Lowest interest rate on car loan. Which bank has the lowest interest rate on a car loan? What does the bet size depend on?

The service located on the page of our website provides a simple and convenient opportunity to find and apply for a car loan that provides a minimum interest rate. To do this, it is enough to have a cell in the list "Sort" select this option for sorting.

As of 2019, the most profitable car loan can be considered the offer of Rusfinance Bank. The financial institution offers to borrow funds at only 3% per annum. A rate of 7% is offered by Sovcombank. A significant number of potential borrowers may be interested in the offer of one of the largest state-owned banks in the country, VTB, which consists of issuing a car loan at 8.90%.

The interest rates indicated above concerned a loan for the purchase of a car worth 1 million rubles. Purchasing a vehicle in the budget price category, for example, for 650 thousand rubles, will cost a little more. The most profitable offer is from Sovcombank, which issues car loans of this size at 8.99%. VTB is again among the leaders, whose borrowed funds will cost the car buyer 9.90% per annum.

Calculate car loan

The capabilities of the calculator allow you to calculate within a few seconds the approximate conditions under which certain banks issue loans. In this case, the client independently sets the three most important parameters of a possible car loan, including:

  • cost of the purchased car(in the range from 50 thousand to 5 million rubles);
  • an initial fee(starting from zero rubles and ending with the full cost of the vehicle);
  • car loan term(available options range from 1 month to 20 years, although there are simply no offers with a term exceeding 7 years in today’s domestic banking market).

The cost of cars today is quite high. Therefore, the optimal solution is to conclude a loan agreement for the purchase with a specialized bank.

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The interest rate depends on a large number of different factors - it is best to familiarize yourself with them in advance.

How and by whom they are installed

The interest rate in a particular bank is set by a specialized department responsible for economic planning.

At the same time, there are basic rates for all clients without exception, as well as specialized programs - for which the rate is reduced to the very minimum.

Moreover, in each case, the rate for a specific client is set strictly individually.

At the moment, the most significant points are the following:

  • availability of an appropriate credit history;
  • whether a specific client is a participant in the salary project;
  • government subsidies;
  • parameters of the loan itself.

An important factor is the presence of a corresponding positive credit history with the Credit History Bureau. In case of delays or non-payment of previously taken loans, the maximum rate will be issued.

Also, the presence of a negative history in the BKI can cause a complete refusal to provide a loan. That is why, before contacting a specific bank, it is worth ordering a printout of your credit history.

It often happens that for some reason negative data ends up in the BKI by mistake. Fixing such an error is quite difficult, but still possible.

Moreover, this must be done. Since this will allow you to save a fairly large amount of money by reducing the annual interest rate on a car loan.

Also, minimum rates are usually set for persons who are participants in the salary project, as well as for large investors.

Since the bank has access to the client’s financial transactions, it can soberly assess his solvency. It is worth understanding all the nuances in advance.

Almost all banking institutions without exception have specially designed loan programs. They apply to certain categories of citizens. Moreover, the stakes for such programs are relatively low.

Another important factor influencing the annual interest rate on car loans is government subsidies. In certain cases, part of the loan is repaid at the expense of the state.

Thus, the amount of overpayment is reduced by reducing the interest rate on a certain product. But not all banks work in this direction or cooperate with the state.

An equally important factor is the parameters of the lending itself. The interest rate is affected by the following:

  • loan terms;
  • amount provided.

Accordingly, the more significant the loan amount and the period for which it is provided, the greater the overpayment due to the rate.

The shorter the term/amount, the lower the annual rate for a car loan is set. It is also important to remember that there is a process of government regulation of rates on various loans.

The controlling body in this case is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is his responsibility to control banking activities and the procedure for obtaining loans.

The interest rate on car loans is determined strictly individually in each case. There are a fairly large number of different ways to reduce the bet size.

Moreover, it is possible to obtain detailed information on this matter directly from the banking institution itself and its employees.

What are bank interest rates on car loans in 2019?

Interest rates on car loans, against the backdrop of an early jump due to the crisis in 2019, decreased slightly.

Therefore, now is one of the most advantageous moments to design a product of this type. The registration process itself is simplified as much as possible and takes a minimum amount of time.

Interest rates are as follows:

Table continuation:

Again, in this case, it is the parameters of a specific loan that play a big role.

If a specific client who has applied is not a participant in a salary project, a large depositor, and does not belong to another preferential category of citizens, then he can only count on processing the product on a general basis.

How to get a loan with low interest

Today, it will be possible to carry out the process of drawing up a loan agreement at a low interest rate only if certain conditions are met.

One of the most important criteria is the reputation of a particular borrower.

The likelihood of receiving a product at a low interest rate increases if the following factors are present:

  • there is a long credit history with no arrears or other negative aspects;
  • there are no open loans or outstanding loans;
  • wages are transferred to a debit card of a specific bank;
  • the bank has a large deposit, a deposit for a fairly large amount of money;
  • There are sufficient funds available to make a down payment of 50%.

The larger the down payment, the lower the overpayment on the issued loan. At the same time, the presence of a large loan from the bank indicates the availability of sufficient funds.

First of all, this is a signal that even if any problems arise with solvency, the debt to the bank will still be repaid.

Secondly, the presence of a deposit indicates the solvency of a particular client, whether he has sufficient funds.

Accordingly, having a positive credit history is strictly required. Otherwise, you may not be able to count on receiving a product of this type at a low interest rate.

In most cases, if there is arrears, the minimum interest rate offered by most banks is 20%.

At the same time, even fulfilling all the above conditions does not guarantee the issuance of a car loan at a sufficiently low interest rate.

Also, if possible, it is worth paying off the debt under all previously issued loan agreements in advance. Subsequently, provide the bank with documentary evidence that the loan has not been issued.

The reason for this is that in the event of financial difficulties with one loan, the probability of delay will be small.

At the same time, if there are 2 or more loans, there is a high probability that it will be impossible to return funds to the bank.

Another way to reduce the interest rate is to provide a deposit placed in the bank as collateral for the loan.

Thus, the probability of non-refund of funds is reduced to a minimum. This allows the bank to significantly reduce the interest rate.

It is always beneficial for the bank to process a loan. That is why, even if you have a negative credit history, it will be possible to obtain a sufficient amount of funds.

However, if possible, you should always avoid using loan offers without making a down payment.

Since in this case the maximum possible interest rate will be assigned, it will also be impossible to refuse various types of additional services.

Such as life insurance and many others. There are many different options for obtaining a loan at a low interest rate. It is worth familiarizing yourself with all of them in advance.

Dealership rates

One of the most profitable options is to apply for a car loan at a special dealership. Such companies do not establish any strict conditions or requirements.

But in almost all cases, without exception, it is necessary to make at least 30% prepayment. The loan term is no more than 3 years.

The banks themselves are directly involved in the provision of such products and receive a certain percentage of sales.

The circulation algorithm itself looks like this:

  • a specific car is selected directly at the car dealership;
  • the seller makes a fairly significant discount on a specific vehicle model;
  • the application is submitted directly to the bank that cooperates with a specific car dealership;
  • in accordance with the loan agreement, the amount of the overpayment will be a certain amount of money.

The main feature of applying for a loan in this way is that the discount amount is completely equal to the overpayment on the car loan.

Such a scheme benefits everyone - the buyer, the bank and the dealer. The rate is again set by the bank itself, depending on the borrower’s credit history and other important factors.

A car loan today is one of the most profitable ways to get a vehicle for personal use with minimal initial costs.

But it is important to remember that the overpayment primarily depends on the size of the annual rate. You must familiarize yourself with all the nuances in advance.

Video: Car loan TV - Refinancing - Buying a car


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For most Russians, a car has long ceased to be a luxury. In recent years, the need to have a personal vehicle has arisen for 70% of the country's residents, because many professions require an employee to have a car, and in general, in terms of efficiency of movement, this is a very important tool. But in the era of the financial crisis, it is very difficult to save up to buy the car of your dreams without resorting to the help of banks.

Car loans have always been in demand in banks, but after the 2014 crisis, many banks stopped issuing targeted loans for the purchase of cars, replacing them with simplified consumer loans. But today it’s already 2017 and it seems like the crisis is affecting Russians less and less. In this article we will tell you about which banks in Russia you can get a profitable car loan in 2017, without high interest rates and, if possible, without a down payment.

Where to get a car loan

There are many banks in Russia, and therefore the borrower faces a difficult choice - to compare all the offers and choose the most convenient and attractive conditions for himself in order to use the purchased car without worrying about his budget. We instructed our financial experts to analyze the personal lending market in order to find the most favorable offers for car loans among all the banks that provide such a service to their clients.

The result was a little unexpected - in fact, very few banks that are included in the list of rated financial institutions offer such a targeted loan. And even fewer are those that offer favorable conditions to their clients. For the most part, the rates at most banks are the same as for regular cash loans, although in the past you could get a car loan at 9% per annum if you looked for it.

In any case, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our personal list of banks where you can get a car loan. Please note that when analyzing banks and their products, we also relied on reviews from clients who have already used the services of the institutions listed below.

List of banks

Car loan Orient Express

Absolutely anyone can get a targeted car loan from Orient Express. At the same time, the bank does not impose particularly high requirements on the borrower. Even if the rate is not 9% per annum, most borrowers are still satisfied with the conditions under which they were provided with money. And the rate, by the way, directly depends on the borrower’s credit history.

  • Loan rate: from 19% per annum
  • Loan amount: from 100,000 to 1,000,000 rubles
  • Loan term: from 12 to 59 months
  • Issue: on the day of application

Car loan Noxsbank

One of the most attractive offers is a car loan from Noxsbank. Unfortunately, this offer is valid only for residents of the Volgograd region, but if you live in Volgograd, this is the best offer.

  • Loan rate: from 12% per annum
  • Loan amount: from 100,000 to 10,000,000 rubles
  • What cars does the loan apply to: new and used?
  • Loan term: from 3 to 120 months
  • Delivery: within a week

Alfa Bank car loan

A car loan from Alfa Bank is an excellent opportunity to purchase the car of your dreams for an amount of up to 5.6 million rubles, with the opportunity to refuse CASCO insurance. If you are not even a salary client of the bank, then you are guaranteed an interest rate of 15.5% per annum. You can read about this offer in our special review and make a decision.

  • Loan rate: from 12.5% ​​per annum
  • Loan amount: from 100,000 to 5,600,000 rubles
  • What cars does the loan apply to: new and used?
  • Loan term: from 1 to 6 years
  • Down payment: from 10%

Car loan from VTB 24

The Autostandard loan from VTB 24 is the most balanced offer in terms of rates and requirements for the borrower. If you have a good credit history and a minimum salary of at least 20,000 rubles, then you can afford to take advantage of this offer. There is, however, one drawback - the down payment for a non-salary client is 20% of the cost of the car. But if you receive your salary on a VTB 24 card, then the conditions will be more favorable.

  • Loan rate: from 17.9% per annum
  • Loan amount: from 150,000 to 1,000,000 rubles
  • What cars does the loan apply to: new and used?
  • Loan term: from 1 to 7 years
  • Down payment: 20%
  • Security: pledge of an old car
  • More information about the VTB 24 car loan on the website vtb24.ru


You can also consider an offer for a targeted loan for the purchase of a car. In our opinion, and from the point of view of the bank’s current clients, a car loan from Raiffeisenbank is the best offer for clients with high salaries who live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another large city in Russia.

  • Loan term: 1 – 5 years
  • Loan currency: Russian rubles
  • Down payment: 15 - 40%
  • Minimum loan amount: 50,000 (Russian rubles)
  • Maximum loan amount: 3,000,000 (Russian rubles)
  • Interest rate: 6.4% - 14.0%
  • Security: purchased car. Guarantee of a spouse when taking into account gross income
  • Application review period (days): 1 business day after submitting a complete package of documents


In a state bank, the conditions are more favorable - this is the opinion of the majority of clients who plan to apply for a car loan at Rosselkhozbank. And many of those who are already clients of the bank also unanimously say that the lending conditions here are quite pleasant, in comparison with the offers of commercial banks. But let's be realistic - evaluate the benefits yourself.

  • Maximum loan amount up to 3,000,000 rubles (inclusive)
  • Loan currency - Russian rubles
  • Down payment of at least 15% of the cost of the new car
  • Loan term - up to 5 years (inclusive)
  • Loan grant fee - no
  • Repayment procedure - monthly differentiated / annuity payments (at the Borrower’s choice)
  • Loan collateral - collateral for the purchased car
  • The loan can be provided both for the purchase of a car and for the payment of the insurance premium/insurance premium (CASCO) for the first year of insurance
  • The loan application review period is up to 4 working days
  • The types and amounts of other payments are not provided for under the loan agreement.

The best car loan 2017

On our information portal about loans and banks you can find many reviews of loan products from different financial institutions in the country, which are in no way advertising. We only analyze the best offers from banks and present them to you for your consideration. It’s the same with profitable car loans. We cannot say that the most profitable car loan is in such and such a bank, while it is better not to apply for a loan in another. Just benefit is a subjective concept.

A little higher we talked about the highest-rated offers for car loans from Russian banks, but that information is based on reviews from borrowers and general information on the Internet. Now, we offer you the results of our analyzes of the car lending market for individuals for the most advantageous offers in 2017. You will learn about where you can get a profitable car loan, but the decision about which bank to apply to is up to you.

Where are car loans more profitable?

As we have already said, benefit is a very subjective matter. But if we take into account the opinion of the majority of borrowers, we can say that the benefit is determined by the interest rate and the maximum amount. So, especially for our visitors, we found banks where car loans are the most profitable. We will not describe many institutions so that you do not waste time comparing offers from different banks, but will immediately indicate the rating of banks with profitable car loans.


  • Rate: from 11.5% per annum
  • Loan term: up to 6 years

Eastern Bank

  • Rate: from 19% per annum
  • Loan term: up to 6 years
  • Loan amount: up to 1,000,000 rubles

Alfa Bank

  • Rate: from 17.9% per annum
  • Loan term: up to 7 years
  • Loan amount: up to 10,000,000 rubles

Do you want your own car, but your finances do not allow you to buy it right away and with hard-earned money? No problem. Each bank offers different programs for buying a car on credit. Competition between lenders is great, so financial institutions are forced to reduce interest rates and come up with bonuses for their clients. The topic of the article is a car loan at a low interest rate. What is the average rate on loans for personal transport and for which cars banks give a reduced interest rate.

Real car loan interest

Yes, banks offer a lot of car loan programs. But what is the real interest on the loan today*? If we turn to the leading banks, we get the following picture. Credit organizations provide loans of the following types of duration:
  • short-term - for up to 3 years;
  • medium-term duration 5 years;
  • long-term - 7-8 years.

A short-term loan is considered the most profitable. In this case, the overpayment reaches only 10-12% per year of the cost of the car. If we consider loans for a period of 5 to 8 years, then for the use of bank funds you will have to leave from 15% to 20% per annum.

There is also an express loan program. This is an option when a loan is provided in an hour with only a passport. Of course, the interest rate in this case is 3-5 points higher than when contacting a bank with a package of documents.

Do not forget about the fact that for many banks, a mandatory condition for obtaining a loan is the registration of a CASCO policy or even life insurance of the borrower. And, in this case, the overpayment for a car immediately increases by an average of 10%. You can try to choose an insurance company yourself, without listening to the bank’s recommendations. This will help you save several thousand rubles.

If you confidently decide to refuse the CASCO policy, then the markup on the loan will be at least 25% per annum.

After the fall in purchasing power in 2015, banks tightened lending conditions. Many benefits were also cancelled, including government support.

Yes, the state program. support was significantly eliminated. But there are still banks providing this service. For example:

If you use the state program, you can “cut” the rate by about 2/3.

Average car loan rate

When setting the average interest rate on targeted loans, the Bank of Russia rate plays a major role. On June 15, 2015, an order was signed reducing the average interest rate on a car loan from 15% to 11.5%.

Many banks offer a ridiculous rate of 2-5% per annum. This is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Be careful. Upon closer inspection, this figure may turn out to be the size of your monthly loan payment.

The leader of the Russian market of credit products, Sberbank, has temporarily stopped issuing car loans. But it is still possible to get a regular targeted loan at 18-25% per annum.

Almost every bank requires. On average, its size ranges from 15% to 40% of the original loan amount. Almost every credit institution also has programs to reduce the loan rate when purchasing a car of a certain make or year.

If you take out a loan in foreign currency (dollar, euro), the interest rate will be much lower.

What cars do banks have low interest rates on?

Many well-known banks offer their clients to purchase a certain brand of car at a reduced interest rate. Most often we talk about cooperation with car dealerships. But in this case, it is necessary to purchase a certain package of options or only a limited model range. For example, RosBank offers such a service when purchasing a car assembled in the Russian Federation.

When visiting a salon, you can spend your time profitably. While the employee is preparing the necessary papers, you can test drive the car or decide on a package of options.

Banks cooperating with car dealerships offer joint loan programs. If you purchase a new vehicle, the rate will be significantly lower compared to purchasing a used car. There are also loan products for the purchase of used cars, the rate for which is lower than when applying for general terms. But again, a mandatory item will be the purchase of such a vehicle at a car dealership, the so-called Tradein cars. You can find out more by contacting your chosen bank or car dealership.

When choosing an affiliate program at a car dealership, you can get not only a lower interest rate on the loan, but also a discount on the vehicle itself.

How can you lower the interest rate on a car loan:

  • Make an initial payment. The higher the deposit amount, the lower the interest.
  • Provide the bank with a more complete one. For example, a military ID, international passport, driver’s license, personal income tax certificate or a photocopy of a work record book.
  • Get support from a guarantor.
  • Take advantage of the cooperation program with a car dealership.
  • Contact a bank that provides loans from the government. support.
  • Apply for a loan from a bank whose client you are already. For example, if you have a salary card in or UniCredit Bank. This way you can save time on collecting documents. After all, the bank already has information about income and a photocopy of the work book.
  • Typically, young organizations that do not have a big name are ready to cooperate at great risk for promotion. They offer loans on ridiculous terms and without necessarily providing a package of papers. But in this case, the borrower also risks. Today or tomorrow the company will close, its debt will be bought by a stronger competitor and the terms of the contract with the borrower will be changed.

Lowest interest rate on car loan: bank offers

Analyzing the situation on the credit products market, we can draw the following conclusion. The following banks can provide the lowest interest rates to their clients:

  1. VTB 24.
  2. UniCredit.
  3. Rosbank.

Carefully read the terms of the loan among organizations in your city. Not every bank cooperates with salons or participates in the government support program. Credit companies also like to create themed promotions. For example, a rate reduction before the New Year. You can save a lot of money on this. At the beginning of each year, showrooms hold sales of cars from the previous year of production. Usually in this case, customers are offered a discount and some additional equipment as a gift. For example, a set of winter tires.

  1. When applying for a loan, be very careful. Please read the text of the agreement carefully. You can end up overpaying by almost 50% per annum.
  2. Even if the bank’s terms and conditions do not include a clause about compulsory car insurance, it is recommended to do it yourself. In the event of an accident, having a CASCO policy in hand, you can receive at least some monetary compensation. Even if you are the culprit. The MTPL policy does not provide for this.

Car lending to this day remains one of the main sectors of retail products offered by modern financial institutions.

Car loans are equally popular and in demand along with such common practices as consumer loans or home mortgages and are characterized by a specific purpose - buying a new car!

After making a decision regarding making such a purchase, the buyer is faced with the question of which bank has the most profitable car loan.

There are quite a lot of banks and they all put forward a variety of offers, with a variety of conditions.

In order not to get confused in a large number of products, it is worth studying the basic criteria for choosing a profitable car loan and finding out what you can and should pay attention to.

It is also important to take into account your personal goals and capabilities, and based on them, select an offer that is profitable for yourself.

Currently, there is no shortage of banking programs; moreover, they are constantly supplemented and updated with a variety of options. In order to attract the maximum number of clients, interest rates are reduced, commissions are canceled, and requirements are relaxed.

About 4 years ago, joint programs between car dealerships and financial institutions began to become popular, thanks to which every second car is purchased through one or another lending program.

Accordingly, there is no point in wondering where it is better to get a car loan - from a bank or a car dealership, if there are no special clear requirements, it is worth using a joint financial product.

Due to the growing popularity of this form of purchasing a car, the total number of offers from banks is constantly increasing. There are several criteria based on which you can distinguish more profitable car loans, here are the most basic of them:

Minimum interest rate

This is one of the most significant indicators by which you can decide where it is more profitable to take out a car loan.

This parameter shows how much you will have to overpay in the process of repaying the loan. The lower the rate, the less the overpayment will be.

Answering the question of which bank has the lowest interest rate on a car loan, it can be noted that the most favorable rates can be found in the Bank of Moscow, UralSib and UniCredit. Here, on average, a loan is offered at 8-12% per annum.

This is the part of the cost of the purchased car that the bank requires you to pay to apply for a car loan. For the bank, this is a certain guarantee and confirmation of the seriousness of the client’s intentions.

This condition does not occur very often, as it is not convenient for the average consumer. Many people prefer to buy a car on credit without a down payment. To do this, you can contact MDM Bank, VTB 24, as well as AltaiEnergoBank.

There is some dependence here - the smaller the down payment, the higher the interest rates will be. In addition, there are special offers for down payments, for example, without a payment you can purchase a car worth up to 500,000 rubles.

New or used car

Another important factor when looking for a good deal is what type of car the bank is issuing a loan for.

There are financial institutions that issue loans for new cars, and only for used ones, but much less often.

The most profitable car loans for used cars are offered by financial institutions such as Sberbank, RosBank, VTB 24, GazpromBank.

Loans for used cars are very relevant and in demand, as there is a chance to buy a car at a discount of up to 70%.

Most advertising offers related to the next car loan program indicate the relevance of their offers only when applying for a full insurance package.

This, in turn, increases the cost of servicing the loan. It is for this reason that many people tend to refuse insurance.

In this case, you need to be prepared for an increase in the interest rate by about 1.5%.

If refusal of insurance is not implied, the bank may offer to choose an insurer yourself, which is also quite convenient and profitable.


The number of documents provided to obtain a car loan is an equally important parameter. Nowadays, fewer and fewer financial institutions require a large number of certificates, in particular, a document on profitability is required less and less often, which is very convenient for modern borrowers.

From this point of view, the most advantageous offers are put forward by SberBank, VTB 24, Bank of Moscow, RosBank.

To obtain a positive decision on a car loan, it is enough to provide a passport and a second document of your choice - TIN or driver’s license.

With a minimum number of documents, banks are deprived of the opportunity to assess the solvency of clients. Based on this, a certain lending risk appears, which will lead to an increase in the loan rate or an increase in the down payment.

Many financial institutions issue car loans under special programs from car manufacturers.

These are favorable conditions for installment lending, which apply to foreign brands of cars, as well as special conditions within the framework of joint programs between the bank and the car dealership.

Such special offers may concern not only the installment period, but also reduced interest rates and the cost of the vehicle itself.

Based on all the criteria listed above, you can easily choose the best offer for yourself and purchase a car, saving a significant amount of money.

Car loans from the country's leading banks

To roughly understand which car loan is the most profitable, as well as what conditions modern banks offer for car loans in 2019, it is worth considering the requirements of several leading financial organizations in Russia.


The organization provides the opportunity to get a loan for used and new cars from foreign and domestic manufacturers. The bank does not require confirmation of income and employment, and under these conditions you can get a loan of up to 5 million rubles.

The interest rate is 13.5%, and the total loan period reaches 5 years. One of the mandatory conditions is to make a down payment equal to 15% or more of the cost of the car.

Interest rates may vary. It all depends on the loan term and various additional factors. The following loan terms are currently offered:

  1. Up to a year - 14.50%.
  2. From one to three years inclusive - 15.50%.
  3. From three to five years - 16.00%.

SberBank provides discounts for certain categories of citizens. A 1% rate reduction can be received by persons who have a salary card at the bank, pensioners who receive funds on a social bank card account, as well as individuals who have a personal deposit account opened with SberBank.

VTB 24

The bank provides loans on conditions similar to SberBank. You can get funds to purchase used and new cars of foreign and Russian brands. Proof of income is also not required here.

The loan amount can reach 5 million rubles, for a period of up to 5 years. There is a down payment requirement of 15%, and the interest rate starts at 14%.


The financial institution offers car loans for new and used cars from different manufacturers. Proof of income is required here.

The total loan amount does not exceed 4 million rubles. If necessary, you can get a loan in foreign currency that is fully equivalent to the established value of the vehicle.

There is a down payment requirement of 15%. The loan term is 4 years or less, and the interest rate ranges from 11.5 to 17%.

Here are more detailed interest rates:

  1. Dollars – 10.9-13.9% for new cars, 13.9-15.9% for used ones.
  2. Rubles - 12.9-15.4% for new cars, 15.4-17.4 for used cars, 11.5-13% auto boom.

With a dollar car loan, interest rates are significantly lower than when receiving funds in rubles. You should not immediately agree to these conditions; you need to remember the unstable financial situation in the country!

Bank Toyota

Car loans are the main activity of this bank. Potential borrowers are constantly offered several profitable alternative programs for obtaining funds.

If you make a 15% down payment, you are given the opportunity to take out a loan at a rate of 15.5%. If the contribution is 25%, the rate can be reduced to 14%.

It is worth knowing that this bank requires a full package of documents and expensive CASCO insurance.

These conditions somewhat reduce the bank’s competitiveness in the modern Russian financial market, despite the relatively reduced interest rate.

Other banks

In addition to the financial institutions listed above, other, no less popular banks provide favorable offers on car loans.

You can consider the organizations Russian Capital, Nordea Bank, Khanty-Mansiysk Bank, Sofrino Bank and other organizations.

Car loan programs are constantly changing and supplemented. It is worth following these changes by carefully studying the most current conditions of loan programs.

In addition to specific offers from banks, there is a special government subsidy program. It can be used at any government financial institution.

This is an opportunity to get a car loan on fairly favorable terms, but with the fulfillment of certain conditions relating to both the vehicle itself and the borrower.

Among the requirements for a car, the following factors can be noted:

  1. The car must be a Russian brand or assembled in Russia.
  2. The maximum loan amount is 7.5 million rubles.
  3. The weight of the car is no more than 3.5 tons.
  4. The time from vehicle release does not exceed 12 months.
  5. The loan term is no more than 3 years.

There are also certain requirements for the borrower. You will need to provide 2-NDFL certificates, as well as a certificate from your place of permanent employment. You can provide documents confirming the ownership of real estate.

The more information is provided to the bank, the greater the chances of lowering interest rates. Under this program, you can get a loan even with a bad credit history; you just need to provide a guarantor.


After choosing a financial institution that, at first glance, offers the most comfortable and favorable lending conditions, there is no need to rush to draw up and sign an agreement.

It is necessary to carefully study all the documents that will have to be signed. This approach quite often makes it possible to save a decent amount.

Multiple and basic information regarding loan terms will save time when choosing a profitable loan, regardless of where you live or purchase a vehicle.