Home Credit Bank began forced collection of loan debt. Other reviews about home loan bank Debt in home loan bank what to do

My experience is about 15 loans for me and my husband (consumer loans, credit cards, for the purchase of computers and office furniture, but also for individuals, a car loan and three loans with guarantors), problems with different banks for all loans. Only one bank showed nimbleness and did not wait for the overdue period, but filed a lawsuit against me, and of general jurisdiction, not world court. It was Bin Bank.
The World Court considers cases within the limits of 50 thousand rubles.
In court the situation was like this: I read them very funny statement of claim, where the whole thing was based on the fact that they had heard rumors that we were going to sell our only property - a car (it, meanwhile, did not participate in the pledge and was registered in the name of my husband, who was not even a guarantor for this loan). However, even such a ridiculous lawsuit was accepted for proceedings.

If the payment deadline is missed and the claim procedure is followed, the court is obliged to accept the claim.

By the way, the judge was very surprised that I came to court. Usually no one comes and the case either drags on for a long time or is considered in favor of the bank.

I was given time to familiarize myself with the statement of claim and my rights right at this meeting, the court announced a break for 30 minutes, the secretary and I went to the dressing room in front of the meeting room, I was given a quiet corner with a table and a chair there and left for half an hour to get acquainted with the documents. And the bank representative - legal adviser - went for a walk around the court building.

It’s not so easy to drag things out; I have the opposite experience. If a party fails to appear at the meeting, it is postponed, but only once. Then it is considered even in the absence of the party; it is useless to bring a certificate of illness or business trip.

During these half an hour, having read my rights, where it was said that I have the right to demand that the plaintiff provide any documents, file petitions, provide my documents that are directly or indirectly related to the case, file a counterclaim, etc., I decided to be a litigator and bargain for everything you can. Therefore, I asked the bank to provide all statements about my payments with a breakdown of the amounts (what for what).

At the next meeting they brought all the papers, and by that time I had scoured the Internet and found out what was legal, what was not, where to look for what hooks in contracts and what to cling to. I found out that you can pay off the monthly interest for account servicing, a lump sum for issuing a loan, remove all penalties (or at least reduce them to a reasonable amount) and remove all penalties. Just in case, I prepared a petition on this topic; I took the form on the Internet, although it was not needed. It should be noted that I was lucky with the judge. He somehow immediately took my side (maybe the borrower himself understands the problem). I learned from the judge during the hearing that the bank must charge 8% per annum on the overpaid amounts in my favor. I also learned from the judge that insurance is a violation of my consumer rights, because this service was imposed on me at the time of drawing up the loan agreement - no other options were offered.

I had the right to refuse risk insurance, since these are not my risks, but the bank’s, and insuring them is not my problem, but theirs. So the court recognized that my right was violated in terms of the insurance contract and this contract was declared invalid. And since the insurance amount was included in the body of the loan, it was removed from this body, and the amounts paid were recalculated to pay off the debt, also at 8%. The only point where I got confused and did not understand the calculations was the overdue debt and overdue interest. In my opinion, there is no such thing as an overdue principal debt. At the time of termination of payment, there is an amount of debt and there is interest on this amount. I don’t understand why else add the amount of “overdue principal” to the principal debt - it turns out to be a double payment, and on top of that, I was charged 8% per annum on the overdue interest in favor of the bank.

Currently, most of the population in Russia takes out loans. People who live without loans are less common than those who have loan obligations. A home loan bank can also act as a lender.

Often, these are loans for various needs of the population and the amount of the loan taken varies depending on the desires and needs of the borrower. The main thing for the borrower is to get a loan, and the last thing the borrower thinks about is what methods and means he will repay it later.

After all, it always seems that “now I can give a certain amount from my salary, and then, when the time comes, I’ll think about it”

There are so-called bona fide borrowers who take their loan obligations responsibly.

And there are unscrupulous people who first repaid the loan on time and in the required amount, and then stopped fulfilling their obligations due to various unforeseen circumstances and understand all the consequences of non-payment.

Or those who did not intend to repay the loan, believing that in this way they were punishing the home loan bank or did not consider it at all in principle, because they do not care about the loan they once took and they do not consider themselves responsible to anyone and about the consequences don't think.

So, let's look at several legal ways to avoid paying a loan to a home loan bank.

Repayment of existing debt loan agreement, issued in credit organization home loan bank or several loans taken from one or more banks by applying for a new loan from a bank with a loan rate lower than the rate on one or more existing loans.

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These conditions are suitable for those borrowers who repay the loan on time and in the required amount according to the schedule, and issuing a new loan will allow the borrower to reduce the debt burden both while maintaining the loan repayment period and by increasing the loan repayment period.

It all depends on the desires and capabilities of the borrower.

This method is very convenient for borrowers and allows you to reduce the debt burden, as well as pay off loans that are unprofitable for the borrower. Recently, in light of credit institutions reducing interest rates on loans, this option is most relevant for borrowers.

Insured event on a home loan bank loan

Almost all credit organizations, when issuing a loan and concluding a loan agreement, issue an insurance policy to borrowers, and home loan bank is no exception.

The main insured events for borrowers, as a rule, are:

  • loss of employment due to staff reduction or liquidation of the organization,
  • loss of health (disability), accident.

When advancing insured event the borrower has the right to apply to the insurance company to receive insurance compensation. At the same time, the borrower provides the insurance company with a set of documents in order to Insurance Company could decide to pay insurance compensation.

Insurance compensation is paid either to the borrower himself or directly to the credit institution, depending on the beneficiary designated by the borrower under the loan agreement.

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Of course, at first glance, many people try to “brush off” the insurance and may even agree to a higher interest rate on the loan in order not to take out an insurance policy (after all, this may reduce the amount of the loan received by the borrower).

But, unfortunately, none of the borrowers thinks about the possible consequences that may occur regardless of the behavior of the borrower himself. after all, if financial difficulties arise and there is no insurance policy, no one will solve his problems with loan repayment for the borrower.

Thus, it is beneficial for the borrower to take out an insurance policy when issuing a loan from Home Credit Bank, and in the event of an insured event, the borrower will not face financial difficulties.

Restructuring of the borrower's debt (deferment of payment)

This is an opportunity to reduce the debt burden on a loan issued by Home Credit Bank for a certain period of time.

There are different ways of restructuring:

  • reducing the loan payment amount by increasing the loan term,
  • reducing the loan payment amount by repaying only the interest on the loan and postponing their payment to the last day of the loan agreement,
  • deferment (installment plan) of loan repayment until a later term of the loan agreement,
  • deferment (installment plan) of repayment of overdue loan debt,
  • suspension of the accrual of fines on the loan,
  • other.

Restructuring of loan debt is possible only if the borrower encounters financial difficulties when repaying the loan

At the same time, in order for a credit institution to carry out a loan restructuring, the borrower must prepare a full package of documents confirming his difficult financial situation, and the borrower must also meet certain requirements (conditions) that are established by the credit institution for a possible loan restructuring. The borrower's application for loan restructuring is not enough.

"Credit holidays" home credit bank

Some credit organizations, including Home Credit Bank, provide borrowers with so-called “credit holidays.” The borrower, upon the occurrence of certain circumstances or simply if desired, may not make the next loan payment.

To receive such a service, the borrower must deposit a certain amount into the account of the credit institution before the date of the next payment (as a rule, the amount is insignificant) and not make the next payment on the loan.

At the same time, this loan payment can be made either on the last day of the term of the loan agreement, or the term of the loan agreement can be increased by this particular payment (depending on the lending conditions established by the credit institution).

Bankruptcy of an individual

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If the borrower faces a very difficult financial situation, the latter may initiate bankruptcy proceedings.

Bankruptcy is possible under the following circumstances:

  • the borrower's debt is over 500,000 rubles,
  • overdue loans for more than 3 months.

When initiating a bankruptcy procedure, a citizen must evaluate all the circumstances and consequences to which this may lead. So:

  • the procedure is quite expensive, since it will be necessary to pay for the services of a financial manager, and the debtor will also have to provide a security deposit in a certain account for procedural expenses;
  • the property is assessed by the financial manager, and all debts are repaid through the sale of valuables;
  • within 3 years, the financial manager has the right to invalidate any transaction involving money carried out by a citizen declared bankrupt;
    – all expenses of the debtor are under the control of the financial manager;
    – other.
    After completion of the bankruptcy procedure, all debts that the borrower had to creditors are considered repaid.

Limitation period for home loan bank loan

There are situations when borrowers cannot or do not want to repay credit funds jar. But you shouldn’t hope that the bank will forgive them these debts. Each credit institution has developed its own procedure for collecting debt from unscrupulous clients. Read the article about how the Home Credit collection service works and the consequences of failure to pay a loan debt.

How does debt arise to Home Credit Bank?

When applying for a loan, the borrower hopes to repay it in full and without delays. But sometimes situations arise that make it difficult to make payments on time. This is what happens with a loan that grows very quickly due to high interest rates.

The reasons for the client’s financial difficulties include:

  • Dismissal from work or assignment of a lower salary.
  • A disease that requires long-term treatment.
  • Moving to a different city.
  • Maternity leave and parental leave.
  • Force majeure: fire, robbery, flood, etc.
  • Large debt on loans from various financial institutions.

Sometimes the delay occurs due to a misunderstanding. Such situations include a slight underpayment of the loan amount due to ignorance of the account balance. A few rubles outstanding over the years turn into a significant debt. If the borrower made payments in the amount established by the schedule and did not make any delays, then the amount of the last payment need not be specified.

If there were delays, but were repaid within a month, then minor penalties could be assessed. In this case, when making the last payment, you need to check the loan balance with a bank employee or hotline consultant. In any case, any delay must be repaid.

Home Credit: overdue. What does this mean for the borrower?

You won’t be able to simply forget about your loan debt and live in peace. The bank does not forgive debts and takes all possible steps to return its own funds. The most important thing for a borrower is to inform the bank about his difficult financial situation in a timely manner. Otherwise, the debt will begin to increase, and in a few years its size will be many times greater than the original amount.

To collect debts at Home Credit Bank, the following sequence of actions is used:

  • Accrual of fines starting from the first day of delay. Their size depends on the type of loan and bank tariffs at the time the outstanding debt was formed.
  • SMS notifications and calls to the client’s phone number specified in the borrower’s application form. If the debtor’s reaction is negative and he does not answer calls, then the collection service begins calling relatives and friends. The possibility of an appeal at the debtor’s place of work cannot be ruled out. The bank's calculation: the debtor's entourage, tired of constant calls, will encourage him to pay the debt as soon as possible.
  • Using "auto dialer". If the debtor does not respond to calls, the bank increases their frequency. Calls are made several times a day, sometimes at night. The polite tone changes to threats. The whistleblower faces various sanctions.
  • Using the "good-evil cop" method. First, the collection service employee calls and intimidates, threatens and demands to urgently repay the overdue amount. Some time after him, another bank employee in an insinuating voice advises him to repay the debt, because this is in the interests of the debtor himself. He complains about the boorish behavior of the “evil policeman” and promises a good attitude towards the debtor if he meets the bank halfway. After such an appeal, the borrower is often ready for anything.
  • Collectors are involved in working with the debtor. They most often do not stand on ceremony in their methods of collecting debts. The income of this service directly depends on the amount of overdue payments returned to the bank. Sometimes the actions of debt collectors border on hooliganism. The debtor just has to be patient and try not to panic.
  • When all methods have been exhausted by the bank, the last option left is filing a claim against the debtor in court. For the borrower himself, this can be much more profitable than paying huge fines and penalties on credit debt. In court, in most cases, the debtor gets rid of fines or their amount is significantly reduced. Another positive aspect is the possibility of obtaining a deferred loan payment and debt restructuring. In extreme cases, Home Credit Bank goes to court with debtors, since this is not beneficial to it from a financial point of view.

In order to control the flow of funds into your loan account, the borrower must constantly be aware of the loan balance. He can do this in three ways:

  • Call on " hotline» Home Credit Bank (8 800 700 800 6). Calls from all regions of the country are free. The only downside is the long wait for the operator on the line. The support service operates around the clock.
  • Find out information in . To enter the resource you need to obtain a login and password. This can be done by calling the hotline or at a bank branch. In both cases, you must provide your passport details and details of the loan agreement. Home Credit Internet Bank makes it possible to track all loan payments and resolve disputes in a timely manner.
  • Go to the bank and find out the balance of the debt from the manager. You need to take your loan and passport with you.

Home Credit fines for late loan payments

Information on the amount of fines and penalties in case of late loan payments is not specified in the loan agreement. The only point that indicates delays in payments are several lines highlighted in a frame with an exclamation point. For loans issued before July 1, 2014, it states that overdue debt begins on the third day after the payment date + 20 days. If the borrower is late in payment but meets these deadlines, he will only be charged a penalty of 1% for days of delay. Otherwise, penalties will be charged on the balance of the debt until it is repaid.

For borrowers who issued a loan after July 1, 2014, penalties on overdue debt are accrued from the 10th to the 150th day of its formation. Next, the bank demands the return of the entire amount of debt. For the duration of the requirement, the accrual of penalties stops. After this period they are renewed.

The legislation stipulates that if an overdue debt is subject to an annual interest rate on a loan, then penalties cannot be charged above 20% of the debt amount. Otherwise, they are calculated on the balance of overdue debt in the amount of 0.1% for each day.

Non-payment of Home Credit loan. Options for solving the problem

If you are unable to repay the loan on time and the bank refuses to restructure the debt, you should seek advice from a lawyer. The most often advised is the following:

  • Do not panic.
  • Without waiting for sanctions from the bank, go to court with a demand for debt restructuring.
  • Include in the claim a demand for the cancellation of the bank's sanctions.
  • The best case scenario is to recognize the loan agreement as void and terminate it. Then the loan debt will not grow.

If the bank meets the debtor halfway, then it is necessary to accept the terms of debt restructuring proposed by the financial institution. The most commonly used extension of the loan agreement, which significantly reduces monthly payment. It is possible to use credit holidays. Refinancing is the worst option, since paying off debts on one loan using a new one is a debt hole.

Home Credit. Collection service

Home Credit Bank has a staff of 600 people. The office is located in Obninsk, 100 km from Moscow. The service is divided into several departments (skills) depending on the duration of the debt. The Late Overdue Department employs the most experienced employees. Staff turnover is about 30% per year, which is influenced by the specifics of the job (according to surveys of those who quit).

The attitude of borrowers to this service is ambiguous. On the one hand, its employees are annoying with calls and threats, on the other hand, they are able to consider the issue of installment payments and debt restructuring, and put themselves in the position of a borrower.

It is possible to come to an agreement with the collection service, but hiding is problematic. In difficult situations, debt collectors may not limit themselves to phone calls, but come to the debtor’s place of residence or work. One of the options to counteract the collection service is to file a complaint with the head of the bank, the police or the prosecutor's office about the boorish behavior of employees. An extreme option to get rid of calls may be to change your phone number or even your place of residence.

The borrower can find out that the loan has been transferred as follows:

  • Having received a letter from a collection company.
  • Having received a message from a bank employee by phone or in writing.
  • Arriving at the bank to make a payment and learning that the credit account is closed.

You cannot pay using the details specified in the letter from the collectors until all the circumstances are clarified. First, you need to contact the bank's credit manager and get a written notification about the transfer of debts to a third party. According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation credit institution is obliged to notify the borrower about the transfer of the right to claim loan obligations to third parties. If this is not done, there is no legal basis for paying amounts to repay the debt to the collection company.

The second option is to get necessary documents(assignment agreement) from the collectors themselves. If they refuse to do so, they are taking on the risk of adverse consequences. The borrower will not be legally required to make payments on the loan.

To avoid misunderstandings and mistakes, it is better for the borrower to use the services of a credit lawyer.

Collection agencies are organizations working on the edge of the legal field. Most of their employees are former law enforcement officers. Knowledge of the law allows them to balance between its norms and the line that cannot be crossed.

In any case, the law is always on the side of the debtor. There is no point in fighting debt collectors. The best option for resolving disputes is to go to court. For a positive outcome of the proceedings, it is better to hire a qualified lawyer. It will help reduce the amount of debt by the amount of fines and penalties. With his assistance, it is possible to put forward a counterclaim against debt collectors in the event of threats and other illegal methods of extracting debts.

Home Credit debt amnesty

In 2014, Home Credit Bank launched the “Debt Amnesty” campaign. It involves a one-time repayment of 20% of the debt amount, after which the remaining debt is written off from. Not all debtors took part in the action. The selection was carried out by employees of the financial reconciliation service according to conditions unknown to a wide range of people. The “lucky ones” selected to participate in the promotion received a phone call or an email. email with an explanation of the conditions. Official letters were sent to the debtors' home addresses.

The disadvantages of this promotion are that the outstanding balance of the debt continues to be credit history borrower for 15 years. It negatively affects the decision to issue loans by other banks. In addition, you cannot travel abroad with an outstanding debt. Thus, the amnesty turned out to be a “double-edged sword.”

  • Loan debt is not a crime, not a stain on the debtor’s reputation, but a confluence of life circumstances. You need to take this calmly.
  • In case of unsuccessful attempts to agree with the bank on a deferred payment, it is necessary to record the refusals in writing with a note from the bank. These documents will serve as the basis for the claim in court.
  • Bankruptcy Law individuals, updated at the end of 2014, is a way out of a difficult situation for debtors who are unable to repay the loan.
  • You can’t go to jail for non-payment of a loan, no matter how scary the collectors might be. Criminal liability can only arise if a loan is obtained using forged documents.

Home Credit Bank, like any structure, engages specialized agencies to collect debts. At Home Credit, collectors can be different, and the methods of their interaction with clients also differ.

The procedure for transferring debts to collectors

The stage when Home Credit sold the debt to collectors is considered the last. Before this, a number of events take place and the collection service of the bank itself comes into operation. She is looking for ways to interact with debtors and exerts moral influence in order to awaken responsibility.

Reasons for non-payment of a loan

If the client is unable to make payments for good reason, the bank is ready to revise the repayment schedule, provide a deferment, or launch a restructuring program. These may be considered:

  • Loss of permanent income (dismissal);
  • Changes in the family’s financial situation due to unforeseen circumstances;
  • Being on treatment or temporary loss of ability to work;
  • Birth of a child.

When faced with a problem, it is recommended not to wait for any action, but to go to the department yourself and explain the current situation. It is better to have documentary evidence that is attached to the application. We need to get it accepted. If the institution does not make concessions and does not offer solutions, a timely request from the client will indicate its respectable position. This will also come in handy in court if the case comes up.

The procedure for transferring debt to collectors

Home Credit transfers debts to collectors, starting with the most problematic ones. These include bills that have not been repaid by the borrower for several years, and he himself deviates from conversations, possibly changing his contact information and even his place of residence. The sale itself takes place openly through a tender.

Organizations that have purchased a certain amount of obligations have the right to add their own increase to the amount of the borrower’s debt, which covers their expenses associated with conducting business.

In order not to deal with such institutions and not to overpay later because of their markups, you should still interact with the bank itself and try to resolve all issues with it.

Features of interaction with collectors

Home Credit Bank collectors, whose reviews are very diverse, begin their contact by telephone.

Rules of communication with collectors

The debtor should remember the basic rules:

  • The bank must notify the borrower of the transfer procedure. If this did not happen before the collector “appeared,” it is worth visiting the branch and making sure that the actions of a particular company against you are legal.
  • The collector must have a contract with the bank on the transfer of debt, indicating the contract number, name and amount of overdue.
  • The collector has no right to threaten or take illegal actions against the debtor. When faced with this, you should file a complaint with the police, preferably obtaining evidence (for example, recording a telephone conversation).
  • There is no need to transfer funds to the account specified in the collector’s letter until you are sure of the legality of their actions.

Principles of debt collection

Depending on which collectors Home Credit works with, the principles of collection may differ significantly. In particular, there was a pleasant experience of interaction when collectors offered a convenient scheme and write-off of part of the fines. For a respectable borrower, this option will be acceptable. There are cases when contacts with agencies occurred almost in violation of the law, including threats and intrusive telephone calls.

Going to court

Sometimes, if a client’s debt has exceeded all normal limits due to constantly accruing fines and penalties, it was easier for the borrower to wait to go to court. This solution often allows you to significantly reduce the overall value. The loan amount including interest will always remain mandatory, but the court may cancel the remaining penalties if the borrower proves his integrity.


Considering how Home Credit collectors work, and reviews confirm this, it can be difficult to wait for a trial. Typically, collectors resort to this measure after prolonged exposure, having no other options to solve the problem.

The borrower has the option of going to court himself to get rid of the companies’ intrusiveness. In this case, it is worth enlisting a lawyer experienced in such matters who will help reduce the amount of debt as much as possible. This will allow you to legally discharge your obligations.

1. The bailiffs wrote off the money from the card. Initially, the debt was repaid on time. At the beginning of October, I contacted the local court authorities for registration and they gave me a document stating that the money was in the bank account with which all contracts were closed. I contacted Home Credit and they returned my money.
And then on October 17, I discovered that the balance on my salary card had gone negative. And again for the same amount as the previous time. According to the operator of my bank, the money was again written off for an “unclear” debt.
How can this issue be resolved once and for all? I don’t have the opportunity to constantly take time off from work and ask for my hard-earned money back.

Lawyer Lugacheva E.N., 511 answers, 328 reviews, on the site from 09/25/2019
1.1. Good afternoon.
File an administrative claim in court and appeal against the actions of the bailiff who did not cancel the order to seize your account after the termination of enforcement proceedings after repayment of the debt.

2. The situation is this: 12.09 A man called the phone and introduced himself as a bank employee (allegedly from the security department of Andreyti). City number 8495... He said that suspicious transactions had been made with the Home Credit card and asked to confirm the data. Moreover, despite everything, he gave all my details himself, only asked for my date of birth. After that, transactions worth more than 40,000 were performed from my HOME CREDIT FREEDOM card (I don’t remember the exact amount).

Right here. 12.09 We called the bank's hotline. The girl accepted the application and said to wait for a call from the security service. But the call never came. They called to follow up. Day. the guy did everything. Then on the website I saw that the payment confirmation from the bank was 09/15, although the scammers carried out the transactions on 09/12. That same day I called to cancel the payment. That is, confirmation was only after 3 days. When I contacted the bank a month later, I received this answer.

On 08.10, a negative decision was made on the complaint filed: when performing the disputed transactions, a 3-D Secure code, known only to you, was used, which is a confirmation for the Bank that the transactions were carried out by the holder himself. To resolve the situation, you need to contact the police.
Can I sue the bank to terminate the contract and not pay money that I did not take?

Lawyer Ulanov A.S., 3490 answers, 2008 reviews, on the site since 12/09/2014
2.1. Hello!
The only chance to slow down the police is to set the prosecutor's office against the police so that they look for him. Write an urgent application through the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to department K. If you terminate the contract, this will not free you from paying all debts to the bank. There is a chance only if the police confirm that criminal actions have been committed against you.

3. I encountered the same problem. On September 24, 2019, I took out a loan (Home Credit Bank) at the CSN store in Nefteyugansk. Today they called me from the store and it turned out that they did not photocopy the registration and the agreement has not yet been transferred to the bank, the payment schedule has not been created in the application, the loan has not been activated. Now I read in the small print in the contract that the date of transfer of the first Monthly payment is 10/15/2019, although initially it was the 24th of each month. And in the store they told me that I no longer need to pay this month since the agreement was not activated in the bank. In general, the store says that there is no need to pay this month, payments will be made from the next month from the moment the loan is activated. I don’t want to ruin my credit history because of the negligence of store employees. If I pay the loan tomorrow (10/15/2019), then judging by what is written in the memo, the money will not have time to arrive in the account tomorrow, that is, there will be a delay. Please tell me, can this fact negatively affect my credit history if the loan has not been activated yet? Thank you.

Lawyer Tsukanov D.V., 1863 answers, 1424 reviews, on the site from 11/13/2018
3.1. Hello. Since the loan has not been activated and therefore the agreement has not been concluded, it is impossible to spoil the credit history. You are not in arrears until the money is transferred from the bank to the store (credit activated). In any case, the recommendation is to contact the Bank’s hotline to draw up a new payment schedule and avoid delays. In this case, it would be reckless to trust the words of a store employee.

4. The situation is this: 2.6 years ago my mother died. She had a loan and a credit card, a loan from Sberbank ( this bank I immediately contacted a notary about the debt) and a credit card from Home Credit Bank. Having received my mother’s death certificate, I took it to both banks and gave all my coordinates, since I did not and do not intend to hide from them. Having entered into an inheritance, I repaid the loan from Sberbank, but there is no Home Credit branch in our city, I called the hotline, they told me that they had no complaints. And now, after such a time, I am invited to court, a claim from Home Credit on a credit card. I am currently on maternity leave and am a single mother of two children. I inherited a burnt house, a burnt out car, and, of course, a plot of land on which the ruins of the house stand. How should I deal with this situation?

Lawyer Ivanova N.P., 3909 answers, 2464 reviews, on the site from 07/14/2018
4.1. Dear site visitor! By repaying the loan from Sberbank, you showed that you have entered into inheritance rights. For Home Credit, you need to look at the documents to ensure that the statute of limitations has not been missed, but none of the competent lawyers will do this for free (. Don’t be fooled by lawyers for 200-500 rubles (

Lawyer Moskvichev A.V., 2994 answers, 1649 reviews, on the site since 02/28/2016
4.2. Anna,
The heirs are liable for the debts of the testator to the extent of the value of the inherited property.
Therefore, you need to evaluate what you inherited and see how much you have already paid off. Well, how much is left, respectively.
This is what will be discussed in court.

After the court order is canceled, you can send an application to the court to reverse the execution of the court order to return the funds withheld from you.

10. I wanted to take out a mortgage, but the bank discovered an overdue debt in the home credit bank. The most interesting thing is that many years have passed, no courts, no bailiffs, tell me what to do?

Lawyer Kriukhin N.V., 157614 answers, 69087 reviews, on the site from 07/14/2011
10.1. Hello.
1. Get a credit report from a credit bureau.
2. file a lawsuit.

11. I have an outstanding loan of 30,000 on a home loan. There was a Sberbank card. Where was the money? Yesterday I received an SMS from Sberbank that all the money from the deposit and card had been written off, down to the penny. 11,000 bailiffs. By a court decision of which I am unfamiliar. The loan was taken out three years ago. I don’t officially work, only at home. I'm on maternity leave. Do bailiffs have the right to write off all the money, and can I get it back?

Lawyer Kozyrev P. A., 2309 answers, 1529 reviews, on the site from 01/22/2019
11.1. A court order was probably issued against you, you need to go to court, get a court order and you will have 10 days to cancel it in accordance with Articles 128-129 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Lawyer Bubnova S.B., 1710 answers, 1104 reviews, on the site from 09/16/2014
11.2. If you cancel the court order, the bailiff will return all the money debited from the card to you.
Obtain a court order from the magistrate and appeal it within 10 days. Good luck.

Sergey Yuny Barmaleikin, 15888 replies, 857 reviews, on the site since 10/25/2011
11.3. On the FSSP website, see the court district of the magistrate and the number of the court order. If the court is in Samara, then write an application to familiarize yourself with the case materials, make photocopies of them, and receive a copy of the court order. After receiving the copy, you have 10 days to file your objections to its execution and file a petition to restore the deadline for filing them. After cancellation, submit an application to the bailiff to terminate the individual entrepreneur, ask for copies payment orders about transferring money to the recoverer if the money passed through the bailiff. Get a certificate from Sberbank about the penalties, the operator will issue it to you, and you will see where the money was transferred. If there is an OSP, then to their account, if a bank, then to the bank. Write an application to the court to reverse the execution of the court order, Art. 443 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, and try to return the money.
However, I feel that Home has collected a debt from you under a court order in Kazan, Vakhitovsky district, court district No. 2. The conveyor there is well established. I also canceled the court order for the trustee, sending a request to the court to provide a copy of the court order, a copy of the application for the issuance of the court order and appendices to it. The court sent everything to me and we canceled this order and stopped the IP with the bailiff. Write. Good luck.

Lawyer Vasina T.B., 14511 answers, 4676 reviews, on the site since 12/10/2010
11.4. - this is a long “procedure” - the bailiffs will not immediately send the money to your bank account;
- and in court, everything is not done quickly - find out immediately when you can come up for a ruling to cancel a court order in order to provide it to the bailiff...

Lawyer Vedenkova L.F., 53 replies, 36 reviews, on the site since 08/14/2019
11.5. Catherine! If you apply for cancellation of the court order, do not forget to write a statement to the bailiff about postponing enforcement actions in connection with the appeal of the writ of execution, so as not to write off any more money from other accounts 😉

12. There is a debt to Home Credit Bank, there was a decision from the magistrate’s court, but no letter arrived, they are asking me to pay the full amount, but I don’t have such funds, I don’t work. Is it possible to write an application to pay? small amounts in installments and who to contact in this situation? Today a small amount was paid through the bailiffs.

Lawyer E. S. Tyutyunnikova, 252 answers, 140 reviews, on the site since 08/19/2019
12.1. Please clarify whether a magistrate's court decision or a court order was issued?

I have 2 outstanding credits from Russian Standard and SKB Bank, 5 years have passed since my last payment and no one has taken me to court 3 days ago I received an SMS from Home Credit Bank that my account was frozen, I went to the bank and there is no debt there but on the website FSSP I have a debt of 261,000 under my old registration, but I have already had a new registration for 10 years and I took credits under my new registration, what could it be and what should I do?

Read answers (4)

13. I received a court order to recover for positions at Home Credit, the loan was issued in 2011, I stopped paying because I lost my job, the last payment was left, but after calling the bank I found out that the payment date had changed 4 months ago, which they did not inform me about, and it worked out that I owe again the amount that I took. All this happened in 2012. Now a court order has arrived to pay for the position for the period from 2012 to 2018. I didn’t know that there was a trial, what could be done and whether the bank’s actions were legal?
Lawyer Kukovyakin V.N., 10330 answers, 6741 reviews, on the site from 11/16/2017
13.1. Hello, Elena!

The bank had the right to apply for a writ of injunction. You, in turn, have the right to apply for its cancellation. The main thing is to understand when exactly did you receive this order?
Lawyer Cherednichenko V.A., 193267 answers, 73802 reviews, on the site from 05/12/2015

13.2. You can file an objection to the court order, because if you don’t do this, you will have to pay. Otherwise, bailiffs will forcibly collect this debt.
Lawyer Filieev F.V., 3950 answers, 3341 reviews, on the site from 05/21/2018

13.3. In accordance with Art. 129 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the judge cancels the court order if the debtor raises objections regarding its execution within the prescribed period (10 days). Therefore, you can start by canceling the court order, then the creditor will have to go to court with a statement of claim, where you can present your reasons, arguments and objections, incl. It is also possible that the statute of limitations has passed. Don't miss the deadline for filing objections. At the same time, file a petition to restore the deadline for filing objections, citing the late receipt of the court order.

14. In 2013, I took out a Home Credit Bank credit card. At first I paid all my payments on time, but in mid-2015 I stopped paying due to my difficult financial situation. No one contacted me and I did not receive any letters. Now a registration ban has been placed on the car due to the order of the bailiff. As it turns out, the bank filed a lawsuit against me in 2017, but I did not receive any notifications about the lawsuit. The other day I tried to cancel the court order on the basis that I had not received any notices or letters. The judge refused to cancel the court order. But as I understand the statute of limitations has expired, how can I competently resolve this situation?

Lawyer Voronchikhin D. A., 7230 answers, 4632 reviews, on the site from 11/14/2018
14.1. Well, it’s probably too late, you’ve already ruined everything you could have, you were denied the cancellation of the order, it’s practically useless to appeal, you can try to file an application to restore the deadlines, indicate a good reason why you might not have received a court order. But you had to do this right away, you need to look at the court’s ruling, what they wrote for you, then try to come up with something, but there are no guarantees, they refused you.

Lawyer Matveeva T.G., 93,126 answers, 39,398 reviews, on the site since 03/26/2006
14.2. At the same time as the application to cancel the court order, you had to submit an application to restore the procedural time limit. If the restoration of the term is refused, a private complaint can be filed against the magistrate’s ruling.

15. We want to sue because we lost 700 thousand money because of the Cashbury pyramid. Bankruptcy was closed in November, my wife and I were upset, what should we do, how can we get the money back from Cashbury? I hope you can help us? We took this money from the home loan bank 500 thousand and 200 thousand for 3 years every month for 16 thousand and 9 thousand. We got it from another lawyer to no avail.

Lawyer Kulik V.I., 5236 answers, 3470 reviews, on the site from 04/18/2017
15.1. If the bankruptcy procedure is over, you will not get it back. Lawyers won't help.

Lawyer Voronchikhin D. A., 7230 answers, 4632 reviews, on the site from 11/14/2018
15.2. You need to look at the agreement that you had with them and what the state of their business is now, whether they are declared bankrupt through the court or what. There is little chance of getting the money back; if the company is abandoned, there is most likely no money there.

Lawyer Skvortsov S.V., 877 answers, 540 reviews, on the site from 07/04/2018
15.3. Tell us, dear sir, your situation in more detail...

Lawyer E. S. Demeneva, 1637 answers, 769 reviews, on the site from 08/09/2018
15.4. Maxim, the information you provided is not enough to help you.
Who closed the bankruptcy? What does it mean? How was the money transferred to Cashbury and through whom? Why don't you go bankrupt yourself?

16. I had a court case that I didn’t pay my home loan, so they gave the bailiffs a seizure on the card. When I found out about the orestation, I objected and the court canceled the order and on July 2 it entered into legal force.
If the order was cancelled, why is my card still under arrest?

Lawyer Sysuev A.A., 3997 answers, 2749 reviews, on the site from 11/21/2013
16.1. Greetings.
You need to contact the bailiffs directly and give them a copy of the court ruling to cancel the court order.

My husband took out a cash loan from Home Credit Bank. There is a fine of 500 rubles for crossing the road in the wrong place on the FSSP website. The bailiff seized the HKB credit account, to which the husband pays the loan online.
Does the court have the right? bailiff to seize a bank account?
Thanks for the answer. Read answers (3)

17. I would like to go to court with a claim against Home Credit Bank, I have such a situation, I do not refuse my debt obligations, I told them so directly, I will go and pay the debt in full tomorrow, but if they return my original loan agreement receipt to me to which they answered that they would give me a certificate of defamation, but I am not interested in the certificate, namely my own hand-signed contract, how can I correctly draw up a statement of claim, someone will help me in court to draw it up correctly.

Lawyer Boldyrev R.I., 4004 answers, 2254 reviews, on the site from 07/26/2017
17.1. Hello!
Contact the site's lawyers in a personal message.

Lawyer Levashov D.V., 8699 answers, 4541 reviews, on the site from 07/22/2013
17.2. Victor, the loan agreement is concluded in two copies. One of which is yours. The requirement to issue the original loan agreement from the other party is unlawful.

18. What documents are needed to sue for a home loan. I took consumer loan On August 5, 2013, on August 6, I came and refused it because I didn’t see that the specialist had taken out additional insurance. The department said that the contract was closed and I didn’t owe anything else. They did not provide any supporting documents. Six months later, in January 2014, the bank started calling me and presenting the debt. Then they sent a request and the proceedings began, the store where I took out a loan also transferred the money in 2014. They stated that everything was closed and apologized. And now, after 5 years, they started calling again and presenting the debt. Tell me what documents are needed to file a lawsuit against the bank.

Lawyer Vozny E.V., 2072 answers, 1257 reviews, on the site from 10/18/2018
18.1. Hello, have they sent any written demands for payment of the debt, have you recorded telephone conversations?

Lawyer Okulova I.V., 48699 answers, 25098 reviews, on the site from 11/17/2015
18.2. Apply Article 333, 196 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Lawyer Shapiro V.A., 3478 answers, 1641 reviews, on the site from 05/14/2015
18.3. Dear Anna! Contact any Lawyer on this site for qualified legal assistance. Sincerely, Vladimir Alexandrovich.

19. My name is Ruslan. I took out a home loan card with an increasing limit. Conscientiously paid interest on the amounts he used. That is, I topped up the card and withdrew again. At some point I was left without work. The debt on the card amounted to 170,000 thousand rubles. However, it is reliably known that I paid interest on this card for more than 200,000 thousand rubles. If they file a lawsuit against me for compensation of 170,000 thousand rubles, what will be the outcome of such a lawsuit?

Lawyer Plyasunov K.A., 145,007 answers, 35,783 reviews, on the site since 02/26/2013
19.1. Hello.
According to the terms of the contract, the parties are obliged to fulfill assumed obligations Article 307 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. So you need to familiarize yourself with the calculations. Have you received your claim?

20. I received an SMS from number 900 that Home Bank had filed a lawsuit for non-payment of the loan. The amount is 11,000. The loan was issued a long time ago, I changed my registration address and place of residence during this time. The savings bank account was seized. I don't mind paying from this account. What are my next steps? Will the debt be written off from the card over time and that’s it? And also, I’m going to travel by train across Russia, will the bailiffs be looking for me and can they take me off the train?

Lawyer Volodin A. O., 36 answers, 23 reviews, on the site from 07/01/2019
20.1. Good afternoon I don't think there's any need to worry. If your card receives cash, they will simply be written off from there automatically. You can move freely!

21. 6 years later, Home Credit Bank filed a lawsuit, 6 years since it stopped paying. The other day I received an SMS and learned that there was a trial and they arrested me and seized my salary and other cards. After all, the statute of limitations has expired. Art. 199 gk.

21.1. The statute of limitations is applied by the court only upon the application of a party. If you did not participate in the court hearing and did not file a motion, then the court itself cannot apply the statute of limitations.

22. The Sberbank card was seized, the claimant Home Credit, on the basis of a court order, but I did not receive any documents, nor a court order, and if I do not agree with the court’s decision.

Lawyer Larin A. E., 728 answers, 299 reviews, on the site from 04/27/2016
22.1. Good afternoon, Svetlana. You need to contact the bailiffs and find out the reasons for the arrest. Read the court decision. Then it will become clearer. This needs to be done very urgently.

23. In 13, my husband took out a loan, paid for some time, then stopped (there was no work). A lot of time passed, home credit was also silent. In the fall of 18, they applied for 24 thousand. And the bailiffs seized the card. We paid. And again silence. Now at customs with Kazakhstan it turned out that there is again legal proceedings for 106 thousand. We were not warned, we were not notified. The trial took place in March, we did not receive anything from them. The court order states the debt is from 2013 to 2015. 106 t. how so? So they can endlessly sue? How can this decision be reversed?

Law firm LLC "Helios", 12588 answers, 7097 reviews, on the site from 03/01/2019
23.1. Hello! Yes, you can try to cancel if you have not received court notices and copies of the court order.

Lawyer I. S. Yargina, 105 answers, 82 reviews, on the site from 02/08/2019
23.2. Good afternoon Based on Art. 129 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to prepare an application to cancel the court order. If specified in Art. 128 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, you missed the 10-day deadline; separately file a petition to restore the deadline for filing objections to the court order.

24. Three cards were seized from me, one of them is a salary card, on the other I receive alimony, on the third I do not receive any income. All of them are in different regions, the home loan was seized by a court decision, and another one was bailiffs. I live in a completely different city. What should I do, how can I resolve the issue so that the arrest is lifted? Where should I go if I do not live at the place of the court decision?

Lawyer Sevostyanov M.V., 178 answers, 88 reviews, on the site from 04/24/2019
24.1. Contact the authority that imposed the arrest (court or bailiff). You can contact us remotely (send by mail). Please attach documents to your application confirming that alimony payments are made to the card.

25. From 04/29/2014 executed. Leaf Home Credit has seized or seized 2 of my cards in Sberbank, withdrew 19 rubles 10 kopecks from one, and 1 ruble from the other. do they have the right to do so? At the court. Priest. Production has been discontinued. Yesterday at 22.10 I received an SMS from number 900 about this, I was shocked.

Lawyer Kashapov R.Z., 12573 answers, 6628 reviews, on the site from 05/28/2014
25.1. Hello Alfia
We need to deal with the bailiff service, we must assume that there were some debts and the money was written off to pay off these debts.

26. First situation: the bailiffs imposed an arrest for salary card 4 years have passed to pay off the Home loan debt. When asked how they said that, a resolution came, the amount was seized and written off, and there was no trial or investigation, and the loan was repaid 4 years ago. How can banks work directly with bailiffs on arrests?

Lawyer Serchenya A. Yu., 120 answers, 89 reviews, on the site from 01/29/2018
26.1. Article 12. Types of executive documents

1. Executive documents sent (presented) to the bailiff are:
1) writs of execution issued by courts of general jurisdiction and arbitration courts on the basis of judicial acts adopted by them;
2) court orders;
3) notarized agreements on the payment of alimony or their notarized copies;
4) certificates issued by labor dispute commissions;
4.1) acts Pension Fund Russian Federation and the Foundation social insurance of the Russian Federation on the collection of funds from a debtor-citizen registered in the prescribed manner as individual entrepreneur, without attaching documents containing marks from banks or other credit organizations, if the debtor has the right to carry out business activities without opening a current and other accounts
4.2) certificates issued by the ombudsmen for the rights of consumers of financial services in the manner prescribed by the Federal Law “On the ombudsman for the rights of consumers of financial services”;

5) acts of bodies exercising control functions, with the exception of executive documents specified in paragraph 4.1 of this part, on the collection of funds with the attachment of documents containing marks from banks or other credit organizations in which settlement and other accounts of the debtor are opened, on full or partial failure to comply with the requirements of these authorities due to the lack of funds in the debtor’s accounts sufficient to satisfy these requirements;

6) judicial acts, acts of other bodies and officials in cases of administrative offenses;
7) orders of the bailiff;
8) acts of other bodies in cases provided for by federal law;
9) writ of execution by a notary

10) request central authority appointed in the Russian Federation in order to ensure the fulfillment of obligations under an international treaty of the Russian Federation on the search for a child illegally transferred to the Russian Federation or detained in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the request of the central authority to search for a child);

11) executive documents issued by the competent authorities of foreign states and subject to execution on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation;

12) a judge’s ruling on the seizure of property in order to ensure the execution of a decision imposing an administrative penalty for committing an administrative offense provided for in Article 19.28 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

1.1. A writ of execution may be sent to a bailiff in the form of an electronic document signed by a judge, a person presiding at a meeting of a collegial body, or an official who adopted the relevant act, enhanced by a qualified electronic signature in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Lawyer Teterin A.V., 1345 answers, 692 reviews, on the site from November 27, 2016
26.2. Good evening.

In your case, there may have been a court order. A court order is issued without summoning the parties. You need to cancel the court order and apply to the court to reverse the court decision in order to get the money back.

27. Many years ago I received a home loan credit card with a limit of 20,000. I paid monthly, we were on time without any delays. It took me a long time to pay, but the debt only grew. I stopped paying and the calls started. I wanted to come to a good agreement, I wanted to pay, taking into account the fact that I had already paid a lot. I asked for a recalculation, but they refused. I took the payment document, everything was paid for. The bank sued, I filed a counterclaim and won the case. They didn’t go to court again, but they submitted negative information to the credit history bureau and now they won’t give me a loan. Although I have been using loans again for several years now and pay everything on time.

Law firm LLC "PRAVOPRO", 20568 answers, 12061 reviews, on the site since 05/18/2017
27.1. Good afternoon
You can challenge your credit history:

Article 8. Rights of the subject of credit history

4. The credit history bureau, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application specified in part 3 of this article, is obliged, with the exception of cases specified by this Federal Law, to conduct an additional check of the information included in the credit history by requesting it from the source of the credit history. . If the subject of the credit history indicated in the application that he has justified reasons, including circumstances threatening to cause harm to life or health, to obtain the relevant information in more detail short term, the credit history bureau carries out the check within the period specified by it. At the time of such a check, a corresponding note is made in the credit history.

Lawyer Chugaev A. Yu., 573 replies, 298 reviews, on the site from 10/31/2015
27.2. Hello
If this entry bothers you and you actually know that the loan has been repaid, you need to submit an Application for Adjustment to your Credit History Bureau.
For help in drawing up the necessary documents and developing a competent legal position, you can contact the lawyer you selected on the site in a personal message.

Lawyer Maksimov M.V., 22010 answers, 12939 reviews, on the site from 09/15/2016
27.3. Contact the history bureau with a request to make an adjustment, they will refuse to go to court. “Revisions” of the document have been prepared with changes that have not entered into force
Federal Law of December 30, 2004 N 218-FZ (as amended on August 3, 2018) “On Credit Histories” (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on January 31, 2019)
""Article 8. Rights of the subject of credit history

""1. The subject of a credit history has the right to obtain “information” from the Central Catalog of Credit Histories about which credit history bureau stores his credit history.
""2. The subject of a credit history has the right to receive a credit report on his or her credit at each credit history bureau that stores a credit history about him, no more than twice a year (but no more than once on paper) free of charge and any number of times for a fee without specifying reasons. history, including the individual rating of the subject of the credit history (if any), including information accumulated in accordance with this Federal Law on the sources of the formation of the credit history and on the users of the credit history to whom credit reports were issued.
(Part 2 as amended by Federal Law dated 03.08.2018 N 327-FZ)

2.1. The subject of a credit history has the right to send through a credit organization that has entered into an agreement for the provision of information services with a credit history bureau, which stores a credit history about him, in accordance with subparagraph "d" of paragraph 2 of part 6.1 or subparagraph "c" of paragraph 2 of part 6.4 of article 6 of this Federal Law, a request to receive, including free of charge in accordance with Part 2 of this article, a credit report on one’s credit history, including information accumulated in accordance with this Federal Law on the sources of credit history and on the users of credit history to whom credit reports were issued . Submitting a request from a subject of a credit history to receive a credit report free of charge in accordance with Part 2 of this article is executed by a credit institution without charging a fee. The credit history bureau is obliged, at the request of a credit organization, to report the number of credit reports received by the subject of the credit history free of charge in accordance with Part 2 of this article.
(Part 2.1 introduced by Federal Law dated August 3, 2018 N 327-FZ)
3. The subject of a credit history has the right to fully or partially challenge the information contained in his credit history by submitting to the credit history bureau, which stores the specified credit history, an application for amendments and (or) additions to this credit history.
""4. The credit history bureau, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application specified in Part 3 of this article, is obliged, with the exception of cases determined by this Federal Law, to conduct an additional check of the information included in the credit history by requesting it from the source of the credit history. If the subject of the credit history indicated in the application that he has justified reasons, including circumstances threatening to cause harm to life or health, to obtain the relevant information in a shorter period of time, the credit history bureau conducts an inspection within the period specified by him. At the time of such a check, a corresponding note is made in the credit history.
(Part 4 as amended by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
(see text in the previous “edition”)
""4.1. The source of the credit history formation is obliged to submit the credit history bureau request within 14 days from the date of receipt of the credit history bureau request, and if the subject of the credit history has justified reasons for receiving such information in a shorter period of time - within the period specified by the credit history bureau. writing to the credit history bureau information confirming the accuracy of previously transmitted information or the legality of the request for a credit report, disputed by the subject of credit history, or correct his credit history in the disputed part by sending the appropriate reliable information or a request to delete the unlawful request to the credit history bureau.
(Part 4.1 introduced by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
4.2. If, within the established period, the credit history bureau has not received a response to the request specified in part 4.1 of this article from the source of the credit history in connection with the application of the subject of the credit history to make changes to his credit history, the source of the credit history is responsible , established by law Russian Federation.
(Part 4.2 introduced by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
""5. The credit history bureau updates the credit history in the disputed part or cancels the credit history if, at the request of the subject of the credit history, based on information received from the source of the credit history in accordance with Part 4.1 of this article, a decision was made to completely challenge the information contained in his credit history history, if the specified application is confirmed, or leaves the credit history unchanged. The credit history bureau is obliged to inform the subject of the credit history in writing about the results of consideration of this application after 30 days from the date of its receipt. Refusal to satisfy this application must be motivated.
(Part 5 as amended by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
(see text in the previous “edition”)
5.1. The subject of a credit history has the right to send to the credit history bureau in which his credit history is stored an application for changes in the information contained in the title part of the credit history, attaching copies of documents confirming the change in the specified information, or contact the credit history bureau with an application through the credit organization is the source of credit history formation. Copies of the relevant documents can be certified by the employer of the subject of the credit history, an employee of the credit institution through which the application is submitted. Also, the subject of credit history has the right to contact the credit history bureau directly, providing original documents or their copies, certified in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The credit history bureau makes appropriate changes to the title part of the credit history of such a credit history subject with a note stating that, according to the information received from the credit history subject, the passport whose data was previously entered into the title part of the credit history is invalid. The credit history bureau provides information about changes in the information contained in the title part of the credit history of the subject of credit histories, and about the invalidity of the passport, the data of which was entered into the title part of the credit history earlier.
(Part 5.1 introduced by Federal Law dated June 28, 2014 N 189-FZ)
6. The credit history bureau is not obliged to further verify previously disputed but confirmed information contained in the credit history.
7. The subject of a credit history has the right to appeal in court the refusal of a credit history bureau to satisfy an application for making changes and (or) additions to a credit history, as well as the failure to submit a written report on the results of consideration of his application within the period established by this article.

"Open the full text of the document"

28. My situation is not simple. Home Credit Bank sued me and won in February 2018, I found out about this 8 months later. At the time of the trial I was in the hospital, there are documents confirming this. But the last payment on this loan (card) was already in 2013, the statute of limitations has passed. In fact, I owed them 13 thousand, but now it’s 67 thousand. Can I somehow challenge this court decision? Thank you!

Lawyer Lagutin O.N., 4042 answers, 2625 reviews, on the site from 01/27/2019
28.1. You can - simultaneously with the complaint or objection to the order - file a petition to restore the procedural period!

Lawyer Aseeva T. A., 1585 answers, 971 reviews, on the site from 09/25/2017
28.2. Yes you can
According to paragraph 1 of Art. 237 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation:
The defendant has the right to file with the court that made the default decision an application to cancel this court decision within seven days from the date of delivery of a copy of this decision.
It will be necessary to attach to the application to cancel the default judgment a petition to restore the deadline, evidence that the defendant only received a copy of the decision or did not receive it. The application is not subject to state duty.

Lawyer Abrosova I.V., 2989 answers, 2004 reviews, on the site from 09/12/2017
28.3. Victoria, good afternoon! If a court order is issued, then you need to file an objection to have it cancelled, while applying for the restoration of the deadlines. If a decision is made in absentia, it is also necessary to restore the deadlines and submit an application for its cancellation. If you have questions, write to the site’s lawyers in private messages.

29. Which court to apply for restoration of credit history. Home Credit Bank was sued in 2008. The magistrate rejected the bank's claims against me. The bank ruined my credit history in retaliation. It's been 10 years now. Pre-trial reconciliation is ignored. I submitted an application to the magistrate and they refused to accept me, saying it was not within their competence. But monetary interests are not considered for the bank. Moreover, in 2008 the magistrate made a ruling. I don’t contact him because... the trial was in Ufa, and I live in Kuzbass.

Lawyer Peschansky A. O., 61 answers, 29 reviews, on the site from 03/19/2019
29.1. I think the court will never accept such a claim. If you are denied a loan, present a court decision that you are not guilty and talk on the spot with bank representatives. The court will not restore your credit history in any way.

30. I took out two loans from Home Credit Bank in 2008, six months apart. At first I paid, but then due to personal circumstances I was unable to pay. The bank initially sent me claims, but never filed a lawsuit. I can almost say I forgot about these loans. But at the end of 2017 they called me and offered to participate in their “Debt Amnesty” campaign and sleep well. The operator misled me and based on her words, I understood that the debt would be closed upon payment of 20 percent of the total debt. Naturally I agreed. After payment, they supposedly sent me a letter of reference stating that they had no claims against me. But I didn't receive the letter. A year has passed. I needed money, applied to the bank for a loan, and when checking my credit history, it was discovered that these two loans were not closed. I went to the home loan bank to get that same certificate and find out why the loans weren’t closed!? I have been waiting for this certificate for a long time, and now I finally have it in my hands and this is what it says: According to the terms of the “Debt Amnesty” campaign, when 20 percent of the debt is paid, the Bank, in turn, is ready to change the collection procedure, that is, calls, SMS notifications and No more letters will be received, and no fines will be charged. The conditions of this promotion have been fulfilled by you. If you would like to receive information about full repayment debt You need to pay the entire remaining amount of debt.
I took an additional statement from my credit accounts, they divided my amount and charged me as payment of interest.
Tell me what to do? Should I sue them because of the statute of limitations? Or is it easier to start paying off these loans?
Thank you.

Lawyer Obolonskaya T.N., 2689 answers, 1717 reviews, on the site from 09/24/2018
30.1. The statute of limitations does not apply in this case, because it is calculated from 2017, from the date of the last loan payment. The bank, offering you a promotion, resorted to a trick. By agreeing to it and paying the amount, you interrupted the limitation period. Since you are a debtor, you are obliged to fulfill your obligations according to the loan agreement (Article 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).