefficient by which the cost of insurance is multiplied. For different companies, this coefficient ranges from 1.5 to 5. The largest - 5 - for Alfa Insurance insurance, which allows you to dive to a depth of more than 30 meters.

How to buy a policy suitable for scuba diving?

On our website you can compare and issue policies from 4 leading insurance companies that work on Russian market. At the second step of choosing a policy, you just need to specify "Diving" in the additional options. If you have any questions about insurance programs, our specialists are always ready to help you in choosing.

Interesting and safe diving!

The topic is very important, necessary and useful for every diver. Answer yourself the question - how important is your own health to you and how much are you willing to spend on your treatment and salvation? I think that the answer to the first question is "Yes", and to the second - "I would like to spend as little as possible." But in the case of diving, the main costly procedure will not be removing sea urchin needles from your priest, but paying for the services of a rescue service and a pressure chamber. And these services, oh, how expensive, especially outside the borders of the Motherland. This is where an insurance policy comes in handy. It remains only to choose which one. Let's start with the simplest and "cheapest" options. There are very good service for the selection and sale of insurance policies for travelers - "Turtle". Yes, yes, that’s right, I didn’t describe myself and didn’t make a mistake. So, this is an excellent service for selecting and buying insurance for both tourism and "extreme" types of recreation in particular. Just remember to add the "Diving" option in the "Sports and Activities" tab, because. standard travel insurance does not cover diving related accidents unless this option is specified separately. You can take out insurance for any period and with any additions using the form below or by clicking on

When traveling abroad, in the event of insured event and your appeal to the doctor or to the pressure chamber, you will need confirmation from your insurance company that it will pay for all services. Without this confirmation, they will not provide you with assistance, or they will offer to provide it on the condition that you pay for the services yourself on the spot, and then you will deal with the insurance company yourself, of course, you will be provided with all the documents for this. And here comes the most ticklish moment. If your insurance company has a good and competent support service that quickly confirms that all services will be paid for, everything is fine, assistance will be provided quickly and on time. If the support service is “not very good”, does not speak foreign languages, does not know what documents to send for confirmation, your only choice is to pay for everything yourself, and this can be a very considerable four-digit amount in foreign currency, or even more. But there is another way. An insurance policy from DAN (Divers Alert Networck Europe) is accepted in almost any country in the world immediately and without problems (Russia stands out sadly from the exceptions known to me). The policy is issued online directly on the website of the organization and paid by card. The contract comes to your e-mail along with an electronic version of the policy, which, in principle, is enough. A plastic card insurance policy will come to your postal address later. To obtain an insurance policy, simply go to , click the Join / Renew link and follow the instructions. For those who do not speak English well, below is an instruction in pictures on how to fill out the registration form.

If you would like to add additional options to your insurance, such as non-diving insurance for family members, etc., then check the appropriate boxes. An additional fee will apply.

DAN also has its drawbacks. This insurance works great abroad, but in terms of diving in Russia it is not the best option. The fact is that the documents provided by medical institutions of the Russian Federation do not meet the standards set by this insurance company. Therefore, with the receipt of payments, while undergoing treatment in Russia, sometimes there are problems that have to be solved with some effort.

And now the most important point - any policy from any insurance company will work strictly in as part of your certification. Therefore, we advise fans of passing arches on one balloon and other “carrots” for 80+ to find out in advance the cost of repatriation from the country of your holiday and have the necessary amount in your pocket or on the account of relatives. Also remember that in the pressure chamber you will be required to present the computer with which you dived, and if you replace it with a device of a more disciplined "neighbor", then the treatment may not be effective.

Beautiful and safe dives for you, friends, and may your insurance policies you will never need!