What is webmoney and how to use it. What is WebMoney. How safe is it to store funds in WebMoney electronic accounts?

Virtual title systems are used almost everywhere today. If earlier people treated them with distrust, today most people have wallets in at least one of the most popular ones. In this article we will talk in detail about how to use WebMoney: how to register, what title units and wallet management services there are.


The use of any electronic payment system begins with registration in it. We offer a detailed algorithm:

  1. To do this, go to the official website and click “Registration”.
  2. Next, enter your mobile number, which will then receive a confirmation code.
  3. After entering the code, a form will open, which you also need to fill out. This stage must be approached very carefully; almost all the information will be useful in the future and will be checked.
  4. You will need to provide an email address. An email with a link will be sent to it, after confirmation of which registration will be completed.

In addition, it would be best to immediately obtain a formal certificate, which will significantly expand your capabilities in the system. To do this, you need to go to the Certification Center, fill out a form, indicate your passport details, bank card number and more. Then scanned copies of several pages of the passport and credit card you will need to send it to the same Certification Center.

Once the documents are verified, a formal certificate will be received. If at some stage you entered incorrect data, you can write to the system’s technical support with a request to change it.

Now let's move directly to the question itself, what is WebMoney and how to use it.

Using the service

After registration has been completed, you need to log into your account. To do this, you need to enter the phone number that was entered during the process, your email address and password. After checking the data, you will be logged into your WMID.

The service works with various currencies. Among them are the dollar, rubles, euros, Kazakh tenge, Belorussian rubles and even gold.

Creating each wallet takes literally a few seconds. To do this you need to home page Click on the “About the system” tab and select “Manage wallets”. Then “Methods for managing wallets” will appear, where you need to select “Login to Keeper Standard”

To create a wallet, you need to click on “+add”, then “create wallet” and select the currency of interest.

The wallet number begins with a letter that denotes the currency (for example, ruble - R, dollars - Z, etc.) and then consists of 12 digits.

To transfer money to someone, you need to select “To wallets” on the “Transfer Funds” tab and indicate the address of the recipient’s wallet.

The service allows you to secure your transfer using protection. You can choose from: “by code”, “by time” or “via Escrow”. To use the function, you need to go to the “Translation Type” tab and select one of the proposed options.

WebMoney Keeper

Now let's talk about how to use WebMoney Keeper. By default, after logging into the wallet, the Keeper Standard application is active, which is used from the browser. But you can use the service in another way by downloading.

It would be useful to remind you once again: do not give anyone the login and password for your wallet, because, despite a fairly serious security system, attempts to hack user payment modules, unfortunately, are not isolated.

How to use WebMoney: Video

Almost all RuNet users know what the Webmoney electronic payment system is. The company was founded in 1998 and today has 28 million registered users around the globe. This number is increasing daily. What is the secret of such popularity of the system? First of all, it’s ease of use, but there are many other advantages:

  • You can make payments and receive money without leaving your home;
  • the system works instantly, even if users are located in different parts of the world;
  • small commission (0.8% of the amount)
  • good protection.

In this review article we will talk about the features of the payment system, in particular we will discuss the following points:

  1. Certification in the system;
  2. Additional services;
  3. Replenishment of wallets;
  4. Withdrawal of funds;
  5. Conclusion.

I've been running this blog for over 6 years. All this time I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

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First of all, you need to go through a simple registration procedure. Go to the website webmoney.ru and click the “Registration” button. The following window will appear.

Enter the phone number in international format and click the “Continue” button.

Next, you need to indicate your pseudonym (nickname) and real last name, first name, and patronymic. Indicate gender and date of birth. In the “Actual location” column write down the country, city and address. Next, enter your contact email address. mail.

The system will offer Security Question of your choice, by which you can restore your access if necessary. An additional e-mail is also indicated in case there is no access to the main one. Then the email address is verified and the phone number is verified. Next, you will need to enter and confirm your password.

After registration, each user receives a unique WM ID number. A huge advantage of WebMoney is the fact that before performing any operation, an access code is sent to the specified phone number. This way, even if your password is stolen, the attacker will not be able to withdraw money from your wallet.

As for wallets, the following types of wallets are available to users:

WMR – ruble wallet;

WMZ – in US dollars;

WMU – in Ukrainian hryvnia;

WMB – in Belarusian rubles;

WMK – in Kazakh tenge.

Among other things, electronic money can be stored in its gold equivalent in the WMG wallet. Recently, the WMX wallet appeared, the guarantor of the storage of funds on which is the INDX exchange.

There are many ways to replenish wallets. This can be done at WM dealers, by bank card, by transfer and in many other ways. The system provides for easy exchange of one currency for another directly on the website. To do this, just click the “Exchange” button and a window will appear where you need to enter the amount. Automatically, the amount appears in another window, which will be credited to your other wallet after the exchange.

Certification in the Webmoney system

Since all settlements between system participants occur remotely, the issue of trust comes first. Therefore, a certification system is provided.

I will list the main types of Webmoney certificates:

  • Alias ​​certificate;

It is automatically assigned to any person who has registered on the WebMoney website. After registration, you can already make small transfers, pay bills and buy goods in online stores. The user can top up their wallets. You can exchange some title units for others on the WebMoney website.

  • Formal certificate;

To receive it, you need to enter your passport details and confirm them with a scan of your passport uploaded into the system. With such a certificate, you can not only replenish your wallets and make transfers within the system, but also withdraw money by bank transfer. Link your wallet to various bank cards, deposit and withdraw funds through various money transfer systems. Having a formal certificate allows you to use various services that you do not have access to with a pseudonym certificate.

  • Initial certificate;

To receive it, you need to confirm your data with one of the system personalizers. In this case you need to pay a certain amount. It is different for each personalizer and can range from $1 to $100. Confirmation occurs during a personal meeting. You can select the WebMoney representative closest to you at passport.webmoney.ru.

You can get an initial certificate for free if you top up your WebMoney wallets with a money transfer or link a bank card to your wallet. All details can be found on the website.

If you have an initial certificate, the limits increase. You can deposit, withdraw and exchange more significant funds than with a formal certificate. There is access to a budget machine and the ability to register Internet resources in the Megastock catalogue.

  • Personal certificate

Receiving this document provides a high degree of confidence in its owner. You can get it by meeting in person with the WebMoney registrar or sending him notarized copies of documents. This certification is also paid and will cost from 10 to 50 dollars. Not all registrars are authorized to accept notarized documents by mail. When receiving a personal certificate, the limits increase again, and a lot of other opportunities appear that are closed to holders of an initial certificate.

The user can participate in the work of the credit exchange, create budget machines, and become a consultant to the system. You can take part in the partnership program for issuing initial certificates. In addition, it becomes possible to create trading platforms DigiSeller service and post news on WebMoney websites. Having a personal passport allows you to use all WebMoney services without restrictions. In addition to all of the above, there are also professional certificates.

Additional WebMoney services

On the WM website you can find a huge number of additional services. You can find out about all of them by carefully reading the information in the “For Individuals” and “For Business” tabs. You will see that you can not only store money in multi-currency wallets and exchange them, but also perform many other transactions.

For example, individuals can:

  • pay for various services, purchases, pay fines;
  • receive and issue loans;
  • raise funds for charity;
  • engage in crowdfunding and collective purchasing;
  • invest on the BA exchange;
  • and much more.

WebMoney services for doing business include:

  • creating stores and accepting payments to a bank account;
  • sites can sell advertising and sell funds;
  • banks can open API gateways for accepting payments and make Money transfers through the system.

Topping up WebMoney wallets

The WebMoney system provides the opportunity to top up wallets in a variety of ways. All of them are described in detail on the website.

Click the “Individuals” button in the top menu and in the first place you will see replenishment methods. You will see that you can top up your wallets:

  • cash;
  • from a bank account;
  • electronic money;
  • via terminal;
  • by money transfer.

The table shows all the ways you can top up your Webmoney wallets.

If you live where regular deposit and withdrawal methods are not available, don't despair. Search various forums (for example mmgp) and websites for exchange offers. Surely you will find people there who are ready to exchange WebMoney for local currency. Be careful and never send money via direct deposit. Use the protection code.

Your actions in this case will be as follows:

You call/text the author of the ad and find out the number of his electronic wallet, the amount he needs and the rate at which money is exchanged. If you are satisfied with everything, transfer the amount with the protection code and when you meet, take the money, tell the code.

As for exchange, the most profitable method of exchange is electronic money WebMoney is an exchange wm.exchanger.ru.

People who are faced with the need to register and use an electronic payment wallet for the first time face certain difficulties. It’s not difficult to figure out how to use WebMoney. You just need to go to the official website of the payment system.

The first thing you need is to register in it and download the appropriate Keeper. This program allows you to access wallets from a computer, tablet or smartphone. The new user is assigned an alias certificate. It is difficult to perform any operations with it. Therefore, you need to obtain a formal or initial certificate.

How to use WebMoney for online payments

When you are issued a certificate, you can do the following:

  • transfer funds to the wallets of other users;
  • make currency exchanges in the system;
  • withdraw money to;
  • pay for purchases in online stores.

You can ask a support representative how to use WebMoney. Operators respond quickly and help resolve any questions that may arise.

New users are often asked for scanned copies personal documents. There is no need to be afraid of this. If you cannot scan your passport or identification code, you can take a legible photo of these documents using your phone camera or webcam. The submitted data is verified within several days.

How to use WebMoney wallet

In a few days you will figure out how to use a WebMoney wallet. A separate wallet is created for each currency. It is assigned an individual number. If you are expecting a payment from another user, you need to tell him the number of the required wallet. You can independently transfer funds from one wallet to another within the system. In this case, currency conversion is carried out at the internal rate.

Advice from Sravni.ru: Practice shows that a WebMoney ruble and dollar wallet is enough for an ordinary Russian. They must be created. You can add others at any time.

Modern electronic payment methods are becoming more and more widespread. Now I will dwell in more detail on the Webmoney system, which is one of the most popular in the CIS countries.

What is a WebMoney wallet?

WebMoney (in Russian: "WebMoney") is a modern electronic payment system, which allows the exchange of so-called “title marks” between different participants.

A webmoney wallet is a specific account in this payment system, tied to one person, who can manage this account using a password and/or his mobile phone, instantly transferring his money to whomever he wishes.

What can you do with WebMoney?

Using the Webmoney payment system, you can sit at your computer and drink coffee and send relatively safe and unadvertised money transfers to any country in the world. Most often, the service is used to pay for various goods and services, transfer money to relatives, repay debts and, of course, pay for the work of remote specialists (they are also called “freelancers”).

By the way, working with freelancers is often very profitable, because in other countries there may be more favorable prices for services, for example, translators, programmers, designers, etc. As a result, you can save 50% or more of your planned budget.

In addition to regular translations to people you know and payment for freelancers, you can buy a variety of services from reputable companies, for example:

  1. pay mobile phone, Internet and public utilities without leaving home
  2. replenish the balance of online advertising, for example, Yandex.Direct and Google.AdWords
  3. make purchases in online stores, including in such distant countries as China
  4. pay taxes, fines and other payments to the state
  5. and much more

Agree, this is very convenient.

Description of the service

WebMoney is an instant Internet payment system created in 1998.
Each user has his own personal account, which is called WMID (consists of 12 digits, each WMID is unique). Several types of electronic currency accounts can be opened inside it - special accounts that keep records of “title units” denominated in various currencies.

The wallet number consists of a letter indicating its type (R, E, Z, etc.) and 12 digits; each number is unique.

Wallets are managed using the client software. It exists in different versions: a simple browser version (Keeper Standard), a program for Windows (Keeper WinPro), an extended browser version (Keeper WebPro). There are also applications for iOS, Android and other mobile platforms (search for the word “WebMoney” in your store).

Using these tools, the user can make transfers from his internal account in the service to another user's wallet in a few clicks. The transaction takes place in a split second, and the recipient sees the receipt of funds instantly. Transfers are only possible between wallets of the same type, for example, from R to R, from E to E, etc.

Users of the service can transfer WM within the service to other users, as well as trading companies for their goods and services. In addition, the user can receive WM from the company as payments, fees, royalties, deductions, winnings, etc.

At the time of each transaction within the system, the sender is charged a commission of 0.8% of the transferred amount. The maximum commission amount is limited; transfers between wallets of the same user are not subject to commission.

WMID - unique user identifier

WMID - Web Money Identifier. When you register on the website webmoney.ru, you receive both a WMID and a list of available accounts.

The wallet number and WMID can and should be communicated to partners. WMID is a check number to verify the correctness of the WMR or WMZ number. If you gave someone your WMR number with an error, but did not give your WMID, then the money will go to someone unknown. And if there are both numbers, then it is impossible to make a mistake twice so that both numbers coincide and belong to the same person.

How to make payments?

And then it will be possible to make any payments and send money to the recipient in any country in the world within a few seconds.

  1. Let's say I want to transfer money to another country for services.
  2. To do this, you can open a WMR WebMoney account (register in this payment system).
  3. Then transfer funds by exchanging real money for electronic money.
  4. Then I need to make a transfer to the person I have to pay.
  5. All! The money instantly ends up in a wallet in another country.

Then the recipient of the transfer can go and withdraw cash instead of electronic money in any currency he needs. This is called “withdrawing money from WebMoney” and a whole separate article is devoted to this process (how to do it safely and with minimal losses).

Where and how to get a WebMoney wallet?

In order to start using this service, you need to create and register a personal WebMoney wallet.

This should only be done on the official page of this payment system, namely:

So that registration does not cause difficulties. In addition to what and where to enter when registering a wallet, I will give valuable advice so that you do everything correctly from the beginning and, God forbid, do not lose your money in the future.

After registration, you will be able to go to any site that accepts Webmoney for payment and make any payment. And also transfer any funds to other participants.

Is it possible to keep savings?

Should you trust this company to store large sums of money? There are risks everywhere, including when using such services, therefore, it is best to store funds in offline banks, it will be safer. In addition, no one has canceled deposit insurance.

Therefore, storing substantial money in Webmoney, in my opinion, is far from the best option. As, indeed, in US dollars.

Withdrawal and commission

Now it’s worth talking about the commission, which is charged to the user for almost any operation, with the exception of depositing funds. In all other cases - when transferring, withdrawing and paying for services - Webmoney charges a single commission, which is 0.8%. It is worth taking this into account when manipulating finances. Now you know what WebMoney is and you can safely start working with this popular payment system.


Today, most Internet users have their wallets in electronic systems payments. After all, it is very convenient, you can pay fines, loans, utility bills, make purchases in online stores, top up your mobile account and pay for provider services - without leaving your home. And most importantly, withdraw money earned on the Internet to bank cards through electronic wallets - very easy. This article will discuss one of the the most famous payment systems - Webmoney.

This is one of the first payment systems, of course, during its existence many analogues have appeared, but even today this service maintains a leading position, largely due to its undeniable advantages:

  • High level of protection, How Money the user and his personal data. The wallet owner has the opportunity to configure identification options and trust for the account at their discretion. For example: enable “secure authorization” or confirmation of transactions via SMS;
  • Convenient function for registering Webmoney certificates, which allows you to check the employer’s personal data. Very relevant for remote workers, it allows you to protect yourself from scammers. You only need to know the WMID of the employer, by which you can check reviews about the owner of this identifier and his level of trust;
  • Cooperation of Webmoney with many banks in our country. Thanks to this, electronic currency can be withdrawn to almost any bank card, or received in cash at the nearest branch of your financial organization;
  • This system is accepted by most services for making money on the Internet., Webmoney currency can be used to pay in a huge number of online stores;
  • Always available. You can make any necessary payment at home, at any convenient time, which is not always available in banking organizations. The system also allows holders of personal certificates to apply for and take out loans in Webmoney.

How to create a wallet in Webmoney?

To start using the most popular payment method on the Internet, you need to register in the system and open a wallet in the required currency.

For this:

Types of Webmoney certificates and why they are needed

A WebMoney certificate confirms the existence of a real person, who owns the registered account in the system. This is a kind of personal identification document in digital format.

The system provides several types of WM certificates, they differ in the features of obtaining and the opportunities that their owners have. Today, WebMoney Transfer provides two groups of “identity documents”: basic and professional types of certificates.

The main types are the most popular among users, what are their features?

Alias ​​certificate

Issued automatically after a person registers in the system, that is, to receive it you only need to fill in the data specified in the registration form. Such a certificate makes it possible to make small monetary transactions in the system and replenish your wallets with cash. This type suitable for beginners who are just getting acquainted with the functionality and capabilities of this payment system.


You can also get this type of certificate for free by filling out your real passport details and confirming them by uploading a photocopy of your passport. It takes several days to issue the certificate.

Owners of this type can withdraw money earned on the Internet to their bank cards, link cards to a personal WMID, and have the opportunity to pay not only mobile bills and Internet provider services, but also taxes, fines, and make other payments to accounts Russian companies and government agencies.

It also opens access to financial transactions through CONTACT systems and Unistream. The owner of an account with this type of certificate can leave reviews on official services and the WebMoney blog, and submit to arbitration.


Essential for small business owners and online companies. Only those registered participants in the WebMoney system who have previously issued a formal certificate can receive it.

Issued on both a paid and free basis. For verification of passport data by a participant in the certification center’s affiliate program (in a personal meeting), the candidate for an initial certificate must pay up to 5 WMZ. In order to receive such a certificate automatically, you need to make a monetary transaction to fill your ruble wallet using one of the methods presented on the official website of the system (using Unistream, Contact, Anelik, from a bank account of any Russian financial organization, attaching a card from a partner bank), then submit an application to receive an initial certificate and details of the payment made to the Certification Center.

The initial type of certificate will be issued to the account owner in case of positive moderation no later than three working days.


This is the main type of certificate that provides a high degree of trust in its owner. Upon issuance, all data is checked personally by the Registrar upon presentation of the original documents.

Owners have many additional opportunities: participation in the affiliate program, access to credit exchange, setting up receiving payments from customers, creating budget machines, removing restrictions on appeals to arbitration, working in sections of the catalog in Megastock, it is possible to obtain the status of “system consultant”, etc. A personal certificate is drawn up and issued on a paid basis (costs about 15 WMZ) holders of a formal or initial certificate.

Possible options for managing your account in Webmoney


Connects automatically after registering an account. To log in and work, use any Internet browser, including mobile. This management method contains all the basic functions for working with wallets in the WebMoney Transfer system.


Resource with advanced capabilities. It can also be controlled via an Internet browser, but with mandatory JavaScript support. To work, you need to download a system certificate. And if you need to log into your account from another computer, this certificate will need to be imported into another Internet browser. To do this, you should copy the file with the p12 extension in advance for subsequent work.


If this method is used, the user needs to download special software from the official website of the system and install it on his computer. Many users believe that this is the most reliable and convenient way to manage their money.

How to withdraw money from Webmoney?

Many users who choose as their main or additional income Internet, use the WebMoney system to withdraw earned funds.

Although Recently the system had problems with withdrawing money from ruble wallets due to Conservative review commercial bank Central Bank and its recommendations for improving work with WebMoney tools, this payment system has not lost its popularity. The Webmoney administration carried out all the necessary work, eliminating the problems that arose. Now all system participants have the opportunity freely withdraw your money to a bank account or bank cards of any Russian banks through exchange offices of the system itself or exchangers accredited in it.

It is worth noting that many exchange offices withdraw money to bank cards only of the owners of the account from which the payment transaction is made; withdrawals to cards of third parties are not made. Therefore, when a user plans to withdraw and cash out money through a third-party card, it is necessary to select a suitable exchange service that allows this operation.

As a conclusion, it can be noted that the payment Webmoney system is a reliable Internet service that is very popular among users. A competent administration promptly responds to emerging problems and does everything possible to ensure the stable operation of this payment system.