Hard to recover oil. Tight oil is the future of the oil industry

TRIZ hard-to-recover reserves . In the USSR, the personal Bakken ( Bazhenov Formation ) was noticed 10 years later than in the USA, and they began to carefully study it in 1968. It was like one case when “there would have been no happiness, but grief helped.” At the Salym field near the town of Gornopravdinsk, during the deepening of exploration well 12-R at a bottom depth of 2840 m, an uncontrolled flow of oil occurred, as a result of which the drilling apparatus caught fire. After investigations into the role of law enforcement agencies, it was possible to prove that geologists and workers were not to blame. The fountain (its capacity was estimated at several hundred tons per day), which formed where no one was expecting it, turned the heads of scientists and Russian leaders. The Bazhenov suite (and it was from there that the fountain began to flow) began to be actively studied and fresh wells were drilled. But it was quickly discovered that the productivity of the wells was certainly different; given the technological challenges, geologists did not have the ability to characterize the entire section of the Bazhenov Formation. As a result long time The Bazhen deposits remained a subject of scientific research rather than real industrial development.

Now the situation is fundamentally different. As a result of the depletion of classical deposits and (it is worth admitting) the successful skill of the USA in developing shale formations, the government in the Russian Federation and oil companies are paying the closest attention to the development of hard-to-recover oil reserves. All the favorites of the Russian oil industry are working with Bazhen - Rosneft, LUKOIL, Surgutneftegaz, and Gazprom Neft also pays excessive attention to shale plans. At the beginning of February 2014, an addition to the active agreement with Schlumberger on technological cooperation in the development of hard-to-recover oil reserves, in particular the Bazhenov formation, was signed. And back in 2013, Shell and Gazprom Neft created a joint venture, the Khanty-Mansi Oil and Gas Union, to work in shale oil areas in Western Siberia. Moreover, the companies already have a successful joint venture - Salym Petroleum Development, which is developing the Salym group of oil fields and is still working on the development of the Bazhenov formation: in February of this year, SPD began drilling 1 horizontal appraisal well in the Upper Salym field. However, in addition to the technological element, in all plans for involving in the development of hard-to-recover reserves in the Russian Federation (as, in general, in any other country in the world) there is also an economic one.

TAX REDUCTIONS (hard-to-recover reserves)

The position of the Russian authorities regarding the importance of the issue of involving hard-to-recover reserves in production has changed dramatically. In particular, according to the head of the Ministry of Natural Resources Sergei Donskoy, the study of non-standard hydrocarbon reserves in the Russian Federation, which is activated in real time, will be a necessary factor in oil production in 20 years: “If we can put reserves in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug on the balance sheet for hard-to-recover oil reserves, then the Russian The Federation may become number one in the world overall in terms of oil reserves.” Under the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, on the basis of Rosgeology, a coordination center is being formed for the research and study of non-standard forms and sources of hydrocarbon raw materials. According to the texts of the deputy general director of this company, Roman Samsonov, four or five skillful test sites with various natural conditions, landscapes, and geological features are targeted on the lands of the Russian Federation. Energy Minister Alexander Novak, in turn, said that the Russian Federation will continue to increase oil production, including thanks to the study of hard-to-recover reserves. According to its texts, intensification of work with this category of resources became possible as a result of the adoption of amendments to the legislation on tax incentives, which initiate the extraction of hard-to-recover oil reserves.

Indeed, the government in 2012–2013 took a number of steps in this direction, the central one being the development of Federal Law No. 213-FZ, which introduced tax benefit in the form of reducing coefficients to the rate of tax on the extraction of necessary minerals (MET) in relation to several categories of TRIZ. In particular, the mineral extraction tax rate can be reduced from 20% to 100% depending on the permeability of the deposit and the type of productive deposit (zero applies to oil produced from deposits classified as Bazhenov, Abalak, Khadum and Domanik productive deposits). In addition, amendments have been made to the law “On Customs Tariffs”, which introduce a reduced rate of export duty on oil extracted from deposits of the Tyumen formation. To use a reduced rate, it is necessary that the initial oil reserves in the deposits of the Tyumen formation be at least 80% of the initial oil reserves of the entire license area.

The law also has restrictions on the provision of benefits. One of the most significant is that the level of depletion of deposits of hard-to-recover reserves as of January 1, 2012 must not exceed 3%, or the deposits must be included in the municipal supply balance as of January 1, 2012. There are also many problems caused by the fact that the procedure for determining the permeability characteristics and effective oil-saturated thickness of a reservoir for a hydrocarbon deposit is located at the development stage. And until this is introduced into force, the taxpayer must be controlled by the values ​​of permeability and effective oil-saturated thickness of the formation, noted in the Municipal Balance of Reserves of Necessary Minerals (GBZ) as of January 1, 2012. However, the first practice of using the incentive revealed that the characteristics of permeability, effective oil-saturated thickness of the formation and, for example, productive deposits in the GBZ are always reflected tactfully. And this significantly complicates the likelihood of receiving benefits. Since February 7, 2014, the explanations of the Federal tax service RF with a list of names of layers with their assignment to some other productive deposit. However, how these explanations will work is still unclear.

In general, oil firms view the government's mission positively, encouraging the development of TRIZ. Law 213 has already allowed to increase financial efficiency development and installation of hard-to-recover reserves in 10 fields across the country. Gazprom Neft still has these deposits in its backpack. However, in the opinion of oil workers, the existing set of benefits still does not have the opportunity to absolutely initiate the development of hard-to-recover reserves. The government, meeting the wishes of oil workers, invites to increase the threshold for field depletion from 3 to 10%. The bill, which proposes to extend the possibility of using reducing coefficients to the mineral extraction tax rate to deposits related to productive deposits of the Bazhenov, Khadum, Domanik and Abalak formations with a degree of depletion of reserves as of January 1, 2012 from 3 to 10%, is already in the State Duma. On the contrary, the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation does not object to this, and in the public relations department of the Ministry of Energy they told the SN journalist that the department, moreover, considers it advisable to increase the upper limit of the degree of production from 10 to 13%, “since there are currently moment of limitation on the depletion of supplies for the purpose of use differentiated rates The mineral extraction tax on hard-to-recover oil has eliminated the possibility of using benefits for the economy of plans that have been in development for a long time.”

The possibility of providing tax preferences in the form of a reducing coefficient to the mineral extraction tax rate for high-viscosity oil (with a viscosity from 30 mPa s to 200 mPa s) is also currently being considered.

But these conclusions, if they are adopted, can still be considered only as part of an ensemble of measures to stimulate the development of hard-to-recover reserves. Oil workers would like to introduce a zero mineral extraction tax rate for deposits of hard-to-recover reserves, regardless of the degree of depletion of the deposits, to extend benefits to low-permeability reservoirs, areas with low oil saturation (no more than 55%) or a low effective reservoir width (no more than 4 meters), or with the highest water cut (more than 80%) for the Achimov formation, extend the preferential tax stage up to 20 years for all categories of hard-to-recover supplies.

“Of course, taking into account the focus of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation on preventing a decrease in the profitable part of the state budget, the possibility of adopting these amendments is not obvious,” said Alexander Shubin, the boss of the tax department and political figures of Gazprom Neft. - However, this is work for the future. The share of mineral extraction tax in the structure of all tax plans (except for the export duty) is within 80%, and the expansion of preferential characteristics for TRIZs can have a significant impact on the efficiency of their implementation, which will undoubtedly help eliminate low-profit plans to a degree of profitability acceptable for making a positive investment conclusion .

Subject to the present refinement of the regulatory framework in terms of expanding the perimeter of preferential reserves, extending the period of influence of the incentive and establishing a colorless procedure for determining and using fresh coefficients, the incentive has the opportunity to provide a second life to almost all active assets of the Russian oil branch and Gazprom Neft in particular, and will also have a positive impact on the involvement in the development of fresh TRIZs with the introduction modern technologies oil production, helping to update the technological arsenal of the industry.”

Industry experts are also talking about this. For monitoring of the State Enterprise “NACRN named after. V.I. Shpilman”, by 2030, the fields of the Bazhenov formation have the ability to produce 18–20 million tons of oil per year, but subject to the storage of a package of benefits. In this case, benefits issued now will pay for themselves the next day. According to the Center. Shpilman, the production of approximately 600 million tons of oil from the fields of the Bazhenov formation has the ability to deliver up to 2 trillion rubles to the budget.

Gazprom Neft (and the industry as a whole) suggests that incentives for the development of TRIZs are only the first period on the path to increasing the attractiveness of complex oil production in the Russian Federation. Active benefits are quite narrowly applicable, and only a small part of the supplies, characterized by the complexity of development, are affected by them. Oil workers say the best mechanism for stimulating the development of these reserves is a tax on auxiliary earnings, which will guarantee the compilation of the tax base depending on the final financial results of the work. With this AIT, it will allow firms to minimize the fiscal burden at the initial stage of business, when investments are maximum, but there is literally no return yet.

However, there is still no integrity in the government on this pretext. The Ministry of Energy is currently discussing the possibility of introducing additional tax for individual plans, but the Ministry of Finance says that this content is not a priority now. Adherents of the branch do not lose hope and continue to find new ways to develop hard-to-extract supplies.


Source: Magazine "PROneft"

In this article, the concept of developing hard-to-recover reserves of conformal oil rims is examined using the example of the East Messoyakha field, which today is the northernmost mainland oil field in Russia. In addition to the main development object of the PK1-3 formation, which contains significant reserves of oil and gas, oil and gas potential in another 30 formations has been established in the field. The complex structural and tectonic structure of the region led to the formation of promising traps, both tectonically and lithologically screened. Problems associated with the peculiarities of the occurrence of layers and the implementation of the development concept require various technological solutions.


An example of promising traps in the field are the objects of Block 4 ( rice. 1), confined to a zone of local structural depression caused by a series of large tectonic disturbances that formed the graben. It is in the graben area ( see fig. 1) are concentrated 25 layers with small gas-oil deposits and a thin oil rim, mainly confined to individual blocks (40 deposits in total, of which 22 are oil, 12 are gas-oil and 6 are gas).

Rice. 1. Structural model of the East Messoyakhskoye field ( A), Block 4 with separate blocks ( b) and productive formations of Block 4 ( V)

The tasks of developing underlying objects of multi-layer deposits include: economic efficiency extraction of reserves, and testing of technologies for their extraction. To introduce Block 4 facilities into full-scale development, a block diagram of the stages of their conceptual design has been drawn up ( rice. 2).

Rice. 2. The procedure for designing development facilities for Block 4:
GDM – hydrodynamic model; RPM – reservoir pressure maintenance; GS – horizontal wells; MZGS – multilateral horizontal wells; USE – simultaneous-separate operation; OPD – pilot industrial work

When creating a development concept oil field After determining the size and basic geological and physical parameters of the formations, it is necessary to solve the problem of ranking the selected development objects and preliminary assessment of the expected productivity of wells and the profitability of developing these objects. When assessing the priority of development objects, formations with oil reserves of category C1 were considered, while the objects of calculation were the deposits of each formation.

The priority of development objects was determined using the superposition method based on three methods (analytical coefficient, analytical technical and economic, numerical calculation using streamlines).

Prioritization of objects

Analytical coefficient method

1. Calculation of the selection rate coefficient using the formula

Where k– permeability determined from geophysical surveys of wells; ∆ R– pressure difference between production and injection wells; μ – oil viscosity in reservoir conditions.

2. Calculation of the relative discount rate using the formula

Where Kс.о.max – maximum selection rate coefficient.

3. Identification of objects based on the amount of discounted mobile oil reserves determined from the expression

Where Q n – mobile oil reserves

Techno-economic method

1. Finding the initial oil flow rates during straight-line flooding using Masket’s formula

Where L– length of the development system element; W– row spacing; h n – oil-saturated thickness of the formation; r w– well radius.

2. Determination of oil production decline rates

Decline in flow rate q in time t is given according to the exponential law: q(t)=q 0 eDt (D = q 0 /N pw – production decline coefficient; N pw – accumulated production from the well). Thus N pw is equal to the moving stocks attributable to it

3. Calculation of net present value per well for each development object using the formula

where FCF w ( t) - clean cash flow, in its simplest form FCF w(t)= q 0 eDt p nb ;

pnb– net-back oil price minus mineral extraction tax; r– normal (continuous) discount factor; c w– specific capital investments in drilling and construction of local facilities; θ – income tax rate.

4. Identification of objects by NPV value (7)

Where Np– moving reserves of the development object.

Calculation of streamlines

1. Setting the parameters of the formation and development system. To carry out the calculations, the GP program was used, which implements the streamline method to determine production dynamics.

2. Calculation of the dynamics of oil production, liquids, water injection

3. Calculation of NPV.

4. Identification of objects by NPV value.

After calculations using three methods, a histogram was obtained taking into account the priority of objects ( rice. 3). At this stage, it is already possible to identify promising objects that will be paramount in the development of the entire block.

Rice. 3. Histogram of the priority of development objects, constructed on the basis of calculations using three different methods

At low values ​​of the profitability index PI for objects, the possibility of incorporating layers by changing capital investments in the drilling of the entire well (involvement of oil reserves through drilling horizontal wells and multi-hole wells). Identification of objects based on the superposition of the results of the methods, taking into account the possibility of joining layers, is shown in rice. 4.

Rice. 4. Final prioritization of objects

Taking into account the possibility of using MZGS and the use of electronic energy resources, all the objects under consideration are profitable, except for BU6 3. The final priority of the formations has been determined: the main objects are BU13 1, MX4, MX8-9, BU6 1+2, BU8, BU10 1, BU10 2, the objects of connection are PK20, PK21, MX4, BU7, BU9, BU10 1, BU12 2.

To optimize the costs of developing facilities, the possibility of combining the formations into one production facility was considered. The PK20 and PK21 formations meet the criteria for such a combination. The following is recommended: the formation of a selective development system with directional wells or MZGS; development of PK20-21 layers as a single object; formation PK22 - returnable or independent well stock. Based on the fact that the reservoir properties of the formations under consideration have a fairly large scatter, as well as a fairly high degree of uncertainty, before constructing full-scale hydrodynamic models, matrices of sector models were obtained taking into account the ranges of changes in the geological and physical characteristics of the formations. Four matrices of sector models were created. Parameters such as depth, porosity, oil saturation, sand content, initial reservoir pressure, oil viscosity were taken as weighted averages for the group of formations under consideration. The sector models differed in oil-saturated thickness hн, the ratio of oil-saturated thickness to gas-saturated thickness hg or to water-saturated thickness hв, the parameter k∆p/µ, as well as the distance between wells for the adopted single-row development system. Before calculating all model variations, the optimal operating modes of wells and their location in the section were determined depending on the oil-saturated thickness.

Thus, after calculations of sector models, stability matrices of the technical and economic solution were constructed for various geological and physical characteristics of objects ( rice. 5).

Rice. 5. Matrix of stability of the technical and economic solution for various geological and physical characteristics of objects

Subsequently, assessing the range of uncertainty of geological parameters for each deposit, a decision was made to build a full-scale hydrodynamic model based on the sustainability of the profitability of the development of the object. The results of assessing profitability in analytical calculations and sector modeling are given in table 1, where the main development objects are highlighted, for which the construction of full-scale hydrodynamic models was subsequently planned.

An object Block
according to the results
PC 20 50, 132 C 1 + C 2
Consideration of joint operation of facilities
PC 21 50, 132 C 1 + C 2 Small h ef.n
MX 1 50, 132 C 1 = Small h ef.n
MX 4 50, 132 C 1 + C 2 =
MX 4 33 C 1 + C 2
MX 8-9 50, 132 C 1
MX 8-9 33 C 1
BU 6 (1+2) 50, 132 C 1 + C 2
BU 6 (1+2) 33 C 1
BU 6 3 50, 132 C 1 + C 2
BU 7 33 C 1 + C 2 =
BU 8 33 C 1 + C 2
BU 9 41 C 1 = Small h ef.n
BU 10 1 33 C 1 + C 2
BU 10 2 33 C 1
BU 10 2 41 C 1 Selective development system
BU 12 2 50, 132 C 1 + C 2 = Small h ef.n
BU 13 1 38 C 1

Notes 1. h ef.n – effective oil-saturated thickness.
2. = – high risks when developing an object.

The presence of maps of oil-saturated thicknesses, permeability and thickness ratio maps (gas-saturated/oil-saturated) allows one to obtain a map of profitable zones of all considered formations and apply it without calculations on full-scale models. An additional advantage of using a matrix of sector models compared to full-scale calculations is the speed of making decisions about the feasibility of drilling wells after a change in the geological structure of the deposits.

For a detailed assessment of the production profile and profitability of the facilities, 3D hydrodynamic models were built for 10 layers. Based on calculations performed on full-scale hydrodynamic models and technical and economic development indicators, basic options for the development of facilities with the possibility of using MZGS and WEM technology have been formed. Then, the optimization of facility development systems was carried out taking into account profitable zones, which were determined based on the following data:

Economic indicators of development based on the results of sector modeling (dependence of NPV on FES);

Results of the analysis of the profile of oil/gas/water inflows to the well, obtained on full-scale hydrodynamic models;

The presence of a clay bridge between gas and oil (contact).

An example of optimization of a development system according to options for the BU6 1+2 object in the area of ​​an exploration well. 33 presented at rice. 6.

Rice. 6. Well location according to development options:
A– development of objects using a regular development system;
b– adaptive development system taking into account the placement of wells in profitable zones;
V– selective development system, taking into account the placement of wells in profitable zones without pressure maintenance

After delineating the profitable zones, the basic development option was adjusted so that the wells were not located in unprofitable areas of the deposit.

Economic indicators were calculated using specific input data (15% discount) and presented as positive or negative NPV.

Taking into account the determination of technical and economic development indicators for this object, it is recommended to selectively place wells without pressure maintenance, since in this scenario the condition for the maximum NPV value is met.

Similarly, optimization of development systems was considered for all sites, taking into account the presence of profitable zones. When designing the development of multilayer fields with multilateral well systems, it is important to assess the feasibility of the technical implementation of this technology. In this case, the following issues need to be resolved:

Possibility of combining design goals of different objects into one multilateral well;

Possibility of shifting project goals, which is associated with technical implementation problems;

Design of multilateral wells from cluster pads of Phase 1 (object PK1-3);

Modeling of wellbore profiles and calculation of technical implementation;

Selection and accounting of the completion level of a multilateral well on its profile;

Selection of priority well clusters for pilot testing;

Estimation of the cost of wells for various development options and clustering schemes.

The preparatory work before modeling was to determine the maximum possible length of the horizontal section for each object from a drilling point of view. The calculations were based on data from preliminary clustering of Block 4 of the mining and drilling facilities.

Then, to determine the possibility of drilling horizontal trunks of various lengths, averaged parameters along the well profile obtained during clustering were adopted. By modeling the drilling of wells with different lengths of the horizontal section, limitations on the technical implementation of drilling and the possibility of transferring the load to the bit were identified. The classifier of well drilling technologies depending on the length of the horizontal section of the wellbore is given in table 2. It includes drill pipe steel grade, pipe class, BHA, and mud type.

Plast Average
length by
trunk, m
depth by
vertical, m
for calculations
Classifier of drilling technologies
depending on the length of the horizontal line, m
1200 1500 2000
BU 6 1+2 4053 2114 106 G; P;
G; P;
BU 7 4251 2171 26 G; P;
S; P;
89 tools
BU 8 3859 2220 7 G; P;
G; P;
BU 10 1 4051 2269 1 G; P;
S; P;
89 tools

Note. G/S – drill pipe steel grade; P – pipe class; PDM/RUS – screw downhole motor/rotor control system; OBM is a hydrocarbon-based drilling fluid.

The first stage of work is creating a model for clustering and obtaining the initial coordinates of well targets. The model for clustering was developed during the design of the Phase 1 development of the PK1-3 object - an overlying formation at shallow depths, a feature of which is the dense placement of targets.

Based on the results of surveys and topographical and infrastructural constraints, the final result was the adjusted design position of the Phase 1 well pads. Further work was carried out taking into account the connection of new project wells to the well pads of Phase 1.

The goals of the design wells of Block 4 were determined for each well for each object, together with proposals for combining the goals for different objects into one well. Modeling of the bushing scheme was carried out in a specialized PC DSD WellPlanning.

Due to the need to tie the project wells to the well pads of the PK1-3 facility, well profiling work was carried out. First, the main trunk was modeled, then the second trunks were linked to the main ones, i.e. combining targets into one well.

Since there is variability in the alignment of the main bore to the Phase 1 well pads, the work was carried out in an iterative manner to ensure technical feasibility and minimize well penetration.

Next, based on geological prerequisites, priority well pads for the pilot stage were identified, including design wells with maximum recoverable reserves and simple well trajectories.

Thanks to the approach described in the article to the selection of integrally structured groups of development systems, it was possible to involve into profitable development about 80% of the reserves in the underlying formations, which were previously assessed as independent unprofitable objects

As a result, this set of works was carried out according to three development options (realistic, optimistic and pessimistic), each of which was divided into two more sub-options with the construction of multilateral wells and single drilling of well targets.

Based on the results of bushing modeling, the following data were obtained:

Coordinates of the bottomhole and formation entry points for each target, excluding their intersection during the drilling process;

Profile parameters for each well with a description of the main characteristics for assessing the design and cost of each well;

Inclinometry results for each well section;

The order of commissioning wells at a well pad to calculate the commissioning schedule and production profile.

These data were used to calculate well commissioning schedules, production profiles, justify priority pilot clusters, economic assessment development options.

Technical and economic indicators for the considered options for developing Block 4 facilities are given in table 3.

Options HS MZGS
(2 elevators)
(1 elevator)
Number of wells to be drilled, including: 61 50 50
mining 42 34 34
injection 19 16 16
Capital investments, conditional. beat 2055 1733 1715
NPV (10% discount), cond. units 1724 2082 2053
P.I. 9 2,3 2,3
NPV (10% discount), cond. units
1185 1524 1507
P.I. 1,6 2,0 2,0

Note. The project development period is 2017–2053.

The results of the work carried out, taking into account the risks of drilling wells, are the identification of pilot work sites in profitable zones in the development of both horizontal wells and multi-hole gas wells using the electronic energy resources technology and the implementation of a research program. The concept also provides for the optimization of well drilling from the designed well pads of the main upstream object PK1-3. At the beginning of full-scale development or pilot work in the event of a change in the geological structure of the deposit, the proposed approach to determining profitable zones makes it possible to adjust the drilling strategy for multi-layer deposits without rebuilding full-scale geological and hydrodynamic models. In addition, the results of analytical techniques and sector modeling make it possible to find optimal solutions when the initial economic indicators change, including the cost of capital investments in drilling wells.


1. Thanks to the approach described in the article to the selection of integrally structured groups of development systems, it was possible to involve into profitable development about 80% of the reserves in the underlying strata, which were previously assessed as independent unprofitable objects.

2. Within the framework of the concept of development of the reservoirs of Block 4, the ranking of the reservoirs was carried out, the priority development objects, as well as the objects of inclusion, were identified.

3. For zones of pure oil deposits in the formations of Block 4, it is proposed at the pilot stage to test technologies using GS, MZGS, ORE and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, for zones of water-gas-oil deposits - technologies using GS, MSGS and SWE.


1. Technological scheme for the development of the East Messoyakhskoye oil and gas condensate field: research report in 3 tons / Messoyakhaneftegaz CJSC, Gazpromneft-Razvitie LLC, Gazpromneft Scientific and Technical Center LLC. – Tyumen: 2014.

2. Karsakov V.A. Determination of the optimal number of well pads when designing field development//SPE 171299-RU. – 2014.

Authors of the article: A.S. Osipenko, I.V. Kovalenko, Ph.D., O.I. Elizarov, S.V. Tretyakov, A.A. Karachev, I.M. Nitkaliev Scientific and Technical Center "Gazprom Neft" (LLC "Gazpromneft STC") 01/28/2014

Recently, questions about the development of new oil fields have become increasingly louder. This is natural, because humanity has already used up most of this fossil resource. For Russia, oil issues are many times more acute than for many other countries, because the volume of power Russian sector In terms of oil refining, it ranks third in the world. Only the Americans and the Chinese are ahead.

Maintaining production volumes is very important for maintaining Russian power and the influence of our country on the world stage. But according to analysts’ forecasts, in the foreseeable future the leader in the growth of “black gold” production will not be Russia, but Canada, Brazil and the United States. The production of this resource in our country has been declining since 2008. And in 2010, the Department of Energy said that without fundamental changes in oil production and refining industry policies, indicators could fall from 10.1 million barrels per day in 2010 to 7.7 million barrels per day in 2020. Does all this mean that Russia is running out of oil? No. The country has a huge reserve, but most of it is already classified as “hard to recover.” Russia, according to experts, has every chance of becoming a world leader in the production of “unconventional” oil. The Ministry of Energy has calculated that its reserves in the country are about 5-6 billion tons, which is 50-60% of the total. The amount of shale oil is many times higher than that available in the United States. It is “unconventional” oil that will maintain the country’s declared production volumes and help maintain its leadership position in this area.

First, let's try to define what is meant by “hard-to-recover” reserves. These are fields or development objects that are characterized by geological conditions and/or physical properties unfavorable for oil production. “Hard to recover” can be considered reserves in the shelf zone, remaining oil in fields that are at a late stage of development, as well as oil with high viscosity. An example of the latter is the field of the Yamalo-Nenets District. Here oil freezes not only in the cold, but even at normal temperatures. It requires special technologies for processing: it cannot be pumped through pipelines, but must be transported in cut cubes. It is certainly possible to extract such reserves, but it is important to obtain economic benefits.

The extraction of “unconventional” oil requires large material costs, labor, the use of expensive new technologies, scarce reagents and materials. Experts estimate that the cost of “difficult” oil could be $20 per barrel, while oil from conventional fields costs from $3 to $7. Another difficulty when extracting “unconventional” reserves during the design and development of fields is the required extreme accuracy of calculations. It is not always possible for scientists to determine an approach for the effective outcome of the work of such fields. Quite recently, two wells were drilled in one of the places with “difficult” oil. One of them began to produce the expected volume, but the second did not, and the reason for this is still unclear. All the problems associated with the production of “unconventional” oil are quite global, and their solution is impossible without the full support of the state.

The events of the last decade in the United States, which were later called the “shale revolution,” convinced the whole world that it is still possible to profitably extract “unconventional” oil. Horizontal directional drilling and hydraulic fracturing (shale rocks are fractured by forcing a mixture of water, sand and chemicals underground) have uncovered large reserves of gas and oil that were considered “difficult.” The extraction of these minerals has increased dramatically. In one of the fields alone, from 2008 to 2012 it increased from 100 barrels per day to 1 million. While production in the United States was growing rapidly, in Russia it remained at the same level. Although, back in 1987, the USSR occupied first place in the oil refining industry. We produced 11.4 barrels per day.

In 1996, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a historical minimum was recorded - 6 million barrels. In the turmoil of the 1990s, large Russian oil companies had no incentive to develop new fields. As a result, those that were discovered in the early 1970s are still in use today. As a result, many experts believe that Russia's oil sector is operating at capacity. Production costs are rising, but production volumes from “mature” fields inherited from the USSR remain at the same level.

This is another good reason for the need to develop new, “hard-to-extract” resources. By the way, Soviet geologists discovered many “difficult” deposits back in the 1960s, leaving them for development by future generations. These are the reserves of the Bazhenov, Abalak, and Frolov formations of Western Siberia, these are places in the Kara and Barents Seas, these are many areas of Sakhalin. The Bazhenov Formation is the largest shale formation in the world. According to expert estimates, its reserves can reach up to 120 billion tons of recoverable oil. And this is 5 times more than the reserves in the Bakken field in the United States. It was this that became the driving force behind the American shale revolution. Moreover, the oil of the Bazhenov formation is considered to be of high quality; 60% of light oil products can be made from it.

Gazprom Neft, LUKOIL, Rosneft, and Surgutneftegaz are already working in “difficult” fields. We cannot simply adopt the American experience in extracting “hard-to-extract” oil, because both the conditions and the oil itself are significantly different from North American. Ours is much “heavier” and requires greater energy expenditure during extraction. Its deposits are located in much more remote places than similar ones in America. But Russia cannot do without the use of foreign experience in this area. In 2012, Rosneft agreed with the American Exxon Mobil to cooperate in the development of the Bazhenovskaya and Achimovskaya formations. Gazprom Neft is working with the Anglo-Dutch Royal Dutch Shell in the Bazhenov formation .

Russia has every chance to become the leading country in the world in the production of “hard-to-recover” oil, and the government understands this very well. The “Russian Energy Strategy until 2030” plans that 40 million tons of the total annual volume of 500-530 million will be extracted from “difficult” deposits. But in addition to large material investments and the development of new technologies, this area also requires liberalization of taxation. Without them, it will simply be unprofitable for oil companies to develop “unconventional” fields. Losses in this case are not commensurate with income.

The corresponding tax changes were adopted on July 26, 2013. President Vladimir Putin signed a law on differentiation of mineral extraction tax. The procedure for determining and applying the coefficient to the mineral extraction tax rate is established - from 0 to 0.8, as well as the coefficient determining the degree of depletion of a specific hydrocarbon deposit. The coefficient will be zero for production from the Bazhenov, Abalak, Khadum and Domanikov fields.

The norm will be valid for 180 tax periods. Speaking more in simple language, companies that extract “tight” oil will not pay tax for 15 years. When extracting oil from deposits with an effective oil-saturated reservoir thickness of no more than 10 meters, it is planned to use a coefficient of 0.2; with a formation thickness of more than 10 meters – 0.4. For deposits of the Tyumen suite, a coefficient of 0.8 is set. In other cases, the mineral extraction tax coefficient will be equal to 1.

Topic: Prospects for the development of hard-to-recover reserves in the republic, and in Russia as a whole

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University: Almetyevsk State Oil Institute

Year and city: Almetyevsk 2013

Introduction 3

1. Prospects for TIZ. Subsoil use and development of the resource base in the Republic of Tatarstan and Russia 4

2. Development prospects oil industry 9

3. Scientific support of new technologies for the development of oil fields with hard-to-recover reserves 13

Conclusion 22

References 23


The main reserve for maintaining oil production levels in many regions Russian Federation V modern conditions development of the industry are hard-to-recover oil reserves (TIR). If in the early 60s. the share of hard-to-recover reserves in the total balance of the USSR/Russia was approximately 10%, then already in the 90s. it has exceeded 50% and continues to increase. Over the 60 years after the discovery of the first commercial oil field, the oil industry of Tatarstan experienced growth, a 7-year stabilization with a production level of more than 100 million tons/year, a subsequent continuous decline for 19 years, and then, after a slight increase (1995), it began again period of stabilization of production at a level of over 25 million tons/year. This was largely the result of the implementation of a number of programs to enhance oil recovery at sites with hard-to-recover oil reserves. That is why the experience of many years of developing deposits and layers with technical reserves here and increasing the efficiency of their development is very valuable.

Relevance of the problem. In the current economic situation in Russia, the problem of increasing the efficiency of extracting oil reserves based on the use of the latest technologies for additional exploration, development and additional development of fields in old oil-producing areas has acquired particular relevance. The stability of the level of oil production at fields that have entered the final stages of development is determined by the rational use of the remaining hard-to-recover reserves. Essentially, the reserves of all fields at a late stage of development become difficult to recover. Now about half of the oil produced in the country is provided by hard-to-recover reserves.

The purpose of this work: to study the scientific support of new technologies for the development of oil fields with hard-to-recover reserves. The following tasks follow from the set goal: to consider the prospects for the development of oil production in the country, and the dynamics of hard-to-recover oil recovery reserves in Russian fields.


For Russia, a country with colossal natural resource potential- issues of developing relations related to the granting of rights to use subsoil and monitoring compliance with the conditions for their provision, issues of using relations in the process of subsoil use to regulate a wider range of socio-economic processes are among the most important. In our opinion, during the ongoing economic reforms the complex nature of relations in the process of subsoil use and the scope of their action are not understood and not used to a sufficiently full extent.

In Russia, for a long time (since 1994), increases in hydrocarbon reserves have not compensated for oil and gas production. From 1994 to 2000 alone, unreplaced production of liquid hydrocarbons amounted to about 700 million% of gas - more than 2.3 trillion. m3. In subsequent years, this lag only increased. So, if for 1997-2001. The increase in industrial oil reserves, including gas condensate, ensured the replacement of its production by 86%, then in 2002 - only by 64%, amounting to 243 million tons with a production of 421.4 million tons. In addition, the quality of the raw material base is deteriorating. The share of hard-to-recover reserves in Russia exceeded 55%. The share of reserves whose depletion rate is more than 80% exceeds 25% of reserves developed by oil companies, and the share of reserves with a water cut of more than 70% is more than 30%. From 1991 to 2001, in the structure of recoverable reserves, the number of small deposits increased by 40%, while the number of unique and large deposits decreased by more than 20%. In general, 80% of the deposits on the state balance are classified as small.

There are many reasons for the unfavorable state of the raw material base, all of them are well known to specialists. This includes a sharply reduced volume of regional geological exploration work for oil and gas due to a general decline in public funds allocated for these purposes, and the lack of appropriate motivation among oil and gas companies - subsoil users, and weak control on the part of the state over ensuring the rational use of subsoil and the efficiency of field development, as well as the lack of the necessary powers for state regulation of subsoil use relations among the federal executive authorities carrying out public policy in the field of mining of combustible minerals. In addition, opacity, corruption, high risks associated, in particular, with the possibility of revoking mining licenses from subsoil users, reduce investment attractiveness this area of ​​activity.

Until 2002, regions actively participated in investing in the reproduction of the mineral resource base. Their investments in geological exploration were 2-3 times higher than the volume of federal investments. Even in 2003, when regional budgets were practically deprived of sources of funding for geology, they invested approximately the same amount of funds as the federal budget. With the abolition of contributions for the reproduction of the mineral resource base, the volume of geological exploration work in the main oil-producing regions of Russia decreased by 1.5-1.8 times. At the same time, it was believed that mining companies should independently and at the expense own funds carry out geological exploration work and ensure an increase in mineral reserves. However, subsoil user companies did not receive appropriate incentives. Therefore, legislation should stimulate this activity, which is of great national importance.

The existing market mechanism of farming without implementing measures government regulation the sphere of subsoil use does not provide a comprehensive solution to the strategic problems of using the mineral resource base. As a result, there has been a long-term lag in regional work, both in the most important oil and gas producing regions and in new promising oil and gas provinces. Essentially, time has been lost to prepare new regions for large-scale prospecting and evaluation work, and subsequently to prepare industrial hydrocarbon reserves.

When oil production in the old regions is intensified to the limit, practically nothing is done to prepare for their replacement. You can criticize the Soviet planning system as much as you like, but it always took into account the future. This was a tradition in the development of the country's mineral resource base.

In connection with the above, work should be carried out as soon as possible to study new regions that would ensure stabilization of the situation in this area. Moreover, there are still such regions in the country: primarily the Caspian Sea, Eastern Siberia, and the shelves of marginal seas. Delay in solving this critical task could lead to the loss of national fuel and energy resources. However, a successful solution to this problem is impossible without the adoption of new laws that would stimulate the entry of subsoil user companies into these regions.

In general, the system of state management of subsoil use should be built on the basis of the strategic interests of the state as such and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account the economic interests of economic entities. To do this you need:

Conduct real monitoring of all issued licenses and the entire subsoil licensing system;

Develop a general strategy for subsoil use management with a focus on the formation of procedures and principles for objectifying the costs of subsoil users;

Ensure a stable tax regime for subsoil use, do not change (unless absolutely necessary) existing laws and regulations.

The country's raw material base should develop according to the scheme of expanded reproduction. Statements about excess reserves of Russian companies and proposals to introduce economic sanctions on reserves exceeding eight to nine years' supply are, in fact, erroneous and dangerous for the economic development of the country.

Prospects for the development of oil production.

Prospective levels of oil production in Russia will be determined mainly by the following factors: demand for liquid fuel and the level of world prices for it, development transport infrastructure, tax conditions and scientific and technical achievements in exploration for field development, as well as the quality of the explored raw material base.

Prospective oil production volumes in Russia will vary significantly depending on one or another version of the country’s socio-economic development. With a combination of favorable internal and external conditions and factors (optimistic and favorable development options), oil production in Russia could amount to about 460-470 million tons. in 2010 and increase to 500-520 million tons by 2020. Under external and internal conditions that form a moderate version of the country’s socio-economic development, oil production is projected to be significantly lower - up to 450 million tons in 2010 and up to 460 million tons in 2020. Finally, in the critical case, the growth in oil production can continue only in the next 1-2 years, and then a drop in production is expected: to 360 million tons by 2010 and to 315 million tons by 2020

Oil production will be carried out and developed in Russia both in traditional oil-producing areas, such as Western Siberia, the Volga region, the North Caucasus, and in new oil and gas provinces in the European North (Timan-Pechora region), in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, in southern Russia (North Caspian province).

The West Siberian oil and gas province will remain the main oil base of the country for the entire period under review. Oil production in the region will increase until 2010 under all options except the critical one, and then will decrease slightly and amount to 290-315 million tons in 2020. Under the critical option, the development of fields with hard-to-recover reserves will become unprofitable, which will lead to significant decline in production in the region.

In the Volga-Ural province and the North Caucasus, oil production will fall, due to the depletion of the resource base. In the moderate and critical scenarios, production in these regions will decline more intensively.

In general, in the European part of Russia, oil production (including offshore) will decrease and by 2020 will amount to 90-100 million tons. (versus 110 million tons in 2002).

Based on the current and projected quality of the industry’s raw material base, the following is necessary:

Significant intensification of geological exploration work in order to ensure the necessary increase in production from as yet undiscovered deposits (the state subsoil licensing program should, taking into account probable risks, ensure the achievement of the necessary sustainable development industry levels of geological exploration and investment in them);

Increasing oil recovery rates in order to increase the recoverable potential and current production of developed fields.


The Republic of Tatarstan is the oldest oil-producing region in the country. There are positive factors that allow us to optimistically assess the prospects for preparing new reserves in old oil-producing areas.

Practice shows that forecast resources and estimates continuously increase as study progresses, and the Republic of Tatarstan is a classic confirmation of this. In Tatarstan, over the years of market reforms, expanded reproduction of oil reserves was ensured against 20-50% in previous years. The availability of proven reserves of current production, with its continuous growth, has increased and is currently higher than in the country. The republic regularly reassesses its predicted oil resources. As a result, initial total (recoverable) resources have increased by 21% over the past decade. Undiscovered recoverable resources are valued higher than they were 30 years ago. They will increase as you study. It is planned to further reassess the predicted resources, which will be carried out once every 5 years. As a rule, each revaluation of forecast resources leads to their increase.

Secondly, when assessing resources, the oil recovery factor (ORF) is usually assumed to be 30-35%. It is assumed that with mastered technologies, after the development of recoverable reserves, there will be 2 times more oil left in the subsoil than will be produced by the end of field development.

Although the Republic of Tatarstan is characterized by high subsoil exploration, over the years of market reforms, the reproduction of scrap reserves has improved and is more favorable compared to the Russian average. However, in total reserves growth due to new discoveries decreased from 49.2 to 13%/year. Despite the sufficient supply of proven oil reserves, the strategy pays significant attention to the preparation of new reserves. This is explained by the high share of hard-to-recover oil reserves, amounting to 80%. The long-term strategy for the reproduction of reserves in old oil regions should include work in three directions:

Further study and search for oil deposits in traditional exploration targets (Devonian and Carboniferous deposits).

Carrying out large-scale work to increase oil recovery factor, which could become a new important direction for increasing the resource base of old oil-producing regions.

Geological study of the oil and gas potential of unconventional objects of deep-lying crystalline basement rocks and Riphean-Vendian sedimentary deposits, Permian bitumen.

Currently, there are 28 small oil companies operating in the oil industry of the Republic of Tatarstan, whose oil production ranges from 10 thousand to 500 thousand tons/year. Basically, these companies were created on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan on increasing oil production in 1997-1998. On a competitive basis, 67 oil fields were transferred to them, mostly with hard-to-recover reserves containing high-sulfur oils, most of which were discovered 15-30 years ago. The creation of new oil companies radically changed the situation with oil production in the republic; new innovative technologies, competition, new oil recovery methods and methods of production intensification appeared. In 2004, small companies produced more than 4.8 million tons. In the coming years, it is planned to increase oil production by all independent oil companies to 8 million tons/year.

The experience of developing the oil industry of Tatarstan has shown the following

Optimizing the conditions for subsoil use and taxation is the key to solving the problem of SMEs and meeting the country’s needs for oil and gas,

Tax incentives and differentiated taxation of oil production depending on mining and geological conditions and reserve depletion pensions can be regulated and administered without corruption;

The current law “On Subsoil” makes it possible to differentiate the mineral extraction tax and stimulate the development of “old” and depleted deposits;

If you treat the subsoil with care and manage it economically at the level of the subjects of the Federation, then there will be enormous opportunities for further

In order to successfully implement the development strategy of the oil and gas complex of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is necessary to create favorable conditions that ensure the necessary increase in reserves and oil, which is possible as a result of the adoption of a more advanced law “On Subsoil”, the draft of which is under discussion.

For the successful implementation of the energy strategy of the Republic of Tatarstan until 2020, it is necessary to create normal conditions for the development of the oil industry. To this end, you should:

Preserve the current mechanism for subsoil use - joint responsibility of the Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for issuing licenses on the principle of “two keys”: the Russian Federation and the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Provide for the possibility of delegating part of the powers of the federal center to regulate subsoil use to the regional level; transfer to regional authorities the authority to manage small and medium-sized mineral deposits with recoverable oil reserves of up to 30 million tons;

Introduce differentiated taxation of oil production depending on the mining, geological and economic-geographical conditions of the development of oil fields and the commercial quality of oil in the ground;

To increase the efficiency of subsoil development, it is necessary to maintain both competitive and auction forms of access to subsoil, each of them has advantages and disadvantages and can be used depending on specific conditions;

For the rational use of subsoil resources, it is necessary to strengthen state control over the implementation of the agreed conditions for subsoil use; this is feasible through annual amendments to license agreements, which record the annual levels of production, reserve replacement, volumes of exploration and production drilling; they are taken from those approved in in the prescribed manner design documents and designer's supervision; monitor the implementation by the bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation; there is positive experience in the Republic of Tatarstan;

The Law “On Subsoil” must provide for the stimulation of VMSB as a result of the abolition of payments for geological exploration at the expense of subsoil users’ own funds, the application nature of the submission of sites for risky oil prospecting works, the payment by subsoil users of historical state expenses on subsoil sites only after the project reaches payback and receives sufficient stories, simplification of the procedure for registering discoveries, full financing of regional and functional geological research at the expense of the state;

To approve at the government level the “Rules for the Development of Oil Fields” and for the rational use of hydrocarbon reserves, the State Commission for Reserves and the Central Commission for the Development of Combustible Mineral Deposits are subordinated directly to the Russian Government.


The share of hard-to-recover reserves in low-permeability reservoirs, in sub-gas zones and with viscous oils continues to increase and is now about 60% (Fig. 3.1).

Unfortunately, the quality of remaining reserves is also deteriorating due to the more active development of good, active reserves. If active reserves are currently depleted by an average of 75%, then hard-to-recover reserves are only depleted by 35%.

Figure 3.1 - Dynamics of hard-to-recover oil recovery reserves in Russian fields

From Figure 3.1 it can be seen that with an increase in the share of hard-to-recover reserves, the design oil recovery factor has been decreasing for many years, and only in recent years has it begun to increase slightly.

These dependencies quite clearly illustrate the prevailing long-term trend in the development of oil fields - the negative change in the structure of reserves for many years, unfortunately, was not compensated by the improvement of the oil extraction technologies used.

In some cases, this was due to the lack of technological solutions for effective oil recovery for certain geological and physical conditions, which in recent years has been aggravated by the fact that relevant research work has been limited. However, much more often known new technologies are not used by subsoil users. The reason, as a rule, is that their use is associated with high costs, especially in the initial period of field development, and subsoil users often avoid the need to use them. Hopes for the arrival of new oil extraction technologies in Russia in connection with the work of foreign companies in the country's fields were not fully justified.

A particular problem in the country is water-flooded fields - now the average water cut of produced products is about 86%.

Considering that the main method of developing the country's fields is waterflooding, the amount of residual oil reserves in water-flooded formations will constantly increase. To further extract these reserves, it is also necessary to use more advanced technologies.

Taking into account the emerging structure of reserves and the prospects for their development, it can be argued that an increase in oil recovery from hard-to-recover reserves, as well as reserves in flooded formations, should play a significant role in the increase in the country’s recoverable reserves.

It should be noted that international oil producing companies pay special attention to the increase in recoverable reserves through the use of new oil recovery technologies: enhanced oil recovery technologies provide from 4 to 12% of the increase in recoverable reserves.

According to foreign researchers, the average design oil recovery in the world is now about 30%, in the USA - 39%, while the average actual oil recovery in the future is predicted to be 50 - 60%.

Three large blocks of main methods for developing oil fields can be distinguished: natural mode, secondary methods and tertiary methods (methods of enhanced oil recovery).

The widespread use of waterflooding has significantly increased the efficiency of developing the country's oil fields. Additional increases in oil recovery during waterflooding under certain conditions are provided by the so-called hydrodynamic methods of stimulation: cyclic stimulation with changing filtration flows, system technology for the implementation of well treatment, horizontal wells, hydraulic fracturing in a well system and others.

At the same time, according to most experts, a radical increase in the average oil recovery factor in the country, especially in hard-to-recover reserves, can be achieved only with a significant increase in the scale of application of “tertiary” methods: thermal, gas and chemical (achievable oil recovery is 35 - 70%).

At the same time, methods for increasing oil recovery are much more complex, compared to waterflooding, processes based on mechanisms for additional oil extraction from a porous medium. The technologies of these methods require both preliminary thorough scientific justification in relation to specific conditions, and subsequent scientific support when using them using new and fundamentally new means of control and regulation.

All this requires additional costs. At the same time, real investment the creation of new technologies in domestic companies is an order of magnitude less than in foreign ones.

However, foreign and domestic experience shows that complexity and additional costs are ultimately compensated by increased efficiency.

There is information on more than 1,500 EOR projects in the world. Annual production is estimated at 120 - 130 million tons.

In the United States, at the beginning of 2010, there were 194 enhanced oil recovery projects in operation. Their number has decreased slightly since 1998, varying from 199 in 1988, to 143 in 2004 and 194 in 2010, but at the same time they have become larger. Total oil production using these methods is 34.4 million tons/year. It is especially important to note that the share of oil production through “tertiary” methods in total production in the United States is about 12%.

Considering the state and prospects for the use of enhanced oil recovery methods, it should be said about the domestic experience of active implementation of these methods in the 80s of the last century.

The impetus for the development of the problem was a special decree of the Government of the country (1976), which determined the volumes of additional oil production through the use of “tertiary” methods of increasing oil recovery, as well as the volumes of production in the country of the necessary material and technical means for this. Economic incentives were also provided for the implementation of pilot work by oil producing enterprises. In order to concentrate efforts to solve this problem, the Interindustry Scientific and Technical Complex “Oil Recovery” was created. Organizational structure The complex provided both scientific support for the problem and the implementation of the experimental work program.

The service companies transferred to the structure of RMNTK (Termneft, Soyuzneftepromkhim, Soyuznefteotdacha, Tatneftebitum) performed special sets of work at the pilot fields of oil producing enterprises that were not previously part of the practice of the enterprises (injection of chemical agents, generation and injection of coolants and air, injection of hydrocarbon gas, installation of special equipment).

In a relatively short period, additional oil production through “tertiary” methods increased to 11 million tons/year. Scientific support of the problem was carried out through VNIIneft with the provision of appropriate funding.

With the transition of the oil industry to a new management system, the mechanisms for stimulating the problem of increasing oil recovery ceased to function, the activity of scientific research decreased significantly, and the volume of application of methods began to decline.

Currently, production through “tertiary” methods only slightly exceeds 1.5 million tons/year. In recent years, several projects using thermal and gas stimulation methods have been launched and developed at the country's fields. At the same time, in our opinion, there are a number of problems of a rather applied nature, the study of which cannot be postponed if the goal is to increase the volume of development of hard-to-recover reserves in the coming years. Among these problems:

Regulating the movement of slugs of chemical reagent solutions through the formation;

Reduced adsorption of chemical reagents on porous media;

Creation of targeted compositions of chemical reagents for specific reservoir conditions;

In-situ reduction of oil viscosity using chemicals;

Modeling of filtration processes of various oil recovery agents;

Regulation of the process of in-situ oil oxidation;

Determination of the influence of the properties of the porous medium and agents injected into the formation on the kinetics of oxidation when injecting high pressure air;

Determination of the influence of temperature on the capillary properties of a porous medium;

Determination of the influence of temperature on phase permeability curves for various porous media;

Optimization of gas agent volumes when combining gas and water injection;

Use of foam systems and other reagents to control physico-chemical, thermal and gas methods;

Assessing the efficiency of injection of low-mineralized water into formations, changing the wettability of a porous medium;

Evaluating the effectiveness of enhanced oil recovery methods based on field data and many others.

The volume and level of work on the application of methods for increasing oil recovery and developing hard-to-recover reserves, unfortunately, corresponds to their current scientific support.

Although the lack of federal and industry programs on this problem does not allow us to specifically present the volume of research on individual methods, indirect indicators (especially in comparison with foreign companies) are quite eloquent.

Thus, according to available data, expenses for research and development work in foreign oil and gas companies are 6 to 10 times higher than in large Russian companies.

Figure 3.2 - Volumes of R&D funding per researcher, thousand dollars.

According to G.I. Shmal, the Shell company spent $1.2 billion on R&D in 2007, $1.3 billion in 2008, and $1 billion in 2009. The costs of all Russian oil companies, together with Gazprom's R&D expenses in the same year amounted to $250 million. Considering the problem of scientific support for the creation of new technologies more broadly, we note the need for both the state and business to participate in its financing. It can be seen (Fig. 3.2) that in Russia R&D funding is significantly less than in other countries - both from the state and especially from business.

Interesting data on patenting in the oil and gas sector, which once again emphasizes the dependence of this indicator on the volume of R&D funding: the number of registered patents in Russian companies is tens of times less than in foreign ones (Fig. 3.3).

Figure 3.3 - Number of registered patents by oil and gas companies, pcs.

Recently, a number of encouraging factors have emerged for the possibility of accelerated development of the problem of increasing oil recovery from formations with hard-to-recover reserves. Concern about the completeness of oil recovery at the country's fields was expressed by the country's leadership.

Government resolutions have been adopted on economic incentives for the development of deposits with hard-to-recover reserves:

Oils with high viscosity (more than 20 mPa.sec);

Highly watered (more than 85%);

With low permeability layers (1.5-2.0; 1.0-1.5; less than 1.0 microns 2.10 -3).

Unfortunately, the implementation of the adopted documents encounters a number of practical difficulties, which are associated with the need to create separate systems for collecting and treating oil, which sometimes requires significant costs. As for low-permeability formations, the presented version of the Resolution still requires additional clarification, both on the methodology for determining permeability (absolute or relative), and on the possibility of achieving such accuracy in diagnosing oil reservoirs by permeability.

When considering the prospects for strengthening scientific support for the industry, a proposal is sometimes made to entrust the solution of industry problems to oil companies and their research centers. It should, however, be taken into account that scientific and analytical centers concentrated in oil companies are focused on solving current applied problems; in addition, global practice shows that any economic developed country has its own industrial policy, and industrial policy without systematically organized industrial science is impossible. This is explained by the fact that the technological forecast horizon of a corporation rarely exceeds 7–10 years, while fundamental research promises an economically significant result in 20–30 years. It is in the resulting twenty-year gap that the system of applied (industry) and academic science operates - it is in this time period that guidelines are set for breakthrough innovations, which are transferred at the next step to the R&D departments of corporations.

There are also proposals to concentrate petroleum science in educational universities, as is partly practiced in a number of foreign countries. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that domestic universities do not yet have the necessary scientific, technical and personnel base, as well as, most importantly, experience in applied research, which is created through many years of effort.

Therefore, it seems that the prospects for increasing the efficiency of development of the country’s oil fields and the use of EOR are associated with the need to revive the system of scientific support for this problem on the basis of a complex of industry and educational institutes, with the involvement in some cases of institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In general, proposals for intensifying work on the creation of new technologies for the development of hard-to-recover oil reserves can be formulated as follows:

State regulation of the problem;

Concentration of scientific, methodological and technological efforts based on scientific and technical programs;

Creation of scientific centers on the basis of industry institutes and universities;

Organizational and financial support of the problem based on government programs experimental and research work, licensing and design documents;

Joint programs (pools) of oil companies for research and testing of EOR;

Scientific support of experimental work.

In my opinion, the implementation of these proposals will allow the country's recoverable reserves to increase by 2 - 4 billion tons by 2025 with an annual additional production of 30 - 60 million tons/year.


The development of hard-to-recover oil reserves is associated with the problem of increasing the oil recovery factor. Over the past 25 years, oil recovery factor in Russia has decreased from 42 to 27-28%, while in the United States over the same period oil recovery factor has increased from 32 to 40%, although the structure of oil reserves there is initially worse. This dangerous trend is due to two reasons. Firstly, hard-to-recover reserves already account for more than 50% of Russia’s oil reserves, and when they are developed, the oil recovery factor is always lower. Secondly, the approved projects for the development of the main fields of Russia provide for traditional waterflooding of deposits with a characteristic low oil recovery factor, and not the use of modern technologies to enhance oil recovery. The effectiveness of these technologies is evidenced by the experience of the United States, where, despite the depleted subsoil, more than 30 million tons of oil are produced annually through innovative technologies. But also in Russia, at the oldest Romashkinskoye field in Tatarstan, due to the use of these methods, the annual increase in production volume is 1.5 million tons. Unfortunately, this is the only example in Russia.

The increase in oil reserves, especially in recent years, is 2 times higher than its production. 24 new independent oil companies created in Tatarstan have already ensured the accelerated commissioning of 36 oil fields. All oil companies (without OJSC Tatneft) will produce 8 - 8.5 million tons/year in the coming years. The largest oil company is OJSC Tatneft, which in terms of annual production is one of the four largest oil companies in Russia and one of the 30 leading oil companies in the world, provides up to 40% of revenues to the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan. Having produced about 2.7 billion tons of oil since the beginning of the development of fields in Tatarstan, the company has stabilized oil production, ensuring that the increase in reserves exceeds production by 2 times. Currently, more than 40% of oil in the fields of Tatarstan is produced through the introduction of modern technologies and methods for enhancing oil recovery. Not by chance securities OAO Tatneft is listed on the prestigious London and New York stock exchanges.


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Oil is one of the main resources needed by humans. For many millennia, humanity has been using oil in various fields of activity. And, despite the fact that scientists are working tirelessly to develop new energy technologies, oil still remains an indispensable product in the field of energy, first and foremost. However, the reserves of this “black gold” are being depleted incredibly quickly. Almost all of the giant deposits have long been found and developed; there are practically none left. It is worth noting that since the beginning of this century, not a single large oil field like Samotlor, Al-Ghawar or Prudhoe Bay has been discovered. This fact is evidence that humanity has already used up the largest part of oil deposits. In this regard, the issue of oil production is becoming more acute and pressing every year, especially for the Russian Federation, which is in third place among all countries in the world in terms of the capacity of its oil refining sector, behind China and the USA.

Thus, the Russian government is making every effort to maintain oil production volumes, thereby maintaining the influence of the state in the world market. According to analytical forecasts, in the near future, leadership in the field of oil production will pass to Canada, Brazil and the United States, which is disappointing for the Russian Federation. Since 2008, the country has seen negative dynamics in the extraction of this resource. According to the Ministry of Energy, as of 2010, oil production in the state was 10.1 million barrels, but by 2020, if nothing changes, production will drop to 7.7 million barrels. The situation can only be changed by taking drastic measures in the policy of the oil production and oil refining industry. However, all these statistics and indicators do not indicate that oil reserves are running out. This suggests that now the majority are hard-to-recover oil reserves. According to estimates by the Ministry of Energy, the total number of such oil deposits in Russia is about 5-6 billion tons, which in percentage terms is 50-60% of the total volume. Thus, tight oil is a good solution to the problem of maintaining the required volumes of oil production. Thus, the extraction of hard-to-recover oil is a necessary measure.

Hard-to-recover oil reserves are oil deposits that are characterized by unfavorable conditions for the extraction of this resource, as well as unfavorable physical properties. In addition, to this type oil deposits also include those located in the shelf zone, in fields at a late stage of development, as well as high-viscosity oil. A good example for the production of high-viscosity oil is the development of the Yamalo-German field, which has features that contribute to the solidification of oil not only in the cold, but also at above-zero temperatures.

Absolutely all hard-to-recover oil deposits are divided into two categories:

  1. Reservoirs characterized by low permeability of formations. These include dense sandstones, shales, and the Bazhenov formation;
  2. High-viscosity and heavy oil - natural bitumen, oil sands.

It is worth noting that oil belonging to the first group in its quality characteristics is quite comparable to oil that is extracted using the traditional method.

Given the difficulties during the extraction of such oil, it is worth noting that conventional methods of developing such fields will be ineffective. In this regard, completely different technologies are used that require corresponding costs. For several years, experts have been studying deposits of hard-to-recover oil and developing suitable, and at the same time relatively inexpensive, methods for its extraction.

Thus, the development of hard-to-recover oil reserves using traditional methods leads to the fact that initially the resource from the well is good, but it quickly runs out. This is due to the fact that oil production in this case is carried out from a small area that is closely adjacent to the perforated section of the well. In this regard, drilling conventional vertical wells does not give the required result. In this case, methods should be used to increase the productivity of the well. As a rule, they are aimed at increasing the area of ​​contact with the formation, which has high oil saturation. This effect can be achieved by drilling wells with a large horizontal section, as well as using the hydraulic fracturing method in several places at the same time. This method is also often used in shale oil production. However, for the production of, for example, natural bitumen or ultra-viscous oil, this method will be ineffective.

The choice of methods for extracting such raw materials is based on such a parameter as the depth of occurrence of rocks saturated with oil. If the deposits are located at a relatively shallow depth, up to several tens of meters, then open method production Otherwise, if the depth is great enough, the hard-to-recover oil is first heated with steam underground, which makes it more liquid and brought to the surface. The production of steam, which is pumped into the well, is carried out in a special boiler room. It is worth noting that difficulties arise with the use of this method if the depth of hard-to-recover oil is very large. This is due to the fact that on the way to the oil, the steam loses its temperature, thereby not heating the oil as necessary, which is why its viscosity does not change as needed. Therefore, there is a method of steam-gas stimulation, which does not involve supplying steam into the formation, but obtaining it directly at the desired depth. To do this, a steam generator is installed directly at the mine face. Special reagents are supplied to the steam generator, the interaction of which generates heat, which contributes to the formation of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and water. When carbon dioxide dissolves in oil, it also becomes less viscous.

Thus, it is worth noting that tight oil is an important resource, the extraction of which will help maintain the production of the required volumes of oil. However, to extract it, fundamentally different methods should be used, significantly different from oil extraction from traditional deposits. This, in turn, entails additional financial expenses. In this regard, the final cost of extracted hard-to-recover oil will be about $20 per 1 barrel, while the cost of 1 barrel of traditional oil is $3-7. The specialist continues to work on new technologies that will allow the extraction of hard-to-recover oil at minimal cost.