Online loan exchange WebMoney. Is it really possible to make money? Credit exchange Webmoney How the private loan market works in Russia, what law governs it

Credit exchange Webmoney is an Internet service used by those who ask to borrow money (borrowers) and those who lend this money (lenders). It is clear that lenders charge payment for the money they borrow. If you want to borrow money in this way, then you need to submit your loan application on the exchange, in which you must indicate:
the amount you want to borrow;
the period during which you will repay the loan;
the percentage you are willing to pay for the service.

The application will indicate WMID (personal identifier of the WebMoney system participant), BL (Business level), and part of the passport data. Other data may be noted in the note, in particular:

Purpose of the loan;
features of debt repayment;
having your own business;
presence of a guarantor.

A lender who is interested in your application may close it in whole or in part. Here everything depends on whether he has a specific amount of money or on the desire to fully satisfy the wishes of the borrower. If the application is partially satisfied, then it will be closed. But the borrower will have a chance to get the missing amount if he meets a lender who agrees to borrow it. But if the full amount is still not collected during the validity period of the application, then the money that is already on it will be returned back to the creditors. The application itself will be considered unfulfilled, and the borrower will not receive anything. The entire history of applications can be viewed in the archive.

That is, the mechanism here is simple: either one lender gives the entire amount indicated in the application, or it is closed by several lenders. As soon as the full amount is reached, the loan is issued to the borrower.

The larger the amount in the application, the more difficult it is to close it, because... Most likely, its closing time will increase. Knowing this, experienced borrowers will not submit a large amount in one application. To do this, they have developed a different approach: consistently issue small amounts. Place each subsequent application after the previous one is closed.

In this case, there is a reason to write about your intentions in a note. For example, that 800 WMZ is required (all calculations on the exchange are carried out in titular dollar signs), but for now I’m placing an order for 200, there will be more orders for the rest of the amount.

A considerable number of lenders leave comments on their borrowers’ applications, which can be either negative or positive. By this they warn their other colleagues: this borrower is late in repaying the loan, and the other one repaid it ahead of schedule. It is clear that the second of them will look more attractive than the first.

Refinancing is common on the Webmoney exchange. This means repayment of previous loans with money received from new applications. The lender has the opportunity to see, by looking at the list of borrowers, exactly how much money each borrower borrowed and how much was returned. The difference between these amounts, the so-called. credit delta, for creditors is important indicator borrower. If it is large, then such a client begins to lose attractiveness and many lenders will begin to ignore him.

However, this does not mean that such a borrower has nothing to do on the stock exchange. If the interest payments in the application are indicated high enough, and the repayment period is short, then there will almost certainly be creditors (especially those who have recently entered the stock exchange).

Borrowers who owe on previous loans and at the same time apply for new ones are not necessarily scammers. Often these are those who have a certain business on the Internet, the income from which is not always predictable.

Borrowers with 5 years or more of experience on the Webmoney credit exchange are considered more trustworthy. They receive loans on favorable terms. They offer the “Trust Limits” service with permanent credit lines.

There are two special types of wallets in the Webmoney system: C and D. They serve to conveniently control existing debts and issued money. When a loan is issued, the money in the lender’s Z-wallet decreases, and the money in the D-wallet increases. For the borrower, money increases both in the Z-wallet and in the C-wallet.

Let's say a loan was issued for 200 WMZ for a period of 1 month at 11%. This means that 201.6 WMZ will be debited from the lender’s Z-wallet (including the WebMoney system commission of 0.8%). An amount of 222 WMZ (what the borrower owes him) will be added to his D-wallet. An amount of 200 WMZ will be transferred to the borrower’s Z-wallet, and 222 WMZ to the C-wallet (what will be returned in 1 month).

The system service is designed in such a way that the debt is automatically returned to the creditor after expiration. credit term. That is, it will be written off from the borrower’s Z-wallet if, for example, he forgets about the debt. If there is not enough money in the Z-wallet, then the system will block the debtor’s funds for withdrawal (from all wallets). In the future, it will only be possible to top up wallets and exchange other title units for WMZ (on the official WM service). Again, after reaching enough money in the Z-wallet, it will be transferred to the lender. And only after full repayment debts, it will be possible to withdraw funds for all other needs.

For those who regularly do business online, late payment can have another unpleasant moment: the BL indicators will be reset. This will lower the level of trust in the WMID owner among those who deal with the Webmoney system. But after repaying the debt, BL will return to its previous levels.

For its services, the exchange charges the lender a very small fee.

There are a number of requirements for the borrower. Here they are:

Availability of a “Personal Certificate” (at least 6 months);
use of the E-num service when working with the exchange (for authorization);
accept a contract with the creditor (guarantee of security for the giver of money).

Acceptance of the contract will allow the creditor to collect debts from the defaulter in court.

It can also be noted that the size of the loan that you can realistically hope for will directly depend on the BL indicator.

You do not need to register on the Webmoney credit exchange, but to get on it you must have an account in payment system. In addition, login is only possible from the keeper Web Pro Light and Win Pro Classic. All other versions do not provide the ability to give loans and borrow. Also, participants in transactions must undergo verification and receive one of the levels of certificates. To borrow money, you need a personal certificate, and to borrow money, you need a formal certificate.

What is the WebMoney credit exchange

The WebMoney loan exchange is located on the website This is a service where all WM users can take out a loan or borrow money at interest. To use the resource service, you must have one of the keeper installed:

  • WebPro - lightweight version;
  • WinPro – classic version.

All transactions are performed in dollars. For each loan, repayment terms are established. If the creditor does not repay the debt on time, his account will be blocked.

Naturally, all operations are carried out only between users who have confirmed their identity by uploading scans of their passport and code. For those who are interested in whether it is possible to make money on the WebMoney exchange, we answer - it is possible, and the risks are minimal. The main thing is to look at the borrower’s business level, the age of his account, and the level of his certificate. The higher the indicators, the more reliable the partner, and accordingly, the lower the risk that your money will not be returned to you. Yes, it also happens that funds are not returned. Fraudsters use hacked accounts to obtain loans and then disappear without a trace. Previously it was possible, and that’s what they did.

The Wikimoney website recommends taking the Lazy Investor Course, where you will learn how to get out of your financial ass and learn how to get passive income. No enticements, only high-quality information from a practicing investor (from real estate to cryptocurrency).

How to get a loan on the Webmoney exchange

To borrow on the Webmoney credit exchange, you need to create an application, and for this you need to open a WMC wallet. This is an analogue of a dollar wallet, it is used for purchases on credit. Users with a personal certificate can receive WMC; a formal one will not be enough. So, first you will need to go to the nearest certification center, present the originals of your documents and pay $20 for registration.

You will be taken to the application form. In it you need to indicate the loan amount, wallet, your passport details, purpose of receipt, return guarantee, contact details and coordinates, recommendations. On the WebMoney credit exchange, according to reviews, the more information you provide in the application, the more willing potential lenders will respond.

After confirming the operation, your application will appear in the general table on home page site. When you respond to it, you will receive a notification in the keeper. It will contain a link, following which you will be taken to the loan agreement. Read it carefully and if no questions arise, agree to its terms. The system will ask you to confirm the action via SMS. After this, you need to click the “I accepted the agreement” button opposite the loan agreement.

You will receive money only when all borrowers accept the agreement. By the way, there may be several creditors on your application. The total amount of debt will be indicated in the WMC wallet account.

How to give a loan to WebMoney

To pay off a debt, just deposit the required amount into your WMZ wallet. When the loan term comes to an end, the money will automatically be used from the dollar wallet to pay off the debt. You can also pay off your debt early. To do this, you need to go into the history of transactions in the WMC wallet and select the “Operations” item. In the window that appears, find the loan that you want to repay early and double-click on it.

In the new form, indicate the wallet from which the funds will be transferred. You can leave your comment and click the “Submit” button. At the end, the system will ask you to confirm the action. This will clear your debt.

How to lend on the Webmoney loan exchange

How to make money on the WebMoney exchange? It’s simple, you lend it at interest on the page You can only lend money that is in a specially created WMD wallet - similar to WMZ, but used only for lending. It can be created by a user with a formal certificate or higher.

On the main page, select the application you are interested in. If you are carrying out an operation for the first time, then you need to make a power of attorney to write off money from your WMZ wallet. To do this, click on the appropriate button in the lending form.

In the power of attorney, you indicate the wallet number and withdrawal limits. Information about the loan recipient becomes available to the lender only if there is a sufficient amount of money in the latter’s account. Data may also be available if the application includes permission for collective lending. In this case, you indicate how much money you are willing to transfer to the recipient.

After confirmation, you will need to accept the contract. When all parties to the transaction accept the agreement, money will be debited from your account. Total amount accounts receivable for all issued loans with interest will be displayed in your profile on your WMD wallet.

Credit exchange is the name of any service that offers to provide a loan or receive it from another participant in the exchange. In addition, credit exchanges are sometimes called services that allow you to buy or sell existing debt obligations. The third meaning of the term is a place (platform) where you can buy or sell credits - an internal unit of exchange (“currency”) of some services and electronic games, which has limited circulation. Also, companies engaged in the purchase and sale of debt obligations, or the issuance of such, often call themselves credit exchanges.

Take out a loan on the loan exchange

To take out a loan yourself on the loan exchange, you need to register in the system in which you want to take out a loan. For example, for loans in Webmoney, this is the official platform of the system, and the more understandable address redirects here. Also from large private credit exchanges there is a service and some others. After this, select a loan according to the conditions (term, interest), and try to ensure the conditions for obtaining it (the required type of certificate, level of business activity BL - Businesslevel, registration period in the system), and if possible, indicate the method of securing the loan, list projects on the Internet or beyond.

Loans to citizens on the labor exchange

Usually credit organizations do not provide loans without appropriate guarantees, one of which is the presence of a permanent place of work. At the same time, any other instrument can become a guarantee of solvency:

  • ownership of real estate or car,
  • availability of funds in a bank account,
  • presence of a border crossing mark in the international passport.

Moreover, even the unemployed financial institutions graded according to the degree of “danger” in terms of non-payment of undertaken obligations. And those who are still on the labor exchange are considered the safest and most solvent.

An example of earning money on the credit exchange

Making money on the credit exchange is one of the high-risk ways to make a profit. In this case, you can either engage in the purchase and sale of debts of other exchange participants, or issue loans yourself. If you want to place free funds on the credit exchange, follow several rules:

  • use proven credit exchanges in which participants must provide maximum information about themselves,
  • lend only very much small amounts(relative to the total investment size) - this way there is less chance of losing the entire amount with 2-3 debtors,
  • use earnings on the loan exchange as a high-risk, but also highly profitable investment tool - that is, invest only what you are realistically ready to lose at any moment without the chance of being left without income,
  • get maximum information about the borrower - right down to passport details and other documents.

How does everything happen on the credit exchange?

The loan exchange is a specialized platform on the Internet that brings together among ordinary people those who are looking for funds and those who can provide these funds at a certain percentage.

There are no specific requirements for online borrowers - they are certainly not unambiguous. Moreover, each credit exchange has its own ratings of lenders and borrowers, which creates a degree of trust in everyone who wants to borrow money. At the same time, the borrower himself is looking for opportunities to identify himself on the stock exchange, confirm his solvency, etc. If the borrower's rating is high enough, it is quite possible to find a loan at a rate of up to 15%. But without certificates, you can only borrow at 100% or more. And then, if you're lucky.

What is the point of a credit exchange?

The main point of the work of the credit exchange is that on a certain platform prepared for this purpose, some people can lend to others on their own individual terms. Loans are often applied for by those who want to use the currency of a particular electronic money system, but cannot currently purchase it. There is no specific interest rate on the stock exchange - everything will depend on the reliability of the borrower and on the specific lender. Owner Money may agree to a loan for more than low percentage after face-to-face communication with the borrower via Skype, etc.

How to work with the exchange

To receive, you need to register directly on the credit exchange and fill out the appropriate online application, in which you indicate how long you need money for, what amount is required, etc. Then you just have to wait until one of the creditors agrees to help you. The exchange will require certain information from the potential borrower. The larger the requested amount, the more and longer you will have to confirm your identity and solvency as a client. The more information you provide about yourself, the greater your chances of getting a quick response from those who can borrow money. It is easier to search for lenders on exchanges for specific financial transactions than for non-targeted requests.

Is it safe

Of course, there are certain risks on the loan exchange. They primarily concern creditors, who make money here. The biggest problem is the dishonesty of some clients and fraud. Although this does not happen as often as it might seem. An adequate person understands that if he repays the debt in full on time without any problems, the faster his rating on the stock exchange will increase. This means that there will be a loyal attitude of creditors. The loan exchange, like the bank, in case of non-payment of the loan, can turn to the services of collectors. So being a defaulter on loans received online is not so profitable.

Example of an electronic loan exchange

The most famous electronic loan exchange on the Russian-language Internet is, of course, the WebMoney system. It is the one that is most popular among both borrowers and lenders. The Webmoney service system has a separate section - Webmoney system loans. In order to borrow money, the owner of an electronic wallet must have, at a minimum, a personal certificate certified by a notary. You can officially confirm your identity and obtain such a certificate from representatives of the monetary system in different cities.

Herself monetary system does not charge additional commissions from those who use the credit exchange. The only commission the system receives is the commission for transferring funds from one person’s wallet to another’s wallet. It is 0.08% of the transfer amount.

Benefits for clients

Using the loan exchange is quite convenient. Lately, clients have been using loan exchanges as an alternative to standard bank lending programs. You can get a loan online without leaving your home. You will only pay interest on the loan upon actual payment. There are no additional payments on exchanges of this type. Loans are issued to clients as quickly as possible.

Disadvantages of the system include: high percent lending. However, money here is issued for short time, you can spend from both online and offline (if you transfer electronic currency to bank card). You will also have to pay extra to withdraw money. The borrower should take this into account.

Benefits for banks

The loan exchange gives banks the opportunity to receive loan applications from organizations whose needs are already fully formed. In addition, such clients have undergone an initial background check for reliability. If the client has completed the documents necessary to obtain a loan on the credit exchange, this already indicates his interest in adequate, long-term and responsible cooperation. Client underwriting also helps to understand the financial situation of the borrower and whether he has enough funds to pay his obligations. Accordingly, the bank receives an already verified client without additional costs.

Credit exchange statistics

Credit exchange statistics allow a potential borrower or lender to see what he can count on on a specific site. What statistics should you take into account first?

  1. Indicators of the number of offers from borrowers and lenders. The relationship of these proposals relative to each other.
  2. The amount for which lenders issued loans, as well as the amount that was repaid by borrowers not on this site.
  3. Indicators, what is the average amount issued by creditors in dollars.
  4. Average loan terms.
  5. The number of loans that were not returned.
  6. The number of loans that were repaid but were in arrears.

Hello, Miroslava! A loan exchange is an online service that allows some people to borrow money and give it to others, making money on it. Credit exchanges appeared relatively recently - only 10 years ago thanks to the active development of the Internet.

To understand how the exchange works, you need to know the following facts:

Firstly, creditors on the exchange are ordinary people– individuals who have working capital and want to lend it to other people for a fee.

That is, if you take out money through a loan exchange, it will be more like a loan from an individual than a bank loan.

Secondly, every person who provides Required documents(we will talk about them later).

Thirdly, the credit exchange is an intermediary between individuals(lender and borrower), to whom two (or one) pay commissions for services. In turn, the exchange provides the opportunity to take out a loan and provides some guarantees for the fulfillment of loan obligations.

To use the services of the credit exchange, you must register on its website and also provide personal documents(in most cases these are scanned copies of the passport).

Some exchanges require copies certified by a notary and sent by letter. Also, credit exchange offices are now opening in many cities, where you can verify your identity. The main thing is to take your passport with you.

Borrowers should know that in order to issue loans, the exchange or the lender itself may also require a scanned copy of the income certificate. If you can provide it, then interest rates will be lower, and the loan itself is quite acceptable. Without this document, rates usually increase by 2-3 percentage points.

Thus, the advantage of credit exchanges is that you can take money or lend it without leaving your home, but with only access to the Internet. There is also no need to waste time collecting packages of documents required by the bank.

But there are also some disadvantages. The main one is that you can only borrow electronic money on the credit exchange. This is money from the Webmoney, Qiwi-wallet, Yandex-money systems. They are designed to pay for services or goods on the Internet.

Of course, you can cash them out, but you will lose some money. In order to pay off the debt, the money will again need to be transferred to electronic ones. This will also be additional expenses.

The most famous credit exchange in Russia is Webmoney system. Here, the lender and borrower pay just 0.8% to transfer funds from one account to another. No further additional payments are required.

Guys, hello everyone! Roman Millionov is in touch! I didn’t post anything for two weeks, as I was studying and testing several cool projects for making money, in my opinion, and even managed to earn something. I especially liked the book While testing it, I earned about 500 rubles and attracted 39 referrals, mostly from . Very cool box! Then she flew LAN card on the computer, sat for 4 days without the Internet. But but but! That's not what we're talking about today!

Credit exchange "Credex"

So, let's meet the credit exchange. I've been waiting for a long time similar project and literally 12 hours ago I just found out about its existence. The project is only three months old, but it has already gained 200,000 users! This is a bomb! Why? Because I’m already familiar with a similar service called Webtransfer, which in two and a half years of existence has attracted more than 5,000,000 participants and almost $5,000,000,000 in turnover. The numbers are simply prohibitive for an Internet project.

The essence of the exchange: the site is a platform, essentially an intermediary and guarantor between lenders and borrowers. We, as project participants, can be both a lender and a borrower, and one does not exclude the other. All transactions take place between the participants of the credit exchange themselves.

To the Borrower

On the loan exchange we submit our application: the amount we want to borrow, the term and the interest we are willing to pay for the loan issued. The higher we are credit rating, the larger the amount other users can lend us and for more favorable conditions. To enlarge or reduce an image, click on it.

The rating is upgraded in different ways, one of the main ones is complete identity verification on the website and a good credit history on this particular credit exchange. What is your credit history in banks, no one is interested here.

The picture below shows a fragment of the catalog of loan applications. The lender selects the borrower he likes from this catalog and issues a loan. All. Now our task is to return him in time.

There are three types of loans:

  1. Standard certified loan. We can take out on credit the amount that we are willing to leave as collateral. This type of loan is more suitable for upgrading your rating. Verification and other formalities are not needed, because the lender does not risk anything. Issued instantly. If not returned, the deposit will be forfeited.
  2. Unsecured certified loan. No collateral is required, but to receive a loan you need to undergo full verification and have a rating in the system. A higher rating means a larger loan size. It takes time to process the application. If the loan is not repaid, the account is blocked.
  3. Custom loan. Essentially the same as the second option, the only difference is that you ask for a loan on your own terms and the lenders give it to you directly, without mediation and guarantees from the Credex exchange. Accordingly, the solvency rating is also important. If the payment is not returned, the account will also be blocked.

All loans can be obtained either on your own online wallet, either to a private or Sberbank card. It is worth noting that if the loans are repaid correctly, the borrower is awarded certain CRD points, which can subsequently be sold to lenders and generate funds that will cover part or all of the loan costs.

To the creditor

In a nutshell, Credex is an investor's paradise.

Let's take a quick look at the tools for lenders:

  • All loans are issued and repaid in dollars, and the borrower then decides in what currency to exchange the funds received on credit.
  • Opening a trust line with profitability 0.1% per day
  • Creation of an investment portfolio that issues loans automatically with profitability 0.5 - 0.98% per day
  • Issuance of non-certified user loans with profitability up to 10% per day
  • Opportunity to earn achievements that will help you increase your income up to 20% to profit from loans
  • 5-level affiliate program. Opportunity to receive up to 58% from a partner
  • Loan repayment guarantee. Read more below

Registration bonus $70

When registering on the exchange, credits are issued bonus 70$, which can be used to issue a trial loan, after which the bonus is withdrawn and the profit remains with you. The bonus is issued for 15 days. The screenshot below shows my issued credits for the bonus 70 bucks.

Today is March 31st, I registered, received a bonus and immediately created investment portfolio for 70 dollars. Within a few hours, the system automatically found suitable borrowers and issued them loans from my bonus. The bonus will be active until April 14, and loans were taken until the 4th and 10th (see screenshot).

Expected profit is almost $3. And apparently, I will have time to scroll through part of the bonus again. I think about 5 bucks will be a profit in two weeks, completely without investments.

Loan repayment guarantees

Firstly, what I really liked about the service was its very serious approach to verifying the borrower’s identity. It is immediately obvious that the errors of the above-mentioned Webtransfer were taken into account.

During verification, you must fill out all your passport details and upload photographs of your passport pages. But the coolest thing is going through a Skype verification and checking the registration in the passport and the real location of the potential borrower via Google Maps!

On the appointed day, the borrower receives a call via Skype from a support service representative, to whom the borrower must appear on camera with documents in hand. Moreover, the person’s location will also be checked via Google maps during the call. If the real location is more than 500 meters from the registration indicated in the passport, then verification will not be completed.

Secondly, if the borrower does not repay the loan, the Credex credit exchange returns the entire amount to you, and the borrower now becomes indebted not to you, but to the credit exchange. For such a guarantee, the investor must share 30-50% of his profit with the service, which does not prevent him from having a net profit of more than 20% per month. But you can issue loans without a guarantee, where the profitability, as well as the risks, are noticeably higher.

Affiliate program

As soon as I found out about the project, I immediately began to advertise it. I managed to attract two partners in one day. While I was writing this article, a third person joined, hurray!) The project is getting along well, that’s good! I managed to hang up only 5 banners so far, and only on one box (link) at 50 kopecks per click, and in 6-8 hours I already have three partners.

Moreover, there were only 17 clicks. Three partners out of 17 transitions is almost a 20% conversion, which is really cool. I’ll tell you a secret, most people clicked on the banner that said about the 70 bucks bonus. By the way, I make the banners myself in Paint, simple and clear.

I boasted, now to the point. The affiliate program is five-level. We will receive 20% from first level partners, then see the picture below for further levels. What will we receive our percentage for?

  • Example: The investor received a profit from loans of $100, and gave $30 to the service for a guarantee that the borrowers would repay the loan. From these 30 bucks we will get our 20%. And the same with partners up to level 5, only the percentage gradually decreases, depending on the depth of the partner’s level (see screenshot)

There are also a bunch of additional rewards, indirect bonuses, regional ones, and so on. I haven’t figured them out myself yet, and there’s no need to burden you with them now; for anyone interested, everything is described in detail on the website. I will say one thing, Credex is a project to which you are not ashamed to invite not only users from the Internet, but also your real friends.

In any case, by registering using a link from my blog you become my partner, so for any questions you can contact me on or via Skype (you will see it during registration). I will help you in any way I can: consultation on working in personal account, creating banners, setting up an advertising campaign, etc. Write, don’t be shy, perhaps soon it will no longer be possible to answer everyone. I can’t promise a refback yet; we’ll see how much to pay, individually with each active first-line partner.

P.S. There is no interest accrued on deductions from the partner’s profit received from the $70 bonus issued. Only from personal funds of partners.

Registration and activation of the bonus

Well, I think you can figure out the registration yourself. Everything is standard. You need to undergo verification only when you are planning to stay in the project seriously and for a long time. The only thing is that when registering, the service only accepts mail from Gmail, so if you don’t have one, get one.

Registration in Credex

As soon as you complete the registration, you will immediately receive a bonus 70 bucks. They need to be put into use immediately, because as you remember, they are given for only 15 days. Go to the section Creditor and press the button Create a portfolio b. That’s it, the system itself will select a borrower and issue a loan after a while.

Well, that's all. What he understood, he told. Good luck to everyone! And most importantly, do not put off until tomorrow what you can lend out today. And remember, someone up in the sky is sitting and watching us, so like the article and you’ll be liked when the time comes 😉 Follow the news, bye!