Social program to help students with housing. Mortgage for students from VTB Bank. Mortgage loan for students: benefits

And the partner bank KB "Kuban Credit" LLC launched a joint social target program "Apartment for Students", within the framework of which a student or his family can purchase their own housing at any level of solvency.

The "Apartment for Student" program provides the opportunity to purchase an apartment with a large number of discounts and special conditions, both from construction companies, and from the partner bank. It can be used by full-time and part-time students of universities and colleges, applicants, graduate students, graduates, their families or families with high school students.

“There is no situation in which it is impossible to buy an apartment under the new “Apartment for Students” program, if you are a student or a family with a student or schoolchild, and you have set yourself the goal of purchasing an apartment in the city where you receive your education,”- say the creators of the program.

As Sergei Gerashchenko, head of the association of developers of the south “VKB-Novostroiki”, noted, the idea of ​​​​creating such a program arose from partner companies that are socially oriented in order to prove that purchasing an apartment is possible on any budget.

“The “Apartment for a Student” program provides for all options for the client’s solvency and provides the opportunity to purchase an apartment for a student, by the student himself or a member of his family with a comprehensive application of discounts and special conditions: this is a reduction in the cost of a square meter of housing by 1.5 thousand rubles per square meter meter, provision of payment by installments, reservation of an apartment in a house upon collection of a certain part Money, reducing the interest rate on a mortgage loan and the amount of the down payment, providing an interest-free deferment of payment of the principal debt, etc. In addition, for program participants, CB "Kuban Credit" has introduced a special "Mortgage" deposit with a minimum down payment of only 10,000 rubles, an annual rate of 9% and special conditions regarding the transfer of funds as a contribution to an apartment."- Marina Karaulova, head of the partnership business development department of CB Kuban Credit, clarified in turn.

Sergei Gerashchenko also emphasized that one should not look for “pitfalls” in the program.

“Due to the fact that the VKB-Novostroiki association includes 15 construction companies, and this is a very large volume of housing delivery and apartment sales, companies can minimize their markups, hence the favorable cost of housing,”- he explained.

In July, the real estate acquisition program “Apartment for a Student” was presented by the developers to the administration of the Krasnodar region, where, after consideration, it was recommended for implementation for students of regional universities. Later, on the initiative of Vice-Governor Galina Zolina, a meeting of rectors of Kuban universities was held, where they were introduced to the new product.

“At the meeting, the rectors of Kuban universities expressed interest in the program and agreed that it is relevant. Now there is a very large choice on the housing market, and if we take into account all the positive aspects of the “Apartment for Students” program, the choice will be obvious. Therefore, we are ready to inform as much as possible students about its capabilities, - said the rector of the Kuban State Technological University Vladimir Lobanov. “I can say that students and even applicants who learned about the program have already become very interested in it.”

To implement the program at the 1st stage, 2,500 small-sized apartments with full interior finishing are allocated in houses of the "economy", "comfort" and "comfort+" classes in the cities of the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov region (Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Armavir, Krymsk and Sochi). The commissioning period for the houses is 2014-2016. A complete list of them, design documentation, layout, cost, etc. can be found on the association’s website

In this article we look at the growing popularity mortgages for students for an apartment in Moscow. Moscow occupies a leading position in the country in terms of the number of universities and the number of students studying in them. Every year, thousands of school graduates go to study in the capital, and after graduating from university, most of them remain to live and work in Moscow. Both during their studies and subsequently, Moscow becomes their home. And getting a mortgage for students allows you to purchase real estate immediately and gain a foothold in your place.

Most banks issue mortgages to people over 21, which means that many students cannot get a mortgage for themselves. Therefore, most often parents buy real estate for their children. It is on them that the mortgage is issued.

Parents buying an apartment in Moscow with a mortgage means that after graduation, the child will be ready for an independent life, will strive to earn money and pay the mortgage on their own. And in the purchased apartment, for the entire period of receiving education, the student is provided with comfortable living conditions: his own room, bathroom, kitchen and balcony on which he can store gifts from his parents. No need to think about hostels and rental housing. It becomes possible for parents to visit their child more often, because... there is a place to stay.

A mortgage for an apartment for students is an investment in the future of their children, as well as the stability of life in Moscow. In addition, many parents who purchase real estate in Moscow are considering the possibility of moving to the capital themselves in the future, following their children. And getting a mortgage helps them with all this. Prices for apartments in the capital are, of course, high, but with the help of a mortgage you can buy an apartment with a down payment of only 10%, and this is affordable for many.

If you buy a two-room apartment, your son or daughter can move in with his friend/classmate during his studies, who will rent a room for money, which will make it easier for you to repay the loan.

Statistics show that more and more parents buying housing for children are doing so with the help of a mortgage.

There are also students who want to get a mortgage on their own. They are already 21 years old, they study and work. With or without the help of their parents they collected an initial fee and for a number of reasons they want to take out a mortgage themselves. There are several bank programs that allow you to take out a mortgage for students, although there are not many of them.

In order not to waste your time, energy and nerves when buying an apartment in Moscow with a mortgage, contact specialists. They will provide professional consultation, help you collect the necessary package of documents for a mortgage, and most importantly, they will assist in obtaining a mortgage for students for an apartment in Moscow and select the most profitable program.

Taking out a mortgage in Moscow for a student is a great way to provide housing for a child and make a profitable investment.

A student who wants to buy an apartment thinks about the question - will the bank give a mortgage?

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Financial institutions are very picky about borrowers, even working people with good salaries may refuse. And what about the students?

If this is a simple student, not working, without guarantors or collateral, then the bank will not provide a loan.

It’s another matter when a young person submits an application Researcher or an employed student who has a co-borrower. We can say that the bank provides mortgages to university students if they meet the loan conditions.

A student’s parents can take out a mortgage if their financial situation and age allow them.

But it happens that parents pay a mortgage loan to one of the banks, then the question is relevant - how many times can you take out a mortgage for a home? A targeted loan for the purchase of an apartment can be issued 2, 3 or more times. The main thing is that the borrower is solvent.

Conditions for issuing loans

The conditions under which a mortgage is provided for students depends on the one chosen.

But there is no separate line of housing loans for college and university students. And not all banks work with people under 21 years of age.

  • scientific staff;
  • doctors;
  • teachers.

Many students already find employment in their final years, which means they can count on such a mortgage.

There is no specific “student” program at any bank. Financial organizations issue loans only to employed clients with work experience of at least six months.

If a student works and has a stable wages, then can use mortgage lending With state support.

General terms preferential mortgage in banks are presented in the table:

Mortgages for young professionals are provided only for housing from development companies, that is, for apartments on the primary real estate market.

Students who are married and officially employed can count on the following conditions:

  • down payment from 15%;
  • annual rate from 12.5%.

In general, a student can take advantage of any of the programs offered by the bank, the main thing is that the borrower meets the mandatory requirements of the financial institution.

Mortgage for students (student)

There is no student mortgage, the bank will not take such a risk - most students are not employed or work unofficially.

Those who have a permanent place of employment and income can purchase an apartment in a building of any type: new building or resale.

For an apartment

Everyone provides a mortgage loan for an apartment large banks countries:

  1. If the housing is on the primary real estate market, then until March 1, 2016, you can use the “mortgage with state support” program.
  2. All banks lend to secondary housing, and the conditions may be more favorable than for other types of housing loans.

The purchased apartment will be pledged to the bank until the debt is paid in full.

No down payment

No bank issues mortgages without a down payment for students.

But according to the social program regulated by Federal Law No. 68-FZ dated April 21, 1997, young scientists can count on a mortgage with state support.

The student can:

  • study and work at the same university;
  • qualify for preferential payments that can be spent on.

If a family of students who has a mortgage takes out a mortgage, then this certificate is used to pay off the mandatory contribution.

What banks give?

Not all banks agree to lend to young people over 18 years old; many give mortgages only to those who are already 21 or even 23 years old.

Financial organizations providing loans for people over 18 years of age:

  • Russian Mortgage Bank;
  • Pervobank;
  • M Bank;
  • VTB Bank.

If the borrower is under 18, then no bank will give a mortgage.

Clients over 21 years of age are eligible for loans from all financial institutions, with a guarantee individuals not necessary.


Sberbank provides housing loans only to persons over 21 years of age. Not a single bank program is designed for an earlier age.

If the borrower has worked in the organization for more than six months, and the total length of service is at least 1 year, then he can count on purchasing his own apartment under any program.

In this case, co-borrowers and guarantors are not required.

VTB 24

VTB 24 provides loans to clients over 18 years of age.

But you definitely need:

  • older guarantors or co-borrowers;
  • permanent employment and stable income.

State assistance

The state subsidizes mortgages only for a social category of people, which includes young scientists.

If there is an AHML in your area of ​​residence, then the mortgage is provided by this organization. The interest rate is no more than 9.9% per year.

There are no programs to help ordinary students purchase an apartment.

Possible difficulties

Main difficulties:

  1. Borrower's age. Not every bank undertakes to lend to young students, even working ones.
  2. It is quite difficult to obtain a home loan and financial institutions providing mortgages to persons over 18 years of age.
  3. If there are no guarantors and subborrowers, then large banks may refuse to provide a loan.

The bank will approve the loan if the client has a good salary.

For many out-of-town students and young scientists, the problem of finding decent housing is quite acute. A special program for purchasing housing was created for people studying in the south of the country. It allows even students to buy their own apartment at affordable rates.

“Apartment for students” is a targeted program aimed at improving the living conditions of this category of people.

What is the Student Apartment program? Photo No. 1

Among all other programs aimed at solving housing problems citizens, this one stands out especially. First of all, it is narrowly focused, focused on improving the situation of a particular category of citizens. This includes the students themselves, as well as their parents, parents of high school students, and young scientists.

In addition, the initiative to provide such assistance to students came not from financial and construction companies. At the same time, the program applies only to the territory of the Rostov region and Krasnodar region. It should be borne in mind that under the terms of this program you can not purchase any home you like.

In order to implement the provisions of the program, a large number of new apartments were built in the region. These are one-room, two-room small apartments with full finishing. The program is designed for people with different incomes and provides many benefits, discounts and options for purchasing apartments.

Options for purchasing an apartment

Ways to purchase an apartment. Photo No. 2

Taking into account the interests of buyers (students), developers and banks offer several possible options for purchasing apartments. This provides a chance for students (their parents) with different financial situations to look for the best housing options for themselves. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

  1. The first option is when there are funds available to pay the cost of the apartment in full. In this case, you can count on a good discount from the developer.
  2. The second is the availability of the amount only for the down payment. If it is more than thirty percent, then you can count on installment payments.
  3. The third is the availability of an amount for a down payment (less than thirty percent). In this case, you can get a mortgage loan on favorable terms.
  4. And in the latter case, the buyer does not have any starting capital to purchase a home. In such circumstances, the student will be assisted in drawing up a plan to raise the required amount within a certain time frame.

Special conditions and benefits

What benefits are available under the “Apartment for Students” program? Photo No. 3

In addition to the variety of options for joining the program, participating developers offer various benefits to students. Their presence helps make purchasing housing under this program profitable.

Everyone, based on their financial situation and other circumstances, can choose the best option for themselves.

The provided system of discounts (benefits) is unique and applicable only within the framework of this program.

You can expect to receive the following bonuses from developers:

  • discount for each square meter, approximately 1200-1500 rubles;
  • interest-free annual installments of the stipulated payment,
  • installments with a small percentage for a longer period;
  • booking apartments in houses under construction, subject to collecting at least eighty percent of the cost of the down payment (for special contribution jar).

Banks provide the following benefits:

  • deferment of payment until the house is delivered;
  • issuance mortgage loans at reduced rates;
  • reduction in the amount of initial payments on loans (up to five percent);
  • possibility of opening deposit accounts for long term(up to three years) to raise funds for initial payments.

Requirements for borrowers

What requirements are imposed on borrowers of funds to purchase an apartment? Photo No. 4

Despite the name of the program, in fact, its participants can be not only the students themselves, but also their parents, students and young scientists (staff). For university students, age qualifications are established. They can join this program if they are twenty-one years old.

For a student couple, at least one must reach the specified age. If parents buy housing, then the student himself may be younger. But parents, on the contrary, should not reach the age of sixty-five years. After all, under the terms of this program, the loan must be repaid before reaching the specified age.

Another indispensable condition for purchasing an apartment on preferential terms is financial solvency. The student or one of the students in the family must have an official place of work with a stable income. All these facts will need to be documented when drawing up contracts. The term and amount of the loan directly depend on the buyer’s income and work experience.

The maximum loan term does not exceed thirty years. Maximum amount the loan should be no more than seven million.

Pros and cons of the program

Advantages and disadvantages of the “Apartment for Student” program. Photo No. 5

The advantages of this student program are obvious. She helps university students, young student families, specialists and even their parents solve pressing housing issues.

Purchasing apartments with benefits and discounts will allow students who go to study in another city to live in comfortable, normal conditions. In the future, this will provide them with the opportunity to stay in this city to work and live, and start a family.

In addition, it is more profitable to pay for your own housing than for rented housing. Buying exactly on the terms offered by the program is also profitable. Within its framework, you can count on a reduction in the cost of housing (square meter), installments and deferred payments, reductions in rates and down payments, and assistance in collecting the funds necessary for the purchase.

The disadvantages include the following points. Firstly, a certain age limit (initial and final) for participation in the student program is established. Consequently, first-year students do not have this opportunity. Unless their parents want to provide them with this kind of help.

Another difficult condition to comply with is the presence of official employment of students. Not all students at twenty-one have a job (official part-time job). In addition, not every job can provide the level of income necessary for banks. If all these conditions cannot be met, then, unfortunately, the student will be denied housing.


The nuances of purchasing housing under the “Apartment for Students” program. Photo No. 6

When planning to join a student program, you should take into account some of its features. The important point is to reach the specified age, confirm employment, and have income. Moreover, at the time of purchase, the student may not even have the amount necessary for a down payment.

The main thing is that the bank is convinced that it is possible to collect this amount and pay it within the terms established by the agreement. It should be borne in mind that not just any housing is purchased under the program, but those specifically determined by developers and lending institutions.


Despite the existing disadvantages and strict requirements for participation in the student program, buying an apartment is still profitable. It provides several options for purchasing housing, a good list of discounts, etc. If a student (other person) meets all its requirements, he can become the happy owner of his own apartment.

Good or bad, but Krasnodar region in many cases it turns out to be a “guinea pig” for various financial projects. This time we were no exception and from July 15, 2014 earned on the territory of Kuban special program “Apartment for a student”“, thanks to which young men and women (as well as their parents) will be able to purchase housing in Krasnodar, Anapa, Armavir, Gelendzhik, Krymsk, Novorossiysk, Slavyansk-on-Kuban and Sochi on preferential terms.

If you are interested in the “Apartment for Students” program, then please carefully read the information that you will find below.

Back to program "Apartment for students" , which is a joint brainchild of investment and construction companies of the VKB-Novostroiki association and the program partner bank - CB Kuban Credit. Both organizations work for our Russian markets banking and construction services for several years now, so they have managed to establish themselves as reliable partners.

To make it easier to understand the nuances of this program for purchasing a home, I decided to format all the information I have in the form of answers to questions. So:

Who can become a participant in the “Apartment for Students” program?

Firstly, the student himself, studying at a university in Krasnodar or the Krasnodar Territory, as well as Rostov-on-Don.

Secondly, the parents of this student, as well as the parents of high school students and applicants.

How can a student buy an apartment under the “Apartment for Students” program?

First, you need to decide on your solvency option. Currently you have a choice of 4 options:

  1. The student or parents have funds in full or almost full amount - if this is your option, then you should contact 8-800-333-7-111 or fill out an application on the website www.VKBN.RU (the link is not active, so you should copy it into the browser line, and then in the window that opens, select the “Current offers” section, where you will find the “Apartment for Student” program);
  2. Funds are available only in the amount of the down payment, a mortgage is possible and desirable - you should contact 8-800-555-25-18 or fill out an application on the website;
  3. The student or parents have funds in the amount of the down payment, but a mortgage is impossible or undesirable - contact 8-800-333-7-111 or fill out an application on the website www.VKBN.RU (section “Ask a Question”);
  4. If funds are available in an amount insufficient for a down payment, and the goal is to purchase an apartment in the foreseeable future, then you should seek advice by calling 8-800-333-7-111 or 8-800-555-25-18 for determining the time and place for drawing up an action plan.

What are the benefits of participating in the “Apartment for Students of the Krasnodar Territory” program?

Of course, with discounts and special conditions from the developer and the bank.

So the developer will provide you with:

A discount on the cost of a square meter of housing if you present a student card or school certificate when concluding a contract;


interest-free installments payment,

— interest installment plan, if you need a long period of time to pay the remaining amount for the apartment,

— the opportunity to reserve an apartment in a house at the 1st stage of construction after collecting 80% of the down payment amount in the Mortgage bank depository.

In turn, the bank:

- will reduce you interest rate on a mortgage loan,

- will reduce the amount of the down payment on the mortgage,

— will provide a deferment of payment of the principal debt until the date of commissioning of the house,

— at your request, we will provide a long-term (3-year) deposit account for accumulating funds, from which you can transfer the amount for the down payment for an apartment without losing interest.

What apartments can be purchased under the “Apartment for Students” program?

To implement the “Apartment for Students” program, only 1 and 2-room apartments of small size are allocated. They will have full interior finishing and be located in houses of the “economy”, “comfort” and “comfort+” classes in the cities of the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov region: Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Armavir, Krymsk, Sochi , Slavyansk-on-Kuban, from the available 9,000 apartments of the Association of Developers of the South “VKB-Novostroiki”.

Developers participating in the “Apartment for Students” program are only largest enterprises industries that have many years of positive experience (that is, they do not have objects “frozen” or abandoned due to lack of funds for their construction) and they build only high-quality housing. The VKB-Novostroiki association includes the following development companies: Bauinvest, Business-Invest, Delovoy Mir, KrasnodarStroyGroup, Kubanskaya Marka, Masterstroy, Our City, OBD-Realt, Rostovskoe.

To find out exactly which houses are being built in the city you need under the “Apartment for Students” program or to find out in more detail how a student can buy an apartment in the Krasnodar Territory, ask a written question on the page Target program “APARTMENT FOR STUDENTS” (in the “Promotions” section) on the website

Well, in conclusion, I will remind you that other useful programs are currently operating in the Krasnodar Territory:

- you will find a description of the programs to support young and large families of Gelendzhik and the Krasnodar Territory,

- information on Social payments for the purchase of housing in rural areas is available.
