Stages of audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors. Practical features of the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors at AP Solovyovskoye LLC Practical audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors


O. V. MOSCHENKO, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology A. Yu. USANOV, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Management, Russian State University of Trade and Economics

The issues of organizing accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors at enterprises and organizations, providing reliable and timely information to managers when making management decisions, deserve special attention due to the fact that the constantly occurring circulation of economic assets causes the continuous renewal of diverse calculations. One of the most common types of settlements are settlements with suppliers and contractors for raw materials, materials, goods and other material assets. The reliability of information on settlements with suppliers and contractors is one of the objects of audit, both external and internal.

The main objectives of the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors are, firstly, to establish the correctness of accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors for inventory items, accepted work and services rendered, and secondly, the reliability of the indicators financial statements in terms of settlements with suppliers and contractors.

Audit stages. It is advisable to carry out an audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors in

two stages. At the first stage it is necessary to evaluate the system internal control settlements with suppliers and contractors. By inspecting and interviewing officials, auditors establish the division of functions of decision-making, carrying out operations and monitoring them, i.e., the circle of persons making the decision to conclude a contract (director or procurement department), performing the operation of concluding a supply contract (purchasing department), and those responsible and controlling the organization of accounting, control of recognition and write-off accounts payable(accountant for payments to suppliers and contractors, chief accountant).

Auditors also check the availability of a current document flow schedule for settlements with suppliers and contractors, the availability of computer processing of primary data, and the organization of archival affairs.

The second stage is associated with actual control over the formation of reliable information on settlements with suppliers and contractors of the economy.

Monitoring compliance with the provisions of regulations governing settlements between counterparties. Carrying out tests

procedures to confirm the reliability of information on settlements with suppliers and contractors at enterprises must be carried out in such a way as to ensure the completeness of the accounting of all obligations to them arising in accordance with regulatory and legal acts of the state, departmental levels and the enterprise, the timeliness of reflection of all settlement operations and the correctness of determining their assessment. To substantiate his conclusions, the auditor must be guided by the following regulations and legal acts:

Civil Code Russian Federation(parts one and two);

Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part two);

Federal Law of November 21, 1996 N° 129-FZ “On Accounting” (as amended on November 28, 2011);

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 5, 2011 No. 124n “On amendments to the forms financial statements organizations approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 2, 2010 No. 66n”;

Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 13, 1995 No. 49 “On approval of Methodological Recommendations for Inventory of Property and Financial Liabilities” (as amended on November 8, 2010);

Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated January 20, 2003 No. 1600-12/2 “On the application of Letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 1994 No. 142 “On the procedure for reflecting in accounting and reporting transactions with bills of exchange used in settlements by organizations for the supply of goods, work performed and services rendered.” services".

Checking the completeness of the reflection of obligations to suppliers and contractors. To check the completeness of the reflection of obligations to suppliers and contractors, you should compare the data of the primary receipt documents (act of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets (except buildings and structures) form No. OS-1, act of acceptance of work performed No. KS-2, delivery note with contracts for delivery, work performed, services provided with one or another supplier). Then you need to check the availability of invoices from suppliers for each specific transaction using the invoice log. After this, it is necessary to check the received data with the data warehouse accounting or with information from the accounting department about works and services accepted for accounting.

Confirmation of the completeness of information about obligations to suppliers and contractors,

reflected in the registers accounting and accounting reports, is carried out using a selective method in the context of operations for the receipt of goods and materials, work performed and services provided.

In organizations that are payers of value added tax (VAT), by reconciling incoming invoices with purchase ledger entries and payment orders for payment of incurred obligations, the correct application of VAT tax deductions is established. It is necessary to ensure that “input” VAT on uninvoiced supplies has not been accepted for reimbursement.

At the same time, the auditor checks the completeness of the presentation of “input” VAT for deduction on advances issued and the recovery from the amount of prepayment of VAT previously accepted for deduction in the same tax period (subclause 3 of clause 3 of Article 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Otherwise, the auditor must make adjustments to the books of purchases and sales, tax returns for VAT, accounting registers for accounts 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, 19 “Value added tax on acquired assets” and 68 “Settlements with the budget”, 76-2 “VAT on advances issued.”

The main violations encountered at this stage of the inspection:

Discrepancy between the prices in the received documents and the terms of the contract;

Lack of agreements on transactions, primary documents confirming the occurrence of accounts payable;

Reimbursement of “input” VAT on uninvoiced supplies;

Failure to restore from the amount of prepayment of VAT previously accepted for deduction the amounts of advances and prepayments in the same tax period transferred from 01.01.2009.

Verification of the grounds for recognition of obligations to suppliers and contractors. To achieve this control procedure, the auditor needs to establish the company's obligations to suppliers and contractors.

By viewing the contract, invoices, invoices, waybills, delivery notes, certificates of work performed or services rendered, various price approval protocols, as well as packages of documents attached to claims and statements of claim(claim calculations, commercial acts on established

discrepancies in quantity and quality when accepting goods and materials (and in quality - when accepting work performed, services provided - claim certificates on the authority of participants in quantitative and qualitative rejection, documents confirming expenses incurred, the cost of which is reimbursed at the expense of the supplier)), inspectors establish the presence and correct completion of all necessary details, as well as compliance of the content of contracts with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Particular attention should be paid to the compliance of the used forms of primary accounting documents with the unified forms of documents.

By comparing payment documents (payment orders, demand orders, acceptances, cash documents) and invoices, the validity of writing off accounts payable is established.

As practice shows, the main violations that may occur at this stage of the inspection are non-compliance of the terms of the contracts with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, incorrect filling out of invoices or the absence of necessary details in the documents, etc.

Assessing the obligations of agricultural organizations to suppliers and contractors. An important part of the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors is checking the correctness of the assessment of obligations to them. To achieve this goal, the auditor must, selectively for individual counterparties, compare the prices specified in the contract and the price agreement protocol with the prices specified in invoices and delivery notes for these operations, certificates of work performed or services rendered.

The auditor also needs to check the correctness of accounting for exchange rate differences (arising during settlements with non-resident counterparties) by comparing the data of contracts for the volume and prices of supplies with the data of bank statements and payment orders matched to them, invoices for the specified types of transactions, these accounting certificates for calculating exchange rates differences, accounting registers for account 91 “Other income and expenses”.

Inspectors also need to check the correctness of the formation of the amount of obligations in accordance with the terms of the representation agreements commodity credit on bills issued.

Using an inventory, a counter-inspection or a request from counterparties, auditors establish the actual amounts of obligations incurred to suppliers and contractors.

Auditors most often encounter accounting errors when calculating exchange rate differences, unlawful recognition of debt as bad, violation of accounting methodology in terms of incorrectly drawn up correspondence accounts, in the absence of statements of reconciliation of calculations.

Checking the delimitation of the reporting period of accounts payable to suppliers and contractors. Checking the delimitation of the reporting period of accounts payable to suppliers and contractors is carried out in order to control the timeliness of recognition and write-off of accounts payable in the period in which they occurred.

This check is carried out by comparing information about the period to which the accrual amounts reflected in documents such as a contract, invoice, accumulative statements, journal order No. 6, and purchase book (for tax accounting purposes) should relate.

It is also necessary to check the correctness of the revaluation of accounts payable as of the reporting date for transactions made with non-resident suppliers.

The main violations faced by auditors are untimely write-off of debts with an expired statute of limitations and failure to reassess liabilities.

Checking disclosure of information in financial statements. The final stage of the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors at enterprises is to check the disclosure of information in the financial statements, namely the correctness of the attribution of accounts payable amounts to the relevant reporting items. This stage can be divided into two sections:

1) checking the compliance of primary accounting data with the data of accounting registers. In this case, selectively on the same date:

Compare the data for one reporting period for individual counterparties contained in the invoice (bank statements and payment orders) with the data contained in journal order No. 6 (statement No. 6a) for account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”;

Compare the data for one reporting period contained in the journal-order No. 6 and the statement to it, the data of either the balance sheet or the general ledger for account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”; 2) checking the identity of data in accounting registers and financial reporting indicators. For example, to confirm the reliability of the balance sheet indicators, you should compare the balance on account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” in the general ledger with the indicators in the line “To suppliers and contractors” of the transcript of page 1520 “Accounts payable” of form No. 1 “Balance Sheet” of the reporting.

Typical mistakes:

1) lack of analytical accounting in the following context:

Suppliers on accepted and other payment documents, the payment deadline for which has not yet arrived;

Suppliers for payment documents not paid on time;

Suppliers for uninvoiced deliveries;

Suppliers for advances issued;

Suppliers for bills issued, the payment period of which has not yet arrived; suppliers for overdue bills;

Suppliers for the received commercial loan;

2) distortion of financial accounting statements due to incorrect application of accounting methodology.


1. Brovkina N. D. Control and audit: textbook. manual / ed. M. V. Melnik. M.: Economist, 2007. 253 p.

2. Internal audit / S. I. Zhminko, O. I. Shvy-reva, M. F. Safonova. Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2008. 316 p.

3. Melnik M.V., Panteleev A.S., Zvezdin A.L. Audit and control: textbook. manual / ed. prof. M. V. Melnik. 2nd ed. , erased M.: KNORUS, 2006. 520 p.

4. Prodanova N. A. Internal audit, control and audit. M.: Nalog-Info, 2006. 290 p.

The main purpose of checking the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors is to establish the correctness of accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors for inventory items, accepted work performed and services rendered.

During the internal audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors at TPK Zavolzhye LLC, we must check:

1) check the correctness of execution of primary documents for the acquisition of inventory and receipt of services in order to confirm the validity of the occurrence of accounts payable;

2) confirm the timeliness of repayment and the correct reflection of accounts payable in the accounting accounts;

3) evaluate the correctness of registration and recording of the claims made.

Sources of information are: Regulations on accounting policies; contracts for the supply of inventory items; service contracts; work contracts; invoices; supplier invoice log; journal of registration of powers of attorney for receipt of goods and materials; supplier invoices; acts of reconciliation of calculations; protocols on the offset of mutual claims; acts of inventory of payments; bills; copies of payment documents; Book of purchases; accounting registers for account 60; Main book; financial statements.

In order to outline areas of inspection and areas of in-depth control, the auditor needs to obtain a preliminary understanding of the state of settlements at the enterprise and examine existing risk factors. Therefore, he must establish the presence of the necessary regulatory framework at the enterprise, the list of primary documents used, the procedure for filling them out, the state of analytical accounting and the technology for processing primary documents for accounting settlement transactions. Tests make it possible to determine to what extent the control of settlement transactions meets modern requirements, and their accounting fulfills the tasks assigned to it. They allow the auditor to be more prepared to carry out the main audit procedures for this section of accounting, as well as to reasonably determine sample sizes and methods for selecting elements in the audited population.

When checking settlements with suppliers and contractors, such techniques are used to collect audit evidence as economic and legal examination of contracts for the supply of products, provision of services, performance of work, inventory of financial obligations, verification of documents received by an economic entity from third parties, techniques of actual and documentary control , analytical procedures, logical analysis, oral surveys of officials on individual issues this section of the audit program.

An audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors involves the study of product supply contracts and other business contracts for services provided to the enterprise and work performed. In addition to compliance with the form of the contract, the completeness and timeliness of the parties’ fulfillment of obligations is checked, regardless of the term of the contract. The auditor must establish: the existence of supply contracts for completed transactions, the correctness of their execution, the date of occurrence and the reason for the formation of overdue debt.

The auditor usually checks randomly settlement transactions with suppliers according to accounting registers for account 60 and settlement and payment documents. The sample includes suppliers whose settlement transactions are carried out systematically, or the amounts of settlements with which are significant. During the verification process, the date and nature of the transaction are clarified, the correctness of the application of prices, markups on received values, the completeness of their capitalization, and the validity of allocating “input” VAT.

When goods and materials are received for which settlement documents have not been received (uninvoiced deliveries), it is determined whether these received values ​​are listed as paid but in transit (accounts receivable). It is determined whether an inventory was carried out and calculations were reconciled, whether penalties were imposed on suppliers for violation of contractual obligations, the validity of the accrued or received penalties, and the correctness of the write-off of doubtful debts. If necessary, a control inventory of valuables and calculations can be carried out, as well as a counter-reconciliation of documents and accounting registers at the supplier's company being inspected.

It is necessary to check the correctness of the correspondence of accounts indicated in the accounting registers. Credit entries on account 60 are reconciled with debit entries on accounts 08, 10, 15, 19, 20, 41. Debit entries on account 60 are reconciled with credit entries on accounts 50, 51, 52, 55 (or accounts 62, 76 in barter transactions ). Synthetic accounting data is confirmed by analytical data. The final entries for turnover and account balance 60 are verified with the General Ledger data and balance.

Particular attention is paid to transactions using bills of exchange, which are often reflected in accounting with errors. The auditor should take into account that issued bills of exchange are reflected by the company in a separate subaccount of account 60, the VAT tax deduction is applied only after payment of the bill of exchange.

The completeness of capitalization of goods and materials received from suppliers, the validity of the use of tax deductions for VAT is controlled using techniques such as tracking, comparison, etc.

The validity of settlements with contractors for work performed must be confirmed, in addition to concluded contracts, by the presence of design and estimate documentation, acceptance certificates for work performed, and invoices. The reality of the accounts payable and receivable under account 60. The accuracy of the calculations made, the quality of projects and estimates, the absence of additions can be verified, including through control measurements of work performed (according to expert opinions).

The auditor checks claims settlements. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a claim is made to suppliers if the supplier’s invoice is paid and accepted before the receipt of goods and materials (provision of work, performance of services), and upon acceptance to the warehouse, a shortage of goods and materials was discovered against the invoiced quantity, or discrepancies were discovered in the accepted goods and materials (works, services) in terms of prices, quality , nomenclature against the values ​​stipulated in the contract. For unsatisfied claims, a claim must be brought against the supplier.

For debts with each supplier and contractor, it is necessary to determine compliance with the statute of limitations. If it is missed, accounts payable must be credited to account 91. Cases of writing off account 60 from the loan to the cost of amounts not related to the production activities of the enterprise must be checked.

It is also necessary to analyze the correctness of registration and recording of advances issued, reflected in account 60 - Advances issued. By examining primary documents and accounting registers, the auditor determines: the validity of issuing advances (including in foreign currency), the correctness of analytical and synthetic accounting.

There are typical mistakes when conducting an audit of payments to suppliers and contractors:

Lack of contracts with suppliers or their incorrect execution;

Destruction of original documents;

Inadequate accounting (unreliability of analytical accounting, formal inventory of calculations, etc.);

Incorrect execution and presentation of claims under contracts;

Reflection in accounting accounts of unrealistic receivables and payables;

Incorrect or unlawful reflection in the accounting accounts of VAT amounts allocated in suppliers' invoices;

Incorrect correspondence of accounting accounts;

Non-receipt of goods and materials received from suppliers;

Forging documents and drawing up fictitious obligations to ensure incorrect cash payments;

Inconsistency of data in supplier invoices with enterprise accounting data;

Counting errors when reflecting settlements with suppliers and contractors (when measuring quantity, weight, dimensions, etc.);

Registration of business transactions in documents of non-unified form;

Lack of necessary details that give the document legal force;

Lack of document flow schedule;

Errors when registering a document, late registration of a document in the accounting register;

Violation of the storage period for documentation in the archive;

Destruction of primary documents without an act on the allocation of documents for destruction;

Covering the debt of one counterparty with advances issued to another counterparty;

Untimely write-off of debt with an expired statute of limitations;

Unreasonable reflection tax deduction for VAT (for uninvoiced supplies, for supplies secured by the organization’s own bills of exchange, etc.);

Lack of adjustments for inventories (works, services) written off as expenses, previously reflected as uninvoiced supplies, documents for which were received and have inconsistencies with those previously reflected in accounting;

Counting errors when calculating exchange rate differences;

Reflection of amount differences in the accounts of other income and expenses, and not in the accounts of inventories and costs;

Write-off of bad debt to the account of other income and expenses in the presence of a previously formed reserve for this debt;

Wrongful recognition of debt as bad and its write-off at the expense of the reserve for doubtful debts or at the expense of non-operating expenses;

Lack of analytical accounting for suppliers for settlement documents not paid on time, for uninvoiced deliveries, for advances issued, etc.;

Late submission of claims to suppliers, etc.

When conducting an internal audit at TPK Zavolzhye LLC, we checked the following sources of accounting information:

Agreements with suppliers and contractors for the supply of inventory items and contracts for the provision of services;

Work contracts;

Logs of registration of invoices of suppliers;

Registers of registration of powers of attorney for receipt of inventory items;

Turnover on account 60 “settlements with suppliers and contractors”;


Agreements for the supply of goods, provision of services, performance of work;

Invoices, acts, certificates, letters;

Balance sheet for account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”, etc.

A program for auditing payments by suppliers and contractors was also drawn up (see Table 7).

Table 7. - Program for checking settlements with suppliers and buyers at TPK Zavolzhye LLC for 2006.

Information sources

Verification techniques

Availability and correctness of execution of agreements for the purchase of goods and materials

Agreements, letters, invoices and receipt orders

Tracking, confirmation

Checking the timeliness of claims made regarding the quality and quantity of goods

Acts on discrepancies in the quantity and quality of received goods and materials

Tracking, confirmation

Checking the correctness of VAT withdrawals by suppliers

Invoices, VAT instructions


Compliance with entering supplier invoice data into accounting registers


Checking the reality of receivables and payables


accounting, responses to requests from suppliers

Scanning and


Analytical data on account 60


Checking the completeness of the capitalization of material assets by financially responsible persons

Invoices, receipts, invoices, warehouse accounting data

Scanning, tracking

Availability and correctness of execution of contracts for the sale of goods and materials

Agreements, letters, invoices and expense vouchers

Tracking, confirmation

Compliance with entering customer account data into accounting registers

Invoices, accounting registers


Checking the reality of receivables

Accounting registers accounting, responses to requests from suppliers

Scanning and confirmation

Checking the reality of writing off accounts receivable due to doubtful debts

Analytical data on account 62


Checking the correctness of writing off material assets from financially responsible persons

Invoices, expense reports, invoices, warehouse accounting data

Spot check, comparison

Checking the correctness of compiled invoice correspondence

Accounting registers, accounts, payment orders

Scanning, tracking

According to the study, a number of shortcomings were identified in the accounting work of the studied enterprise LLC TPK "Zavolzhye" in the preparation of primary documents (see Table 8).

Table 8. - Comments on the preparation of primary documents in TPK Zavolzhye LLC for 2006.

Thus, the main violations in the preparation and registration of primary documents are the lack of signatures of the head of the enterprise and the chief accountant, corrections made in the wrong way, the lack of details of the supplier or recipient, and the lack of decoding of signatures.

The main purpose of the audit is to establish the compliance of completed transactions for settlements with suppliers and contractors with current legislation and the reliability of the reflection of these transactions in the financial statements

According to the main goal, the auditor first of all needs to check the existence of contracts with suppliers and contractors, the correctness of their execution and compliance of the content of the contracts with the economic meaning of the transactions. All transactions with suppliers and contractors can be divided into two groups depending on the subject and essence of the contracts concluded.

The first group is settlements with suppliers and contractors under agreements for the purchase of any goods and property rights. The main forms of contracts concluded in this group are contracts: deliveries; contract of sale; energy saving; exchanges.

The second group is settlements with contractors. The subject of the agreement of this group is the performance of certain work and delivery of its result to the customer. The main forms of contracts in this group are contracts: paid services, contract.

This division into groups exists due to the specificity of different approaches to auditing contracts within each group. The main difference lies in the techniques used to collect audit evidence and the order in which the audit sample is constructed.

During the audit of the area of ​​settlements with suppliers and contractors, the following are subject to mandatory verification: receipt of inventory items (work performed, services rendered); including uninvoiced supplies and supplies secured by bills of exchange; claims made to suppliers and contractors; written off uncollectible debts; advances issued and commercial loans received. Particular attention should be paid to overdue debts with an expired statute of limitations. The auditor is obliged to find out the reasons for the occurrence of such debt and clarify what measures were taken to collect it. For accounts receivable, it is necessary to establish the date and reason for its occurrence.

The study of the primary accounting system for this section of accounting can be built according to a scheme that includes three stages. At the first stage, the degree of impact on the organization of primary accounting of various internal ( organizational structure, management philosophy and work style of managers, methods of distribution of powers and responsibilities, information and personnel support, technical equipment) and external (legal requirements, affiliation of the organization, industry specifics, production size, location, resources used) factors. At the second stage, the values ​​of on-farm and control risks of the primary accounting system in a given area are assessed by conducting tests. Having answered the questions posed in the tests, the auditor formulates his conclusions. At the third stage, the volume of primary accounting documentation submitted for verification for this section of accounting is specified.

The conducted research allows us to draw up a plan and program for the audit.

When checking settlements with suppliers and contractors, such techniques are used to collect audit evidence as economic and legal examination of contracts for the supply of products, provision of services, performance of work, inventory of financial obligations, verification of documents received by an economic entity from third parties, techniques of factual and documentary control, analytical procedures, logical analysis, oral surveys of officials on certain issues of this section of the audit program.

An audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors involves the study of product supply contracts and other business contracts for services provided to the enterprise and work performed. In addition to compliance with the form of the contract, the completeness and timeliness of the parties’ fulfillment of obligations is checked, regardless of the term of the contract. The auditor must establish: the existence of supply contracts for completed transactions, the correctness of their execution, the date of occurrence and the reason for the formation of overdue debt.

The auditor, as a rule, selectively checks settlement transactions with suppliers according to the accounting registers for account 60 and settlement and payment documents. The sample includes suppliers whose settlement transactions are carried out systematically, or the amounts of settlements with which are significant. During the verification process, the date and nature of the transaction are clarified, the correctness of the application of prices, markups on received values, the completeness of their capitalization, and the validity of allocating “input” VAT.

When goods and materials are received for which settlement documents have not been received (uninvoiced deliveries), it is determined whether these received values ​​are listed as paid but in transit (accounts receivable). It is determined whether an inventory was carried out and calculations were reconciled, whether penalties were imposed on suppliers for violation of contractual obligations, the validity of the accrued or received penalties, and the correctness of the write-off of doubtful debts. If necessary, a control inventory of valuables and calculations can be carried out, as well as a counter-reconciliation of documents and accounting registers at the supplier's company being inspected.

Particular attention is paid to transactions using bills of exchange, which are often reflected in accounting with errors. The auditor should take into account that issued bills of exchange are reflected by the company in a separate subaccount of account 60, the VAT tax deduction is applied only after payment of the bill of exchange.

The completeness of capitalization of goods and materials received from suppliers, the validity of the use of tax deductions for VAT is controlled using techniques such as tracking, comparison, etc.

The validity of settlements with contractors for work performed must be confirmed, in addition to concluded contracts, by the presence of design and estimate documentation, acceptance certificates for work performed, and invoices. The reality of listed accounts payable and receivable. The accuracy of the calculations made, the quality of projects and estimates, and the absence of additions can be verified, including through control measurements of the work performed (according to expert opinions).

The auditor checks claims settlements. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a claim is made to suppliers if the supplier's invoice is paid and accepted before the receipt of goods and materials (provision of work, performance of services), and upon acceptance to the warehouse, a shortage of goods and materials was discovered against the invoiced quantity, or discrepancies were discovered in the accepted goods and materials (works, services) in terms of prices, quality, nomenclature against the values ​​stipulated in the contract. For unsatisfied claims, a claim must be brought against the supplier.

When reviewing these transactions, the auditor must ensure that a claim was actually made. The claim must have been submitted in a timely manner, otherwise the court may refuse to satisfy the claim. The package of documents attached to the claim and statements of claim must be evidentiary, in particular, it must contain at least a claim settlement, a commercial act on the established discrepancy in quantity and quality when accepting goods and materials (as when accepting work performed, services rendered) , a claim certificate confirming the authority of participants in quantitative and qualitative culling, documents confirming expenses incurred, the cost of which is reimbursed by the supplier.

For debts with each supplier and contractor, it is necessary to determine compliance with the statute of limitations. If it is missed, accounts payable must be credited to account 91. Cases of writing off account 60 from the loan to the cost of amounts not related to the production activities of the enterprise must be checked.

It is also necessary to analyze the correctness of registration and recording of advances issued, reflected in account 60/Advances issued. By examining primary documents and accounting registers, the auditor determines: the validity of issuing advances (including in foreign currency), the correctness of analytical and synthetic accounting.

When auditing payments to suppliers and contractors, the auditor must be aware of possible errors and violations inherent in this section of accounting. The most typical of them are grouped as follows:

  • - lack of contracts with suppliers or their incorrect execution;
  • - destruction of original documents;
  • - improper accounting (unreliability of analytical accounting, formal inventory of calculations, etc.);
  • - incorrect execution and presentation of claims under contracts;
  • - reflection in the accounting accounts of unreal receivables and payables;
  • - data in suppliers’ invoices does not correspond to enterprise accounting data;
  • - incorrect or unlawful reflection in the accounts of the VAT amounts allocated in the invoices by the supplier;
  • - incorrect correspondence of accounting accounts;
  • - non-receipt of goods and materials received from suppliers;
  • - falsification of documents and drawing up fictitious obligations to ensure incorrect cash payments;
  • - discrepancy between data in supplier invoices and enterprise accounting data;
  • - counting errors when reflecting settlements with suppliers and contractors (when changing quantities, weight, dimensions, etc.);
  • - registration of business transactions in documents of a non-standard form;
  • - lack of necessary details that give the document legal force;
  • - lack of a document flow schedule;
  • - errors when registering a document, outdated registration of a document in the accounting register;
  • - violation of the storage period for documentation in the archive;
  • - destruction of primary documents without an act on the allocation of documents for destruction;
  • - covering the debt of one counterparty with advances issued to another counterparty;
  • - untimely write-off of debt with an expired statute of limitations;
  • - unreasonable reflection of the tax deduction for VAT (for uninvoiced supplies, for supplies secured by the organization’s own bills, etc.);
  • - absence of adjustments for inventories (works, services) written off as expenses, previously reflected as uninvoiced supplies, documents for which were received and have inconsistencies with those previously reflected in accounting;
  • - calculation errors when calculating exchange rate differences;
  • - reflection of amount differences in the accounts of other income and settlements, and not in the accounts of inventories and costs;
  • - writing off bad debt to the account of other income and expenses in the presence of a previously formed reserve for this debt;
  • - unlawful recognition of a debt as bad and its write-off at the expense of the reserve for doubtful debts or at the expense of other expenses;
  • - lack of analytical accounting for suppliers for settlement documents not paid on time, for uninvoiced deliveries, for advances issued, etc.;
  • - failure to submit claims in a timely manner by suppliers, etc.

In order to outline the direction of the audit and areas of in-depth control, the auditor needs to obtain a preliminary understanding of the state of settlements at the enterprise and examine existing risk factors. Therefore, he must establish the presence of the necessary regulatory framework at the enterprise, the list of primary documents used, the procedure for their implementation, the state of analytical accounting and the technology for processing primary documents for accounting settlement transactions. Tests make it possible to determine to what extent the control of settlement transactions meets modern requirements, and their accounting fulfills the tasks assigned to it. They allow the auditor to be more prepared to carry out the main audit procedures for this section of accounting, as well as to reasonably determine sample sizes and methods for selecting elements in the population being audited.

If among the enterprise’s counterparties there are non-resident suppliers who make deliveries for foreign currency, it is necessary to find out how exchange rate differences were recorded and to clarify whether the balances of account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” were recalculated as of the reporting date. If there are resident suppliers, supply contracts from which are expressed in foreign currency (or in conventional units), it is necessary to determine how the accounting reflected exchange rate differences that arose before the date of acceptance of inventory items (work performed, services rendered) for accounting before and after this date.

The purpose of the settlement audit is forming an opinion on the reliability of financial reporting data, on the composition of accounts receivable and payable, as well as assessing the compliance of the reflection of calculations made during the reporting period with the requirements of regulatory acts on accounting.

When checking settlements with suppliers, buyers, various debtors and creditors, the following tasks must be solved:

The presence and correctness of execution of documents for the supply of inventory items (contracts, statements of reconciliation of calculations, etc.) have been established;

The correctness of the implementation and accounting of payments for received and supplied material assets and services paid in cash, using bills of exchange, by offsetting mutual claims, etc. was clarified;

The correctness of the assessment of received and shipped goods (works, services) in barter transactions was determined;

The completeness and timeliness of the receipt of goods received and the accounting of work performed were confirmed;

The correctness of registration and reflection in the accounting of received and issued advances and claims made has been established;

The correctness of the reflection of the amounts of receivables and payables under the relevant balance sheet items was clarified;

The causes and duration of the formation of settlement debt have been established, the reality and ways of repaying receivables have been determined.

Sources of information to verify these calculations, there are contracts for the supply of products (works, services), acts of reconciliation of settlements, protocols on the offset of mutual claims, acts of inventory of settlements, bills of exchange, copies of payment documents, a purchase book, a sales book, accounting registers (statements, order journals, machine diagrams ) for accounts 60, 62, 58, 76, 79, 99, etc., General Ledger, final (annual) reporting, etc.


First of all, it involves the study of contracts for the supply of products and other business contracts for services provided to the enterprise and work performed. These contracts must meet the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition to compliance with the form of the contract, the most important requirements when carrying out transactions for the supply of goods (works, services) also include the completeness and timeliness of the parties’ fulfillment of obligations. Transactions carried out by the parties intentionally without complying with the form established by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are considered void (invalid).

Thus, the auditor must establish the existence of supply contracts for completed transactions, the correctness of their execution, the date of occurrence and the reason for the formation of the debt, as well as the repayment period of the debt or the reason for its omission.

Next, the auditor directly checks settlement transactions with each supplier (or selectively) according to the accounting registers (order journals, statements, machine diagrams) under account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” and settlement and payment documents. The date and nature of the transactions, the correctness of the application of prices, markups on received values, the completeness of their capitalization, the validity of allocating “input” VAT are clarified.

When inventory items are received for which settlement documents have not been received (uninvoiced deliveries), it is determined whether these incoming items are listed as paid but in transit (accounts receivable). It is also established whether an inventory was carried out and calculations were reconciled, whether penalties were imposed on suppliers for violation of contractual obligations, whether the amounts of penalties accrued or received were justified, and whether the writing off of doubtful debts was correct. If necessary, a control inventory of values ​​and settlements can be carried out, and a request can be sent to the counterparty to confirm the amount of debt.

It is necessary to check the correctness of the correspondence of accounts indicated in the accounting registers. Credit entries on account 60 are reconciled with debit entries on accounts 08, 10, 15, 16, 19, 20, 41, etc. Debit entries on account 60 are reconciled with credit entries on accounts 50, 51, 52, 55 (or 62, 76 in barter transactions). Synthetic accounting data is confirmed by analytical ones. The final entries for turnover and account balance 60 are verified with the General Ledger data and balance.

The auditor's special attention is required for transactions using bills of exchange, which are often reflected in accounting with errors. The auditor should take into account that the company's own bills of exchange issued to suppliers are reflected in a separate subaccount of account 60, the interest on the bill is applied to the cost of purchased inventory, VAT is subject to reimbursement from the budget only after payment of the bill. The correctness of the accounting for “input” VAT and the validity of its attribution for reimbursement from the budget are checked selectively. VAT must be highlighted in all settlement and payment documents (invoices, invoices, payment orders, statements of reconciliation of payments, etc.), its reimbursement is made only on paid and capitalized assets (used for production purposes).

The completeness of the capitalization of inventory items received from suppliers and the validity of VAT reimbursement on them are controlled using a technique such as tracking. Identified deviations are recorded in the auditor's working documents.

The validity of settlements with contractors for work performed must be confirmed, in addition to concluded contracts, by the presence of design and estimate documentation, acceptance certificates for work performed, and invoices. The reality of the accounts payable or receivable under account 60, the accuracy of the calculations made, the quality of projects and estimates, the absence of additions can be verified, including through control measurements of the work performed (according to the expert’s conclusion).

For debts with each supplier and contractor, it is necessary to determine compliance with the statute of limitations (the general statute of limitations for business contracts is three years). If it is missed, the debt must be credited to account 91 “Other income and expenses”. Cases of writing off account 60 from the credit to the cost of amounts not related to the production activities of the enterprise must be checked.

It is also necessary to analyze the correctness of registration and recording of advances issued and received. For these calculations, accounts 60 subaccount “Calculations for advances issued” and 62 subaccount “Calculations for advances received” are used. The auditor, by examining primary documents and accounting registers, determines the validity of the issuance and receipt of advances (including in foreign currency), the correctness of analytical accounting for accounts 60 and 62, the correspondence of analytical and synthetic accounting data; timely and accurate allocation of VAT on the amounts of advances received.

An enterprise may have claims against suppliers and contractors due to the following circumstances:

Failure to comply with prices and tariffs stipulated in contracts;

Detection of arithmetic errors in settlement documents;

Inconsistency of the quality of the delivered values ​​with the standards or technical specifications and etc.

Claims can be made against transport organizations for shortages of cargo en route, against a bank for amounts erroneously credited or debited from the company’s accounts, etc. Claims are often also made against the enterprise itself on various grounds.

Accounting for such settlements is kept on account 76 of the sub-account “Calculations for claims”. When analyzing them, the auditor needs to pay attention to the timeliness and correctness of the execution of claim documents, the validity of claims against the audited enterprise, the correct correspondence of accounts, the correctness of maintaining analytical records in the context of each claim made and received.

The auditor should be aware that claims are being made in writing indicating the applicant's requirement; the amount of the claim and its calculation; the facts on which the claims are based; evidence supporting the requirements with reference to relevant regulations; a list of attached documents and other information is provided. The claim is sent by registered or certified mail by fax or handed over against receipt and is considered within 30 days, unless a different period is established by the contract. The response to the claim is given in writing. If a claim is completely or partially rejected or a response is not received within the time limit, the applicant has the right to file a claim in the arbitration court.

By studying primary documents and accounting registers for account 76, the auditor will have to find out whether, under the guise of settlements on claims, the amounts of shortages and losses of inventory items that were not reimbursed to the enterprise in in the prescribed manner and for which there are no documents giving the right to write-off, as well as facts of theft of valuables by officials. In addition, it should be established whether internal investigations were carried out in order to identify those responsible for the claims against the enterprise, and whether the damage caused was recovered from them (Table 9.1).

Table 9.1

Accounts payable audit program


This audit is carried out similarly to checking settlements with suppliers and contractors. First of all, the existence and correctness of execution of contracts for the supply of products and letters of guarantee from buyers are clarified. Further, according to the data of primary settlement and payment documents, acts of inventory of payments and accounting registers for account 62 “Settlements with buyers and customers”, the reliability, legality and reality of the debt for sold (shipped) products (works, services) are established.

When checking settlements using various forms of non-cash payments, the presence of all supporting documents is determined, and, if necessary, counter reconciliations are carried out at the bank or with the buyer. Particular attention is paid to the correct reflection in accounting and taxation of transactions using bills of exchange. The auditor should take into account that the amount of bill interest on bills received is attributed to account 91 “Other income and expenses”; the obligation to pay VAT to the budget arises upon receipt Money(goods or when offsetting a counterclaim) on a bill.

Through tracking and arithmetic control, the correctness of pricing when selling products (works, services), and the use of markups is established; There are no cases of settlements with customers at prices below cost in barter transactions, mutual offsets, and the use of bills of exchange. The correctness of maintaining analytical accounting for account 62 is also checked, which should provide the possibility of obtaining information about the real debt of buyers, including those secured by bills of exchange, the payment period for which has not come, or discounted (accounted for in the bank), funds for which also have not been received term. The existing facts of overdue receivables and the reasons for non-payments are also studied.

In conclusion, the correctness of the applied schemes of correspondence of accounts for settlements with buyers and customers, the correspondence of analytical and synthetic accounting data is clarified. Identified deviations are recorded in the auditor’s working documents (Table 9.2).

Table 9.2

Audit program for settlements with customers


This audit includes analysis of the reliability and correctness of recording such transactions as receipt and payment for services of communication organizations, public utilities, heat and water supply, educational institutions, property rental, compensation for material damage, etc. These transactions are recorded on account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” in the corresponding subaccounts. The variety of settlement transactions reflected on this account often leads to accounting errors. In this regard, based on the data from primary documents and accounting registers for account 76, the auditor will have to establish the causes and prescription of accounts receivable and payable, the correctness of its documentation, and reality; establish whether the statute of limitations has been missed and what measures are being taken to repay and collect the debt. Depending on the volume of transactions and the results of preliminary testing of the internal control system of calculations, both continuous and selective control methods can be used. In the latter case, samples are formed separately for debtors and creditors, which include the corresponding transactions for the month from each quarter of the audited period.

It is mandatory to check the correctness of the preparation of correspondence accounts for each type of settlement, identify the organization of analytical accounting for them, and establish the validity of the accrual (or refund) of VAT on these transactions. If necessary, a reconciliation of individual, questionable in the auditor's opinion, transactions for settlements with debtor organizations is carried out. The correctness of the reflection of receivables and payables in the balance sheet is also established; such debt should be reflected in detail. Identified errors and deviations are recorded in working documents (Table 9.3).

Table 9.3

Audit program for settlements with various debtors and creditors


In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, joint activities without forming a legal entity are carried out on the basis of an agreement between its participants. Under a joint activity agreement, the parties undertake, by combining property and efforts, to act jointly to achieve a common economic or other goal that does not contradict current legislation. The property united by the participants for joint activities is accounted for on a separate balance sheet of the participant who, in accordance with the agreement, is entrusted with the conduct of common affairs. Data from a separate balance sheet are not included in the balance sheet of a participating enterprise conducting general business.

The distribution of profits, losses and other results of joint activities between the participants is carried out in the manner prescribed by the agreement. Each participant includes its share of profit in operating income quarterly on the basis of a notification received from a participant conducting general business, regardless of the period of actual receipt of this profit. Losses from joint activities are covered by own funds enterprises.

Based on the essence and nature of joint activities, the verification process is organized. First of all, the existence and content of the joint activity agreement are checked. The purpose of the joint activity, its participants, who is entrusted with the management of common affairs, the procedure for combining property, performing work, distributing profits and property, etc. are clarified.

For each agreement, the correctness of the procedure for registration and accounting of transactions performed (availability of primary documents, indication of correspondence of accounts in accounting registers, reporting), the correctness of calculation and payment of taxes to the budget is established. The auditor should know that income tax (the part due) and property tax (transferred to the joint activity) are paid by each participant independently. Other taxes arising as part of the joint venture economic activity, is paid by the participant who keeps the accounting records. The cost of property transferred to a joint activity (and returned to the participants), as well as part of the profit going to a specific participant, is not subject to VAT.

During the audit, it is also necessary to establish the correctness of accounting for the difference between the contractual and book value of the property transferred to the joint activity. The contribution to joint activities is taken into account by the participating enterprise as long-term or short-term financial investments (Table 9.4).

Table 9.4

Program for auditing settlements for joint activities

Typical mistakes identified when checking calculations for joint activities:

Absence of a simple partnership agreement or its preparation in violation of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

Absence of actual joint activity, separate balance sheet under a simple partnership agreement;

Inadequate accounting (incorrect correspondence of accounts, lack of analytical accounting, etc.);

Property united under a simple partnership agreement is not taken into account by the participants when calculating property tax;

Profit received by the participant is included in taxable profit upon receipt of funds, losses are included in expenses from non-operating transactions.


When studying contracts (agreements) concluded by an enterprise with foreign partners for export-import operations, the auditor pays attention to the presence of certain currency conditions in them: the currency of the price and the method of determining the price; payment currency; establishing a conversion rate when the currency of price and the currency of payment do not match; various protective clauses preventing losses due to changes in exchange rates. Financial terms of settlements must contain indications of the types and conditions of settlements (cash, credit or a mixed method); forms of payment (documentary letter of credit, documentary collection, bank transfer, payment order); protective measures to ensure reliability and timeliness of payments; means of payment used.

When carrying out foreign economic activity, enterprises are required to sell on the domestic foreign exchange market within 7 days a certain share of the currency received in their transit foreign currency accounts in banks. Therefore, during the inspection, it is established that exporters comply with the procedure for the mandatory sale of part of foreign exchange earnings on the domestic foreign exchange market in terms of the amount and timing of the sale. The costs of transportation, insurance and freight forwarding across the territory of foreign countries, the costs of paying export duties and customs procedures, as well as commissions in favor of intermediary organizations under export contracts are paid before the mandatory sale of part of the foreign exchange earnings and, thus, reduce the calculation base.

The enterprise's use of its own foreign currency earnings is also studied (by comparing the listed currency with the cost of imported goods); safety of cash foreign currency and material assets purchased for foreign currency; compliance with the deadlines for the foreign partner to fulfill obligations under contracts for which advance payments were made abroad in foreign currency (current foreign exchange transactions are carried out for a period of up to 180 days; transfer of funds abroad for a longer period is regarded as an investment that can only be carried out with permission Central Bank RF).

When checking purchases of imported goods and barter transactions, the following requirements are observed:

When purchasing goods for import (including through barter), the purchase price of incoming inventory items is calculated based on their value under the contract (agreement) on the date of receipt at the enterprise, as well as customs, transport and other costs for the purchase of goods and their transportation ;

When making barter transactions, accounting for sales and determining financial results are made on the date specified in the cargo customs declaration for import, and at the cost stipulated in the contract (agreement). By checking compliance with current tax legislation, the auditor monitors the completeness, correctness and timeliness of exporters’ calculations for payments to the budget, their tax calculations and declarations, the correctness of determining the taxable base for customs duties, income tax and other taxes.

When carrying out this check, it is established:

Correct payment of VAT on commission amounts received under contracts for services provided in export and import transactions (if received in foreign currency, the tax is also paid in foreign currency);

Ensuring accounting and taxation of profits from intermediary operations and transactions (acting as a commission agent or attorney in a commission or agency agreement);

The correctness of the taxation of personal income of employees received when they purchased goods paid for by enterprises using their own currency, at prices lower than the purchase price, defined as the cost of these goods in foreign currency, converted into rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation at the time of sale of these goods;

Correctness of settlements with accountable persons for travel expenses in foreign currency.

Thus, when checking settlements with accountable persons on business trips abroad, the auditor should know that daily allowances for the duration of a business trip are paid when traveling through the territory of the Russian Federation in rubles according to the norms; when traveling and during your stay abroad - in foreign currency according to the standards approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for employees traveling abroad from the Russian Federation during a business trip. From the day of crossing the border, when leaving, daily allowances are accrued according to the norm for the territory of a foreign state, and when returning back, starting from the day of crossing the border - according to the norm for the territory of the Russian Federation. The auditor should establish the correctness of the accounting of calculations; the correctness of reimbursement to the employee of expenses, including in cases where the employee was provided with food and housing in the host country at the expense of a foreign company; correct calculation and accounting of exchange rate differences. The return of unused amounts received by the accountable person in foreign currency can be either in foreign currency or in rubles at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of return.

In conclusion, the correctness of the reflection of currency transactions in the accounting registers is established. To do this, using methods of tracking and comparing entries in accounting registers for account 52 “Currency Account” with data from accounting registers for material asset accounts (08, 10, 19, 41, etc.), expenses (20, 44, etc.) , calculations (60, 62, 76, etc.), profits and losses (91, 84, etc.), the contents of the correspondence accounts made and their compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents are clarified. The auditor records detected errors in working documents.

Typical errors identified by the auditor when checking the accounting of foreign exchange transactions:

Incomplete crediting of foreign currency earnings from export transactions to bank accounts;

Incorrect conversion of foreign currency exchange rates into rubles for foreign exchange transactions;

The texts of payment documents that served as the basis for payment from a foreign currency account have not been translated into Russian;

Violation of deadlines for fulfilling obligations under contracts, for the fulfillment of which the enterprise made advance payments abroad in foreign currency;

Incorrect correspondence of accounts for accounting of currency transactions.


1. Objectives of the audit of settlement transactions.

2. Objects of audit of settlement transactions.

3. Testing of internal control of calculations.

4. Assessment and factors of intra-economic risk in the audit of settlement transactions.

5. Features of sampling during the audit of settlement transactions.

6. Sources of information when auditing settlement transactions.

7. Audit procedures for auditing settlement transactions.

8. Features of the audit of settlements with customers.

9. Features of the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors.

10. Testing of receivables and payables.

11. Features of the audit of settlements when carrying out export-import operations.

12. Audit of settlements under a simple partnership agreement.


1. Requirements for the form and content of concluded commercial organizations contracts established:

a) Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

b) Trade Code of the Russian Federation;

c) Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

2. The term “uninvoiced deliveries” means deliveries for which:

a) an invoice has not been received from the supplier;

b) payment documents have not been received;

c) an invoice has not been issued to the buyer.

3. The organization acquired inventory and, as a guarantee of payment, issued a bill of exchange to the supplier with a nominal value of the delivery amount with a payment of 10% per annum. The amount of debt on this bill is reflected in the credit of the account:

4. To check the completeness of the capitalization of inventory items received from suppliers, the auditor applies the following procedure:

b) scanning;

c) tracking.

5. The buyer’s receivables are written off after the expiration of the limitation period, which is:

a) 45 days;

6. If the organization makes a claim to the counterparty, this amount will be reflected in the debit of the account:

7. A participant in a joint activity reflects the share of profit due to him as part of:

a) revenue;

b) income from participation in other enterprises;

c) operating income;

d) non-operating income.

8. An employee of the company was sent to the UK. According to the air ticket data, he returned from a business trip to Moscow on September 3 at 22.10. The daily allowance for September 3 should be accrued to him according to the norm for the territory:

a) Great Britain;

b) Russia;

9. An employee was given $100 when sent on a business trip. Upon returning from a business trip, he prepared an advance report for $80. The remaining balance of the accountable amount:

a) must be returned only in US dollars;

b) can be returned either in US dollars or rubles;

c) must be returned only in rubles.

10. In the accounting records of an organization, one counterparty simultaneously includes both receivables and payables. When preparing financial statements in balance sheet such debt should be reflected:

a) folded;

b) collapsed, but with full information in the explanatory note;





The Federal Law “On Accounting” provides for obligations as part of the accounting objects as an integral part of the organization’s statutory activities.

Any organization carrying out activities cannot function unilaterally. Suppliers and contractors constitute one of the parties to the interaction.

Suppliers and contractors are organizations that supply various inventory items (finished products, goods, raw materials), provide services (intermediary, rental, utilities) and perform various works (construction, repair, modernization, etc.). For the normal functioning of the enterprise, electricity, communications, and heating are required. For organizations that do not have their own premises, premises (rent) are also required. All this is provided to us by suppliers.

An organization that does not carry out repair work on its own resorts to help contractors(contractors).

The purpose of the course work is to evaluate the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors, and to develop recommendations for improving this area.

The objectives of the course work are:

correctly use legislative and regulatory frameworks;

study the methodology for auditing settlements with other debtors and creditors, apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

identify violations in the organization of accounting for settlements with other debtors and creditors, establish the reasons that led to them;

make proposals to eliminate violations discovered during the inspection;

audit calculation supplier and contractor

analyze the information obtained during the development of the topic of the course work and format it in accordance with the presented requirements.

The object of the study is the limited liability company "Tulapromtara". The subject of the study is the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors. Audit period from 12/01/2013 to 12/31/2013

Currently, much attention is paid to the receipt of goods and payments to suppliers. This is due to the fact that the constantly occurring circulation of financial and economic funds causes the continuous resumption of various calculations. One of the most common types of payments is payments to suppliers for goods and other material assets.

Chapter 1. Regulatory regulation and methodology for auditing settlements with suppliers and contractors

1.1 Regulatory regulation of the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors

In Russia, legal regulation is represented by four levels.

The main documents regulating settlements with suppliers and contractors include:

First level:

1.Civil Code of the Russian Federation

2.Tax Code of the Russian Federation

.Federal Law "On Accounting" 06.12.2011 N 402-FZ (as amended on 28.12.2013)

Second level

.Regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation (Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 N 34n (as amended on December 24, 2010)

5.Accounting Regulations (PBU)

6. Regulations on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation" (approved Bank of Russia 03.10.2002 N 2-P) (as amended on 19.06.2012

Third level

.Articles of association

10.Accounting policy of the organization.

One of the main regulatory documents regulating the accounting of settlements in the Russian Federation is the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which all settlements for the supply of raw materials, materials and other inventory items, for services (supply of electricity, steam, water, gas) performed works (major and current repairs) are carried out under a contract. This document lays down the foundations of the law of obligations: the concept of obligation, the grounds for its occurrence, the definition and grounds for concluding, amending and terminating contracts.

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, by virtue of an obligation, one person (debtor) is obliged to perform a certain action in favor of another person (creditor), such as: transfer property, perform work, pay money, etc., or refrain from a certain action, and the creditor has the right to demand from the debtor the fulfillment of his obligation. Obligations must be fulfilled properly in accordance with the terms of the obligation and the requirements of the law, other legal acts, and in the absence of such conditions and requirements - in accordance with business customs<#"justify">The regulation clarifies the procedure for writing off receivables for which the statute of limitations has expired, according to which an inventory and written justification are mandatory.

According to the Methodological Instructions for Inventory of Property and Financial Liabilities, confirmation of these transactions by primary documents (invoices, payment orders, etc.) is required.

The regulation on non-cash payments in the Russian Federation regulates all payments in non-cash form. This Regulation stipulates that all settlement relationships between legal entities must be carried out (with rare exceptions) in non-cash form through banking institutions.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Accounting”, all business transactions carried out by an organization must be documented. These documents serve as primary accounting documents on the basis of which accounting is carried out and subsequently audits are carried out.

When monitoring and auditing settlements with suppliers and contractors, the following main regulatory documents are used:

Civil, Tax Code and Federal Law "On Accounting" No. 402-FZ of November 6, 2011

1.2 Methodology for conducting an audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors

The main purpose of the audit is to establish the compliance of transactions performed on settlements with suppliers and contractors with current legislation and the reliability of the reflection of these transactions in the financial statements.

According to the main goal, the auditor first of all needs to check the existence of contracts with suppliers and contractors, the correctness of their execution and compliance of the content of the contracts with the economic meaning of the transactions. All transactions with suppliers and contractors can be divided into two groups depending on the subject and essence of the contracts concluded.

The first group is settlements with suppliers under agreements for the purchase of any goods and property rights. The main forms of agreements concluded in this group are supply and purchase agreements.

The second group is settlements with contractors. The subject of the agreement of this group is the performance of certain work and delivery of its result to the customer. The main forms of agreements in this group are agreements for the provision of paid services (for example: advertising, marketing research, consulting services, notary services, security services, fire services), contract agreements.

This division into groups exists due to the specificity of different approaches to auditing contracts within each group. The main difference lies in the techniques used to collect audit evidence and the order in which the audit sample is constructed.

At the working stage of auditing settlements with suppliers and contractors, the following is carried out:

· Obtaining audit evidence;

· Conducting detailed tests of internal controls;

· Substantive examination procedures;

· Clarification of the acceptable level of audit risk and materiality;

· Documentation of audit procedures.

When conducting an examination of contracts with suppliers, the auditor needs to make sure that the form of the concluded contract fully complies with the economic meaning of the transaction completed by the enterprise. Confidence must be obtained that there is no risk of the contract being declared invalid. Since the subject of these agreements is purchased or sold things or real rights, checking compliance with these agreements is a simple procedure. It is necessary to verify the quantitative and cost accounting data on acquired (sold) assets with the terms of the contracts.

Examination of contracts with contractors is more labor-intensive. Here, the greatest risk from an audit point of view is represented by contracts for the provision of services for a fee - among them there is a high probability of the presence of fictitious contracts and low-quality primary documents. When auditing contracts with contractors, it is recommended that a non-representative sample of the highest risk contracts be used, based on the auditor's personal judgment. For legal examination of contracts, it is advisable to involve experts - lawyers.

When checking the efficiency of registration of facts of receipt of raw materials, materials, provision of services, performance of work, the auditor must establish the reasons for the discrepancies (if any) between the dates of business transactions and the timing of their registration in accounting, and find out the nature of these facts. Particular attention is paid to documents on settlements with one-time counterparties of the enterprise.

The information obtained during the audit of the organization of primary accounting of settlements is used to determine the tactics for further verification - the depth of the audit of accounting and tax accounting, determining the sample size in individual areas, and methods for selecting the population being audited.

The most effective way to check the reality of receivables and payables is to take an inventory of payments. The auditor should also make sure that during the audited period there were no cases of overlap of accounts payable to one counterparty accounts receivable another.

When checking the correctness of the formation of accounts payable to suppliers, the auditor must carefully study the set of documents on the basis of which the debt was formed: supply contracts (provision of services, performance of work), invoices, invoices, certificates of work performed. The absence of any of these documents may make the formation of accounts payable in the accounting registers unlawful.

When checking the reflection of receivables and payables in the enterprise’s statements, the auditor must compare the data on the composition of the debt indicated in the balance sheet and its appendix (form No. 5) with the amounts in accounts 58,60,62,76.

When checking calculations for uninvoiced supplies, the auditor determines whether analytical accounting for accounts 60.76 allows obtaining data on such supplies, whether the received inventory items are taken into account at the prices and on the terms specified in the contracts.

Checking settlements for bills issued and received should provide the auditor with evidence that analytical accounting for settlement accounts at the enterprise provides the ability to obtain data in the context of suppliers for bills issued, the payment period of which has not yet arrived, and for bills that are overdue for payment.

Settlements with suppliers and contractors for claims are checked for the correct and timely execution of primary documents (claims, lawsuits), accounting (in the subaccount “Settlements for claims” of account 76), and the completeness of the package of documents attached to the claim.

1.3 Typical errors in accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors

When auditing payments to suppliers and contractors, the auditor must be aware of possible errors and violations inherent in this section of accounting. The most typical of them are grouped as follows.

In terms of organization primary accounting:

ü arithmetic errors when recording an operational fact (when measuring quantity, weight, dimensions, etc.);

ü untimely registration of an operational fact on a storage medium;

ü registration of business transactions in documents of a non-unified form (if a unified document is provided for this operation);

ü lack of necessary details that give the document legal force;

ü violations committed during the preparation of the primary document (filling out documents with means that do not allow their long-term storage, violations when making corrections to the primary document);

ü lack of document flow schedules;

ü errors when registering a document (quantitative or qualitative discrepancies when transferring data from a document to accounting registers);

ü untimely registration of a document in the accounting register (or lack of data in the accounting register for individual primary documents);

ü violation of the deadlines for storing documentation in the archive;

ü destruction of primary documents without an act on the allocation of documents for destruction;

ü violations when registering cases with primary accounting documentation (applies to cash and bank documents).

In terms of organization accounting and tax accounting:

covering the debt of one counterparty with advances issued to another counterparty;

untimely write-off of debt due to incorrect calculation of the limitation period;

compensation input VAT for uninvoiced supplies (entries Dt 19-Kt 60 subaccount “Uninvoiced supplies” and Dt 68-Kt 19);

absence of adjustments for inventories (works, services) written off as expenses, previously reflected as uninvoiced supplies, documents for which were received and have inconsistencies with the indicators previously reflected in accounting;

reimbursement of input VAT on supplies secured by the organization’s own bills of exchange;

untimely submission of claims to suppliers (Dt 76 subaccount "Settlements of claims" - Kt 60)

counting errors when calculating exchange rate differences (postings Dt 91-Kt 60 or Dt 60-Kt 91);

incorrect reflection of amount differences in accounts;

writing off a bad debt to the account of other income and expenses in the presence of a previously formed reserve for this debt;

unlawful recognition of a debt as bad and its write-off through the reserve for doubtful debts.

The auditor's special attention should be paid to the fact that hidden material value is often written off to account 76 "Calculations for claims." In the latter case, it is necessary to establish the reality of the amounts of claims, as well as whether the claims are due to: inconsistency of prices and tariffs with contractual obligations; identified arithmetic errors in accounts; non-compliance of the quality of goods (services) with standards or technical specifications; shortage of cargo en route beyond the norms of natural loss; defects due to the fault of suppliers and contractors.

The main typical accounting error in settlement relationships with other enterprises can be, as an example, an incorrectly drawn up invoice when purchasing goods from suppliers. This may lead to the fact that VAT amounts refunded from the budget will not be accepted by the tax authorities.

A large number of errors are made when conducting mutual offsets, drawing up reconciliation reports, transferring debt, and barter transactions. Since such operations are quite common and the number of accounting errors for them is large.

Chapter 2. Audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors at Tulapromtara LLC

2.1 Brief description of Tulapromtara LLC

Limited Liability Company "Tulapromtara" was registered on December 7, 2010 Interdistrict Inspectorate Federal tax service 10 in the Tula region.

Tulapromtara LLC is a legal entity and operates on the basis of the charter and legislation of the Russian Federation. The company was created without limiting the period of its activity. Authorized capital as of 01/01/2012 - 100,000 rubles, type of property - private.

The objectives of the Company's activities are:

.Satisfying consumer needs;

2.Receiving a profit

The main activity of the enterprise belongs to the market segment "Household goods, office supplies, packaging". The company produces and sells corrugated cardboard, polyethylene packaging material, paper, cardboard and wooden containers.

The company owns separate property, which is accounted for on its independent balance sheet, and can, in its own name, acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, bear responsibilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court.

The Company independently plans its activities based on contracts concluded with manufacturers and suppliers and determines development prospects based on the demand for its products. LLC "Tulapromtara" sells its products at prices and tariffs established on a contractual basis.

Tulapromtara LLC is a limited liability company and bears limited liability to its counterparties.

At Tulapromtara LLC, products are divided into several main groups:

Recycled polyethylene terephthalate

Aluminum cases<#"center">2.2 Plan and program for auditing payments to suppliers and contractors

When preparing financial statements, the principle of materiality must be observed, which allows you to get rid of overly detailed, insignificant data and concentrate users’ attention on the most important indicators, characterizing the state and results of the activities of an economic entity. Based on this principle, the auditor is obliged to establish not the absolute accuracy of the data of the audited financial statements, but its reliability in all significant aspects.

The auditor evaluates what is material using his or her professional judgment.

When developing the audit plan, the auditor establishes an acceptable level of materiality in order to identify material (from a quantitative point of view) misstatements. However, both the magnitude (quantity) and nature (quality) of misstatements must be taken into account. Examples of qualitative distortions include: insufficient or inadequate description accounting policy when there is a likelihood that the user of financial (accounting) statements will be misled by such a description; failure to disclose information about a violation of regulatory requirements when there is a likelihood that the subsequent application of sanctions could have a significant impact on the audited entity's results of operations.

Table 1

Calculation of the level of materiality

Name of the basic indicator Value of the reporting indicator, thousand rubles Share of the indicator, % Value of the indicator for finding the level of an entity, thousand rubles 1. Balance sheet profit 2647651323.82. Sales volume excluding VAT272800254563. Balance currency 41379.102827.64. Own capital 335610335.6

Data based on 2013

) Arithmetic mean of indicators 4 columns:

8 + 5456 + 827,6 + 335,6/4 = 1985,75

) Smallest value different from the average:

(1985,75 - 335,6) / 1985,75 * 100% = 83 %

) The largest value that differs from the average:

(5456 - 1985,75) / 1985,75 * 100% = 174 %

Since the smallest value is different from the average, a decision is made to discard the smallest value in further calculations and leave the largest value.

) Find the new arithmetic mean:

8 + 5456 + 827,6/3 = 2535,8

(2600 - 2535.8) / 2535.8 * 100% = 2.5% - level of materiality

The auditor cannot guarantee that his opinion on the reliability of the financial statements is absolutely objective. There is always some risk of error. Firstly, there is a risk of the auditor confirming unreliable financial statements. During a random audit, the auditor cannot be sure that he has detected all possible errors.

Audit risk includes three components: inherent risk (intracompany risk), control risk and detection risk.

Inherent risk arises due to the exposure of the balance of funds in accounting accounts or a group of similar transactions to distortions that may be significant (individually or in combination with distortions in the balances of funds in other accounting accounts or groups of similar transactions), assuming the lack of necessary internal funds control.

Control risk means the risk that a misstatement that may occur in an account balance or a group of similar transactions and be material (individually or in combination with misstatements in the balances of other accounts or groups of similar transactions) will not be prevented or detected and corrected in a timely manner through accounting and internal control systems.

The on-farm risk in Tulapromtara LLC can be assessed as average, but quite high (60%). This is due to the fact that the activities carried out by the company are developing quite quickly, competitors are also developing quickly and new ones are appearing. The main major competitor is the Upak-Techno company. This does not allow the company stand still .

When assessing the effectiveness and reliability of the internal control system as a whole, the control environment and individual controls, the audit organization is obliged to use at least the following three gradations: a) high; b) average; c) low.

The control risk here can be defined as high (85%).

Detection risk is an indicator of the effectiveness and quality of the auditor's work. There is an inverse relationship between detection risk and the combination of intracompany risk and control risk. If the auditor considers the internal risk and control risk to be high, he is obliged to reduce, as far as possible, the risk of non-detection, i.e. forced to work in more detail and carefully, changing their quantity or content, increasing the labor and time required for verification.

If during planning it turns out that the intra-company risk and the risk of controls are sufficiently low, the auditor can afford to reduce real labor costs and use less labor-intensive methods for obtaining audit evidence.

In this situation, when the on-farm risk is assessed as medium, the risk of controls is high, the risk of non-detection should be below average. And it can be estimated at 20%.

Thus, audit risk is equal to

AR = BP * RK * RN

AR = 0.6 * 0.85 * 0.2 * 100% = 10.2%

Audit risk is significant and to reduce it it is necessary to increase the number of procedures, in some cases to carry out a complete audit.

Let's consider studying the internal control system and assessing the risk and its ineffectiveness

To assess the internal control system, an auditor’s working document “Questionnaire for assessing the internal control system of transactions for settlements with suppliers and contractors” was compiled.

Table 3

QuestionYes/NoNotes1. Are unified forms of documents used Yes2. Does the organization have many suppliers of goods? Yes3. Are there branches Yes4. Suppliers ship to all branches of the organization Yes5. Are the primary documents for the supply of goods to the branches of the organization correctly drawn up? No Review of primary documents (waybills, invoices) 6. Agreements are drawn up in accordance with current legislation Yes7. All contracts signed on both sides are available Yes8. Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors is carried out on the basis of regulatory documents Yes9. Accounting for settlements with suppliers and contractors is carried out on account 60 with the corresponding sub-accounts Yes. Checking registers of synthetic and analytical accounting10. Are there any complaints about the receipt of goods from the supplier? No11. Are goods shipped between branches? YesChecking documents (Invoice for internal movement) 12. Are there any claims and are they filed against the branch? No13. Is reconciliation carried out between suppliers? YesChecking the reconciliation report14. Reconciliation is carried out once a quarter Yes15. Does reconciliation happen more oftenNo16. Is a debt adjustment made based on the results of the reconciliation report? YesChecking the correctness of the transaction reflection17. Are all signed documents for the purchase of goods available? NoChecking invoices

The auditor's working document makes it clear what weaknesses are present in the organization and subsequently check this area most carefully.

Table 4

Np/pName of the section (subsection) of the accounting policyNote on the presence of a section (subsection), yes / no1Accounting policy for financial accounting purposesyes1.1Working chart of accountsyes1.2Forms of primary accounting documents for which standard forms are not providedyes1.3Forms of documents for internal accounting reportingyes1. 4Procedure for conducting an inventory of assets and liabilitiesyes1.5Methods for assessing assets and liabilitiesyes1.6Rules for evaluating items in financial statementsyes1.7Rules of document flow and technology for processing accounting informationyes1.8Procedure for control over business transactionsyes1.9Other decisions necessary for organizing accountingyes2Accounting policies for tax accounting purposesyes2.1Procedure for the formation of amounts income and expensesyes2.2The procedure for determining the share of expenses taken into account for tax purposes in the current tax (reporting) periodyes2.3The procedure for determining the amount of the balance of expenses (losses) to be attributed to expenses in the following tax periodsyes2.4The procedure for the formation of reservesyes2.5The procedure for keeping records of the state of settlements with the budget by tax amounts

The Charter of Tulapromtara LLC also fully considers all the provisions required by law, namely: General provisions, Company name and location of the company, Purpose and subject of the company’s activities, Legal status of the company, Responsibility of the company and its participants, Branches and representative offices, Rights and obligations of the company participant.

In accordance with standard No. 3 “Audit Planning”, the audit organization is obliged to plan its work so that the audit is carried out effectively. The auditor's planning of his or her work ensures that important areas of the audit receive the necessary attention, that potential problems are identified, and that the work is completed cost-effectively, efficiently, and in a timely manner.

The auditor needs to draw up and document a general audit plan, describing the expected scope and procedure for conducting the audit. The overall audit plan should be sufficiently detailed to guide the development of the audit program. The audit plan is presented in Table 5.

Table 5

No. Segment being checked Sources of information 1 Checking the availability of supporting documents for the purchase of goods and materials, performance of work (services) Invoices, invoices, certificates of work performed, invoices, contracts for the supply of goods (provision of services) Checking the legality of primary accounting documentation for settlement transactions with suppliers and contractors Invoices, invoices - invoices, certificates of completed work, invoices, contracts for the supply of goods (provision of services), list of certificates 2 Checking the timeliness of registration of receipts of raw materials and materials, provision of services Accounting registers (transaction journals, general ledger) 3 Checking accounts payableInvoices, delivery notes, invoices for payment, list of certificates 4 Checking the reality of receivables and payables and conducting an inventory of paymentsReconciliation reports

The first stage of the work was to verify the accuracy and completeness of the facts of capitalization of inventory items, acceptance of works and services for accounting. The purpose is to check the availability of the necessary documentation. The sample for admission was representative (random selection), and the operations for the acquisition of works and services were continuous. The test results were reflected in Table 6.

Table 6 - Availability of supporting documents for the acquisition of goods and materials, performance of work (services)

No. Supplier name Bill of lading, sales receipt, certificate of completion, No., date Contract, No., date, validity period Invoice, No., date 1 LLC "Mercury" Act No. 43 dated 09/06/13 Contract No. 456 dated 09/06/13, No. 65 dated 06.09.132 LLC "Amelia" Comrade. check No. 215 dated 09.12.13 No data No data 3 JSC "Crocus" Invoice. No. 1516 dated 09.15.13 Agreement No. 185 dated 09.15.13 No data 4 Meridian LLC Incl. No. 756 dated 09.17.13 Agreement No. 145 dated 09.17.13 No. 149 dated 09.17.135 LLC "Rosspetssnab" Invoice. No. 218 from 09/25/13 No data No data

As can be seen from the table, the enterprise does not always have primary documentation for the supply of goods (works, services).

A check was also carried out to check the efficiency of recording the facts of receipt of raw materials and supplies, services provided (Table 7). When checking, it is necessary to determine whether there are discrepancies between the dates of transactions and the timing of their registration in accounting.

Table 7 - Checking the efficiency of recording the facts of receipt of raw materials and materials, provision of services

No. Name of supplier Date of receipt of goods and materials, provision of work (services) Date of registration in accounting Reasons for the discrepancy 1 LLC "Mercury" 06.09.1306.09.13 No 2 LLC "Amelia" 12.09.13 12.09.13 No 3 OJSC "Crocus" 15.09.13 15.09.13 No 4 LLC "Meridian" 17.0 9.1317.09.13No5OOO "Rosspetssnab"25.09.1325.09.13No

When checking the efficiency of recording the receipt of inventory items in accounting and their actual receipt, no discrepancies were found.

All business transactions are reflected in those accounting accounts that, in economic terms, correspond to the transactions performed.

A random check of the availability of primary accounting documents for each business transaction showed that all business transactions were reflected in a timely manner and in full, but not every transaction has a primary document. During the audit process, sufficient confidence was obtained that all primary documentation at the enterprise is protected from unauthorized access.

Based on the audit program, we will conduct an examination of the primary accounting documentation for the correctness of the primary accounting documents, the availability of the necessary details and their content (Table 8).

Table 8 - Verification of the legality of primary accounting documentation for settlement transactions with suppliers and contractors

No. Primary document Violations in the preparation of documents Recommendations for eliminating violations 1 Invoice No. 65 dated 09/06/13 The address of the consignee, his INN/KPPD is missing Add the missing details 2 Invoice No. 149 dated 09/17/13 Instead of the handwritten signature of the manager and chief accountant, there are imprints of a facsimile signature, this document has no legal force Rework the invoice from the supplier

When suppliers provided shipping documents, it was noticed that some invoices did not contain all the necessary details, such as the seller’s INN/KPP or his address, thus, this invoice cannot serve as a basis for providing a VAT tax deduction, since tax law requires filling out all mandatory details in the invoice in order to receive a VAT deduction.

The company does not have an approved document flow schedule, which makes the work of accounting workers difficult because it is not always possible to immediately find the required document.

Checking the reality of receivables and payables (Table 9). The purpose of this procedure is to achieve confidence that the debt of counterparties and debt to counterparties are listed on the accounting accounts in real values. Tabular data is generated based on the balances of the following accounts: 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” and 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”.

Table 9 - Checking the reality of receivables and payables

Amount of debt according to accounting data (RUB) Amount of debt according to counterparties Discrepancies Debit balance: 225,074 Debit balance: 225,074 No discrepancies were found, the parties signed a reconciliation report for mutual settlements Loan balance: 458,225 Loan balance: 458,225 No discrepancies were found, the parties signed a reconciliation report mutual settlements

Since the enterprise's accounting is automated, it is easy to trace all operations that are grouped in various analytical and synthetic accounting statements for each counterparty.

As can be seen from Table 9, the analytical accounting data coincides with the synthetic accounting data. There are no comments on this section of accounting. When checking the correspondence of the accounts, no comments were found; each business transaction is reflected in the corresponding accounting accounts.

Table 10 - Checking the compliance of analytical accounting data with turnovers and balances on synthetic accounting accounts (rub.)

No. Analytical accounting account Amount Synthetic accounting account Amount Correspondence of synthetic and analytical accounting data 160.1428 65560 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” 614379 Compliant 260.257024 Corresponding 360.3128 700 Corresponding 476.425 06776 “Settlements with different debtors and creditors"81952Compliant576.556885Compliant

According to analytical accounting data, during the period under review, only 3 transactions were made using bills of exchange (Table 11). No errors were noticed in the correct reflection of settlements by bills of exchange; account 60.5 “Bills issued” is intended for accounting for bills of exchange issued.

Table 11 - Checking the correctness of the reflection of calculations using bills of exchange

The accounting accountant does not always correctly reflect transactions on accounting accounts: for advance payments, an entry should be made to the debit of account 60.2 “Advances issued” and credit 51 “ Current accounts", and after the receipt of goods - an accounting entry to the debit of account 60.1 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors in rubles" and the credit of account 60.2 "Advances issued." When carrying out such operations, the accountant makes an entry immediately to account 60.1 "Settlements with suppliers and contractors in rubles." In addition, the supply agreement did not provide for a provision for advance (partial payment). In the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 6, 2009 No. 03-07-15/39 it is explained that if the contract contains a provision for advance payment (partial payment) is not provided for or there is no corresponding agreement, and the advance payment is transferred on the basis of an invoice, then the tax on the transferred advance payment (partial payment) is not accepted for deduction. Thus, the accountant involved in the calculation of taxes, due to this error, accepted the tax in September 2013. VAT deduction in the amount of 9158 rubles.

2.3 Generalization and registration of the results of the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors

The final stage of the audit (summarizing and recording the results of the audit) is no less important than the previous stages. At the final stage, the auditor needs to summarize all the information obtained during the audit and contained in his working documentation, process it in a certain way and, on this basis, form his professional opinion about the reliability of the accounting statements in terms of settlements with suppliers and contractors.

Errors and violations identified during the audit are reflected in the auditor’s working documents. The auditor has prepared working papers on the audit procedures performed regarding the settlements in sufficiently complete and detailed form to provide a general understanding of the audit.

The composition, quantity, and content of documents included in the working documentation were determined in accordance with the nature of the work performed, the complexity of the enterprise’s activities, the state of accounting, the reliability of the internal control system, as well as based on the level of management and control over the work of the audit organization’s personnel when performing certain procedures.

Working documentation of the audit includes:

a description of the procedures used by the audit organization and their results;

explanations, clarifications and statements of the enterprise;

copies of documents;

description of the accounting organization;

analytical documents of the audit organization;

other documents.

The auditor compiled the results of this work in the form of two final documents: written information (report) and auditor's report which are transferred to the economic entity.

A written report is a document prepared by the auditor and intended for the audit client.

The purpose of this document is to provide the customer with information about the methods used during the audit, about all errors, violations, and inaccuracies noted by the auditor, about what measures should be taken to eliminate the noted deficiencies, and about the main results of the audit.

The report drawn up by the auditor regarding the audit recorded the identified inaccuracies and violations and made appropriate proposals for correcting them and preventing them in the future.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities” No. 307-FZ dated December 30, 2008, the auditor, having conducted an audit of the financial statements, is obliged to submit an audit report to the audited economic entity within the period established by the contract.

The auditor's report is an official document intended for users of the financial statements of the audited entity.

The audit report contains the auditor's opinion, expressed in the established manner, about the reliability of the financial statements of the economic entity being audited and about the compliance of its accounting procedures with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The analytical part of the auditor's report contains information about the general results of the audit of the state of accounting and reporting, the reliability of the internal control system, and the economic entity's compliance with the law when carrying out financial and business transactions.

The final part of the audit report represents the opinion of the audit firm (auditor) about the reliability of the financial statements of the audited enterprise.

Based on the results of the audit of Tulapromtara LLC, all documents accompanying the audit were drawn up.

Audits help strengthen the control functions of accounting; provide reliable information necessary for making management decisions, forecasting financial and economic activities; making partners' decisions on cooperation.

Auditing activities are aimed at reducing business risk, since the availability of sufficient information makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the capital market and makes it possible to assess and predict the consequences of making a number of decisions in the economic sphere.

Based on the accounting and reporting data of Tulapromtara LLC, an audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors was carried out.

The inspection established:

The enterprise does not always have primary documentation for the supply of goods (works, services).

When paying advances to suppliers for goods (works, services), accounting records are compiled incorrectly, and there are no corresponding terms in the contract.

Errors were detected in documents from the supplier. Due to this area, it makes it difficult to correctly fill out documents such as delivery note, invoice, invoices for payment. Suppliers are confused in the Consignee column and in the legal address of the company.

§ develop for each department the correct execution of documents at the consignee’s locations and send them to the supplier initially when the contract is signed;

§ do not reflect in the accounting of transactions for the receipt of goods (works, services) without supporting primary documents;

§ carefully check the execution of primary documents from suppliers;

§ when prepaying (partial payment) to suppliers for goods supplied (work performed, services rendered), provide for this condition in the contract;

§ Transactions on accounting account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” for advance payments should be reflected in subaccount 60.1.

Thus, the above measures will help improve the organization of settlements with suppliers and contractors.


The modern period is characterized by changes in the structure, forms and types of activities of enterprises; the growth of new problems in management; making effective decisions.

External audit ensures the reliability of information or performance results for external and internal users and thereby allows them to trust the information contained in the financial statements.

Rational organization of control over the state of payments helps to strengthen contractual and payment discipline, fulfill obligations to supply products in a given range and quality, increase responsibility for compliance with payment discipline, reduce receivables and payables, accelerate the turnover of working capital, and, accordingly, improve the financial condition of the enterprise .

The purpose of the audit of settlements with suppliers and contractors is to form an opinion on the completeness and reliability of information on settlements with suppliers and contractors reflected in the financial statements of the organization. The main regulations used for verification are the Tax Code, the Civil Code, as well as legislation governing the procedure for settlements with suppliers and contractors.

According to the accounting and reporting data of Tulapromtara LLC, we conducted an audit of the accounting of settlements with suppliers and contractors, established the compliance of transactions performed on settlements with suppliers and contractors with the current legislation and the reliability of the reflection of these transactions in the financial statements.


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