Form of the object acceptance certificate upon completion of major repairs. Certificate of acceptance into operation by the acceptance committee of an object completed with major repairs. What actions are carried out during the technical inspection process?

The certificate of technical inspection of buildings and structures, as a rule, is not an independent document, but serves as an annex to any agreement or is part of a package of documentation certifying the condition of the facility.


In what cases is an act formed?

The act can be drawn up in the following situations:

  • upon acceptance and transfer of a building/structure for the purpose of executing a lease, purchase, sale, etc.;
  • after natural disasters, emergencies, seasonal flooding;
  • during scheduled inspections;
  • before major repairs or reconstruction of the facility.

In other words, there can be a huge number of reasons for drawing up an act.

What actions are carried out during the technical inspection process?

Technical inspection is a fairly broad concept that can include a whole range of activities carried out during the inspection of a building or structure.

These may include a simple visual inspection of the facade and interior of the building, attic, basement, as well as testing of engineering systems: water supply, sewerage, ventilation, etc. It all depends on the goals and objectives facing those who conduct this inspection.

Composition of the commission

A whole commission is usually involved for a technical inspection of the facility.

The composition of the commission is appointed based on the circumstances under which the control measure is carried out.

If this is the acceptance of a newly built structure, then the commission includes representatives of several organizations that participated in the construction. And if a building is inspected that has long been owned by some organization (for example, after winter and spring flooding), then the commission will consist of employees of the enterprise.

In any case, the commission should include at least three specialists, preferably from different professional fields.

And if necessary, an independent expert may be included in its composition.

Features of the technical inspection report of buildings and structures

If you have been charged with creating a technical inspection report for a building or structure, and you have no idea how to do it correctly, look at the tips we have given and familiarize yourself with its sample.
As an introductory part, here are a few general points that are typical for all such papers.

Since 2013, the law has abolished the requirement for the mandatory use of unified forms of primary documents. This means that today every enterprise has the right to develop its own document form or create an act in any form. It is important to take into account only some basic conditions.

  1. Firstly, the act, by its structure, should be divided into three parts, the sequence of which is best not to be disturbed: the “heading” is the beginning of the document, the main part and the summary.
  2. Secondly, the finished document must be signed by all persons present when it was written. In the event that one of them participates in the inspection of the building by proxy, this should be specifically noted in the act. It is necessary to certify the form using various types of cliches with the details of the organization only when the condition for using a seal to endorse papers is specified in the company’s regulatory documents.
  3. Thirdly, in establishing the legitimacy of an act, exactly how it is drawn up: on the company’s letterhead or on an ordinary sheet of paper does not matter, nor does it matter whether it is printed on a computer or written by hand.

The number of copies of the act must be equal to the number of participants in the inspection of the building. All copies must be identical in content and equivalent in law.

A note about the act must be placed in the documentation journal.

And finally, the act should be drawn up very carefully, trying not to overlook anything and avoid making mistakes. One should not discount the possibility that in the future this document may become a reason for one of the parties to go to court (for example, if some damage that was not discovered during the inspection and caused an accident is suddenly revealed).

Sample document

At the beginning of the document its name, place ( locality) and date (day, month, year) of compilation.

Then, in the main part, the following information is entered:

  • composition of the commission: first, the names of the enterprises whose representatives participated in the inspection are indicated here, then the positions and full names of these specialists. Among the members of the commission, there is a chairman, who bears most of the responsibility for inspecting the building/structure and drawing up the act;
  • the address of the object and its individual characteristics (here you can reflect the number of storeys of the object, wall material, etc.);
  • a complete list of activities carried out during the technical inspection (they can be presented either as a list or in the form of a table), the conditions for their implementation;
  • if any shortcomings, damage, malfunctions are discovered, they must be described either in the act itself or in a separate appendix to it;
  • if the commission members are ready to immediately identify ways to eliminate the identified shortcomings, then they are described in detail in the act;
  • at the end the work of the commission is summed up.

In a situation where any of the inspection participants does not agree with the general conclusions, this must be noted in a separate paragraph on the form.

Information about all the papers attached to the act must also be included in the form. If the act specifies any laws, regulations(generally applicable or internal), a link to them must be given in the form of a date and number.

After drawing up the act, all persons who participated in the inspection of the building must put their signatures on the document (with a transcript).

After drawing up the act

Once the act is completed and endorsed by the signatures of all members of the commission, it is included in the package of documentation related to the object. Its storage period is established either by current law or determined by company regulations.

Return to Overhaul A defect report for major or current repairs (a sample can be downloaded at the bottom of the article) is drawn up only when defects or malfunctions are identified in the objects being inspected. This document can be drawn up by representatives of small, large and medium-sized businesses, regardless of what sector of the national economy they operate in. commercial activities. Most often, a defect report (a sample is located a little lower) for repairs is drawn up by construction and manufacturing companies, which have a large amount of machinery, equipment and other types of fixed assets on their balance sheets. In the construction industry, a defect report is often drawn up during the delivery of the project to the customer. An expert commission identifies defects that require either major or cosmetic repairs to eliminate.

Sample defect report for major repairs

A defective repair report can have either a free or a standard form (the sample is located a little higher). Many business entities independently develop a form for themselves that contains the necessary tables and columns for subsequent completion. It can only be filled out by members of the expert commission selected by the organization’s management.

These specialists can begin their duties only after the order is issued. They very carefully examine damaged objects for shortcomings and defects (can be either production or obtained during operation). If such flaws were identified during the inspection, the commission enters the relevant data into the report form.
When drawing up an act, members of the expert commission are required to give their opinion regarding the current state of the object.

Facility inspection report for major repairs


In this case, an expert commission formed from highly qualified specialists helps to calculate the total amount of expenses that the company will have to incur to eliminate all the shortcomings. After signing the defect report, specialists draw up an estimate that describes upcoming repairs and also indicates the materials needed for the work. Additional documents To justify the need for major or current repairs in utility companies, specialists draw up a defective statement.

This document must be signed by the head of the housing office, and only after that can it be transferred to production.

Restoring damage caused by major repairs

Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 N 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the technical operation of the housing stock.” According to clause 3.11. Resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee dated December 29, 1973 N 279 “On approval of the Regulations on carrying out scheduled preventative repairs of industrial buildings and structures”, the overhaul of industrial buildings and structures includes such work during which worn structures and parts of buildings and structures are replaced or replaced them to more durable and economical ones, improving the operational capabilities of the objects being repaired, with the exception of a complete change or replacement of the main structures, the service life of which in buildings and structures is the longest (stone and concrete foundations of buildings and structures, all types of building walls, all types of wall frames, pipes of underground networks, bridge supports, etc.). For a list of major repair works, see

Welding and restoration work

Replacement of damaged elements of wooden bridges, with the exception of piles.4. Replacement of wooden or reinforced concrete flooring, as well as replacement of wooden flooring with reinforced concrete.5. Complete change or replacement of spans.6. Relaying of pipe heads.7.

Change of elements of wooden, reinforced concrete or concrete pipes (up to 50% of the volume). d) Sites for cars, road-building and other machines, storage sites, as well as sites for grain collection points 1. Repair and restoration of drainage structures (troughs, ditches, etc.).2. Re-paving cobblestone areas.3. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces of sites.4. Repair of concrete platforms with laying of a leveling layer of concrete.5. Leveling and replacement of individual cement-concrete slabs.6. Covering with asphalt concrete the areas listed in clauses 2 - 5. XX. Electrical networks and communications 1. Change or replace unusable fittings.2.

How to draw up a defect report for current repairs? sample filling

The results of the decision of the working group to assess the performance of technological objects should be applied with oil paint on the gas pipeline in places of damage using the following designations: ШЛ - repair with grinding; SV - repair by welding; ZK - coil replacement; VZ - welding of the patch; PKM - repair with polymer composite couplings; MM - metal couplings. Based on the results of the inspection of the section of the gas pipeline being repaired, a report is drawn up, which provides specific data on the length of the section, the number of strands, the footage of usable, rejected and subject to repair pipes, and the nature of the damage (depth, length and area of ​​corrosion damage). The report is accompanied by a route profile and survey log.
Welding and restoration work on the gas pipeline must be carried out after work has been carried out to reject the laid gas pipeline.

Certificate for carrying out restoration work on a defective area of ​​a gas pipeline

Replacement of worn out sections of the network (more than 10%).2. Changing safety shields.3. Repair or restoration of cable channels.4. When overhauling the network, it is allowed to replace lamps with other types (conventional ones with fluorescent ones). B. ON STRUCTURES XVI. Water supply and sewerage facilities a) Pipelines and network fittings 1. Partial or complete replacement of anti-corrosion insulation of the pipeline.2. Replacement of individual sections of the pipeline (due to pipe wear) without changing the diameter of the pipes. In this case, it is permitted to replace cast iron pipes with steel ones, ceramic pipes with concrete or reinforced concrete ones, and vice versa, but replacing asbestos-cement pipes with metal ones is not allowed (except in emergency cases). The length of network sections where continuous replacement of pipes is allowed should not exceed 200 m per 1 km networks.3.

List of works for major repairs of buildings, structures, housing stock

Typically, a defect report for cosmetic or major repairs contains tables in its body in which all identified defects are entered. In appearance, this document is very similar to the estimate, only it does not contain prices and other cost indicators. The form of the defect report (a sample is at the bottom of the article), which is drawn up by the organization on paper, must contain the required data: a list of names of members of the expert commission; name of the organization being audited; the name of the object being inspected (if there is technical information, including an inventory number, then it must be indicated); a list of detected breakdowns and manufacturing defects is listed; recommendations are given regarding major or current repairs, etc.

d. For the document to gain legal force, it must be signed by all members of the expert commission.


Insulation and laying work Insulation and laying work is carried out in the following sequence: final cleaning of the outer surface of the pipeline, applying a primer (primer), applying a new insulating coating, laying the pipeline at the bottom of the trench or filling the repaired area with tamping soil under the pipeline. 6. Testing of the repaired pipeline When overhauling main pipelines, the following should be carried out: - cleaning the cavity, testing for strength and checking for tightness of the gas pipeline during repairs with replacement of pipes; — strength testing and leak testing of the pipeline during repair with welding and restoration work and replacement of the insulating coating or only with replacement of the insulating coating. Testing of repaired areas should be carried out hydraulically.

Certificate of restoration work during major repairs

Thermal heating a) Channels and chambers 1. Partial or complete change of coverings of channels and chambers.2. Partial or complete replacement of waterproofing of channels and chambers.3. Partial re-lining of the walls of brick channels and chambers (up to 20% of the total surface of the walls).4.
Partial relocation of drainage systems.5. Repair of channel and chamber bottoms.6. Renewal of the protective layer in reinforced concrete structures of channels and chambers.7. Changing hatches. b) Pipelines and fittings 1. Partial or complete replacement of the thermal insulation of the pipeline.2. Renewal of pipeline waterproofing.3. Replacement of individual sections of the pipeline (due to pipe wear) without increasing the diameter of the pipes.4. Change of fittings, valves, compensators or repair them with replacement of worn parts.5. Replacement of moving and fixed supports. XVIII. Access and in-plant railway tracks a) Subgrade 1.

Home → Forms → Act → Act for carrying out restoration work on a defective area of ​​a gas pipeline Subject of the document: Act File of text version: 11.0 kb Save the document: Download the document » Sample document: Appendix to VSN 39-1.10-001-99. Departmental building standards. Instructions for the repair of defective pipes of main gas pipelines with polymer composite materials ¦¦ ¦ Customer Enterprise:" "¦ ¦ Executor Enterprise: » "¦ ¦ Name of the gas pipeline: » ", diameter mm¦ ¦ Section: - km, health facility MG¦ ¦¦ ¦ Numbers of defects according to the table of in-line inspection results: ¦ ¦ , according to the report for the year.¦ ¦ Coordinate of the defective location from the launch chamber: m.¦ ¦ Picket mark along the gas pipeline route: km.¦ ¦¦ ¦ 1.

  • How to draw up a defect report in 2018
  • Download the defective statement form
  • Sample of filling out a defect report for current repairs
  • Sample defect report for major repairs
  • Download the defect report form

The defective act for current restoration refers to the original accounting document. It is filled out by the institution whose balance sheet includes the objects being inspected. An act of a special commission is drawn up in accordance with generally accepted standards (SNiP, ROST and GOST).

This document is the basis for calculating the estimated cost of the object. In what cases is a defective repair report drawn up? It is issued only when faults are detected in the objects under study. These include buildings and structures, vehicles, as well as any type of equipment.


Acceptance of the facility upon completion of major repairs

from "__"__________2017


(Object name)

We, the undersigned members of the acceptance (expert) commission (hereinafter referred to as the commission), appointed in accordance with the order dated “__”_________ 2017 No. ___/2017, consisting of:

Chairman of the commission:

Deputy Chairman of the Commission:

carried out commission acceptance of the completed overhaul of sewerage networks (gravity sewerage): at military town No. 19, Sofrino-1

1. The general contractor performed the following types of work: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. The work was completed on time:

beginning of work: ______________________ , actual completion of work: __________________

3. The acceptance committee came to the conclusion that the obligations stipulated by Municipal Contract No. ______________________________ , The general contractor performed the work in full and with proper quality of work.

4. The work submitted for acceptance was carried out in accordance with the current edition of SNiP standards, the hidden work performed was documented in acts of the established form and corresponded to the declared volumes according to the estimate.

5. External external communications ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Identified deficiencies and defects in the prescribed work have been eliminated.

6. Estimated cost of major repairs according to the approved documentation: _______________________________________________________________________________.

7. Based on the inspection of the completed overhaul of the facility presented for acceptance and familiarization with the relevant documentation, the quality of work ___________________________________________ (complies / does not comply) with the conditions of the State contract.

Decision of the acceptance committee:

The completed overhaul _________________________________________________ presented for acceptance was completed in full and with proper quality.

Chairman of the acceptance committee:

(signature, full name)

Members of the acceptance committee:


(signature, full name)


(signature, full name)


(signature, full name)


(signature, full name)


(signature, full name)

The object was handed over from the General Contractor:


(signature, full name, mp.)

Appendix No. 5

to Contract No. F.2017.261961

from "___" ______ 2017

Form of the Certificate of Full Performance of the Contract

on full execution of the Contract

_________________ “____” __________ 20____

_____________________________________________________________ , hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by __________________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and ________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as (name of the organization) “General Contractor”, represented by ____________________, acting on (position, full name .) on the basis of _____________________________________ (Charter, Regulations, Power of Attorney), on the other hand, have drawn up this Act on the following:

1. In accordance with the municipal contract (hereinafter referred to as the Contract) No. ____ dated “___” __________ 20__ (hereinafter referred to as the Contract), the General Contractor fulfilled his obligations to perform the work, namely:


2. The actual quality of the work performed meets (does not meet) the requirements of the Contract:


3. The above works, according to the Contract, must be provided on “___” __________ 20__, and were actually provided on “___” __________ 20__.

4. Defects of the work performed were identified/not identified


5. Amount payable to the General Contractor in accordance with the terms of the Contract _________________________________________________.

6. In accordance with clause ______ of the Contract, the amount of penalties is _______________ (the procedure for calculating penalties is indicated)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

The total amount of penalties will be: ________________.

7. The total amount payable to the General Contractor, taking into account the withholding of penalties, is _______________________.

8. Results of work performed under the Contract:

Appendix No. 6

to Contract No. F.2017.261961

from "___" ______ 2017

Form of the Certificate of opening of the facility for repair and construction work


The purpose of this document is to confirm the actual condition of the facility to identify the scale of upcoming repairs and its feasibility. And based on the act, the following is subsequently drawn up:

  • Repair estimate
  • Report on the feasibility of repair work.
  • An order to carry out repairs or to write off an object.

Download the form of defects for current restoration. Sample of a defect report for major repairs. A report for major repairs is issued when any defects in structural or structural elements are detected at the objects being inspected. Most often, such restoration statements are compiled by construction companies, which have many objects, equipment and other types of equipment on their balance sheets.

Sample defect report for major repairs

For a more complete justification of the need for routine repairs or overhauls, the prepared document must display the following information:

  • The name of the street and address of the house where repairs are planned.
  • Stages of repair.
  • List of elements required for restoration.
  • List of all comments found during research, etc.

Download the form of the defective statement Form of the defective statement Download the completed sample of the defective statement Contents The report of defects is filled out by the institution on A4 sheets, with the obligatory content of the following data:

  1. The family list of members of the appointed commission.
  2. The name of the institution where the examination is performed.
  3. Name of the object under study with display of technical information, incl.

Facility inspection report for major repairs

An apartment building, in which the work on major repairs of the common property of the premises owners has been submitted for acceptance, has the following indicators: (the main indicators provided for by the project are indicated) 7. An apartment building, in which the work on major repairs of the common property of the premises owners has been submitted for acceptance, is characterized by the following data of architectural and construction solutions (brief technical characteristics of the layout , number of floors, basic materials of construction, engineering equipment before and after major repairs of the common property of premises owners): 8. All deficiencies and defects according to the work provided for in the design documentation have been eliminated.

9. Estimated cost of major repairs of the common property of premises owners according to the approved design documentation: total thousand rubles, including: repair and construction work thousand rubles. Works worth thousands were completed.

How to draw up a defect report for current repairs? sample filling

Major repairs of internal combustion engines of the Customer's vehicles are carried out at a service station (hereinafter referred to as the “Station”) at the address/addresses: . 2. RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE PARTIES 2.1. The Customer undertakes: 2.1.1. On your own and at your own expense, send the car/engine to the Contractor at the address specified in clause 1.3 of the Agreement; 2.1.2.

Inform the Contractor about the required volumes of Work (services); 2.1.3. Accept the results of the Work (services) performed by the Contractor; 2.1.4. Sign all provisions provided for in Art. 3 of this Agreement documents; 2.1.5.

On your own and at your own expense, pick up the car within 72 hours after the Contractor informs you by phone (fax) about the completion of the Work (services); 2.1.6. Make payment for the Work (service) in the manner, amount and within the time limits provided for in Art. 4 Agreements; 2.2. The customer has the right: 2.2.1.

contracts by type


Demand from the Contractor high-quality performance of Works (services); 2.2.2. Check the progress and quality of the Work (services) being performed without interfering with its activities and without violating safety regulations, otherwise the Contractor has the right to not allow the Customer to the place where services are provided. 2.3. The Contractor undertakes: 2.3.1. Accept vehicles/engines belonging to the Customer to perform Work (services) at the address specified in clause 1.3 of the Agreement; 2.3.2.

Inspect the vehicle/engine both before the Contractor begins the Work (services) and after completion of the Work (services) at the service station; 2.3.3. Promptly provide spare parts, operating fluids and lubricants necessary for repairs.
ACT N dated 200 of the inspection of the facility for major repairs at the address: Commission consisting of: Chairman-Deputy Head of the municipal administration (chief manager of funds) (full name of the head) Members: Representatives of the “Customer”: (name of organization) (position, full name, signature, seal) (position, full name, signature, seal) Representatives of the operating organization) (name of the operating organization) (position, full name, signature, seal ) (position, full name, signature, seal) inspected the facility (specify name) and noted the following: I. General information on the facility Year of construction Series Number of floors, total height, area, length, availability of equipment, etc.

Typically, a defect report for cosmetic or major repairs contains tables in its body in which all identified defects are entered. In appearance, this document is very similar to the estimate, only it does not contain prices and other cost indicators. The form of the defect report (a sample is at the bottom of the article), which is drawn up by the organization on paper, must contain the required data: a list of names of members of the expert commission; name of the organization being audited; the name of the object being inspected (if there is technical information, including an inventory number, then it must be indicated); a list of detected breakdowns and manufacturing defects is listed; recommendations are given regarding major or current repairs, etc.

d. For the document to gain legal force, it must be signed by all members of the expert commission.

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For violation by the Contractor of the deadlines for fulfilling obligations under the contract, the Contractor shall pay the Customer a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the cost of the Work (services) for each day of delay. The amount of the penalty is calculated from the date following the date of completion of the Work until the date of actual completion of the overdue amount of Work. The date of completion (non-fulfillment) of the overdue scope of Work is confirmed by a certificate of completion of work.
6.3. For violation of payment deadlines, the Customer pays the Contractor a penalty in the amount of 0.1% of the debt amount for each day of delay, starting from the 6th day of violation of payment deadlines. 6.4. The parties have the right to submit claims to each other for improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract. All claims directed to each other will be resolved by the Parties individually.
No notice or late notice deprives any of the parties of the right to be exempt from fulfilling obligations under this agreement. Get the full text 9. DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCEDURE 9.1. The parties are obliged to try to resolve a dispute arising from or in connection with this Agreement through negotiations. 9.2.

If it is impossible to resolve disputes through negotiations, the Parties shall resolve them through a claim procedure. Claims made under this Agreement are considered by the Parties within 30 days from the date of their receipt. In the absence of confirmation of receipt of the claim (notice of delivery), the claim is considered received on the 10th day from the date of its dispatch.

9.3. If the dispute is not resolved by the Parties within 30 days from the date of sending the claim, the interested Party has the right to contact Arbitration court Yaroslavl region 10.
The capital restoration act can be filled out either in a free form or in a unified form approved by the standards of the Russian Federation. Thus, by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation No. 7 dated January 21, 2003, standard form No. OS16 was approved, which is often used when inspecting objects. Only members of the commission appointed by the heads of the institutions on whose balance sheet the objects are located have the right to fill out this form.

Specialists have the right to begin examining the object only after familiarizing themselves with the order of the manager. The commission carefully examines emergency fixed assets. If faults are identified in structures or elements of the facility, the commission is obliged to display the identified comments in the statement.

At the end of the inspection, members of the commission are required to provide conclusions on the condition of the inspected object and a conclusion on the implementation of major repairs or ongoing restoration.