Outbuildings for a dacha - types of outbuildings and ready-made outbuilding projects (95 photos). Types and purpose of outbuildings on the site What applies to outbuildings

Having escaped from the stuffy confines of a city apartment, a novice summer resident strives to turn his plot of land into a cozy corner.

A pleasant confusion reigns in his head from the variety of plans. Your hands are ready to move mountains, and your next vacation is already scheduled in advance by hours and minutes.

However, despite the constant time pressure, you should not rush into arranging your dacha. Future changes must be based on a well-thought-out plan.

It is necessary to indicate the location of each building, without forgetting to check with the existing norms and rules for the development of summer cottages.

When deciding what to build on a summer cottage, we will follow the Russian proverb that says “you need to dance from the stove.” When applied to a plot of land, such a “stove” is a residential building. It is given a major place in the future general plan.

All distances between buildings in the country are clear, based on common sense. By reading them in detail and thoughtfully, you will protect yourself from serious mistakes and border problems with your neighbors.

Obviously, between the outbuildings and the house there should be some kind of “sanitary zone” (10-15 meters), which will save you from noise, dust and foreign odors. In addition, placing a recreation area (a gazebo, barbecue area or pond) next to the poultry house also cannot be called a rational solution.

With proper zoning, a standard 6 acres can accommodate all the necessary structures without feeling cramped. Do not forget that according to current standards, the total area of ​​dacha development should not exceed 30% of total area plot.

In addition to durability and comfort, all buildings at the dacha must meet the canons of aesthetics and fit organically into the landscape. Therefore, it is not recommended to build them from different materials. For example, if your house is built of brick or timber, then it is better to build a bathhouse from the same materials. If the roof of the home is made of metal tiles, then covering the bathhouse with straw or reeds will not be very appropriate.

“Live by yourself and don’t disturb others” - this important principle should be taken into account when planning the improvement of your dacha. Therefore, plan in advance between buildings, and do not close yourself off from your neighbors with fences impenetrable to sunlight.

What buildings are needed on a summer cottage?

After country house The second most important object is the economic block. This is a multifunctional building in which you can place a poultry house and a workshop, a storage room, a toilet, a shower and a woodshed.

It is irrational to combine a utility block and a garage, since it is better to park the car closer to the house, and it is more profitable to build utility rooms further away from housing.


If you are not comfortable with tools and do not understand construction, you can purchase a ready-made container utility unit. It contains a minimum set of premises for the daily needs of a summer resident.

If assembling a wooden frame is not a problem for you, then you can complete it in one week. After installing the supporting frame and covering the walls with siding or boards, all that remains is to insulate the building (ecowool or mineral wool).

You can build a utility block from brick or foam concrete. It will be more durable than wood, but will require more time and effort to construct.

Very often, the correct location of buildings on a site requires not only strict adherence to standards, but also rational thinking. For example, some summer residents build a utility block so that there is a well inside it. This way they protect the surface pump from freezing and at the same time block children’s access to an open source of water.

We should not forget that outbuildings are an ideal place for placing engineering equipment. Here it is reliably hidden from theft and does not disturb with its noise.

In addition to utility buildings, the placement of buildings on plot of land involves the construction of a gazebo, bathhouse, greenhouse, barbecue and children's playgrounds.


There are dozens of design options for this structure. Only the basic requirements for country bathhouse: well-insulated floor, walls and ceiling, effective ventilation and maximum protection of structures from moisture.

You should not approach the construction of a bathhouse lightly. In this case, you will not get the required temperature and high-quality steam, but you will regularly repair the rotted lining of the washing and steam rooms. In a wooden bathhouse, it is necessary to carry out the electrical wiring correctly to eliminate the risk of overload and fire.


Recreation in the fresh air is why we value our summer cottage so highly. You can, of course, place garden furniture right on the grass and have a snack in the open air. However, it is incomparably more pleasant to gather the whole family around the dining table in a beautiful gazebo, which will protect you from the wind and rain.

A gazebo is a simple and inexpensive structure. Several support posts, a couple of sheets of slate or OSB boards for the roof, a light protective screen made of clapboard or boards along the contour. Here is the minimum required set of materials and structures.

For construction it is possible. It will give the gazebo an original oval shape and protect the backs of the people present in it from the wind.

A gazebo is often combined with a barbecue or grill area, creating a convenient summer kitchen and a comfortable relaxation area under one roof.

Summer shower

If you can wait a while with the utility unit, then it is impossible to do without a summer shower at your summer cottage. By placing a 200-liter barrel on the racks and surrounding it with a picturesque structure made of planed boards, you can splash in the warm water every day.

For lovers ready-made solutions We offer shower cabins made of polycarbonate with a flat tank, the assembly of which takes a few hours.

Country exotic - swimming pool

Landscaping of a dacha usually ends with a decorative pond. However, on 6 acres it is possible to place a larger structure - a swimming pool. It can be built near the gazebo, complementing and expanding the existing recreation area. The layout of a swimming pond with a bathhouse is also quite justified. In this case, a whole complex for summer water treatments will appear on the site.

In addition to pleasant relaxation and fun entertainment, the pool humidifies the air in the area, relieving it of excessive dryness, and serves as a source of heated water for watering plants. The optimal dimensions of a country pool range from 4 to 6 meters with a variable bowl depth from 0.5 to 1.4 meters.

Modern technologies for constructing a swimming pond are based on two options: a film shell laid on the ground, and a monolithic concrete bowl. To maintain cleanliness and eliminate blooms, the water must be periodically passed through a filter unit. To protect from dust and leaves, the pool can be covered with a light polycarbonate canopy.

You can avoid unnecessary worries and costs of building a country pond by purchasing it from durable polymer film. After summer use, it is disassembled for the winter and stored in a barn.

When choosing the optimal distance from the building (house, bathhouse, gazebo) to the pool, you need to take into account the size of the paths, lawns, and flower trellises that will be located between them.

Toilet and shower

There is no point in designating a toilet as a separate building unless you want to become the butt of neighbors' jokes. It is best to combine it with a shower by building light wooden or brick walls under a pitched roof on which a tank for heating water will stand.

If there is no running water at the dacha, then the toilet is built using the “luft-closet” system, placing a cesspool under it. In addition, it is very practical to use a standard dry toilet block or peat toilet.

Smokehouse - country “startup”

Anyone who wants to master the art of smoking and please loved ones with fragrant balyks must take care of building a special stove. For small smoking volumes, it can be placed directly in the attic, embedded into the existing chimney of the heating stove.

If we are talking about semi-commercial use of the smokehouse, then a separate place will have to be allocated for it. This must be done so that the distance between residential buildings and the smoking area is large enough (10-15 meters) and covered with green spaces. In this case, the smoke will not bother your neighbors and your household.


It is very difficult to imagine a modern summer resident without a personal car. However, the advisability of erecting a permanent shelter for a car can be debated. A garage at the dacha is needed only in two cases: if you spend the winter in a dacha house, and also in case of a difficult crime situation in the area. In this case, protecting the car with a roof and walls is simply necessary.

In summer, it is best to park your car under a light polycarbonate or slate canopy. By the way, this storage method is considered optimal from the point of view of protecting the body from corrosion.

Garages at dachas today are built not only from red brick, but also from lightweight aerated concrete blocks and wooden beams. A good option is a prefabricated garage made from lightweight steel panels. At the same time, do not forget to insulate it well from the inside so that in the summer it does not turn into an oven and in the winter into a refrigerator.

If the country house has not yet been built, then an excellent option would be to place a garage in the basement.

Plan the dimensions of the garage to be no less than 6 by 3 meters. In this case, you will have enough space to place a country workshop.

Greenhouses and greenhouses

These structures are necessary for everyone who is seriously involved in floriculture and the cultivation of early vegetables.

A long-lasting greenhouse will provide the family with vitamin products during the period of spring deficiency, and seedlings and flowers can always be sold profitably on the market.

Sheds and wood sheds

Even the most careless owner is unlikely to store gardening tools in the house. Therefore, you need to build a shed on your summer cottage. You can not only store agricultural tools in it, but also store hay and animal feed.

A country shed should not be too large. The size is 3 x 4 meters in plan with a gable roof, under which an attic will fit - that’s all that is needed for rational storage of household items.

You can do it right in the barn, or you can attach it to it, covering it with a canopy.

The optimal structural design for a shed and woodshed is a wooden frame. It requires a minimum of material, and with good insulation, it allows you to use the barn for keeping pets (rabbits, chickens, quails or nutria).

Buildings for animals

Keeping horses, cows or pigs in the country is not an option for a small plot of land. Current sanitary standards strictly regulate the total number of animals that can be kept on a summer cottage.

For example, the number of chickens should not exceed 40 pieces, and rabbits - no more than 20 heads. Moreover, it is not allowed to keep these two breeds of animals at the same time. Otherwise, according to the law, you will have to re-register your dacha as a farm. Given the limited area of ​​the site, this is unrealistic.

There are no particular problems with rabbits and quails. These are captive animals, so they will be quite comfortable in special cages with centralized feeding and manure removal. For chickens, you will have to make not only a dry and warm barn with perches and places for laying eggs, but also take care of a spacious run.

In any debate about the advantages of living in country house There is an indestructible argument over life in a city apartment - comfort. Comfort is when you don’t have to worry about parking, cars stand quietly in a garage on the site, a workbench with tools is conveniently located in a well-equipped workshop, a pond is dug next to the bathhouse, and in the chicken coop the hens lay eggs in which no examination will detect any foreign chemicals. impurities - the freshest, right for breakfast.

In this article, FORUMHOUSE experts and participants analyze how to correctly locate outbuildings on a site with the convenience of the owners and in accordance with regulatory documents, how much space a particular building needs, how they should stand in relation to each other, the house and the neighbors’ land.

Placement of outbuildings on the site: we think about convenience

The main difference from living in an apartment is that people live outside the city. He spends a lot of time in the yard, garden and vegetable garden, so experts advise: more attention to functionality! Imagine how many annoying, unnecessary actions you will have to do in your life due to the placement of the garage in a place that is constantly flooded in the spring, that the terrace of the bathhouse is open to the views of everyone who passes along the street, and so on.

Vasily Zhurov Landscape architect

The “bathhouse opposite the garage” option is not very successful. A bathhouse is a place of relaxation; it should be not only functional, but also aesthetically pleasing. It’s unlikely that being next to a garage and a road behind a fence will put you in the mood for relaxation.

Everything should be convenient, and this should be taken into account at the planning stage. If you immediately think about the road network, where to place the recreation area and what the garden should look like, then the placement of outbuildings will be correct.

It is not difficult to conveniently locate outbuildings on a personal plot, but the difficulty may lie in the fact that the requirements for the development of the site of a particular cottage village or SNT (if we are talking about country houses) must be taken into account. Also, construction planning must be carried out in accordance with the following documents: and “Regulations on gardening and individual construction" The first document regulates the site planning rules and how buildings should be located on it. There you will also find the answer to the main question that usually interests the owners of a land plot: how should buildings be located relative to the boundaries of the land plot and what should be the minimum distance between them.

We allocate space for the construction of outbuildings

Having studied and taken into account the building standards and the village charter (SNT), you can proceed to allocating space for outbuildings. And we must remember that:

  • If the garage is placed on the border of the site adjacent to the road, you will be able to save some space that can be occupied by something else. Not often, but still you have to see that a third of the dacha plot is not occupied by anything, because “ At this site we turn the car around to drive into the garage.»;
  • Outbuildings connected to communication networks (shower room, bathhouse building, summer kitchen, etc.) are often attached to the house or located as close as possible to it. Experts recommend considering another option: placing them at the entry points of communication junctions. Moreover, according to SNiPs, a bathhouse and a summer shower should be located 5-8 meters from the house;
  • Outbuildings for the dacha - a shed for storing fertilizers, garden tools and other structures are placed closer to the garden. According to SNiPs, compost pits and other “waste collection places” should be located at a distance of 15-20 meters from the house;
  • Greenhouses are placed in sunny areas, so that they are not covered by the shadow of a house or large trees. The distance from the greenhouse to the fence should be at least 4 meters, especially if you are going to feed the plants with fertilizers, including organic ones;
  • Buildings associated with recreation are located away from prying eyes. The bathhouse terrace should be facing south, but not towards the road, and in such a way that it enters the recreation area;
  • Farm buildings are located as far as possible from the house (at least 15 meters, according to SNiPs). If we are talking about a farm building for a summer residence, then summer residents most often place it in the garden area;
  • The distance of buildings from the boundaries of the land plot should be 4 meters for farmers and 1 meter for all others;

It is also worth paying attention to how the outbuildings on the site will be located relative to the cardinal directions.


I also previously wanted to place a bathhouse in the depths of the site, but I realized that the windows of the rest room would face north and onto the road. Let the bathhouse be closer to the road, but the windows of the relaxation room look south, into the garden - and the view is always beautiful. And it's quieter if the windows are open.

An outbuilding located on the border of a site can become a shield, a protective screen that separates part of the site from the road, therefore the shape of such buildings can be elongated.

Garage and outbuildings on the site.

Most often the garage is placed at the border of the site, with entrance from the street. The main advantage of this arrangement is that the site area is saved, this is especially important for country outbuildings. In addition, exhaust gases and engine noise with this arrangement do not disturb any household members. If the front part of the fence is extended, then this is very a good option. Since garages in most cases are combined with workshops, this arrangement is also convenient - no one in the house is annoyed by the noise of operating appliances and the clanging of tools.

Garage supplied close to the house, has two obvious advantages: in a rainstorm or snowstorm, you can easily enter it directly from your home (which is especially important when the garage also houses a workshop); the same security system can be installed on this garage as on the house. Usually it is this kind of garage that becomes a sacred place for the owner. And since all communications to the house are already connected, there are simply no limits to the arrangement of such a room: there is water, and you can make a shower to wash and change clothes after exercises in the workshop and minor auto repairs. Often a washing machine gradually moves into such a garage, and gas equipment also settles there.


I’m thinking about a boiler room in the garage; we’ll build an extension nearby - I don’t want to have gas equipment in the house.

The only thing: placing a garage close to a residential building is not recommended for families with small children, or if one of the household members is allergic to the smell of gasoline, motor oil, etc.

Detached garage They are placed on large areas that have an additional exit (as in the project above). The garage gets the northern side of the plot, the least valuable from a horticultural point of view. A garage is not the most beautiful outbuilding, and when it is located somewhere to the side, away from lawns and recreation areas, nothing disturbs the garden idyll. But do not forget that the construction should not infringe on the interests of the neighbors - the garage should be at least a meter from the neighbor’s fence and at least two meters from their house.

Carpentry workshop on site

It is better to locate the carpentry workshop away from your home and your neighbors’ houses so that the noise does not disturb anyone. A detached garage or an empty shed are quite suitable for this - the only thing is that it should be possible to provide good lighting there, including illumination of the workbench and machines, since injuries during carpentry work often occur precisely due to the lack of light.

It can be used for a used block container (its area is 14 meters), but for people without high carpentry ambitions, a more modest room is quite enough.


10 squares is enough... To arrange and work comfortably - from 25 squares, comfortably and impressively move with a cigar from machine to machine - from 40-50 sq.m.

Farm buildings on the site

Raising farm birds and animals is truly a fun activity. “Raising piglets” and “babysitting chickens” turns out to be unexpectedly pleasant, and novice adherents of “life on earth” can fall into the trap of enthusiasm. At this stage of neophytehood, it is generally not advisable to build outbuildings for chickens or piglets - this matter requires a cold, serious approach, otherwise you can unnoticed build a homestead palace with central heating from unreasonably expensive material instead of a pigsty. The piglets won't appreciate it anyway, and you'll be wasting your time and money. Leave the construction for later, when you have cooled down enough.

AlexeyGrey User FORUMHOUSE

At the beginning we all declared: “Yes, I am for my chickens! Yes central heating! Yes, do-it-yourself European-quality renovation! Yes, mash three times a day!” But then the understanding comes that all this is ambition, and it needs to be done easier, cheaper and more convenient - first of all, for you. Chickens don’t care where to sleep or what to peck from.”

You need to consider the length and severity of winter in your area. Where winters are short and not cold, or when kept in summer cottages, chickens feel great in small houses, the main thing is that there are nests and perches. In areas with real winters, stationary chicken coops are needed. And they should not be cramped - since the chickens will spend almost all winter there, eating, drinking, walking, then 4-5 chickens will require a square meter of room. The larger the chicken coop, the greater the cost of heating it, and if you plan to keep no more than a dozen chickens, the area of ​​the chicken coop should not be less than 4 square meters, otherwise it will be inconvenient.

If you want to fatten a piglet, then plan a living space for it in advance in the design of your garden plot. The size of the pen for it should be 2-5 meters. 2-2.5 meters is enough for one young pig, 5 meters for a pig with piglets. The pen should be high, approximately 190 centimeters. Piglets are nimble animals and can escape. The pig house should have a chute for waste disposal, it should be convenient to clean, remove manure, and lighting should also be provided. The temperature in the room should be comfortable for the animals. You don't need many windows - excess light bothers the pigs.

Read on FORUMHOUSE, . Watch a video about how to create a real barnyard on just one hundred square meters. Also on our portal you will find a lot of valuable information about, finished projects outbuildings, etc.

When planning the construction of residential or commercial buildings in individual housing construction and gardening partnerships, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements regulatory documentation: construction, environmental, sanitary and fire safety, regulating the location of objects capital construction relative to each other, neighbors, water sources, and so on.

After receiving the right to use the land and the right to develop, planning the structure of the site begins. The construction of residential and utility buildings is carried out for long-term operation and must ensure:

  • legalization of the building;
  • safety of residence;
  • convenience of living;
  • safety and convenience of neighbors;
  • unimpeded movement of people and vehicles in public areas;
  • no negative impact on water sources, flora and fauna of the area.

Therefore, the layout of the site and the relative position of its elements must be thought out in advance and comply with the rules and regulations.

Building codes governing the location of buildings

When developing privately, you need to remember the “red line” (clause 11 of article 1 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation) - the border between your site and public areas, as well as other people’s private landholdings. When installing a fence, the boundary with the street must be strictly observed. If the fence is located almost on the red line, then the gate and the gate can only open inward. The doors should not cross this conditional line, creating possible inconvenience for passers-by, cyclists, and drivers.

The main regulatory document defining the minimum distances to various economic and natural objects is mandatory (not advisory) for execution SNiP 30-02-97. According to them, the distances to the red line in accordance with clause 6.6 should not be less than:

  • residential building - 5 m from the street and 3 m from the driveway (the street has a name, the driveway does not);
  • outbuildings - 5 m from both the street and the driveway.

The fence is the boundary of your site, but this does not mean that you can place buildings and plantings in the interior space without restrictions. Tree crowns should not block sidewalks or overhang the neighboring area unnecessarily; sounds and smells of residential and commercial buildings should not disturb passers-by and neighbors. The distances to the fence between plots can be changed by agreement with the neighbors, certified by a notary.

Minimum standardized distances from the boundary between sections to objects (clause 6.7):

  • residential building - 3.0 m;
  • poultry house, barn, pigsty, etc. — 4.0 m;
  • greenhouse with fertilizing with organic fertilizers - 4.0 m;
  • garage, barn - 1.0 m (but water drainage from the roof, according to clause 7.5, cannot be organized on the neighboring site - the roof slope is oriented towards its site);
  • bathhouse, sauna, shower, toilet - 2.5 m (more details in the “Sanitary requirements” section);
  • tall trees - 4.0 m;
  • medium-sized trees - 2.0 m;
  • bushes - 1.0 m.

Distances from buildings are measured from the base or wall, if there are no decorative elements that protrude further than 500 mm. Distance between green spaces and the fence is measured to the conditional center of the trunk. An abundantly overgrown tree crown, if planted correctly, cannot be the cause of a claim from neighbors.

When planning a site, keep in mind that according to clause 6.13, the combined area of ​​structures (house, outbuildings, gazebo, garage), platforms and paths cannot occupy more than 30% of the entire site. The rest of the space is a green zone; it is impossible to pave the entire yard.

Attention! A permanent fence can be installed only after the boundaries of your site have been entered into the cadastral plan. During the period of legalization, the role of a fence can be played by a chain-link mesh stretched over poles. The height of the permanent fence should not exceed 1.5 m so as not to shade the neighbors’ area.

Maximum permissible parameters for the development of residential areas for low-rise individual construction

Development coefficient (Кз) is the ratio of the area occupied by buildings and structures to the area of ​​the site.

Development density coefficient (Kpz) is the ratio of the area of ​​all floors of buildings and structures to the area of ​​the site.

Type of development Size of land plot, m 2 Area of ​​a residential building, m2 of total area Building coefficient K z Building density coefficient, Kpz
A 1200 or more 480 0,2 0,4
1000 400 0,2 0,4
800 320 (480)* 0,2 (0,3)* 0,4 (0,6)*
B 600 360 0,3 0,6
500 300 0,3 0,6
400 240 0,3 0,6
300 240 0,4 0,8
IN 200 160 0,4 0,8
100 100 0,5 1,0

A— Estate development of rural-urban type with a plot size of 1000-1200 m2 or more with a developed economic part.

B- urban cottage-type development with a plot size from 400 to 800 m2 and a cottage-blocked type (2-4 apartment semi-detached houses with plots of 300-400 m2 with a minimum utility part).

IN- multi-apartment development of a blocked type with a plot size of 100-300 m2.

* In brackets are acceptable parameters for cottage development.


1. For sizes land plots over 1200 m2, the area of ​​a residential building is not standardized at Kz ≤ 0.2 and Kpz ≤ 0.4.

2. When the size of apartment land plots is less than 100 m2, the tuning density (Kpz) should not exceed 1.2. At the same time, KZ is not standardized subject to sanitary, hygienic and fire safety requirements.

Sanitary requirements for site planning

When planning a site, sanitary standards should be given special attention, because they are aimed at preserving people’s health. SNiP 30-02-97 gives the minimum distances that must be maintained between buildings for sanitary reasons (clause 6.8).

  • house and cellar - more than 12.0 m from the toilet, poultry house, small livestock housing;
  • house and cellar - more than 8.0 m from shower, sauna, bathhouse;
  • well - more than 8.0 m from the toilet, compost heap, septic tank.

When planning construction, make sure that these distances are respected in relation to buildings in adjacent areas.

If the room for birds, goats, piglets has a common wall with residential building, the entrance to it must be isolated, at a distance of at least 7.0 m from the entrance door to the house (clause 6.9). The distance from such a block to an adjacent area should be:

  • from the house - not less than 3.0 m;
  • from the premises with animals - not less than 4.0 m.

For garages adjacent to the house, the distance to the inter-estate boundary is (clause 6.9):

  • from the house - more than 3.0 m;
  • from the garage - more than 1.0 m.

Fire safety rules for placing objects on the site

Saving rules water resources, if they are located near your site, they are regulated by the Water Code of the Russian Federation. This applies primarily to the rules for water supply and sanitation. In addition, restrictions apply to the use of the coastline for walking animals, recreation, dumping earth, compost facilities, and plowing. The possibilities for using fertilizers on your site are limited. You cannot fence off even a small area for a beach or a boat/fishing bridge - the entire coastline up to a width of 20.0 m is state property.

What are the consequences of failure to comply with building layout standards?

It is better to build from the very beginning, taking into account all the standards, so you will not get problems with the authorities, neighbors, or, more seriously, with the health or safety of property. If you bought a plot of land where the buildings do not meet the requirements, then you need to act in all directions. As for sanitary standards, we need to fix them; as for relations with neighbors, we need to resolve all controversial issues, recording the agreement reached in writing and having it certified by a notary. In many cases, good relations with neighbors are the key to problem-free construction and legalization.

If buildings on the site were erected during the action of softer regulatory documents, then the consideration of the issue is carried out on the basis of their requirements.

Punishments for non-compliance with the rules for the location of buildings are determined by the Code of Administrative Offences. These are different amounts of fines, and, in addition, there will be a refusal to put into operation until the inconsistencies are eliminated.

If you want to make an extension to the house, it will have to be legalized by the regional authorities. Unauthorized development, according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 222), must in most cases be demolished (except for those specifically specified).

Attention! Complete order in the permitting documents for your property will help, if desired, to sell the plot and house without any problems.

Not a single summer cottage or private house can do without utility rooms. Usually they are erected at the first stages of land development as temporary shelters, which can serve as a shelter from the rain, a bathroom, and a warehouse for tools and building materials.

With thoughtful placement, such a structure, after the construction of a residential building, can be converted into a barn, bathhouse, or used for other household needs.

Types of outbuildings

Before you organize a utility block at your dacha, you need to decide on its purpose, take into account the main functions of this building and the period of time during which it will be used.

Budget temporary shelters can be built from wood or a metal frame upholstered in different materials. Foam block buildings will require more investment, but they will last much longer and have better hydro- and thermal insulation. It would be advisable to include such a building in the overall land development project.

Depending on the purpose, the design, dimensions, layout and placement of the utility unit are determined.

Garage-type buildings are an enclosed space with an adjacent canopy. At the stage of building a house, the covered part can serve as both a temporary home and a warehouse, and a car can be parked under the canopy. Such a temporary shed can later be converted into a covered garage, workshop or summer kitchen.

Security booths provide round-the-clock human presence at the dacha to prevent theft, or just overnight stays. In the future, they can be disassembled, moved or converted into storage space.

A shed is a storage unit. When determining dimensions, architecture and building materials, it is tedious to focus on individual needs and capabilities.

But you need to take into account that a concrete foundation, pitched roof, drainage, waterproofing and ventilation vents will increase the functionality of such a structure.

A temporary shelter with amenities is intended for living on a plot of land. It is equipped with a shower and toilet, electricity is provided, heating and a stove are connected for cooking.

If you build such a temporary shed in the rear part of the planned house, it can be converted into a good utility unit for storage, a workshop, laundry, etc.

Ready-made utility units

All types of utility units can be purchased ready-made. Structures made of plastic and metal with verified dimensions and necessary options can short time solve the problem of temporary residence and work on the site, or supplement the residential complex with the necessary utility rooms.

As a rule, such structures are easy to assemble and can be used seasonally or moved to different areas. There is also the option of buildings on wheels.

The quality indicators of finished plastic trailers and temporary buildings in some cases are not inferior to structures made of metal profiles. Thoughtful design and quality of external and internal finishing materials, as well as the presence of a floor, are the advantages of this choice.

The service life of plastic houses is up to 10 years. The advantage of buildings made of metal profiles is their strength and durability. By cleaning surfaces and painting, you can update the appearance and functionality of the building.

Although it will take more time to assemble the metal frame and cover the profiles, it will also be necessary to prepare the foundation and flooring for the finished metal models. But buildings of this type are easier to remodel; they can be expanded or partially dismantled.

Household units in the modern sense

Nowadays, utility blocks are a full-fledged part of architectural design, and unsightly sheds hidden in the depths of the garden are becoming a thing of the past.

Naturally, well-equipped, durable and aesthetically pleasing buildings require material costs, but a neat spacious garage, a dry and ventilated warehouse or a sauna is not just a tribute to fashion, but a reasonable contribution to ensuring comfort.

Outbuildings located at some distance from the house with a rational layout relieve the load on the main residential building, increasing comfort and facilitating economic activities.

The design solutions for utility blocks for a summer residence proposed in the photo indicate that even inexpensive and modest buildings can become a decoration for a personal plot.

The first building on a plot of land does not have to be temporary, inconvenient and ugly. It is enough just to free yourself from stereotypes and start building utility blocks with your own hands or with the help of specialists with care and attention to detail.

It is worth spending time on both design and calculations in order to ultimately get a full-fledged and multifunctional office space.

Photo of the utility room for the dacha