Sberbank virtual school sberbank school ru – entrance to your personal account for consultants. Sberbank Virtual School - personal account What training programs exist at the school

Sberbank Virtual School is a distance education system of a corporate university, it was created to improve the qualifications of all Sberbank managers. The training programs are aimed at developing management skills and leadership qualities. They were compiled taking into account the best management concepts and business models of leading companies.

Features of Sberbank Virtual School:

  • Study from anywhere in the world via the Internet
  • Individual approach based on the corporate competency matrix
  • More than 300 courses, video lectures and other educational content on current topics
  • Webinars and online conferences
  • Involving top managers of Sberbank in teaching as part of an initiative called “leaders teach leaders”
  • Testing and assessment of bank employees/managers

Sberbank Virtual School: login

Each registered student has a Personal Account with all educational materials (workbook, presentations, educational cases, etc.).

To log in to the system, go to this address Enter your username and password, and then click the “Login” button.

To recover your password, click the appropriate link and follow the system prompts.

Largest National Bank Russia uses its extensive experience to create unique technical and software proposals that influence customer services and further quality of service. The Sberbank Virtual School, which is logged in through the company’s official website, is a unique development for remote training and advanced training of bank employees. This program has been developing for 5 years and has received a number of major updates since its inception. In this material we will look at the current opportunities, purpose and changes of Sberbank school for 2019.

Remote training allows you to effectively improve the skills of employees without interrupting them from the work process. Sberbank Analytical Center long time monitored client requests and development trends of foreign and Russian competitors, which contributed to updating information and developing the Sberbank School virtual school.

Currently the service offers:

  • the possibility of distance learning for employees anywhere in the world, whether you are in Russia or another country. You will need stable Internet access and a user account in the system;
  • the software structure is capable of automatically selecting an individual training program for each user, based on his knowledge and skills;
  • the presence of more than 300 various professional courses, recordings of webinars and lectures, the study of which is mandatory for the subsequent passing of intermediate and control testing;
  • Frequent webinars and online lectures, about which you will be notified in advance by email;
  • flexible setup of a personal account thanks to a well-thought-out and intuitive interface of the Sberbank virtual school;
  • the entire work process is controlled by a testing system thought out by professionals, which will allow monitoring of the acquired knowledge. The learning result will be documented on a special document, available in paper and electronic versions.

Training can be completed not only in a special area, but also independently.

Completing the virtual school will have a positive impact not only on your knowledge and skills, but also on your career advancement at Sberbank. Any difficulties in the learning process can be promptly discussed with professional teachers and other banking industry specialists. A database of frequently asked questions is being actively developed and used to develop new courses and refine old ones. Frequent updates help keep your training up-to-date, where you will only learn about the latest ways to conduct your professional activities. A special department is responsible for technical problems, which can be contacted via a toll-free hotline.

This program is provided for all positions except managers.

A specialized training campus was built for managers, which has no analogues in Russia. This business school is in the TOP-4 similar solutions Worldwide. The Sberbank Corporate University includes not only many specialized educational buildings and an impressive library, but also entertainment areas - a gym, swimming pool and tennis courts. Spending time at a corporate university will not only improve your skill level, but also physically develop your body. The university is located in Anosino, a village in the Moscow region.

Registration in Sberbank virtual school

To register in a virtual school of distance learning, you need to go to the bank’s official website and find there the contact information for a special section where you need to conclude an agreement for the provision of educational services. The copy of the agreement will contain personal information for logging into the user panel; enter the necessary information in the “Login” and “Password” fields. After successful login, you will be taken to home page project where you can:

  1. begin the learning process, starting with preliminary testing and choosing a further program. Suitable theoretical material will be selected automatically;
  2. take advantage of a unique thematic library containing not only theoretical material, but also visual webinars and recordings of video conferences. The system offers to enter the required information into the “Favorites” tab in order to be able to access it at any time;
  3. pass intermediate and final testing, which is compiled by professors and highly qualified specialists. An expanded database of tests eliminates the leakage of test answers, which makes it necessary to independently prepare for each test. Such a system guarantees good results and high-quality specialized training, which will help in future activities;
  4. contact online with a teacher or other specialist. You can ask a question and discuss it completely free of charge. Do not hesitate to take advantage of this offer, exchange of experience is the key policy of the Sberbank virtual school;
  5. gain access to online webinars and lectures, which are located in the “Courses” section. The ability to add a personal email address in the profile settings section will allow you to receive notifications about starting lectures and other system changes. Electronic certificate completion of training is also sent by email.

Sberbank Virtual School, Personal Area which is constantly being improved, the best solution for quickly improving your qualifications and gaining additional knowledge and skills at work. Completing the training course will allow you to quickly move up the career ladder and receive additional pay wages. Sberbank is actively promoting this solution among its employees, and the virtual school itself has no analogues.

There is a special specialized distance learning school for Sberbank employees. Through your personal account, access to the school database is provided; it is provided at any time of the day and any day of the week. The opening year of the school is 2012.

The chosen method of training is optimal for improving professional level and advanced training.


Sberbank Virtual School for consultants or management personnel requires initial registration. Registration is carried out when contacting any branch of the bank or through the official website. After the application, the bank employee enters into the intended agreement.

After drawing up and signing an agreement for the provision of educational services, the client is given a login and password with which to log into the system.

After students have created their personal account, they have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with all the training materials, go through a series of webinars, read useful articles, take a test, sign up for courses or visit the electronic library. Answers to tests or quizzes become available after completing the completion process.

Personal Areaaccessible both from a computer and from a mobile phone.

Through a personal account, each student:

  • controls its educational process;
  • You are given the opportunity to create an individual report card and training schedule, based on your experience, knowledge and goals.

Features and Benefits

Sberbank Distance School offers students the following opportunities:

  • opens access to everyone textbooks, lecture, courses, audio books, popular business magazines;
  • You can use the training material regardless of the device’s operating system; the materials are compatible with Windows, Linux, iOS, Android and others;
  • The location of the student does not matter. In any place where there is access to the Internet, you can get information or visit the school archive-library.

There are several stages of the Sberbank 500 training program, which are mandatory for participants in this program:

  1. The retail block is intended for people holding middle management positions. The purpose of the training stage is to improve managerial experience, expand the knowledge and abilities of a manager, and acquire the skills to conduct a retail business;
  2. senior management positions. Enhances internationally oriented management skills;
  3. executive power. Employees gain new knowledge and master modern principles work, gain knowledge in management and project management.

Learning principle

To ensure highly qualified specialists after graduating from the Sberbank distance school, the following training principles are organized:

  • the program combines remote, independent and full-time forms of learning;
  • the teachers are qualified top managers and proven, authoritative leaders;
  • the principle of teaching includes research and workshops;
  • many active methods of constructing and presenting information in the form of cases, trainings and lectures;
  • conducting business games;
  • The program regularly conducts joint classes (remotely), including in the form of webinars and tests;
  • Cases are analyzed together with teachers;
  • To sum up and test the student’s knowledge, final certification is provided in the form of tests and exams.

All of the learning principles described above are available only through your personal account after registration. Also in the personal account, each student is provided with a workbook and other materials necessary for training.

The virtual school was founded in 2012, especially for Sberbank employees. The project was created with the goal of improving the level of professional development of its employees. Initially, the school was intended to improve the qualifications of management specialists, but after two years, the project has developed into one of the largest business schools, and any bank employee can now study there.

Registration in the virtual school system

In order to log into the Sberbank virtual school system, you need to contact the contacts on the website, you will be offered to conclude an agreement for the provision of educational services.

Then you get personal password and the login of the virtual school website, which will allow you to access your personal account.

The advantages of such an office:

  1. You get access to all training material. These are webinars, articles, tests, courses, and a library.
  2. You have the opportunity to log into your personal account from any device.
  3. It is possible to control the entire learning process.
  4. Taking into account your experience and knowledge, you can create an individual training plan.

Forms of distance learning

Classes are held in the form of webinars and online conferences. There is also the opportunity to receive any kind of advice from a teacher in real time. Exams, tests and tests are conducted remotely. In your personal account you can access your assignments. If you have any questions regarding training, you can ask using the feedback form.

Advantages of studying through the personal account of the Sberbank virtual school

What qualities and skills do bank employees develop in themselves:

  1. Learn to think systematically.
  2. Develop leadership qualities.
  3. Learn to work in a team.
  4. Increases communication abilities.
  5. They develop the ability to organize their work only to achieve results.

To develop each of these qualities, specially selected literature from leading experts in Russia and the West is offered.

The virtual school provides training in popular areas, for example:

  • economy;
  • finance;
  • advertising;
  • management;
  • marketing.

When studying any of the topics, the user gets the opportunity not only to read books and watch video lectures, but also to take part in webinars, communicate with the teacher online, ask intelligent questions and receive professional answers.

The following functions are available during training:

  • you are given access to all educational material, these are lectures, multimedia courses, consultations, audio books, articles from popular business magazines;
  • you have the opportunity to access training material from any device and platform, such as Windows, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, MacOS, Linux;
  • regardless of your location, you can always get into the virtual school archive, the main thing is that you have access to the Internet;
  • the system supports almost all formats that are necessary for training, these are text sources and multimedia materials.

What training programs are there at school?

The Sberbank 500 program is mandatory in training. It is divided into levels:

  1. The course is intended for mid-level managers of Sberbank. The main goal of this program is to improve management experience, develop knowledge and skills.
  2. Program for senior managers. Its goal is to improve the management skills of international leaders.
  3. Program for executive branch specialists. The training is aimed at mastering the principles of work in modern management and the ability to manage projects.

There is also the opportunity to study in distance courses, which are formed jointly with leading foreign business schools and universities.

Who teaches at school;

  1. The school employs both full-time teachers and leading bank specialists.
  2. Experts and leaders in the field of business.
  3. Board members.
  4. Business school teachers.

The library has a huge number of unique books from leading authors. Literature is intended for people who want to discover their potential and develop their skills. In these books you can read about the experience successful people, which can be applied in the future in practice in your work.

The library is constantly updated with new e-books on the following topics:

  1. Leadership.
  2. Economy.
  3. Story.
  4. Management.
  5. Policy.

Individual approach to each student

Despite the fact that the main idea of ​​employee training is to develop corporate spirit, the approach to mastering new knowledge for each student occurs individually. Therefore, a special training program will be developed in your personal account, which will be formed from workbooks and various presentations.

The latest technologies and the right approach to training make the virtual school a very powerful tool in developing the professional skills of Sberbank employees.