Debt in JSC otp bank. How to find out the OTP Bank loan balance: expanded opportunities for clients. Checking debt in the OTPcredit application

Clients will be able to find out the decision on a loan from OTP Bank within 15 minutes after submitting an online loan application. The bank reports the final answer within 24 hours after receiving the questionnaire. By commodity loans The average review time takes 30-60 minutes, no more. Deadline for reviewing the application form consumer loans is 3 working days from the date of application. If OTP Bank did not inform about the decision after the specified period, we can conclude that a negative decision was made on the application. Before contacting another credit institution, the client must make sure that OTP Bank has reviewed the application and decided to refuse to issue money.

How long does it take for OTP to respond to a loan?

Don’t know how long to wait for loan approval at OTP Bank? Typically, the organization reviews the questionnaire within the first 24 hours after receiving it. A preliminary loan application is processed within 15 minutes after its receipt.

The bank accepts the final response within a maximum of 3 days. If the creditor does not make a decision within 3 business days after receiving it, it will significantly violate its own standards.
For trade loans, the bank is ready to announce a decision as quickly as possible. Here the client will receive a final answer within 5-30 minutes after submitting the application at the office of the partner store.

How can I find out the loan decision?

OTP Bank notifies borrowers of the preliminary decision in 2 ways: during a telephone conversation, via SMS message. The first option is usually used in case of a positive verdict from the bank. If the answer is negative, OTP always sends an SMS with a refusal.

The final answer OTP loan The client usually receives the bank in the form of an SMS notification or a call. If you don’t know how to find out OTP Bank’s decision on a loan, you can use one of the methods below:

  • Call toll free number contact center: 8800-100-55-55 or 0707 and ask the corresponding question to the operator. In the autoinformer menu, the client needs to select the number “0” to connect with an employee. During the telephone conversation, the borrower must introduce himself and provide his passport details. After identification, the operator will indicate the status of consideration of the application.
  • Come to the office of a credit institution and ask any bank employee to check the status of the application. You need to have your passport with you.
  • You can find out the decision on your loan application at OTP Bank via Skype. The client needs to add “otpbank_russia” to his contacts and make a call. After identification, the operator will report the review status.
  • The client can send a corresponding request to the bank’s email: [email protected], or through the feedback form on the website.

The fastest and most convenient option to find out the decision on a loan at OTP Bank is to call the hotline or via Skype. This procedure will not take the client more than 5 minutes.
According to the terms of lending, OTP Bank has every right to refuse a loan to a borrower without giving reasons. The same right for the creditor is secured by law.

Banks are simply afraid for their “safety”. In their opinion, borrowers who were denied a loan and told the reason for this can carefully analyze the reasons for the refusal and next time circumvent certain requirements of the lender by “embellishing” information about themselves. OTP Bank and other organizations are afraid of an increase in fraud in consumer loans.

Does OTP Bank really notify clients about the decision or does it forget about them?

The credit institution always informs about the decision made by phone or via SMS notification. Most often, this does not happen after “15 minutes,” as indicated on the lender’s official website, but after 12-24 hours, but the lender still notifies the borrower.

What to do if OTP refuses a loan?

If the lender makes a negative decision, the borrower can take the opportunity and contact another organization. Despite the fact that OTP Bank can be classified as a loyal lender, it is not ready to provide loans to borrowers with low credit rating, high debt load, with a criminal record, etc.

The most common reason why OTP Bank refuses to provide a loan is too much debt. When assessing solvency, the bank calculates the client’s monthly income and expenses. If the borrower’s expenses for repaying all loans exceed 30-40% of his income, then he will definitely be denied a new loan.

The financial situation of the borrower is not the only factor when issuing a loan. Marital status, credit history, whether the client is on the bank’s blacklist, and length of service in the current position also influence. All these factors are analyzed together and a scoring score is determined. If it is low, then the loan application will be rejected. You can determine the scoring yourself using a special tool - a scoring calculator
See also: Online credit scoring. Scoring calculation.
The right decision in this case would be to repay at least one of the loans in full, or apply for a loan under the refinancing program. In this case, the borrower will be able to reduce financial burden and get extra money. Many people provide such loans credit organizations: Tinkoff, VTB-24, VTB Bank of Moscow, Alfa-Bank, MKB, Eastern Bank and others.

Application for a loan at Sovcombank

Cash loan from Tinkoff Bank

Application for a loan at Rosbank

Application for a cash loan at RenCredit

After what period can I re-apply?

Contact OTP Bank to submit re-application for a loan, the client will be able to apply after 1 month from the date of announcement of the verdict on the previous application. The bank states that if a client wants to apply for another loan product, or significantly change the amount/term of the current one, then a new application can be submitted the very next day after a negative decision is made, without waiting for the expiration of the month.

The bank will refuse again if no significant changes have occurred in the borrower’s financial life - salary or debt load has not changed.

The bank can make a positive decision if the client has been promoted up the career ladder, or simply increased his salary, if the borrower has purchased real estate or a car, has significantly improved his credit history by repaying another loan, reduced the financial burden, etc.

If you need to look at the debt loan from OTP Bank , you can choose one of three possible options:

  • contact the call center;
  • institution office;
  • find out through Internet banking.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

OTP loan – find out the balance at the bank branch

To find out your loan debts, you must provide a bank employee with an identification document. As a rule, this is a civil passport. It is also advisable to have a loan agreement with you. This will allow the manager to quickly find data and calculate the remaining debt. The amount of loan debt includes the remaining balance and the amount of accrued interest (as of the repayment date). If you are in arrears, you also pay penalties.

If you have connected the OTP Direct remote access system, then you can find out whether you have any loan debts yourself. To do this, log in to your page and go to the “Loans” section. All the necessary information is displayed here:

  • loan issue date,
  • monthly payment amount,
  • current balance,
  • amount of interest.

When the issue is decided early repayment loan, its refinancing, or simply when making plans for the near future, you cannot do without information about the exact balance of the loan debt.

When deciding on early repayment of a loan, refinancing it, or simply making plans for the near future, you cannot do without information about the exact balance of the loan debt. You can, of course, look at the payment repayment schedule and add up the remaining payments yourself, but if such a document is not at hand, then you can obtain this information in other ways.

Information about the debt balance through OTPdirect

If the borrower has activated the Internet banking service, then he can obtain information about the balance of debt on the loan in his personal online account. To do this, you need to go to the “Credit” section and select the “Detailed information on loan” subsection, where, among other things, the account balance will be indicated.

Information about the debt balance through the OTP Bank call center

The borrower can find out the loan balance by contacting the bank’s call center. If a consumer loan has been issued, then you need to call the number: 8-800-200-70-05, if credit card, then call: 8-800-200-70-01. The client can either use the interactive menu (press the appropriate key, following the prompts, and enter the card or credit agreement number), or wait for the operator’s response.

Information about the balance of debt in the OTP Bank branch

Another way to find out the balance of your loan debt is to visit an OTP bank branch. The borrower must take his passport with him.

OTP Bank offers a wide range of services, including lending services. You can find out your debt balance in six ways: through mobile app, SMS banking, Internet banking, using a mobile application for borrowers or at a branch of a banking organization.

The OTPdirect personal account is a functional and round-the-clock service that allows you to view the status of your account or loan, as well as pay for housing and communal services, etc. At you must enter your login and password, which are issued when signing the loan agreement. The service is provided free of charge.

Find out the balance of debt through the OTPdirect application

A bank client can download the OTPdirect mobile application to a tablet or phone for free. The program is a service similar to online banking. You must use the same login and password as for online banking.

We use SMS banking

If there is no Internet connection, you can use SMS banking. The service allows you to obtain all the necessary information. The borrower should simply send an SMS message to the short number 5927. The message must contain the text: CREDIT or CREDIT.

If there is a need to gain full access to the SMS banking service, then you need to send the text “HELP” to the short number.

Checking debt in the OTPcredit application

The following options will be available to the borrower:

  1. Familiarization with the exact amount of the loan and the number of days remaining until the date of the next payment.
  2. You can find out the borrower's account details and other information necessary to repay the debt.
  3. View a detailed map showing terminals and points where you can make payments.
  4. Payment tracking by loan agreement using a detailed schedule.
  5. Setting up notifications about the need to make the next payment.
  6. You can view information about the terms of enrollment and the amount of commissions.
  7. Repaying debt from a mobile device account.
The convenient application can also be downloaded to your mobile device through the official Google Play and AppStore stores using the links below.

At the OTP Bank branch

OTP Bank provides its users with the opportunity to enter the agreement number and find out how much they need to deposit before a certain date or to completely close the loan. This helps when a person does not have the opportunity or desire to count the remaining amounts according to the payment schedule, and in this case various banking applications and a personal account come to his aid, where all the necessary information can be obtained if you know the number of your banking agreement.

Loan information

What can you find out about a credit account by agreement number? Basic information: payment amount, loan amount and the nearest payment date. More important information is provided only after the client has been fully identified: at the OTP branch or at hotline verification of the client's passport data is required.

Principal debt and overpayment credit account the borrower can see it in a paper agreement, which is necessarily handed over after execution. It is also possible to clarify this data at the OTP office and on the hotline by contacting the operator.

How to get information and find out the loan balance?

There are a large number of ways in which you can find out the necessary data on the credit part. The main ones are:

  • personal account on the official website;
  • mobile app;
  • call to the operator;
  • SMS Bank;
  • OTP department.

Any of these options guarantees the confidentiality of the information provided; the data is not transferred to third parties without your knowledge. In any case, when you call or contact the branch in person, the manager will ask you for a document or personal information, confirming identity. And only after this information on the loan will be available.

Via online bank

In order to work with your personal account on the website or on the phone, you must go through authorization to confirm your identity. To do this, you need to enter your username and password, which were sent via SMS to your phone number after the loan was issued. If this data is not available, you can use a special form to restore access. After this, you can use your personal account to clarify information on the loan agreement and repayment.

What can you see in personal account OTP bank?

  • Interest rate on a loan account.
  • How much is left to pay?
  • Schedule of remaining payments.
  • Possibility of debt repayment, methods.
  • Connecting additional services.
  • Payment for various services and transfers.
  • Creation of quick payment templates.
  • Nearest ATMs and OTP branches.

A personal account on the official website of OTP Bank is quite a convenient thing for those people who do not like to waste time looking for a branch or waiting in line to see banking specialists.

Through the application for borrowers "OTP Credit"

To use the application, you also need to log in using your phone number. The interface of the application is very simple: in the initial window you enter the number that was called during registration, an SMS message is sent to your phone with a code, which is entered in the line that appears after sending.

What opportunities does the program provide:

  • viewing the payment schedule with marks of already paid months;
  • indication of the remaining debt;
  • location of the nearest ATMs or OTP branches for payment;
  • chat with the operator and OTP contacts.

There is nothing superfluous, everything is quite concise, simple and only what the client needs is indicated.

SMS-bank "OTPdirect"

There are times when there is no connection to the Internet and is not expected, and the client needs to find out the balance of the contract, the required amount for payment or details for replenishment. Working with SMS banking can help here. To work with this type of information provision, you need to know the list of commands and what they help you find out.

Bank cardsLoans/depositsPayments and transfers
BAL or BALCard balanceCREDIT *1111Loan informationTemplate amountPay for the created template: communication, internet, translation.
LIST *0000List of recent transactionsDEPOSITDeposit informationUP *0000 amountTop up your phone account from a card
CARD *0000Payment end date grace period and card loan amountREKV *1111Details for paying a credit accountKURSCurrent exchange rate
REKV *0000Card details
BLOCK *0000 or BLOCK *0000Temporary card block

SMS must be sent to the short number 5927. Under “*0000” is the designation of the last four digits of the card number, and under “*1111” is the designation of the last four digits of the agreement number.

To operate, the SMS Bank service must be activated in your personal account. Templates for payments are created when making this payment through a mobile application or online banking.

At a bank branch

In order to find out the necessary data at the OTP office, you must take your passport with you for identification. What information can bank specialists provide?

  • Basic information on debt: date of payment, date of registration, place of registration, amount of payments, total debt, interest rates on loan.
  • Detailing on maps.
  • All possible payment options.
  • List of OTP ATMs and partner ATMs.

In addition to all this variety of services, the bank manager may offer to connect or disable some additional services: SMS notification, SMS Bank, card insurance.

Via Help Desk

OTP clients have the opportunity to contact banking specialists through cellular communication. To do this, you need to dial a hotline number, where the person will first be greeted by an answering robot and asked to find out general information about cards or credit accounts through it or wait for the operator’s response. As a rule, the waiting time for the operator can range from several seconds to several minutes, which the answering machine will also warn about.

What can you find out through the help desk?

  • Amount and date of the next payment.
  • Total debt.
  • Possibility of early repayment.

To obtain basic information, it is better to use an answering machine so as not to overload specialist operators who could answer more complex questions. The operator checks the client before issuing confidential data: he specifies the series and number of the passport, the date and place of issue of the document and the client’s date of birth. All this is done for safety reasons.