Cheat sheet: electronic certificates for Russian online courses. What does a diploma or certificate of completion of courses provide? Certificate of successful completion of the course

Webinar participant certificate

The webinar participant certificate will confirm that you are engaged in advanced training and update your professional knowledge and skills.

If you participated in a webinar for accountants or any free promotional webinar and want to receive documentary evidence of this, then you need to contact the Academy administrators to submit a request.

Holders of webinar subscriptions receive a participant certificate absolutely free.

Certificate of successful completion of the course

A certificate of successful completion of the course will be a good addition to your professional portfolio and will characterize you as a specialist who strives to constantly hone his knowledge and skills to meet modern requirements.

This document confirms that its holder has successfully completed a specialized online course, passed all tests within its framework and has current competencies.

To obtain a certificate you must:

  • complete all modules of the course being studied;
  • successfully pass tests after each module and the final knowledge test;
  • submit a request for a certificate to the Academy administrators.

Financial Academy "Active" has a license to carry out educational activities and is obliged to issue a certificate of education only to those who have successfully passed the final certification in the relevant course (Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", Chapter 6, Article 60).

Some organizations try to attract students to their courses not by the quality of training, but by the loud names of the documents issued: “diploma”, “international certificate” and so on. But the only document that such organizations can issue is a certificate. Be vigilant and check your license before taking courses. Please note that activities that are not accompanied by final certification and issuance of educational documents are not subject to licensing.

Members of the IPB of Russia are obliged to annually improve their professional level in the manner and under the conditions determined by the Regulations on the continuous improvement of professional level. The Aktiv Financial Academy provides a unique opportunity to improve your qualifications in the area of ​​your choice and receive a certificate confirming completion of the mandatory annual 40 hours of advanced training at the IPB of Russia.

Participation in any course or webinar* is counted towards the annual advanced training of professional accountants with the subsequent issuance of a confirmation certificate.

*check the conditions with the managers of subscriptions and webinars.


In case of successful passing of the ACCA DipIFR-rus exam (at least 50 points out of 100 possible) within 30-90 days, the exam result and diploma are sent electronically to the address that the student indicates during registration.

  • in English: The ACCA Diploma in International Financial Reporting (DipIFR Russian)
  • in Russian: ACCA Diploma in International Financial Reporting(DipIFR in Russian)

After successfully passing the CIMA P1 “Operations Performance Management” and CIMA P2 “Business Performance Management” exams (100 points out of 150), all candidates are issued a personalized certificate and assigned the CIMA Cert PM (Russian) status. Within 3 weeks after the announcement of the exam results, all those who successfully passed the exams will receive an email with detailed information on how to obtain a certificate.

The certificate will contain wording in two languages:

  • in English: CIMA Certificate in Performance Management in Russian
  • in Russian: CIMA Certificate “Business Performance Management” in Russian.

After successfully passing the last situational CIMA exam, all students are issued a personalized diploma and awarded the CIMA Adv Dip MA (Rus) qualification.

The diploma will be worded in two languages:

  • in English: CIMA Advanced Diploma in Management Accounting (Rus)
  • in Russian: CIMA Diploma in Business Management in Russian.

If you successfully pass the exam (passing score - 60), the IPFM International Diploma will be sent within 28 days after the online exam. You will receive a message about your scores to the email specified in your registration card within 14 days after passing the exam. In case of successful completion (60 or more points), within 14 days after the message, the IPFM Diploma number, a link to the official IPFM website on which it is registered, and the IPFM Diploma itself in PDF format will be sent to the same address. After downloading the Diploma, you can save it, print it, attach it to your resume, or post it on social networks. By default, IPFM diplomas are sent only electronically, which is the norm in world practice and is used by ACCA and CIMA. If you lose your diploma, you can receive a duplicate for a fee by contacting the Aktiv Financial Academy directly.

Career growth, promotion wages and working in a prestigious company with foreign investment are the natural goals of almost every ambitious specialist. And the first step towards achieving these goals will be obtaining international certificates or diplomas. The main difference between these “crusts” and ordinary university diplomas is in-depth knowledge in the field of finance and the opportunity to become a real pro in your field.

Quite often in my practice, there are cases when people sign up for classes just to receive a diploma or certificate of completion of courses. At the same time, they may pay almost no attention to the classes themselves (of course, not always) and go “for show.”

In my opinion, enrolling in “diploma courses” only to receive a certificate of completion is, at a minimum, a waste of time and money. In general, in my opinion, this is just stupid. However, let's take a look at this approach to learning and see if it achieves anything.

Why do you need a certificate of completion of courses?

Why do people generally strive to obtain all kinds of documents?

Main motivation to apply this approach, the following - the received document on completion of advanced training courses (diploma, certificate, certificate, etc.) can be present upon employment for a new job. This is precisely why such “documents” are most often obtained. Another thing is that not all people clearly understand the real value of such documents.

When trying to add an extra item to their resume, many evaluate availability based on the principle "if there is, then it's good anyway". In fact, this is not always the case. The fact is that educational documents are different and have different values ​​in the eyes of your potential employer. I will examine this question a little later.

Another reason, according to which the majority is trying by hook or by crook to get another diploma, maybe diffidence. I specifically highlighted it in bold to emphasize the importance of the moment. The fact is that for people who are unsure of themselves, the presence of a document confirming that they have some knowledge or skills compensates for the real inability (or insufficient ability) to use this knowledge/skills.

Do you have any doubts? But in vain. Comes into effect here student psychology and the influence of public opinion. That is, we often think that “If a person has a diploma, then he also has knowledge in his head.” Well, since the majority thinks so, then over time a trend arises in society in which a person strives, first of all, to obtain a document on education, and not this education itself. Having received the coveted diploma, he calms down, believing that now his "knowledge/skills" confirmed.


Please note:

You either seek to gain knowledge and experience, or you want to receive confirmation from third parties that you have this knowledge and experience.

If the second is more important to you than the first, then why go to class at all?

And thirdly, perhaps, all sorts of certificates of completion of courses (and not only courses) are received as the equivalent of a check or goods. Unclear? Very simple. When you undergo training, you usually pay for it. And since you pay, you want to get something in return, just like when you buy a product.

What about knowledge? Oh knowledge... Well, this is something that you can’t even touch. Most people definitely You need confirmation that your money was not wasted. That is, in this case, the course certificate acts as a kind of cash receipt, confirming not only the very fact of expenses, but also, as it were, their result. Oh well...

As an example, let's imagine another situation where you DO NOT have to pay tuition. For example, your friend taught you something, showed you how to do something, and so on. Of course, he didn’t take any money from you. Question: Why don't you need a diploma/certificate in this situation? Didn't you spend enough time? Well, there are courses of one or two lessons...

The point here, as I already said, is simply the price of the issue. If the price is zero (in money), then confirmation provision of services It seems like it’s not necessary. Think about this when you pay for your next “diploma course.”

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What do they generally give out at the end of the training courses?

It depends on what kind of courses. You can look again at the picture at the beginning of the article.

On the one hand, all certificates, diplomas and other certificates can be divided into two groups: documents of the so-called state standard and all others. Trust in documents of the first group is naturally higher, since they are issued by educational institutions that have passed state certification and received an educational license.

However, as always, information about the license indicated on the education document does not in itself mean anything. There are cases when an organization has all the licenses and at the same time is an office meter by meter, and the training conditions leave much to be desired. But it is precisely the presence of a license that gives the right to issue “state-issued” documents. Nevertheless The fact that the company has a license is still some advantage.

Here is a sample certificate of completion of the course. The degree of presentability varies, but the meaning is the same (I’ve seen a lot of them).


On the other hand, documents confirming completion of courses can also be divided into those same “diplomas/certificates/certificates”. It seems that “diploma” sounds more solid and even seems to imply passing exams. However, all this can only be implied in the head of you or the owner of an educational company. In reality, everything may be completely different.

In my opinion, if we talk about differences in name certificate of completion of prof. courses, then there is not much difference.

By the way, when I taught 1C at the training center, during classes I was sometimes asked whether we would have exam at the end of training. In fact, exams are actually more interesting, and this somehow encourages students to study. But exams were not implied, as in the vast majority of training centers.

However, there was an interesting effect. I liked the answer to the question “will there be exams?” make a slightly surprised face and ask: “Do you want exams? We can organize it!” The effect is simply amazing. Namely: everyone ALWAYS immediately said “NO, no need!!!”

This, in my opinion, says only one thing: by enrolling in “courses with a diploma upon completion,” people, in essence, they don’t want to confirm this diploma with their real knowledge and experience; there is only a desire to pay money and receive a piece of paper. What follows from this and what the owners of such “documents” are worth, read on.

What do “diploma courses” really cost?

Now let’s see how helpful obtaining such a document (diploma, certificate) will be in finding employment. If we are talking about something serious, then, of course, the corresponding document is required. Well, for example, no one will hire a doctor without a diploma. It is obvious. But in the case of additional education, it is not at all necessary to confirm your knowledge with documents. It's enough just to say What You know how to do it. And if anyone doubts, then show with an example - in the overwhelming majority of cases this is enough.

In addition, when hiring, few people pay attention to documents issued by unknown organizations. Therefore, if someone thinks that collecting various pieces of paper of this kind will greatly help, then in most cases in practice this is not the case. If you just receive documents, but nothing remains in your head, then this is completely bad.

Although for some reason many people, consciously or subconsciously, believe that it is enough to pay a certain amount of money and the knowledge will be put into their heads. Well, sitting smart in class won’t hurt either. But practice shows that all this is a big mistake, leading to disappointment in learning when you try to one day put into practice your “knowledge” indicated in the certificate of prof. preparation or other document.

We discussed above about obtaining “state-issued” documents. The value of other “certificates”, “diplomas” and other things issued by someone unknown, tends to zero. Not to mention the fact that such “documents” can be printed by anyone by contacting the nearest printing house (and you can even come up with a more beautiful design of your own). I’m generally silent about “non-paper”, that is, electronic documents, since this is an ordinary picture, like the one drawn at the beginning of the article.

Interesting fact:

I already mentioned above that most companies that issue all sorts of certificates at the end of their courses do not require passing any exams to obtain one. That is, the one who signed up and paid for training will receive a document in any case, even if he does not attend classes at all.

And the potential employer is well aware of this!

That's why you shouldn't rely too much on the magic of pieces of paper. By the way, you should be careful when adding such “educational” documents to your resume.

if you are not confident in your skills and there are fears that the employer may want to make sure of your knowledge (taking into account the previous paragraph, such a desire is quite justified), then it is better not to write at all or choose a more trusting company for employment.

If you are confident in yourself, then everything is OK, we write and enjoy the effect “I am a certified specialist.”

What about getting a 1C certificate?

However, among the “fake” diplomas, the presence of which means practically nothing, there are also good exceptions. For example, certificates issued by the CSO of 1C are highly valued when hiring. It may not be a decisive factor, but it will certainly be a plus. Although in practice 1C certificates are usually received by programmers, not ordinary users.

In addition, unlike regular training courses, to obtain a certificate in CSO 1C you need pass the exam. Moreover, you need to take it according to the principle "failed - free". Considering the attitude of most course visitors to passing exams (as I wrote above), as well as the attitude towards education as the purchase of a product, not everyone wants to take these same exams.

Well, if anyone has passed, then here is your 1C certificate. There are many different ones, but the meaning is approximately the same for all of them. If interested, see the lists of existing certificates on the 1C company website.

And finally, one more short discussion on this topic. For example, a person enrolled in the Computer User course and received the appropriate certificate. If you think about it, the profession “PC user” does not exist in principle. Worth thinking about?

So, everyone must decide for themselves whether to receive documents or not. In any case, you can hang it on the wall in a frame and show it off to your friends.




Before you begin training in online courses, you must submit an online application, successfully pass the entrance test and receive an email confirmation of your registration in the group selected for training. Described below step-by-step instruction registration process for our online courses.

You need to do the following:

  1. Select the direction of study (course name) and the start date of classes (in accordance with the proposed course schedule).
  2. Submit an application for participation electronically. The application is available for filling out on the website after clicking the “Sign up for a course” button.
  3. After filling out the application for your mobile number A registration confirmation code will be sent to your phone. This code must be entered into the confirmation window that opens in the browser.
  4. After confirming your registration, you will receive an email with a link to take the entrance test. The link to take the exam is valid for 24 hours. Please note: if you do not take the exam within this deadline, your application will automatically be rejected.
  5. Within 2-10 days you will receive a notification letter with the results of passing the entrance test.

Important:in the column " Spaces left"Information about available places is updated daily. The procedure for changing the number of places is as follows: applications of those students who did not pass the entrance exam (due to incorrect answers to questions or delays in passing the exam) are rejected and places are “freed up” for new applications. Please carefully monitor the schedule of the group you wish to study, as you may be able to submit your application after updating the data in the “Spots Remaining” column.


Access to training programs and materials:

  • one day before the start of classes, you will receive a letter with access parameters to the Learning Platforms, as well as information.


  • Before each lesson you need to follow the appropriate link in personal account and register to participate in the webinar;
  • If for some reason you are unable to attend the class, you can access video recordings of the lectures, which you can watch at any convenient time. Video recordings are available for download the next day after the lecture in your personal account, as well as links to materials from the lectures (videos, screenshots, etc.).


  • After each lesson, homework and deadlines for completing them will be displayed in your personal account. No grades will be awarded for homework completed after the specified deadlines;
  • After checking each homework, you will be sent a letter with comments about any mistakes made. You can edit the assignment and resubmit it for evaluation points.


  • During the last 7 days of the course, you will be able to take the final exam;
  • the exam is designed as a test and includes 57 questions;
  • time to pass the exam – 1 hour 20 minutes;
  • the number of attempts to pass the exam is one (1).

Results of training and certification

  • the final results of the course will be sent by email to your email within 5-7 business days after passing the final exam;
  • when you score 100 or more points on the custom part, you will be provided with a link to an electronic certificate confirming your knowledge of the course program;
  • If you score less than 100 points, you will be asked to retake the course you have chosen. You can retake the selected course 3 times in order to successfully complete it and receive a certificate.

Procedure for issuing certificates

  • the certificate is issued electronically.


We are always ready to answer your questions. Since there are a lot of them and we try not to delay the deadline for providing answers, we will be grateful for the following points:

  • We suggest that you first read the frequently asked questions ( ). There may already be an extended answer to your question;
  • ask questions at any time convenient for you, but we can provide an answer on weekdays from 09:00 to 19:00;
  • do not use obscene language or jargon in conversations - this is very unpleasant for contact center specialists to hear and read;
  • When communicating by email, be sure to fill out the “Subject” field and sign your letters.


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Using the resource , you accept the terms of our privacy policy. By submitting information through this site, you consent to its collection, use and disclosure in accordance with the terms of the privacy policy.


Your personal data will be used by QATestlab to send information and notification messages during the training process on our courses. Your data may also be used to conduct surveys by QATestlab about the quality of the trainings provided. We respect your privacy and undertake not to share your personal data with third parties.


We appreciate your feedback (comments, reviews, etc.) about our online courses, which helps us improve our courses and increase their value for new students. Also, your reviews are of great importance for beginners who, when looking for training courses, want to know what those who have completed them say about the courses. In order to improve the training course materials and their popularization, we reserve the right to use for marketing purposes any content received from cadets during the training process and related to the training.

All audio-video-text materials from QATestlab are the intellectual property of the authors and are protected by copyright law. Without the permission of the company, no part of the audio-video-text materials can be transferred to third parties.


If you have any questions, please contact online support on the website or in your personal account.

Read more about taking the course.

Once massive open online courses (MOOCs) became truly popular thanks to the emergence of global platforms, the global educational community faced a new question: how to make online courses meet the goals of not only self-education, but also serve as an aid to career growth or help with studying at an offline university?

The main thing that MOOC listeners of the early 2000s lacked was that same feeling of “crust.” People assign more value to a course if they receive some kind of confirmation of what they learned after completing it. Therefore, almost immediately, global MOOC providers began offering free certificates of completion (Certificate of Completion, Certificate of Accomplishment). Such certificates were not particularly valuable, but rather played the role of a pleasant bonus for completing training, which could be framed and hung on the wall.

In 2014-2016, Open Education, Coursera and edX abandoned free certificates, launching a system of verified certificates instead. Such documents are certified by the university providing the online course, and to obtain them you must pass an exam with personal identification.

Let's first understand: why do we need certificates on open online course platforms?

The forms of online certification available today have noticeable advantages: firstly, they allow the development of an interuniversity system for recognizing certificates for online courses (relatively speaking, a university student can take a course from another university in a specific discipline, and his “home” university will credit the received results); secondly, such certificates are gradually recognized by employers.

On the Open Education platform, electronic certificates solve several problems for different categories of students:

  • for students - the opportunity to take a course in their specialty online, even from another university, and receive credits at their university;
  • for working people - an opportunity to supplement their professional portfolio and receive recommendations;
  • for applicants - the opportunity to undergo career guidance and immerse themselves in their future profession. In addition, the received certificate can also be transferred to the university after admission.

We have compiled a small cheat sheet for those who plan to receive electronic confirmation of their knowledge:

How much does the certificate cost?

It is not the certificate that is paid, but the procedure for passing control tests with personal identification to obtain it. The cost of such an exam is 1,000 rubles for all online courses on Open Education. Payment is made using bank card or the Yandex.Money service.

Is the certificate a document of education?

Yes, the certificate is a document of additional education, and it is issued by the university, certified by its own seal and signature of the person in charge.

What is stated in the certificate?

The certificate contains all the necessary information: the name of the university that issued the certificate, the full name of the student, the name of the course, the period of study and the results of training (number of credit units).

How is identification carried out during the exam?

The student installs a special application on his computer, which has a webcam, and uses it to pass the exam. During the exam, the proctor closely monitors the examinee's eye movements and the computer desktop. Thus, the reliability of the results of such an exam reaches 98% (unlike its in-person counterpart).

Will I receive a certificate immediately after completing the course?

No. The certificate is generated within 2 weeks – 1 month.

Can a certificate be issued not to students, but to already working people?

The certificate can be issued to anyone.

Does the certificate have an expiration date?

The validity period of the certificate depends on the organization that plans to recredit the student’s online learning results.

How can I re-enroll the certificate?

The transfer procedure may vary between universities. Therefore, we recommend that students contact the department or academic department at the beginning of the semester with a statement of desire to study the course online. Many universities publish on their websites lists of online courses for which they accept certificates.

Is the certificate considered a document of advanced training?

No, the certificate is not a certificate of advanced training, even if you took an identity test.

If I pass the exam, do I need to pay money again to retake it?

If the exam was not passed for objective reasons, for example due to a technical failure, then another attempt will be given. If the results of the exam do not allow you to receive a certificate, then the next attempt will need to be paid.

Can I get a paper certificate?

You receive the certificate electronically. You can submit your paper certificate request to the university where you took the online course.