Online currency converter dollar hryvnia. Non-cash currency conversion

The page presents an online currency calculator, which is a convenient tool for converting money online from one monetary unit into another currency, according to the bank’s exchange rate for today. The latest values ​​are taken for calculation. Using the currency calculator you can convert more than 30 foreign currencies, such as dollar, euro, ruble, hryvnia, yuan, yen, zloty, pound and other popular currencies.

The calculation of the online currency converter is carried out as follows: You need to enter in a certain field of the calculator the amount of currency that you need to convert into foreign currency at the current rate. Online currency transfer in the main and completed fields will be carried out automatically without using additional buttons and reloading the page (the transfer is made online) at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

It is convenient to use an online currency converter before visiting a bank, as it allows the user to instantly convert money into foreign currency, as well as add additional currencies of interest in conditions that are comfortable for you.

The currency calculator makes all calculations based on official data, daily updated quotes of international currencies of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and

Conversion is a free process of exchanging currencies of different countries. Monetary transactions can be carried out not only within the country, but often in several countries at once, and the state does not interfere in the process.

There are not many freely convertible currencies in the world - they make up only 15% of the total number of existing currencies. At the same time, a freely convertible currency is a clear sign of economic stability in a country or state. With free exchange, the foreign economic activity of the state is noticeably simplified.

Non-cash currency conversion

Currency conversion can be carried out using cash and non-cash transactions. In the first case, currency conversion is assumed at an ATM, exchange office, or bank. This is the more popular option among the two presented.

Meanwhile, non-cash currency conversion should also not be discounted, since it is often more profitable. Non-cash conversion can be carried out in electronic payment systems, electronic wallets, personal account on the website of the bank that owns the open account, using banking services.

To perform a non-cash conversion, which is a transfer of funds from one foreign currency account to another, often requires a lower commission compared to a cash conversion, and some systems have completely abandoned commissions for this type of transaction.

Currency conversion fee

The fee for currency conversion may vary, depending on the chosen conversion method (cash or non-cash transactions), the bank or exchange office where the currency conversion takes place.

The most interesting option, from the point of view of minimum commissions, is non-cash conversion. Moreover, more and more banks (if the conversion occurs within their banking system) do not charge a commission at all for this type of transaction; other banks charge a minimal commission. Therefore, if you do not want to overpay interest, before making a conversion, it makes sense to analyze offers from different banks.

Currency conversion for today

In connection with recent events in the world financial market(jumps in exchange rates) conversion operations are carried out by ordinary people more and more often: queues line up at exchangers. But if you want to exchange one currency for another on the most favorable terms for you, it makes sense to spend a little time studying the offers in banks in your city.

You can find all the necessary information about currency conversion today on the website. Just look at the appropriate section and you can choose the best offer possible.

Currency conversion operations

The ability to carry out operations to convert one currency into another is a signal that the country whose currency can be converted is included in world economy and can actively develop foreign economic activity. That is, currency conversion operations have a beneficial effect on the investment climate in this country.

But in most cases, the banks conducting the conversion charge a certain commission for currency conversion. If we are talking about conversion for “household needs” (for example, if you often travel abroad for vacation or work), the best option— get a multi-currency card, so you can use the currency that is in circulation in the country of your stay.

Currency conversion calculation

From time to time, each of us faces the need to convert currency. We can talk about a trip abroad or, for example, about attempts to ensure an increase in one’s capital through operations on foreign exchange market. In any case, the ability to make a correct and quick calculation of currency conversion can help you find the best option - the most favorable rate.

If you deal with currency conversion quite often, it makes sense to “get” an online currency converter, with which you can find out at what rate you can exchange one currency for another at a particular point in time. You will find more detailed information on the website.

Converter according to the Central Bank rate

Need to know official currency quotes? Do you want to calculate the amount to be exchanged or reflected in accounting? A converter based on the Central Bank exchange rate will help. Finding it is easy - project sites credit institutions and exchange services offer online calculators that allow you to quickly calculate the value of your funds in selected payment units. Convenient and intuitive programs will instantly and accurately perform calculations. The information on the sites is constantly updated, so you will receive accurate results that correspond to current quotes. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation establishes quotes for 33 currencies from the approved list.

Online currency converter

Quotes for payment instruments can be obtained from banks, but there is an easier way. A convenient online currency converter will save your time and effort. The website offers Internet users to find out the cost of payment units different countries. It is enough to enter any amount and types of currencies - the calculation will be made accurately and quickly. The resource has relevant, constantly updated information, which guarantees the accuracy of the data provided. On its pages you will find information about the most favorable rates, addresses of exchange points and bank branches, and other useful information. Information is available from desktop and mobile devices.

Why does a country need a freely convertible currency?

All states strive to ensure that their money is exchanged without restrictions for foreign means of payment. Why does the country need a freely convertible currency and what can be achieved with its help? The main benefit from the unimpeded conversion of monetary units is the development of international trade, the rapid implementation of export-import transactions, and the acceleration of interstate settlements. Among all existing means of payment, only 18 have no obstacles when exchanging into monetary units of other states.

Conversion in banks

Legal and individuals carry out currency exchange in financial institutions. Conversion in banks is carried out for the purpose of:

  • transfer of cash into monetary units of another country;
  • recalculation of payments;
  • recalculation of deposits;
  • carrying out international payments.

Credit organizations carry out currency exchange in accordance with the officially established exchange rate for the current date. Operations are carried out at the cash desk financial institution or non-cash. On the website you will find fresh, constantly updated exchange rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and commercial financial institutions.

Deposit conversion

The conditions of multicurrency deposits provide for the conversion of the deposit. If desired, the account owner can transfer cash from one currency to another. This is especially beneficial when exchange rates fluctuate. As a result, the bank client retains the invested funds without loss.

The website provides information on the conversion of some currencies to others, conditions for placing deposits in the country's leading banks, and current rates of monetary units in different countries. Based on the available data, bank clients can make advantageous choice, save and increase funds.

On the website portal you will find a convenient and understandable online currency converter, designed specifically for our visitors. With its help, you will instantly convert amounts in dollars, euros and Russian rubles to the Belarusian ruble and back. It is also possible to convert different foreign currencies between each other.

Currency converter (NB RB):

Belarusian ruble(BYN) Australian dollar (AUD) Bulgarian lev (BGN) Danish krone (DKK) US dollar (USD) Icelandic krona (ISK) Kazakhstan tenge (KZT) Canadian dollar(CAD) Kuwaiti dinar (KWD) Kyrgyz som (KGS) Moldovan leu (MDL) Norwegian krone (NOK) Polish zloty (PLN) Russian ruble(RUB) SDR (XDR) Singapore dollar (SGD) Ukrainian hryvnia(UAH) Pound Sterling (GBP) Czech Koruna (CZK) Swedish Krona (SEK) Swiss Franc (CHF) Yen (10 yen) (JPY) Euro (EUR) Turkish Lira (TRY) Chinese Yuan (CNY) Iranian Rial (IRR) New Zealand dollar (NZD) Belarusian ruble (BYN)

The online currency calculator works with current rates!

It is very important that the service for transferring different currencies uses the most current rates. We took care of this - our free online currency calculator receives fresh information from exchanges every day. Due to this you:

  • you can always be sure of the truthfulness and accuracy of the conversion results;
  • Easily determine which currency is the most profitable to transfer your money to.

The online currency converter in Belarus is used not only by economists, businessmen and bank employees. The help of this simple and practical service will come in handy ordinary people who are planning any purchase, going abroad, etc. Use it!

By default, the Currency Calculator makes calculations at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation ( Central Bank Russian Federation) between US Dollars and Russian Rubles.

You can change the date of exchange rates by selecting any day you need. To change the date, click on the link on the date, an additional menu will open. The database contains information on all exchange rates officially established by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation since 1993. The date selection menu only shows those days on which exchange rates have been officially set. Fresh exchange rates are downloaded daily from the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

You can change the main currencies using the currency drop-down menu. It is convenient to change the main Currency by clicking on the line with the name of the currency in the lower table.

All calculations (cross-rate and totals) in the table on the "Calculator of all currencies" tab are performed automatically when the values ​​of the main currencies change.

You can not only make calculations for currency conversion, but also view Currency Rates for the selected date on the “Currency Rates” tab of the table.

For ease of use, you can configure the Currency Calculator. Settings allow you to disable currencies you do not need, change the order in which currencies are displayed, and set default currencies for basic calculations. Use the Settings tab.

The online currency converter from Alta-Soft is a convenient tool for participants in all foreign economic activities involved in export-import contracts. Transfers of monetary units are made automatically at the Bank of Russia exchange rate.

By using online calculator you can make a transfer in major international currencies, as well as in the currencies of other countries with which Russia maintains trade relations, including CIS countries.

When determining the price of export-import operations, the accuracy of calculations is important, so our service shows the conversion result accurate to the fourth decimal place. Exchange rates are updated daily and we can guarantee that the data provided is up to date.

Using our service, you can make transfers not only at the current rate, but also for previous dates. The calculator database contains information about all exchange rates starting from 2003.

How to use the currency exchange calculator?

Using the currency converter is simple and convenient, and transfer operations are carried out here in a matter of seconds. You just need to enter the value of the amount that needs to be converted, select the name of the source currency and the one into which you want to transfer funds, and click the “calculate” button. Next, the service will automatically perform the operation and show all the data about the transfer.

By default, the currency calculator will transfer funds according to the exchange rate set for today. If you are interested in another date, simply set it in the appropriate field by clicking on the “calendar” icon.

The main advantages of working with the online currency converter from Alta-Soft:

  • accuracy of the data provided;
  • efficiency of the service;
  • convenience and ease of use;
  • the ability to independently choose the calculation date.;

Also on our website you will find exchange rate charts. Having familiarized yourself with them, you can evaluate the dynamics of development of a particular monetary unit and choose the best option for making transfers.