What to do if the bank demands early repayment of the loan. The bank demands early repayment of the loan... The bank demands to repay the loan

All of us have taken out loans at some point. Regardless of the type, mortgage, car loan, credit card, consumer loan, etc. We sign a loan agreement. The contract is the same for everyone in 90% of cases. And there is more and more talk that recently banks have increasingly begun to use the practice early return on a loan from a client. This sounds scary, but it does not apply to all categories of borrowers.

Most often, the bank demands to repay the entire loan ahead of schedule only if the borrower, from whom the bank itself is demanding to repay the loan, has an unfavorable financial situation and who, in turn, is late in payment. Only those borrowers who have not fulfilled their monthly loan obligations for more than three months are afraid of this. In every loan agreement the rules for receiving, repaying, using credit funds. There is one rule of the bank issuing the loan - this is to repay the loan on time in monthly installments in proportion to the period for which the loan was issued, and you agreed to these conditions when you signed the loan agreement.

There are different moments and situations in life when paying becomes simply impossible. This could be loss of a job, which is the most common option, loss of legal capacity, the birth of a child, caring for a sick person, in general, all situations when loan obligations cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure or the actions of third parties. As a rule, in such cases, borrowers try not to contact the bank and do not inform it in a timely manner about the deterioration of their financial situation. This leads to the second thing - delay. It can last a month, two days, half a year. But when you don't contribute monthly payment, and in general you allow a delay - you violate the terms of the loan agreement, which clearly states the conditions, amounts, dates and deadlines under which these obligations must be fulfilled in full. By violating this, the bank has the right to demand that the client return the amount that the bank provided to the client. Agree, when you give a loan and it is not returned to you, it is an unpleasant feeling and a loss of finances. The bank may require early repayment of the loan only in case of constant delays on the loan or no payment at all for many months.

What deadlines are required and how much time does a client (borrower) have overdue debt and has not yet received a letter from the bank about full repayment loan on time?

It’s difficult to say for sure, but you can figure out the approximate timing and options that can work out both in favor of the bank and in favor of the client. The most common bank method for late payment is a fine (penalty) for each day of delay. The fine can be charged on the entire amount of the debt or only on the principal debt. As a rule, the client in this case, at the risk of increasing the amount of debt, tries to repay the overdue debt as quickly as possible. But there are times when it is impossible to pay, as we wrote above. Theoretically, it is enough to allow one delay on the loan for the bank to demand that the entire amount be repaid ahead of schedule, but this cannot be implemented in practice, why? The bank is commercial organization having its own charter and subject to laws Russian Federation and its legal act. In such cases, when disputes concern financial activities- this is decided by the court and only the court, no organization, collectors, etc. are able to oblige the debt to be paid, only the court. So the second follows: after the first delay, as well as the second and third, it is not profitable for the bank to sue, since the court is the cost and reputation of the bank, plus a huge amount of time for proceedings in court.

So banks receive fines from overdue loans and do not sue for several months. But does this mean that all this goes unpunished? No. You will still have to pay sooner or later.

Returning initially to the original sources of the article, namely to the deadlines, we can safely say that the bank will not sue and demand that the entire loan amount be repaid ahead of schedule for at least 3 months of delay, remember that when filing a case in court, the bank is obliged to stop all interest that accrues on overdue debt and, as a rule, in court this debt is reduced by interest. We can say that each loan has its own history. So, for example, if the mortgage payment is more than 50%, the bank does not have the right to demand early repayment of the loan. Most often, up to 2 months of delay, the bank demands that the loan be repaid early on consumer loans; they are not secured by anything and pose a great threat of non-repayment for the bank.

But how can you repay a loan early if you really have nothing to pay? We did not pay for half a year and the bank sent us a letter in which it demanded on such and such a day of such and such a month to pay under the agreement such and such the amount of the principal debt plus interest and the principal debt. There is nothing to pay with, and you shouldn’t be afraid of it; if you have a difficult situation, then the court will only benefit you. In court, by agreement with the creditor and the judge, you can agree to draw up a schedule for repaying the loan and reducing interest. This is logical if the amount as a percentage reaches another body of the same loan. If you submitted an application to the bank, a request for restructuring and you were refused, then this will work to your advantage in such a situation. Request a copy of the application from the bank when applying for restructuring. But remember that an application for restructuring must be submitted without having current overdue on loan.

Take out a loan from another bank to repay an overdue loan for which a demand has been received for repayment of all amounts ahead of schedule. Not the best solution. First, when applying for a loan, the bank will check credit history and he will see the delay and refuse, and secondly, with another loan you will only worsen your situation. Don’t be afraid of this, wait for the trial, after the date on which the bank ordered you to repay the entire amount at once, you have two to three months before the trial, usually two. This time will give you additional strength and thoughts; for some, these two months are spent rehabilitating their pocket and financial situation. In any case, if you took out a loan and paid for at least 3 months, you are in no danger, since you had no selfish goals in taking out the loan and not repaying it. If you have certificates for caring for a child, job loss, death of a breadwinner, etc., all this is only a plus in your favor.

But. If you took out a loan and didn’t make any scheduled payment in favor of the bank, and after 3-4 months the bank made a demand for early repayment of the loan and all amounts of debt, and then took the case to court - then such actions fall under criminal liability, namely Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and here nothing will save you, and no certificates. But such cases are possible only among people whose goal is to seize bank funds and deliberately refuse to pay interest and principal.

What to do if you sold a credit car and the funds were not returned to the bank and, moreover, you were late and the bank made a demand for early repayment?

As a rule, many banks leave the PTS in the hands of the owner, risking their reputation and trust in the client. But the moment came when there was no way to pay and the car was sold to pay off another debt or treatment? The whole procedure is the same, but the new owner will have to be left without the purchased credit car, and the latter, in turn, will sue you for a refund Money, and the bank will take the car and sell it, thereby closing the loan agreement with the sale amount. Remember, selling a credit car will only delay legal problems. We strongly do not recommend selling a credit car.

In this article, we found out the main points that may arise for a borrower whose bank has made a demand for early repayment of the loan, don’t be afraid, get ready for court, there’s nothing wrong with that. Remember, do not take out a loan to cover the overdue debt; this will only aggravate the situation; do not sell the loaned real estate, cars, or goods that were purchased on credit.

The loan agreement can be terminated early by the borrower or the bank. In the latter case, early repayment People who have not fulfilled their debt repayment obligations for more than 3 months should be afraid of a loan. In what cases a banking institution will require early repayment of a loan and what options are available to solve the problem will be described in the article.

Can the bank demand repayment of the loan early?

In order to collect a loan debt before the deadline established in the agreement, the bank requires compelling reasons. The grounds for this are stated in the loan agreement, where the banking institution reserves the right to cancel the agreement ahead of schedule. Many borrowers are interested in under what conditions the bank may require early repayment of the loan.

There are 2 conditions:

  • the borrower systematically misses debt payments;
  • violation by the borrower of the terms of the agreement without notifying the bank - change of residence, job.

It is beneficial for a banking institution that the debt is paid longer than due, however, it does not forget about the associated risks and its benefits. If the payment schedule is violated 3 times a year and the delay in payments is about one month, the bank will require early repayment of the loan. Sometimes this happens during a one-time delay, due to the need for money by the banking institution itself.

Until the court's decision

The bank cannot forcibly collect the debt from the debtor without a court decision. In pre-trial resolution of the problem, both parties should try to resolve the issue by mutual agreement. If you start receiving calls and letters from a banking institution about early repayment of your loan, this should be taken as the first sign of a problem. The agreement may contain conditions under which the bank can take such a step. Loss of a job and, as a consequence, deterioration in financial situation and disability justify, to some extent, the delay in payments. However, you still have to pay off the debt. If the bank recognizes the arguments as valid, it can accommodate the borrower in repaying the debt - it will reduce the monthly payment amount or increase the repayment period when repaying the debt.

In any case, it is better not to bring the situation to trial. If this does happen, then the matter has taken a serious turn.

What to do and where to go?

If the bank has demanded early repayment of the loan, the problems should be resolved in before judicial procedure. The bank should be notified of the presence of valid reasons for delays in payments:

  • job loss;
  • obligations for alimony payments;
  • expensive treatment;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • the birth of a child.

Documents are provided proving the deterioration of the borrower’s financial situation. Upon receipt of evidence, the bank will restructure the debt and reduce the interest rate.

If the reason for the accumulation of debt is not a deterioration in the financial situation, partial repayment of the debt should be made. Then, even in court, the borrower will not be called an unscrupulous payer.

If information about a change in the situation in the debtor’s life (change of residence, change of job) is not provided, this should be corrected and documents with new information sent to the bank.

If you were asked to repay the entire loan from the bank ahead of schedule and the problem could not be resolved pre-trial, go to court. The court often takes the side of the bank, because the borrower does not fulfill the terms of the contract and does not pay on time. The strategy of a person’s behavior in this conflict situation is to prove to the court that he is not guilty of late payments due to a deterioration in his financial situation. Early repayment of the loan can be avoided if the court recognizes the arguments as valid.

Statement of claim

To resolve the situation through court, follow the following procedure:

  • resolve the issue pre-trial - pay off the loan in installments if possible (avoiding delays), prove your difficult financial situation - a certificate of job loss, a certificate from a medical institution about a serious illness or disability. Banking institution should propose restructuring of payments;
  • if the bank continues to insist on early repayment of the loan, resolve the issue through the court;
  • is written statement of claim;
  • Attached is a letter from the bank regarding debt collection;
  • documents confirming difficult financial situation;
  • check for payment of state duty.

To challenge early repayment of a loan, a statement of claim is written in free form:

  • Name of the bank;
  • information about the plaintiff and defendant;
  • description of the circumstances of the case;
  • the demand put forward is described, with a description of valid reasons that contributed to the deterioration of the relationship between the bank and the borrower.

A lawyer with the necessary qualifications will help you defend your rights in court. Our lawyer will answer all your questions about unplanned early repayment of a loan.

In times of crisis, it happens that borrowers receive letters from the banks from which they took out a loan with a request, or even a requirement, to repay it ahead of schedule. In this case, it is necessary to take into account what the bank is guided by and analyze the terms of the loan agreement...

Loan repayment at any time?

By general rule Unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation and unilateral change of its terms are not allowed, except in cases provided for by law.

Relations related to lending are regulated by Chapter 42 “Loan and Credit” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Its provisions give banks the right to determine the moment of demand. Thus, the agreement may initially provide for the bank’s right to request the loan early. In practice, this is hardly possible. After all, it is difficult to imagine a borrower who can agree to such conditions. But it is worth checking the loan agreement for such a provision.

If the agreement with the bank states that it can be demanded at any time, then it is not possible to advise anything. This means that the organization initially agreed to such conditions, then it will have to respond in full accordance with its obligations.

However, this situation is rather an exception.

The bank's demands are justified

Among such violations, two groups can be distinguished. The first is violations directly listed in the agreement, which entail the right to early claim of the loan. The second group is cases provided for by law and applied regardless of whether they are specified in the loan agreement or not.

Violations listed in the contract

In practice, most often the bank indicates the following violations in the agreement:

  • late payment of interest on the loan;
  • deterioration financial condition debtor;
  • violation of other contract requirements, for example, the obligation to promptly notify of any changes.

It should be noted that not any delay in interest payment is an unconditional basis for early claim of the loan amount. Typically, the bank sets a limit for late payments, within which the borrower can only get away with a fine. As a rule, the bank can demand a refund of the amount if payment deadlines are repeatedly violated.

If in a letter to the borrower the bank refers to late payment of interest, then you need to check whether the actual late payment is not just a basis for imposing penalties.

The agreement may contain an obligation for the borrower to periodically confirm to the bank his financial solvency, including by presenting financial statements. If the bank shows signs of deterioration compared to the data initially presented, the prospect of seeing you on its list of debtors may seem too risky to the bank.

The loan agreement may impose other obligations on the borrower. For example, not to enter into large transactions or to enter into them with subsequent notification to the bank, to notify about the pledge of property, to periodically re-evaluate the pledged property, to notify the bank in writing about the planned change in details.

It would be a good idea to check whether the bank may actually require you to repay the loan early for failure to comply with such requirements. If not, the bank will have to prove in court that the violation on the part of the organization was significant for it.

Loan repayment is required by law

The bank has the right to demand early repayment of the loan in the event of loss of collateral or deterioration of the terms of the loan collateral. This right is provided for in Article 813 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and can be applied regardless of whether it is included in the contract or not.

Traditional types of loan collateral are collateral (real estate, equipment, inventory, valuable papers etc.) and guarantee.

If everything is more or less clear with the loss of collateral, then a category such as “deterioration of collateral conditions” is ambiguous. In any case, if the bank refers to the fact that the property pledged under the loan agreement or the guarantee has lost its original value and cannot be considered as proper security, this must have appropriate confirmation. And if the organization does not agree with such a revaluation of the collateral, then it can defend its position in court, including with the involvement of an independent appraiser.

Failure to comply with the intended use of the loan

The loan could be issued for certain purposes that are expressly specified in the agreement. For example, for the purchase of equipment or real estate, which, after their acquisition, would become the subject of collateral under a loan agreement.

In this case, having received the money, you cannot change your mind and use it at your discretion. Here the bank may demand early termination of the contract, and in the future it may refuse to provide lending at all.

From all that has been said, we can draw the following conclusion. If an organization has received a letter from the bank with an offer to repay the loan early, which does not contain any indication of violations committed under the loan agreement, then there is no need to worry. We can say that the bank is “testing the waters” in search of weak-willed debtors.

But when the bank declares any violated obligations on the part of the organization, you need to check whether these obligations are specified in the agreement at all. If they are indicated, then is this violation grounds for early repayment of the loan?

It is possible that the justifications given by the bank are consistent with the agreement, but the organization does not agree with them. For example, justifications contain an unmotivated indication of a decrease in the value of the collateral. Then it is necessary to notify the bank of disagreement and require it to provide appropriate confirmation.

The bank may demand early repayment of the loan on the basis of Article 814 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Bank employees often frighten debtors by demanding that they repay the loan in full ahead of schedule. Such cases are not isolated; questions often appear on forums about what to do if the bank demands an urgent loan repayment.

Is it legal to demand full repayment of the loan?

Only your loan agreement can answer this question, since it is individual for each bank and each credit program. But in the vast majority of cases, bank employees write down obligations in the contract, for failure to fulfill which the contract with you can be terminated early.

As you understand, the circumstances on the basis of which the bank may demand early repayment of the loan are: termination of monthly payments, regular delays on the loan, etc.

Much less often, a loan agreement with a borrower is terminated on the basis of incorrectly provided data, failure to notify the bank about a change of passport, place of residence, etc.

What to do if they call you at home and demand repayment of the loan?

Bank employees use a variety of methods to put pressure on the borrower in order to obtain a loan repayment from him. Often, unscrupulous creditors receive calls in which the operator demands urgent loan repayment and states that additional penalties will be charged if the loan is not repaid urgently.

Please be aware that all contacts with the bank must take place in writing. That is, the operator’s words have no legal force and should not be given due importance. Although this does not relieve you of the obligation to repay the loan - you are at fault if you do not pay the loan on time.

The bank's demand to repay the loan in full through the court

If the bank filed an application against you in court demanding full repayment of the entire loan amount, then things have gone well and the bank has begun to act. The court will be on the side of the bank, since it is you who fail to fulfill your obligations, not the bank.

But no one says that the court will force you to pay off the entire loan at once. The courts listen to borrowers and most often help solve the problem.

You need to submit a counter-application to reduce the amount of the penalty in accordance with Art. 333 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The court has the power to reduce the amount of the accrued penalty.

Collect all possible certificates confirming the deprivation of a permanent source of income, the loss of a breadwinner, the birth of a child, etc. All of them can serve well in the trial process.

Before the court decision, try contacting the borrowing bank with an application for debt restructuring. If you are denied restructuring, you can file another counterclaim in court.


According to lawyers, only in exceptional cases does a bank submit a statement of non-payment of a loan to the court. For the most part, telephone stories about early repayment of a loan are not official.

In court, the borrower is rarely forced to urgently pay the bank. In most cases, the amount of accrued penalties for non-payment of debt is simply reduced. The borrower is given a deferred payment.

Anyone can experience financial difficulties.

If you took out a loan but stopped making payments, the bank will try to forcefully repay the debt. And to begin with, he will demand early repayment of the debt, including interest, penalties and fines, and.

Are his demands legal? What to do if the bank demands to repay the loan early? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Can a bank require early repayment of a loan?

There is no prohibition for banks to demand that the loan be repaid ahead of schedule.

The credit institution has the right to demand early repayment of the loan and (or) termination contractual relations if the borrower violates its obligations. This is established by Art. 14 of the Law on consumer credit No. 353-FZ.

At the same time, the bank may demand the return of all unpaid interest accrued in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement.

If you do not pay the loan, the bank will demand that you repay the “debt” before the due date.

But the problems for the debtor do not end there. According to Art. 813 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a bank may raise the issue of early repayment of a loan in the following situations:

  • the borrower has not fulfilled his obligations regarding the provision of the loan repayment amount;
  • the client has completely lost the security for the loan, or its conditions have worsened due to circumstances beyond the control of the bank.

For example, the apartment pledged to the bank burned down or the guarantor was recognized.

Let us note one nuance.
If the bank has made a demand for early repayment of the loan, this does not mean that all previously assumed obligations are removed from you.

How does the procedure work?

If the bank decides to repay the loan before the due date, it sends a written notification to the debtor.

The letter specifies the deadline within which to respond to the creditor. If such a period is not specified, by default it is 30 days, starting from the date of receipt of the letter by mail.

If you have not responded to the bank within the specified period, it has the right to file a lawsuit. And you shouldn’t count on leniency - the bank will demand repayment of the debt, including all interest due and accrued penalties.

If you have not responded to the bank's written complaint, get ready for legal proceedings.

How is the amount of the penalty calculated?

The penalty in the form of a fine is charged once for each delay in the next loan payment. The amount of penalties is determined by the terms of the loan agreement.

The amount of the penalty is calculated based on the total duration of the period during which the borrower does not make payments, and key rate TSB RF.

Thus, for the entire period of delay, the bank will charge you a penalty, which it will then collect through the court along with the amount of the principal debt.

The fine is charged once for each late payment on the loan, and the penalty accrues for each day of delay.

What happens if you don't pay the loan?

The law clearly regulates the rights and obligations of the parties in such situations. Therefore, keep in mind that you will still have to pay your debts.

When trying to evade loan repayments and forcibly collect the debt.

If the judge satisfies his claims, the case will be transferred to bailiffs. They can pay off the debt, or empty bank accounts and withhold up to half of the monthly salary. In addition, you may be prohibited from traveling abroad.

If you do not want to resolve the issue peacefully, you may be left without money and property.

What to do if the bank asks to repay the loan early?

It all depends on the situation and at what stage the conflict is. Let's look at each of them.

Pre-trial settlement

If the conflict has not yet reached court, the situation can be resolved peacefully. The main thing is not to delay resolving the issue and not to let everything take its course.

First of all, start negotiations with the lender immediately. To do this, contact the bank with a written application.

In it, inform that for now you cannot make payments under the terms established in the loan agreement. Also indicate the reasons that do not allow you to fulfill your obligations and document them. The main thing is that they are respectful - a decrease in official income, a serious illness, registration of disability, etc.

Write a statement stating that you cannot pay the loan on the previous terms.

This way you will show the bank that you are not a malicious “draft evader”, but simply physically cannot repay the debt.

In such situations, many credit institutions meet their clients halfway and offer various ways out of difficult situations. For example, carry out restructuring.

Restructuring means concluding an additional agreement with the bank. It will allow by increasing the lending period.

This procedure will provide a chance to improve your financial situation without ceasing to conscientiously fulfill your obligations to the creditor.


If you ignore letters from the bank and evade loan payments, the lender has the right to file a claim against you in court demanding termination of contractual obligations and forced collection debt.

If you committed a minor violation of the terms of the loan agreement, and the bank has already filed a lawsuit, you have the right to file a claim that the creditor’s claims are disproportionate.

Minor violation - loan overdue for less than 3 months.

Even if a lawsuit has begun, you are in any case obliged to provide the court with valid reasons for not fulfilling your contractual obligations. Only then will the judge consider your arguments weighty and reject the creditor’s claims.

Your position in court must be documented.

Remember that the bank has a whole staff of its own lawyers. Therefore, you need to carefully prepare for the court hearing and seek help from. He will study your situation in detail and help you find the optimal solution.