Internet Pervobank login. PJSC First United Bank. Clients - holders of deposits using cash collection and serviced by foreign trade


No. 3461 dated February 27, 2008, issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation


“By combining the best, we achieve more”

Location Equity

RUB 6.3 billion (as of 01/01/2010)


RUB 34.9 billion (as of 01/01/2010)

Number of employees Web site

First United Bank(Pervobank) is among the ten largest banks in the Volga region, in the TOP 100 largest banks in Russia. Full name - Open Joint Stock Company "First United Bank". The central office is in Samara. Is one of the leaders of the Samara financial market.

In 2007, the international agency Moody's assigned the Bank, and in 2008 and 2009, confirmed deposit ratings of B3/NP, rating financial stability at level E+.


OJSC "First United Bank" was created in January 2006 as a result of the merger of two banks operating in Samara financial market since 1994 - CB Samara Credit and CJSC NOVA Bank. The transaction to merge two banks in its purest form was carried out for the first time in Russia and was recognized by experts as a revolutionary event in the regional financial market.

Pervobank is strengthening its position in the Russian financial market. Due to the holding in 2006-2009. four additional issues of shares and attraction of subordinated deposits, the Bank’s equity capital increased more than 8 times and exceeded 6 billion rubles. In accordance with the development strategy, the Bank will continue capitalization.

In 2007, Pervobank entered the federal level, opening offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Owners and management

The main shareholders of the Bank are individuals and companies close to the NOVATEK corporation. Chairman of the Board of the Bank Oleg Bagaev is the owner of 6.95% of the shares.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bank is Oleg Golounin, who heads Novatek-Polymer LLC.


Pervobank - universal credit institution. Priority area of ​​activity - financial services, lending to large businesses. At the same time, the Bank works with medium and small businesses, implements retail programs, including a unique comprehensive program for private banking services especially important clients of PRIVATE Pervobank.



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First United Bank License: No. 3461 dated February 27, 2008, issued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation Type: Open Joint Stock Company Company motto: “By combining the best, we achieve more” Location... Wikipedia First United Bank (Pervobank) is a credit organization registered in the Sverdlovsk region with its head office in the city of Pervouralsk. Pervobank is present in 17 cities of the Russian Federation and has more than 45 customer service points. It ranks 105th in terms of assets and 71st in terms of liabilities to the population in its home region. Possesses credit rating

"B2" with the characteristic "Stable".

On the official website of the First United Bank, in the “Individuals” section, online services are provided for registering a deposit and obtaining a mortgage or other lending program. Clients can immediately calculate the amount of a deposit or loan product and its duration, send an electronic request to invest or receive funds. And for convenient tracking of the process of approving an application and comprehensive remote servicing of an individual, it is recommended to register in online banking and get an account. Pervobank online banking for individuals

  • offers:
  • Deposit funds to pay for telephone communications;
  • Pay utility bills;
  • Transfer funds;
  • Maintain contact with Pervobank employees via online chat; Receive information on bank card
  • and notifications when the cardholder makes payment transactions;
  • Manage deposit products;
  • Manage loan products and deposit electronic funds to reduce the principal amount of the loan;
  • Manage your current account;

Generate and print payment receipts.

RBS services are also provided to legal entities. The main advantage is accounting services, which help reduce paperwork and quickly exchange documents certified with an electronic digital signature with a credit institution.

  • Open the official website of Pervobank and click on the section “Individuals” or “Legal entities” depending on the type of client;
  • Click “Online Bank” and go to the page with the registered user authentication form. For convenience, it is recommended to add the site to the “Favorites” folder in your browser. Specify your account name and password, click on the active “Login” line;
  • Confirm the action with the code from the SMS message and click “Login” again.

To log into the personal account of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, you will need to install the eToken device and only then specify the account name and password.

If customers experience technical difficulties when working in personal account, a Pervobank employee will help you sort out the problem and conduct an online consultation.

Registration of a personal account of Pervobank

Under the registered user authentication form there is a “Registration” button, which allows you to register a new account.

  • Go to the page and click “Registration”;
  • Fill in the fields marked with the “*” icon, namely: full name of the new user, details of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, residential address. Specify number mobile phone and wait for an SMS message to complete registration;
  • Enter the code from the SMS message in the appropriate line and click “Done”. If the message has not been received by the client within 10 minutes, click “Send SMS again.”

After self-registration, individuals can return to the page to log into their personal account, and legal entities will need to contact the Pervobank office to confirm their account and obtain special equipment for working in their personal account. The first login is carried out using the username (mobile phone) and a temporary password received via SMS.

Recovering your Pervobank personal account password

To recover your password, on the page for logging into your personal account, click on the “Forgot your password” button. Enter your username (mobile phone number registered in your personal account) and expect a new temporary password via SMS.

Download the Pervobank mobile application

The Mobile First Bank application is the first mobile banking for users of smartphones and tablet devices with Android and iOS operating systems. With its help, clients can manage banking products and receive full service in the remote banking system. Download mobile app clients can in the Google Play and AppStore electronic stores:

Login to the application is made after connecting to the Internet Pervobank service at the office of the credit institution. As a rule, when an individual or legal entity registers as an employee of Pervobank, he is automatically given the opportunity to work both in the main personal account on a personal computer and from a smartphone or other device.

Users can find out information about the service tariff plan in the application on the official website of Pervobank in the “Individuals” section. Similar application for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are not provided.

Toll-free hotline of Pervobank

Telephone hotline Pervobanka with free calls on site Russian Federation: 8-804-33-94-97. When located outside the country, individuals and legal entities can contact the credit institution by calling the head office in the Sverdlovsk region, in the city of Pervouralsk: +7-343-922-82-82 and +7-804-333-94-97 or order “Call Back” service on the official website of Pervobank.

Dear Clients!
07/01/2016 PJSC Pervobank was reorganized in the form of merger with PJSC Promsvyazbank, thanks to which you have the opportunity to use the services of one of the leading private banks in the country, which is among the 500 largest in the world and in the TOP 10 banks in Russia.

Starting from the date of reorganization, servicing contracts bank deposit, the loan will be provided to PJSC Promsvyazbank using new details:
PJSC Promsvyazbank,
OGRN 1027739019142, INN 7744000912,
General license to operate banking operations No. 3251 issued by the Bank of Russia on December 17, 2014.

Attention! If the account you opened has not been used for more than two years and there are no funds on it, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, it will be closed.



From June 30, 2016, the following deposits of Pervobank PJSC are cancelled:

  • Welcome
  • Stable
  • Cocktail
  • Pension deposit
  • Premium Club
  • Corn

Detailed information on deposits can be found on this page.

In connection with the reorganization in the form of merger of PJSC Pervobank into PJSC Promsvyazbank, from July 1, 2016, individual clients will be served at the tariffs of PJSC Promsvyazbank for settlement and cash services in rubles of the Russian Federation and foreign currency for individuals. You can find out more about tariffs by following the link.

Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience!

Information about the offices of PJSC "Pervobank"

From July 1, 2016, all offices of PJSC Pervobank will be renamed service offices of PJSC Promsvyazbank. Additional information about the offices of PJSC Pervobank is available at the link.

Settlement and cash services

From 06/01/2016, all cash settlement products are automatically transferred to servicing at Promsvyazbank PJSC, and in this regard, new products and technologically advanced remote servicing services have become available to you. Also for Pervobank clients there are special conditions and service discounts.

Together we expand your capabilities!

Free checkbook registration

Dear Clients!

from 07/01/2016, checkbooks previously issued at PJSC Pervobank have lost their relevance, and therefore you need to contact PJSC Promsvyazbank to issue a new one. Registration of a new PSB checkbook, provided the old one is provided, is free.

Business loans and bank guarantees

July 1, 2016 all loans and bank guarantees automatically transferred to service at PJSC Promsvyazbank

At the same time, all conditions of loans/guarantees issued by PJSC Pervobank remain unchanged.

All contracts and agreements concluded previously remain in force. The procedure and methods for repaying debt under a loan agreement/bank guarantee agreement remain unchanged.

Until June 30, 2016 (inclusive), the repayment terms do not change; from July 1, 2016, repayment of the loan/guarantee must be made using the new details of the account opened with PJSC Promsvyazbank. Starting from July 4, 2016, customers will be sent postal notifications indicating the details of a new account with PJSC Promsvyazbank.

If the loan/guarantee payment date falls during the transition period (from 06/30/2016 to 07/04/2016), we recommend that you make the payment in advance (before 06/30/2016). early repayment next payment without charging a commission.

Clients - holders of deposits using cash collection and serviced by foreign trade

On July 1, 2016, all contracts for collection, deposits, as well as for foreign trade activities are automatically transferred to servicing at PJSC Promsvyazbank. At the same time, all conditions drawn up at PJSC Pervobank are preserved.

All contracts and agreements concluded previously remain in force. The procedure and methods of payment and payment under contracts remain unchanged.

Dear Clients!

We inform you that from July 1, 2016, PJSC Pervobank was reorganized in the form of merger with PJSC Promsvyazbank.

We are pleased to provide you with the highest level of service and offer new products and services that combine an individual approach to service, a flexible savings management policy, as well as the advantages of banking and non-banking services.

Find out more about the Private banking services of Promsvyazbank.

The bank was established in January 2006 as a result of the merger of two banks that had been operating in the Samara financial market since 1994 - CB Samara Credit and CJSC Nova Bank - with a new license (No. 3461) and under a new name - OJSC First United Bank". In June 2015, the legal form was changed to PJSC. Since January 2006, the bank has been a participant in the deposit insurance system (DIS).

At the beginning of July 2015, reports appeared in the media about the merger of Pervobank with Promsvyazbank, which would take place in the form of the merger of the former with the latter. Shareholders of Pervobank will receive more than 5% of the shares of Promsvyazbank, a representative of the main shareholders of Pervobank will also join the board of directors of Promsvyazbank. Relevant Merger Agreement financial organizations was signed on July 10 by the Chairman of the Board of Promsvyazbank Artem Konstandyan and the Chairman of the Board of Pervobank Andrey Goncharov.

At the beginning of September, it became known that on August 14, a deal was concluded to purchase shares of Vozrozhdenie Bank by Pervobank. According to media reports, the main owner of Pervobank, Leonid Mikhelson, acquired the indirect right to dispose of 10.3988% of the shares of Vozrozhdenie Bank. The message clarifies that the buyer of Vozrozhdenie shares was Pervobank. Let us recall that the policy of acquiring control in Vozrozhdenie by structures close to the owners of the Promsvyazcapital group (which includes Promsvyazbank) - brothers Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev - has been ongoing since the end of June 2015. Structures of Promsvyazkapital began buying up Vozrozhdenie at the end of June and in a month and a half bought out the share of funds controlled by BNP Paribas (5.5% of shares), JP Morgan (9.88%) and Tamur Holdings (4.3%), controlled by Vladimir Kogan. At the beginning of August, 24.6% of the shares were sold to them by the second largest and brother of Tatyana Orlova, Nikolai Orlov (owned 6.6%). It is also known that the FAS approved the purchase by Promsvyazkapital of 75% of Vozrozhdenie, but data on which stake has been consolidated to date is still unknown.

At the beginning of November 2015, a message appeared about the completion of the acquisition of Pervobank by Promsvyazbank, as a result of which 86.54% of the shares of the credit institution came under the control of Promsvyazbank. In December 2015, ex-senator from the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug Viktor Pichugov became the owner of a 10% stake in Pervobank.

Currently, Promsvyazbank owns 90% of the shares of Pervobank. Viktor Pichugov owns a 10% share.

The head office of the credit institution is located in Samara. From 2006 to 2009, the bank carried out four additional share issues and attracted subordinated deposits, as a result of which the financial institution’s equity capital increased more than eight times and exceeded 6 billion rubles. In 2007-2008, the financial organization opened branches in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and in 2012 - in Yekaterinburg.

The main beneficiaries at the moment are the founder of Novatek* Leonid Mikhelson (50.16%), former vice-president of YUKOS Leonid Simanovsky (about 13.91%) and his wife Sofya Simanovskaya (12.99%), Joseph Levinzon (5.33%), brothers Alexander and Oleg Tseytlin (5% through the Cyprus TBS Interprises Ltd.), Oleg Bagaev (4.71%). Minority shareholders account for 7.91%.

The head office of the credit institution is located in Samara. The sales network includes about 40 divisions in 17 regions of Russia, including three branches - in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. The average number of personnel for six months of 2015 was 1,062 people (in 2013 - 1,328 people).

The Bank actively lends to small and medium-sized commercial enterprises, real estate companies, and, to a lesser extent, individuals. Legal entities The bank offers cash settlement services, lending, placement of funds, trade financing and documentary operations, salary projects, bank guarantees, foreign trade services, collection, etc. Private clients have access to consumer, mortgage and car loans, a line of deposits, Money transfers(Western Union, Contact, UNIStream, " Gold Crown"), payment for any services through the City system, safe deposit boxes, private banking, plastic cards etc. Among its partners and clients, the bank lists such enterprises as the Nefko gas station chain, the Avtodom car dealer, Svyaznoy and Euroset cellular retailers, Svyaz Engineering CJSC, the Iskra electric welding equipment plant, the starter plant and generators "Electrom", group of companies "Best", group of companies "BetonResurs", chain of outerwear salons "Dionysus", etc.

From January to September 2015, the net balance sheet currency of a credit institution decreased by 19% (-13.4 billion rubles), amounting to 55.5 billion rubles by the beginning of September. In the passive part of the balance sheet, the negative dynamics were mainly due to the outflow of a significant part of the funds of enterprises and organizations (-10.6 billion rubles, or 36.5%) and those attracted by the interbank bank (-7.8 billion rubles, or 80%). The bank's capital also showed negative dynamics, decreasing by 1.4 billion rubles (-19.7% since the beginning of 2015). At the same time, the bank compensated for part of the lost resources with funds from individuals, the volume of which increased by 4.6 billion rubles (+24% since the beginning of the year). In assets, the reduction in the resource base was reflected in the volume of issued interbank loans (-8.9 billion rubles, or 90%), the loan portfolio (-5.4 billion rubles, or 15%), and, to a lesser extent, on investments in securities and high liquidity assets.

There were some changes in the structure of attracted resources during the period under review: the share of funds corporate clients at the beginning of 2015 was 42%, funds from individuals in the structure of liabilities accounted for 28%. At the beginning of September 2015, the structure of the bank's liabilities was 43% formed by funds from individuals, 33% by balances on current and deposit accounts of corporate clients. Debt securities issued by the bank - 5.4%, attraction of interbank loans and deposits on the market forms 3.7%, own funds- 10.3%. Payment dynamics show some decline: turnover on customer accounts has decreased to 120-200 billion rubles per month (for comparison: at the beginning of the year the figure reached 300 billion rubles per month). As of the reporting date, there are no bank liabilities to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in terms of loans, deposits and other funds, whereas at the beginning of the year this item amounted to 7.4 billion rubles (11% of all liabilities).

The bank's capital is 5.7 billion rubles (10.3% of net liabilities), formed mainly from contributions from shareholders and share premiums, unused profits from previous years. The bank's authorized capital is 1.27 billion rubles. It is worth noting that as of September 1, 2015, additional capital included subordinated loans with a nominal value of 2.25 billion rubles (as of January 1, 2015 - 2.27 billion rubles), which were attracted from the shareholder of the credit organization Levit LLC , State Corporation Vnesheconombank, as well as from CJSC United Insurance Company" and JSC IC "Astro-Volga". All subordinated deposits are attracted for a period of more than five years.

The loan portfolio is 30.1 billion rubles, accounting for 54% of net assets, and during the period under review it decreased in volume by 15%. In the portfolio, loans issued to individuals account for 27%, and the dominant position is occupied by loans to legal entities - 73% of the total volume of loans issued. Delinquency is shown at 6% according to RAS, the level of provision for the portfolio is average. 182% of total loans are secured by property. Two thirds of all loans are long-term (issued for a period of more than a year).

Briefcase valuable papers- 9.8 billion rubles (18% of net assets), from January to September 2015 decreased by 8.4%. The bulk of the portfolio (more than 95%) consists of investments in bonds, the rest is represented by corporate bills.

Placement in banks (IBC) - 2%. Cash at the cash desk and in the correspondent account with the Central Bank - 6.5% of net assets, most of them are represented by balances in nostro accounts. The bank's monthly turnover through correspondent accounts throughout 2015 averaged 100 billion rubles. The credit institution is also quite active in conducting foreign exchange transactions, the monthly turnover of which is 150-400 billion rubles. In recent months, the bank's activity on the securities market has decreased slightly, including in repo transactions.

In the domestic market of interbank loans and deposits, the financial institution works both in the direction of attraction and in the direction of placement. During the period under review, the bank attracted funds more actively and in larger volumes.

At the end of 2014, the bank received 51.8 million rubles in net profit, according to financial statements according to RAS (the same figure for 2013 was 290.4 million). For eight months of 2015, the credit institution suffered a loss of 1.5 billion rubles.

Among 14 credit organizations registered in the Samara region, Pervobank as of September 1, 2015 ranks second after Rusfinance Bank in such key indicators, as the value of net assets, equity capital and loan portfolio, and the first position in terms of the volume of obligations to the population and investments in securities.

Board of Directors: Oleg Golounin (chairman), Sergey Savelyev, Andrey Kosharsky, Eric Vigerts, Pavel Ananenko, Andrey Bychkov, Alexey Kokorev, Andrey Goncharov, Anatoly Checherin.

Governing body: Tatyana Peremyshlina (chairman), Irina Simakova, Igor Lushnikov, Denis Khadeev, Mikhail Narushev, Marina Zimina, Nastasya Solovey, Larisa Shpitontseva, Irina Simakova.

* JSC Novatek is the largest independent Russian producer of natural gas, one of the top 10 companies in the world in terms of proven gas reserves. All fields and license areas are located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Assets according to IFRS as of July 1, 2015 - 770.5 billion rubles, equity - 448.2 billion rubles, profit - 41.3 billion rubles.

The main owners are the board members Leonid Mikhelson (about 25%), Gennady Timchenko (23%), Total (16%), Gazprom (about 10%).

It is worth noting that in December 2010, Mikhelson’s structures bought from Gazprombank a 50% stake in Russia’s largest petrochemical holding Sibur for 37.5 billion rubles. In November 2011, Sibur Limited became a 100% shareholder of Sibur, the ultimate beneficiaries of which are the shareholders of Novatek OJSC Leonid Mikhelson (57.5%) and Gennady Timchenko (37.5%). Beneficiaries of the remaining 5% authorized capital Sibur Limited are Sibur managers Dmitry Konov, Mikhail Karisalov, Mikhail Mikhailov, as well as deputy chairman of the board of directors Alexander Dyukov.

Forbes magazine in the list of “200 richest businessmen in Russia - 2015” puts Mikhelson in seventh place (net worth: $11.7 billion), and Timchenko in ninth (net worth: $10.7 billion).